Konstantin Ernst and Larisa Sineshchikova are joint children. Divorces with a good ending: how the rich and famous parted (Photo)

  • 22.06.2019

AT recent times Quite often, the divorce of the rich and famous turns into a life-and-death battle between ex-spouses. However, this does not always happen. We remembered which of the stars, businessmen and officials managed to part amicably.

Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya

It seemed that director Tigran Keosayan and actress Alena Khmelnitskaya were one of the strongest creative unions in our country. Two daughters, 20 years of experience family life- not a joke. Even Fyodor Bondarchuk liked to tell in an interview how he left with his then future wife from home due to a conflict with his father (Sergey Fedorovich did not accept his daughter-in-law) and lived long time at the young Khmelnitsky and Keosayan, who warmly sheltered them.

Knowledgeable people, of course, in narrow circles discussed the director's temperament, but for many years his wife had enough wisdom, tact and female instinct to save the marriage.

However, the inevitable did happen. Editor-in-chief of Russia Today TV channel and head news agency"Russia Today", as well as a columnist for the magazine "Russian Pioneer" Margarita Simonyan, first discovered literary talents in Tigran Keosayan, and then others positive traits. And if a month ago that the director is the father of Simonyan's second child, secular gossips spoke in an undertone, now no one denies this fact.

True, the journalist Bozena Rynska and public figure Alfred Koch for publishing information about her novel, Margarita Simonyan was still offended.

As for the beautiful Alena Khmelnitskaya, she, according to rumors, quickly coped with the bitterness of parting. The husband left without taking anything with him. And soon Khmelnitskaya found a new knight at all - such a woman will not be left alone.

Perhaps, there was no more influential couple on domestic television. It is Konstantin Ernst and Larisa Sinelshchikova who decide and continue to decide what millions of Russian (and not only - Channel One has a huge audience abroad) viewers will watch.

By the way, the relationship between Ernst and Sinelshchikova was never registered, the couple has no common children.

From his first marriage, Konstantin Lvovich has a 19-year-old daughter, and Larisa Vasilievna twice became a mother even before she met Konstantin Lvovich. Long years the civil wife of the chief Russian media manager was also his reliable support in business. The Red Square company owned by her is the main supplier of content for Channel One.

The family life of this couple was hidden behind seven seals. However, Forbes magazine was the first to dare to declare in July 2014 their separation as a fait accompli:

“The break in relations between Sinelshchikova and Ernst did not affect the business. Moreover, last year the volume of production (“Red Square”, - approx. Woman.ru) for the First increased. So Konstantin Ernst and Larisa Sinelshchikova are not a couple, but a tandem. Parted with jewelry accuracy.

Erwin Schrott and Anna Netrebko

One of the brightest opera divas Anna Netrebko and her future common-law husband, Uruguayan tenor Erwin Schrott, met during joint work over the opera Don Juan. The Latin American could not resist the incredible charisma and charm Russian star. Result - 6 years living together. During pregnancy, Anna, according to her father, was even going down the aisle, but it didn’t work out. Now, it seems, this is only for the better - the formalities, without which the dissolution of the marriage is not complete, do not distract the two creative people from direct action.

It was difficult for opera singers to live with each other, and not only because the neighbors are unlikely to withstand the home concerts of such a loud couple, but, first of all, because of the extremely busy schedule of both.

According to Netrebko, it was the impossibility of spending time together that became the main reason that she and Schrott moved away from each other and, in the end, decided to leave.

However, ex-lovers will do everything possible to ensure that their common son Thiago felt the care of both his father and mother. Moreover, they managed to keep good relationship.

The diva was not alone for long - it became known that she was already engaged to the Azerbaijani tenor Yusif Eyvazov. Apparently, the schedule of his performances, unlike the schedule of the ex-lover, Anna worries much less.

Dmitry Peskov met his future wife Catherine before she came of age. A romance between the daughter of diplomats and a 24-year-old graduate of the Institute of Asian and African Countries broke out unexpectedly, and the lovers arranged a wedding as soon as the bride turned 18 years old. As a result, the Peskovs lived together for 20 years, having stepped over periods of desperate lack of money and other difficult moments.

The woman was ready to put up with even the difficult work schedule of her husband, associated with frequent flights and sleepless nights, but could not forgive him for treason. As Catherine herself told Tatler magazine, after learning about her husband's adultery, she invited him to leave.

Ekaterina and Dmitry approached the divorce like real diplomats - they shared three children and jointly acquired property with an unusual the mighty of the world with this ease, and they managed to maintain not only a positive public image of the family, but also good relations. The ex-wife of Vladimir Putin's press secretary decided that new life the best place to start is in Paris.

Dmitry Peskov, unlike his leader Vladimir Putin, did not publicly announce changes in marital status. For him, this ex-wife did this, giving an interview directly from her new home in France.

According to rumors, the reason for the separation of Dmitry and Ekaterina Peskov was Olympic champion in figure skating Tatyana Navka, in whose company a high-ranking official is increasingly appearing in public. In addition, Dmitry Sergeyevich is called the father of the second child of the star, whom she gave birth to on August 21.

Mark and Ida Lolo

Secular beauty Ida Lolo and ex-president of the film company "Central Partnership" Mark Lolo have been married for 6 years. The couple's romance developed rapidly: they met at dinner with a mutual friend.

And a month later, on the birthday of his beloved, he made her an offer of marriage. And practically in a non-alternative form: "I want you to become my wife."

The sportswoman and secular activist supported her husband at a difficult moment when he had to leave the TSPSH. And who would have thought that Ida and Mark, who posted on Instagram, were cute joint photos since the Austrian holidays in January 2013, decide to get a divorce in less than a month?

“It all ended quickly, as it began: one day something clicked. Yes, we are still family and close friends. But they ceased to exist as a man and a woman, ”said Lolo in an interview with Tatler magazine. According to the girl, she and her ex-husband were just sitting in the kitchen in a shared apartment on Ostozhenka and realized that the moment had come, it was time to have a serious talk.


Divorce of Ida and Mark Lolodiscussed all secular Moscow. However, the couple gave few reasons - they parted as intelligent people, having managed to maintain a warm relationship.

They didn’t share anything, and of the common “children”, the couple had only the pug Zak, who didn’t have a choice of who to stay with.

Fortunately, both did not suffer alone - a year later, Ida Lolo married her boyfriend Alexei Kiselev and is truly happy with him. Her ex-husband also found his happiness. Now they are family friends.

Maxim and Tatiana Liksutov

The brides of the capital breathed a sigh of relief - Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Transport Maxim Liksutov gained the status of "free". But the reason for the separation of the prettiest official from his wife was not some buxom blonde, as one might assume, but Liksutov's "special" position.

Before joining the city government, the future specialist in the fight against traffic jams and the elimination of free parking made himself an impressive fortune (and at the same time secured a line in the Forbes magazine rating) in coal and trucking. Moreover, Maxim Liksutov, who was born, like his wife Tatyana, in Estonia, became a Russian citizen not so long ago.

So after the adoption of the law banning officials from doing business abroad, the newly minted deputy mayor had a hard time - he refused both foreign citizenship and assets. Before the billionaire, the question arose: to whom to sell the shares? It would seem that there are many options. But his own wife, beauty and former model, in this difficult situation, no competitors were found.

Less than a month (in fact, even a week) had not passed since the settlement of financial issues, as the couple decided to leave. Peacefully, without much noise. Moreover, Tatyana has nothing to complain about - having returned to her native Estonia, she became the most rich woman in the country.

However, according to Tatler magazine, an associate of Sergei Sobyanin completely denies any business reason for the divorce - the reasons are exclusively personal. Here, as in Zemfira's song: "Everything might have been different if not for these terrible traffic jams."

Ilya Zmievets and Maria Nevskaya

The head of the Parlan publishing house, Ilya Zmievets, saw the charming model from Tyumen, Maria Nevskaya, when she arrived to shoot the cover of LOfficiel magazine, headed by Evelina Khromchenko. This meeting for all three was truly fateful.
Zmievets took the heart of the beauty by siege for half a year - he spared neither energy, nor imagination, nor resources. In the end, the fortress fell. Alas, the love boat of Maria Nevskaya and Ilya Zmievets ran into reefs in 2013.

The couple decided to leave with a minimum of emotional loss, but their mutual friends assure that reconciliation is still possible. Maria, by the way, returned to her first lesson and has already starred in the lookbook of the new collection of designer Alexander Terekhov.

Arkady and Natalia Rotenberg

Arkady Rotenberg can be called without exaggeration one of the most influential people in Russia. And it's not just about the notorious money - the future billionaire strengthened his body and spirit on the tatami from the age of 13 in sparring with the same young Vladimir Putin. So we became friends.

The divorce of Arkady and Natalia Rotenberg would have gone silently if the ex-wife of the billionaire had not decided to revise the terms of the marriage contract, which she herself had once signed. But having critically assessed her husband's fortune (and this, for a moment, is over 3 billion dollars), the woman decided that she could claim much more serious compensation for the collapsed family.

All five children born in marriage agreed with her. Negotiations on the division of assets and other property between the former spouses have been going on for almost a year and, they say, the light at the end of the tunnel is already visible. Unlike many ladies in a similar position, Rotenberg's ex-wife does not flaunt his heirs and does not threaten in court and the media to declassify information that could harm the business and personal reputation of a businessman.

Until the process is completed, Natalya lives in a rented house in London with the proceeds from the delivery of Moscow real estate, which she already inherited from her ex-husband.

By the way, this is not the only divorce in the Rotenberg family over the past few years. The billionaire's nephew, the president of the SKA hockey club and the dazzling handsome man Roman Rotenberg (one of the most distinguished womanizers of the two capitals), broke up with his wife, the Latvian model Marta Berzkalna, six months after the wedding. Slender brunette chose to return to her husband wedding ring despite the fact that at that moment was on the 5th month of pregnancy. The couple had nothing to share for the six months they lived together, but Roman did not leave the child to the mercy of fate.

Konstantin Ernst - General Director of the First Television Channel. He became known from the end of the 80s of the last century after the appearance on the screens of the country "Vzglyad".

The man is actively engaged in the development and production of various television projects. He released many television programs that later became famous and beloved by citizens throughout the post-Soviet space. The good organizational skills of our hero helped to represent the country at the very high level. He wrote scripts for the closing and opening of the Olympic Games in Sochi, Eurovision in Moscow and others. With his help, such films as "Day Watch", "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath 20 Years Later" and many others were released.

Height, weight, age. How old is Konstantin Ernst

First appearing in The View, the young man attracted attention with his extraordinary thinking and statements. From that moment on, viewers began to be interested in questions, height, weight, age, how old is Konstantin Ernst. In 2018, he celebrated his 57th birthday in a close family circle. With a height of 185 cm, the producer weighs 93 kg.

Konstantin Ernst, whose photo in his youth and now is presented on the official website of the First TV channel, is persistent, stubborn. He amazes people with his uncompromisingness, truthfulness, exactingness, which he demonstrated more than once during the refereeing of KVN games.

Despite the German roots, the nationality of our hero is beyond doubt. He is Russian.

Biography and personal life of Konstantin Ernst

The birth of a boy took place in one of the capital's maternity hospitals in the early 60s of the last century. When Kostya was a few months old, his father, Ernst Lev Konstantinovich, was forced to move to Leningrad for work, where he spent children's and youth future CEO First TV channel. Mother - Golevinova Svetlana Nilovna worked in the financial sector.

At school, the boy studied well, receiving only excellent and good marks. He was active in sports. In particular, the boy loved literature lessons, in which he could show all his best qualities and hone the author's talent. Having received a certificate, a promising young man enters the Leningrad State University. Here he receives knowledge of biochemistry. After that, for 15 years he worked as a biologist at the Leningrad Research Institute, defending a scientific dissertation.

Biography and personal life Konstantin Ernst have been running in parallel since the 80s of the last century. In the late 80s, the era was unsettling. There was a restructuring in the yard. People new formation came to TV. His friend - one of the organizers of the popular show program "Vzglyad" Yuri Lyubimov invited him to work in this project. In the early 90s, he leads another popular project - "Matador".

In the mid-90s, our hero produced the programs of the ORT television channel. The general producer is actively working, so soon a number of programs appear on the channel that are still popular. Began to go on the air "Guess the melody"

Valdis Pelsh, "Field of Miracles" by Vladislav Listyev and many others. The man made a series of films about "Watches", "Old songs about the main ones" and others. All show programs are successful and great.

Apart from labor activity, the man is in a successful personal relationship. He is loved by a large television audience. Young girls are in love with a man. Currently, the man is in a relationship with a girl almost 30 years younger than him. The couple is raising two young daughters together. The man does not disclose details of his personal life. He considers it a personal matter for each person.

Family and children of Konstantin Ernst

The family and children of Konstantin Ernst are practically unknown. The man does not tell anything about them, protecting from the excessive attention of numerous outsiders.

The TV producer has three daughters whom he loves very much. Konstantin considered his son and daughter to be his children. ex-wife. Some uninitiated citizens Russian Federation consider them to be his real children, although the acquaintance of Ernst and his ex-wife passed after their birth.

The father of our hero is one of the best Soviet biologists. He cultivated many kinds of plants. The death of Lev Ernst was a real blow to his son. The mother of our hero has worked as a financier all her life. Konstantin prefers not to talk about her.

Konstantin Ernst married Sophia Zaika

In 2014, the Winter Olympic Games were held in the Russian Federation. In preparation for them, the producer meets model Sophia Zaika. The novel developed rapidly. The lovers were not afraid of anything. Soon the producer leaves his former wife and begins to live with a girl.

In early 2015, it became known that 56-year-old Konstantin Ernst married 29-year-old model Sofya Zaika. The lovers themselves did not comment on their relationship in any way, so many citizens of the Russian Federation considered this information to be rumors. Only at the beginning of 2018, one of the employees of the First Television Channel said that Konstantin Ernst married Sofya Zaika and two daughters were born in the family, who are raised by their mother.

Daughter of Konstantin Ernst - Alexandra Ernst

For the first time, our hero became a father in the mid-90s of the last century. Konstantin loves his daughter, whom he named with his wife Alexandra. After a divorce from his first wife, he continued to participate in the upbringing of the girl, even being at a great distance from her.

The daughter of Konstantin Ernst, Alexandra Ernst, after graduating from the Spanish school, studied at one of the best American institutions, mastering the basics of photography. The girl loves to draw, travel around the world.

While Sasha is not married. She has a fiancé named Sean. Soon the couple plans to officially register the relationship. Celebrations are to be held in Spain and Russia. It is known that a girl will be led to the altar by her star father who has already met his daughter's chosen one. After communication, Konstantin fully approved the choice of his daughter.

Daughters of Konstantin Ernst

In early 2016, it became known for certain that Konstantin Ernst was married. And Sofya Zaika gave birth to a girl shortly after this event. In 2017, the wife gave the star another daughter.

Now the daughters of Konstantin Ernst are being raised by their mother Sofya Zaika. A woman does not trust her beloved children to anyone. Only during her absence does her grandmother look after her daughters. Girls were born in the capital's reproductive center. The woman did not want to leave her husband for a long time and leave the Russian Federation.

The names of the daughters are also hidden from the public. Konstantin does not answer all questions about daughters.

The ex-wife of Konstantin Ernst - Anna Silyunas

In early 1993, at one of the social events, he met a girl named Anna. Soon, young people began to meet, and then got married. In 1994, the daughter of Alexander was born in the family.

At work, Konstantin had to visit various events which his wife did not like. She insisted that he change his occupation. This led to a divorce a few years later.

Ex-wife Konstantin Ernst - Anna Silyunas emigrated to Spain. There she met a Spaniard named Carlos, whom she married. A daughter was born in the family. With the first daughter of his wife, Carlos was able to establish good relations.

The ex-wife of Konstantin Ernst - Larisa Sinelshchikova

After breaking up with his first wife, the general producer did not live alone for long. Larisa Sinelshchikova appeared in his life, who began to work in VID. The producer offered to live together. The woman agreed. The family brought up two children born to a woman before meeting Ernst. They were considered by many inhabitants to be the biological children of the producer.

The ex-wife of Konstantin Ernst, Larisa Sinelshchikova, helped her husband in all endeavors. After the divorce, the spouses communicate normally. It was the first wife who congratulated the producer on the birth of her daughters first. She kept his secret to the last.

Wife of Konstantin Ernst - Sofya Zaika

In preparation for Olympic Games the head of Channel One met a girl who made him change his attitude towards his personal life. Our hero leaves the family and registers a marriage with Sofia Zaika, who is one of the best Russian models.

The wife of Konstantin Ernst, Sophia Zaika, is currently raising 2 daughters she adores. After giving birth, the woman quickly bounced back and works as a model.

The girl manages to prove herself in vocals, she fences well, is involved in filming movies, and designs clothes.

Instagram and Wikipedia Konstantin Ernst

Instagram and Wikipedia of Konstantin Ernst officially give an idea about the life of the producer, his creative activity.

Wikipedia contains information that allows you to find out about the close people of a man. Here is information about what projects came out under his leadership. It also lists the programs for which our hero wrote scripts.

The Instagram page contains a lot of pictures and videos that allow you to find out how a man’s life has developed, excluding the period in the last 2 years. The article was found on alabanza.ru

Larisa Sinelshchikova - producer, singer, major shareholder of several domestic companies, including TV companies "Red Square" and travel company TEZ TOUR.

Larisa Vasilievna Matrosova was born on February 10, 1963 in the village of Psebay on the left bank of the Malaya Laba River. Sinelshchikova - the surname that the girl took after marriage.

As a child, Larisa really wanted to escape from her native village to Krasnodar Territory. She told all her friends that she would definitely move to Big city and become a successful business lady. And so it happened.

After graduation high school the girl went to the capital. Entering the director's department of GITIS, Larisa led the usual student life. sharp mind and strong character helped her to easily cope with the years of study.

As a student, Larisa got married. Sinelshchikova's fellow students believed that she would build her career in cinema, but the girl decided to go into business.


In 1991, Larisa initiated the opening of the first shaping club in Moscow. The fashion for such establishments made Sinelshchikova a wealthy woman. business acumen helped Larisa Vasilievna, five years after the start of her career, to become the general director of the VID television company. Sinelshchikova was engaged in the development of domestic television, stood at the foundations of the formation of the modern format of the country's main television channels.

In 1993, Larisa began to produce the program "90x60x90", airing on the TV channel "6 TVK". Successful work a year later brought a woman to the position of CEO advertising agency"TV-6 Moscow".

In 2007, on the basis of the VID television company, Sinelshchikova and her business partner Alexander Kessel founded the Krasny Kvadrat television holding. The chair of the director of this enterprise went to Larisa Vasilievna. "Red Square" specializes in the production of television content. Previously, the holding's customers were the channels Zvezda, STS, TV Center, and Peretz. The holding currently produces content for the Rossiya-1 TV channel and Channel One.

The most famous products of the holding are Big Difference, Star Factory, Test Purchase, Big Races, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, Malakhov+, Voice, Guess the Melody and others. Some programs are more than 20 years old, as the first releases of programs were produced by the VID television company.

The name of Larisa Sinelshchikova is associated with many projects of Channel One. In the modern television environment, her opinion has weight for representatives of all metropolitan TV channels. According to one version, the producer owes his success to his personal relationship with. The former civil husband of the owner of the Red Square shares denies the existence of any nepotism when choosing content providers for Channel One.

By the way, after the separation of Ernst and Sinelshchikova, their business cooperation did not stop.

Producing and music

Larisa became the producer of several films. In 2016, Channel One hosted the premiere of the melodrama "Life is getting better" with leading role. Sinelshchikova was involved in this project as a general producer.

In 2008, Larisa produced the third part of the sensational historical series "Alexander Garden". The woman is also the producer of the film " Carnival Night 2", filmed half a century after the original New Year's Eve comedy.

Communication with artists influenced the choice of Sinelshchikova's hobbies, and the business woman thought about a musical hobby. She released a collection of original songs, which she called "Lori". Veteran musicians - Vladimir Matetsky and Kim Breitburg worked on the compositions for her album.

Larisa Sinelshchikova in her youth and now

commercial success musical creativity Larisa did not bring. In one of the interviews, the producer admitted that for her the role of the singer was one of the experiments that influenced personal growth.

The album "Lori" was released for free sale and sold in the offices of the company "TEZ TOUR", a shareholder of which is a business woman.

Personal life

Larisa's first husband turned out to be a person unsuitable for living together, so she filed for a divorce. From this marriage, the woman left children and a surname. Officially, Larisa never got married again, although everyone knows the details of her long-term relationship with the director of Russia's main TV channel.

For a long time, Larisa Sinelshchikova had a close relationship with her colleague Konstantin Ernst. Since the personal life of two public people remained a topic closed to the press, their separation in 2014 became known only after some time.

Larisa has two children from her first marriage. Sinelshchikova's daughter Anastasia in 2014 married her younger brother Grigory Rudsky. The son of Larisa Vasilievna Igor is the youngest child in the family. His occupation is not known, but articles about his close relationships with media people regularly appear in the media.

To the lovers of Ernst's former stepson different time and were counted. In 2011, news appeared on many information sites on the Internet that Sinelshchikova's daughter gave birth to her first child, and Larisa Vasilievna became a grandmother.

In the summer of 2009, Larisa Vasilievna staged a large-scale show in her native village. The producer organized a concert of eminent stars domestic stage to the delight of his countrymen. Sinelshchikova was greeted solemnly, with music and a loaf. Larisa visited the school where she studied, talked with classmates. After the end of the concert, the evening sky was painted with the lights of a grandiose fireworks display. locals for a long time they remembered the holiday that a successful countrywoman arranged for them.

Stocks and “suicide”

In 2014, information appeared on the Internet that Konstantin Ernst was trying to shoot himself. Such news caused a stir in the press, followed by an official denial.

According to those who spread the information, Larisa Sinelshchikova heard the sound of a shot in her office. civil husband after his conversation with . Konstantin Lvovich allegedly made an unsuccessful suicide attempt and was hospitalized.

The news was refuted by the press service of Channel One. The appearance of information about the shot and Ernst's "divorce" from his common-law wife coincides with the sale of Sinelshchikova's 51% stake in the Red Square holding to a businessman.


In 2007, Larisa Vasilievna Sinelshchikova became a laureate national award public recognition of the achievement of women "Olympia". Two years later, the business woman was awarded the TEFI award in the nomination "Television Program Producer".

Konstantin Lvovich Ernst - famous Russian producer, which has long been an inspiration huge amount famous television projects and serials. Thanks to his intervention, viewers can enjoy projects such as " destructive force”,“ Night Watch ”,“ Cartoon personality.

It was Ernst who wrote the scripts for "Old songs about the main thing" and "Irony of Fate". Konstantin Lvovich is known to every person as the head of the First Channel of Russia, who managed to bring him to the lead in the broadcasting network and make him the most popular among Russian viewers.

Height, weight, age. How old is Konstantin Ernst

Many fans are interested in such parameters famous producer like his height, weight, age. How old is Konstantin Ernst is also quite easy to find out, knowing the year of his birth.

Konstantin Lvovich was born in 1961, so this year he turned fifty-six years old. According to the sign of the Zodiac, he is a fickle, sociable, bright, fair and creative Aquarius.

By eastern horoscope Ernst acquired all the features of the Bulls, namely, perseverance, stubbornness, patience and the achievement of his goals at any cost, self-confidence.

Nationality is controversial, as all of Ernst's paternal relatives were native Germans. However, Konstantin Lvovich himself called himself Russian.

The producer's height is quite standard and is eighty-five centimeters, and the weight is set at ninety-three kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Konstantin Ernst

The biography and personal life of Konstantin Ernst were bright and fickle. Kostya was born in the capital of the Russian Federation, but spent his childhood in Leningrad.

He graduated from high school well and entered the Faculty of Biology at Leningrad State University, intending to become a biochemist. Konstantin Lvovich worked for a long time at the research institute in his specialty and received a scientific degree.

He got on television in the eighties, when he was noticed at a party where young journalists were walking. Already in 1988, under the patronage of Yuri Lyubimy, he was in the group of the Vzglyad program, and already in 1991 he became the head of the Matador program.

Since 1995 Konstantin Ernst has been general producer channel ORT, he became a producer of television and cinema projects. Since 2000, the channel has changed its name to "First", but has not changed its CEO. Ernst became the winner of television awards and was awarded many orders and medals.

The number of films produced and written by Ernst is simply off scale, so listing them all is simply unrealistic.

The personal life of Konstantin Lvovich has always been stormy, however, with all his former and present lovers, the man maintains an even relationship.

Fans do not hide their tender feelings and shower Ernst with gifts, however, he remains faithful to his beloved wife Sophia.

Family and children of Konstantin Ernst

The family and children of Konstantin Ernst are rather unusual, since he was born in the capital of our Motherland, but in the family of a native German. The boy, by the way, was named after his German grandfather.

Konstantin Lvovich practically does not tell anything about his mother. Father - Lev Ernst - became famous in the vast Soviet Union, as a progressive agrarian, an innovator. He later became the head Russian Academy agricultural sciences, often traveled outside the country and shared his experience with foreign colleagues. Lev Konstantinovich died in April 2012, he has awards.

Ernst's children were born in different marriages, but they all adore their father, communicate with him and heed his advice. In total, Konstantin Lvovich has three natural daughters, the difference between the eldest and youngest child is twenty-three years old. He also has two children from the first marriage of his common-law wife, whom he considers his family.

Konstantin Ernst married Sophia Zaika

Konstantin Ernst married Sophia Zaika in 2014, the aspiring model and actress was not afraid of the huge, almost twenty-seven years old, age difference. Soon the girl high society was able to give her chosen one one after another two daughters, whom her father simply adores.

56-year-old Konstantin Ernst married 29-year-old model Sofya Zaika almost immediately after they met while preparing for the Sochi Olympics. Sonya was Konstantin Lvovich's main assistant and was always with him.

The girl has two higher education She is humble, independent and loving. Sophia hates when they talk about the patronage of her rich father, because she is used to achieving everything on her own and in spite of everything.

The son of Konstantin Ernst - Igor Sinelshchikov

The son of Konstantin Ernst - Igor Sinelshchikov - was born in 1986 in the first marriage of Larisa Sinelshchikova. He adored his stepfather, to whom he is quite attached with early years.

The guy received a secondary education, he is in no way connected with the world of show business and production activities.

The guy almost constantly appears in high-profile scandals associated with the promotion of girls in their stepfather's projects and Prikhodko's victory at Eurovision. Igor owns an apartment and loves expensive cars, the guy quite often says that his last name is Ernst.

Daughter of Konstantin Ernst - Alexandra Ernst

The daughter of Konstantin Ernst - Alexandra Ernst - was born in 1994, her mother was the first wife of Konstantin Lvovich. The girl looked very much like her father. Sashenka adored her own father and stepfather Carlos, with whom she constantly consults on any occasion.

She graduated from high school in Spain well, draws wonderfully and is fluent in English and English. Spanish. Sasha wanted to become a PR manager, an actress or a journalist, because she was a sociable girl.

She graduated from the American Pratt Institute in photography, loves to take pictures in the style of the avant-garde. Alexandra is not married, but she has a boyfriend, Sean, who affectionately calls her Shasha.

Daughter of Konstantin Ernst - Anastasia Sinelshchikova

The daughter of Konstantin Ernst - Anastasia Sinelshchikova - was born in 1988, she became his mother civil wife Larisa Sinelshchikova. The girl was still small when her life appeared new father, but she immediately fell in love with him and always considered him a friend and adviser.

Nastya recently married the brother of Svetlana Bondarchuk - Grigory Rutskoy. The guys quietly signed and went to honeymoon trip in Europe. After returning they celebrated given event in the circle of family and friends.

The couple has no common children, however, Anastasia is raising a six-year-old daughter from a previous relationship.

Daughters of Konstantin Ernst from Sofia Zaika

The daughters of Konstantin Ernst from Sophia Zaika are still very small. The eldest was born in 2016, and the youngest in July 2017.

There is no information about the babies on the network, it is impossible to find photos or videos in which they are captured. It is only known that the mother herself is engaged in raising the girls, not trusting the nannies.

No one knew the names of the beauties, although Konstantin Lvovich is a public person. It is only known that Konstantin Ernst and Sofya Zaika gave birth to a girl, who so far gives her smile to her parents and brings them closer to each other.

The ex-wife of Konstantin Ernst - Anna Silyunas

The ex-wife of Konstantin Ernst - Anna Silyunas - appeared in his life in 1993, when the guy was still not very famous. Anna was the daughter of a professor who taught at the department foreign theater Moscow art theatre.

She received an excellent education, graduating from GITIS and the Paris Sorbonne. Anna did not like noisy companies, corporate parties and social life her husband, which led to a divorce.

Anna Silyuas, after the divorce, moved to Spain, where she took her little daughter. She maintained friendly relations with Konstantin Lvovich, he took part in the upbringing of the baby.

The ex-wife of Konstantin Ernst - Larisa Sinelshchikova

The ex-wife of Konstantin Ernst - Larisa Sinelshchikova - has always been perceived by fans not as a loved one, but as a business partner and ally. He helped raise her children from her first marriage and produced her projects.

The woman graduated from the directing department of GITIS, however, she did not work by profession and opened the first shaping club in the capital. In 1996 she became the CEO of VID.

She is a very popular producer who is listened to by representatives of various media companies. Larisa produces and acts in films, sings and promotes famous artists.

Wife of Konstantin Ernst - Sofya Zaika

Wife of Konstantin Ernst - Sofya Zaika- appeared in the life of the head of Channel One in 2014. She is the daughter of a famous St. Petersburg financier, a highly respected person in Russia. Sophia's father is two years older than Konstantin Lvovich.

Sophia is a versatile person, she graduated from a private school with excellent marks Sosnovy Bor and studied at the Moscow Art Theater. The girl sings beautifully, draws, fencing, acts in films and tries herself as a fashion designer.

Sophia is raising two daughters and works as a stylist at a fashion house.

Instagram and Wikipedia Konstantin Ernst

Instagram and Wikipedia of Konstantin Ernst are official, all information from them can be used in preparation for reports. On the page dedicated to Konstantin Lvovich, it is possible to find a huge number of facts that relate to his personal and family life, parents and children, as well as his participation in television and cinema projects.

Wikipedia pays special attention to the participation of Konstantin Lvovich in KVN, the production of the Night and Day Watches and the stages of career growth of a young boy with great ambitions.

Instagram is filled with photos and videos related to personal, family and creative life Konstantin Ernst different periods time.

The life of successful businessmen is always in the public eye, especially if we are talking about women who owe their financial well-being only to themselves. One of such well-known business women in Russia is Larisa Sinelshchikova, whose personal life and biography are closely connected with domestic television. In addition, she was a common-law spouse for a long time and, according to those who are well acquainted with this family, it is to her that he owes his rapid rise to the top of Olympus in the world of mass media.

Larisa Sinelshchikova: biography and early career

The future owner of the Red Square was born on February 10, 1963 in the Krasnodar Territory. Her small homeland is the village of Psebay, where only 10,000 people live, and a girl from the outback had to try hard to succeed. After leaving school for Moscow, Larisa Sinelshchikova entered GITIS, but, having received the specialty of a director there, she began her career by organizing the first shaping club in Moscow in 1991. This project was a resounding success and brought good dividends to its creator.

Television career

Having declared herself as a successful and creative business woman, Larisa Sinelshchikova in 1993 began to produce the 90x60x90 program at 6 TVK, and a few months later she took the position of general director of the well-known advertising agency TV - 6 Media.

A quick start had a very successful continuation. In particular, in 1998, Larisa Sinelshchikova (a photo of the producer of this period is a rarity) became the general director of the VID film company, which was super popular at that time, and between 2006 and 2009, its president. In addition, for his great contribution to the development Russian television in 2001 she received the status of a member of the Russian Television Academy. Today Larisa Sinelshchikova heads famous group companies "Red Square" and, as she admitted in an interview, she believes that she has reached the peak of her television career.

Personal life

Sinelshchikova was officially married only once and has two children from her former legal spouse: daughter Anastasia and son Igor. Moreover, in 2011 she became a grandmother. It is not known how the children of Larisa Sinelshchikova relate to their father, especially since they are registered with their mother, but they simply adored the former common-law husband, Kostantin Ernst. Judging by the information in the press, her son from time to time even introduced himself as Igor Ernst. As for her daughter, she married Grigory Rudsky, a producer and younger brother of Svetlana Bondarchuk. In general, the union of Larisa and Konstantin was not just a marital one, but also a real business partnership. Many show business stars even note that the lion's share Ernst owes his success to his common-law wife, with whom he still communicates closely.

"Civil" divorce

The family life of a couple of Ernst and Sinelshchikova has always been a secret with seven seals. However, the information that journalists still managed to get, usually presented their relationship as almost ideal. Therefore, the Forbes magazine report in July 2014 about their divorce was a real cold shower for many. At the same time, many representatives of the media and show business called their separation jewelry, as it did not affect their business relationship in any way. In particular, it is known that in 2014 the volume of production of the Red Square, headed by Sinelnikova, for Channel One increased significantly.

Debut in show business

In 2009, Larisa Sinelshchikova, whose photo can often be found on the pages of magazines covering social events, recorded the album “Lori”. It included several pop songs, one of which she recorded with Anastasia Prikhodko, the winner of Star Factory 7. Interestingly, the distribution of the album took place, among other things, through representative offices of the Tez Tour agency, of which Sinelshchikova was a co-owner at that time. The album's songwriters were Konstantin Meladze, Viktor Drobysh, Vitaly Okorokov and Alexander Lunev, however, as expected, it did not bring great success to Larisa, but rather became a tribute to fashion.

What is Sinelshchikova doing at the moment

The group of companies, which she heads today, is engaged in a number of projects in the field of show business and advertising, and also creates and produces a wide variety of programs broadcast on many popular channels Russian television. In addition, Sinelshchikova is a happy grandmother and a self-sufficient, self-confident woman who looks to the future with optimism and is not afraid to overcome difficulties. As for whether there is a man next to her, the yellow press has not yet announced any names. However, as they say, and perhaps very soon we will hear about her romance with some successful man.