I want to change the life where to start. To refuse from bad habits

  • 25.09.2019

How to change your life?

How to start, and how to change life for the better, the first recommendations, experience and practice.

It is difficult to live, experiencing every day the same alarms, surviving gloomy thoughts, new and coming old ones. It is even more difficult to realize that you do not know how to change it. As in general, and where to start a really good, without internal conflicts (harmonious with me), free and friendly life with their thoughts and emotions.

It is terrible to feel hopeless every day, experience unpleasant painful sensations and realize yourself not by yourself, and someone is not at all how you can be. You know that in a situation of strong stress, a person, even controlling some of his emotions, is not the one who he really is. And if constant stress?

So let's talk how to start to feel calm, joy and positive from what is happening around instead of being anxious, anger on yourself and others, even if it is not at all for us.

Easy, calm and even somewhere can be cleaned about the problems arising and difficulties. Solve them and solve with a cold head, and therefore with the maximum result.

And in general, how can I change old unnecessary goals, principles, beliefs (only interfering with you) on new and necessary. And it is possible to understand whether how to change yourself?

You can this, but if you often tried, do not believe yourself. Consciously believe your thoughts, but subconsciously. And it is precisely this confidence that you are not enough first.

There is no real confidence that would give you energy and inspiration. It is important to start, and your unbelieving first step. You can not change anything immediately. All in you burned. You can believe something only when you feel, you will see the first, some kind of small outcome. This will be the first, very important step.

We can understand everything, to realize and even represent what prevents us, but to do can not. And then why, I ask, we can not? It seems to be known how to live, and you cannot apply knowledge.

Many people encountered or are now in such a situation.

You have long understood, realized for themselves that it something It has long been preventing you. But still, for some reason, these thoughts continue to put pressure on you. Why so, and what to do? There are very effective and most importantly proven ways to become different, learn to look at a lot otherwise, change your goals in life and just look at yourself differently.

I studied a lot in my time and took advantage of many. I myself was in such a gray, some kind of visco-hard, sticky and nervous, incomprehensible condition and absolutely did not understand, more precisely, ceased to understand how to get out of it.

How it happened - I will not tell, but it does not matter. Just like other things that came to this loop were their reasons and, as a rule, they are associated with neurosis. Much himself felt, survived in full. I learned a lot and tried when I left this situation. And with this, more precisely, what helped me, I want to share with you. And not only by this.

So how to change life for the better

First a little about psychology so that you can imagine the whole picture.

Immediately I say: friends, words will not help you! Words that we tell me, the conscious words, thoughtful and not many times meaningful, of course, are powerful, but only in the initial stage. We are well aware that it is right that wrong. We tell yourself that this is what I understand and do it and think no longer, because it is not right and bad for me.

However, it takes time and for most people all these words, comprehension and remain just words and thoughts. They are somewhere spinning in the head, they did not disappear without a trace, but for some reason, and some of them are some small or quite no.

This is because besides our consciousness, there are also the inner world or the subconscious, to which we can not like it just to take and influence words. Even if we are, constantly straining and scrolling in the head, to regret yourself: "So impossible", "you need differently", " i just do myself worse" , "i'm sure one hundred pounds, that", just torture yourself internal fight. We can not take it and change anything with this in our inner world (subconscious).

This our world was created from our very birth. It was created under the influence of the environment and numerous impacts of various emotions, experiences and sensations that we then experienced. And it all formed in our beliefs, principles and evaluation.

We can understand that many of our beliefs - incorrect, goals - not those, estimates of situations - unsuitable For our happiness, success and development. And yet we are simply unable to take and change all this with one words and thoughts.

What is generally necessary and how to change the attitude to life, to yourself and make the necessary revaluation of values? And you need not just to realize and understand for yourself what you are wrong, what your beliefs are not true, outdated and only prevent you from achieving success and develop as a person. You need a tactic application not only of these words and thoughts, but also, without which it all will be ineffective, - imagination and necessary actions.

Imagination allows you to come to gradual revaluation TOTAL what is deep inside you. You think heard the phrase: " Little understand the problem, it should be realized and feel, live anew but otherwise".

Immediately I will say, there will be no quick result, because it is impossible. But it will be moderately a quick result if you practice this. Want a quick result - take a strong tablet, for a while will help.

All these changes you will take time, not enough time. It's gradual but very effective. And most importantly, a real way to help yourself Change unnecessary internal objectives, principles and get rid of obsessive ideas.

It is necessary to scroll through the head, all the past, all your life in images, pictures - As I already described this in the article, "", just changing the tactics.

Here you need to remember your past, necessarily with video images that are printed in your memory. With those sensations and thoughts at that moment. Worry as bad in that situation and that you thought the bad then and good.

Compare All this with your current worldview, with the current understanding of this. Scroll through it all bright, saturated in my head and, importantly, having fun from the process.

In the process of scrolling this past in video pictures with thoughts and sensations, you can easily suspend and say to yourself in hearing: " damn, how I then misunderstood"; "oh, damn, and why did I decide that it will be better for me?"; "well, the nonsense I then hit my head". And it should all be with feelings, pleasant feelings in the head. If you feel something pleasant, it means that something has already happened, you are close to consent (adoption).

Do it every day or at least once every two days. But I recommend doing once a day, preferably in the evening after work, then the brain works otherwise and is ready to perceive the new one. In the morning, it should not - how many say - in the morning you set yourself up for the whole day. It is so, but in the morning the brain is more rational.

In the morning you really need to configure yourself to positive, on good, but not on the inner work, reassessment and rethinking yourself and your beliefs. In the morning, try not to strain the brain at all. It is best to make the practice described in this.

It is very useful to talk to yourself pleasant and relaxing phrases, like: " Everything is great for me, no matter how"; "well, his all to the line: both problems, and everything else; Better I will enjoy life and from what I have now".

And most importantly, many everyone is thrown - and remain with their poorly mirk, only because did not receive a quick result.

Change life for the better - it's not so fast, friends. You should change something in you, and this will not happen in a few days, who would have promised to you and, no matter how you wanted it.

Remember: this is the process, you need time. You will gradually reprogram yourself or, as it can still be called, change (adjust) weak features of your character, your way of thinking and return to your real, pure "I".

Of course, they will also come back every day old, old convictions, this is normal, do not be angry with ourselves for it, you should not punish yourself for the past, and in this case it is the past that is so negative. You will be angry with yourself, just pull the process necessary For all your life changes - for this ladies belt.

You can start with the fact that we came tired of work and now you need to try to retire. They sat in the chair, do not think about the experience per day, settled more comfortably, closed the eyes, felt those sensations that are now in your body and head: if unpleasant - let it, do not matter.

Now slowly Relaxing the brainno matter what do not think at all, Just feel pleasant in my head or even if not very pleasant.

Relaxed, felt all the sensations, it is very important to give the brain to rest. Sit so for some time, without thoughts, it is possible that you can slightly represent some pleasant look pictures about the sun, water, nature, elephants in Africa, which is pleasant and relaxing, just not straining. Do not cause some kind of images, even good, the power of will - now it is for nothing - First rest. Feel in half aid.

If you still have any negative thoughts and problems, do not resist them, let them spin, you just do not decide and do not focus on them. Sometimes you do not need to solve something at all.

You do not extract any benefit for yourself, but you can buy it quickly. Be careful with this, trust your feelings, let go of the situation for a while. It is difficult to believe, but very often, letting himself break the problem, it is easily solved by itself, it is important to confidence in your inner sensations.

So relax until you feel a small tide of energy. And then remember, scroll into the head various scenes and situations from the past: good and bad, compare with the present, as I wrote above. As you can brighter, imagine these moments. Scrolling all this in the head, draw conclusions, rethink the goals. Understand for yourself why you are not needed, take it, not straining, easy and air.

Everything gradually will be postponed in your subconscious, small chains. Scrolling old, think about new goals and what would happen if you were already asked not to those stupid, false and braking targets and problems, but real, useful and necessary for you, for success and joy.

Also enter with some of your obsessive and negative problems, beliefs and thoughts. Repeat it, trying every day. Browse the same moments and situations in the mind, add new ones from your past.

If at some day you felt that the exercise does not cause desire, even implies tension, do not do it, give yourself a day, two rest.

Very important: Do not be angry with yourself for the fact that returns old(this is normal) ; We repeatedly do what I have already written, plus use yours. Well, and of course, more positive - try in everything, even bad, see at least something good, again without raping yourself; It does not work - and God with him, another time it will be better.

Still try to distract yourself from gloomy thoughts by any, preferably rhythmic actions (deeds), and without any words-evidence or justification in the headwhich you can search to calm yourself. Some these words will not give anything.

And last: vera You must believe that you can, although I know it difficult, but without faith nothing will be released.

Knitting, cutting on a tree, drawing any nonsense without much reflection - these are the actions that are very suitable in order to calm down and let all negative in the head.

As a result, such a picture or formula will gradually take shape:

Old important goals and beliefs for your subconscious (for internal itself);
- old important goals and beliefs, lost importance For your subconscious (for internal itself);
- started form New goals and beliefs for your subconscious (for your internal itself);
- Fastening your new goals and beliefs for your subconscious.

New and important now for you gradually onsimes old and unnecessary From your unconscious psyche. You will succeed, friends, if you only tune and want. Summates wanted not to lose, but to win what prevents you from living happily.

Tell yourself: " I want to change my life! I put a goal: be happy! "And act with small chains, listening to doubts. Of course, it is possible and even better to use help - a good psychotherapist can speed up the process.

And do not try only mentally change life for the betteractions are needed every day. Talk to yourself: "I will try," it means nothing to say, so we always say: "I will do it," and how and what -time will show.

There are such very wise words: the question how to be happy happy- the answer is: be it. Just be and all.

P.S. In the continuation of the topic: "How to change life?", I strongly recommend reading an article about awareness, without this, serious changes are impossible, which and as you read by. I am sure that she will help you begin to deal with internal problems and gain real yourself.

In any case, what life you will have largely depends on you. Good luck!

Sincerely, Andrei Russians.

Articles on self-development:

And finally, a cheerful song for improving mood

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We all want to change something in your life, but, as always, we find 150 reasons why we cannot do it.

Especially for you website Prepared 12 tasks that you must perform every month. The countdown went!

Every year we are building plans, promise to change your life for the better, but there will always be a reason why we cannot achieve these goals. Our main problem - we are planning incorrectly.

The teacher and blogger Manya Borzenko found a way with which one can seek everything that wanted. So, proceed.

  1. We define that there is an important in our life.
  2. We define that it works from this important.
  3. Support working in unmarital mode.
  4. Determine how to start savory.
  5. Forward!

At first glance, everything seems easy and simple, the main thing is to comply with all these rules.

Many habits prevent us happily live. Get rid of them, of course, difficult, but you can. And here are some tips:

  1. The habit of devoting the world's round work.
    Do not score your day endless affairs. Always find the time to relax, reflect and recharge. And do not deceive yourself - you are not so busy so as not to afford to relax a couple of minutes.
  2. Habit remember your past.
    You are no longer the year, month and even a week ago. You always grow and change. That is life.
  3. Habit like everyone.
    We should not love every counter, and everyone around should not love us.

You need to work on yourself every day. First time it will be hard to fall off all habits, but over time you will be only better.

The beginning of spring is the best time to do your body. Ahead of the summer, which means you need to discharge extra kilograms. To begin with, try doing the exercise "Planck". This is the most effective way to strengthen the abdomen and shoulder belt.

  1. Stand on your arms and knees. Straighten your legs and socks the feet to the floor.
  2. Strain the muscles of the abdomen and take turns overlook the legs from the floor, to a few centimeters raising them up.
  3. Exercise Perform for a minute. Keep your back straight, without flexing in the lower back.

10 minutes a day - and your body may change to be unrecognizable for a month. This is just one of the exercises that you need to perform every day.

Now, thanks to the Internet, we can get knowledge for free and without leaving home. You can learn programming, playing guitar or piano, to become a champion of chess. All in your hands. It is only necessary to want, and there is always time.

We are often experiencing difficulties in communicating with parents, management or friends. It is time to fix it!

How to talk with manual
To properly present the information we plan to report, and choose the right time to talk to the boss, you need to put yourself in his place. It is better to ask the manager, how it will be more convenient to discuss the request: personally or by email. As for Having, it is not worth copying the phrases of the interlocutor: this is a passive-aggressive way to communicate.

How to talk with your second half
It is worth paying attention to what we are told. If on a date everything is broadcasting about the interlocutor, heptate with a negative, it is a reason to think: is it not afraid of relations in which he entered into with us?

Summer has come, and it's time to throw out all the unnecessary trash that we were lying around. Our house is the continuation of us ourselves, our reflection. If you want changes - the first thing to deal with your housing. When the house is consistent with cleanliness and order, then the mind comes in order, and things are settled.

It's time to change the situation and go to conquer mountain heights or sandy beaches. Do not save money on vacation. The most valuable thing in our life is emotions and impressions. In another country, you will get acquainted with new people, new cultures, customs, discover something new. Isn't it beautiful?

Ledilana message quote How to change your life for the better? 100 rules of harmonious life

If you want to change something in your life for the better, then read this hundred effective rules that are able to either drastically change much in your life, or send it to the right direction. Do not believe? And you check.

1. Take your day with gratitude for everything you have.
2. Get up early (5-6 am).
3. Pey a lot of water (2-3 liters per day).
4. Take a contrast shower for recovery.
5. Plan your day.
6. Put the goal, but do not bring to them.
7. Forgive, farewell, goodbye your friends and enemies. You are imperfect, so goodbye to other imperfections.
8. Conduct at least 15 minutes a day in the fresh air, and even better - 30-60 minutes.
9. Do not drink after eating.
10. Avoid a negative environment.
11. If still turned out to be in the destroying environment, learn from the opposite, i.e. What "not to be".
12. Be faithful to your dream.
13. Count yourself with decent people who will contribute to your implementation.
14. Execute sports every day.
15. In periods of crisis, perform a minimum program.
16. Learn from a professional mentor who will help speed up your professional growth.
17. Work enjoying.
18. If the work does not like, but it is necessary for growth and brings to the goal, keep doing it.
19. If the work does not like and does not bring closer to the goal, throw it.
20. Believe in yourself.
21. Deep breathe as much as possible during the day.
22. Pray or meditate every day, clean the soul.
23. Regularly update playlist favorite songs, listen to them when you need energy recharging.
24. Find the best teachers in every sphere of life and learn from them.
25. Give 10% of the income to charity.
26. Do not scare on praise, especially for your team.
27. Be emotional in praise and kept and delicate in criticism.
28. Remember: no matter what a good thing you do, always someone will be dissatisfied. It's unavoidable.
29. In success, you are grateful for the victory. In defeat, experience gratitude for experience.
30. Be sometimes a child, let yourself think.
31. Remember that the most important thing to be done first.
32. Using as often as often as possible, the principle of "two in one" (simultaneous sports and listening to audiobook, morning marafes and motivating video).
33. In order to experience happiness from work, think only about the return, and not how much money will earn as a result.
34. Strive to growth, do not be afraid obstacles.
35. Remember: to achieve skill in any case, you need at least 10 thousand hours of hard work.
36. Little daily improvements lead to large-scale success.
37. Hello with people first and smile. Only a strong and successful person can afford the first to show goodwill.
38. The only worthy standard is the best.
39. Delicately say goodbye to those people who do not contribute to the realization of your potential.
40. If this is your relatives, love them and take them as they are. They will most likely never change.
41. Do not try to change anyone at all. Attempts to change the surrounding people are the surest way to misfortune.
42. Inspiration comes as a result of the right lifestyle.
43. The worse food and the less mobile you are, the less desire and passion in the work.
44. Be "elevator" for the people around. Raise them.
45. Treat critics with understanding. These are unrealized people who have no greater pleasure than to express their disapproval.
46. \u200b\u200bIf the critic has a qualification and speaks from a pure heart, make it a friend. Let him help you become better, and you, in turn, find a way to compensate for his contribution to your success.
47. What is behind in your life and what awaits you ahead is a mirror reflection of what you have in it now.
48. Motivation should go from the inside. If it is not, then the reasons can be only two: or there is no energy, or do not do the case.
49.Then do not take any vital decisions in a bad mood. First enter a positive peak state, then decide how to live on.
50. Read mail, Twitter and Facebook 2 times a day. Maximum.
51. Words inspire and words destroy. Choose them with sensitivity and love.
52. Love a person is to help him realize himself. Even if it is to the detriment of your own desires.
53. Enjoy the loneliness.
54. It's never late to start a new thing, introduce a new habit and start a new hobby. Keep looking for what will expand your horizons.
55. The ability and ability to inspire others to implement their potential -ed award from those that exist.
56. We have a diary of success, especially by categories over which you work most.
57. Perform an agreement. For this, do not promise anything if I'm not 100% sure that you can do it.
58. Avoid gossip.
59. Stay for the news, for politics, for the economy, develop spherically.
60. But remember that the meaning of life in another is in a deep understanding of the laws of the universe and following them.
This will lead to happiness.
61. "From active and intelligent won active. And among active - the smartest. " Combine mind and activity.
62. Analyzing every significant event in your life. What lesson did you remove from it?
63. Stop doing what does not contribute to your implementation.
64. Eat as much as possible the tesching products (raw vegetables) and useful fats (avocado, vegetable oils, nuts).
65. The better physical health, the more energy, and therefore, the more benefit you bring it to this world.
66. My home where I live.
67. Out off the chain of attachments. Be independent and let's complete freedom to those who love.
68. Once a week let yourself do nothing. Most likely, it will be the happiest, filled and productive days of your life.
69. Do important creative work in peak condition.
70. Making creativity, do not be distracted by urgent, but not important things.
71. Remember the balance of spiritual and material. Do not fond of one, forgetting about the friend.
72. Learn the lives of great people.
73. Associate yourself with the most talented and happy people, which only you can find.
74. Never take anything in a person if not ready to give what he needs from you.
75. If you betrayed you, you are guilty.
76. The cooler climb, the painful defeat that follows him. Be ready for it (create a rear and a reliable command).
77. Defeats are inevitable. These are your main teachers. Love them.
78. The stronger the fall, the more serious you need to work for the next victory. It is a segment from the very deep lesion to the next lift, a real success is measured.
79. Be opened with people close to you in spirit, and closed for those who are far from your values.
80. Always fix all agreements in writing. Sometimes people forget them, and sometimes "forget."
81. Be generous with generous people. With greedy - greedy. Then you will not violate the law of the interaction of energy.
82. To give a lot to people, you need to take a lot and qualitatively from life. It can be high-quality food, high-quality vacation, sports, sauna, swimming, sun, communication.
83. Remember that it is often in life "the black strip becomes the take-off."
84. Strive for nobility in all respects.
85. Develop an internal grace - a set of wisdom, dignity and kindness.
86. Do not pay attention to people from your past. Because there is always the reason why they are not in your future.
87. The best investments are investments in training and in relation.
88. "The wall is the same step. Just need to grow before it. "
89. At the end of life, you will regret more about what you did not do about what I did.
90. "Sometimes a step forward has a pink result in the ass". People who have achieved success in your case, just can serve this motivating kick.
91. The more responsibility, the more power. The more power, the more opportunity to help other people. The more help others, the happier becomes.
92. Regularly put into order in your life and mercilessly get rid of the rubble.
93. Always tell people about their expectations and learn their expectations regarding you before entering any relationship or enter into deals. 99% of the quarrels and the offense occur due to misunderstanding of the expectations of the other party.
94. Life is like cycling: if it's hard for you, then you go on the rise.
95. Regularly go to the conscious and calculated risk. It trains intuition and character.
96. At least once a month buy a new dress. Or shoes. Or hat. In extreme cases, buy something from the equipment. But do not cease to please yourself with material things, because you are a woman!
97. Madonna is an example of how without a special outstanding talent one can become a superstar. Mother Teresa - how to change the world thanks to the ministry. OPRA - how to overcome any tests and become the most influential woman on television. Virgo premal - how to heal the souls of people through music. Remember the uniqueness of each of these women and develop their individuality.
98. The main task of a woman is to learn to love, create comfort, warmth and a poor atmosphere wherever you are.
99. Love everyone, friends with a few, be with one.
100. Happiness is your maximum implementation in all lifeflies.

If you have already decided that it is time for something in your life, but do not yet know where to start, you can choose a few ideas of the proposed LJ-friend, these are a wonderful 25 ways to change your life for the better and become happy.

We often see people whose life is permeated with suffering and full pessimism. They complain about fate, family, work, society and state. They do not see the light at the end of the tunnel and believe that someone else is guilty in their difficult position. Even I, a person who differs far from the most cheerful temper, beside them I seek a model of energetic Balagore. Therefore, sometimes when they ask me what you need to do to change everything, I think for a while and I give them a couple of tips.

Without pretending to the great achievements on the Nive of Personal Growth, in today's post I collected all such things that I ever heard, applied or advised. All of them are tested on their own experience, and I will be glad if someone is useful.

1. Understand what you really like. This is the most important thing, and the most difficult. This will still be a separate big conversation, but the golden rule says - do what the real pleasure gives you, and then you will become much happier. With the development of the Internet, everything became even easier - the results of your efforts are very easy to convey to the public, and it will definitely appreciate them. Moreover, the presence of a case that truly ignites you is a key attractive factor for the opposite sex. But you have to be prepared for the fact that the search for your path is a marathon that can last a lot (dozen) years. (more)

2. Excuse the garbage that you eat, drink and smoke every day. No secrets and cunning diets are simply natural food, fruits, vegetables, water. Do not become a vegetarian and completely tie with drinking, - just enough limit sugar, flour, coffee, alcohol and all plastic food.

3. Learn foreign languages. This will unreally expand the depth of the perception of the world and will open unprecedented prospects for training, development and career growth. Russian-speaking Internet users of 60 million. English-language - billion. The center of progress is now on the other side of the border, including language. Knowledge of English is no longer just a whim of intellectuals, but a vital necessity.

4. Read books. Approximate circle - your professional area, history, natural science, personal growth, sociology, psychology, biographies, high-quality fiction. No time to read because you drive driving - listen to audiobooks. Gold Rule - read / Listen at least one book per week. It is 50 books per year who will turn your life.

5. Conduct every existence. Go to the museum, to the exhibition, come across the sport, go beyond the city, jumping with a parachute, bring relatives, go to a good movie. Expand contact zone with the world. When you all go around and go, take friends with you and tell them what you know. The main thing is not sitting on the spot. The more impressions you miss through yourself, the more interesting life will be, and the better you will deal with things and phenomena.

6. Start the blog or ordinary diary. Anyway about what. It does not matter that you do not have eloquence and you will have no more than 10 readers. The main thing is that on his pages you can think and reason. And if you just write regularly about what you love, readers will definitely come.

7. Put the goal. Fix them on paper, Word or blog. The main thing is that they are clear, understandable and measurable. If you deliver the goal, you can or reach it, or not. If you do not put, then the achievement options are not at all.

8. To learn to print on the keyboard blindly - not to be able to do this in the 21st century it's like not to know how to write with a handle in the 20th. Time is one of the few treasures that you have, and you must be able to print almost as fast as thinking. And you should not think about where the desired letter is located, but about what you write.

9. Sewing time. Learn to manage your affairs so that they worry almost without your participation. To start reading Allen (Getting Things Done) or Gleb Arkhangelsky. Take decisions quickly, act immediately, do not postpone "for later." All things or do, or delegate to someone. Try the ball never delayed your side. Write on the sheet all the "long-playing" cases that have not yet been made and prevent you from living. Refinement, whether they need you (remembering about paragraph 1). Do what it remains, for several days, and you will feel incredible ease.

10. Excuse computer games, aimless seating in social networks and blunt surfing on the Internet. Minimize communion in social networks (up to optimization - leave only one account). Destroy the television antenna in the apartment. In order not to pull to constantly check email, install an agent that will tell you about incoming messages (including on mobile).

12. Learn early to get up. The paradox is that in the early hours you always have time more than in the evening. If in the summer on the weekend you will leave Moscow at 7 am, then to 10 you will already be in Yaroslavl. If you leave 10, then you will be there at best to dinner. The same with shopping on the weekend. A person is enough 7 hours of sleep, subject to high-quality physical exertion and normal nutrition.

13. Try to surround yourself with decent, honest, open smart and successful people. We are our environment, whom we learn from everything we know. Conduct more time with people you respect and with whom you can learn something (it is especially important that your bosses fall into the category of such people). Accordingly, try to minimize communication with people with negative, dull, pessimistic and evil. To become higher, you should strive upwards, and the presence of a number of people to which you want to grow, in itself will become an excellent incentive.

14. Use every moment of time and every person in order to learn something new. If life drives you with a professional in any area, try to understand what is the essence of his work, what are his motivation and goals. Learn to ask the right questions - even a taxi driver can become an invaluable source of information.

15. Start travel.It does not matter that there is no money for Argentina and New Zealand - the quality of rest at all is in no way connected with the spent money, and the best of my travels were in the regions that do not differ at all pathos and high costs. When you see how the world is diverse, you will stop looping on a small space around you, and you will become tolerant, calmer and wiser.

16. Buy a camera (you can easily) and try to catch the beauty of the world.When you succeed, you will remember your travels not only on vague impressions, but also by beautiful photos that you brought with you. Alternatively - Try to draw, sing, dance, sculpt, design. That is, do what makes you look at the world with different eyes.

17. Do some sports.It is not necessary to go to the fitness club, where pitching, pickuparts, Balzakov ladies and friki hang out. Yoga, climbing, bike, horizontal bar, bars, football, running, pliometric, swimming, functional workouts - the best friends of a person who wants to return the tone of the body and get an endorphin splash. And forget what the elevator is - if you need to walk less than 10 floors, use the legs. In just 3 months of methodical work on themselves, you can change the body almost unrecognizable.

18. Do unusual things. Go to where it was never happening to go to work another expensive Understand the problem that you don't know anything at all. Get out of your "Comfort Zone", expand knowledge and horizons. Stop the house furniture (and do it about once a year), change appearance, hairstyle, image.

19. Invest. Ideally, every month should invest part of your income, because a rich man is not the one who earns a lot, but the one who invests a lot. Try to invest in assets, minimize liabilities and control costs. If you put yourself a financial goal and bring order in personal money, you will be surprised how easy you will move towards her achievement (more)

20. Get rid of junk. Throw out all things that did not dress or did not use during the last year (Next year, they will not get to them too). Leave only what you really like and need. It is a pity to throw away - distribute. When buying a new thing, get rid of the old similar to the balance salary. Less things - less dust and headaches.

21. Give out more than you take. Share knowledge, experience and ideas. A person who not only takes, but also shares, incredibly attractive. Surely you can do something that others really want to learn. For me, at one time became the discovery of coaching - I began to read trainings and lectures on a voluntary and complimentary basis, which, ultimately grew into a very large story that brings me a huge satisfaction.

22. Take the world as it is. Excuse evaluation judgments, take all the phenomena as originally neutral. And even better - as definitely positive.

23. Forget about what was in the past. It has nothing to do with your future. Take with me from there only experience, knowledge, good relationships and positive impressions.

24. Do not be afraid. There are no insurmountable obstacles, and all doubts live only in your head. It is not necessary to be a warrior, just enough to see the goal, bypass obstacles and know that you will achieve it without a single chance to experience failure.

25. Last, it is the first. Do what you like. Learn. Learn. Develop. Change yourself from the inside.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. But even if some of this is planningly to do something, then in a year, looking at yourself in the mirror, you will not know yourself. And the world is simply nothing left, except to follow your example and change in response.

Hello, dear readers. Daily routine delays us into their networks, because of which we simply cease to appreciate what we have. When there is nothing new for a long time, it begins to seem that our life does not represent anything valuable. In general, due to such things, our mood is beginning to deteriorate, which can even lead to depression. If you are tired of waking up and go to bed with a bad mood, because you are not satisfied with your life, then it is time to change it in the root. Get on what you have long dreamed of, and not give in pressure from the pressure of society. Everyone must find in his life what truly bring him happiness. Are you afraid of change? You will have to somehow overcome it, since in other ways you can hardly succeed to achieve happiness.

Enough to live the same situations daily, because life will pass as one day, and you will not even have time to look back.

Be initiated a change in my own life, and you will see how everything changes for the better.

Many people simply do not know where to start, because it is always difficult to start from scratch. But, we will gladly help you run this process.

Specifically: you will help you with several practical advice that will lead you to the main goal - happiness.

How to change your life for the better - where to start

We every day we build ambitious plans about how cool our life can turn into one click of the fingers.

But for some reason, we think it can happen by itself, and nothing to do for this is necessary. Money will fall from the sky tomorrow at noon, and the new apartment will appear from nowhere in a year later. No, it does not happen.

At least - only in exceptional cases. If you really want change, it all depends on you, and only from you.

When we come to the idea that such a development of events does not suit us, we will usually configure a million plans that the next morning will be forgotten as a dream.

But, by the evening, thoughts will return again, at the same time, you will edit ourselves that you are not able to cope with this, to achieve the intended.

Thus, the person gradually falls into depression, constantly reproaches himself for all the troubles that happened to him. Therefore, when the first such thoughts appear, you just need to start acting.

Put yourself a clear goal, which will become your guide in the process of resolving all your problems.

What should be the first steps?

Surely everyone heard such a phrase "Do you want to change your life? Begin with yourself". She seems clear to everyone, although few people have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to implement it.

Breaking myself, of course, it is not worth it, but to bring some changes to your own habits, still follows. Believe me, it will make your life much easier.

In addition, you should clearly represent the desired result, it is desirable - visually, because the process of achieving this goal will seem not so difficult to achieve this goal.

To begin with, it should be declared that specifically it does not suit you, and only after that put the right goals.

  1. Spend a small analysis of your own life, passing only those moments that should be fixed. Some of them require only small edits, but others need to be fixed once and for all. The results of the analysis is best recorded on a piece of paper, because it is the visual perception that is most effective. So, you will see the solution to each problem.
  1. Consider each item in more detail, while determining the cause of the desired changes, as well as means that will help in the implementation of these changes. In addition, the list must necessarily have negative items that led you to such a state. Write them on paper, and immediately cross them out, as if you strike them out of your life.

After you see your problems in the face, it will immediately become apparent and the solution of each of them. And the determination of the method of solution is already half of the case, albeit quite light.

So, you will be able to allocate for yourself what is important, and you can simply get out of life.

In addition, you can add several completely feasible desires to the compound list that will help you gain happiness.

Perhaps you did not notice, but the first step is already done, which means there are no paths back. You will find a difficult path, which will be full of various difficulties and obstacles, but it should not stop you.

When it seems to you that there is no longer forces, remember where you were originally, and this will help you achieve your goal. After all, no one wants to return to the initial, right?

In order not to fall into the abyss of problems and depressions again, it is necessary to listen to some advice of psychologists who will make you fight for their happiness.

Tips of a psychologist - how to change yourself and achieve positive changes in life

The most important thing to know how to change yourself. So, any purpose implies the preparation of a specific plan for its achievement. It is necessary to take into account all the factors affecting the situation than we will do.

Drawing up a detailed plan

It is necessary to consider each clause of the plan, because only so, you can come to achieving the goal.

Spread everything around the shelves, especially when in your head full chaos. A clearly painted plan in the head will be reflected in the paper written on paper.

This way will help you to clean up not only in my head, but also in your life.

Suppose you want to reset a fairly large number of kilograms, but do not know how to do it right.

Scroll on paper all the factors that may, anyway, influence the result.

  1. Obstacles. Psychologists advise you to start with this item, because it will be farther from the result. Thus, you will not be able to stop immediately before the goal will be fully achieved. In other words, you initially prepare yourself to the fact that the path will be full of obstacles.
  1. Help. At this point, it is necessary to paint the means to help you cope with the problem. She took second place so that you do not think that you will have to cope with obstacles.

Assistance, as a rule, you can get from the outside. For example, in the question of weight loss, the best assistant will be a nutritionist or coach.

Well, if you yourself can cope with such questions, the Internet and special literature will come to the rescue.

  1. Actions. Actually, it is this item that separates you from the result. Psychologists call it a "control jerk". Only your actions will lead you to the desired result, so this paragraph should include a list of those actions that will be most effective in achieving the goal.
  1. Result. You must clearly see what you get for your efforts. Here you will write your desires that can come true if you make yourself do something. In general, it is this item that will be your stimulus.

The unknown always scares a person, because it can stop him on the way to his goal. But, if you draw up a plan in which even possible obstacles will be painted, then this path may seem much easier for you.

Programming yourself to achieve a better result

If there was such an obstacle on your way as a bad mood or uncertainty in your abilities, then you need to drive it away from yourself by any ways.

Get involved that always raises you mood: Listen to your favorite music album or climb on the Internet, in search of motivational articles.

Or simply re-read the compiled list again, and stop your view at the last point.

When you feel that we are about to surrender, remember, for what you all think about it. And as a shame will come back to what they started.

At this stage, we can prevent us only negative, which means that we should get rid of it urgently.

And for this, you should listen to such advice:

Avoid conflict situations that can spoil you mood.

If it already happened that the quarrel happened to you, then try to find a compromise. It will be easier to forget about what happened in order to return its decisive attitude.

Learn to rejoice in trifles. Look for advantages even in the most bad situation, and then you will be easier to cope with difficulties.

Release all past resentments that do not allow you to move on. Let go of the past, and live in today's day.

Sometimes even a slight deterioration in the mood can destroy all the plans. Therefore, try to ignore all provoking factors and think only positively.

Harmful habits by a one of the new life

Such words cause us association only with smoking and alcohol. But, you should not be limited to these habits, because there are still so many human sins with which we, in fact, live.

So, your life will be much easier if you get rid of such bad habits:

The use of mat in the usual conversation.

Chronic lack of sleep, which reduces your performance.

Failure to comply with promises.


Shooting for tomorrow what can be done today.

Overeating, it is the same gluttony.

Long pastime on the sofa in front of the TV.

Continuous gameplay on the phone.

Ignoring the implementation of hygienic procedures (unwashed head).

Damage to manicure with the help of its own teeth (do not heroite the nails).

This is only an approximate list of the most common bad habits, so everyone has his own.

Of course, in one day with such a volume you can not cope, and it is unlikely that it will end well. It is necessary to act gradually, and then you will really be able to overcome them.

Open your native people

During the depression, you may seem that one is better to live, and communication with other people is not obligatory.

But, most likely, your stay in such a state is due to the lack of close people who would hardly allow such a situation.

Therefore, you are best followed by such advice:

Do not hide from people when they offer you their help, seeing that you are bad. It is worth listening to the opinions of friends about the question that is disturbing you.

In addition, if any of your good friend is quite confident by a person who always reaches his goal, then you should talk with him.

Chat as much as possible with friends. No one makes you tell everyone about your problems. Unobtrusive communication with close friends will help you to distract from your problems, and just have a good time.

Hobby as the best way to distract

If you already have a favorite activity, but you simply lacked time on it, then it's time to return to it.

We spend a lot of strength and time to unloved work or some ordinary affairs, and therefore, almost nothing remains.

So why not allocate at least some hour-other on drawing, or the game on the guitar? Do what will bring you positive emotions.

And then all early important problems will seem so insignificant to you.

By the way, if you want real positive emotions, then sports are ideal for you.

10 recommendations on how to change your life for the better - where to start

Each person perceives the goal in his own way. Someone, without seeing obstacles, goes to her, and someone seems to be such an unattainable thing that may even cause fear.

But, we must understand that you can be afraid of something like this all my life, and having achieved anything in the end. Therefore, act immediately in order not to regret it later.

  1. Fit correctly. In fact, the vital activity of our body supports the food, which means that the quality of our health depends on it. And we are not only talking about physical health, because, as they say, "in a healthy body is a healthy mind." Therefore, just filter your diet, getting rid of harmful products.
  1. Learn other languages. There are no age restrictions for such a classes, so do not even think to "fill." The study of a new foreign language will be not only useful for general development, but also can be useful to you during a trip to another country. But, it is not necessary to learn a new language. Do on the improvement of old good English language, because it will definitely help you in the future.
  1. Read more. It's not about fashionable magazines, but about professional literature. Expand your knowledge and develop skills in your field of activity. Or reread the classics of Russian and foreign literature if the scientific style is not for you.
  1. The weekend must be actively carried out. Recently, people have already accumulated at the tablets and computers, and everything forgot about active rest at all. Because of this, the lack of new impressions arises. Therefore, try to spend your free time in the fresh air with friends, and, it is desirable for some active occupation.
  1. Start a simple notebook called "Diary", in which you can express all your feelings. Seeing any problems on paper, you can analyze them, and therefore come to solve. Well, if there is a desire to earn, your own problems can help you with this. Get a blog where you can share your personal experiences with other people. Perhaps other people will help you to survive this difficult period.
  1. Learn to distribute time. Do not leave important things to "then", because we all understand that this "then" will come only when it takes very much. So, this snowball every day will only grow, causing you panic. Naturally, at the last moment you do not remake all things, because of what you will be extremely unhappy with yourself.
  1. Refuse excessively long pastime on the Internet, and in general at the computer. Typically, this lesson takes a lot of time that flies with a huge speed. Better stroll at this time on the street with friends, or read the book. Any other classes will bring you much more unforgettable emotions than spending at the computer.
  1. Do not dwell on the news. Of course, every person should be aware of everything that is happening in the world, but do not watch all the time. The most important news we can learn from friends, and everything else will only interfere with you.
  1. Wake up as early as possible. Sleeping to lunch not only takes a bunch of time, but also does not bring you any benefit except headaches. Waking up early, you can have time to do all the intended business before the onset of the day. Thus, your day off will last much longer than usual.
  1. Travel, and this will help you change your life. Nobody says that you need to immediately go away in extremes and urgently fly to Africa. It is enough to go to another city, or in a completely different part of the country. Even such a small journey will bring you a lot of bright emotions.

All these ways will help you begin a new life, but it will only happen if you really want it.

After all, we often complain about our lives, but we are not even going to do anything in order for it to change a little bit for the better.

Put yourself a specific goal, and go to her, not paying attention to the obstacles, and in no case looks back.