Poster for the New Year Santa Claus. New Year's poster for school - ideas and ways to implement them! New Year's three-dimensional poster for school

  • 19.10.2023

Elena Lyapicheva

Wall newspaper"Symbol of the New Year 2017"

The most favorite holiday of both adults and children is, of course, New Year! When celebrating the New Year 2017, everyone in our group tried to create a festive atmosphere. The kids and I decorated the playroom and reception area, and the parents took an active part in the competition" New Year's toy"Traditionally, the guys and I decorate for the holidays wall newspapers- greeting cards for parents. Children really enjoy this painstaking work. They are happy to draw, paint, glue and decorate, because this is a “surprise” for moms and dads. Since the coming year is the year of the fiery cockerel, the guys and I decided to make New Year's newspaper in honor of the symbol of the year. First we started creating the cockerels. We made them using the technique of modular application - mosaic. I printed out the silhouettes of the cockerels from the Internet. The children cut strips of paper of different colors and cut them into pieces, and a painstaking but exciting group work began.

The year 2017 was also made using the applicative mosaic technique.

Since the guys in our group really, really love to color, here too the children happily decorated the images of the rooster and his girlfriend, the hen.

Up wall newspapers drew a fir branch with toys.

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year were pasted onto the Christmas tree decorations.

Our newspaper was supplemented with snowflakes and the main beauty New Year - Christmas tree, which the guys also decorated.

This is how we turned out to be festive wall newspaper for moms and dads.

Thank you for your attention. Happy New Year everyone!

Publications on the topic:

2017 is coming - this is the year of the rooster. The children and I started preparing gifts for our parents. You always want to come up with something new and original.

New Year 2017 is coming, the Year of the Rooster. As always, there are many different Roosters for sale. But, I want to make my own symbol of the year. This time, me.

The most magical and cheerful holiday is approaching - New Year. Not only children, but also adults are waiting for him. Everyone wants to get something out of the new year.

One of the most interesting times is approaching, when adults and children will begin active preparation for the upcoming New Year holidays. Symbol.

It's winter again. New Years is soon. Everyone is looking forward to this holiday. A holiday of goodness and magic. Happy New Year is coming to us.

My child and I took part in a competition at the kindergarten level - "New Year's Cockerel". We came up with this funny cockerel: For.

You will need: cardboard, red and yellow velvet paper, candy wrappers of bright colors, New Year's rain, 4 poyettes, PVA glue, etc.

Winter holidays have always fascinated us with their charm. When the whole world is preparing for the onset of a wonderful holiday - the New Year. Houses and Christmas trees are decorated, and with the onset of a fabulous holiday, various gifts and souvenirs are given. A hand-made poster for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 and auxiliary templates will allow you to turn a large postcard into reality, with which you can cheer up everyone around you.

New Year posters can be used as decoration. Auxiliary tools will help you decorate them in the appropriate style, which, of course, cannot be done without. You can come up with any topic.

  • watercolor paints;
  • printed templates;
  • markers;
  • whatman.

Undoubtedly, in order to quickly make a poster for the New Year 2017, you need to be able to draw beautifully. But for those who find this a problem, you can resort to the help of various blanks, which will serve as samples, because not everyone has artistic talent.

New Year poster in the form of a collage

New Year's posters can be designed in a collage style, but then you will need photographs of the employees for whom this greeting will be prepared. Then the gift made is hung on the door of the person who is the congratulator. Such a gift should be in a visible place and delight with its design.

You can make a poster for school, where you can depict a whole fairy tale story led by the Fire Cockerel. To do this, each student must make their own voluminous and original symbol of the year out of paper, and then decorate it beautifully. These birds are then glued onto the poster. At the same time, under each predecessor of the year it is necessary to write a beautiful wish.

This DIY wall newspaper for the New Year 2017 will delight every child. Moreover, everyone will see the end result. It is not uncommon for children to be involved in reproducing these masterpieces, because they are endowed with a lot of ideas, and everyone’s imagination will help bring to life not a poster for the New Year 2017 with their own hands, but an entire fairy tale.

To do this, you need to print out a lot of characters from fairy tales. You just need to do this in such a way that after this the child can decorate the hero and stick his creativity on whatman paper. But before the sticking happens, the children, together with the selected characters, must independently come up with a fairy-tale performance.

Moreover, it is necessary to prepare in such a way that each hero has words (which will be signed in brackets) no more than a sentence. After this, the characters are pasted one by one in connection with the fairy tale invented by the children, and such a unique fairy-tale theater is created.

You can do it at the top of whatman paper. Along the edges draw Christmas tree decorations on spruce branches. In the middle below, make a path and, in smaller sizes, plant all the fairy-tale characters with wishes for the New Year.

A bright, interesting wall newspaper for the New Year 2017 with your own hands must necessarily contain in its image Grandfather Frost, the Snow Maiden and the symbol of the year. You can place them at the bottom right corner, and write a beautiful New Year’s poem next to them.

Wall newspaper in the form of a coloring book

The New Year's wall newspaper can be made in the style of a coloring book. How to make such a masterpiece is no secret. Undoubtedly, this option is best used in school institutions, where almost all children will be involved.

First, you need to use a printer to print a coloring poster from the Internet. Usually this product is located on eight sheets. To make it more convenient to work, then it is best to print each sheet separately.

After this, tell the children that they must make a poster for the New Year 2017 with their own hands as carefully as possible. Anyone who can do this without errors will be awarded an individual prize. And, of course, all the children will try, so at the end of the creative process you can have a tea party and praise everyone.

Poster decoration

A wall newspaper for the New Year is usually decorated with snowflakes and tinsel; you can also add other accessories, for example, sparkles, fir branches with traditional toys, which schoolchildren can also make on their own.

Winter holidays are a time for carefree relaxation, pleasant surprises and real miracles. To give your colleagues, family and friends the appropriate mood, congratulate them with a holiday poster or wall newspaper. It can be used as a single or large for the whole team. Such a surprise will not leave anyone indifferent! Creating a “masterpiece” is not that difficult. Prepare whatman paper (A1 sheet), paints, brushes, felt-tip pens. To decorate the poster, use sparkles, decorative stones, quilling paper and whatever your imagination suggests.

The key to a beautiful New Year's poster is imagination and a little work!

Of course, it is best to draw a wall newspaper with your own hands. But if you don’t have artistic talent, it doesn’t matter. Print out the blank posters and decorate them to your liking. The product can be designed in the form of a collage. To do this, use photographs of those you plan to congratulate. Hang the finished wall newspaper on the wall or door. The main thing is that the poster is in a visible place and can please everyone. You can involve your colleagues or children in the creative process. Creating in company is just more fun!

New Year coloring posters

An excellent option for those who want to make congratulations in a short time. This is a good solution for pupils of kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions. By preparing this poster, kids will show their creativity in one way or another. Most templates available online have eight parts. Each size corresponds to A4 sheet.

New Year's wall newspaper

For convenience, you can print each segment separately using a regular black and white printer. The main thing is to color the finished newspaper carefully and carefully. Decor in the form of sparkles, paper snowflakes and New Year's tinsel will also not be out of place.

Posters for schools and kindergartens

On New Year's Eve, children and their parents are involved in decorating the classroom. The content and appearance of the poster must be thought out in advance. Pay special attention to the color scheme. It is better if these are winter tones: blue, blue, purple. For young children, you can create greeting posters with their favorite fairy-tale or cartoon characters. It is worth using the image of a cockerel -.

Practice drawing cartoon characters and decorate your wall newspaper with them

Make the title not too large, and arrange the compositions and congratulations evenly. Volumetric applications will look impressive. For example, you can make a Christmas tree from crumpled paper. To do this, cut out several rectangles from paper, assemble each of them on top with an elastic band and stick on top of each other in the form of a pyramid. Fluff the bottom part. Decorate the Christmas tree with special balls. They can be made from silver cardboard, onto which photographs of the students in your group or class are pasted.

Other options

Basically, thematic posters and newspapers are painted or applique is used in their design. But if you want to do something special, you can use other techniques!

Patterned ones will provide the poster with volume and expressiveness.
  • Glue a Christmas tree made of New Year's tinsel onto cardboard or thick paper, and make balls from round chocolate candies in golden wrappers. Secure them to the “branches” with tape. All children who love sweets will be able to try the delicacies and will be happy with such a “delicious” poster.
  • For older children, you can build a capsule with predictions for the next year at the bottom of the wall newspaper. Hang them on long threads for easy cutting. Such a poster can be decorated with a garland that runs on batteries and flashes cheerfully with colorful lights.
  • A poster with a Christmas tree made of cut threads looks original. To make such a wall newspaper, prepare a sheet of thick paper for the base, woolen threads in different shades of green and brown, and glue. First, attach a long brown thread to the paper. It will be the trunk of the New Year's tree. Then draw branches with glue and cover them with short green threads. You will get an excellent fluffy spruce. It can be decorated with an applique made of colored paper.
  • You can build a wall newspaper in the form of a wall clock with a pendulum. The dial is drawn on whatman paper, and figures of animals - signs of the Chinese horoscope - are glued around it. They are made in advance from colored cardboard. The cones and the pendulum are made separately and attached to the base.

The artistic design of a poster or wall newspaper is very important. But wishes and congratulations should also be beautiful and cheerful, so as to evoke a good holiday mood in everyone. So try to find sincere words that will delight the readers of your newspaper!

Examples of New Year's posters

Marina Donets

Marina Donets

New Year's wall newspaper 2017

How long have we been waiting for the Magic to come? New Year! We prepare for it - we dress up the group, sew carnival costumes.

And at the end of the outgoing year, my parents and I decided to make a report wall newspaper. On which, in addition to congratulations, they placed photos of children with New Year's party. Parents supported the idea with enthusiasm.

The work used tinted Whatman paper (watercolor pencils), on which photographs were placed on self-adhesive photographic paper.

It turned out bright and creative!

In the future we plan to write congratulations and wishes.

This is what we got

May the New Year be a happy star,

Will enter your family comfort,

Hastily with the old year

Let all the troubles go away!

Let every day warm you with warmth,

And it will bring a lot of happiness,

And remove all doubts,

New Year arrived at midnight!

Happy New Year!

Publications on the topic:

“Chicken Meeting” (New Year’s skit for children in honor of the symbol of the year 2017) New Year is getting closer to us! This means that preparations for matinees are in full swing in kindergartens and schools. This is the sketch I wrote for my children.

To decorate the group for the New Year, I decided to make an unusual, elegant wall newspaper. To do this, I drew a house, a snowman, a dog.

Traditionally, our kindergarten hosts New Year's competitions, in which teachers, children and parents participate with pleasure. This year.

New Year's greeting wall newspaper “Snowman with gifts” Victoria Kononova Good evening! Dear colleagues, I would like to present to your attention.

I absolutely love the New Year. After all, this festive, exciting mood persists from mid-December until the very beginning of the New Year.

* To make a wall newspaper we will need: 1. Large Whatman paper. 2. Gouache paints, brush. 3. PVA glue. 4. Pencil, eraser. 5. New Year's.

As part of the ten-day English language course held at school among sixth-grade students, it was decided to organize and conduct two.

Despite the fact that I was completely confident in the excellent state of my own health, I became scared. And here Natasha came to the rescue. At the stall with the inscription The Best Food. A couple of meters from us, two thin-necked sergeants were indeed peacefully eating cakes with meat. I started the engine and rushed to the address indicated by Kiryushka. My soul was restless. I turned my head and saw two policemen. Standing a little further away from. Who Alice was remained a mystery, but I wasn’t going to solve it.

We saw a staircase made of steel rods. Without thinking twice, I climbed up, deciding that the panel opened in the same way as the one through which we got into the tunnel. She rested her hands on the wall, pushed it aside, and climbed out. It was Vanya who said the little room. There was a sniffling sound, and later Ivan’s voice sounded in complete darkness. I was confused, but answered optimistically. At that same second, the closet lit up with light, and I closed my eyes. I stood in the middle of the toilet. Two toilets without seats or flush cisterns amused the ears. Peacefully rustling water. There was a strong smell of bleach, the doorway was covered with a mesh, and behind. Belka, Misha and two gloomy men with machine guns stood there. I stared at the guys with the gun and blurted out.

I stretched again. It was behind the mirror, but here a passerby pointed his finger in the direction of my typewriter and continued. I looked around at the offended Zhiguli, picked up the sneakers that had fallen out of the box and muttered. The man pouted, puffed for a couple of minutes and declared. So I dash into the store, clutching in my fist the pennies Raisa gave me for a bottle of beer. Zhigulevsky was in Moscow at that time. As soon as the illuminated boxes arrived in the stores, a horde of men stormed the counters, shouting. Sobbing, I told her the essence of the matter, told her about Raisa, beer, coins, the sewer grid... The woman forcibly shoved a banknote into my fist. The door to Zalygina’s apartment was open and propped up by a stool, and on the stairs, on the windowsill, sat a woman in shorts and a T-shirt smeared with paint. The girl jumped off the windowsill, put her hands on her hips and barked. I noted that her voice had changed and repeated. Nika bit her lower lip, then decisively shook her hair and rushed into battle again. I quietly listened to the already well-known story about cheating with things. I nodded. I know this establishment.

I had to obey. Almira lived in a brand new house, in a multi-room apartment, filled with expensive furniture. I opened. There was a mouth, but then the sharp ringing of the phone made me flinch. Almira grabbed the phone. Then she looked at. Suddenly I felt offended. But Almira is an extremely nasty person. I silently walked to the door. I quickly ran to the door. And before Almira had time to get up from the sofa, she pulled the handle, jumped into the elevator and after a few minutes found herself in the six.

The phone rang in my pocket, I hastily left Krestova to deal with the numb Zhanna. She looked at the handset screen and quickly said. A man's voice came from the mobile phone. The tenacity of Max's hire. The actor was delighted. Anyone else would have realized long ago that he had played his role poorly; he would have been seen through. It's time to stop making faces. But no, the idiot continues to talk about the chest and the chicken. Okay, at the moment I will get it... There was silence on the phone. A lady's voice rang out, chattering in English. I turned around, saw an attractive lady in a blue dress and asked. For a few moments the woman chattered at machine-gun speed, then became quiet, paused and looked at her.