Winners are not judged by value. “Winners are not judged” - who said this phrase

  • 12.10.2023

The winner is not judged.

Suvorov, contrary to Rumyantsov's orders, took Turtukai. The military court was charged and convicted Suvorov. The verdict was signed by Catherine II: “The winner is not judged”.

  • - problems faced by uninformed bidders. In English: Winners's curse See also: Information asymmetry  ...

    Financial Dictionary

  • - The danger that the winner of the contract will lose money on its implementation...

    Economic dictionary

  • - a term denoting a situation based on the results of an auction when the winner of the auction pays more for his acquisition than it is worth, or sells the product cheaper than it is worth on the market...

    Large economic dictionary

  • - Words that, according to legend, belong to the Russian Empress Catherine II. She allegedly said them while defending A.V. Suvorov, who they wanted to try for the fact that he, contrary to orders...
  • - Ignorant - uneducated Wed. The ignorant judge exactly like this: Anything they don’t understand is of no use to them. Krylov. Rooster and pearl seed. Wed. Wir sind gewohnt, dass die Menschen verhöhnen, Was sie nicht verstehn. Gothe. Faust. 1. Wed. Les esprits médiocres condamnent d"...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • “The ignorant people judge this way: if they don’t understand the point, it’s all a trifle.” Ignorant - uneducated - . Wed. The ignorant judge exactly this way: If they don’t understand the point, it’s all a trifle. Krylov. Rooster and grain of pearl. Explain...
  • - The winner is not judged. Suvorov, contrary to Rumyantsov's orders, took Turtukai. The military court was charged and convicted Suvorov. The verdict was signed by Catherine II: “The winner is not judged”...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - Book The expression means: the main thing is to achieve victory, no matter which way; who has achieved success is beyond criticism. He must win! And the winners are not judged...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - These words are attributed to Catherine II, who allegedly expressed herself this way when A.V. Suvorov was put on trial by military court for the assault on Turtukai in 1773, undertaken by him contrary to the orders of the field marshal...

    Dictionary of popular words and expressions

  • - What I found him in is what I judge. See COURT -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 5 laurel wreath laurels palm first place victory...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 surrendered without any conditions...

    Synonym dictionary

"The winner is not judged" in books

Judged by clothes


Who are they judging?

From the book Notes from a Sleeve author Voznesenskaya Julia

Who are they judging? One day the cell door opened, and a girl of about sixteen, covered in bruises and scratches, was brought into my cell alone. She huddles in a corner and looks out like a little animal. I remain silent. I'm sorry for the broken loneliness, I'm used to it. - What's your name? - the girl asks

Success is never blamed?

From the book Henry IV author Balakin Vasily Dmitrievich

Success is never blamed? So, if Henry III was unable to improve his own position, and the Guises, on the contrary, strengthened theirs, then Henry of Navarre, having won a victory that could glorify a commander more talented than himself, managed to compromise himself as much as possible.

In Puebla they don't judge like that

From the book American Gulag: Five Years on the Stars and Stripes author Starostin Dmitry

In Puebla they don't judge this way. There aren't very many prisoners from Central America and Mexico in New York prisons. The vast majority of immigrants from these countries are illegal immigrants. They tend to settle in states adjacent to the southern border of the United States. Those of them who break the law are there

Judged by clothes

From the book Self-Portrait: The Novel of My Life author Voinovich Vladimir Nikolaevich

Judged by clothes While I remained a Soviet banned writer, the inability to earn money for a living depressed me greatly, but now that I have been declared practically outlawed and the risk of being sent to prison or a psychiatric hospital has become quite tangible, my material


From the book Poet Without a Pedestal: Memories of Joseph Brodsky author Stern Lyudmila Yakovlevna

Chapter XI THERE POETS ARE TRIALED On a cold, rainy evening on November 29, 1963, a friend called me and, without saying hello, said: “Read today’s Evening.” And he hung up. I went to get the newspaper “Evening Leningrad” and immediately, near the kiosk, unfolded it in the rain. In the newspaper

Winners are not judged

From the book Wing to Wing author Andreev Sergey Pavlovich

The winners are not judged. A ringing spring day. The ice crunches gently under your feet. Overhead, among an archipelago of clouds, a plane slowly circles. From here, from the ground, he looks a lot like a soaring kite, calmly and lazily describing clear circles above the bluish haze

4. Winners are not judged

From the book Through My Own Eyes author Adelgeim Pavel

4. Winners are not judged. When the master arrives, the master will judge us. N. A. Nekrasov Head The very fact of the fearless use of fraud and violence makes one wonder: are local authorities afraid of appealing? "On May 24, 1974, Abdunazarova invited Bushchanova, Galai,

Decisiveness: It’s not just the winners who are not judged

From the book Palmistry and Numerology. Secret knowledge author Nadezhdina Vera

Decisiveness: it’s not only the winners who are not judged. Before you get down to business, carefully weigh everything: are you not gnawed by doubts? If yes, it is better not to start this venture. The antagonist of uncertainty - self-confidence - brings much fewer problems. Admitted thanks to her

11.5. Winners are not judged

From the book Big Plan for the Apocalypse. Earth on the threshold of the End of the World author Zuev Yaroslav Viktorovich

11.5. The winners are not judged. A stable balance in Europe was maintained by the Jews. Today they give money to one government, tomorrow to another, to everyone in turn, and thus take care of world peace. Karl Ludwig Berne (Baruch) about the Rothschild brothers. French historian Jean

The winners of fascism are being tried

From the author's book

The winners of fascism are being judged Seventy years have passed since the tragic beginning of the Great Patriotic War and more than sixty-five years since its victorious end. After the destructive nineties, a dirty, mighty wave of disinformation continues to roll across our country until

Winners are not judged

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

The winners are not judged by Words that, according to legend, belong to the Russian Empress Catherine II. She allegedly said them while defending A.V. Suvorov, whom they wanted to try for the fact that, contrary to the orders of Commander-in-Chief Rumyantsev, he stormed the Turkish fortress in 1773

Chapter 11 Winners are not judged

From the book On both sides of the front [Unknown facts of the Great Patriotic War] author Prokopenko Igor Stanislavovich

Chapter 11 Winners are not judged A Lithuanian schoolboy says: “What could have happened if Lithuania had been occupied by Germany? We would speak German. I think that the Lithuanian economy would reach the level of Denmark and Holland. It would be better.” According to the Estonian teenager, “victory

11. Winners are not judged

From the author's book

11. Winners are not judged, and no justification is accepted for the losers. And their only joy, as Beklemishev said in his readings, is not to wait for mercy. The former Commander of the 2nd Squadron, retired Vice Admiral Zinoviy Petrovich, did not expect or ask for her either.

Winners are not judged

From the book Think and Grow Rich by Hill Napoleon

Winners are not judged. An excellent example of this type of people is Dan Galpin. While in college, he was the manager of the Notre Dame football team, the 1930 national champion. His graduation came at the worst possible time, when the depression destroyed

“Against the backdrop of political upheavals, sex scandals and other external problems, the 90th anniversary Oscar could turn into a very tense ceremony in terms of atmosphere and scenario. Nevertheless, thanks to a noticeable nostalgic flair, the anniversary show turned out to be bright, entertaining and meaningful in every sense,” writes a reviewer for the Gold Derby film resource. Indeed, the number of worthy films presented in the main categories this time was impressive, and the tone was set by films that fully belong to what is called arthouse - from “Lady Bird” to “.”

PHOTO getty images

Jordan Peele became the first black man to win an Oscar for best original screenplay. Peele was also nominated for Best Director, but lost. The statuette for best director has never yet gone to African Americans, as film reviewers also recall. The Oscar for Jordan Peele was a tribute to political correctness, on the one hand, and justice, on the other. Obviously, the Film Academy needed a positive precedent: after all, the first African American with the best script is an achievement. At the same time, Peele’s film is really excellent and could well have hoped for more.

Having paid tribute to racial nuances, film academics also respected the masters. James Ivory, who won the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay (“Call Me by Your Name”), also turned out to be the record holder - the oldest winner in the history of the award. Ivory, who founded Merchant Ivory and made the British costume drama genre its own brand, will turn 90 in June, and, of course, he received the Oscar for past services, for the sake of decency, so to speak.

As for the winners in key categories, opinions are divided. Initial favorites in the acting categories were Sally Hawkins (“The Shape of Water”), Timothée Chalamet (“Call Me by Your Name”), Laurie Metcalf (“Lady Bird”) and Willem Dafoe (“Florida”). These actors were promoted with all their might by the press, they were featured in film blogs. However, after the awards ceremony, which is traditionally called a rehearsal for the Oscars, the situation changed, and the favorites became outsiders. However, neither Frances McDormand (“Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri”), nor Allison Janney (“Tonya Against the World”), nor Sam Rockwell (“Three Billboards”), nor Gary Oldman (“Darkest Hour”) were considered heavy frontrunners, key contenders. It is interesting that Oldman, who played Churchill, was not considered as a serious option at all - reviewers mockingly noted the excellent work of the make-up artist. As a result, Oldman received the award, which, in fact, is not surprising - academics love biopics and solid acting works using the Stanislavsky method.

The main complaint about the results of the Oscars 2018 is. Having performed well at the very beginning and garnering an impressive harvest of positive reviews, Greta Gerwig's film suffered greatly during the Globes awards. Two modest awards made it clear that the Film Academy could give Lady Bird a run for its money. And so it happened.

Another cause for outrage was the Oscar awarded to former Los Angeles Lakers player Kobe Bryant. The famous basketball player produced and narrated the short film “Dear Basketball,” which chronicles his career.

“On that evening, when the theme of women’s struggle for their rights, the theme of sexual violence was one of the main ones, the Oscar was given to Bryant. What a shame! - reacted on social networks. At one time, the athlete, we recall, was accused of rape.

The winners are not judged by Books. The expression means: the main thing is to achieve victory, no matter in what way (honest or dishonest); who has achieved success is beyond criticism. He must win! And the winners are not judged(B. Gorbatov. Before the war). - Victor means winner, right? But the winners, they say, are not judged. But give up your habits. It’s good that he looked out for the Junkers, but he could have missed the Messer. Then, perhaps, there would be no need to either praise or scold you... Do you understand? - Why don’t you understand?(G. Yastrebtsov. Red Aces).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Winners are not judged” in other dictionaries:

    Winners are not judged- Words that, according to legend, belong to the Russian Empress Catherine II. She allegedly said them while defending A.V. Suvorov, who they wanted to try for the fact that, contrary to the orders of Commander-in-Chief Rumyantsev, he launched an assault on the Turkish in 1773... ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

    Tokyo trial- Tokyo Trial, a trial of Japanese war criminals, held in Tokyo from May 3, 1946 to November 12, 1948 at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East. Contents 1 History 2 Accusers ... Wikipedia

    International Military Tribunal for the Far East- International Military Tribunal for the Far East, trial of Japanese war criminals, held in Tokyo from May 3, 1946 to November 12, 1948. Contents 1 History 2 Judges 3 ... Wikipedia

    Pay Day (album)- Pay Day ... Wikipedia

    VICTORY AND DEFEAT- It is not necessarily the just cause that wins, but the cause for which they fought better. Egon Erwin Kisch Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is always an orphan. John Kennedy in 1961, after the failure of the landings on the Bay of Cochinos. Either know how to win, or know how... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    JUDGE- I judge, judge, Doctor of Science. judging and (less often) judging, nesov. 1. about whom what. When reasoning, express what n. thoughts, considerations, draw conclusions, conclusions about someone what n. “He knew how to judge how the state was getting rich.” Pushkin. “Everything is noticed by me, I judge... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    winner- I; m. The one who won won. P. championship, competition. Solemnly greet the winning soldiers. P. competitions. Come out victorious from something. Walk in the winners. * Winners are not judged (last; victory is more important than the means to achieve it). ◁… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Yeltsin, Boris- First President of the Russian Federation First President of the Russian Federation (twice elected to this post in 1991 and 1996), former Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR (1990 1991), former First Secretary of the Moscow City Committee (1985 1987) and... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    judge- I judge, you judge; deepr. judging. 1. nonsense, about whom and what and without additional. Form an opinion, a judgment about whom, than l.; draw a conclusion, a conclusion regarding something. Judge the book. Judge students' knowledge. Judge by your own experience. □ How easy it is to make a mistake in... ... Small academic dictionary

    Takeda- Shingen (Harunobu) (1521–1573) commander, belonged to a very ancient family from Kai province (now Yamanashi Prefecture). In 1541, Shingen, having removed his father, practically usurped the leadership of an extensive and wealthy clan. A year later he captured... ... All of Japan


  • Winners are not judged, Victor Pronin. Danger is nearby, in a dark courtyard, in the entrance of your own house, or simply on a crowded street. Ilya Kasyanin seemed to know about this, but somehow he didn’t pay attention until he found himself...

Winners are not judged

Winners are not judged
Words that, according to legend, belong to the Russian Empress Catherine II. She allegedly said them while defending A.V. Suvorov, whom they wanted to try for the fact that, contrary to the orders of Commander-in-Chief Rumyantsev, he stormed the Turkish fortress of Turtukai in 1773. On the verdict, Catherine wrote: “Winners are not judged.”
But this legend is not confirmed by any historical sources.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “Winners are not judged” in other dictionaries:

    Winners are not judged- Book The expression means: the main thing is to achieve victory, no matter which way (honest or dishonest); has achieved success beyond criticism. He must win! But the winners are not judged (B. Gorbatov. Before the war). Victor means the winner, right? A… … Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    The Tokyo Trial was a trial of Japanese war criminals that took place in Tokyo from May 3, 1946 to November 12, 1948 at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East. Contents 1 History 2 Accusers ... Wikipedia

    International Military Tribunal for the Far East, trial of Japanese war criminals, held in Tokyo from May 3, 1946 to November 12, 1948. Contents 1 History 2 Judges 3 ... Wikipedia

    Pay Day ... Wikipedia

    It is not necessarily the just cause that wins, but the cause for which it was fought for better. Egon Erwin Kisch Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is always an orphan. John Kennedy in 1961, after the failure of the landings on the Bay of Cochinos. Either know how to win, or know how... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    I judge, judge, Doctor of Science. judging and (less often) judging, nesov. 1. about whom what. When reasoning, express what n. thoughts, considerations, draw conclusions, conclusions about someone what n. “He knew how to judge how the state was getting rich.” Pushkin. “Everything is noticed by me, I judge... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    I; m. The one who won won. P. championship, competition. Solemnly greet the winning soldiers. P. competitions. Come out victorious from something. Walk in the winners. * Winners are not judged (last; victory is more important than the means to achieve it). ◁… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Yeltsin, Boris- First President of the Russian Federation First President of the Russian Federation (twice elected to this post in 1991 and 1996), former Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR (1990 1991), former First Secretary of the Moscow City Committee (1985 1987) and... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    I judge, you judge; deepr. judging. 1. nonsense, about whom and what and without additional. Form an opinion, a judgment about whom, than l.; draw a conclusion, a conclusion regarding something. Judge the book. Judge students' knowledge. Judge by your own experience. □ How easy it is to make a mistake in... ... Small academic dictionary

    Shingen (Harunobu) (1521–1573) commander, belonged to a very ancient family from Kai Province (now Yamanashi Prefecture). In 1541, Shingen, having removed his father, practically usurped the leadership of an extensive and wealthy clan. A year later he captured... ... All of Japan


  • Winners are not judged, Victor Pronin. Danger is nearby, in a dark courtyard, in the entrance of your own house, or simply on a crowded street. Ilya Kasyanin seemed to know about this, but somehow he didn’t pay attention until he found himself...

Among human relationships, the factor of dominance occupies an important place. From childhood, a person develops the desired status of a winner, which he strives for throughout his life. Victory is not always the result of decent behavior and fair rules. Each of us has heard the expression more than once: “Winners are not judged.” Who said this phrase that has become a catchphrase?

Properties of phraseological units

In the Russian language there are phraseological units - stable phrases that give emotional coloring to speech. The peculiarity of these combinations is the indivisible integrity of expression. If you try to rearrange the words of a phrase, the general meaning of stable speech patterns is lost. Often the meaning of these expressions is lost when translated into another language.

The meaning of phraseology

Each phraseological turn has its own specific meaning. In this case, the expression means: there can be no questions to the winner about how victory was achieved. Those who achieve success are not criticized. The one who said: “Winners are not judged” meant: “Victory is victory!”

However, this statement can be disputed: the winner is not always right, the forces of the parties may simply be unequal. The thesis, which has become a motto for some individuals, can lead to immoral or even criminal acts.

Phrase of Catherine II

There are several versions of the origin of this winged thesis. It is believed that Empress Catherine the Great, who reigned in the 18th century, is the author of the phrase “Winners are not judged.” It is unknown who said that these were the words of Catherine II. Researchers have not found any mention of this case in official documents. Presumably, this expression is the empress’s resolution to the complaint of Field Marshal P.A. Rumyantseva. The document that the field marshal sent to the tsarina for consideration contained information about the unauthorized capture of commander A.V. Suvorov. Turkish fortress Turtukay. Rumyantsev was especially indignant, in addition to disobedience to the order of the commander-in-chief, because of the numerical superiority of the enemy and the time of the assault: night. This situation has remained unconfirmed and is rightly refuted by historians. For bravery and courage after that battle, the general was awarded the Cross of St. George, 2nd degree.

Epaminondas and the Thebans

This phrase was already popular in Ancient Greece. In a lawsuit filed by the capital of Upper Egypt, Thebes, in 389 BC, the phrase “The winners are not judged” appears. Who said, or rather wrote, is indicated in the ancient document. The military commander and politician Epaminondas was charged with violating the law against exceeding the established term of power. Because of the war with Sparta, his reign lasted four months longer than expected. As soon as peace was established in Greece, the politician immediately relieved himself of all powers voluntarily. At the trial, Epaminondas did not deny guilt and said that he was ready to suffer severe punishment through death. The court recognized the commander was right. The fair decision in this case - “winners are not judged” - was made under the influence of his services to the city and under the impression of competent military orders that brought victory.

It is known that languages ​​are formed over a long period of time. In our rich language there are a large number of volatile expressions; in most cases, their authorship is quite difficult to establish. Who said the phrase “Winners are not judged” - one can only guess. Many versions explaining its origin can no longer be verified for authenticity. All that remains is to enjoy the greatness of the mighty Russian language, and remember - “Winners are not judged.” Who said it first is not so important.