Physical education material (senior, preparatory group) on the theme: Sports and music festival "Small Summer Olympic Games". Minor olympic games in kindergarten

  • 13.10.2019

Scenario of the "Minor Olympic Games" for senior preschool children 5 - 7 years old

Scenario of the summer sports festival "Olympic Summer"

Description of the event: this event is designed for older preschool children (5 - 7 years old). The event can be useful for physical education instructors and preschool educators. Also, the material will be of interest to physical education teachers in primary school.

Target: upbringing in children the need for physical education and sports.
- improving in a competitive form the skills of running, jumping from a place, throwing a ball into the distance, throwing a medicine ball.
- to develop quickness, dexterity, coordination abilities.
- fostering attention, respect for the opponent and the will to win, mutual assistance, patience and dedication.
- to contribute to the positive emotional uplift of children and their parents.
Preliminary work:
- drawing up a sports dance for the opening of the holiday.
- inviting guests: parents, athletes.
- preparation of material for musical accompaniment.
- preparation and conducting the day before for children of a conversation with the use of multimedia presentation " Olympic Games».
- preparation of Olympic attributes.
Equipment, inventory:
- stuffed balls (1 kg.);
- tape measure;
- relay batons;
- stopwatch, whistle;
- tennis balls or sandbags;
- mascot - an Olympic bear (drawn on a Whatman paper);
- flag with Olympic rings;
- bowl for Olympic flame;
- stands with multi-colored flags.

Event progress

A sports march sounds, the central site is decorated with Olympic attributes. Teams go through a circle of honor to music, then line up in designated places. The young Olympians of the senior and preparatory groups are marching to the formation with a solemn march.

Leading. Banners fly over the stadium (five athletes come out holding multi-colored banners, marching one after another in a circle)
Joyfully songs sound everywhere
We walk in step, in a slender column
We go to the sports parade.
They insert flags into the stands, turning their faces to the children, and solemnly speak.
1st child. We are sports guys, Irbit stars.
2nd child. We are not yet visible in the sports horizon.
3rd child. We will go in for sports, we just have to try,
4th child. Let's grow fast, become the stars of the country!
(guys get up in line)
Leading. Hello to all the guys and the following word:
Love sports since childhood
You will be healthy!
Come on, kids,
Let's shout all: Fizkult - hurray!
In our kindergarten throughout the summer, there were many different competitions. And today is the last day of summer, dedicated to the anniversary of the 1980 Summer Olympic Games in Moscow. Soviet athletes performed successfully and won 80 gold medals, 69 silver and 46 bronze medals. The Olympics are the largest sports events in the world, they are winter and summer. Once every four years, the Olympic flame lights up at a stadium in one of the countries of the world. A man runs in with a torch lit in Olympia and lights the fire.
Sport made people friends! Athletes from all five continents of the planet come to the Olympic Games. The Olympiad symbol - five colored rings - denotes friendship between all continents:
Europe - blue
Africa - black
Australia - green
Asia - yellow
America is red
At the opening of the Olympics, athletes perform - artists, gymnasts. Meet the girls performing with the sports dance "Forward to Victory".

At the Olympics, there is always a mascot, usually this animal is popular in the country. In 1980, at the Summer Olympic Games, which were held in Moscow, the mascot was a bear (shows children).
This summer is unusual. Not just sports, it is Olympic. Because this summer marks the anniversary of the Moscow Olympic Games, 35 years have passed.
We are friends with the sun and water
We are happy to go to the start
We celebrate our sports holiday
We are in honor of the Olympics.
For the opening of the Athletics Olympics, it is given to raise the flag, the participants of the last year's Olympics - Shchapova Yesenia and Savina Anna.
To raise the flag, all stand at attention!

To light the Olympic flame is given to the winner of the city competition "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family" - Matvey Rudakov.
(to the best kindergarten athlete)
Oath. Do you swear to be fair at the Minor Olympics?
Everything. We swear!
Respecting, observing the rules by which they are conducted?
We swear!
I invite everyone to warm up.
(general warm-up)
Children with educators disagree in stages:
- standing long jump;
- running speed;
- throwing the ball into the distance;
- medicine ball throw;
- relay race for teams of 6 people (house 30 meters).

Winners are awarded with certificates and medals for each type.
Leading. The main thing is not victory, the main thing is participation!
Guys, I suggest you take part in the Summer Olympic Games drawing competition. We will decorate the exhibition with the best drawings. Caregivers and parents can be your helpers. The Olympic bear at the closing of the Summer Olympics in 1980, saying goodbye to the athletes, flew up into the sky on balloons, and we send our bear into the sky, let's say goodbye, like 35 years ago.

Leading. Stand at attention to close the competition! The removal of the flag is given to the winning team in the track and field relay.

Description of the material: I offer you a summary of the educational activities "Physical culture" for children of different ages from 3 to 7 years old on the topic: "Small Olympic Games". This material will be useful for educators, music directors.

This outline of a cognitive lesson contributes to the physical development and health of preschoolers, arouses interest in self-development, self-improvement, promotes the rallying of children of different ages and brings parents and children closer together. Complex lesson in a group of different ages on the topic: "SMALL OLYMPIC GAMES" Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Socialization", "Security", "Communication", "Music", "Artistic creativity", "Physical culture" Purpose: to form and develop interest in sports, the history of the creation of the Olympic Games. Tasks: Speech: To enrich and activate the vocabulary of children on the topic "Olympics, sports". Develop coherent speech, correctly and clearly answer questions. Developing: Develop creativity, imagination, manual skill, fine motor skills of children. Educational: To generate interest in sports, the Olympic Games. Educational: To create an emotional mood for the development of interest and desire to go in for sports, curiosity to bring up love, respect not only for sports, but also for Olympism as the cultural heritage of mankind. Demonstration material: presentation "The history of the creation of the Olympiad"
Handouts: colored paper, scissors, glue, cardboard, ribbon. Benefits and equipment: projector, laptop, sports equipment. Methodological techniques: conversation-dialogue, game situation, consideration of the presentation, conversation on it, singing sports songs, physical education, sports competition, analysis, summing up.
Course of the lesson:
Children enter the hall with multi-colored flags for a sports march.
Veda: I am delighted to welcome the children and guests.
The holiday is joyful, beautiful,
Better was not and is not.
And from all the happy children
Our Olympic ...
Children: "Hello!"
Children march to the music "Solar Circle", rebuild and perform exercises with flags.
Children sit on high chairs.
Ved: Guys, you all know that the Olympic Games will open in our country soon. What are the Olympic Games? What do you know about them?
Children: This is a competition of the best athletes, this is a big sports festival, which brings together athletes from different countries to measure their strength in sports, to show their skills.
Ved: Yes it is. And who knows how it all began, where did the Olympic Games come from?
If you don't know, then I'll tell you.
The Olympic Games were invented a long time ago. The first Olympic Games began to be held in Ancient Greece in Olympia. Olympia is the largest sanctuary in ancient Greece. The name of the games originated from Olympia.
People liked to compete with each other in sports, and then everyone decided that the Olympic Games would be held in all countries every 4 years. Since then and to this day, athletes from all countries come to the Olympic Games to measure their sports achievements - this unites all countries.
During the Olympic Games, a sacred truce was declared everywhere, and wars ended. No one could fight, no one had the right to enter Olympia with arms in hand.
Ved: And so the Olympic flag looks like this (show on the screen).
Children, tell us about the flag.
Children: It is white - it means friendship of all peoples.
It depicts 5 colored rings, the rings are woven together.
Veda: Why are the rings of different colors and why are they woven?
Children: These are five continents: black - Africa, red - America, blue - Europe, yellow - Asia, green - Australia.
Veda: Children, let's read verses about these continents.
1reb. Sun from overseas
Rises to the zenith
In the east, early - early
The sun glows the window.
2reb. From Europe friendship trails
They are in a hurry to us, there are no obstacles.
And what is the color of Europe?
Blue Europe color.
3reb. There are many friends in Africa -
Olympians of the whole earth
They know - black
This is Africa's hello!
4reb. Grass color - green
Hello from Australia!
5reb. America has it too
Olympic hello
Mary, John, Juan and Ruth
The red ring is being carried.
6reb. We all believe in friendship sacred
Everyone is a good fellow in friendship
And all the guys draw
Good sign of the five rings.
Ved: Children, let us collect this kind sign of the five rings from hoops.
Which continent does our Motherland - Russia belong to?
Children: Towards Europe.
Veda: What color is Europe?
Children: Blue
Ved: Guys, you know that our Motherland, Russia, also participates in the Olympic Games. In our country, in our capital Moscow, the 22 Summer Olympic Games were held several years ago. Then they took place in other countries, in other cities. And this year 2014, the Olympic Games will again be held in our country in the city of Sochi. Now it will be the Winter Olympics and also 22.
Children, what kinds of winter sports do you know? (Children list).
Now, guess the riddles.
The question is not easy for me, as they call it,
When the athletes are on a sled
They slide down the gutter. (Bobsled)
There is such a sport in the world
It is popular in winter.
On the runners you run
You are in a hurry for your opponent. (Ski race)
It's very hard to be, don't argue
The most accurate in this sport.
Just race along the track
Even me can do that.
Try to run the day yourself
And then hit the target.
Lying supine, rifle.
It is impossible without training!
And your target is not an elephant
Sport is called ... (Biathlon)
Ved: At the Summer and Winter Olympics, the Olympic flame is lit before the opening. This fire travels a long way from Greece through seas, oceans, forests and mountains. He is taken to the country where the Olympic Games will be held.
Let's run the Olympic Torch relay. (The last 4 child runs up to the bowl and "lights the fire"
Show on screen.
Children, let's repeat the symbols of the Olympic Games.
Children: Flag, Olympic flame.
Ved: And then there is the mascot of the Olympic Games. This year it is ... guess:
When he is in a cage, he is pleasant
There are many black spots on the skin.
He is a beast of prey, although a little,
Like a lion and a tiger, he looks like a cat. (Leopard - screen display)
Loves to eat vegetables,
Though all over sometimes trembles.
He is always very cowardly
And squints slightly on the eye (Hare - show on the screen)
Has a white fur coat,
And he lives in the north
He knows how to catch fish
She will swim up to her on an ice floe (Polar bear - show)
These animals are the mascot of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.
Athletes have been preparing for the Olympic Games for a long time, and some from childhood, like you. Young Olympians, let's show our sporting achievements. (Children get up).
Veda: Who can compare with the agile wind?
Children: "We are the Olympians!"
Ved: Who believes in victory, is not afraid of obstacles?
Children: "We are the Olympians!"
Ved: Who is proud of the sport of their beloved motherland?
Children: "We are the Olympians!"
Ved: We swear to be honest, to strive for victory, we vow to achieve high records.
Children: "We swear, we swear, we swear!"
Ved: And here are our Olympic reserves. Meet….
(Speech by children who are engaged in sports clubs. They show their skills).
Ved: Children, let's say the motto of the Olympic Games.
Children: "Faster, higher, stronger."
The most important thing is not victory, but participation.
Distribute "medals" (chocolate) to children.
Children come out of the hall for a sports march.

Target: develop physical qualities, desire to win and self-confidence, strong-willed qualities (endurance, perseverance, will to win, courage, etc.); foster cohesion, organization, a sense of responsibility and empathy; to form interest and love for physical education and sports, the desire for joint actions in games.

Preliminary work: conversations about Olympic sports, reading books and viewing Olympic illustrations about sports and athletes of our time; story about the torch relay; learning songs about sports; : "Our hopes", "Two sports tracks".

Location: large sports ground.

Time spending: June, first half of the day.

Musical arrangement: phonograms of songs about sports, sports marches, audio recordings of the songs "Peas", "My Birds, Birds", "Heroic Power", "Grasshopper", phonograms for running.

, decorated with garlands, balls, Olympic symbols.

Fanfare sounds. The presenter enters the site and gives a signal for the parade of the participants in the competition. All are lined up in two columns.

Solemn music plays, girls-athletes bring the Olympic flag. A boy runs out, who has a bowl with the symbolic Olympic fire, makes a circle of honor and stands next to the flag.

Leading (V.). A solemn oath will now be taken on behalf of all participants.

Enter the two captains of the participating teams and take the oath.

V. Who can compare with the agile wind?

Children. We are Olympians!

V. Who believes in victory, is not afraid of obstacles?

Children. We are Olympians!

V. Who is proud of the sport of our homeland?

Children. We are Olympians!

Together. We swear honestly to strive for victory.

We will be able to achieve high records.

V. Raise the Olympic flag! Consider the Summer Minor Olympic Games open.

Competition slogan:"Do with us, do as we do, do better than us!"

V. We welcome the teams "Strong" and "Strong". We wish you success and good spirits!

The teams greet each other.

V. Let's move on to the competition.

1st type of competition- long jump "Kangaroo".

Children come to the jumping pit, fenced with flags - landmarks. The members of the "Strong" team alternately perform jumps into the pit, the results are recorded by a representative of the referee team. Then the team "Strongmen" performs the same task.

V. If you want to be healthy, run!

If you want to be strong, run!

If you want to be nimble, run!

2nd type of competition- run.


1st pair: boy and girl run in a hoop.

2nd pair: the boy is in front, the girl is behind the boy. They run, holding the ends of gymnastic sticks ("stretcher").

3rd pair: a boy and a girl run in a skipping rope.

4th pair: a boy and a girl are running, holding their hands crosswise in front.

5th pair: the boy and the girl stand with their backs to each other, make a grip with their hands at the elbows. Run sideways to the rack and back.

Musical pause.

The musical and rhythmic dance with the sultans "My birds, birds" is performed.

V. Boys, attention!

Girls, attention!

We start with the ball


3rd type of competition- passing the ball.

Three children from one team and three from the other hold hoops. Participants, moving in a lateral canter, pass a medicine ball weighing 1 kg through the hoops and so on to the reference point. They come back running.

4th type of competition- power duel. It is carried out in stages.

V. Who is the stronger of the guys

Let's all take up the rope!

Ten on the left, ten on the right -

Only muscles are cracking!

The one who will win

The strongest will become.

1st stage - team tug of war.

2nd stage - power duel of captains.

V. Fans, attention!

Teams, attention!

The moment has come

The final competition!

The moment has come now

Show you "top class"!

5th type of competition- combined relay.

1. "Jumping rope" (jumping rope to the landmark and back).

2. "Bicycle race" (rolling the hoop in a straight line).

3. "Chariot" (riding scooters).

4. "Don't miss the ball" (jumping on fitball balls with a snake between objects).

Musical pause.

Summing up the results of the competition. Rewarding the Olympians.

V. All participants are on a pedestal!

All participants are happy today

Because the Olympic medals

Made for them from chocolate!

Let's applaud our champions!

Children make a circle of honor.

When the ancient Greeks began to hold the Olympics, it is not known for certain. Historians only know that in the VIII century BC the tradition of holding the Olympic Games was renewed. Nowadays, these competitions, which came from ancient times, are incredibly popular all over the world.

If you decide to hold a sports festival of a similar format for your "little Olympians", then publications of this thematic section will be useful to you. After all, they are based, as they say, on real events, and contain the valuable experience of teachers in organizing and holding sports events. Plans, scenarios, notes of various kinds of the Minor Olympic Games, etc. physical culture leisure and entertainment, and just live stories about such events are presented on these pages in a wide range.

We are dexterous, strong, brave! And we are ready to prove it.

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Winter Olympics. Scenarios for sports events, entertainment, activities

Showing publications 1-10 of 1353.
All sections | Olympiad. Scenarios for the Olympic Games, entertainment, leisure, sports events

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Library of images "MAAM-pictures"

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Scenario of a sports event for children of middle and senior preschool age "Small Olympic Games" Small Olympic Games This development is designed for middle-aged and older children and is intended for a physical education instructor and preschool educators. Objectives:  To educate children about the Olympic Games as ...

Sports entertainment in the framework of the Olympic Games "Journey to the Country of Olympia" Equipment: - balls - skis - sledges - costumes of leopard, bear and hare. - flag Objectives: - to form an idea of ​​the Olympic Games in children; - develop creative imagination, desire to win and self-confidence; - to improve the skills of children ...

Olympiad. Scenarios of the Olympic Games, Entertainment, Leisure, Sports Events - Scenario of the Small Olympic Games for children of middle groups

Scenario of the small Olympic games for children of the middle group - 2017 Purpose: Formation of the idea of ​​the Olympic Games among preschoolers, fostering patriotism for their homeland, introduction to a healthy lifestyle. Tasks: - to acquaint the preschooler with winter sports, with ...

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Recreational and sports game: Small Olympic Games in Ryabinushka.

Target: To foster a love for sports, interest in the results and achievements of athletes. Promote the cognitive development of the child by building abilities in exercise and play. Promote a healthy lifestyle.
Equipment: flag, tape recorder, stopwatch, tape measure, rug, 2 rackets with shuttlecocks, 2 relay sticks, 2 sets of throwing rings, skittles (8 pieces), 4 cubes, 2 balls of different sizes.
- "Good day! Dear parents, guests, we are very glad to see you at our Olympic Games. Today we will play Olympians. You will see one of the results of our kindergarten work. We try to ensure that the children attending the kindergarten grow up strong, strong, and self-confident. For this, we devote a lot of time to their physical development. Today, be ill, rejoice, worry, support our athletes and I hope they will not let you down. "

Children to the music (march of athletes) enter the hall and line up in one line.
1 child.
Banners fly over the stadium
Joyfully songs sound everywhere
Walking in step with a slender column,
We go to the sports parade.
2 children.
We overtake the winged wind,
We tear the first ribbons in the run,
We will score the ball into the goal,
We jump dexterously and swim quickly.
3 child.
The sun is shining in the morning
And we prepared in advance.
Guys, it's time to start
Sport competitions.
4 child.
We are friends with the sun and water,
We are happy to go to the start ...
We celebrate our sports holiday
We are in honor of the Olympics!

Educator: Attention! Alignment with the flag! Raise the competition flag!
Russian flag, fly up
Entering into an argument with the wind.
All children, like a song
Unites sports! (The flag is raised by the captains of the teams. The anthem of the Russian Federation is played).
At ease.

Who is faster than everyone, who is more catchy,
We are very interested!
Let there be a cheerful laugh.
And the songs do not cease!
I declare the Olympic Games open.
The Olympic Games are open, the teams greet each other.

Representation of commands.
Team "RUSSIA".

Our motto: “Children really need sports,
We are very good friends with sports! "

Our motto: “Sun, air and water -
Our best friends! "

Educator: And now the teams will show us their sports skills.
Before you compete
We must warm up soon.
Do the exercises
Repeat after me.

Children get up and perform exercises of the musical and rhythmic composition "Exercise".

Fine. The warm-up was successful. I ask the teams to leave and get ready for the competition.

The presentation of the jury (educators and parent committee, nurse) sums up the competition and announces the winner after each competition.

The "STAR" team.
Stage 1. "Running with a relay baton".
At the command "March!" children from a high start run to the flag, which is placed 2-3 meters further than the finish line. This prevents a decrease in speed before the finish line. All children run the distance in turn and pass the baton. The team that finished first wins, but the correctness of the task is taken into account - the transfer of the stick.
2 - stage "Long jump from the spot".
The jump is performed on a gymnastic mat. Each child performs 1 jump. The length of the jump is measured from the take-off line to the heel landing with an accuracy of 1 cm. The best result is recorded. 3 - stage. Captains competition.
The child lies down on the mat, hands behind the head, legs bent at the knees. One of the adults is holding the child's legs. The child quickly sits on the floor and quickly returns to its original lying position. The task is completed in 20 seconds. Monitor not only the quantity, but also the quality of the assignment.
"The most accurate".

4 - stage. "Get into the basket."
Each child performs one throw - throws the ball into the basket. The time taken to complete the task of the entire team and the correctness of the execution are taken into account.
5 - stage. "Don't drop the shuttlecock."
Running with a racket in hand, a shuttlecock is carried on the racket. The time taken to complete the task of the entire team and the correctness of the execution are taken into account.
6-stage. Final relay race.
Each child should run with a "snake" (pins are placed) and throw into a basketball hoop. The time taken by the whole team, the throw to the basket (whether there is a hit) and the correctness of the task are taken into account.

And now the jury will have to sum up the results of the Small Olympic Games.
And at this time, children, we solve riddles about sports:

Two metal brothers,
How they grew together with shoes,
We wanted to ride
Top! - onto the ice and rushed.
Ay, yes brothers, ah, easy!
What are the brothers' names? …skates.

Two wooden arrows
I put it on my feet.
I wanted to go down the mountain
Yes, he flew head over heels.
There was a laugh,
From that dump:
They are on me
And on top of the stick! (Skis)

There, in armor, everything is on the ice platform,
They are fighting, grappling in a sharp fight.
Fans shout: "Hit harder!"
Believe me, this is not a fight, but - ... hockey.

One hit with a racket -
The shuttlecock flies over the net.
Glory, although he hit hard,
The shuttlecock hit the net.
Artem won today.
What did you play? In ... badminton.

Tell me the name of the building:
In it - a bowl of a tribune and a battlefield?

Vanechka went out on the ice,
He hits the goal with a puck.
Is Vanyushka hitting the puck with a stick?
No! Not with a stick. This is ... a club.
Remove the snow from the site
Fill the skating rink with water, buddy.
And on these winter days
Don't put on your boots, skates.
Beat the puck, if you play the hunt!
Drive her! Where to? At ... the gate.

The field has two halves
And baskets hang around the edges.
Then the ball will fly over the field,
That rushes among people at a gallop.
They all beat him and the ball is angry,
And they play with him ... basketball.

Everyone kicks the ball, kicks,
As a nail is driven into the gate,
Everyone shouts with joy: "Goal!"
The ball game is called ... football.

Saw our baby Eugene,
How badminton was played.
Athletes have a racket.
What flew above the grid?
Not an eagle and not a cormorant!
It's with feathers ... shuttlecock.

In the winter on the site
The floor is cold and smooth.
But the hockey players are happy
Slippery floor, level, clean.
He will fill a lump for himself,
Who will suddenly flop on ... ice.

Our Olympics have come to an end.
The jury is invited to announce the results. The teams line up. The jury sums up the results of the competition and announces the closure of the Olympiad. Teams are awarded with medals.
The song "Goodbye, Olympic Bear" is played. Children are given gifts prepared by the parent committee.