Everything about Australia in brief. Australia - message report

  • 15.10.2023

Australia is an amazing continent. According to scientists, this is the oldest continent on our planet, lying on the Precamberian platform, which was formed more than 3 billion years ago.

Due to the fact that Australia was discovered to the world much later than other continents, the nature here is better preserved. The continent itself is located in three climatic zones: tropical in the central part of the continent, subtropical in the southern part and subequatorial in the northern part. From the north, from the equator, winds and waters of the Indian Ocean bring heat to the shores of Australia. Cold winds often blow from the south, bringing frost from the shores of Antarctica.

The uniqueness of Australian nature is also explained by its landscape: the coastal areas are drowned in the greenery of trees, the center of the continent is a zone of semi-deserts and savannas, occasionally interspersed with islands of vegetation in the deep lowlands and along the floodplains of rivers. However, Australia receives little rainfall, which is why there are few rivers and lakes.

Mountains are located in the east and southwest. But the mountains are low, not exceeding 1300 m above sea level, despite their sonorous name - the Australian Alps.

There are currently more than 1,000 wildlife sanctuaries in Australia.

Flora of Australia

The unique climatic conditions and location of Australia determined the originality of its flora and fauna.

Eucalyptus is considered the plant symbol of Australia. The huge tree has powerful roots that go 20 or even 30 meters into the ground! This amazing tree has adapted to the arid Australian climate. Eucalyptus trees growing near swamps are able to draw water from a reservoir and thereby drain the swamp. In this way, for example, the marshy land of Colchis on the Caucasus coast was drained. In addition, eucalyptus has narrow leaves that are turned edge-on towards the sun. Just imagine a huge eucalyptus forest, and there is practically no shade in it!

The east coast of Australia, where it is washed by the Pacific Ocean, is surrounded by bamboo thickets. Closer to the south there are bottle trees, the fruits of which resemble a bottle in shape. The Aborigines extract rainwater from them.

In the north there are dense subtropical forests. Here you can see huge palm trees and mangroves. The entire northern coast, where precipitation falls the most, grows acacias and pandanuses, horsetail and ferns. Towards the south the forest thins out. The savannah zone begins, which in the spring is a lush carpet of tall grasses, and by summer it dries out, burns out and turns into a soulless desert. Central Australia is a grassland area.

But cultivated plants were brought to Australia by Europeans. Only after the colonization of the mainland began to grow cotton, flax, wheat, vegetables and fruits characteristic of European flora.

Australian fauna

The fauna of Australia is very rich and diverse. The first feature of the animal world: Australia is home to a huge number of endemic animals, that is, animals that are not found anywhere else on the planet. These are, of course, kangaroos and koalas, which are recognized as symbols of the southern continent. There are 17 genera and more than 50 species of kangaroos alone. The smallest of them are only 20-23 cm tall, and the largest reach a height of 160 cm. Did you know that there are kangaroo rats, rock and tree kangaroos and even derby kangaroos? However, in Australia itself, the word “kangaroo” is used to describe only two representatives of this genus of marsupials: the gray giant and the red one. The rest are called wallabies.

There are also amazing platypuses, brave flying squirrels that flutter from tree to tree, creepy echidnas, and funny frilled lizards that can walk on two legs. Wombats and possums live in the Australian forests and are prized for their fur. Flying foxes look very bloodthirsty, although they feed on nectar and flowers. But the truly terrifying ones are the huge Australian bats. The wingspan of these animals can reach 1.5 meters, and their weight can reach 1 kg!

There are also many birds that have lived on these lands from time immemorial. These are powerful emu ostriches, huge cockatoo parrots, resounding with their screams in the forests of Australia. These are lyre birds, whose twittering resembles the sound of a musical instrument and crowned doves. Walking through the forests of Australia you can hear sounds similar to human laughter. These are the kookaburras, amazing Australian birds that live in tree holes, chirping. Many birds are brightly colored.

In the south you can meet penguins, which are brought here from Antarctica. The waters are roamed by huge whales, which migrate north towards Africa with the onset of cold weather. There are dolphins and bloodthirsty sharks. The rivers of Australia have become home to huge crocodiles. The Great Barrier Reef is the kingdom of corals and polyps, moray eels and stingrays.

The second feature of Australia: there are no mammals from the class of predators, with the exception of the only representative of this species: wild dogs Dingo.

Europeans also brought domestic animals to Australia. Since colonization, fat herds of sheep began to roam the expanses of the Australian savannah. Goats, cows and horses, dogs and cats appeared.


Australia is an amazing country. When it snows in much of the world, Australians bask on sunny beaches. The most unique and deadly animals live here, which cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

Name Australia from Latin "Terra Australis Incognita", which means "Unknown Southern Land" appeared during the reign of the Roman Empire.

Australia consists from 6 states: Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia. In addition, there are two main mainland territories: the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory, as well as a number of fairly independent islands.

The capital of Australia is Canberra, the largest inland city and the 8th largest in Australia.

Geography of Australia

1. Australia – largest island And smallest continent in the world.

2. Australia – driest inhabited continent on Earth, the driest is Antarctica.

One third of Australia is desert, the rest is also quite arid.

3. The Australian Snowy Mountains receive annual rainfall. more snow than the Swiss Alps.

4. Australia is the only one a continent without an active volcano.

Animals of Australia

5. 6 of the 10 most venomous snake species in the world live in Australia. Australian fierce snake or coastal taipan - the most poisonous snake in the world. The poison from one bite can kill 100 people.

6. More than 750,000 wild dromedary camels roam the Australian deserts. This is one of the largest herds on Earth.

7. Kangaroo and emu were chosen as symbols of the Australian coat of arms, since they, unlike most animals, are rarely seen moving backwards.

8. The longest living structure in the world - the Great Barrier Reef also located in Australia. Its length is 2600 km. By the way, the Great Barrier Reef even has its own mailbox.

9. Lives in Australia 3.3 times more sheep than people.

10. The excrement of wombats, marsupials of Australia, is cube-shaped.

11. Male koalas living in Australia have a forked penis, and females have two vaginas and two uteruses.

12. Koalas and humans are the only animals in the world that have unique fingerprints. Koala fingerprints are almost indistinguishable from human fingerprints..

13. The largest species of earthworm on earth Megascolide australis reaches a length of 1.2 meters.

Population of Australia

14. Population density in Australia is calculated in square kilometers per person, rather than in people per square kilometer as in other countries.

It has one of the lowest population densities in the world, which is 3 people per kV. km. The average population density in the world is 45 people per kW. km.

Australia was discovered by Europeans at the beginning of the 17th century. This honor fell to the Dutch admiral Willem Janszoon. Before the arrival of Europeans, the local aborigines lived calmly and peacefully on the Australian continent. After the arrival of Europeans in Australia, the modern history of this “Green Continent” began.

In 1901, the former British colonies in Australia formed a state called the Commonwealth of Australia. The country now administratively consists of six states (Victoria, Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Tasmania and South Australia), three mainland territories (Northern Territory, Federal Capital Territory and Jervis Bay Territory) and several external territories.

Geography of Australia

The continent of Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth. Australia is washed by the Indian Ocean from the west and south, and by the Tasman, Timor, Arafura and Coral seas from the north and east. Bass Strait separates this continent from the island of Tasmania. Not far from the Australian coast are New Zealand and New Guinea. The total area of ​​this continent is 7,659,861 square meters. km.

Along the northeastern coast of Australia in the Coral Sea, the Great Barrier Reef stretches for 2,000 km, which is considered the largest coral reef in the world.

About 95% of the continent's territory is occupied by plains. Just to the east are the Musgrave Mountains, the MacDonnell Range, to the north are the Kimberley Ranges, and to the southwest are the Darling Ranges. The highest local peak is Kosciuszko Peak, whose height reaches 2,228 meters.

The rivers in Australia, compared to other continents, are not very long. However, among the longest of them are the following: Murray (2,375 km), Murrumbidgee (1,485 km) and Darling (1,472 km). As for Australian lakes, they are even smaller in number than rivers, and in the summer almost all of them dry up.

To the west, south, and north-west are Australia's largest deserts - the Great Sandy Desert and the Great Victoria Desert.

The climate in the north of Australia is subequatorial, in the central part it is tropical, and in the south it is subtropical.


At the moment, the population of Australia already exceeds 23.3 million people. About 98% of the population of this continent are Caucasians - they are descendants of the English, Scots and Irish. There are also descendants of Scandinavians, Germans, Dutch, Poles, Italians and Greeks. In addition, quite a lot of Australians consider Arabs and Chinese their ancestors.

In the north of the continent, in the central regions, as well as in the northeast and northwest, tribes of Australian aborigines still live, who form a separate race - the Australoid.

Most people in Australia speak Australian English. Other popular languages ​​are Chinese, Italian, Arabic and Greek.


On the continent of Australia there is only one state - the Commonwealth of Australia, which is part of the British Commonwealth. The capital of the Commonwealth of Australia is the city of Canberra, on whose territory there were once settlements of local Aboriginal people. Now about 400 thousand people live in Canberra.

Regions of Australia

Topographically, the Australian continent is sometimes divided into four regions - the lowlands, the coastal plain in the east, the central plain and highlands, and the western plateau.

Sydney, founded by the British in 1788, is considered the oldest Australian city. Now Sydney is the largest city on the Australian continent - more than 4.6 million people live in it.


Australia is the smallest and driest continent on the planet, as well as the flattest known in the world. The surrounding seas and oceans have little influence on the climate of the inland areas, so there is little precipitation there.

About half of the country's territory is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts. But along the northeast coast, where it rains more often, tropical rainforests grow. As you move deeper into the mainland, they are replaced by light eucalyptus forests. Several species of eucalyptus grow here. The leaves and bark of these trees are rich in essential oils, which are widely used in medicine and technology.

The fauna of the fifth continent is unique. Only in Australia are there marsupial mammals: the kangaroo, the small, adorable, tree-dwelling marsupial bear - the koala, marsupial squirrels and rats. But the main marsupial animal in Australia is the kangaroo. Their cubs are born weak and small, so mothers carry them to term in a pouch, a fold of skin on the abdomen. Of the many species of kangaroos (about 40-50), 9-12 can climb trees. That's what they're called: tree kangaroos. The length of the animals is about 60 cm. They feed on the buds and leaves of plants, vines, and love ferns, berries, and fruits. Their front legs are slightly longer than their hind legs. All fingers have long, hooked claws, which help them cling well to twigs and branches. If necessary, they can jump from a height of 18 m without any harm to themselves.

Only in Australia can you find oviparous mammals: the platypus and the echidna. Scientists believed that they went completely extinct millions of years ago. This is why Australia is often called the museum of living fossils. There are many birds in Australia. The largest of them is the emu, the most beautiful are birds of paradise, elegant as a rainbow, and the funniest mockingbirds. Budgerigars fly in huge flocks. There are no large deep rivers in Australia. Many rivers dry up periodically - they are called "creeks" ("streams"). Droughts with dangerous forest fires after heavy rainfall give way to devastating floods.

In the depths of Australia there are almost all types of minerals: gold, silver, copper and iron ores, coal and bauxite, uranium, aluminum. Much of this wealth is exported to other countries. The most important branch of the economy is sheep breeding; sheep wool and cheese go to many countries in Europe, Asia and America.

The first European ship landed on the shores of Australia in the 17th century. Among the discoverers of the mainland were the Dutch and the British. Since 1770, Australia has become a British possession. In 1788, a ship from England landed on the east coast of Australia, carrying several hundred convicts. The British government chose Australia as a place of exile. The convicts began to settle on the continent. And the indigenous inhabitants - the aborigines - began to be pushed into the most inconvenient areas for life. Now there are no more than 250 thousand of them. The appearance of the Australian aborigines is characterized by the features of Negroids and Caucasians: like Negroids - dark skin color, wide nose, thick lips, like Europeans - long wavy hair, large beard. They are divided into numerous tribes and speak different but close languages.

The Aborigines are good hunters and fishermen, they invented the boomerang. The natives are musical and skillfully perform their national dances. With the support of democratic circles in Australia, Aboriginal people are fighting for equality in work and wages, for the right to the land of their ancestors, and for the preservation of their culture and identity. The continent of Australia is occupied by one state - the highly developed industrial-agrarian capitalist power of Australia.

Australians are mainly descendants of people from England, Scotland, and Ireland and speak English. They are engaged in agriculture, work in mines and mines, in metallurgical and chemical plants, in weaving and shoe factories, and produce cars. In 1988, Australia celebrated its 200th anniversary. This is a significant milestone in the life of a country that enjoys considerable international prestige. The Australian people strive to determine their own destiny by cooperating with their Asian neighbors and seeking to ease international tensions. In 1985, the Australian government signed the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty.

The country is expanding ties with many countries of the world. . Australians are proud of their history. The names of Australian writers and poets Henry Lawson, Katarina Pritchard, Patrick White and others are known to many people. The Australian mainland was settled relatively recently, and therefore the country is not rich in ancient monuments. Australians do not have a national costume. They wear European clothes. Many Australians spend their leisure time in the same way as residents of the UK. They go to clubs and play sports. The most popular is swimming. Other sports are also developed: rowing, sailing regattas. Even in the smallest town there is always a tennis court. Australians love car racing and enjoy athletics, rugby, and golf. Horse riding is popular.


Bolshakov V.V. Green continent in the blue ocean: Stories about Australia. M.: Malysh, 1982.

Sakharnov S.V. How the Earth was discovered. M.: Malysh, 1984. P. 74-87.

To prepare this work, materials from the site http://www.5.km.ru/ were used

Main characteristics

It’s worth saying right away: there is only one country on the continent – ​​Australia. Yes, the state occupies absolutely the entire continent. To be honest, one continent is not enough, because the power also occupies Tasmania and several other islands. Therefore, based on all that has been said above, we will now talk about the country.

Area – 7,692,024 km2. The population is 24,067,700 people, and the density is 2.8 people/km 2. The capital of the Commonwealth of Australia is Canberra. Other cities include Sydney, Melbourne, Wollongong and others. The local currency here is the Austrian dollar. The most extreme points are 4 capes: York (north), South - East - Cape (south), Steep - Point (west) and Byron (east).

Flora and fauna

The symbols of Australia in terms of plants are eucalyptus trees, the roots of which are from 20 to 30 meters long. Eucalyptus is capable of sucking moisture from bodies of water. Acacia also predominates in nature. In addition to the above, curry, jarrah, stinging tree, as well as astrebla and spinifex herbs grow on the continent. Now let's move on to animals. And first of all, we must definitely say about the kangaroo - a marsupial mammal. Further we can say about the platypus, echidna, wombats and, of course, koalas.

Sights and interesting places

In 1971, a future tourist attraction in the form of a large pineapple was built. Oddly enough, travelers like everything. Located in Woombye.

There is a mountain that is constantly engulfed in powerful flames. The process does not stop due to the burning of a coal seam. Is a memory of the Australian Aborigines. Burning Mountain - this name conveys elevation.

The Sydney Opera House is one of the most recognizable buildings in the world. It is located in Sydney and is the main symbol of the city. Founded in 1973. It deservedly bears the title of an outstanding structure of modern architecture. If you ever fly to Australia, be sure to visit this theater.

Fascinating facts about Australia

The largest island and at the same time the smallest continent.

At the moment, the continent does not have a single active volcano.

It was in Australia that the world's longest fence was built. It is longer than the Great Wall of China!

This concludes the story about the mainland - the state of Australia. Thank you all for your attention.

Option 2

Australia is one of the smallest and driest continents. The weak influence of the surrounding seas affects the low precipitation. Most of the country is occupied by semi-deserts. However, it is raining in the north-east of Australia. This is where you can find tropical rainforests. In addition, the continent contains forests rich in eucalyptus trees, from the bark and leaves of which essential oils are extracted, which are widely used in medicine.

Australia's animals attract a special variety. Only here live kangaroos and a cute koala bear. The trees are home to marsupial squirrels and rats. In no other country will you find the platypus and echidna. Even scientists previously believed that such animals no longer exist, but they were mistaken in their assumptions. Australia also has a diverse world of birds. Ostriches are bred on farms, which are found in addition to this country only in Africa and South America. Budgerigars fly around in huge flocks. Due to dry weather, rivers are drying up. The subsoil of Australia is rich in gold, reserves of silver, aluminum and other minerals, which are sent to other countries. Residents are engaged in sheep breeding.

Once upon a time, Australia was a place of settlement for convicts who began to settle in this territory. The Aborigines were oppressed and moved to the most inconvenient areas. If we talk about the indigenous population, we can say that the aborigines are amazing fishermen. They hunt well. You can watch with great interest their national dances, which are unique in their own way. Since Australians come from England and Scotland, English predominates in their speech. The Australian people are proud of their historical events. Writers and poets such as Henry Lawson and Katarina Pritchard are known throughout the world. The country is rich in its attractions. One of the most interesting places is the Sydney Opera House, which is built in the shape of an elegant shell. Having visited the Kakadu National Park, you will be interested in the extraordinary rare species of birds and reptiles. The Australian city of Melbourne is famous for the fact that it was here that the famous traveler James Cook was born.

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