Gratitude for gifts and congratulations status. Gratitude for congratulations in prose in your own words

  • 26.10.2023

Words of gratitude are an important part of any event, which shows how well-mannered and good-natured the hero of the occasion is. Words of gratitude can be expressed in any prosaic form, or in poetry.

Words of gratitude are an important moment at every holiday and family event. They sound from the hero of the occasion and always convey all the joy of what is happening, and also indicate that the person is unusually glad to see each guest and enjoyed the holiday.

Words of gratitude are most often heard either in the second half of the holiday, or in the second half, when the main part of the event has ended. They can be of any form: in your own words, in poetry or prose, the main thing is not to forget to thank everyone present for their attention, care, pleasant words and gifts.

Words of gratitude in prose:

Thank you for the fact that through your efforts you were able to organize and donate I have such a wonderful holiday! Today, only my closest and dearest people are present next to me, whom I love and without whom I simply cannot imagine life. Thank you for the many warm words and gifts, thank you for the beautiful congratulations and your smiles!

I would like to express my deep gratitude to everyone who was able to attend today's holiday! You made my life more pleasant and colorful just because you shared today’s joy with me and were able to give me many kind words!

Thank you, dear guests, for being able to attend today’s celebration, because this is incredibly important to me! Next to me there are only dear and closest people, whose attention makes my heart happy and feel festive! I am incredibly pleased with your congratulations and gifts, thank you for your devotion and respect!

Words of gratitude in verse:

Thank you, my dears
That you were able to come to me,
What kind words were given,
Your warmth and flowers to me

I want to say thank you very much
For many pleasant warm words,
For giving me such happiness,
For putting my love into this holiday!

I want to say thank you not only for the flowers,
Thank you for the gifts and kind words,
Thank you for writing poetry to me today,
I am happier on this day than ever!

Thank you for this my joyful holiday,
It feels like he is the best among all!
My house is full of close friends today
And your ringing laughter pleases my heart!

Words of gratitude to the guests present at the holiday in verse and prose

Words of gratitude for birthday greetings in poetry and prose to parents

Parents are those people who always try to congratulate their son or daughter on any holiday in the most colorful and best way possible.

It is for this reason that you need to choose words that can express all your gratitude to your dearest people and give them tenderness.

You can always say words of gratitude in poetic form at the table, in a phone call, sign a thank you card with them, or simply send an SMS.

Words of gratitude to parents in prose:

Parents, my two most beloved and dearest people, thank you Thank you very much for the fact that despite the many days that have passed, you do not stop loving me and considering me your precious child! There wasn't a day when you didn't give me your attention and tenderness. Thank you for always being there and always rushing to wish me a happy birthday, I love you!

My dear parents, today I want to express my deep gratitude it’s you, not only for giving me this holiday, but also for the gift of life! If it weren't for you, there wouldn't be me. I am incredibly lucky to have you and today I feel great happiness!

Thanks to my parents for the sensitivity and attention they always gave me on every holiday! Thank you for your wishes and gifts, for your love and respect!

Words of gratitude to parents in verse:

Never in your life have you forgotten to congratulate me,
Parents, you are the most precious in the world.
Every time you gave me so much,
During this time you have become golden to me!
Thank you for the many nice words,
Thank you for your tenderness and attention.
I appreciate your crystal clear love so much,
Your patience and understanding!

Thank you parents three times,
For the joy you brought today!
There is such a huge holiday in my soul,
From the pleasant words that you spoke in my honor!

Parents, thank you for your attention!
Thank you for your pleasant and gentle words,
What did you put into your wishes?
They gave me joy like no one else has ever done!

I truly value my parents,
They are dear to me and I love them very much.
I thank them incredibly much on this day,
For giving me a unique holiday!

Thanks dear parents
For love and sleepless nights.
After all, in any of my endeavors
They were always there until the end.

I bow my head to you today,
As a sign of gratitude and love.
I wish you a healthy life
And happily, my dears.

Thank you, our dear ones,
Why didn't you close your eyes?
And they drank the bitter cup
Sleepless, anxious nights.

Thank you for always being there,
At least we put up a barrier sometimes
It's a huge reward for us.
Always take you as an example in everything.

There is no one dearer or closer,
And even after many years,
We will always hear you everywhere,
And we will ask your wise advice

Gratitude to parents for the holiday and birthday in verse and prose

Words of gratitude for the birthday greetings in verses to your daughter

Children are always the most beloved people for parents. Their congratulations never go unnoticed, not touching and insincere. He will express gratitude for the pleasant congratulations to his dear daughter - not only a noble, but also a pleasant deed. Words of gratitude in poetic form can be read out right at the festive table or simply sent as a message to the phone, the main thing is to give a little pleasant joy to your beloved child.

Words of gratitude to my daughter in verse:

My beloved, beautiful daughter,
Thank you for always being here and nearby.
You congratulate so nicely and so sensitively,
And fill your heart with a colorful charge!

Thank you, my girl, for the sea of ​​compliments,
You have been a joy to me for many years now.
Thank you for many pleasant moments,
For a sweet smile and a gentle, kind look!

Thank you, daughter, for a hundred congratulations,
As always, you went straight to the heart through the soul.
Me today on this birthday holiday,
A wave of pleasant words will lift you up and swirl you around!

Today everyone congratulates me today,
But words warmer than yours, daughter, cannot be found.
Your gentle voice warms my heart,
I want to say thank you with all my heart!

Today there is no dearer at the table with her beautiful eyes,
Thank you, daughter, for a hundred congratulations.
I'm happy and happy like the first time
There are no nicer birthday wishes!

I wish my daughter dear
Good health without measure,
All earthly blessings to you alone,
Much love, hope, faith!

Let your life friends be nearby,
And someone else is coming!
Let under your happy gaze
The whole world will bloom today!

Beautiful words of gratitude for your daughter on her birthday

Words of gratitude for the birthday greetings in verse to my son

A son is the pride of his parents and the moment he gives congratulations to his parents, their hearts are filled with great love and gratitude. This gratitude can be expressed in many ways, but the best way is to read poems that can convey all the tenderness and awe of parental relationships.

Words of gratitude for my son in verse:

God once gave us a handsome son
And on this day, as always, you are with your family,
Thank you for being able to congratulate me so beautifully,
Your love is your parents' reward!

Son, thank you for your beautiful and gentle words..
You know how to congratulate and always give me happiness!
On this day I am so happy and so cheerful as ever!
All congratulations drive away melancholy and all bad weather!

Son, as always, you are able to exceed all expectations,
Thank you for the flowers, gifts, whirlwinds of warm, tender words!
We appreciate all your steps and all your efforts
And we give love for your attention!

Beloved son, you bring joy to your parents’ tired eyes.
You are what brings joy and success to your parents’ lives.
Your words and congratulations at this hour,
They give us happiness - only this way and not otherwise!

We were congratulated by our close and best friends,
But my son’s warm words - family congratulations.
We can't live a day without him,
Thank you for being there on this birthday!

Son, you are my inspiration,
Joyful mountain stream,
Like a breeze
On a hot, dry day.

Cute, funny, wonderful,
You open your soul right through.
Gentle, obedient, attentive...
It's bad when I'm apart from you!

May your plans come true
Children's dreams and dreams,
Everything I wanted is happening,
Bridges soar to the sky!

Son, I’m just endlessly happy!
May your happiness be bright and tender
Love, son, you have great, boundless love.
Let fate caress you and never offend you.

Words of gratitude for my son in honor of his birthday in verse

Words of gratitude for birthday greetings in verse to friends

Friends are important people in every person's life. They are invariably present nearby in happy and difficult moments of life, they delight with support and help, and help to survive failures. On your birthday, it is important to thank your friends not only for the gifts, but also for their presence at the party, because attention is the best human gift. It is best to congratulate friends in poetic form with words, by phone, or a simple SMS.

Words of gratitude to friends in verse:

Friends, there is so much in this light, warm word,
You are nearby in joy, you are nearby in sadness.
Thank you very much for your congratulations,
Thank you for sharing this holiday with me!

Without you, friends, my birthday would have been boring,
Thank you for being able to decorate it with yourself!
Every person needs a good friend
May the flame of our friendship never go out!

Today is my birthday - the best!
All because you came, friends!
Thank you for the gifts, wishes, and a bunch of nice words
And on this day I am the brightest and happiest of all!

You can’t count the beautiful words from your lips, friends,
Thank you very much for this!
You are like family to me,
I feel good, easy, happy with you!

My friends, you are kind and dear people,
I really want to shout “THANK YOU”!
Thank you for always being there everywhere
I appreciate you and love you so much!

I'm lucky with my friends in life
There is nothing more reliable and beautiful.
Thank you for your understanding,
Support, help and advice.

I am grateful to all my friends
For love, support and warmth!
It finally became clear to me -
How lucky I am to have you in life!!!

Words of gratitude for friends on their birthday, words of gratitude in poetry and prose

Words of gratitude for birthday greetings in verse to colleagues

The people you spend your daily work life with often become your closest and dearest friends. They are not the ones who organize grandiose birthday greetings, give flowers and gifts, write poems and even sing songs.

In such cases, a prerequisite for the event is words of gratitude, which should be heard from the hero of the occasion.

Words of gratitude for colleagues in verse:

Dear colleagues, friends,
You are almost like my family.
Thank you for your tender words
And for your love today!

Dear Colleagues,
I thank you from my heart,
We've walked more than one road
I love you with all my heart!

My close people, colleagues,
You are with me every day, every hour.
Thank you for your worries,
The holiday wouldn't be fun without you!

Dear friends,
You are not just colleagues now.
You are my dear family,
Thank you on my holiday!

Words of gratitude for colleagues on their birthday, words of gratitude in poetry and prose

Words of gratitude for holiday greetings to friends in prose

Sometimes it is difficult to find words at the right moment to please everyone present and thank them for their attention. In such situations, specially prepared templates will come to the rescue, which will give you a supply of suitable pleasant words. Expressing gratitude in your own words always leaves more impressions and brings joy to your guests.

Words of gratitude to friends in prose:

My dear friends! There are no words that could express all of my gratitude to you. You are not just close people to me, you are family and sometimes it seems to me that you are ME. Thank you for your gifts and your attention, thank you for your presence and for the tenderness of your smiles!

Dear friends, thank you from the bottom of my heart for many pleasant Congratulations and warm words! You can’t even imagine how much joy your simple presence at my holiday brings me! If it weren’t for you, I would fall into despair every day and would not know fun, support, or love. Thank you for the poems, flowers and gifts! Just a big thank you!

Friends! I want to thank you for the pleasant moments that you could give it to me today. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have such a colorful and stormy holiday. I love you with all my heart and I want to say that I am incredibly lucky to have such devoted and close people! Thanks a lot!

words of gratitude to friends in prose, gratitude in your own words

Words of gratitude for holiday congratulations to colleagues in prose

Words of gratitude for colleagues in prose:

Dear colleagues, I would like to thank you for your attention today. You not only surprised me, you pleased me with the warmth of your smiles and the tenderness of your words. Thank you for remembering my holiday. It made me realize how much each of you means to me! Thank you

Dear Colleagues! Thank you for remembering the date of my day every year birth! I am incredibly pleased to understand that you are not indifferent, love and respect me! I hope I have never offended you with my attention and am always ready to help in any situation. Thank you for your congratulations and the warmth that comes from you!

Dear friends! Yes, for me you are exactly friends! We work with you We have been together for many days in a row and I am incredibly happy to know that I am lucky to have such sensitive and attentive colleagues! Thank you for your attention and gifts, flowers and nice words! I appreciate you very much!

Words of gratitude to colleagues in prose, gratitude to colleagues in your own words

Words of gratitude for the Anniversary congratulations to friends

An anniversary is an important event that requires special preparation and attention. Guests often prepare large bouquets of flowers and expensive gifts for this celebration. Gratitude to all those present for being able to attend the anniversary must be expressed without fail.

Words of gratitude in verse for the anniversary:

Today is a noisy anniversary and I want to say thank you,
Because you were able to come and were glad to see me.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the many nice words,
I will remember this bright day and give you my love!

You are so beautiful on this day, for that I thank you,
You said so many words, for that I thank you.
You kindled my anniversary - for that I thank you,
I love you: family, friends - for that I thank you!

Thank you, dear people, that you were able to come to me,
For finding nice words on my happy holiday!
Thank you for always being there and on this noisy anniversary,
My friends are my reward, I love my friends so much!

Beautiful words of gratitude on an anniversary for friends

Words of gratitude for the Anniversary congratulations to relatives

Native people are like gold,
They are always closer than friends.
Thank you for being here today
We were able to come to the anniversary!

Thank you my family
That you are always next to me!
That on this bright anniversary,
You have become even closer to me!

Thank you, my dears,
For giving me love.
For what you were able to do today,
Congratulate me on the holiday again!

Beautiful words are so warm,
Thank you for being there everyone!
On this noisy anniversary,
You are dearest to everyone on earth!

Beautiful words of gratitude to family and friends in honor of the anniversary

Words of gratitude for the Anniversary congratulations to colleagues

A colleague is a person close to your heart,
He is nearby in winter and summer, in heat and cold.
He is there when you are sad and when the anniversary comes
And happiness to understand that my colleagues need me!

Without you, the holiday will never be beautiful,
A colleague is a very close person to my heart!
Colleagues are so similar to friends
Thank you for a bright anniversary!

My dear friends, you are colleagues,
We work “in the same cart” every day
And it’s happiness that today is the anniversary,
I celebrate and have fun with friends!

Beautiful words of gratitude for colleagues in honor of their anniversary

Words of gratitude for the Anniversary congratulations to the guests

It is necessary to please every guest present with words of gratitude. This will characterize the hero of the occasion as a well-mannered person, attentive and loving to his loved ones.

There is no more beautiful holiday than what we celebrate with you today!
Thank you for this, without you there would be no such celebration.
My soul today is joyful, beautiful and free,
Thank you, I appreciate your warmth and tenderness so much!

My dear guests, you are the best on the planet!
Thank you for being there, thank you for being with me!
You can't find such friends in this whole wide world,
You give me warmth, you give me love!

If there were no you today, there would be no joy today!
I prepared all the treats and sweets for you!
Thank you, dear guests, from the bottom of my heart,
What a mood and time you found to come!

words of gratitude to all guests

Video: “Words of gratitude”




If only you knew how dear your wishes are.

I am deeply touched by your congratulations.

How dear all of you are in my life, like indescribable diamonds your names are in my heart, and with whom I was in harmony, and with whom I had incredible arguments.

Thank you for your kind words, for your attention and friendship.

This is so touching and exciting!

Thank you all very, very much,
for wishes, gifts and flowers,
for such tenderness and attention,
and for the wonderful, beautiful poems!

I'm touched and happy guys
I admit honestly, I was moved to tears!
It is impossible to imagine that once upon a time,
I didn’t know the site at all - Dream Lyra!

I can’t arrange a merry feast for all of you,
because we live in different cities
and yet I’ll raise my glass, I’m full
wishing you joy, love and happiness!

I am very glad that you are my welcome guests today. Thank you all very much for your warm words of congratulations, for your wonderful wishes, which I, of course, will fulfill. Peace to your home and all earthly blessings in this life.

It’s very nice to hear such warm and sincere words addressed to you. Thank you for your support and love, respect and understanding. Each of those present at my celebration put a piece of themselves into the congratulations. Thank you for being here today, as always!

It just so happened, but on the morning of my birthday I had surgery on my knee. And I felt your warmth and support. My soul was warmed by your many warm words and congratulations, both in the mail and in the diary. Numerous congratulations with which I was literally bombarded and gifted helped me to literally be born again.

I'm so glad and happy!
I love you all and appreciate our friendship with you!

I want to express my gratitude to you with poems, although they are not mine, but they will convey to you the emotions coming from my heart!

Thank you for your congratulations.
Wine and roses - very nice.
With what warmth and pleasure
I caught their scent!

And the song is still not sung,
And the flame of life did not go out,
When friends are from the Internet
They congratulate us by mail.

And on a virtual postcard
Among the most luxurious flowers
The warmth of the soul is very real
And the kindness of heartfelt words.

All wishes and hopes
They will fill my chest with joy.
All this will come true, of course,
Eventually, someday.

The blizzard will not burst through the window,
The comfort of home will not be noticed,
And tomorrow the day will begin again,
And it will be better than yesterday.

Thank you for warm words...
My head is spinning with wishes!

And may at least a fraction of them be fulfilled,
Anyway, I’ll be satisfied!

Let those who were with me in spirit on this day
Life will take a better turn!

I will keep all your wishes,
My friends, thank you for everything!

I see a friendly circle again
And everyone in this circle is a friend.
I feel braver
Or maybe somewhere wiser.

Friends will give any advice.
I won't hear "no" from them.
They won't laugh at misfortune
In moments of difficulty with me.

And they share my joys,
And they trust me with theirs.
In return, I will support you somewhere,
Or maybe I’ll give you some advice.

Oh, how I need this circle!
Where there are no enemies, but only friends.
And I say from my heart:
"Thank you for your friendship"

And someone will tell us, everyone has gone crazy.
They write poems and wishes to each other.
And I tell you, thank you friends!
For being you and extending your hand.

For your poems, for your smiles, for your laughter!
For the congratulations that you sincerely send.
I turn on the computer and see you all.
You call me and wait for me to visit you.

I communicate with you and everyone with LOVE.
And there are no distances and no separation.

And someone will tell us, everyone has gone crazy.
Without knowing each other, they confess their love.
Beautiful people write wishes and words.
On the site, they want to smile at each other.

Thank you for having me!
Thank you friends and family.
I want to smile at you all.
And let them go away, all illnesses are from you!

Thank you for having me!
Thank you friends and thank you girlfriends!

Rita_Merzlyakova, gerany, Tatyana201, bath, EMILIA55, putrik71, UniqueAlenka, rstil, solo2012, VOLKSD, sdor, Valery_Babushkin, Vischnya, _Sofia-9_, Alwit, milena50, zhanna1000, masha29, Tata_Tanyusha, Merz, KRAS AVKA, Irorekhova, Svitania, Gallena, AT THE WELL, Love_earthly_FACE, theme, Barteneva_Natalija, Elena_Mishakova, I_just_Galina, Vasmak, romazka, vladarxipoff, Serge_Orlov, Prudent, Ramata, ljusine17, Lenutka, dragon52, terolka, Bee_Gees, To_remember, In_nochka_, Selenush, Sergey_Seregin, santa3, Tanechka-Tatka, PAIN- ka, Tanita_Cat, T-Marty, Tasika, Tamara_Skazka, Super_Garnyunya, Lyubasha64, Svitania, Snejka75, Love_777, Rohesia, Anna_1982, vladarxipoff, LV_Shestakova, Helga_, ALZHIS, ​​RIMIDAL, mevara, Farfolina, valensia55, Kravtsova_ zina, klari126, Svetlana_Kobyakova, DALIDAS_1, f-funny, Larsa, Tami-1, Tamara_Vasilievna, EIVA26, vit4109, Solo962, Gallena, Vasilida, NADIA_55, Chamomile_angel, ninik, aleksa_kz, Mom_Sonya_Ya, Grandfather2, Lyuba_Kazakova, Galina_penchugova, Hatshepsoot, Gesiona, maka1961, tany avseti, norma45, IDA05, alla_sumeny, Annakraj, Alexander_Shik, IVANibrat, mimozochka, Zapretny_plod, sunny_vacation, DRAGONZA7777777, Lelechka_777, Aldav, Dimitr74, Olia2010, Litizija, Bo4kaMeda, Pandora 1964, Vasmak, TSYA, Orly44, Putniza_Strannaja , REMEUR, undina77, Tatyana_leva, dragon52, volodia, Alexander_Sh_Krylov . YSHKO_777, Victor_Varkentin, Volody24_gl , Lenaqua, Belaya_KisYona, CRANE5, Biruza9, tanulya, Tulip28, eternityRS, Konotop_witch, Olga_Fadeikina, marywe4ka, Solovik, EVGENIYA_DEM, Klebirina, apostol_nik, alenka46, Svetlana-sima, svetikya, NadinIzV lada, lipa_fv, Auspicious_time, XELGA_N, Drop_of_darkness, lapatylechka_LILI, ttalu , eko1, Tatu-sya, Datsa, Irina_FIV, mudraj, Tanja2, cardulya, Owesta, NinaL, just_Tanyusha, Vladimir627, just an acquaintance, Gulyuza, milashenka12, Natalia_Alexandrovna, rony_77, ALISA_ZHURAVLEVA, Miracle, Tomikko, Liudmila_Sceglova, Radion777, kamome-lora, Tanetta , Marina_Barnet, tago, megarut, tatka-1369, irishka59, Elvas, PEACOCK_PEAKLIN, VasilisaSchastlivayaYA, Sanato, Milekhin, Larisa_Kushkhova, BABIRUSA, potnik, Belchonochek, Good_news_2012, Zapoj, orphanage, z, YSL_Helen, Luiza-7 77, Lady_with_Pekingese, Illyana, vasiliysh , AGAPILAV, Galina_Kalach, Tatyana_Malakhova, Tatyana_Chizhikovna, olga699, OVMM, EVPATIY, Guzel_Gainitdinova, Antonov_Nikolai, pink boy, Sitkova Lyudmila, LekaZima, Klara_088, Lyudmila_Vaskova, Tanya_severnaya, Takahashi_Omoyara , mantan, naive_cynic, gansikha, Wasilinka, Tatyana_54, Mars-Sotis, ALUSY047, YURI_SHIFRIN , kkkmmmaaa, -Mesabi-, Madam_Irina, algiz777, LGP, kurochka1957, Kalinka_Malinkina, at_the_crossroads, Svetlana_1305, Harp, STREKOZA-KOMSA, Belorusochka, Azanova Marina, LKT, romazka, Tamara Tokareva, Natali-Vessna, Anneta HT, veta1 11, Tanyusha- Tanyusha.

If you were congratulated and you were so touched that you cannot find words for gratitude, then turn to the response prose that we have prepared personally for you... After pronouncing these words and expressions, you will be grateful to each other.

  1. There is a huge amount of positive energy sparkling in my mood right now. I want to share it with you. It is in words filled with my gratitude. Thank you, dear ones, for congratulating me. By the way, I would like to congratulate you too! Have you forgotten what holiday it is today? Another new day! May it bring you millions of times more happiness than the previous one.
  2. I am overwhelmed by a sea of ​​emotions, but I will try to express in words what I would like. I am grateful to you, my dear colleagues, for everything that I heard today. It’s incredibly nice that you surrounded me with the warmth of your words on such a magical and amazing day. I wish you everything that you wished for me, a thousandfold! Understand correctly and accept with your soul all the words spoken by me!
  3. I constantly thank God for connecting me with such wonderful work colleagues! My golden ones, irreplaceable! Thank you very much…. No one has spoken such amazing words to me for a long time. Tomorrow they will become part of my pleasant memories. By the way, happy holiday to you too!

Words of gratitude for congratulations on your birthday

Receiving birthday wishes is always a pleasure. But sometimes you don’t know what to answer, you get lost, there’s an awkward pause. Gratitude for birthday greetings can be expressed in different ways; below we will describe examples of how to do this.

How to respond to a birthday greeting?

It is a talent to be able to express gratitude in return when you are congratulated. After all, people want to see how important their attention and efforts are to you. Here are some options:

  • Thank you for your attention. Your smiles and instructions will always live in my heart and help me;
  • Thank you, I am touched by your attention, the light that you brought to me and I am glad to see you around;
  • It’s great that you don’t forget me, because it’s always nice to receive congratulations from such wonderful people;
  • I, in turn, want to say thank you for being there. Be healthy and happy too;
  • Today everyone remembered me - family and friends, friends and colleagues, the day was truly a success and brought a lot of joy;
  • Your wishes are amazing because they sound sincere. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, may your dreams come true, and may your loved ones be happy and healthy!;
  • I don't have enough words in response to express my admiration for you and everything that is happening today.

Be sincere when speaking to friends. If you are not in the mood to answer now, wait for the right moment and say thank you.

You can send, for example, this video as a response:

Say “thank you” on your personal page on a social network

Today, almost everyone congratulates each other via the Internet. Of course, it’s better to come in person or at least call, but sometimes this is not possible. Then people send postcards over the Internet and it is also advisable to respond to them.

You can do this in the status or on the “wall” of your page:

  1. My friends are the best, I want everything to be fine for you too: your dreams come true, your loved ones don’t get sick. Thank you for your wishes!;
  2. I cherish each of you, thank you for the kindness and warmth you brought today;
  3. I am sure that all your wishes will come true;
  4. Your attention is very touching, it’s wonderful to have such sunny people nearby;
  5. I love you, in fact I am very lucky and there are always caring friends around me!;
  6. I am pleased to receive so many gifts, but they are not the main thing. The main thing is you, my friends!;
  7. I will remember this day with your smiles and good mood;
  8. Thank you for warming me up on these cold days with your warm wishes.

You can also leave a corresponding picture on your page for friends. You can easily find a suitable one on the Internet or draw it yourself.

Answers in verse

It would be great if you come up with a couple of quatrains and give them to your friends:

Thank you for your attention,

It's nice to receive it

All your good wishes,

I'll try to implement it.

In response, I wish you doubly:

Warm sun rays,

Health to children and friends,

Come visit us often.

And let the rainbow shine above you,

And melancholy and sadness will not touch you.

It's good that you and we are together,

It's good that you came to congratulate us.

Congratulations flow to me like a river,

Without them, my holiday is empty.

We'll celebrate our birthday together,

I'm waiting for everyone to visit, quickly hit the road.

Such cheerful poems will delight loved ones with attention and give them a little good mood in return.

Gratitude in your own words: original examples with humor

Of course, poetry is great, but not everyone is good at it. Then speak from the heart, sincerely, in your own words with humor and a joke. The main thing is for people to see that they are heard:

  • Special thanks to those who called at 6 am, thanks to you I was not late for work!
  • Everyone who didn’t congratulate me, I remember you!
  • I thank your parents for giving me so many friends;
  • My irreplaceable, dear ones! It’s so good that you are nearby, that we know each other and can spend time together. This day would be sad without you, I will say more, this life would not be so bright if not for you. Thank you!
  • I love everyone, each individually and in bulk. Anyone can come to my house without an invitation for any reason;
  • Thank you for the immense amount of positivity, may every phrase given to me come back;
  • This day became the brightest and sunniest thanks to my friends!

The origin of the word “thank you” is an interesting story. There are several versions of how it appeared in Russian. One, recognized as official, is an abbreviation for “God save.”

Another says that one day Satan was very worried because hell was empty. And then God answered him: “Don’t worry, your world will soon be filled and overflowing.” Satan replied: “Well, God save me.”

This is how the word “thank you” appeared, which began to be considered satanic, while Christians, when accepting gifts and treats, should say: “Thank you.”

How to respond to “thank you for your congratulations”?

Simply turning around and leaving is impolite; a person wants to see that he is heard and his gratitude is accepted. So smile and say (or write):

  • It's nice to congratulate a good person;
  • I'm glad to give you some positivity;
  • It was only a joy for me;
  • I can do everything for you.

Most often we answer: “No way,” but this phrase has become commonplace and is no longer always appropriate. If someone close is nearby and you really want to bring him joy with your congratulations, respond to “thank you” sincerely, show how important it was for you to congratulate and pay attention.

Proper gratitude for birthday wishes is the best thing your friend can hear. Try to please him with your words.

Video: how to respond if you are congratulated?

For example, you can send this video as a response:

In this article, we will try to help you put on positive emotions and the overwhelming emotions that overwhelm you. into beautiful and original response phrases in prose.

The ability to beautifully express your thoughts and emotions and not reach into your pocket for the “red word”, alas, is not available to everyone. Especially if a beautiful response speech needs to be delivered quickly or in front of a large number of people. In such situations, many people get lost and painfully try to remember something that is not hackneyed or stereotyped.

  1. My dear friends and family! I would like to thank you for sharing the joy of my birth with me today! After all, life side by side with such wonderful people is the most important gift. Thank you so much for such beautiful congratulations and wonderful gifts. They become all the more precious to me because each of you has invested a piece of yourself in them. Your attention and the warmth of your feelings touch me to the depths of my soul.... Thank you for being with me.
  2. My dear ones, I want to thank you for coming and sharing the joy of my holiday with me. Thank you for the wishes and kind words, for the gifts and for the good memories that you gave me today. Thank you for always being with me!
  3. Today is the best day of my life! You are my priceless gift. My next dream came true: we gathered around the same table again. Thank you all for coming!

Gratitude for congratulations on March 8

  1. The warmth of your words makes the beginning of spring even more wonderful, and the festive mood even better. Thank you for your congratulations, gifts and flowers, for your attention, flattering words and wishes!
  2. Thank you, my dears, for the flowers and sweets, for the gifts and attention and kind words! Thank you with all my heart for giving me a great charge of positivity and good mood on this wonderful spring day!
  3. Thank you for the gifts and congratulations! Today I bask in the rays of your attention and feel like the queen of the holiday!