What can be done to organize a holiday. Capital investments in business

  • 26.09.2019

Many people at different stages of their lives think about how to organize their business from scratch. Some are looking, others are trying to find a business idea in the production of food or materials, while others prefer. What unites them all common goal– this is an opportunity to work for yourself, do what you love and make a profit.

In today's article we will talk about another small business idea - opening an agency for organizing holidays. How to properly implement and implement your project? What should you focus on and how to short time open your own service business with minimal investment?

Organizing children's parties: where to start a business?

Tell me, which of you doesn't like holidays? Relaxation in a homely atmosphere, a noisy party in honor of the hero of the day, a wedding or a corporate event, all these celebrations are a reason to relax and unwind, to forget about work and problems. We are all different from each other, some prefer beer, others prefer kvass, some like noisy parties in big company, others have a cozy evening in home environment. But despite different types holiday - the process of organizing a holiday, this is quite a troublesome task, which today can be entrusted to a special agency.

The demand for services for organizing and holding events is very high, so competition in this field of activity is quite serious. But despite this, there is always a place for creative people who are eager to work and develop. Therefore, if you want to start your own organization and holding of events, then this article will certainly help you.

The principle of operation of the holiday agency

Business plan for an agency for organizing holidays

The first thing you need to do is make detailed business plan with calculations that will help you follow your goals step by step, correctly distributing your available budget.

Competition is a significant factor that significantly affects profits. Therefore, be sure to study the demand for the service and the level of competition in your region. This is not difficult to do; as a rule, you can find the information you need about the activities of agencies on the Internet. Assess your capabilities, whether the niche is full, the demand for the service, and only after that, make the final decision on organizing a business in the chosen direction.

Business registration

Collecting and processing all documents is a very troublesome and time-consuming and financial process. You can entrust this matter to an experienced lawyer or go through the registration procedure yourself.

As for the material and legal form of activity, it is best to register the Company with limited liability(OOO). After all, the clients of your agency can be not only individuals, but also companies (legal entities) that will order, for example, the organization of a corporate event.

After registration, select the appropriate tax system. As for licenses and permits, they are not needed. The only thing that is necessary is to obtain permission from the SES and the fire service regarding the compliance of the premises with norms and standards.

What services do holiday organizing agencies provide?

As a rule, agencies for organizing holidays are divided into areas. After all, it is quite difficult to cover the entire niche, so it is easier to focus on providing services in a specific area.

Depending on your budget, competition, demand and personal preferences, choose the direction in which you want to develop. It is very important to do right choice at this stage, because this will affect the profit and payback period of the business.

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Holiday agency services

Organization and holding of children's parties. Business in this area involves the provision of services for organizing children's matinees, birthdays, as well as larger events, such as preparation for. To open an agency for organizing children's parties, you will need to hire the appropriate staff: animators, clowns, presenter, etc.

Organization of parties and birthdays. I am already quite tired of the usual events, I want something non-standard, interesting and memorable. That's why many people turn to agencies that organize fun events for help.

Wedding agency. A wedding is the most long-awaited, important and exciting moment in life, so you want everything to go perfectly. Therefore, almost every couple entrusts the wedding to an agency in order to save themselves from surprises associated with organizing this event.

Organization of corporate events. Even the smallest companies hold corporate events once or twice a year that require competent organization. Therefore, if you decide to work in this direction, then you will have orders all year round.

As a rule, agencies clearly define the list of services provided. The client can always use one or more services to choose from.

Renting premises and setting up an office

In order to have a place to receive clients and store inventory, you will need to rent a room, which should be divided into separate zones. It is advisable to rent a place in the city center, so to speak, in full view of people.

Office for receiving clients. The reception area should be well renovated, furnished with expensive furniture, and photographs from previous events should be hung. In general, it is necessary to create a welcoming atmosphere so as not to scare off the client, but to convince him to use the services of your agency.

For efficient work you will need to equip the employees' place with everything necessary (computer, printer, scanner, telephone, table and chairs). In the customer reception area, place a soft sofa and a TV to brighten up their waiting time.

The second part of the premises should be turned into a warehouse where inventory and equipment necessary for holding events will be stored.


As for the equipment, it all depends on the specifics and the chosen direction. For example, if your agency specializes in weddings, then you will need to purchase decorations for the hall, musical equipment, attributes for an outdoor photo shoot, and much more. To hold children's parties, you need to have a lot of costumes (clown, favorite cartoon characters), buy trampolines, inflatable slides and other entertainment for children.

Naturally, the acquisition of everything necessary equipment immediately - a financially costly matter. Therefore on initial stage, you can rent the necessary supplies for the party or enter into cooperation agreements with the same animators, renters of children's slides and trampolines.

Selection of qualified employees

The success of an agency for organizing and holding events depends entirely on the well-coordinated work of the team. Therefore, it is necessary to form a qualified staff.

Depending on the chosen direction, decide on the number of employees. It is not necessary to hire many people at the initial stage. Having a florist, photographer and artist in your arsenal is, of course, good, but how can you pay them if there are few orders? Therefore, beginners need to acquire useful connections, find contacts of good photographers, musicians, presenters, conclude agreements with transport companies transporting people, etc. Over time, having developed and earned authority, you will be able to afford the luxury of a staff of qualified workers who will work for the benefit of the common cause.

To begin with, hire an experienced event organizer and several assistants, this will be quite enough to get promoted and get your first clients.

How to attract customers using advertising?

  • Office in the city center with a bright sign. Nothing attracts attention more than an aesthetically designed sign that attracts from afar and involuntarily makes every person passing by turn around. Therefore, pay due attention to this point;
  • An Internet site advertising the services of an agency for organizing holidays. This cannot be neglected or overlooked. effective way attracting clients. Modern people They spend a lot of time online, so they look for all the necessary information on the Internet. Therefore, you cannot do without a well-promoted website. Hire an experienced specialist who will promote and promote your resource;
  • Advertising in the media. It is advisable to place advertisements for the provision of event organization services in popular publications (women's magazines, newspapers);
  • Advertising around the city. Rent several billboards on which information and contacts of the holiday agency will be placed. Give preference to crowded places so that as much as possible more people noticed the advertisement.

Financial expenses

Opening your own holiday agency is a rather expensive business option. But, despite this, it makes sense, because the payback of this method of earning money is quite fast, and the profit is large.

Main costs:

Rental of premises and repairs. The rental price depends on the region, area, and condition of the premises. As for repairs, we have already discussed this issue.

Purchase of equipment. It is quite difficult to name the exact amount needed to purchase inventory and equipment. As noted above, it is not necessary to purchase all the equipment at once; do it gradually. At first, you can enter into rental agreements for decorations, transport, and attributes for the event and thereby save a lot of money.

Payment of staff;

Should you expect big profits?

Without an established client base, you shouldn’t expect quick profits. Therefore, at first you will have to work for authority. Your task is to satisfy the needs of all, even the most demanding clients and always treat customers with understanding.

Business in the field of organizing holidays is considered by many to be a seasonal form of income. But in our opinion, this is not entirely true. If the peak of weddings falls in the summer and autumn, then birthdays are celebrated all year round, so you will certainly have clients. In winter, you can earn a lot by organizing corporate events.

The payback for an agency organizing holidays comes after about 2 years of hard work. Count on stable income in this field of activity it is hardly possible, it all depends on the number of orders, or rather, on competent work your team and a skillfully constructed advertising campaign.

What does it take to throw a great, unforgettable holiday? It was once believed that a table with snacks and drinks was enough, but today the situation has changed. Now an ordinary feast is not enough - for the holiday to be a success, you need to come up with something enchanting - with a performance, competitions and fiery fun. Therefore, weddings are increasingly held corporate parties and even presentations are partially or completely entrusted to specialized agencies. Fun and good mood may well be profitable, so it makes sense to understand in detail how to open a holiday agency.

What will your agency be like?

The first thing you need to do is decide what the specialization of your enterprise will be. Children's and family holidays, weddings, corporate events - it will be quite difficult to cover everything at once. Although, if you have sufficient experience in this area, a large staff and the financial capacity to implement various projects, you can open a wide-profile agency.

We prepare documents

To open an agency for organizing holidays, it is best to choose to register as an individual entrepreneur - this way, accounting is much easier. OKVED in this case you need to choose 92.3 and 92.72 - these codes indicate all types of activities that will be needed during holidays, celebrations and parties.

An event agency does not need a license, so after going through a simple registration procedure, you can immediately start working.

Premises and equipment: what you need

To get by with a minimum investment, some agencies begin work and search for orders without having premises - their own or rented. Meetings with potential clients in this case, they are appointed, for example, in a cafe. It’s hard to call this a good decision: reputable clients are unlikely to turn to such an organization, which means you can’t count on high earnings.

Rent an office space and properly decorate it - this is the first thing you need to do when starting an entertainment business. Moreover, it is advisable to locate the office in prestigious area, and approach its design with a certain amount of imagination. Designer decoration, photographs from successfully held events, equipment for viewing slides and videos - all this will indicate professionalism.

The office can be small - just a meeting room for meetings with clients and an office where managers will work. In addition, you will need a warehouse where you can store costumes, equipment and props (over time it will become quite large), but it is not necessary to combine it with an office: you can find cheaper premises.

It is very important for a holiday agency to acquire its own transport - a minibus or minivan. Hiring a car every time you need it will be quite expensive.

Agency staff

To start a business organizing holidays, you will need two specialists - a sales manager (he will be involved in advertising the company and finding clients) and a creative manager (the one who will be responsible for the creative part of the process: writing scripts, generating ideas, developing concepts). If you plan to perform one of these functions yourself, at first this will help reduce costs, but this should only be done if you do not doubt your professionalism and have the relevant experience; if not, it is better to entrust these issues to those who cope with them at the proper level.

Your agency will also need an entertainer (toastmaster) and a driver (if you don’t have a car, you can look for a driver with your own transport, this will cost a little more).

The rest of the staff may be freelance, but you will need a solid base to get started creative teams and artists whom you can involve in your projects if necessary. It can be:

  • DJs,
  • musicians,
  • singers or music bands,
  • circus performers: clowns, acrobats, magicians, jugglers, etc.,
  • organizers fire show,
  • dance groups or exotic dancers,
  • pyrotechnics.

In addition, your agency may need:

  • decorators,
  • florists,
  • photographers,
  • videographers.

Agency advertising

With time good advertising The agency will receive satisfied clients: people usually share their impressions of holidays - weddings, anniversaries, corporate events. They post videos and photographs on the Internet and gladly answer questions, telling where they went and how much this pleasure cost. So simply doing your job perfectly is already a good advertising strategy.

However, at first you will have to make sure that you are noticed. A variety of types of advertising are suitable for this - business cards and booklets, advertisements on local radio and television.

An important part of an advertising campaign is creating a website for your agency. Increasingly, potential consumers of services are looking for a suitable contractor on the Internet and this must be kept in mind. The holiday agency website, like the office, should be bright, interesting and eye-catching. It should have detailed information about the services you offer, the company’s offline coordinates and, of course, a form feedback with the ability to order a call from the manager.

Another way to let your customers know about you is to advertise in popular groups and communities on social networks (of course, not in any groups, but only in those that are related to your locality).

Income and expenses

To accurately understand upcoming expenses, before you start organizing holidays, you will need to draw up a detailed business plan taking into account the situation in your locality. To do this, you will need to study market saturation, demand and growth opportunities.

According to rough estimates, the purchase of props and equipment will require about 200 thousand rubles (if you rent equipment, the initial investment may be less, but this is not very convenient and much less profitable, so it is better to buy it).

It will cost about 20–25 thousand to rent an office; the payment for permanent employees will be about 60–90 thousand monthly. The rest of the project participants can be paid a certain share from paying for the holidays in which they participate.

If in the first months of the agency’s work there are not so many orders (2–3 orders for 50 thousand rubles each), and then their number and cost increase (6–8 orders for 70–80 thousand each), the agency can pay for itself in just a few months - year.

Going to work - like going to a holiday? This is quite possible if you open your own business organizing holidays and celebrations! Such an agency can become quite profitable, because there are many holidays in our lives - our birthdays, our children’s birthdays, school graduations, New Year, anniversaries, anniversaries, March 8, corporate holidays, etc. And everyone wants the celebrations to be organized and fun. This is what the so-called holiday agencies do, or in fashionable event agencies. How to start such a business from scratch - this will be discussed further.

Business plan for an agency for organizing holidays

When planning a business, be sure to draw up a business plan taking into account your budget and all expenses. A business plan for organizing holidays will help you create a holistic picture of your future business, from which you can safely build on when taking real action. From us you can download a sample of such a business plan. Download the business plan of an agency for organizing holidays

Business in organizing holidays

Business registration

You can register both as an individual entrepreneur and as a limited liability company. The first option is faster and simpler, but the second is much more promising in terms of further development. If you are going to organize corporate events (and this is one of the main activities of holiday agencies), then you will cooperate with legal entities, so it would be more advisable to register an LLC right away. In addition, you will probably resort to the help of other organizations in holding holidays, for example, paintball clubs, entertainment centers or restaurants. Obtain a license for this type no activity needed.


First, you need to analyze the market in your city for the presence of such agencies. If you find agencies with an excellent reputation that have been on the market for a long time, it will be quite difficult to compete with them. In this case, you must come up with some unusual feature that only your company will have in order to stand out from your competitors. This could be a non-standard approach to holding holidays, access to unusual locations, or amazingly witty presenters who will be quoted by the whole city. Enter the market with standard set services, if there is already a “shark” of such a business in the city, this is also possible. But in this case it is absolutely not a fact that you will be able to achieve success in this business.

Search for premises

The premises are needed for an office in which negotiations with clients will mainly be conducted and materials and supplies will be stored. At first, you can do without an office by making appointments with clients in cafes, restaurants or on their premises. However, keep in mind that having an office will add some credibility to the company. 20-30 square meters of area will be enough. It is better to locate your office in the central part of the city so that any of your clients can quickly and easily find it. This may be a room in one of the business centers or in a separate building on the ground floor. The office should contain three separate rooms and a vestibule. In one room you will conduct negotiations with clients, in another your employees will work, in the third you will store inventory, tools, decorations, and costumes.


For office equipment, you will need standard office equipment - computers, printers, scanners, etc. And be sure to have projection equipment so that you can clearly demonstrate to clients examples of celebration decorations and other important information. You will also need furniture (soft sofas or armchairs) for the reception room and a desk for the receptionist.
For use at events, you will need audio equipment - speakers, amplifiers, mixers, lighting, microphones. You can purchase all this immediately or rent it only on those days when such equipment is needed. But you shouldn’t delay the purchase. It is better to purchase all the equipment at the first opportunity than to spend money on rent, and even have the risk of unforeseen expenses if you need to pay compensation for damaged or broken devices. But anything can happen.

Also, the agency cannot do without costumes and scenery. To begin with, it’s a good idea to have at least several sets of both for different types of celebrations. Over time, you will purchase new ones, thereby expanding the variety of services provided.

And the last type of necessary equipment is photo and video equipment. She must be professional or at least semi-professional at first. Nowadays, almost all holidays and celebrations are recorded on camera, so you can’t do without this technology.

Services and clients

All clients of holiday organizing agencies can be divided into two categories - individuals and enterprises. Private clients will order from you for birthdays, children's parties, family anniversaries, and weddings. Enterprises will order the organization corporate holidays– company birthday, New Year celebration, March 8th and other dates. It is most profitable to be a company that provides a wide range of services, that is, organizing all the listed holidays for private and corporate clients. Some agencies also undertake the organization of conferences, trainings, seminars, and the organization of sweepstakes for individuals.

Each type of holiday requires a special approach. First, you must listen to the client's wishes regarding where and how they want to spend the holiday. The budget that the customer has is also very important here. If it is small, you should advise the client how to organize the holiday in such a way as to fit within the budget and leave the client satisfied.

Often clients come not with specific proposals, but simply with the desire to have a good rest and celebrate a date. For example, a young couple will come to you and voice what they want “a beautiful wedding, but so that it is unusual and memorable for the guests, and our budget is like this.” Next, your creative managers, through negotiations (often quite lengthy) with clients, come to one celebration scenario. You must offer customers a large number of various ideas until you hear from them “This is really what we want!”.


All agency employees must be proactive, active and creative people. It's simple necessary rule for all staff, because it is on people that the entire business will rest. An event organization agency needs:

- Customer service managers. These people must be sociable and have the gift of persuasion and effective interaction. Managers will conduct initial meetings with clients, negotiate with them and draw up a plan and budget for activities;
- Decorator. Or in other words – a hall decorator. He, in fact, will decorate the room before the holiday with the help of various decorations and interior elements. The decorator must have artistic taste and preferably have an education in the field of design;
- Florist. This is also a decorator, but he decorates rooms with flowers. In addition to working with the premises, the florist will also create flower arrangements for brides and birthday parties;
- Creative managers. These are employees who create scenarios for events - write texts to the presenter, come up with competitions, develop performances and show programs, etc. In principle, education here is not as important as an unconventional mind, resourcefulness and the ability to think creatively. As practice shows, former KVN specialists often work in this direction;
- Presenters. To get started, hire one host who will work on all holidays. As the business develops and the client base increases, it will be possible to add several more presenters, different in their manner of conducting events. This way you can give clients the opportunity to independently choose a host for their celebration;
- Photographers and cameramen. If you hire them with their own equipment, you can save on the purchase of photo and video equipment, however, in this case you will have to offer them a higher price wages;
- DJ. The person in charge musical accompaniment events. The DJ should be able to easily handle the sound equipment you have and, of course, have good taste in music;
- Driver. The agency must have its own car, or better yet, a minibus. You will need to somehow deliver employees to the venue of the celebration, as well as bring the necessary equipment there.

In addition, the agency must have a wide range of business contacts. These could be musical groups, famous presenters, dancers, clowns, jugglers, magicians, pyrotechnicians, designers working with specific materials, etc. Such specialists can be invited to cooperate at individual events. We recommend creating your own database of people with whom you can collaborate and collecting feedback about them. An irresponsible or frivolous partner will be able to ruin your entire order, which will entail bad problems in terms of your reputation.

Your clients can commission you to do anything from an extravagant fire show to performing unusual magic tricks or cooking exotic dishes - and you should always be able to find people who can do it. Otherwise, you will lose customers and lower your reputation, since you were unable to fulfill the customer’s desire.

You must understand that qualified and creative personnel are main value agencies for organizing holidays. You can have luxurious decorations and expensive equipment, but all this will be useless if the workers do not know what to do with it. You can try to find really worthwhile professionals, pay them decent wages, and then you don’t have to worry about the quality of the services provided. You can also hire amateurs who are just starting their career in event organization. But then be prepared for the fact that the business will take a longer path to success, learning from its own mistakes.


The specifics of the work of event agencies are such that about 80% of clients will come to you based on recommendations from friends and acquaintances. “These guys did our wedding, we really liked it! Order your corporate party from them too"- this will have a much stronger effect than an advertisement found on the Internet. But where to get your first clients? Most likely, these will be your own acquaintances, relatives and friends. With them you can build a portfolio that an event agency needs like air. You can advertise your services on the Internet and in the media without a portfolio, but it will not be very effective. After all, potential clients will want, first of all, to see your already held events and hear feedback from your past clients. You can promote such a business almost anywhere: on television, radio, print media, online forums and social networks.

Create a website for your agency that contains all the necessary information about your activities, and promote it through search engines, as well as on other Internet resources.

Make it a habit to keep a calendar of your clients' events. That is, if you once held a corporate event for a company, next year before this date, call them and offer your services again. Find out the birthday dates of the heads of the company, and also offer to organize a celebration for them. Do the same with private clients who ordered anniversaries or anniversaries from you.


Organizing and holding celebrations is a fairly seasonal business. Largest quantity you will receive orders in summer period(weddings), and in December ( New Year's corporate parties). Accordingly, profits in these months will be higher than in others. The business pays off in about a year, but it all depends on the size of the start-up investment. Even in a good situation, for the first six months you will have no more than 2-3 orders per month. In an effort to quickly cover all investments, you should not inflate prices for services when you do not yet have sufficient experience. It’s better to work on your reputation first and win the trust of your clients. And then in 1-2 years you will be able to achieve stable high profits.

The business of organizing holidays is a difficult business. But it is very interesting, especially for those who do not like to sit still, in whom new ideas are constantly being born. creative ideas who wants to give joy to people. If you are just such a person, then you have every chance of becoming a successful owner of a company for organizing celebrations and holidays!

Opening a business in the entertainment industry is possible for a person who has worked in it for at least several years and studied the features of organizing holidays. This is a very specific direction. In the festive fun, the client does not notice the preparatory moments and difficulties of organization, everything seems simple and easy to do - that’s how it should be. Only a professional knows what efforts are made to create a holiday.

Study the demand in your city, draw up a detailed and realistic business plan. Think through logistics and management to the smallest detail. Build a customer base early.

Main risks

Despite their love for holidays and entertainment, residents of our country are not yet accustomed to paying for the services of professional entertainment agencies. This direction is promising and soon people will trust the organization of holidays to professionals. But at the start you need to work hard to achieve success.

Competition exists, but not local agencies and musicians are your main rivals. TV shows, luxurious concerts of stars - this is what clients will compare your performances with. You can win the battle only with unique, lively and high-quality programs, ideal organization and the desire to please clients in everything.

Holidays mean an abundance of alcoholic drinks. Acute situations will arise regularly. Think over your line of behavior and under no circumstances lose your composure.

“Step-by-step instructions on how to open a holiday agency”


An office in the city center is prestigious, but renting such premises will cost a lot. Where can you stay at minimal cost?

Conclude an agreement with a restaurant, club or cafe to provide entertainment program. In return, you receive free space and new clients from visitors to the establishment.

Rent a small and cheap room in a residential area and make an appointment with potential clients on the territory of the planned holiday. This way you will immediately study the situation and can quickly begin planning the celebration.

If you don’t have a decent office at the initial stage, you can meet with clients at home. But you should have a separate office; family members should under no circumstances distract you while communicating with clients.

After receiving your first profits, try to find a room. The office of an entertainment agency does not require any special sanitary requirements, but comfort, creative design, photographs of holidays and reviews from grateful clients are required.


The specifics of the business are such that you will have to move around a lot. Transportation of equipment and props, artists, guests, furniture, missing alcohol, treats, flowers and other things that you are talking about this moment You don’t even suspect it, it requires transport. A passenger car is not suitable for this type of work; a bus is required. If you cannot purchase a car, enter into a lease or cooperation agreement with a transport company.

Bright, colorful and varied props are needed in unlimited quantities. Does it have to be expensive? Not necessary. In second-hand stores, thrift stores, sales and souvenir shops, very original items can be purchased for pennies. Experienced workers in the entertainment sector regularly and purposefully make rounds of such retail establishments. It is not necessary to look for props for a specific competition; often an original or funny thing suggests an interesting act to the artist. Make acquaintances with the managers of costume workshops, specialty stores or local theaters from whom you can rent costumes and props.

The most serious investments will require sound equipment. A lot depends on the quality and strength of sound, and you cannot skimp on equipment. The minimum kit looks like this:

  1. Columns
  2. Amplifier
  3. Remote controller
  4. Microphone
  5. Audio cord set
  6. Two laptops

The minimum cost of such a kit is about 150,000 rubles. Its power is enough for a small hall and organizing a party for 50-200 people. To hold an event on fresh air More powerful and expensive equipment is needed.

How can you solve the problem of lack of funds for equipment? Under no circumstances buy a cheap one - due to its low quality, it will let you down at the most crucial moment. Equipment failure during a holiday will put an end to your agency. There are a lot of offers for renting sound equipment and lighting equipment. Similar services are provided by specialized stores and music studios. You can purchase a minimum set of equipment under a leasing agreement.


If you have decided to open an entertainment agency, it means that you already know or work with talented entertainers and musicians. But you still have to look for employees.

If you have your own car, you need a driver. You should be looking for this position creative person. The driver will communicate with clients, help with organization and, if necessary, participate in entertainment.

A manager is also needed. This person must navigate all the components and intricacies of the entertainment industry. Also, he must be a bit of a psychologist, because after a few minutes of conversation with potential clients, the manager must feel what the customer wants and offer him ideas accordingly. in the right direction. sad and business style communication in the entertainment sector is unacceptable. You are selling people positive emotions, which means the manager must be a friendly, creative and cheerful person.

The permanent staff may include a toastmaster or entertainer, a DJ or a team of musicians. If you are able to pay these people decent wages, don't skimp.

An option is to invite freelancers. To do this, you should visit popular entertainment venues, cultural events, performances theater studios and concerts of young musicians. Meet emerging talents, offer your help in finding income, create a portfolio and offer clients programs with their participation.

In working with creative people, easy ways and simple solutions should not be expected. No matter how much you pay your employees, disruptions due to creative crises, whims and showing up at work drunk there will definitely be. It is extremely important to maintain a reasonable balance when working with people. You cannot react too harshly, because emotionality, inconstancy and vulnerability are natural traits of a creative person. But you cannot lose control of the situation, because obligations to clients must be fulfilled regardless of the circumstances. Each freelance situation will be resolved individually, and the presence of preliminary agreements with the widest possible range of artists will help to overcome any difficulties with honor.

Documents and licenses

To work in the entertainment industry, at the start it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur. Select OKVED code 92.3 and 92.72 - this will cover the entire range of services related to organizing holidays.

Experienced heads of entertainment agencies recommend drawing up documents after you have acquired at least a minimum number of clients and received orders for the first holidays. The period from the start of organizing an agency to the first party or wedding celebration can last indefinitely. You will not receive a profit, but you will have to pay taxes.


Starting small starting capital, you will not be able to cover all areas of entertainment. It is better to focus on a narrow specialization, for example, children's parties or weddings. Perhaps your niche is corporate events. Gradually you will be able to expand the number of offers.

Without an agency website, it is naive to expect success. Your website should be popular, interesting and of high quality. Here you can place not only advertisements, but also portfolios from implemented projects, inform about new products, world cultural events and city events, introduce talented youth and organize competitions.

Word of mouth does not lose its effectiveness in this area. A satisfied customer will definitely share your phone number with friends and acquaintances.


A holiday agency can become very successful business, but you must think through all the risks and do everything to avoid them. The entertainment industry is unpredictable and specific - prepare for the need to be flexible and solve non-standard problems.

Here is one example of a business in the field of a holiday agency operating in the Southern Federal District (Southern Federal District) federal district) aeg-ufo.ru . We think that even in such a “crisis” time, services in the field of organizing holidays will be in demand.

They focus on organizing children's parties as a promising new area. This direction has a lot of advantages: firstly, the costs of opening a company are low - at first you can spend only a few thousand, working alone and limiting yourself to a minimum of details. Secondly, orders come in at any time of the year, and although summer is traditionally a season of low sales, you will not be left without work at all. Thirdly, this is a great option for creative people: you can fully express your imagination by creating scenarios for performances, thinking through images of characters, costumes, makeup, and room decoration.

Format and cost issues

You can open your own children's entertainment business in just 1.5–2 months. The return on investment of an enterprise depends on the budget invested in the undertaking and on the range of services that you provide. Thus, a children's team building company, in which about 100,000 rubles were invested, will pay for itself in just a month, a mini-game area, on the opening of which they spent the same amount, in about 4 months. And if you have a large budget (about 1,500,000 rubles) and open a quest room, you will only be able to break even in six months.

So, what stages does an entrepreneur have to go through to start making money from entertainment?

Preparing the room and props

The organizer who hopes to open a children's club or quest room and those who plan to go to a client's home alone or with a team have completely different goals. In any case, if you intend to seriously engage in business, you cannot do without renting premises.

If you want to have an event space

Looking for a suitable site for children's center? To begin with, discard all options related to residential rentals. Even if you intend to set up a club in your own apartment, this may cause complaints from neighbors, and complaints mean constant checks, nerves and, in many cases, the collapse of the enterprise.

It is best to rent a site in mall– this way, while the children are playing, parents can relax in a cafe or go shopping without having to go too far. If you wish, you can find many options whose rental costs less than 100,000 rubles per month.

The advantage of such a find is that you design and decorate the room according to your pocket and taste: you buy a minimum of children’s furniture - or install slides (from 1,5000 rubles), swings (from 250 rubles), a dry pool (from 600 rubles) And so on.

If you are visiting home

At first, you can work alone, but if you intend to seriously engage in business, sooner or later you will have a staff - and, therefore, office space will be useful. In this case, your site should consist of:

  • negotiation room;
  • a separate room for sales managers to work;
  • warehouse for storing props.

The office must have computers (or laptops) that allow employees to access the Internet, as well as a printer, telephone and small office supplies. Don't underestimate the importance of quality props. Buy not only costumes for each entertainment program, but also makeup, decorations, and gifts for show participants. Don't forget about little things like Balloons: this essential attribute of any children's party It costs mere pennies and brings children real delight. And you can always learn how to make funny figures out of balloons.

Registering a company

If you buy a children's club as a franchise, you will need to make two contributions:

  • lump-sum or initial: you pay once for the opportunity to use the brand and implement already found technical solutions;
  • monthly - de facto, you deposit money, and the senior partner monitors your compliance with all standards.

The purchase ties the hands of the entrepreneur - so, you are unlikely to be able to implement many of your ideas for decorating the premises, organizing certain events and will be forced to report on everything.

Registering your own LLC may be a much more profitable solution. In this case, you should either contact specialists who will help you settle all the formalities for 2-4,000 rubles, or go through the bureaucratic procedures yourself.

If you plan to work alone, there is another option for registering an entertainment business for children - registering as individual entrepreneur. However, in this case, you risk your property - for example, if your children's club there will be at least a small debt.

We are looking for clients

You have found a suitable premises and registered the enterprise, decided on the props, drawn up scripts for the holidays (or bought finished works), did you hire animators and make-up artists? Then it's time to look for your first clients!

To promote a business in entertainment for children, like any other business, you should never save on advertising: if you are short on money, it is better to save it by renting and decorating the premises. It is advisable to involve a PR specialist, but at first you can act on your own.

First of all, try to attract people living in your area: advertise in local newspapers, send out advertising brochures (which, of course, should be beautifully designed - don’t skimp on the designer’s services!), entrust schoolchildren or students with handing out leaflets. Don't just target individuals: the lion's share Corporate orders from gymnasiums and leisure centers will bring you earnings. Don’t forget about smart advertising on the Internet.

A charity performance could be a great opportunity: give one or two free parties! This will help you create a portfolio and generally get noticed, and most orders for the organizer of children's entertainment usually come from word of mouth.

Organization of children's parties: Video