Exotic products. Exotic cuisine

  • 13.02.2024

At all times, there were dishes available to the entire population, served in all drinking establishments and city restaurants. At the same time, there were custom-made dishes that representatives of the wealthier strata of society could afford.

In a special section of the menu of prestigious restaurants there was a list of special gourmet dishes that took longer to prepare and their ingredients were completely different, and sometimes very rare. Currently in Moscow you can order such exotic dishes as chilled monkey brains or American bison hump tenderloin in specialized restaurants.

As you may have guessed, we will discuss the topic of quite luxurious dishes, the cost of which can cause a significant dent in the family budget of ordinary citizens, and not even every successful businessman can afford to order such a luxury.

Golden egg "Araucana"

Araucana is a decorative egg breed of chickens native to South America and named after the Indian tribe of the same name. The first mention of hens laying blue eggs appeared at the beginning of the 16th century. One hen a year brings up to 180 eggs weighing only 50 g with a greenish-blue shell.

In the US capital, New York, there is a restaurant called Tocqueville, which serves a very original dish. It includes one Araucana egg, boiled without the shell in water, placed on a plate with Risotto - an Italian dish based on specially cooked rice. Added Tagliatelle noodles - a typical pasta of the Italian city of Bologna, considered the “face of the city”, with Bolognese sauce. Another ingredient is Gnocchi, oval-shaped Italian dumplings.

All this splendor is generously sprinkled with Perigord truffles, which we will talk about a little later. Such exotic food costs 100 US dollars and is in extreme demand among local gourmets, as well as many tourists.

Yubari – the city of the “King of Melon”

Cantaloupe is a specially grown hybrid of two varieties - Earl's Darling and Burley or spiced cantaloupe. These melons are grown only in the area of ​​the town of Yubari on the island of Hokkaido in Japan. They are known to all admirers and collectors of the world and are very highly valued due to their delicate and juicy light green flesh.

Farmers in the town have been growing this variety for more than 50 years and organize auctions where everyone can buy goods packaged in special boxes. The original idea of ​​holding auctions was invented specifically to draw attention to such a very rare hybrid, because it does not grow anywhere in the world. No one will buy simple melons for the price of an average car, but many will dare to make such an original gift as a rare Muskmelon with a unique taste, which is sold only once a year.

At a recent auction in Yubari, Hokkaido, Japan, a pair of exclusive melons in their original packaging sold for $22,872. Why not a royal gift?

Hop Shoots

Hop shoots form around the female hop flower and are the fastest growing plants in the world - 20.3 to 50.8 cm per week. Therefore, they must be collected before they become flowers, between March and April each year. They are then sold at auctions, and the price is sometimes around 1000 euros per kilogram.

Hop beans have been used for many centuries not only as a flavoring agent in the production of beer and ale, but also as a good preservative.

Even the ancient Sumerians worshiped the goddess of malt and hops Ninkasi, and the ancient Romans claimed that hops grew among wild willows, like a wolf among sheep, which is why its young shoots are so rich in a special substance, which they called “Lupulus.”

Lupulin is also found in dried fruits, but there it is only 7-16%. This substance is successfully used in folk and scientific medical practice all over the world. In Poland it is used for general weakness, neurasthenia and various intestinal diseases.

In Germany and Austria it is used for neuroses and insomnia. Here, pads filled with dry extract of “hop” shoots are also widely used.

In Russian folk practice, lupulin is prescribed for the treatment of gastritis, neurasthenia, neuralgia, hair loss, and radiculitis. Among the peoples of the Caucasus, it is used in the treatment of purulent wounds and skin diseases, and also as an excellent remedy for diarrhea.

Ointments prepared on the basis of “hop” powder are used for gout, rheumatic pain in the joints, as an analgesic, and are also used as anti-inflammatory and antiallergic agents.

Golden pizza from Margo’s Pizzeria

On the island of Malta in the Mediterranean Sea there is a pizzeria “Margo’s Pizzeria”, where anyone can order the most expensive pizza on our planet for 1800 euros. The main ingredients are 24-karat fine gold foil, the rarest white truffles on the planet and mozzarella formaggio di bufala Campana cheese. The dough used, oddly enough, is the most ordinary one.

The idea of ​​​​creating an extremely expensive pizza belongs to pizzaiollo Giovanni Staiano and the owner of the establishment, Claude Camilleri. One day they were checking the quality of truffles in another restaurant on the coast, owned by Claude, and Giovanni suggested using the same mushrooms to make pizza. The owner liked the idea, and he decided to decorate everything with gold in order to attract rich gluttons to his pizzeria.

In order to taste this delicacy, you must make a reservation a week in advance so that the couriers can deliver the freshest white Madonna Alba truffles, which are considered the most expensive in the world and have a specific taste that cannot be clearly described. A white truffle weighing one and a half kilograms was sold at auction in 2007 for 330 thousand euros, and one kilogram of white truffle by weight costs from 4,000 euros. And one more difference from its black counterpart - white is eaten only raw, it does not tolerate heat treatment.

A layer of white truffles is placed on the prepared dough with a diameter of 35.5 cm, then mozzarella cheese, made from the milk of buffaloes that graze only on the west coast of Italy from Rome to Campania, is crumbled. Once the pizza is ready, it is topped with flakes of gold leaf. Tomato sauce is not recommended for this pizza, as their acid destroys the original taste of noble truffles.

Romanée-Conti Grand Cru

"Romanée-Conti" is the name of the vineyards that are located in the Côte de Nuits on the lands of the commune of Vosne-Romanée in France.

Romanée-Conti is considered the most expensive wine in the world, and experts unanimously consider it the ideal red Burgundy wine. More than five thousand bottles of this chic sunny drink are produced annually.

In 1760, the favorite of the French King Louis XV, Madame de Pompadour, and the famous military leader Prince Louis Francois de Conti fought for the right to own these vineyards. The prince gave 8,000 livres and became the sole owner of luxurious areas with grapes of the highest quality, and soon renamed them Romane de Conti so that the entire harvest would remain in the family.

The wine is made only from grapes from vines that are already 45 years old and no older than 55 years old. The wines of this legendary vineyard have a magical taste and persistent aroma; experts note phenomenal complexity and depth, a combination of power and feminine sophistication and the ability to improve when bottled in glass containers over many years.

In 2005, about 12,000 bottles were made from the harvest, and the price averaged $983 per bottle or $245 per glass. But the record so far belongs to the wine of the 1990 harvest - exactly the same container with the same wine was sold for $10,953.

Currently, the age of the vines in the vineyards is on average 30-40 years. The harvest here is harvested quite late and only high-quality grapes are harvested, resulting in some of the most piquant and aromatic wines of Burgundy. The wines are then aged in special oak barrels, filtered once and bottled without filtration or clarification.

Among the hundred brands of wines selected by the famous British publication Decanter, three wines in the top ten in the world were from the cellars of Domaine de la Romanée-Conti!

Diamond sushi from a young chef from Manila

A young and ambitious chef from Manila has created the most expensive sushi on the planet, wrapped in sheets of gold leaf and decorated with small diamonds - another delicious feast for wealthy clients.

Angelito Araneta Jr. modestly states that this is an ordinary dish, only decorated in a special way. Here are the ingredients for this sushi: aromatic 12-year-old Italian vinegar, Japanese rice, sugar, filtered water, Norwegian pink salmon, red caviar, mango, cucumber, Foie gras, sea cucumber, real crab meat, mayonnaise with butter, wild saffron, 12 local pearls from the island of Pavalan and four 0.2 carat African VVS clarity diamonds.

"VVS" clarity means they are one grade worse than flawless and the pearls are no larger than a pea size. You can do whatever you want with them, keep them as souvenirs or resell them. In addition to all the above-mentioned splendor, each piece of the original dish is wrapped in a strip of 24-karat gold leaf.

The cost of such a dish is about 2750 US dollars. The young chef claims that local rich people and visiting tourists usually order this dish for dinner in order to propose to their beloved in an exotic way.

La Madeleine au Truffle

In the original dish called “Truffle Madeleine” only real truffles are used, mainly of the rare variety – Périgord. They grow in the Perigord area of ​​southwest France and sell for €3,940 ($4,925).

The prepared mushroom is dipped in 70% Valrhona dark chocolate, mixed with sugar and heavy cream with the addition of Indonesian vanilla and pure Italian white truffle oil. The finished product is sprinkled with cocoa powder on top.

Master chocolatier from Norwalk, Connecticut, Mr. Knipschildt personally and only by hand makes each such dessert to order. The price for a 57 gram dish is about $250 and orders are shipped immediately from the Chocopologie store, which is owned by the chocolatier himself, around the world.

Delivery is free and takes no more than two weeks. Each “chocolate” truffle is carefully packaged in a separate silver bonbonniere, tied with a real silk ribbon, and placed on a stand made of edible sugar pearls.

One can proudly say about such a dish that “the master’s work is feared”!

"Jamon Ibérico de Bellota"

The small town of Merida in the province of Extremadtura, which borders Portugal, is the main center for the production of jamon - the hams of black pigs that ate only acorns. It is this ham that is supplied to the table of the King of Spain, and the Spaniards are reluctant to export it, preferring to feast on the unusual dish themselves.

Everything here is done according to ancient recipes, starting with feeding black Iberian pigs exclusively on acorns, which gives the meat a certain taste. They must search for food themselves, covering kilometers during the day, which also contributes to the excellent and specific taste of the meat.

To obtain a certain muscle structure and high-quality juicy meat, pigs must be constantly on the move. At the same time, the ham necessarily contains layers of fat, but they are located closer to the outer part of the jamon.

When slaughtered, the hind parts of such pigs are salted for two weeks in special rooms in a suspended state. Then they are carefully inspected and transported to another room, where they are dried for three years. The maximum aging is up to 48 months, but currently the aging period rarely exceeds 2-3 years.

Until 2007, meat was not even exported to the United States. Currently, 450 grams of jamon costs 96 US dollars and experts assure that it is 100% worth the money.

Jamon Ibérico de Bellota is not just a ready-to-eat product. It can be an excellent gift for a wealthy person. It is enough to place the jamon on a special clamp - jamonier, and place a bottle of decent red wine and olives next to it. Even a representative of the royal family will be happy with such a gift, and your guests will never forget such a dinner.

Donkey milk cheese

It is not surprising that donkey cheese has appeared on sale, because these mammals, like cows, goats and horses, feed their offspring with milk. This means that donkeys can also be milked, obtaining a high-quality product.

The product name may not appeal to those who are prejudiced against donkeys. However, cheese producers assure that this is the most delicious cheese on the planet, and ask for the appropriate money for it. About a hundred Balkan donkeys in the area of ​​the Zasavica River in western Serbia donate their milk so that specialists can make high-quality cheese. Approximately 25 liters of milk are needed to get one kilogram of smoked cheese.

One critic, having tasted this cheese, admitted that he had never eaten anything tastier in his life and that this cheese combines many of the taste qualities inherent in other types of prestigious cheeses, but separately. “It's just like Parmesan and reminiscent of Leerdammer cheese, rich, nutty, sweet and lively,” was all he could say.

And its cost will be decent - 450 grams will cost gourmets 700 US dollars.

Ice cream "Golden scattering"

This exclusive dessert, called “Serendipity 3”, is served only in one restaurant in the US capital, New York. It is famous for the fact that even the chair on which he sits will be sold to the visitor. Everything that is inside the restaurant premises has its own specific price, except for the rights to own it.

"The Golden Opulence Sundae" was invented in 2004. You definitely need to notify the restaurant owners about your order 48 hours in advance so that they can purchase all the ingredients for this rare dessert.
The treat contains three to five scoops of ice cream. The vanilla beans are sourced from Tahiti and Madagascar and coated in 24-karat gold leaf before being covered in Amedei Porcelana chocolate, the most expensive in the world.

Then there is alternate impregnation with candied persimmons, pineapple, peach and currants. Next, the delicacy is sprinkled with almonds dipped in gold, marzipan cherries, and small pieces of criollo chocolate brought from the coast of Venezuela. After such splendor, the portion of ice cream is covered with flakes of gold leaf.

The dessert is decorated with figures made of sugar paste, which take at least 18 hours to create. The dessert is served in a gilded crystal glass with a gilded and diamond-studded spoon, which the client can take with him along with the glass. All the fun costs 1000 US dollars - cheap and cheerful.

Reading these lines, you never cease to be amazed at the enterprise of chefs and owners of all kinds of restaurants. What they don’t do to get a client, preferably a rich one, and on an ongoing basis.

Many wealthy people sometimes spend a fortune on their whims. They can afford it, because there is a proverb about them: “the rich have their own problems, sometimes the pearls are small, sometimes the yacht is old”!

Since August 21, meatballs and cutlets made from... worms have appeared in supermarkets in Switzerland. More precisely, from larvae - the new products will contain at least 31% larvae of the mealworm Tenebrio molitor.

Switzerland became the first country in Europe to allow the sale of products containing insects - grasshoppers, crickets, mealworms. In this case, the insects must be grown in Switzerland. Importing exotic raw materials from other countries is strictly prohibited. And even in our own production, the first three generations are prohibited from being used in the manufacture of food products.
Time will tell how successful the startup Essento will be in launching these exotic products. And we will look at other exotic animals eaten in different countries.


Where they eat and how they prepare it. In Africa, where these insects are incredibly common. Cooking method: frying in a hot frying pan.
Benefit: locusts contain a huge amount of protein - 45%, 4.5% fat, phosphorus, calcium.
Taste: reviews are very different. Some people compare the taste of locusts to boiled crayfish; others think they taste like roasted chestnuts.


Where they eat and how they prepare it. At one time in China, even the emperor did not disdain to dine on a rat. Even in the recent 9th century, it could be found on the French table - it was fried over an open fire with shallots. Nowadays, rats can be found as food in restaurants in China, Asia, and Latin America. In these countries, there are dozens of ways to prepare this animal.
Benefit: source of protein.
Taste: y they say it's a rabbit. Let's take his word for it.


Where they eat and how they prepare it. In restaurants in China and Cameroon it is served as a dessert. They eat the brains raw, immediately after opening the skull of a recently killed monkey.
Benefit: rather, it is a ritual food. Monkey brains are believed to grant incredible strength.
Taste: somewhat reminiscent of rice pudding.


Where they eat and how they prepare it. In elite restaurants in Amsterdam and New York, in Asia. These insects are steamed and then served on a bed of cheese or with vegetables.
Benefit: aphrodisiac.
Taste: looks like bitter seeds.


Where do they eat and how do they cook?. In China, they are deep-fried with pepper and salt.
Benefit: very nutritious, contain large amounts of iron, as well as other trace elements.
They taste like pumpkin seeds.


Where do they eat?. In Mexico they are eaten raw.
Benefit: contain a large amount of vitamins.
Taste: similar in appearance and taste to cottage cheese.


Where they eat and how they prepare it. In Cambodia, tarantulas are mixed with garlic and pepper and then roasted over a wood fire.
Benefits: Rich in protein. The fangs containing the poison are removed, but remnants of the poison still remain in the meat and help with back pain.
Taste: Chicken.


Where do they eat? In Korea. They start from the head so as not to strangle with the tentacles. But more often it is served cut into small pieces, which are served with specially marinated cabbage.
Benefit: does not contain fat.
Taste: tough, like overcooked squid.

For every tourist, one of the mandatory conditions for a memorable holiday is tasting local cuisine. And the further away the tourist’s country of residence, the more unusual the food. We present to your attention the most exotic dishes from around the world.

Sometimes it is impossible to believe that a certain dish is edible, but in other countries people consider this dish a delicacy. What causes discomfort in one country is eaten every day in others. Check out our list of the weirdest foods from different countries around the world.

Bushmeet - Africa

Bushmeat is dried wild meat. Eating wild meat is believed to be the main cause of the Ebola virus in West Africa.

Monkey Brains - China, Africa and South Asia

One of the favorite dishes of Vietnamese cuisine dates back to long before the formation of Greenpeace. Few tourists will be able to withstand the serving of this dish, and only a few dare to eat it after very inhumane preparation.

Balut - Philippines

Balut are fertilized chicken or duck embryos. This dish is sold on the streets as hot dogs. Only 17-21 day old embryos are suitable for food, because at this stage they have not yet formed claws, beaks and feathers. Balut is eaten with salt and pepper.

Roasted tarantula – Cambodia

The taste of fried poisonous tarantula has been compared to pork. The tarantula once saved the people of Cambodia from starvation, but today it is a real delicacy.

Turtle soup - China, Singapore, America

It is believed that soup with turtle meat is an excellent food during pregnancy.

Cheese Kazu Marzu - Italy, Sardinia

Sheep cheese with larvae. Larvae are added to the starter specifically for special fermentation. This cheese has a very unusual aroma. Before eating, the larva is disposed of because it is unsafe for health.

Cherry meat - Japan

Traditionally, this meat is served during cherry blossom season—hence the name. Pink meat is raw horse meat.

Shirako - Japan

If you like fish eggs, you might also like fish sperm, a Japanese delicacy.

Bloodplatter - Sweden, Finland

Pork blood with milk, flour and seasonings in the form of pancakes.

Cockscombs – Italy, France

Cockscombs are served as a side dish or appetizer with sauces.

Soup number 5 - Philippines

Under this code name lies a broth made from a bull's penis and testicles.

Dragon in the Flame of Desire - China

The yak penis acquired a piquant name. It is believed to be especially beneficial for women's skin.

Tuna eyes - Japan

Tuna eyes are sold in any supermarket in Japan. Boiled tuna eyes taste like squid and hard-boiled eggs.

Tong Zi Dan - China

Chicken eggs boiled in the urine of boys under 10 years old. A very expensive dish in Chinese restaurants.

Often we want to diversify our daily menu. And then we decide to try something new. As a rule, this new product is an exotic product. But it is worth remembering that exotic, in addition to new taste sensations, carries a significant health hazard.

Exotic product: fugu

Many of us have heard about this dish. This is the name of some fish of the pufferfish family and the dish that is prepared from them. The meat of pufferfish contains the poison tetrodotoxin, which causes paralysis and suffocation. It is known that one such fish can kill about three dozen gourmets. But despite this, many Koreans and Japanese consider this dish a delicacy. They rely on the skill of the cook, who must be able to neutralize the poison. In many countries this delicacy is prohibited.

Exotic product: Kassu Marzu

The name of the product is translated as “rotten cheese.” This delicacy is produced on the island of Sardinia. Fly larvae are used to ferment it. Their waste products accelerate the decomposition process of the cheese mass, making it soft. Real gourmets prefer to eat kassa marzu along with larvae. But this often leads to eating disorders and even poisoning. For a long time, the sale of this product was prohibited in Italy. But today the dish has been declared a national treasure of Sardinia, and it is quite expensive.

Exotic product: sassafras

It is a plant that North Americans have used in their cuisine for centuries. Invigorating infusions and pain-relieving teas were prepared from it, and added to soups and stews. In the 60s of the last century, scientists discovered the substance safrole in sassafras leaves, which was recognized as a carcinogen. Since then, sassafras has been banned for consumption in the United States and Canada.

Exotic drink: absinthe

An alcoholic drink popular around the world. The basis for it is wormwood extract, which contains thujone. This toxic substance causes hallucinations, agitation and provokes unmotivated aggression. For a long time, absinthe was banned for consumption in almost all countries of the world. But at the moment it has been legalized, and the entire process of preparing such a dangerous drink is controlled by professionals.

Exotic dish: foie gras

This dish can be found on the menu of many of our restaurants. It is prepared from the liver of a duck or goose, and the liver is taken significantly increased in size. To make it larger than usual, the birds are specially fed corn puree, as a result of which the birds develop obesity. When a bird's liver has expanded tenfold, it is considered suitable for making foie gras. Animal rights activists often speak out against such abuse of birds. But, despite this, the dish is prohibited only in Israel, Turkey, the European Union (except Hungary and France), as well as in restaurants of some hotel chains around the world.

A not-so-exotic product: raw cow's milk

A product familiar to us, but it is prohibited in 22 US states and Canada. They believe that unpasteurized milk contains harmful microbes. At the same time, besides us, residents of Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia calmly drink raw milk.

Do not read for the faint of heart! What are you having for breakfast today – a cheese sandwich? How about borscht and potatoes with mushrooms for lunch? You live a boring life! At this same hour, a thousand kilometers away, someone is starting their day with delicious fried larvae, ant eggs or monkey brains. Strange food is not like drinking cucumbers with milk or frying bird wings. Whether it’s duck fetuses or a fresh eye of tuna! In general - who wants something “dessert and yummy”, and we will tell you about exotic cuisine.

For lovers of exotic food and drinks, there is nothing unusual in such ... strange, in our opinion, dishes as rotten eggs, cheese with fly larvae, wine from newborn mice or ice cream with the taste of breast milk - the recipe was developed a couple of years ago in London. They say that many people liked it.

At first glance, there is nothing disgusting about bird's nest soup, common in Asian countries. True, the original product and the finished dish do not look very aesthetically pleasing, but for some, semolina porridge with lumps is utter disgusting.

Not all nests are used for food, but only those that are built by representatives of a special kind of swifts, making their homes from their own saliva, which solidifies during the process of nest construction. In fairness, we must admit that scientists have found amino acids and vitamins in swift saliva that are beneficial for the human body (if only you give them free rein, they will find benefits in the grass!). So if you don't like multivitamins, you can replace them with nest soup. Original and healthy, but is it tasty...

Representatives of the bird family generally provide people with many reasons to have a tasty lunch. But the imagination of gourmets is limitless. And instead of consuming fresh eggs, exotic lovers go very far in their experiments... for about a hundred years. A century egg is the name of a chicken or duck egg prepared in a special way (if such a word is appropriate). The fresh product is placed in a mixture of rice husks, ash, lime and clay for several months at room temperature. Chemical processes inside the egg turn the white into a brown-red jelly with a salty taste, while the yolk becomes a dense lump of dark green color (Calm down! Breathe deeply!). Of course, as you may have guessed, eating this “delicacy” is accompanied by the smell of hydrogen sulfide. The Chinese are said to be delighted! In general, they have a unique understanding of culinary processes. Residents of Zhejiang province prepare the same eggs in completely unimaginable ways. For example, the product called “virgin eggs” (“Tundzidan”) is again chicken eggs, but aged and boiled in the urine of young boys under ten years of age. Experts claim that such food works wonders, having an extremely beneficial effect on the human circulatory system. Those who are disgusted should leave!

Crispy fast food

The Vietnamese and Filipinos have gone even further than their Chinese colleagues in exoticism (although, it would seem, nowhere!). They eat the so-called balut as food, every day and not at all as an exotic food. These are duck embryos formed in the shell, which already have a beak, bones and plumage. Eating these babies alive or boiled is a matter of taste. The embryos are 17-21 days old. Here, whoever likes what: crunch the bones or cartilage of a failed duck. Regardless of the heat treatment, the method of eating is the same: first the shell is broken, always from the blunt end, then the inside is generously sprinkled with pepper and salt, vinegar, garlic and lime salt are added. Then the amniotic fluid is drunk and only then should you start eating the embryo itself. They say that beginners are served this dish in the dark to smooth out the visual impressions - they are definitely not for the faint of heart.

Fried grasshoppers, also known as Mexican chapulines, will seem like nothing compared to balut. They replace chips, beer snacks, snacks and fast food for locals and advanced tourists. Spectators in the stands eat them with pleasure while watching sporting events. True, such a snack is only available in the summer, but its taste is given full credit - it is an excellent source of protein and vitamins. The cooking method is simple - grasshoppers are fried in oil with salt, garlic, chili pepper and lemon juice. Mountains of fried grasshoppers are a common item on market stalls and shops.

Alongside fried grasshoppers on Mexican shelves is escamoles, the eggs of poisonous black ants. This exotic food is again not difficult to prepare - they can be boiled, stewed or fried, adding garlic, onions, peppers and other spices to taste. If you want a thrill, eat chapulines raw. True, they are available only at the beginning of summer, so thrifty Mexican housewives freeze the delicacy for future use. It is believed that the immune system is strengthened literally before our eyes from such food, and it also supposedly prolongs youth. Are you still with us?

Mopane caterpillars with onions are an exotic native to Africa. They generally eat almost everything that runs, swims, flies and crawls (if you go to Africa, take sausage with you, we’re serious!). Mopane live in trees. They are collected, dried in the sun or boiled in salt water with spices. The entrails can be removed or eaten with them. Surprisingly, tens of tons of this delicacy are exported to European countries every year! Probably, it's all about the protein, zinc, iron and calcium contained in mopane.

Specially for gourmets

Another delicacy is rotten cheese from Sardinia, which, however, is officially prohibited for sale today. However, connoisseurs of the rotten product, filled with live fly larvae, which “cook” this dish, are sure: there is nothing tastier than the cheese called kazu marzu! True, when consuming it, precautions are necessary - it is recommended to cover your eyes when starting a meal - the insects in this cheese are nimble and can jump into the eater’s eyes and mouth. Although some desperate gourmets are ready to eat this cheese even with live larvae, despite the risk of their multiplication in the stomach of the eater and the consequences in the form of vomiting, diarrhea and poisoning. There is none of this in regular blue cheese! True, it is possible that you will stop eating it... completely.

Here's another interesting dish - Rocky Mountain Oysters. No, it's not seafood. In the USA, this is the name given to the testicles of young bulls, which are considered a delicacy among delicacies. They are deep-fried, “harvested” during the process of castration of animals on farms. There are legends that these “oysters” give men extraordinary sexual strength and energy. The veracity of such stories can only be verified experimentally. And for this it is not at all necessary to go to America. This dish is served in France under the name “white kidneys”, and in other countries of the world where it is common to elevate aphrodisiacs to a cult.

Hasma is popular in China. The main ingredient of the dish is dried frog fallopian tubes. These are not your humble frog legs! The Chinese believe that hasma has a beneficial effect on many organs, primarily the kidneys and lungs. Chinese women firmly believe that they owe their youth and excellent skin condition to hasma.

That's it!

In the countries of Asia and Oceania, in the Philippines and Indonesia, they like to snack on a couple of bats, and this is a really popular food, as well as a medicine. In China, bat meat is used to treat eyesight; in India, bat fat is used to relieve pain from arthritis and rheumatism; in Cambodia, children's coughs are relieved with a mixture of bat fat and coconut oil. True, there is little fat in this meat, and it is better for an unprepared viewer not to observe the procedure of skinning and cooking these animals.

Japanese shiokara is prepared from salted squid intestines, in the brine of which the squid meat itself is marinated. The smell is not for everyone! As eyewitnesses say, the “aroma” hurts the eyes. Calling such a dish a delicacy is a matter of taste, a very peculiar taste. In Japanese bars, shiokara is served as an appetizer. And, oddly enough, it is in demand!

A shocking sight is the eye of a tuna. Yes, they eat it too (in Japan), and this organ is offered separately from the whole carcass. And it’s good if it’s boiled and stewed with spices beforehand. Local residents willingly eat it raw – it’s healthier, in their opinion. The eyes and muscles with which it is served taste reminiscent of squid meat. Watch and taste! If you can.

And here’s another thing – “drunk shrimp” from China – also “not a pound of raisins”! Because raisins are still and sweet food. And these shrimp are eaten exclusively raw! And so that the mollusk does not resist, it is literally marinated briefly in strong alcohol before serving. You take the drunken shrimp from the marinade, clean it of the insides and - Oops! Straight into your mouth! You need to swallow quickly. Bon appetit!

What shrimp! In Alaska, Eskimos eat tepa (“smelly heads”). The name perfectly reflects the essence of the process, as well as the look and smell of this food. And yes, this is not a delicacy, but a traditional food of Eskimos who are not accustomed to the variety of food. It is prepared simply. Salmon heads are placed in wooden barrels and buried in the ground for several weeks. The resulting product must also be eaten raw. It's just a matter of habit. We open the window wider and...

“Live” food...well, almost

After stinking heads, we are no longer afraid of kiwiak. Well, it’s not scary... If you’ve been living in Chukotka or Greenland for many years, you’ve probably had to try this delicacy, which is served in those parts as a Christmas treat. This food is prepared very in advance, seven months before the celebration. Plucked seagulls are placed in the headless seal carcass. Then this wealth is left for at least six months in a secluded place (it’s safer this way!). The gulls rotting in the belly of the seal stimulate the process of fermentation of the entrails, resulting in a mass called kiwiak. Why not holiday food! Just some Christmas!

The Korean dish sannakji is for those who like mortal risks. Because sannakchi is a live octopus that is cut into pieces before serving. The moving tentacles may well block the access of air in the eater’s throat, even leading to death. And such cases have already happened. However, this does not stop gourmets ordering in restaurants dismembered raw shellfish in a sauce made from sesame oil or simply sprinkled with sesame seeds. You can choose a baby octopus to eat right there, in a restaurant, in a large aquarium. Sophisticated tourists praise it. But they advise you to chew more actively.

Survivors of all previous tastings can go to Vietnam and try to eat the heart of a cobra. Before your eyes, bringing it to the table, the cook will cut off the snake’s head, squeeze the poison onto a separate saucer and open its body. Taking out the still pulsating heart, he will invite you to immediately swallow it. Those who tried to do this claim that they felt the beating of the snake’s heart in their stomach for some time.

Snake wine is not that uncommon, even in Europe, not to mention Vietnam and China, where it comes from. The recipe is simple: a live snake is placed in rice wine and infused until the recommended age. The second option is to mix the snake’s blood with alcohol, immerse the gutted snake’s carcass there and also infuse it. It’s difficult to drink the first glass at most. Then it goes like clockwork!

A harsher option is wine with newborn or three-day-old mice. The process is the same: live baby mice are immersed in alcohol, left to steep for about a year, they drink, and treat their friends. If they still come to you, after the Christmas Kiwiak. In Korea and China, by the way, this...infusion is drunk as a medicine, although they say it tastes like diluted kerosene.

The apotheosis of extreme food for gourmets – monkey brains. At best, cooked in a roasting pan with spices. But experts say that in “private” restaurants in China and Hong Kong they still serve a live monkey to the table, immobilize it and cut off the top of its skull in front of the client. Next - a spoon and... You need to eat quickly, before the animal dies. In some cases, the monkey is pumped full of painkillers, but the Chinese believe that the chemicals destroy the very idea of ​​​​the delicacy of the dish. Are you still holding on? Then “for a snack” - ice cream prepared with the addition of breast milk. This delicacy was offered by the confectioners of a London factory, timed to coincide with the release of the first batch to coincide with the birth of the second child of Prince William and his wife. Sentimental Englishmen appreciated the new product...

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