Congratulations on Holy Trinity Day. Congratulations on the Trinity Happy Trinity Day

  • 25.10.2023

Pure light flows
And in the greenery there are birches.
And the Lord gave the answer,
One for all questions.

Don't stand there blind and deaf.
For faith and forgiveness
Holy Spirit sent down
How to appeal to God.

The domes are shining,
The temples were covered with leaves.
And the Trinity is bright
Spiritual gifts.

And on such a big day,
Like a golden secret,
Accept with your soul
You are the Holy Trinity!

To the sound of the bells,
Under the cheerful birds chirping
May the holiday of Trinity come to your home
Brings love and prosperity,

Hope green sprouts
Will awaken with the bright light of faith!
Let there be worldly joys
And sweet happiness beyond measure!

Congratulations on Trinity! Sun and warmth!
May good deeds be rewarded to you.
And, like a green branch, the soul will blossom,
In love with the Lord, breathing by faith.
Every thin string will feel
The sweetness of ringing happiness, God's grace.

A wonderful holiday has arrived
He showed us a miracle
And after Easter all the people
Gave me warmth and light.

Holy Father and Son and Spirit
They appeared on the same day.
And on this holiday to praise
Lord, please don't be lazy!

And now the holiday of Trinity
Happy Christ Day:
Love, care, kindness
And endless happiness!

We wish you kindness in life
And all the blessings of life,
May the Trinity be in all ways
Accompanies you!

The sacred holiday is coming
And I would like to congratulate everyone
With that grace that comes from Heaven
Not every century is presented to us.

Father who rules over us
And his Son, who are all sins
Took away. And the Holy Spirit is the whole banner
Great faith was raised.

Pentecost has arrived
And you can hear the bells ringing,
The Holy Trinity has risen
In the soul and in each of the worlds.

Let faith fill your heart,
The Father's love will save us,
On this holiday, blessed hour,
May happiness descend upon us.

Holy Trinity -
The holiday of those who believe
He is with green May
Knock on doors.

Let it bring joy
I believe in every house,
What triple holiness
In God there is one.

May your prayers
Achieve goals
And he will come to you earlier
Just what you wanted.

Congratulations on the Holy Trinity
May you always be healthy.
Live in love and happiness,
Let bad weather not disturb you.

And the Holy Trinity protects,
Helps you in all matters.
Then it will certainly await us all
Love, wealth, and success.

Happy Trinity Day, I congratulate you.
May God keep you confident in everything.
He will forgive sins, I know that
Let him love you and warm you with warmth.

Congratulations on Trinity, friends,
Happy holiday to these saints!
May they protect you everywhere and always,
Holy father, spirit and son!

May your thoughts be forever pure,
May good luck accompany you
May heaven bring it to your home
Joy, luck and happiness!

On the feast of Trinity, may the saint
The Lord will be by your side!
Let him protect you from troubles like an angel,
He will always give you advice and calm you down!

May there be peace in your family,
Let joy bloom in your soul!
Live kinder and more cheerfully,
And let the sky shine!

Happy Trinity Day!
Happy holiday.
Limitless love,
Welcome smiles.

May the mercy of the Lord
rests on you,
Hope and faith in the soul
They are increasing.

The bells are ringing in the morning
On Trinity Day.
May the Lord's grace
Will always be with you.

May the angel protect your soul
Let the work progress
I hasten to congratulate you
On the great Feast of Trinity!

Happy Trinity Day! I wish you warmth in your soul, peace, kindness, sincere faith. May the Lord protect and bless you. Happy holiday!

Let happiness triple
On the day of the great Trinity,
Let your heart be cleansed
Filled with love
The soul sings, laughs,
And you succeed.

I congratulate you on Trinity,
And I wish you joy, warmth, kindness,
Let the Saints protect
Let them protect you!

Let them help you in difficulties,
And in times of trouble, they will stand behind you,
The holy holiday has arrived
Throw away your sadness!

The Holy Spirit descended from heaven -
The river is happy, the forest is green,
The domes sparkle with gold,
The bells are singing festively!

May God protect you
Instills faith and love.
Happy Feast of the Holy Trinity.
Health, happiness and great love!

May the holiday of Holy Trinity
God will send you good things,
And let happiness triple,
Prosperity will come to your home!

Let them be filled with warmth
Every heart
And all dreams will come true
With the help of the Creator!

The church bell rings,
Seek grace into the world.
May the Holy Trinity touch everyone,
To distribute the goods equally.

Let the house be filled
Love, faith and warmth.
Let everyone be calm in it
Covered with an angel's wing.

The Holy Spirit has spread its wings over the world,
He planted grace in our hearts,
Fresh wind, clean summer shower
Washed my soul from worries and evil.

Kindness, sincerity, mercy
And let love fill us,
Sparks of pure faith, without a doubt,
They will open up new reserves of strength for us.

On Trinity Sunday let bright flowers
Both people and gardens are decorated,
Let the light of smiles give birth to the flame of life
Keep the light of God in your soul!

May the holiday of Trinity bring happiness to you,
Let luck rush only to your shores,
Let life only be brightly illuminated with love,
And it will help all your dreams come true in an instant.

Let your home sparkle with health, prosperity,
We wish that all your plans and desires come true,
Prosperity, peace, joy, endless success,
Prosperity, victories, impeccable luck!

Wonderful day, wonderful holiday,
Celebrate Trinity today,
And many different wishes,
You! Accept quickly:

Live in abundance, be happy,
Good health, love,
Simple happiness, positivity,
All the best blessings of this Earth!

Give goodness, meet the sunrises,
Give thanks for every day
Let stories please life,
Consider a fairy tale in life!

I am with the Holy Trinity
My heartfelt congratulations,
Goodness, love and happiness
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.

Let him protect you
Trinity of Saints,
Protects from evil
And from dashing people.

Congratulations on the Holy Trinity!
I wish you warmth and love.
May faith always live in you,
And everyone will find their own happiness.
So that all adversities pass by,
Protected by the Trinity were holy!

We congratulate you on the wonderful holy June holiday of Trinity, we wish that you and your family will always be under the protection of God, may there be prosperity, comfort and peace in your home. We wish you health, prosperity and love.

May the Lord protect the family
And protects from evil.
On this warm summer day,
Trinity blesses.

On a bright holiday they will go away,
All the grievances and doubts,
Warmth and comfort will come to the house.
Happiness, joy, luck!

May the Holy Spirit descend from heaven,
He will cover the house with his wing.
Let the buzz from crazy life
It will calm down, like at the bottom of the sea.

Let there be light and there be joy,
Let love bask in our souls,
Let there be mercy, let there be holiness,
And an Angel will visit your home!

The Holy Trinity stepped onto the threshold.
May joy come to every home today,
May there be peace and goodness in your souls,
I wish that God will help you in everything!
I wish you health, a lot of strength,
Let them be enough for good deeds.
Live with God, with God the world is beautiful,
And Trinity brought happiness to everyone!

On Trinity I wish you lightness of soul,
Appreciate the moment, live and take your time,
I wish you joy in your hearts and kindness,
May all your wishes and dreams come true.
So that there is only grace in the soul,
I want to wish you health and happiness.

The sacred holiday is on the doorstep.
Let the worries go away
Let evil and troubles leave us,
Let goodness never leave you.

Today is Holy Trinity.
The heavenly light illuminates us
And gives God's grace.
We can't suffer today!

Let everything be in the world today
We will be happy like children
And let's live at least a day
Without evil, without grief and problems!

Let the Holy Trinity
Will send health and prosperity,
Let happiness flow over the edge,
There is always order in the soul!

I wish you peace, kindness,
Smiles, joy and laughter,
And so that everyone's dreams come true,
I wish you success in everything!

Happy Great Holy Trinity!
May peace reign in your soul,
And the sun shines over the earth,
God bestows kindness!

Let all things lead to success,
There is no sadness at all,
And in life there is joy and laughter
Let there be plenty of space!

May the sea of ​​light and love
Warmth, kindness and beauty
They come to your home every day
And they give happiness to everyone who is in it!

Happy Trinity Day! Happy great day!
Let the angel take you with his wing
Will save you from troubles and tears,
God will send you grace.


After the ascension of Jesus Christ, the tenth day came: it was the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ. The Jews had a great festival of Pentecost in memory of the legislation of Sinai. All the apostles, together with the Mother of God and with other disciples of Christ and other believers, were unanimously in the same upper room in Jerusalem. It was the third hour of the day, according to the Jewish clock, that is, in our opinion, the ninth hour of the morning. Suddenly a sound came from heaven, as if from a rushing strong wind, and filled the whole house where the disciples of Christ were. And tongues of fire appeared and rested (stopped) one on each of them. Everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit and began to glorify God in different languages ​​that they did not know before. So the Holy Spirit, according to the promise of the Savior, descended on the apostles in the form of tongues of fire, as a sign that He gave the apostles the ability and strength to preach Christ’s teaching to all nations; He descended in the form of fire as a sign that he has the power to scorch sins and cleanse, sanctify and warm souls.

In Jerusalem at that time there were many Jews who came from different countries for the holiday. The apostles came out to them and began to preach the risen Christ in their native languages. The sermon had such an effect on those who heard it that many believed and began to ask: “What should we do?” Peter answered them: “Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins; then you too will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit"

Those who believed in Christ willingly accepted baptism; there were about three thousand of them that day. Thus, the Kingdom of God, that is, the Church of Christ, began to be established on earth.

On the day of Pentecost

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth... come and dwell in us... Today, immediately after the Divine Liturgy, Vespers is celebrated in remembrance of the descent of the Comforter Spirit on the holy apostles. During this service, kneeling prayers are read for the sending down to us of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of wisdom, the Spirit of reason and the fear of God (kneeling prayer after the special litany). The Holy Church prays for the granting of the grace of the Holy Spirit to all those present, as well as to our previously departed fathers and brothers and other relatives in the flesh, so that they too may become participants in the Kingdom of Glory in the land of the living... “Not a single one is pure before God from filth, below if there is only one day of his life” (kneeling prayer after “Grant, O Lord, this evening”).

Without the grace of the Holy Spirit there is no salvation, there is no true Christianity. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself repeatedly said that this gift of God is necessary for His followers. He spoke very definitely about this in a conversation with the righteous Nicodemus, who came to Him to find out what needs to be done to be saved. “Truly, truly, I say to you,” the Lord taught Nicodemus, “unless someone is born again... of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God: that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3 , 3. 5-6). The meaning of the Savior’s words is clear: if spiritual birth has not occurred, if the grace-filled gifts of the Spirit of God have not been received, it is impossible to inherit the Kingdom of God.

But how can one acquire the grace of the Holy Spirit? First of all, you must have a sincere, heartfelt desire, combined with firm and unshakable faith. We must avoid all untruth and sinful defilement and do good. The means to acquire grace are given in the Church of God, in the holy temple, in church sacraments and prayer.

Why is the temple decorated for Trinity?

On this day, Orthodox Christians decorate their houses and churches with green branches and flowers.

This custom comes from the Old Testament Church, when houses and synagogues were decorated with greenery on Pentecost in memory of how everything bloomed and turned green at Mount Sinai on the day when Moses received the tablets of the law. The Zion Upper Room, where the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, at that time, according to general custom, was also decorated with tree branches and flowers.

On the feast of Trinity, the appearance of the Trinity to Abraham in the Mamvrian oak grove is also remembered, so the temple decorated with greenery also resembles that oak grove.

And the flowering branches remind us that under the influence of God’s grace, human souls blossom with the fruits of virtues.

Congratulations on the Holy Trinity Day.
May this day bring you joy, and may your soul be filled only with bright feelings.
Health to you and all your loved ones.

On the day of the Holy Trinity I wish you all kinds of blessings!
May warmth, happiness, light and love endlessly fill your heart!

Trinity light
Came down from the sky
So everything will be
Good again.
Among all everyday things
Believe, wait and love,
There will be happiness ahead
An angel will be nearby
The keeper!

Ah, Trinity, holy grace -
In her is the light of life and in her is holy power!
Her Majesty - Heaven is spacious and become -
From end to end of the whole world!

The time of Spring is over,
Summer is warm again
In it is the salvation of your soul,
Holiday on earth - Trinity Day!
I wish to keep pure faith in my Hearts.
I congratulate everyone today with a smile on my lips!

Lord, by Your transfiguration
Enlighten both souls and hearts -
That holy and pure renewal
Mercy of the incorruptible crown!

Congratulations on the Holy Trinity

The time of Spring is over,
Summer is warm again
In it is the salvation of your soul,
Holiday on earth - Trinity Day!
I wish you pure faith
Keep it in your Hearts.
Congratulations to everyone today
I have a smile on my lips!

Trinity day has come,
As a sign that Christ has risen,
So, we all don’t live in vain,
This means that the dawn of faith will rise again!
Twigs and flowers
You bring it to your home,
So that everyone can see for themselves -
This is a holiday for Christians!

Congratulations on Trinity 2011

Trinity light
Came down from the sky
So everything will be
Good again.
Among all everyday things
Believe, wait and love,
There will be happiness ahead
An angel will be nearby -
The keeper!

Ah, Trinity, ah, Trinity,
Green time!
How you breathe, how you see,
How he prays in the morning!
As soon as the sun moves
And it will sparkle with dew,
The earth is like a birthday girl,
Will delight you with beauty.
Lies in bunches full
Wormwood in all corners
And blue waves
Warmth floats across the earth.
And the heart is cleansed
Love for everything
And it's so easy to forgive
When you go to Him.

On the day of Trinity Saint
We want to wish
So that true peace
Stepped on my heart.

So that faith never
Didn't leave you
And so that you always
Loved it like it is now!

May Trinity be with you
Gives his gifts:
Luck in fate,
Let him bestow love,

Lord's grace
Let it pour on you
To live and prosper -
Everything in life works out!

You open the windows -
Today is Trinity!
Look at the sky -
There's an angel praying

So that you always
Live only joyfully
To always be in fate
Everything was sweet!

Happy Trinity Day to you!
May the Lord be gracious
Gives you happiness now.
Only kneeling

You will pray to Him
Sincerely, purely, with hope!
The Lord listens to one -
With boundless faith in your heart!

A special day, a special holiday -
The Holy Trinity has arrived!
And many different wishes -
Love, warmth!

I wish you inspiration
Have a wonderful life without worries,
Good luck, happiness - without a doubt!
May you always be lucky in everything!

Let's remember on Trinity Day,
That the Lord created us all!
We will fill your heart with love,
May each of us be happy!

And all you have to do is wish
Hope and faith - always!
May the sun smile on you,
May you never be sad again!

The Holy Spirit came down from heaven
To perform miracles.
Gave the apostles a command
Preach among us
About all God's works
In various languages.
The temple crowned the phenomenon.
That day became a solemn one.
There is renewal in the souls.
Our congratulations!

When they come, drive away fear, pain, and old age.
Believe in yourself - because deep down in your soul
The spark of the Almighty shines with might and main!
She is you! Rejoice! Breathe!

The holiday of Trinity has come,
I went to church in the morning,
They burn incense in the church,
The candles near the icons are burning.

The priest reads about the Trinity,
The choir sings along in the prayer service,
The sound flies under the dome,
My heart is glad.

I want to congratulate you on Trinity,
And leave it as a memory for everyone,
I'm talking about the Trinity poem -
And church congratulations!

Today, on the feast of Trinity,
I would like to wish you:
Let the future be built
And find happiness!

May the Lord help you
Health and goodness,
Let there be no room for sins,
The house will be cozy!

So the Trinity has come -
Open the doors!
Full of goodness
Meet her!

You will let love into your life,
You invite guests!
The Lord loves you very much,
You love him!

Holy Trinity, congratulate you on it
Hunting on this beautiful day,
Let everyone have at any hour of their life
Everything will be great. Dangerous
We should indulge in sadness and doubts,
We don't need this, because life is so good
And read the congratulations so that opinions
And don’t rush to listen to gratitude.

The Holy Spirit came upon them,
On the apostles of the saints.
And they went to teach
Treat the righteous people.

With God's word on my lips,
With faith in fiery speeches.
Called to believe in God
Not cast, but alive.

The people celebrate the holiday
He goes to the temple with tears.

May this day illuminate your world with light, may holy warmth come to your home. There should not be lonely people in the world, unhappy and abandoned. We wish you to always celebrate the holidays, not even just the three of you, but in the circle of a huge and friendly family. Happiness, warmth and peace in your home.

Let this day show everyone how many faces the world of light and goodness has. May the Lord give you happiness in life with one hand, success in your business and career with the other, and peace and grace in your soul with the third. Happiness to your home, strong family, fidelity and peace.

May it descend from heaven today,
Having driven away sorrows, it will become a day of miracles.
It will sparkle, giving everyone warmth.
Holy Spirit, three names, three faces.
I wish you great joy in your home.
Let the trouble pass by!
Warmth and peace to you on earth!
No disappointments anywhere!
Deep happiness to everyone!

Different callings, but high!
Success, not far off!

Look at the world and look at the icons
He is one for us, and yet he is three.
He knows the melancholy and thoughts of mothers,
Yes, the prayers of their lost sons.
He was born among us and has always been.
And we call him from heaven when there is trouble.
Everywhere he comes to our voice.
Warmth from it will one day descend upon us.
I wish you a strong family and purity.

More joy, may your dreams come true.
Success, happiness, kindness.

It's very difficult for us to understand
How can we divide God?
How many of them - one or three?!
Now look here:

God is eternal, He is one!
But then, who is God's Son?
What is the Holy Spirit?
Just a spirit or alive?

God revealed the secret to us,
But he forbade me to dig:
God said: I am triune:
I, and the Spirit, and the Son of God.

Trinity of the Godhead
You've had enough for now
People are not gods,
They can't understand everything
You need to trust God
Take everything on faith!

God used to appear to people
We will remember this
And then Jesus came
Whoever wanted to, followed Him.

And now it encourages us,
Protects from temptations
Holy Spirit sent by God
Help sinful people.

He knocks on people's hearts
Encourages them to pray
He comes with God in his heart,
And sin leaves the heart.
The Holy Spirit is our helper
In an eternal dispute with Satan.

Good people, wake up,
Shake yourself off from sin,
Banish the evil voice
Listen only to the Holy Spirit!

With the help of our short congratulations on Trinity Day 2019 in prose, you can please your dearest people, and also show that you are always concerned with the help or just thoughts and wish them all the best. We present to your attention the most beautiful SMS congratulations on the occasion of the Holy Trinity in verse. In order to do so, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our material about.

Short SMS congratulations on Trinity Day 2019

Congratulations on the bright Orthodox holiday - Trinity! Open the window, let summer and holy blessings in! Let the Father, Son and Holy Spirit protect your family, bringing into your home only peace of mind, good health and faith in the best.

Holy Trinity Feast -
This is a wonderful holiday.
From heaven to life your happiness
Let God send.

From trouble and war
The Holy Spirit saves us
And to harmony and friendship
He leads the nations.

Let them always win
Peace and harmony,
Let them always win
Kindness and love.

Along with the smell of forest potion,
Along with a bright bouquet of flowers
I'm with the bright Trinity again
Congratulations and a few words
I wish you with a pure heart:
Lots of happiness, health, love,
Warm yourself with the kindness of your heart;
Live up to a hundred years, as if in a fairy tale.

The heavens sang to us,
Today there will be miracles:
We call the Trinity
And I congratulate you!

May joy come to you
Faith and love in fate,
Peace, happiness and goodness,
The Lord God is always with you!

The bright holiday of Trinity,
Comes to every home
Nature smiles
Everything is green all around!

Today, with the Holy Trinity,
I congratulate you,
Let happiness flow to you like a river,
Filling every hour!

With the Most Holy Trinity,
Happy holy day!
Let your heart be filled
With golden light,

Let the soul not know
No sin, no evil,
May he bless you
God is in everything.

On the feast of the Great Trinity
Forgive insults to others
Let the angel pray for everyone,
There is so much more to come.

On the holy feast of the Lord
Light a candle for your family,
And may you be free from illnesses -
I pray for this and ask all the saints.

Congratulations on Spiritual Day 2019

is an Orthodox holiday celebrated on Monday, immediately after Trinity. On Spiritual Day, you cannot physically work, but it is better to devote the day to family and relaxation. On Spiritual Day, people hang the symbol of the Holy Spirit - wooden doves - from shrines. Since many people on the Internet are looking for information about Spiritual Day, we are sure that short SMS congratulations on Spiritual Day will also be no less relevant.

Spiritual Day - holy great holiday
On this day the whole earth rejoices.
The Holy Spirit walks over the fields,
Each stem is carefully stored.

I wish you a bright holiday on this holiday
Bright, pure, sincere love
May God protect you from troubles,
May the Holy Spirit bless you.

Be honest, love your neighbor,
Respect the earth every day.
Save each petal,
May God accompany you everywhere.

There is a folk sign:
Spiritual Day - the beginning of summer!
The cold is receding.
Hello, it's warm time.