A poem for a good mood for a friend. Funny poems to lift your spirits

  • 26.10.2023

If you're sad, turn on the music quickly
And dance around the apartment!
And dance to those magical sounds
It will save you from the blues, melancholy and boredom!

Let's replace a sad mood with a joyful one!
If you don't want potatoes, make dumplings!
I don’t want to jump like a bunny along the path,
Then imagine that you are a heron and stand on your left leg!
If you don’t want to cook food, don’t cook it,
If you don’t want to get sick, let the pain go away!
If you don’t want to look, close your eyes quietly!
If you don’t want to sing, then read us fairy tales!
If you want to cry, we'll make you laugh in no time!
If you want to be sad, we won’t let you!!!

Every woman with her husband
Still need a lover
To replace my husband
Could love on the day shift.

When, having taken off, you fall down,
You hold my hand.
Don’t you dare be afraid to take a step!-
Then you will understand who is friend and who is enemy.
And if trouble suddenly comes,
Never be discouraged.
I ask you not to suffer,
And don't tear your heart into pieces.
And know: go forward there,
Where only your star shines:
Dance, play, walk, dream,
Live, learn, love, fly!
And if it suddenly gets hard
Remember that there is a friend nearby!

Three maidens by the window
They drank vodka, juice and rum.
Only one girl could
No problem entering the room.

Prepared food -
It will be a great evening!
I'm expecting a guest today
He seems to agree.
Met yesterday
In an Internet chat.
Worked hard like a bee
Since dawn.
I set the table: goose, salad,
Salo, two herrings,
Cake, Uzbek grapes
And a bottle of vodka.
I'm waiting, sat down at the table,
I got the mirror...
I looked and realized -
There is too little vodka.

Give smiles! Welcome with warmth!
Always fill your home with love!
And there will be smiles, warmth and love
Back to come back to you again and again!
And there will be happiness for many years!
Nothing will ruin your Life weather!

Don't be sad, don't be sad -
Mood on the go!
He rushes, not sparing his legs,
To please you!

On a Kamaz, on a moped,
On a deer, on a bear,
Pretending to be a pilot
Getting there by plane,

It will not slow down its agility,
Will make you laugh
Sing, dance and smile,
To enjoy life!

There is a simple axiom -
Girls, don't sit at home.
That's what you need butts for
To turn back and forth.

Let's talk about good things!!! Let it be like in a fairy tale:
Smiles and joy all around!
Let everything bloom and the world shine!
Let's sing about good things!!!
Let the wind pick up the cheerful song,
And let the Sun sing along to us!
Let your dream become a joyful reality,
And the sadness will quickly go away!!!

Where was I last night?
Why is your head so messed up?
Mom, I didn't conceive
I say - conceived...

I'm not married... yet,
But I'm not upset
At least over thirty... a little,
I enjoy life!

I don't waste my time
To melancholy and pity,
I carry myself with pride,
Radiating joy.

I believe that it was given by fate
Everything I wish
And the wine of your love
I'll take a sip - I know!

Destined to be loved
And burn with passion -
It's impossible to be late
I'm heading towards happiness!

Having parted with another,
I'll cry quietly
Remember baby, I'm not a schmuck
I am a Sentimental Macho...

The husband went out onto the balcony wearing only his shorts.
So skinny, the ribs are all out:
“Cover the skeleton, what a style!
“When the wife saw it, she shouted to her husband.”
- “You, swallow, don’t sing me songs.
Let everyone see, let the whole district know,
How difficult it is for me to live with you,
And how do you feed your faithful spouse!!!”
- “Shut up and calm down your arrogance.
Look how bold you are when you speak in public.
You better take off your panties
And everyone will understand why you are starving!

Not in the mood? Get out into nature!
There is beauty here at any time of the year!
When it's summer, right by the river
We'll make a fire, barbecue,
Let's catch fish, pike, perch!
And the mood will scream: “HURRAY!”
Nature comes alive in spring
And with her the mood blossoms!
In winter, white snow falls like a carpet
And the mood is spinning like snowflakes!
Autumn will give leaves of bright colors,
And the mood will be like in a fairy tale!

Who's the one who screwed up?
Who's in no mood?
I'll start again now
Angelic singing!

Well, let it be that I'm a bear
I went through my ears,
I'm not trying today
To resounding success!

I want a close friend
Just smiled
To finally come to life
I'm back joyful!

Let the blues come to you,
Who doesn't it happen to?
I know for sure that she
They disperse with song!

Hungry husband in an unwashed shirt,
I brewed Doshirak in the kitchen...
Realizing the terrible mistake, Whispered:
“What a fool I am, after all!
I wanted the best, but it turned out as usual...
Damn, apparently, he pulled to show his wife
With my own hand, personally,
How to access the damn Internet!

Madam, I am purely fascinated,
I am a slave, in kind, of your eyes.
There is no market, I'm bewitched
I particularly like your image.
I don't understand what the fuck
What the hell happened to me...
There are changes in my soul, fuck
They really shook everything up!
Damn, I'm in trouble, I have no escape -
The tower has been torn down, the blood is boiling...
I entered the topic - there is no doubt,
I was struck by love!

All! I'm no longer a woman-watcher!
This is not the end I was expecting!
I'll calm down! I wish I could fucking live a little...
I’ll buy my wife a fur coat made of arctic fox...
In the spring we’ll rush to her parents in Baku...
I will love her alone until the grave...
How many stupid things came into my head,
While flying from the balcony to the snowdrift!

You just have to BELIEVE
You just have to LIVE
MEASURE a hundred times
And one Chop,
Don't hold grudges,
Don't keep sadness
Throw out of LIFE
Only then VICTORY!
Only then PUSH!
Brand new

Who takes uneven steps
Runs up to our mother?
Who's trying to walk
Hitting along the way
Stools, piano,
Curtains and a basket?
Who could it be?

Who looks like a bully?
Who grabbed the dog by the tail?
Like a real floor polisher,
Did you wipe the floor with your knees?
Who's trying to get to the bathroom
Should I drag my pajamas?
Who could it be?
This is after the restaurant
Dad is learning to walk!

I want a ray of sunshine to sneak
Slipped down your cheek to your scarlet lips -
He gives me the sweetest kiss
I would give it to you, and by the hair

I would gently stroke it to make you smile
You couldn't let go anymore
You agree, it would be a stupid mistake
Feel sad on this beautiful morning!

I smeared cucumber on my face
And she hung an egg on her eyebrows.
Sour cream in the mouth, on the forehead, on the chest, on the pelvis,
Strawberries, honey with nuts under the eye.
Some piercings on the nostrils, arms, legs -
A neighbor came in and collapsed on the threshold...
Well, what's so terrible about just dying?
Such beauty - AWESOME!

I wish you, friend, a carefree life,
Don't know potholes, ruts, holes!
Be a high flyer
The envy of the small sparrows!

The soup is very easy to prepare:
First you need to take:
Meat (but bones will do)
And about five potatoes,

Salt and pepper, two carrots,
Be sure to take one
Luke middle head,
And then... call your wife.

I found the mood to be lucky:
Yesterday everything was fine, but today it’s better!
I’ll repeat it a hundred times, the clouds will clear:
Today everything is so GOOD, and tomorrow it will be BETTER!
And let life plunge you into shock, I conjure you even more:

Why are you sad, my friend?
Look around quickly!
Nothing bad will happen -
The main thing is to smile with your heart!

And it doesn't matter what's going on around -
Is it snow, sun, or maybe darkness...
Let your mood soar like a bird!
May a rainbow rise in your soul!

So what happened?
And you'll understand...
I remember I handed over the bottles to beer...
My wife cooked fatty borscht...
And for the second - chops...
And I, having devoured from the stomach,
“Thank you, Lena, delicious!”
And then... further - darkness
And the echo of a plaintive crunch.
The doctor says I'm rather weak
I have to lie like a log for a month...
But it’s his own fault:
The wife is Tanya, not Lena!


You and I can handle this world,
We will achieve everything we wanted
We will have in our lives: Paris,
And Miami, and coffee in bed.

There will be princes on white horses
Disturb our peace with you,
Our enemies will be out of malice
And only squeak out of envy.

You and I are full of optimism,
And we go through life with a smile,
Our happiness is very close
We will find him very soon.

I'll tell you, I won't keep silent,
I always want this.
I want to be in a field, even in a den,
I want it either in the tundra or in a den.
I want it everywhere, and wherever I have to.
Let the sun shine, let the rain pour.
I want when I go to bed
And in the morning, before getting up.
On the nightstand and on the sofa,
Squatting and upside down,
On land, in the air, in water.
I want to go to Moscow and Kostroma.
Both in the cold and in the summer heat...
I always want to chat with you!

The man's blood was boiling with passion...
And a woman, with a smile on her lips,...
She said that she would allow herself
Kiss, but only in 2 places.

Oh, guys - holy simplicity!
He moved closer to the woman
And asked to quickly name the places.
She said: ... in Rome and Paris.

A girl is lying in a snowdrift, laughing,
Her hysteria leads to ecstasy.
So what, stupid, isn’t there?
She just got drunk, damn it!

Everything will be: smiles and flowers,
And all your dreams will surely come true,
And our life will blossom, like in a fairy tale,
The soul in the chest begins to sing, as in childhood.

And old friends will support us,
And new ones will be found in good time.
Fate, smiling at us, will wink,
Good luck will immediately come to visit us.

I'm a GIRL and that means I'm beautiful
Sweet, gentle, beautiful and smart
I'm a GIRL and that means I'm like a lioness
Strong, fast, dangerous and cunning
I'm a GIRL and that means I'm like a bird
Inimitable, deceptive, pure
All unearthly and earthly beauty
I'M A GIRL and they should be proud of me
After all, you are a poet, an artist anywhere
I'M A GIRL They should strive for me
After all, I am a temptingly alluring star
I'm a GIRL you can fall in love with me
Fire of love, giving happiness and warmth
I'm a GIRL and I can't sleep at night
You just see me in your dreams
I'm the GIRL you dream about
I am a dream, I am an ideal, I am a Queen!!!

One day, apparently awake,
A mouse got into a beer keg
And she began to drown in beer.
-I'm drowning! Someone save me!
I'm dying in Zhigulevsky beer,
Oh, how simple my death is,
I would be 100 times happier
Die in the paws of a cat!?
“Well,” the cat said from the window.
-I can get you out, but
You will turn into food!
-Save me quickly, I’m going to the bottom,
Death in freedom is a hundred times dearer to me!
And the mouse died in alcohol
Luckily she was saved.
But finding ourselves in terrible clutches,
Trembling to the tip of the tail,
Beer smell spreading,
The mouse escaped the cat.
-Where is your word?! Your Honor?!
You promised to let me eat you.
-Oh, what are you doing? - the mouse squeaked,
I promised this out of drunkenness!
Morality is knocking right on the door
Don't trust a drunk woman!!!

Everything is fine, tell yourself in the morning,
And the day will be a success, rest assured of that.
And if you start to become limp in vain,
You will turn a good day into a loss.
Try to see the miracle in the little things:
A living leaf, a butterfly, a flower.
Throw away the grain of doubt
And don’t keep such good things.
Meet the sunrises, see off the sunsets,
Don't be afraid to love and know how to forgive
And don’t turn your life into losses,
Learn to appreciate the acquisitions in it.

Taken here: Shmyandex.ru
the best humor and funny jokes

Don't cling to the past
Don't live on grudges
Remember the good things
Don't envy anyone.
Everything that heaven has sent you,
Take it for granted
Everything that has been done is for the better.
No matter how difficult it is,
Don't complain about fate,
Be happy every moment
And don't judge others
For their weaknesses are frequent.
Fight for your loved ones
God given powers,
Don't skimp on your words,
Be gentle with the ones you love.
How easy it is to live joyfully!
Admire the sunsets
And fall in love with all your passion
To your striped life...

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Save me, God save me
From buns, jam, sweets,
From fried chicken too,
From gingerbread, cakes, biscuits.
From noodle soup, kulebyaki,
Cheesecakes, dumplings, cutlets.
Let the potatoes be bad for me,
And I’ll shout to the pancakes - NO!
I'd rather be a sheep
And I’ll just pluck the grass,
I pray to you endlessly
Let your hands forget to grab
And my nose is always in the refrigerator,
To smell something and eat it.
Oh my God! Bless on Monday
I have to go on an evil diet.

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I love positive people in life.
They have their own special glow
And no matter how many dark days there were in their lives,
Only light has influence there.
They know how to radiate goodness
With their warmth they warm part of the World.
Alas, not each of us is given this,
But under their warmth, our souls melt.
I really want each of us to
Got a small grain of happiness,
So that instead of bitter and cold phrases,
Smiles have settled on our faces!

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I want to become a complete fool,
To not be able to write or read,
To lie around around the clock...
To laugh at stupid jokes...
To get rid of pink clothes,
So that friends are nothing but idiots,
So that there is perfume and chewing gum in the handbag,
To make Petrosyan laugh out loud....ki.
For a computer to be a big calculator,
To write "ginirator" with ashipkay,
To Dom2 - "bad transmission",
A bunch of lovers and richer ones.
So that in headphones - “Hairpins” with Bilan,
For underpants - only "Dolce Gabana"
So that "cybernetics" is a terrible word,
So that “politics is not cool.”
In general, I want to be stuffed like a fool,
Take not with your mind, but with your face and figure,
Achieve everything by baring your knees...
I wish I could become like this... And kill the wall
. . . .
If you become like this, you will go crazy with boredom!
There will be not girlfriends around, but bitches.
All men will be bastards and misers,
Rest will be enough to make you want to vomit.
There will be not walls in the apartment - dungeons.
Knees will miss each other.
So don't bat your eyelashes stupidly.
Look at the monitor and work, work!!!

found on the Internet

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Oh, Great Sage, I have fallen more than once,
I broke my knees again, all my hands... and not only...
And the Sage answered: “Even though there are tears from the eyes...
The point is not that you fell, the point is how long did you get up?!”
Oh, Great Sage, they hit me on the cheek.
He replied: “Substitute another one... and not only...
And drown all your grievances in the river -
The point is not that you cried, the point is - how many of them have you forgiven?!
Oh, Great Sage, I was wrong again,
I caused pain to my family, I will say... and not only...
The Sage answered again that you couldn’t know everything,
The whole point is not the mistakes, the point is how many of them were corrected?!

Tatiana Naumenko

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My grandmother taught me:
“No, water does not flow under a stone,
But you can’t light a fire in the stove,
Kohl is not filled with firewood.

And if you want to sleep sweetly,
Don't trust in God's mercy
The straw must be laid
Yes, and make sure it doesn’t go astray.

Don't you dare - don't take someone else's!
Keep yours. As much as you can.
And dry your tears, don’t cry,
Self-pity makes you weaker.

Don't ask God for much
But believe that the edge will come and it will help.
Extinguish the unreasonable anger,
And don’t be angry with fate, it’s no good.

Don't wait for someone to bring you
Come and take it, your legs will hold you up.
And if there is trouble, who will save you?
At least do something yourself first.

Even if it’s scary, even if it’s out of hand,
Others can - you try.
Fear's eyes are big -
But everything will work out - try.

And don’t hold onto grudges -
Forgive them... If only I knew..."
Grandmother taught, but life
Her science confirmed it.

Anna Oparina

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Do you want me to give you happiness?
I'll measure out as much as you need.
I give it away by the handful,
I am glad to pour you happiness!
Take more in reserve.
There won't be too much of it.
May it protect you from grief
And the sun shines on your way.
And you will share with your relatives
Give it all away - right down to the crumbs!
And going around the entire globe,
It will return to your palms!

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Let's not put off life until later,
Don't wait for Mondays, New Year.
And inevitably live today,
To the fullest. Without fear. Until the peak. Before takeoff.

Breathe deeply. Love to the end.
After all, we are not afraid of obstacles and powerlessness.
We'll just wipe the doom off our faces.
We'll just spread our numb wings.

We will wave towards the sun like a winged Pegasus.
And closer to the gods we’ll whisper a promise -
Be happy only here and now.
Not somewhere, not in the future and not in the past.

Let's not put life off until later.
Let's break the bonds that bind us.
Let's start all over again with you.
Let's be happy from now on...

Yulia Sinelnikova

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I'm at the foot of the stairs again,
On which I climbed up
These long, long months
It seemed like a lifetime.
All its steps are like crystal,
And sometimes they are so high!
Distances are further than long distances.
And in the distance the footsteps fall silent...

Why am I at the bottom again?
Only one step was wrong!
I feel it with my whole body, with my whole skin,
Behind is only darkness and gloom.
Let my knees be scratched
And the palms are torn to blood,
I say: “This is what happens to the weak”
And I climb to the top again.
Maybe this crystal staircase
Someone brave will easily conquer.
For some reason I really believe this.
She beckons upward like a magnet.
But for now I'm alone at the foot
And there are no other daredevils in sight.
It was painful to fall down, but still I
Once again I climb into the world of clouds.
Even if my steps are so uncertain,
I've flown to the bottom more than once.
But one day, because I believe in it so much,
From above I will call out to you too.
And I’ll say: “I’m not brave at all,
But she reached heavenly heights!”
In the meantime, I’m polishing fathom by sazhen
I am the steps, may you be lucky.
Let them be smooth and clean!
Let the climb be as easy as takeoff!
I am for every brave person mentally
Let me pray that he reaches heights.

Agrippina Pchyolkina

A positive charge for a person is positive energy for his nervous system, fueled by positive expressions addressed to him. This “charging” leads a person to confidence, success and prosperity.

Algorithms for every day

  1. Instead of carefully erasing an event from your memory, take out colorful crayons and complete it!
  2. Only the best comes to those who know how to wait patiently.
  3. Some mistakes are so great that you want to repeat them again and again.
  4. Miracles are found where people truly believe in them.
  5. If you see the goal, don’t pay attention to the obstacles.
  6. Don't be ashamed to set crazy goals for yourself!
  7. Even dream about those things that are forbidden to think about!
  8. Individuality is a brand that will never go out of style.

Positive phrases and expressions of successful people

Funny expressions for a positive mood

List of positive phrases - to lift your spirits

  1. Smile! Every wrinkle appears not from a smile, but instead of it!
  2. If even the eighth pancake is lumpy, then put the pancakes aside and start making cute lumps!
  3. Don't forget: moods can vary! Let the good be replaced by the beautiful.
  4. Do you still feel like the world is against you? Remember that planes take off into the wind!
  5. Imagine that all the black stripes in your life are made of delicious chocolate!
  6. A positive plus can be found even in a negative minus!
  7. Smile to spite everyone, so that you always have luck in everything!

We talk about love only positively

With a dirty spoon in my pocket,
With a bald cactus in his hand,
I'm going to fight with Babayka,
What lives in the attic
I'll crush it with a spoon
And I'll make the cactus eat
I'm a little bit of a fool
I have a certificate too!

Who's the one who screwed up?
Who's in no mood?
I'll start again now
Angelic singing!

Well, let it be that I'm a bear
I went through my ears,
I'm not trying today
To resounding success!

I want a close friend
Just smiled
To finally come to life
I'm back joyful!

Let the blues come to you,
Who doesn't it happen to?
I know for sure that she
They disperse with song!

Why are you sad, my friend?
Look around quickly!
Nothing bad will happen -
The main thing is to smile with your heart!

And it doesn't matter what's going on around -
Is it snow, sun, or maybe darkness...
Let your mood soar like a bird!
May a rainbow rise in your soul!

Horseradish, having forgotten his gray-haired wife,
Fell in love with young radish.
And, taking her by the tuft,
I slowly dragged him to the registry office.
On the way, he gently shook his beard:
- Our life will be honey!..
Six months have passed. Maybe a year.
And Radish demands: - R-rr-r-divorce!
Life is unbearably bitter:
I can't stand the old man...
Khrenok shed a tear furtively:
Is it sweet with you?
Since then, we often hear
That horseradish is no sweeter than radish.

She woke up, stretched,
And she went naked to the window.
Fifty men went crazy
Fifty - they wiped away the saliva.
Kamaz Cherroki drove into the door,
The helicopter went into a tailspin,
I grabbed my heart in a park
Gray-haired, venerable people.
There was a tsunami in the lake,
The volcano erupted a stream of passions,
Standing with bulging pants
There are guys of all stripes at the house.
A small satellite left orbit,
The bark of the oak tree has swelled...
She yawned and said:
- That's stupid! Everything is the same as yesterday...

Being sad and living without positivity is a mistake,
Let only a smile decorate your face!
Let the troubles pass by,
They can't find their way to you,
Joy will burst into your soul,
Success will bring smile and sweetness.
And let the mood soar and fly,
Life meets no obstacles along the way!

There are moments like this
What disturbs our peace,
Inhumane experiments
Sometimes he spends his life with us!
You understand this firmly,
Get positive quickly
And smile proudly at life!
Live calmly, open yourself to joy!

Let's replace a sad mood with a joyful one!
If you don't want potatoes, make dumplings!
I don’t want to jump like a bunny along the path,
Then imagine that you are a heron and stand on your left leg!
If you don’t want to cook food, don’t cook it,
If you don’t want to get sick, let the pain go away!
If you don’t want to look, close your eyes quietly!
If you don’t want to sing, then read us fairy tales!
If you want to cry, we'll make you laugh in no time!
If you want to be sad, we won’t let you!!!

Only my husband stepped over the threshold,
I immediately go to the computer - jump!
I didn’t wash my face, I didn’t make the bed, I even forgot to put on a robe...
Immediately, right away, I went to the sites,
I couldn’t find a better job...
Rain outside the window, and minced meat on the table...
I have enough to do around the house, quite enough.
My legs froze and my teeth began to ache.
All this, however, is not the first time for me...
It wouldn't hurt me to dress warmer,
Only the computer doesn't let go!
How can you convince yourself that you NEED to get up?!
Get your ass off the computer!
Remember that you need to rush to the post office,
Withdraw money and pay for light...
The rain outside the window is getting heavier and heavier,
I need to have breakfast quickly
Take a bath, make the bed,
My conscience doesn't tell me to be lazy...
I’ll just sit a little longer,
Finally, I’ll take a look at the “Group of Friends.”
What will the group please me with?
I can’t live even half a day without her!

It's good to be a girl in a pink coat!
It’s possible in green, but it’s not the same.
It's good to be a girl in a mink coat!
Maybe not a girl, but not the same...
It's good to be French! Jacques Yves Cousteau.
You can be Moldovan, but it’s not the same!
It's good to rush around the city in a car!
It’s possible on the bus, but it’s not the same...
It’s nice to drink vodka, maybe a hundred grams!
You can have mineral water, but it’s not the same.
It’s nice to go out in the evening and see where and what is happening.
You can wash the dishes, but it’s not the same.
It's good to eat lobster and wash it down with Chateau.
You can have beer with vobla, but it’s not the same.
I wish I could become famous like Brigitte Bardot.
It can be like Krachkovskaya, but not the same.
It's good to be a juggler in a circus tent!
You can also be a cleaner, but it’s not the same...
It would be nice to take a VACATION for a hundred days.
You can QUIT... – but it’s not the same...

The theme of a smile and a good mood is popular not only in films and music. It is also relevant in everyday life, because a smile changes a lot.

Psychologists about mood

First, a few serious words in this generally light and cheerful article. Soul specialists - traditional, Vedic, alternative psychologists - unanimously repeat the importance of a good mood in a person’s life.

In psychology there is even a whole direction called “felicitism”, in other words, the science of happiness. Attempts to measure happiness, describe it, find recipes for it lead to nothing but further confirmation of how important it is to be happy.

In a song known from childhood, it was very correctly said that “a smile will make everyone brighter” - and indeed, happiness is externally projected by a smile, and it attracts others to its owner.

The influence of mood on health

There is no need to cite data from controversial alternative psychology about the connection between thought forms and diseases to prove the importance of a good mood. It is enough to remember one good neurologist from a district clinic, who always advises patients to keep good spirits and believe in the best so that the treatment will help.

There is also scientific data on the connection between professional activity and typical diseases, for example, executives more often suffer from cardiovascular diseases, workers - from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, teachers - from mental and nervous disorders. At first glance, such relationships are logical based on the lifestyle of representatives of these areas, however, stress also plays a significant role here, and negativity affects everyone in its own way.

And you can’t ignore your own observations: optimistic and friendly people get sick much less and generally feel better.

How to lift your mood?

Concluding the serious part of the essay, here are several ways to improve your mood:

  • communicate with a pleasant and easy-going person;
  • watch your favorite comedy or funny videos about animals;
  • play with the kids - funny and lively;
  • read a joke or funny poems;
  • listen to the satirist's speech.

It is noticeable that the word plays a leading role in raising the mood, isn’t it?

10 facts about smiling

The components of a good mood are not only words, but also a sincere, joyful facial expression. Here are some interesting facts about smiling:

  • she is contagious;
  • inspires trust;
  • attracts others;
  • Women have a “built-in” smile, men have humorous stories;
  • a smile evokes sympathy;
  • laughter through tears - physiologically they are identical;
  • laughter is a strong endorphin;
  • laughing together is more fun;
  • a real smile is expressed not with the mouth, but with the eyes;
  • satellites - "crow's feet".

Good mood in movies and cartoons

The essence of comedy films is words to lift your spirits. It’s already the end of the film, and the audience is still laughing and repeating their favorite phrases. Let's remember some pearls:

  • “So that you carry out explanatory work among me.”
  • "Where is our prosecutor? Where Napoleon used to lie."
  • "I need to take a bath, have a cup of coffee."
  • "Semyon Semyonich..."
  • “Why did you lie down? - We fell.”
  • “I have been tongue-tied since childhood: I think as I think, but I speak as I speak.”
  • "I am a speech therapist for the correction of speech defects."

Who doesn't know these famous phrases that make you smile?

Humor is for different ages: in cartoons they also live to lift the mood:

  • “I’m already tired at work, I barely have the strength to watch TV.”
  • "Working together - for my benefit - it unites."
  • “We haven’t been to any Tahiti, they feed us well here too.”
  • “Well, come in if you want.”

Just read it and a smile will spread across your face - a positive thing to lift your spirits!

Positive for the corporate event

Corporate parties are newfangled inventions of restless HR people for additional motivation of sad employees. A holiday should be fun, and a corporate party is no exception.

Entire scenarios for the event are created, roles and words are distributed, costumes are selected and, of course, funny rhymes - how could we live without them?

Here are some of the famous ones:

The horses are dying from work,

Well, I am an immortal pony!

Words to the boss:

If work goes well,
And profitability is growing
This means our boss -
He does things right.

Or a postcard from a boss to a subordinate:

You work for seven;

You are never late;

You always smile at everyone;

You don't complain about anything;

You don't gossip about anyone.

A cool poem to cheer up the boss, and the entire team:

We are not sycophants at all,
But we want to suck up:
Our leader is strong -
It would be a sin not to praise him!

Cool poem to lift your spirits

There is such a talent as composing funny things. Not only Ilf and Petrov are masters, but in our time there are such specialists. Appreciate the depth of thought and smile:

If only I weren't constantly

So modest, and honest, and strange, and boo,

Then I would oh, I would oh,

I would wow.

And just an optimistic little poem:

If life deceives you -
Don't be sad, don't be angry,
On a day of despondency, humble yourself:
The day of fun, believe me, will come!
The heart lives in the future.
Is the present dull? - everything is instant, everything will pass,
Whatever happens will be nice!

Positive to lift your spirits

Funny things are all around us. One of the most famous ethnographers of the humor that surrounds us was Mikhail Zadornov - the name was deliberately invented. He manages to see and hear funny things, as they say, “without leaving the cash register.”

For example, an ad:

"Requires 2 workers who want to work instead of 2 who didn't want to work".

Line from the catering receipt: "Herring with bast."

Funny things happen in politics too. This is how the newspapers went crazy a few years ago: "Elections 2008: save the country! Hide grandma's passport!"

Schoolchildren have a special talent for making people laugh: what they write in their notebooks lifts the mood not only of teachers, but also of all visitors to Internet pages.

Note in the diary: “During recess I climbed the wall to the 4th floor!”

Checking the work in the notebook: “Where is exercise 43? What are you thinking about, Andrey?” Answer: "About girls."

Diary entry 12/21/2012: “The whole lesson was waiting for the end of the world.”

The kids are amazing

Girls and boys.

How to attract a girl?

Psychologists say that women value a man very much: by building a hierarchy of important qualities, they rank him among the top five most desirable traits.

A poem to cheer up a girl is the best way to please her. Women love compliments no less than men, and odes of praise in their honor will definitely improve your mood.

You can send her a small SMS poem, or you can design a stylish card with heartfelt words in her honor. And girls really love it when they are addressed by name and addressed with personalized congratulations.

You can send the following poem to your mobile phone:

Don't be sad, but smile
And in nothing
Everything will be great - I know!
I miss you so much!

Which girl would refuse to receive such an SMS in the morning?

Or this cool poem to lift your spirits:

I don't have breakfast in the morning because I think about you. I don’t have lunch during the day - I think about you. In the evening I don’t have dinner - I think about you. I can’t sleep at night - I WANT TO EAT!

Make sure that a poem to cheer up a girl is a great way!

Funny ditties

Of course, every age has its own humor: what is funny to a schoolchild will only make an adult smile, and vice versa. However, there is a funny poem to lift the mood that will make anyone smile, and the following ditties are especially popular among funny people:

Yegor answered the lesson -
The teacher fainted!
From his ignorance
The teacher is unconscious.

Play the game on the computer
Denis finished playing by morning.
At school at the blackboard Denis,
Like a computer, it froze itself.

Short poems are popular to lift the mood not only for school topics, but also for industrial ones:

Oh, work, you, work,
Oh, it tormented me:
I'm hanging out in my office,
Like a scarecrow in the garden!

Eh, work, you, work,
Best friend:
We're inseparable all day long
Like a horse and girth!

Smile: funny stories

But the funniest stories are always from life: kids do weird things, adults do weird things. People will be amused not only by short poems to lift the mood, but also by prose: stories about glamorous blondes sitting behind the wheel are especially chic. Here is one of the stories told by an eyewitness.

One day he was waiting at a tire shop for his horse to be repaired, and at that time a red Lexus drove up to the workshop with a glamorous girl from a popular breed at the wheel.

The guys at the service station were also humorous and after the repair they half-jokingly asked how to pump up the tires. The girl, without blinking an eye, asked: “What is there?”

The guys looked at each other: “Air with different flavors: there is peach, strawberry.”

The entire service station is already giggling, ears pricked up, and the conversation continues. The girl calmly clarifies the price, and the master just as calmly issues an invoice for 800 rubles for 4 wheels. Apparently she's happy with the price because she orders strawberry air.

Witnesses to this colorful conversation can hardly restrain their laughter and, unable to stand it, burst into laughter: it’s not every day that you see such a hilarious picture. The girl, not at all embarrassed and without a shadow of a smile, waits until her wheels are filled with sweet berries, counts out the money and sets off safely. People don't just laugh, they cry.

The story had a continuation when, a couple of days later, a familiar red Lexus stopped near the workshop, and a rather serious uncle got out of it. When he asked who rocked the wheels on this car a couple of days ago, everyone became quiet and pressed themselves against the wall: now it has come, the hour of reckoning, now the showdown will begin. But there was nowhere to go, and the owner of the establishment came forward, confirming that the tires on the car were inflated here.

The man finally clarified what the tires on his wife’s car were inflated with, and when the completely embarrassed guys confirmed that it was strawberry air, he did something that no one expected - he pulled out a wad of money and handed a thousand rubles to the owner of the service station.

As it turned out, the husband was not angry at all, but, on the contrary, had been laughing for several days and amused everyone with his wife’s adventure. And when he no longer had the strength to laugh, he decided to come, thank him for the entertainment and encourage the financially resourceful masters.

And here’s another little story from the auto series: “ Sergei Viktorovich parked so badly that people wrote to him on his car: “Stupid”.”.

They are quite popular and observant people have noticed the following pattern:

If the husband answers his wife “no,” then the question was something like: “How long will you continue to watch your football?” If the husband answers his wife: “As you wish,” then the question was something like: “Should I get orange highlights?” If a husband answers his wife “yes,” she probably asked, “Are you listening to me?!”

And finally, a few apt statements from Zadornov:

  • Only our man, crossing the road at a red light, can be knocked down by a pedestrian running towards him.
  • Don't dig a hole for your neighbor, otherwise he will use it as a trench.