Funny happy birthday greetings to a 51 year old man. Funny birthday greetings for a guy

  • 21.10.2023
admin 2018-03-27T17:55:43+00:00

Happy Selfish Day to you, dear friend! May you have all the best, bright, passionate, gentle, beautiful, kind and happy! Be true to yourself - and let the world bend under you! Congratulations!

Happy birthday! I wish you health, love, fulfillment of all your desires! As they say - a wad of money, a new car, good luck, a dacha and happiness in addition!

Well? Congratulations! The years fly by, but it’s good that you still have a lot of time to do new, adult and completely conscious nonsense! So life to you, filled with the brightest events! Always act as your heart tells you, so that you have something to remember later!

You almost never see real men like you anymore, so you are our rarest, most rare specimen. Happy birthday from my huge heart! On my way, I wish you to conquer all career ascents, all women’s hearts and life’s peaks!

You are a great master of your life! Your energy charges you like a power outlet. You perfectly combine masculine beauty, strength of character and an incredible sense of humor. You know how to highlight the main thing in a person and in life! You are a great example for the younger generation! So may everything in your life work out in the most wonderful way!

Happy birthday, I want to wish you self-confidence, a profitable, calm and beloved job, a stable, strong, large and happy family, unforgettable impressions, an expensive car, a country house, a house full of friends, confidence in the future.

I wish your life to be as bright as a clear sunny day, full as a glass of champagne, cloudless as the sky over the desert. And let the lights of hope always shine in the windows of your friends and family, like the stars in the night sky. Be healthy, happy and lucky!

Happy birthday! Let there be more sharp turns in your life, let your refrigerator burst at the seams, and let money fall out of your bags. A goldfish lives in the aquarium, fulfilling your every desire, and your favorite kisser and hugger sleeps in the bedroom.

Congratulations on an amazing and unique holiday, Happy Birthday! Always take from life what you can and what is given. After all, you can’t relive life again. Always love and you will be loved. May this bright and high day bring you only joy, success and health.

Happy birthday! On this day I wish you to always be cheerful, positive, healthy, strong, courageous, lucky, happy, loved. May you be surrounded by people who love you.

Today we wish the hero of the occasion the most important thing - to always remain young! No one will argue that youth is a wonderful state when you are full of strength and energy, plans and hopes, when you daily expect something bright and joyful to happen. When you are young, you are sure that you can do everything, any task can be solved in one, two, three times... Therefore, we wish you not to lose this feeling of carefree youth in your soul! Be happy!

Congratulations on your birthday! Let this day be a transition for you to a new stage in your life. I wish you to become more courageous, luckier, stronger and, of course, healthier every year. May all your dreams come true as soon as possible and, at the same time, new ones appear. I also wish that there are always true friends nearby who will help and support at any moment. May all your family and friends be happy. Please us every day with your radiant smile and wonderful mood. We, in turn, promise to help you with this.
Happy birthday to you and I want to wish you to be courageous, strong and healthy! Every man knows what he needs to be happy, so I want to wish you health and good luck, joy and success, all the best that you can imagine! Let there be enough money for all your whims, and let every moment bring joy!
What kind of a real man is he? This is a person you can rely on at any moment, whom you can trust, with whom you can just have a heart-to-heart talk. A real man is my favorite. I'm so happy next to him. Today, my beloved, celebrates his birthday. I congratulate you on your triumph from the bottom of my heart. Let your life flow calmly and confidently, like a full river. I wish you good luck in everything, good health, always good mood and prosperity.

May all the wishes addressed to you on your birthday come true soon. All positive emotions will remain in your heart for a whole year until your next birthday. I wish life to be like a fairy tale, full of miracles and fairy-tale mood. Let the sun shine for you and charge you with energy for the whole day. Never lose heart. And even from unpleasant situations, learn invaluable lessons. On this day, receive many pleasant surprises. Today you will hear many pleasant compliments, all addressed to you. Let your good mood never disappear, but only rise. May your favorite fairy tale come true, and may today’s holiday bring a lot of pleasure and joy. Let people make you smile. And life will be damn nice and cool!
What is the most precious thing in life? Material well-being and wealth? Yes. Successful career and personal achievements? Certainly. To keep your family healthy? Without a doubt. And also - support and understanding of loved ones, relatives, best friends, and family. After all, only with their help can we move mountains and change the world. And our birthday boy has all this! With all my heart I wish that he will continue to be surrounded only by the closest people who always love and wait for him.

What I wish for you is actually not that important. After all, the main thing is that it all comes from the heart. And in my soul now there is a huge holiday, happiness, love and joy, which is what I want to wish for you, dear. And although this holiday will end sooner or later, let everything else remain with you forever, as in my soul, as long as you are next to me, in my life. Happy birthday, my beloved and dear person, thank you for being with me!

Never let the years that add wisdom and life experience to you prevent you from taking rash and spontaneous actions. They are the ones who give you a feeling of happiness. Never let those around you who make up your social circle influence your own opinion. This is what makes you stand out from the crowd. Never let the troubles that instill in you tolerance and the courage to overcome them, disappoint you in life. Live wisely and be happy!

My dear man, you know how to be gallant and prudent. You know how to achieve success in all matters. I want to wish you to become stronger, more courageous and more confident in yourself. May comfort and peace await you at home. May your friends never betray you. Let your loved ones always be there in sorrow and joy. All the best to you, happy birth and may every minute of your life be happy and cheerful.

Taking this opportunity, I want to wish you that luck will become your faithful companion, that every minute of your long life will be wonderful, that your cherished desires will come true as soon as possible, and that your dreams will definitely come true. I wish fate fair winds, good weather, sunny days. May you be appreciated at work, may love and mutual understanding reign in the family, may your children please you with their successes! May there always be loved ones around you, may there be peace in your soul, and may there be happiness in your heart!

On your birthday
I wish earthly blessings,
With a strong man's hand
You ruled your destiny.
Reliable, devoted friends,
In the service of promotion,
Have a good and happy day,
Good luck, happy birthday!
May you be lucky in everything and often,
Let everything be great in business.
Let the path to dreams be easy,
Relatives are waiting in the house,
Ladies always inspire -
Be the best man!
I wish you a firm, faithful step
Walk through the thorns of fate
Be friends with luck by all means
And bring your dreams closer!
Happiness, love, fun and laughter,
So that work is like joy.
High flights, soft falls -
We wish you everything on your birthday!
On this day I wish passionately
Live beautifully and wonderfully,
So that people respect
And my friends didn’t forget.
You lived in happiness, in abundance.
And let everything be fine.
May your birthday be awesome.
Let it be cool, like in the movies.
Don't live your life in vain -
Appreciate everything that is given to you!
Be strong, rich, healthy,
I wish you to forget about troubles, worries,
I wish that things always go uphill,
May you smile and never be sad!
Success in business, luck, patience,
I also wish you good mood,
Be true to your friends, be responsible for your words,
Be a man, happy birthday to you!
May fate always please you,
May many miracles happen in life.
May everything always be given without difficulty,
But happiness does not leave you at all.

Don't yawn on your birthday,
Pour the glass fuller,
And we will “sip” them to the bottom,
So that the essence of life is visible.

We wish you, from the first, many years,
Good health, victories,
May the whole year be wonderful
And he gave you positivity.

Second, let success promise,
To always look respectable
Had, despite the problems,
And he was the master of fate.

And with the third, let love come,
The kind that won't let you down
Will give you vigor and strength,
So that even the moment is pleasant.

We would like to wish you on the fourth -
It's always a great time to relax
It's easy to overcome problems
And it’s great to succeed in life.

And we’ll thank you for the comfort,
So that there is money in the house here and there,
And there are plenty of different benefits,
Not life, but sweet wine.

We will accept the sixth, without interference,
So that the cheerful laughter does not stop,
Friends entered the house in a crowd,
Feast, songs, feast on the mountain.

Why not drink to your family?
We drink the seventh glass to them,
So that family peace is okay,
Invigorated you for a hundred years in a row.

Drink the eighth, whoever is strong,
There is a reason for the future,
So that I look forward with optimism
And may good luck await you.

Well, I lost count of the glasses,
Although I hardly drank...
Come on, memory, tighten up,
And you, my friend, don’t double up.

We can handle nine, ten is unlikely,
After all, you are both a friend and a brother to us,
With you, grief is not a problem,
We drink today to you.

And finally, a few words:
Fit, cheerful and healthy,
Walk confidently towards your dream,
And you and I are on the same path.

Not a man, but a dream
He has intelligence and beauty
For all women he is a hero,
Young seducer!

It's not easy to be like this
Stocky, tall!
Let's say for sure you are alone,
The best of men!

We know exactly what's wrong with you,
Comfort and peace await us!
We'll celebrate your birthday
We'll celebrate it until the morning!

And we congratulate you,
We hasten to wish you happiness,
We hug you very tightly
We value you too!

We wish you many years, we wish you many years,
May they only bring you good luck.
May you become a year older today,
There is no need to be sad: we have entered the time of maturity!

Let every year add another
Health, wisdom, success and victories,
Let the boyish enthusiasm leave,
And optimism, and to live without troubles!

Let everything be as it could be, dreamed:
There is respect and honor at work,
So that all good things happen, of course,
And may you have friends around, and may you be lucky!

May all your achievements and hopes
Reached unprecedented heights
May there be peace in the family, prosperity in the home,
Impossible dreams will come true!

Today is your birthday -
We congratulate you.
Great happiness with all my heart
We wish you, lovingly!

May success await you in business
And happiness in personal life.
Let things be the best
And overall everything is great!

Let the car of health be
With a cart to boot.
Let sadness pass by.
And good luck pleases!

Let every hour be cool,
Good - mood.
Live a hundred years and make us happy!
In short - happy birthday!

What is the celebration for?
What are people celebrating?
That, comrade, is your birthday.
Let's celebrate! That's it!

The feast is on fire, the tables are set,
The birthday boy is at the head,
And drinks are poured for everyone,
The cake is huge aside!

The guests make speeches
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
New dishes are brought -
Incredibly good!

Someone is singing a song
All the singers are a perfect choice.
Every guest doesn't notice
How I got involved in the friendly choir!

The music is playing loudly.
Everyone started dancing quickly!
People are walking well
The party was a success!

Thanks to you, owner
We express on behalf of all of us
For the reception, for the treat,
And for the fact that you are with us!

May heaven protect you
With its mighty power
Go forward while looking back
Just to know what happened
So that on the mistakes of past years
Learn to strive upward again,
And still to find the answer
How to get up again and not crash.
I want to have only friends nearby,
You were surrounded everywhere
So that the family is happy,
So that sorrows pass by.
And in this world of vanity
I wish you joy in life,
With a smile so that you wake up
On your brightest birthday!

I wish you all the most beautiful things,
Health - chocolate,
Fun - grape,
Life is endless,
Youth is eternal,
Smiles - strawberry!
And life will be easier.
Everyone watch! Very funny!

Happy Birthday! Success in work, pleasant weather, pure, tender and repeated love, children of different sexes, coats that fit their figure, neighbors in the compartment who do not drink or smoke, silky hair, snow-white teeth, wealthy husbands, gentle sponsors, smart lovers, spouses in law , mothers-in-law living in another region, submissive daughters-in-law, washed dishes, husbands who do not snore and are shaved at night, colleagues who are not fixated only on grandmothers, enemies of the weak, enemies of the very weak, dinners in bed, polar impressions and ... ... these .... well, in general, that......regular

I wish everyone to love, fall in love,
Get married, have sex.
Then be fruitful, multiply,
And also have sex.
Dedicate yourself to work with ardor,
And then -. have sex
Benefits of Enjoying Life
. And zealously have sex
Wait for everything I dreamed of,
But still have sex.
And don’t give up on age! —
Getting old, but having sex!
... It’s time, perhaps, to wrap things up:
They invited me to have sex.
Tough - watch to the end!

I wish you great health,
So that your chest does not hang like a rag.
And cunnilingus once a week,
Someone would do it for you.
And early in the morning at dawn,
When you don't have the strength to wake up,
Whatever the alarm clock, damn it,
And wild sex woke you up.

So that breasts like Irene Ferrari,
And a butt like J.Lo's.
So that the men open their mouths,
They drove us around in cool cars.
So that all the flowers are thrown at your feet,
And every day they swore love,
And in boutiques so that they dress,
Anyone fulfilled a whim.
So that the sex is awesome until dawn,
It seemed like there was always money,
Vacation in Egypt all summer,
And go to Turkey in winter.
In Ibiza to hang out,
So that men swear love
(I wish I could repeat myself).
In short, let everything go to hell!

I wish you on your birthday
elite clothes and machines,
Always pleasant excitement,
And there is no end to men,
So that a manicure is always in order,
And appearance is pure ideal,
In love, let it be only sweet,
May everyone look up to you!

One bottle, two bottles!
Happy birthday Friend!
Let there NOT be a hole in Life
Your Pocket is Full!

Three bottles and four...
We are already sailing with you,
It WAS a very long Lights Out!

Five bottles and the sixth...
What... more could you wish for? ...
May your whole life be in sartir
It will be easy, motherfucker...

Seven on the way and the eighth...
Somehow I don’t see you...
Where have you gone? Well traitor...
I vomited... I hate it!
Funny birthday greetings.

My friend, I wish you cool parties
cheerful beautiful Ol, Mash and Irinok
Fun in winter, awesome in summer
I wish you to be fashionably stylishly dressed and
AND SO that friends can come to the rescue in times of trouble!

I wish you have everything in life...

Happy birthday my friend!
Let everything be with you:
And the penthouse and the servants,
Your own yacht!
In the center is a personal apartment,
Dress in boutiques
And only rage with fat,
And live like in your dreams!

Happy birthday, or what?
Happy holiday of the soul!
But don’t rush to grow up yet.
Be a diligent daughter
Make your mother happy more often...
Well, that's all, in short!
In general, don’t get sick!

To eat and drink,
So that I would like and could,

Birthday is cool
THIS IS Kama Sutra Like
: For rapturous souls
- It’s so nice, at least dance!

Birthday is nice
Today you are the Most Important
Everyone says that
“My ears are burning all day long!”

Birthday is awesome
So it’s NOT at all in vain
WE Came to.. you Today
Because one thing
SO go crazy with pleasure -
This is just a perversion!

In general, happy birthday to you! ..
A glass... That is, I shake your hand!

I wish your pocket to be full, bananas and cabbage to bloom, and smile from ear to ear, a smile suits you so well!

Citizen birthday girl! Considering that the degree of your income along the thorny path to the cemetery has approached a significant, but not critical limit, I hasten to congratulate you on the next stage passed and even more hasten to envy your permissive age. (18 years old - can purchase alcoholic beverages) May your happy summers multiply at the expense of your unlucky ones diminishing. May your personal life be restructured in the spirit of the times. May your nose always stay in the wind of change!

Today is your birthday,
This means you need to have a blast!
After all, you will have a whole year,
To have time to recover a little!

Happy birthday Congratulations
And with all our hearts we wish:
To be healthy in Siberian style,
Live long in Caucasian style
Gypsy style Be cheerful
And drink vodka in Russian!

Congratulations! I wish you
FORCES of male and female attention,
Develop the business to a global scale,
Cold beer in warm company.
Can we talk about female attention again...
Bourgeois money in a leather wallet,
Meet less frostbitten people in life,
Cool car and green light,
(For beer, I forgot, more salty),
Our enemies will be soaked in the toilet,
And, accordingly, peace throughout the world!

Be beautiful Malvina HOW
And LIKE Cinderella Miles!
Let them love you right away
Thirty-three heroes!
WHAT to wish a man on his birthday
More useful business meetings,
And life is sweeter than the best jam,
And not to know genital diseases...

To have more love in life,
Preferably several times a day!
SO that all women love you
And they warmed the soul AND the bed!

His face is courageous,
The heart is noble
Intelligence is powerful
Character - persistent,
Eyes are clear
The look is piercing,
The head is cooking,
Rules the wheel
He can do everything
Doesn't spare money
Today everyone loves the girl for you!

I wish you on your birthday,
To be surrounded by joyful faces,
So that there is both fun and peace,
So that the husband is a king, the lover is a prince
And Money, well, just a little bit -
To a jeep, and to an apartment in the center,
So that the breasts only become larger,
A sip of love, but a hundredweight of happiness!

Something has changed imperceptibly
It’s like someone has grown up exactly a year.
Why is there such a pandemonium at the door?
It's just your birthday today.
How can we congratulate you now?
We'll pull you by the ears with love,
And to your popular person
WE wish regular love!

Buddy! I wish you always have something to stick out your pants with! ...
..I meant wallet

Once upon a time, God gave a person five years to live, and a horse, a dog, a monkey and all other animals -. Fifty years each. A man went to the animals so that THEY would give him a Part of their Life. And so it happened that for twenty-five years a man lives like a man, for the next twenty-five years he plows like a horse, then he lives like a dog, and for the next twenty-five for years they laugh at him like he is a monkey. I want to wish you to live at least another hundred years as a human being!

I wish you were like a salad! ...
... Cool peppers and cabbage!


On your birthday, congratulations from us are just the thing.
We send kind words. IT'S TWO
Be ahead ALL TIME -. IT'S Three
Living with everyone in friendship, in peace, seems to be four.
Never lose heart -. It's five
Be attentive to everyone -. THIS IS SEVEN
Always being at a normal weight means eight, nine, ten.
Well, and in addition to this -
! Happiness, joy, good luck
Let your life NOT be sad
Cabbage crunches in your wallet
The key to the car is in your pocket
TV remote control waiting on the sofa

Success at 7 years old is being able to wake up in a dry bed,
Success at 17 is being able to sleep with a girl,
Success at 25 is being able to find yourself a good wife,
Success at 35 means career and family,
Success at 35 is family and career,
Success at 65 is being able to sleep with a woman
Success at 85 years old -. THIS is to be able to wake up in a dry bed
I wish you (name) success in your future life.

I wish you red girls,
To drive the blood through your veins,
Various wines, vodkas and sorbets,
What an empty stomach of love!
Let the fun of a fairy tale splash,
And let everyone understand the joke,
I won’t make eyes here,
Good luck in life awaits you!

On your birthday I wish you
May all your dreams come true,
So that men surround you,
Not March cats!

So that you can achieve everything.
To make life seem more fun,
We wish you one
AND AFTER a lot of zeros!

Congratulations, hugs,
And we shout HURRAY to you!
You are Miss World, Miss Universe
And Miss This Table!

There is NO downtime for glasses and forks
I stand for you today!

And then that evening came,
Beautiful cake and candles,
Decorated the holiday table,
I'm incredibly glad to meet you...
I'm raising rum
For a dear friend,
And in any scenario,
I wish you a snowstorm….
... Blizzard of happiness and steam,
Which will lead to a spouse,
And if you want it big,
Hit all the dishes with happiness...
And run around the house naked and barefoot!

I wish that in your house the table is always full of food, and the bed is always full of pleasure.

I wish you the keys to the car,
May you never be sad!
And everything a man wants -
There are always beauties with curves,
More cold beer
Salted fish under it,
So that everything always lasts longer,
Nothing irritated me!

Health, happiness, money, buddy,
We wish! May your soul be full!
And remember: you can't argue with this,
Whatever the buddies want.

Birthday! Really!
Has it been a year since last year?
After all, that's STILL fun
No way I left!

Let there be fewer critical days,
And more - cloudless, passionate
Let the money be in full in your bag,
! And fewer dangerous connections
Hope, health, luck and strength,
Love - without problem problems,
And so that Abramovich asks for his hand,
And life's joyful ups!

Be who you are:
For friends - a good friend,
At home - a loving spouse
And a caring father,
And in bed - great!

How important it is to have time for everything in life:
Plant children and give birth to a house,
And don’t forget to build a tree,
And I would like to have a model wife...
You will have all this, I know for sure,
In a different order, maybe, but that’s not the point.
Happy birthday to you today, congratulations
And I'll try to stop by tonight!

Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Aging Day.
Cannabis is not easy on the lungs,
Here's some jam for you.
I wish your life is dirty and dark...
So that money is like dirt, and happiness makes your eyes dark!

So that you can achieve everything.
To make life seem more fun,
I wish you one
AND AFTER a lot of zeros!

Happy birthday,
We are with you as a team.
And with all our hearts we wish
Always be so beautiful.
Let everything be in stacks
Silently, they lie down at your feet.
You must be with them
figure it out quickly.
Money for you to grab with a net,
Let everything always be a bundle.

Dear colleague
Know that we are always ready to come to your rescue...
... And the more revenue, the better!

Congratulations! I wish you that every day you hurt in a different place, because, as experienced doctors say, real health is when every day it hurts in a different place...

Let you argue over trifles,
You call everyone “horseradish”, “stump”,
We congratulate you, buddy,
Have a wonderful birthday!

Dear (name)! Let the cognac you drink be older than the women you sleep with!

Happy Birthday friend!
Of all the arts, the most important for us is BEER!
Come to our “art history circle” more often!
May you have a beautiful life
I wish you a lot of beer!
In mugs, in jars and in bottles!
A case of beer in the freezer!
And so that you can cope with it,
We are already running to you!

Let's put jokes aside,
It's time for great things!
Equal share for birthday
Spill it in a bottle!

I wish for your birthday,
Well, just a lot of pleasure!
Stacks, glasses, with a beer mug
And cool girlfriend
Dancing until you drop!
What, do you need anything else?

It's your birthday again
Accept congratulations
Got another year older
Life keeps a strict account here.

We wish from the bottom of our hearts -
Keep yourself in shape:
Make sure your hair doesn't thin out
And my tummy didn’t get fat!

We also wish you to hurry
Get some important things done:
Conquer the heart of a beauty
And drink vodka with friends,

Don't waste words,
Make a lot of money!
In general, to always be in everything
A real man!

For your birthday
I wish you luck
Sideways to the blonde,
There's a car in the garage.

To live like on a volcano,
I only steamed in the bathhouse,
I only sweated on the beach
As a deputy, he was important.

The account was opened in Switzerland,
I drank beer in Bavaria.
I held my luck by the tail,
He was healthy and happy.

I wish to combine with good luck
Any woman's dreams.
Own a cool dacha by the sea,
To be the ideal of beauty
Giving diamonds indiscriminately
Be pumped up and slim,
It’s time to wear a chic suit,
Stop wearing stubble...
Then all the women in the world
They will be conquered by you.
But you don't need all this
Lotions. You're such a playboy!

On your birthday, I wish you not to grow old,
In order for the belly to resolve, the bald spot will soon become overgrown.
So that I have the strength in my body to conquer the capricious,
They couldn’t resist showing them the ardor of a tiger.
So that you can vigorously drink cocktails and dance all night long,
And in the morning, like a cucumber, stand in your own office.

You are a man anywhere,
You are never sad!
All the girls are screaming
And their knees are shaking,
If you're walking next to me,
You are so good brother!
Happy Birthday, brother!
Wait a little longer
Now the girls are coming
And you will be congratulated here!

What we wish for you
It will come true, we know it!
To wake up early in the morning
Not on an old sofa,
And in luxurious rooms,
On the Caribbean islands,
There is wine on the table
There are plenty of plastic cards,
And on each - a million!
And let this not be a dream!

Successful in business, handsome, strong macho!
We wish you well, love, good luck!
And so that it rustles in your pockets without a break,
You avoided obstacles and obstacles skillfully.
And let your heart burn with a hot fire in your chest,
We wish you victory and good luck in matters of love!
And at your work, let everything be in order,
May your life in the world be sweet and sweet!

Birthday for a man -
This is a holiday of daring.
After all, men by nature are
These people are fighting.

They are in their everyday battles
They deserve an order.
Either at work or at home
There is a terrible war.

But the birthday boy, well done,
Experienced in various defenses,
Remember, the years that go by
They are like stars on uniform.

Let everything in life be Okay,
I wish you on your birthday!
More money in the wallet,
Success in business - always.
A luxury car in the garage,
Fishing in the morning, from hunting,
So that barefoot and in the dew,
Taking in the delights of nature.
Beer in the morning, with a barbecue,
Yes, take a swim in the clean river,
And there’s cognac, under the bottle,
And hug with a six-string.
Spend time with friends
Always pleasant and at ease,
Make yourself happy,
Live easily and carefree!

On my birthday I wish:
May you be lucky everywhere!
To be the first on vacation,
I was not the last to work!
So that the apartment is big
The house outside the city is tall!
So that salaries and advances
Didn't fit in the wallet!
For good health -
It’s impossible without him!
So that you are not forgotten
All old friends!

A wonderful occasion - birthday,
To have a nice walk!
No need for cakes and jam,
Let's go buy beer!
After all, you are a man! Why the embarrassment?
There's nothing better than beer on your birthday!
We wish that from the brewery
You had a privilege in life,
And let the beer flow like a river,
Our dear birthday boy!

Like Winnie the Pooh, I will hurry with the pot,
But as an Owl, I won’t give you a tail,
I wish you a ton of money,
So that it’s enough for your whole life!
And let everything turn out smoothly, as if in a cartoon,
So that everything has a happy ending,
This is always the main thing,
In short, I congratulated him and well done!

We wish you on your birthday
Awesome luck!
To increase the salary
And you always lived richly,
So that gasoline does not become more expensive,
So that the traffic cop doesn’t “squeeze.”
To avoid getting stuck in traffic jams,
And so that... always stands!

We wish you happiness as pure as crystal,
Good luck to the greyhound, like a Roman rebel,
Good health, like an old oak tree,
To be as young as a baby tooth.
So that all good things come true,
To make a lot of money,
And so that instead of lords and servants
An old, faithful friend was always there!

You own the sofa kingdom,
And you guard your remote control,
Can you maintain a conversation?
You always stand up for your home!

I wish you positivity
And always maintain your tone,
You are a wonderful men,
Never be upset!

Happy Birthday, husband, -
My lover and friend,
My little lion, little penguin,
My sweet orange!
Every joke has a bit of a joke in it,
But there is a grain of truth...
Well, come to me, my dear,
I want to... eat you!

Let there be beer and fishing!
Garage, hunting and football!
Scrap metal home dump
And with her immortal rock and roll!
Let it be with angelic patience
Your wife will bear it.
Well, at least on your birthday,
She will be patient for a while...

Birthday is the reason
To get closer to a man.
Women look gorgeous -
He leads the man!

Rely on instinct -
Cleavage like dynamite
A delicious dinner is a detonator,
God bless him, it's from the restaurant.

The best of gifts
The black man and the Chinese will say,
It's fullness in the stomach
And empty balls!

I wish you happiness in a beer mug
So that laughter gurgles like a ram
Give a carat to every girlfriend
Steal it then hastily
So that the princesses in a fairy tale would be stupefied
Everyone came to you at once
What if the Russian horse, in a new guise
He rushed towards you in an open field
To give up your seat on the minibus
And the traffic police ignored you
And the fine was like a bad dream
The judge doesn't want to give you a hard time
Why take a taxi off-road?
Go to see friends in Zaporozhye
And so note with the permission of the Post
Your best birthday ever!

So that you live like in a fairy tale
Shah of Persia, dear!
So that the girls give affection,
And there was peace in my heart!
So that you can meet the princess
And he lived with her for many years,
And so that you have children,
And so that you don’t know troubles!

We wanted to share so much the sound of your joy,
Make your friend a little happier
And collect a whole book volume from wishes
Tell everyone about love and respect in it

This book would sell in large numbers
And all the newspapers in the world wrote about one thing:
What a miracle man lives in a distant land
You won't find anything like it, even if you search all your life.

You will become a famous star, you will be famous
Radio and television will talk about you
When all this happens and your “finest hour” strikes
We humbly ask, oh great one, don’t forget about us!

Relatives Friend Beloved Boy Colleague Happy Anniversary man

Let the ladies watch, always sighing after...
There is a good omen among the people -
Every year a man is like cognac,
It only gets stronger. He's a master

Drive any touchy one crazy.
Let it be so! Let's say thank you to God
For your wonderful destiny in life.
Let everything be as you would like it!

We wish that instead of adjectives, Mendeleev’s periodic system would be applied to you, because you have golden hands and a heart, a silicon character, an iron will, and you yourself are a Titan man!

Happy birthday!
I wish you to be lucky
Be cheerful and rich
Live not only on a salary,
And have another income,
And, of course, don’t grow old!

What can you wish for a real macho?
More money, a car and a dacha,
There are many beautiful and devoted women,
Life is like a fairy tale with a successful path!

More good luck, health, love,
Find your dream as soon as possible!
A lot of goodness, strength, happiness, luck,
We wish you everything on your birthday!

Let even the snowiest peaks melt before your charm; no closed door can resist your pressure. May your opportunities open up new horizons on the love front.

Your birth is simply a celebration of the century,
You always succeed in everything grandly.
There is no more perfect person next to us,
Who will definitely always achieve his goal!

Birthday boy! Congratulation
This holiday, embrace it!
Be healthy, strong, strong,
Don't be bored for no reason!

And I want to be rich!
Find some treasure,
Travel around the world,
See a lot, know a lot!

Today is your day, so we wish you not to hit your face today either in the dirt, or in the salad, or anywhere else, but to spend it with dignity, so that in the morning you remember everything, and the memories do not make you ashamed.

Let a man's life certainly become
Such that the king would envy
So that only good changes happen,
And so that love plays a big role in it.

Happy birthday, the coolest one,
The smartest and most beautiful
The strongest, strongest, kindest,
Wealthy and fashionable!

The most joyful, cheerful,
And, of course, healthy!
Live long, long time
In a world of happiness and love!

On this day, I wish you to feel like the hero of “The Bachelor Party in Vegas,” or, in extreme cases, “American Pie”! The main thing is that the finish is bright, memorable and good! Happy Birthday!

Let the uniform be sporty
Reforms will not affect you,
To be king
You are your own in a big house.
And today all the orders
We will do it together right away.

You are a prominent, stately man among us,
And today it’s like being on a horse!
On your birthday, a holiday so pleasant,
Let me praise you too!

I want to wish you health
To raise a lot of toasts;
Enjoy a woman's love
There is no shortage of money!

A man should always be on the alert, provide for everything and take care of everything, we wish you to entrust your responsibilities to others today, and relax yourself, but just enough so that your head doesn’t hurt tomorrow.

Alina Ogonyok

Keep your mouth shut! Please accept our congratulations! We wish you a self-assembled tablecloth, on which there will always be Italian pizza, Swiss chocolate, French croissants and Scotch whiskey. We hope that you will have a Genie who will fulfill your deepest desires!

Dear friend, today is your big holiday. We sincerely wish you a chest of health. Ride in a Ferrari with awesome music. And in the evenings drink cocktails. Let everything that was planned come true. I want your life to be as bright as a camera flash.

On this day we have gathered here to celebrate your birthday! It seems to me that you already have everything most valuable and important, so I wish you to have a cottage in Madrid, eat barbecue every weekend, and swim in gold. Let the carpet plane carry you to work in the morning. Let the candles on the cake blow out on the first try. Let your teeth not fall out, your hair not turn gray, and wrinkles not appear.

Birthday boy, don’t yawn, grab your congratulations! And we want to wish you fabulous wealth, amazing moments! We wish you to often go to the bar with friends and drink 16-year-old whiskey. Let there always be beer in the refrigerator. May your weekend always be great. Let the awl in your butt keep you from living a boring life.

We were really looking forward to your birthday! We want to wish you on this significant day that your holiday will always be great. Let every journey be unrealistically cool. We wish you never to grow old and that your head does not hurt in the morning. May there always be spring in your soul. We hope that all life will be sweet, and only food will be salty.

Congratulations listen! I want you to have everything for complete happiness! Let the yacht be at the pier. Let the credit card be unlimited. Let there always be only the best food on the table: there will be Chinese tea, only American burgers, and, of course, Spanish wine, German sausages, Japanese sushi, Russian borscht, Ukrainian lard.

On your birthday, we want to wish you a box of miracles! Let the photos on Instagram be killer. Let all oil rigs have one owner - you.

Bro, today is your holiday! I wish you to go on vacation only to the coolest resorts. Always remain young at heart, so that you can play tricks like in your youth.

My friend, happy birthday! Have a blast. Always be positive. Let everything be great in your personal life. Wake up the first time in the morning, and don’t set your alarm clock ten times. May nothing ever break. Let there be your personal helicopter at the airport, and a motorcycle in the garage.

Friend, we congratulate you! We hope that every day in your life will be like a holiday. We wish you to find answers to all your questions. We hope that all your decisions will be correct. Let the latest model iPhone be in your pocket. And the Russians will win the football championship.

Funny birthday greetings to a man in verse

Well, man, congratulations to you!
I wish you a sea of ​​beer.
No, then it’s the ocean:
You're our beer gourmet.
You can also have herring with beer,
Cognac, wine and vodka.
We'll add money on top
Happiness, joy and dumplings,
And a little love too,
Just don't hit me in the face
And they didn’t drive me off the couch,
And they quietly adored it!

Finally it's all over,
Today the sun was born.
Well, what a charm, what a bunny?!
Oh, it's a dandelion boy!
Always obedient and simple,
But for some reason he’s single.
The face is a little swollen,
Well, not a face, but just a snout...
So handsome, young
And slender, noble, businesslike.
I'll be honest: ideal!
No one has ever seen anything like this.
I want to wish you
Continue in the same spirit.
Grow big and don't get old.
Find your wife quickly!

On your Day I want to wish you
Always get home from work on time,
To always be desired and loved,
And love your wife yourself.
Be just as crazy
And on the head of the sick,
Always honest, positive,
Brave, bright and dear.

Congratulations, dear friend,
You are not young now.
Gray hair plays in the temples,
The left leg is lame.
Hang in there, don't worry
Spit in the face of all problems.
You are so handsome!
Well, just think, not a boy -
An adult uncle, a business man,
But he’s young at heart!

From heart to soul
I congratulate you.
Well, now I'll bring it down
Wishes for you.
I wish you happiness
And, of course, kindness,
A sea of ​​joy, luck,
So that life is simple,
So that the sofa is soft
And the wife was like that,
So that the glass is full
And it is always desirable!

Oh buddy, congratulations
And I wish you everything:
Affection, tenderness, care,
So as not to be kicked out of work,
And a beautiful wife.
I'll give you a little hint here:
Get out of the house more often -
You'll meet a girl. Familiar?
So go down the aisle with her,
Our avid stallion.

Dear friend, congratulations!
I wish you a sea of ​​joy
And I wish I could make more money
And pretty girls.
I wish you happiness,
So that there is no bad weather,
So that life is like raspberries,
To avoid getting a sore throat.
Be as young as you are
And beautiful, mischievous.

My dear and dear,
I congratulate you.
Always be with such a soul
I wish you.
Be as kind, sweet,
Honest, loving, beautiful.
Just don't be jealous
So grumpy in the morning.
And it's time to play sports,
Rest more
Don't overeat on cake
And go to bed.
But I love you like that
Which one I have.
You and I are already family,
And it’s such an honor to me!

Happy Birthday!
Happiness, joy, luck.
And love to boot.
I wish you a dacha
Your own pool and plane,
Let your flight through life
It will be accurate and simple.
Stay single...
Don't look for a problem for yourself.
Take care of your system
Food, nervous.
Walk the right path.

We want to congratulate you
Happy birthday to you.
We say congratulations:
Good luck and luck,
More money and goodness,
Happiness, joy, beaver,
And a little love
So that my wife can warm her feet.

I wish you a lot of money and wealth and prosperity!
And then also finances, so that life in the world can be sweet.
So that only your yachts moor at the pier.
And the girls smiled just like that, not for rubles.
Let your streak of luck fly around the equator!
Well, there is no prohibition on a glass with “white” - a dispenser!

Let the champagne sparkle, we'll toast you!
On your birthday, we wish you to occupy a high position.
So that colleagues respect, the secretary adores!
May you live a hundred years and never know troubles!
Accept congratulations, and quickly pour everyone!

Your birthday has arrived, let's hasten to congratulate you!
We wish you to rule your life for a long time!
Let your health only get stronger, and your friends respect everyone.
In order for the card to be replenished, they always look up to you.
May you always be lucky, may you want and be able!

Always stay in good spirits, remember: life is just life.
Don’t bend under it, always remain steadfast!
Make friends with the positive, sad, don’t go to bed!
Gather your friends more often, maybe at home, maybe more often!
We will always come to you, support you and eat you!

We wish you to look great, and we wish you happiness, in your personal life!
We also wish from the bottom of our hearts that babies will appear.
You will be a faithful husband, father, because you are a daredevil in life!
Well, while you’re among us, we’re hanging out - it’s great, it’s just great!
Handsome, smart, rich, powerful - may there be no clouds over you!

Enjoy your birthday by accepting congratulations!
May you always be on horseback, with positivity on the wave!
Let them rustle in your pockets: pounds, euros and rubles.
So that they can help a lot in life’s problems.
Well, the main thing is always to make life sweet, meet your love.
Let her blood boil!

Today everything is possible, there is no word “impossible”.
Now all the family and friends have gathered!
If you want to put your head in the cake, we are all waiting.
We'll be happy to give you a little push!
You are a cheerful birthday boy, and a very good friend.
May life protect you from sorrows and evil blizzards!

So that he dresses in an expensive store, and always travels in a gold limousine.
There was always money left on the credit card, the beauties only smiled at you.
May life always be stormy and bright!
Keep your tail up and always be happy!
Let everything always be just - Hurray!

Oh, I came to the party, you invited me, my friend!
Of course, I congratulate you and wish you much happiness.
I wish for a house near the sea, and not to know grief in that house.
Cadillac and Jaguar, and also a sports car!
So that on the highway, the speed is two hundred, so that you don’t sit still!
Congratulations! Pour it up! And make a wish!

Always follow a diet, they say it’s good for you.
Visit the gym, you will be very agile.
And make friends with nature, remember: she gives life!
In general, you repeat everywhere: “I want, I can and I will!”
Cool did I wish here? I tried, I composed!

Happy birthday greetings to a man, funny funny prose and poems

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