Children's outdoor games on the water. Water games for children Dwarfs and giants

  • 11.10.2023

Games and play exercises in the water are invaluable.They help get rid of the fear of diving, overcome the negative sensations from water getting into your eyes, nose, and ears.Being carried away by the game, children can more easily bear the necessary load.Diverse in nature and motor content, games contribute to the improvement of swimming skills, the development of personal qualities, and allow you to successfully solve not only specially assigned tasks, but also to avoid a negative phenomenon known in swimming - monotony.

These games and game exercises are taken from the book for kindergarten teachers and parents, “Teaching Swimming in Kindergarten.”
Authors: T.Osokina, E.A.Timofeeva, T.L.Bogina.



Task games: help you get comfortable with water resistance.

Description. The players (fish) are located in a limitedspaces quality Two fishermen, holding hands, at the teacher’s signal, run afterfish, trying to surround it. Each fish caught is included in the chain of fishermen. This is how the net is gradually formed. The game ends when all the fishwill be overfished.

Rules A. You cannot fish with a torn net. You can't push

drown each other, grab each other's arms, torso.

Methodical instructions. The drivers are appointed by the teacher.

Carousels (II option)

Task games: promote development with water, walking and running in water.

Description. Holding hands, the children form a circle. On signal theystart moving in a circle, gradually speeding up the pace. While driving alongthose playing in a circle say in chorus:

Barely, barely

The carousels are spinning
And then, then, then -
Everybody run, run, run!

After which the children run in a circle (1-2 circles).

Then the teacher says: “Hush, hush, don’t rush, carouselstop." The children gradually slow down and say, “It’s over.”a game. Stop - once and twice” they stop.

The game is repeated with movement in the opposite direction.

Rules. You can’t let go of your hands and fall into the water.

Methodical instructions. The water depth can be increased volume making it clear by example that the resistance of water when moving increases the more,the more of the body's surface is under water.

Crucians and carps ( I option)

Task games: teach children to move freely in water.

Description. The teacher divides the players into two equal groups. Children stand in lines with their backs to each other, and then squat.The distance between the ranks is 0.5-1 m. For each rank in advancethe direction in which to run is outlined. One line - crucian carp,the other is carps. The teacher pronounces these words in any order.The named team (line) immediately rises and runs in the indicateddirection. Children of the other team rise, turn and catch up running away, trying to touch them with your hand. Child touched hand, stops. At the teacher's signal, everyone stops,return to their original places and the game starts over.

Rules. While in a line, you cannot turn back. DuringWhen running, you can’t push each other. You cannot continue running after the stop signal.

Methodical instructions. The game can also be played in deep waterwaist-high. In this case, standing in ranks, children do not crouch. Form linesIt is better in height for their right flanks to be opposite each other. Oneand the same command can sometimes be called twice in a row. The words "crucian carp"and “carps” the teacher should pronounce slowly, drawlingly, drawing outthe first syllables of a word and quickly pronouncing the last.

We funny boys

Task games: to teach children to move energetically in the water in different directions.

Description. Children walk in a circle, in the middle there is a driver,appointed or chosen by children. The children recite the text in chorus:
We are funny guys
We love to swim and dive.
Well, try to catch up with us!
One, two, three - catch it!

After the word “Catch!” the children run away, and the driver catches up. The game endswhen he catches up with 2-3-4 players. When the game is repeated, a new one is selected driving

Rules. Start moving only after the words “Catch!”

Crucian carp and pike

Task games: promote mastery in water, overcoming water resistance.

Description. One child is chosen by the pike. The rest of the players shareinto two groups: some (pebbles) form a circle, others (crucians) swim insidecircle. The pike is behind the circle. At the signal “Pike!” she quickly runs inin a circle, trying to catch crucian carp. The crucians are in a hurry to quickly take a place behind someone one of the players and sit down (the crucian carp hide from the pike behind the pebbles). Pike catches those crucian carp that did not have time to hide. Those caught go outside the circle. The game is played 3-4 times, after which the number of those caught is counted. Forthen choose a new pike. The children change places and the game is repeated.

Rules. You can't grab each other or push each other. Pike starts to catchonly after the signal.

Methodical instructions. Pebble children should stand in a circle on at arm's length so that there is more space for crucian carp. Teaching The driver makes sure that the crucian carp do not interfere with each other while swimming inside the circle. "Pebbles" should not stand for long.

Fishing rod

Task games: Exercise children in immersing their heads in water.

Description. Children form a circle, standing at a distance from each other arms outstretched, turn to face the center. The teacher stands in the center. He has a rope in his hands, with an inflatable toy attached to the end of it.The length of the rope is equal to the radius of the circle. The teacher rotates the rope so thatthe toy would move in a circle at a height of 10-30 cm above the water. Childrenshould avoid touching the toy by going underwater when it arrives licks.

Rules. You cannot hide before the toy approaches.

Methodical instructions. First you need to rotate the ropewith a toy slightly higher than the children's heads. When will children learn to be brave? submerge going into the water, the height can be reduced.

How someone swims

Task games: train children in different types of movement in water.

Description. Children are shown how different things move in wateranimals: crocodile, crayfish, crab, frog, penguin, seal, dolphin. Then byAt the teacher's signal, the children depict the named animals.

Crocodile— lie down on the water, rest your hands on the bottom, stretch out your legs;moving your hands along the bottom, move forward.

Cancer- Move backwards in the same position.

Crab- in the same position, move to the right and left.

Frog— from a crouching position, jump out of the water and squat again.

Penguin- move around the pool, swaying from side to side,pressing his hands to his body.

Dolphin- Jump out of the water as high as possible from a crouching position.

Rules. Complete tasks when given a signal by the teacher, and do not disturb your comrades.

Methodical instructions. The game can be played provided that allChildren know the ways of movement of different animals. The first time shouldgive no more than three tasks. Gradually the number of tasks can be increase.

Frisky ball (in a shallow place)

Task games: contribute to the mastery of long-term,gradual exhalation.

Description. The players stand in one line at a distancearm's length apart. Everyone has a ball or tennis ball.Having taken the position of the support lying in front, the children place it on the surface of the water onmouth lines. Exhaling, blow on the ball, trying to drive it away as far as possible.Push. Then they follow the ball along the bottom with their hands, making repeatedinhale and exhale. At the teacher’s command, everyone remains in their place,stop blowing on the ball. It turns out whose ball floated the farthest - this is the most"frisky ball"

Game continues.

Rules. You can’t interfere with each other or blow on someone else’s ball.

Methodical instructions. First, you can play the game withoutmoving forward with your hands behind the ball. In this case, every time it is executedjust one breath.

The game can also be played in deep places (chest-deep water). ThenThe players move after the ball, walking along the bottom.

The teacher makes sure that the children exhale gradually.

Sea battle

Task games: to teach children not to be afraid of splashes, to act agreed upon.

Description. At waist-deep depth, children stand facing each other tworanks, the distance between which is 1.5-2 m. At the teacher’s signal, childrenthey begin to splash water at the “enemy”, trying to force him to retreat.The more persistent team wins, the one that does not run away and maintainsoriginal order.

Repeat the game 3-4 times.

Rules. You cannot touch players with your hands, turn your back, run away.

Methodical instructions. When dividing children into teams, you need to take into account their growth and preparedness. Ensure compliance with the rules.

Hunters and ducks

Task games: practice immersing your head in water.

Description. Two hunters are selected. The rest of the children are ducks. Huntersstand on both sides of the pool, each of them has a ball. Ducks swimin different directions around the pool. At the signal “Hunters!” ducks mustdive into the water so that the hunters cannot hit them with balls. If one of the children did not have time to hide and is hit with a ball, he must leave for a while games.

Rules. Hunters should not throw balls at children's heads. Start offYou can throw the ball only at the signal “Hunters!” and without leaving the spot.

Methodical instructions. Hunters change after eachone of them will hit a certain number of ducks with the ball.


Task games: teach you to boldly open your eyes in the water, lookobjects underwater.

Description. Children stand at the side of the pool. Teaching the body scatters rubber (sinking) toys, plastichigh plates. At a signal, divers dive into the water and try to collectas many items as possible.

Rules. Start completing the task when given a signal, do not push your comrades,do not take away toys.

Methodical instructions. The teacher notes and encourages childrensuccessfully completed the task, helps timid children, encouragestheir. You can play a game divided into teams and give a task whose teamdivers will collect more items.

I'm floating

Task games: promote mastery of horizontal positionbodies in the water, lead to sliding.

Description. Children in an open column move one step at a timealong the walls of the pool. At a signal, they are asked to turn to face inward.pool and lift your legs off the bottom in any way or pretend to be swimmingbreasts At the next signal, the children return to their places in the columnand continue moving along the walls of the pool.

After the words “We will repeat it together,” everyone stops, and the driver,who stands inside the circle, performs some movement - immersioninto the water with your head, exhale into the water, slide, etc. Children must repeat thesemovements after him, after which a new driver is appointed, and the game continues.

Methodical instructions. The first driver is appointed teaching tel. The next one is chosen by the previous driver.The driver comes up with his own movements. But if you need to repeatany specific movement, you can suggest it to the driver.


Task games: Exercise children in different swimming methods.

Description. Children line up at the edge of the pool. On signal(for example, “Crawl on the chest!”) children quickly swim to the oppositeside of the pool. They return in the opposite direction, sailing in a different way(breaststroke or backstroke).

Rules. You need to complete the task according to the signal, do not bump intocomrades, swim to the side.

Methodical instructions. Before the game it is advisableremind about different swimming methods and even ask 1-2 children to showthem so that everyone performs them correctly during the game. The game can be played and in the form of a relay race. Then the children are divided into 2-3 teams. The teacher gives the task is to swim one way in front crawl and back in breaststroke, orvice versa. Marks whose team will complete the task faster.

Whose team will gather sooner?

Task games: train children in different swimming methods, teachnavigate in an unusual environment.

Description. Children are divided into 3-4 groups with the same number of players.Each group lines up in a column at the corners of the pool. On signal childrendisperse throughout the pool, performing different exercises in their own way desire. When a whistle or other signal is given, children must swim quickly
lju quickly take your place and form a column. The teacher noteswhose team will assemble faster.

Rules. When performing exercises, you need to move further away from the placelink collection. When swimming, do not bump into each other.

Methodical instructions. Locations for building links can be designated use colored flags or balls placed on the side of the pool. ForTo increase the complexity of the game, you can swap flags and balls.

Crossing of border guards

Task games: teach children to move differently in the aquatic environmentaccording to the imaginary situation.

Description. Children silently enter the water one after another and move around the pool, avoiding objects and toys floating on the water, and then just as quietly,carefully exit the water.

Rules. Enter the water quietly, trying not to make noise or splash, so as tothe ability not to move objects floating on the surface of the water.A child who fails to pass quietly loses and is considered “revealed.”

Methodical instructions. Floating toys can be strengthenedusing weights (sets of heavy rubber toys). Fulfilltasks (make stops, go around objects, get out of the water) at a signal.

Pearl divers

Task games: teach children to coordinate their movements with each other in water.

Description. At a depth just above the knees, children take a support positionlying in your arms. Next, they stretch their legs, lift them to the surfacewater and move on their hands along the bottom in search of “pearls”. After taking 2-3 stepson their hands, stop, lower their face into the water and inspect the bottom. Thenlift their face out of the water, take a few more steps and examine againbottom. (So ​​you need to walk through shallow water, along the bottom 8-10 m.) Polo follows to the bottomlive several objects - “shells”. At the end of the game, the teacher invites children to describe these objects, tell how they are located in relation to other “shells”.

Rules. Lowering your face into the water, open your eyes.

Methodical instructions. You can introduce the collection of “pearls” into the game.Where necessary, it is advisable to allow children to useunderwater mask or goggles.


Task games: develop navigation skills in water.

Description. The players are located on the same line in the indicated part swimming pool At a signal, they begin to move forward by jumping on both feet, trying to reach the established landmark as quickly as possible.

Rules. Children should not start moving before the signal is given.interfere with each other, start running or walking.

Methodical instructions. To complicate travel conditionsyou can change the position of your hands. It can be arbitrary or due to ny game task.

Diving ducks

Task games: Help children master an unsupported position in the water.

Description. Children randomly position themselves along the bottom of the pool, depictingducks When given a signal, they lean forward, trying to dive for food.and grab the bottom. At the same time, raise both legs bent at the knees -“showing ponytail.”

Rules. The duck that can “show its tail” will be more dexterous.more times.

Methodical instructions. To make it easier for children to complete

Banners in pairs

Task games: improve children's ability to act in unusualconditions, with some effort.

Description. Children stand in 2 lines facing each other at a distance of 2-3 m. A rope is stretched between them. Each line has the same number playing. At the teacher’s signal, the children approach the rope and stand sideways to each other. Those playing in one line join hands with children in another ranks. At the signal, the partners of each pair begin to pull each other beyond the center line. When summing up the results of the game, it is taken into account in whatIn the number of pairs, the children from both ranks turned out to be winners.

Rules. You can’t jerk your friend sharply. Carry out a task when given a signal.

Methodical instructions. It is advisable not to pull too tightly stripped body rope, and install it on floats.

Option 1

Description. Children become pairs facing each other and are taken in twohands on opposite sides of the rope ring. (Such a ring can be done by tying the ends of two short or one long jump ropes.) The players move back enough to pull the rope, keeping it extended forward hands. They then take a comfortable, stable stop position by extendingone leg slightly forward and the other slightly bent. The game starts atsignal - everyone tries to pull the other to their side, forcingleave the place. You need to start pulling the rope towards yourself at the same time.

Methodical instructions. Instead of a ring made of rope or jump ropesYou can use a short, strong stick.

Option 2

Description. Children become pairs with their backs to each other. They grab opposite sides of the ring with both hands (shoulder-width apart, behind them)from a rope. They move away from each other so much that the rope is taut,and occupy a stable starting position. The game proceeds the same way as V previous version.

Option 3

Description. Children become pairs with their backs to each other. Put on throughhead strap (made of thick braid, soft cord). The strap goes underunderarm and tightly fits the chest. At a sign from the teacher, the children begin to pulleach other in their own direction - who will pull whom over.


Tasks games: promote children's development of an unsupported positionin water; improve navigation skills in water.

Description. While sliding, children are “screwed” into the water, constantlyconstantly turning around the axis of its body (36°) - on its side, back, otherside, chest, etc. At the same time, they try to move forward as far as possible. The one who glides the farthest wins.

Rules. All players should move in the same direction, notallow oncoming traffic.

Methodical instructions. At first, children can help themselvesslide forward, performing movements with your legs, as in the crawl.

Circus performers

Tasks games: develop navigation skills in water; perfection learn the ability to dive into water.

Description. The players lean forward, place their hands on the bottom and, raisinglegs up, trying to stand on their hands - “like in the circus.”

Rules. The winner is the one who can stand on his hands the longest (depth water is the same for all players).

Methodical instructions. If teams participate in the game, then the team is The winner is determined by the number of children who correctly perform a handstand.


Tasks games: develop navigation skills in water; contributemastering an unsupported position.

Description. Children are placed in the pool randomly on suchdistance so as not to disturb each other. If desired, they try to perform somersaults, forward or backward rolls, forming a ball (in a group).

Rules. The one who manages to perform the most somersaults winsaccording to the assignment at the time specified by the teacher.

Methodical instructions. The game can be played in water depths notbelow (or preferably a little above) waist level. Previously, on land, you shouldShow children techniques for grouping and folding into a ball.

Hold on!

Tasks games: teach children to maintain balance; develop skillsorientation in the water.

Description. As a movable sliding support they can beLarge balls, inflatable rings, and boards were used. Playing alonehold their object near themselves with their hand. When given a signal, they try to lie down onand hold on to it at least for a set time. The one who winswhoever lies down on a circle or other object first and stays on it like longer as possible.

Rules. Do not interfere with others to act independently.

Methodical instructions. The game can also be played in the form team competition. To complicate the task, you can define a way completing a game task or changing the conditions of the game.


Task games: improve breaststroke leg movements.

Description. Children stand against the wall with swimming boards in their handspool with his back to her. Having pushed off from the wall, they perform a slide onchest, moving his legs like a frog and trying to swim as far as possible.

Rules. You cannot make other movements with your legs.

Methodical instructions. You can designate the place to which you need toswim. If the child stops while moving, he continues itfrom the stopping place.

Whiskered catfish

Task games: improve children's ability to navigate in water.

Description. The driver is chosen - catfish, all other children becomeline in waist-deep water facing the shore. The teacher says:

Fish, fish, don't yawn!

The catfish moves its whiskers.

Everyone ashore, he is not sleeping!

The last words serve as a signal for the children to run ashore. SomHe can only show off in the water; he cannot go ashore. The game repeats itself2-3 times. Children count which catfish caught more fish.

Rules. The catfish driver is forbidden to grab fish children by the hands,shoulders, etc. To grease a fish, you just need to touch it.

Fish in a net

Tasks games: improve children's ability to navigate in water;develop attention.

Description. The players - 6-8 children - stand in a circle facing outwards andholding hands, form a grid. A fish swims inside the circle - one ofplaying. The fish tries to slip out of the net unnoticed (dive under the hands of those standing in a circle). If children, under whose hands a fish is about to swim, notice or feel the movement of its fins and tail, they shouldshout “Caught!” Then the fish should start looking for another passage from the net. Otherwise, it will be considered that there is a hole in the mesh. The game repeats itself3 times, after which another fish is put into the net.

Rules. Children representing the grid should not turn around,peep, give up.

Methodical instructions. Ensure that children act in moderationcarefully, trying not to “injure” the fish, not to hurt it.

Flying rings

rubber. At the teacher’s signal, the children throw the rings with one hand to the players standing opposite. They catch the rings as fast as they canthey return them to their partners, etc. There is a shootout in pairs. Winsthe pair that drops the ring into the water fewer times than the others.

Rules. Only catch your ring.

Methodical instructions. It is advisable to use for each pairring of a different color. The game conditions should include throwing and catching rings with both the right and left hands.

Option 2. Whoever is called, catches it!

Description. Children stand in a circle at a distance of 1 m from each other. One ofthey are chosen as the driver. He stands with the ring in the center of the circle. By commandteacher "Let's start!" the driver throws the ring up above himself, callingthe name of the player who must catch the ring (for example: “Petya, catch it!”),and quickly moves away. The named child catches the ring (with either hand) and passes it to the driver. Methodical instructions. According to the terms of the game, you can catch the ring in
differently - by the rim or on the hand (as when playing serso). ,

Option 3: Give upcatch it! (Water lily)

Description. Five children (these are lily petals) stand in the centerpool with their backs to it close to each other, forming a flower. Everyone has it child holding a ring in his hands. After the teacher’s words “The lily is blooming!” children throw the rings from below themselves forward 2m-3m and immediately, pushing off from the bottom,slide on the chest behind the rings. Then they take the rings in their hands and returnto their places (“Evening, the lily has closed!”). The game repeats itself.

Rules. You need to throw the ring as far as you can overcome by sliding.

Methodical instructions. You can try to have children dogame actions to music.

Game exercises

Sit and stand hands-free. The depth of the water is knee-deep, waist-deep.

"Dolphin Jump" The water is waist deep. Sit down slightly, raise your armsup and slightly forward so that your forearms cover your ears. ThenJump forward out of the water, bend slightly, inhale, hold your breath and enter the water with your arms and head extended forward.

While sliding underwater, bend at the waist and point your armsand head at an angle forward and upward. Glide with your eyes open, doinggradual exhalation. At the end of the slide, bend your legs, stand on the bottom, lowerhands and complete the exhalation. Start performing the jump again. jump, like a dolphin, with not very long stops, 3-5 times in a row.

"Ball Race" AND The players form into pairs and pick up a ball. ByAt the signal, they swim and chase balls in front of them. The winner is the swimmer whoswam the distance faster and did not lose the ball. The exercise can be doneteams. The team that loses fewer goals wins.

"Ball in a Circle" ;. Children stand in a circle and throw the ball to each otherwith one and two hands. When catching the ball, you can run forward or run back back, fall into the water. One child can stand in the center of the circle and catch flyingthrowing a ball through the circle. If he catches the ball, he stands in a circle, and the one who threwstands in the center.

"In Tow" . The water is thigh deep. The children split up in pairs. Hold onholding hands, standing facing each other. One of them lies down on the water, the other walksback forward, then quickens his pace, runs, dragging behind him the person lying on the water (the tug is dragging the barge behind it). After some time, the children change roles.

"Screw". While sliding, make turns from the chest to the back and vice versa.

"Somersault"forward without supporting your hands on the bottom. The depth of the water is chest deep.

"Seals". Take the position lying in front. Pushing up slightly,Pushing your arms back to your hips, try to slide forward, while lowering your head into the water.

"Who will win?" Water depth up to thigh. Divide the players into two teams, each3-4 people in each. Children stand in two columns facing each other.The teacher gives them a rope or a thick rope 3-4 m long. At a signalteacher, each team begins to pull the rope, trying to pullyour side to the opposite team. You can suddenly let gorope - everyone falls into the water.

"Riding in Circles". The water is waist deep. Voluntarily sit down, lie down onan inflated rubber circle and ride it like a boat, rowinghands - oars.

"Wheelbarrow". The water is knee deep. The players are divided into pairsstand at the back of each other's heads. The person in front assumes a support positionlying in front, spreads his legs to the sides. The person standing behind takes him by the legsat the ankle joint (right hand behind the right, left hand behind the left leg), slightly raises them above the surface of the water. Promotion beginsforward.

You cannot lower the legs of someone walking on your hands, raise them deliberately high, walktoo fast in the water.

"Gate ki". The water is chest deep. Dive through the gate - two guys standing facing each other, holding hands. The collars are wide open, you can'tclose.

"Box". Crouching, clasp your shins with your hands, chin on the surfacewater. Take a deep breath, hold your breath, lower your head under water - “The lid of the box was closed.”

"Float". Gl Chest-deep water. Taking a deep breath and holdingbreathing, dive under water with open eyes. Bend your legs strongly clasp your shins with your hands and pull your knees to your chest, bend your head as much as possiblecloser to the knees. In this position, float to the surface of the water.Float on the surface without changing position. Count to 8. After thatcalmly stand on the bottom.UThe exercise is performed together. Both players lie down with their backson the water opposite each other, hold hands, bend their legs and rest their feetThe next moment, both release their hands and press them to their bodyand at the same time they push off with their feet and slide along the surface of the water on their backs.

"Pass the ball" . The depth of the water is waist-deep, chest-deep. Two children (or childand the teacher) stand behind each other at a distance of 0.7-0.8 m. LegsBoth are shoulder-width apart. The person in front holds the ball in his hands. Hebends forward, plunges headlong into the water and passes the ball to the person standing behind himAfter this, the guys turn around and pass the ballin the opposite direction.

"Talking on the phone" . The water is waist deep. Alternately, paired with the teacher, facing him and at a close distance from him, the children squat,plunging headlong into the water.

"Dive into the circle." G Waist-deep water. Standing in the water, the teacher holdsa hoop in front of you. The child dives into it. try?" The water is chest deep. Take a deep breath and calmly lie on your back in the water. Lie quietly with your arms outstretched upwardto the sides. Breathe calmly. If your feet go very deep into the water,You can move them slightly up and down.

Another option: take a deep breath, lie calmly on your back in the water;lie quietly with your arms extended along your body. If your feet go into the watervery deeply, lightly press the water with your palms from top to bottom.

"Jellyfish". Glu a waist-deep bin of water. Take a deep breath, hold your breathand, leaning forward, lie freely on the water. The body is a little at firstplunges into the water, then floats up. Lie in the water without moving.

"Ball in a circle" . The players stand in a circle and pass a light rubber ball to each other, trying not to drop it. Whoever drops the ball goes to the middle. HisThe task is to touch the ball that the children pass. If the child touches the ball, he returns to his place, and the player who did not have time to pass enters the circle.

Many of us associate the pool with swimming and water aerobics, but in fact it also includes a lot of games that are not only fun, but also good for your health!
1. Divers

The presenter scatters several objects (for example, tablespoons) along the bottom of the pool. Players take turns diving, retrieving items from the bottom. The one who gets the most items at once wins.

2. Water American football

Players from two teams enter the water and line up at opposite sides of the pool facing the middle. The side is for them in the game the line of the house that they defend. The ball is put into play in the middle of the pool. The team that owns the ball begins to throw it among themselves, trying not to give it to the opponent. The task is to approach the opponent's house and touch the side of the pool with the ball (you cannot throw the ball into the house). Whichever team does this more times wins.

3. Pairs swimming relay

One of the players swims on his chest, working with his hands, the other, holding on to his outstretched legs, swims with the help of only his legs. Speed ​​swimming competitions can be held between several pairs.

4. Fishermen and fish

Three or four participants (“fishermen”), holding hands, move through the pool, trying to surround (“catch in a net”) the fleeing “fish.” The caught “fish” becomes a “fisherman”. The game ends when all the fish are caught, and the last one is considered the most agile. At the same time, you cannot catch “fish” with a “torn” net (tear your hands). If the “fish” plunges headlong into the water or dives during the pursuit, then it is considered uncaught.

5. Basketball on the water

The inflatable circle acts as a basketball hoop; you need to hit it with the ball. You can try to hit the ball from the side of the pool or from the water. In this case, the person holding the circle can either help get the ball into the circle by moving the circle itself, or hold it statically, only giving the ball back to the throwers. Those who hit the circle with the ball the most times win.

6. Rider fight

2 teams take part in the game. The team consists of a “horse” (usually a man) and a rider (usually a woman). The riders climb onto the “horses” and sit on their shoulders. The team's task is to knock the enemy rider into the water. For the safety of the battle, riders can use large inflatable balls. The team whose “rider” stays on the “horse” wins.

7. Seals

For this game you will need an inflatable ring. The players' task is to dive so that the circle ends up on the head of the person who dived. To make the game dynamic, each time the distance to the circle from the player can be increased further, after each successful attempt. The player who completes all the diving distances in the least number of attempts wins.

8. Badminton on the water

If you love playing badminton, you should definitely try it in the water. The shuttlecock does not get wet in the water, but the number of somersaults that you can make on the water, reflecting a blow, increases significantly. You can perform carcolom jumps without fear of hurting yourself.

9. Ball Collectors

For this game you will need many small balls (balls) of two different colors that float on the water, as well as two containers where you can put them. The task of the game participants is to collect balls of their color into their container before the opponent does.

10. Ball race

This is a water relay race. The players are divided into 2 teams, each has a ball. The teams line up. The task is for the player in front to pass the ball between his legs to the one behind him, completely immersing himself in the water with his head. The next player must do the same, and so on. The last player passes the ball over his head to the one in front and so the ball must reach the first player. The winner is the team that has completed this procedure a predetermined number of times.

The presenter lowers several clearly visible objects under water to the bottom. Players take turns diving, retrieving objects from the bottom. The child who gets the most items at one time wins.

Dwarfs - Giants

Children stand waist-deep in water. The presenter gives the signal by shouting the word: “Dwarfs!” Everyone sits in the water. Behind the signal: “Giants!” - all players jump up. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game. The one who remains wins.

Ball over the line

Players from two teams enter the water and line up at opposite sides of the pool facing the middle. The side is for them in the game the line of the house that they defend. The leader throws the ball into the middle between the teams. The players swim towards him and, having taken possession of the ball, begin to throw it among themselves, trying not to give it to the opponent. The challenge is this. To approach the opponent's house and touch the side of the pool with the ball. On an open reservoir, the playing field is limited by floats and paths of floats. The game lasts 10 minutes. The team that manages to touch the opponent's house with the ball the most times wins.

Get the ball into the water

Two teams participate, which sit on the shore or on the sides of the pool facing the water. The first numbers have medium-sized rubber balls in their hands. At the leader's signal, they throw them forward, and then jump into the water and swim to the balls. But not to your own ball, but to the ball that the opponent threw. Having reached the ball, the player swims with it (leading it in front of him) to the place where the teams are lined up and passes it into the hands of the second number. The first one to arrive gets one point for his team. Thus, to win, you must not only swim well, but also throw the ball far. The team with the most points wins.


Swimmers hold hands (facing each other). The first player, after inhaling, descends vertically under the water with his eyes open. At the moment of immersion, he wraps his arms around the knees of the second player and pulls him under the water. This allows the first player to rise above the surface of the water and take a breath. In turn, the swimmer, who is immersed in the water, pulls his partner down by the legs, and he floats to the surface. Players perform alternating immersion 4-6 times.


The players stand in a circle at arm's length from the driver, who is located in the center. The driver, at a signal from an adult, begins to salt those who did not have time to dive into the water. Those who have surfaced cannot be salted.


Plastic hoops are tied together to form a path. Near each such track of 6-10 hoops, the players line up in columns. At the signal, the first in the column dives under the first hoop, and overcomes the other hoop from above. Thus, either diving or sliding along the surface, the player overcomes the entire path. Having reached the opposite side, the player lifts up the flag lying there. This is the signal for the second player to start moving forward. The leader and his assistants ensure that the path is crossed correctly. If a player dives between two hoops without appearing on the surface, the team is awarded a penalty point. A team wins if it finishes the game first with the fewest errors.

Sea battle

Equipment: large inflated tractor chambers, for example from K-700 or T-150 tractors.
Venue: a body of water with little or no current, such as a pond or lake.
Minimum number of players: 6.
Type: team.
Develops: tactical skills, general physical effect.
Each camera ship accommodates 3-6 players. Their task is to capsize the enemy “ship” or push all members of its crew into the water. When there are many players, you can play team against team, or each “ship” can fight for itself.
Sometimes a direct confrontation was preceded by an exchange of fire with pre-prepared shells. For example, light expanded clay pebbles. Getting hit in such a firefight does not take the player out of the game, but simply ignites the players' fighting fervor.


Inventory: none.

Type: with driver.
Develops: endurance, speed, agility.
They play on the vast shallows. As in ordinary tag, the driver tries to make one of the other players look bad. You can run, dive and swim, but it is forbidden to move to a place where the depth is greater than the player’s neck. The offender is considered dirty and changes places with the driver.

Fish in the net

Two presenters are selected. The players enter waist-deep water and disperse nearby in different directions. At the counselor’s signal, the leaders, holding hands, begin to “fish”, i.e. try to catch one of the players. The caught player joins the leaders, there are 1 more of them, and the size of the network increases. The game ends when all the fish are caught.

Water fight

To play, you need swimming boards or rubber circles according to the number of players. Two teams participate, which differ in the color of the caps on their heads. First, five boys compete, then girls. Before the start of the fights, players on different sides of the pond take a lying or sitting position on the boards. At the signal, the players move closer together, raking with their hands. Swimming up to each other, everyone tries to seize the moment and with a deft movement drags their opponent into the water. However, if you miss, it is not difficult to lose your balance and end up in the water. Whoever suffers such a fate is eliminated from the fight. The winner is the five players who, by the end of the battle on the water, will have more of their participants on the boards. The game can be played both for a time (5-8 minutes) and until the complete victory of one of the teams.

Swimming relay

10 - 15 m from the shore, 2 flags are installed on floating buoys (a stone lowered on a rope, to the other end of which a cross with a flag is tied) at a distance of 1-2 m from one another. Teams line up in columns, one at a time, near the water itself, each team against its flag. At the leader’s signal, the first numbers of each team enter the water and swim as quickly as possible to their flag; after touching the flag, they return to their team. The next participant in the relay begins his stage after his friend touches his hand. The team whose swimmers complete all stages first wins.

Get into the circle

The presenter throws an inflatable ring into the water. Children are standing on the shore. They have small balls in their hands. Players take turns throwing them into the center of the circle, while continuing to stand on the shore. Each player has 2 – 3 attempts. The one who hits the target the most wins.

Who is faster?

At the first signal, run into the water, and at the second, run out of the water. The first one to reach the shore wins.

Pair swimming

One of the players swims on his chest using his hands, the other, holding his outstretched legs, swims with the help of only his legs. A speed swimming competition can be held between several pairs.

Crucians and carps

Two teams with the same number of participants. The driver commands: “Crucian carp”, the named team runs away. The depleted ones are counted. The team that caught the most fish is declared the most dexterous.

Horsemen fight

Chest deep.
2 teams of boys take part in the game. In each team, half of the players are “horses”, the other half are “riders”. The “riders” climb onto the “horses” and sit on their shoulders. At the leader’s signal, both teams approach each other and begin the “battle.” Each “rider” tries to drag his opponent into the water. At the height of the battle, the leader gives a second signal and the fight stops. The team with the most “riders” remaining on the “horse” wins.


Three fishermen, holding hands and imitating a net, catch fish. A fish is considered caught when a circle is closed around it. The fish joins the ranks of fishermen.

On the shore

This game is played where the shore is sloping and the bottom is flat and sandy. On the shore, teams line up at a distance of 6-8 steps. Without breaking formation, players enter waist-deep water and turn to face the shore. The leader marks the interval between teams with 2 sticks. Opposite these sticks, on the shore, two sticks are also placed. The distance between the players and the leader should be no more than 20 steps. The leader throws 2 balls to the players who stand near the marks in the water. At the signal, each of them runs ashore to the leader, throws the ball to the player of his team who was standing next to him, and he steps aside. The next player catches the ball and also runs ashore. Players from each team move to the mark, filling the place of the departed player. The team that gets to shore the fastest wins.


Equipment: ball.
Venue: a body of water with a large sandbank.
Minimum number of players: 4.
Type: with driver.
Develops: tactical skills, coordination.
The driver (“dog”) tries to take the ball away from the other players or intercept their passes. If the dog takes possession of the ball, then it changes places with the one from whom the ball was taken. If there are more than 6-7 players, then there may be several dogs. Ideal combination: 1 dog for 3-4 players.

They can be team, non-team, plot and plotless.

Team games- participants are divided into teams, and the actions of each player and his skills are aimed at the victory of the team.

Non-team- participants are not divided into teams; Each player independently solves the assigned tasks.

Story games- based on a specific theme: for example, “Crucian carp and carp”, “Fishermen and fish”, etc.

Plotless- are based on performing exercises in a competitive form: “Who is first?”, “Who is next?”, “Who is longer?” etc.

According to their primary focus, outdoor games in water are divided into the following main groups:

  • To get acquainted with the properties of water.
  • To improve individual exercises and technical elements.
  • To get acquainted with the elements of applied swimming.
  • To develop physical qualities. 5. For emotional impact.
  1. Games should be selected in such a way that they are understandable, accessible and interesting to children of any age group.
  2. The game should take into account the level of swimming readiness and physical development of children.
  3. Any game should be a means of understanding the world around us.
  4. All participants must actively participate in the game.
  5. The game should serve as a means of emotional impact.
  6. In the training process, the game should serve as a means of regulating physical and mental stress.
  7. In the game you can improve previously learned exercises and elements of technique.
  8. In each game, participants must receive active physical activity.
  9. Participants must know in advance the conditions of the game: rules, tasks, location, water temperature, equipment, etc.
  10. During the game, constant supervision of the teacher must be ensured.
  11. The results of the game must be announced to all participants.

The feasibility and possibility of using a particular game are determined by:

  • the objectives of each specific lesson;
  • age of those involved; c) the preparedness of those involved, the experience of swimming;
  • conditions of the event (outdoor, indoor pool, its size, ambient temperature, availability of equipment, etc.).

A game can only be interesting if it contains motor material that has previously been studied as exercises. If the game is being played for the first time or contains, although simple, but unfamiliar exercises (movements), it must first be played on land. Outdoor games in water are mainly aimed at improving movements and exercises; the study of movements is carried out mainly by the method of exercise, but when working with children, it is certainly in a playful form. The game differs favorably from other learning tools in that one movement, which sometimes presents a certain difficulty, can be easily learned in a wide variety of gaming situations. But I repeat: this is the same movement or, for example, an element of technique.

A very important point in the preparation and conduct of games is the appointment of team captains. Here the volitional decision of the teacher is not always justified. Although, on the other hand, if you ask children: “Who will be the captain?”, almost all of them will shout: “Me!” Judging by the experience of working with preschoolers, the “captain” competition, the participants of which must demonstrate courage, dexterity, quick wits, quick thinking, and organizational skills, justifies itself. Selected captains should be briefed on their responsibilities.

the type of lesson, the objectives of the lesson as a whole and each of its parts separately; level of preparedness of students; conditions of the game.


Task- mastering walking on toes, developing orientation in the water.

Description of the game. Two teams are located at opposite (short) sides of the pool. At the signal, all children quickly move to the middle on their toes, raising their knees high. Whose participant reaches the set mark first, that team is declared the winner.

Methodical instructions. Previously, the game is played on land; During the game you cannot run or advance by jumping. The position of the hands is arbitrary or regulated - to the sides, forward, to the shoulders, on the belt, etc.


Task- mastering the starting position for performing leg movements.

Description of the game. Having positioned themselves in a circle, the players sit on the bottom in a rear support position and, at a signal, give their body a straight position at the surface of the water (back of the head on the water, look up - “Who is faster?”); record this position as instructed by the teacher. Repeat 3-4 times. When the signal is repeated, start moving your legs in a crawl style on your back.

Methodical instructions. Having mastered this position, you can move forward and backward on your hands, first without movements, and then with movements of your legs in a competitive manner. The tempo of movements is regulated by the teacher’s voice or musical accompaniment.

"Push off your heels"

Task- mastering the push with both legs at the same time, identifying tendencies for symmetrical leg movements.

Description of the game. The players randomly position themselves in the pool and, at a signal, begin to jump up, pushing off with their heels - “Who is taller?”

Methodical instructions. Before the game (on land), children must learn to squat and hold their foot with a “stick” and their toes with a “spread”. In the water, during squats, spread your knees, hold your feet with a “stick” when jumping, push off only with your heels.



Description of the game. It can be team (if the size of the pool allows) and non-team. The winner is the participant (team) who, by jumping on both legs (arm position is arbitrary or regulated), reaches the established landmark faster.

Methodical instructions. During the game you cannot run or push each other. The position of the hands changes only to complicate movement. If two teams participate in the game, they start from the opposite short sides of the pool towards the middle. The number of players is regulated by the size of the pool.

"Fishermen and Fishes"

Task- development of orientation in water and mastering headlong dives.

Description of the game. Three or four participants (“fishermen”), holding hands, move through the pool, trying to surround (“catch in a net”) the fleeing “fish.” The caught “fish” becomes a “fisherman”. The game ends when all the fish are caught, and the last one is considered the most agile.

Methodical instructions. You cannot catch “fish” with a “torn” net. If the “fish” plunges headlong into the water or dives during the pursuit, then it is considered uncaught.


Task- study and improvement of head diving.

Description of the game. The players are arranged randomly. At the signal, the catcher (determined by lot or appointed by the teacher) begins to pursue the players; trying to tarnish someone. The tainted player becomes the catcher.

Methodical instructions. To escape from a pursuer, children can squat, plunging headlong into the water, or dive; in these cases, staining should not be done. The player whom the catcher overtook before diving is considered to be stained; You cannot chase the same player for a long time, wait until the submerged person emerges, or hold each other under water.

"Ball in the Air"

Task- development of orientation in water.

Description of the game. The players are divided into two teams and are located opposite each other in two lines at a short distance. The teacher throws a large light ball between the ranks; the players try to master it and not give it to their opponents, for which they pass it on to the members of their team. The ball must not touch the water - the team loses if it falls on the water through the fault of its players.

"Hide in the water"

Task- improvement of head diving, development of orientation in water.

Game description. The players form a circle. The leader takes a place in the middle of the circle and spins a large light ball suspended on a cord above the heads of the players. To avoid being hit by the ball, you need to quickly plunge your head into the water. The winner is the participant who is not touched by the ball even once.

Methodical instructions. As the game progresses, the pace of rotation of the ball changes - from very slow to fast and very fast, which is regulated by the level of readiness of the children. Players should not move to the sides, bend over, etc. One of the options for this game is to dive into the water while exhaling.

"Circus Performers"

Task- study and improvement of water diving.

Description of the game. Can be team or non-team. The players bend forward, place their hands on the bottom, trying to do a handstand, “like in the circus.” The game can be complicated by diving into a floating circle and then doing a handstand (depth - at waist level).

Methodical instructions. If the game is a team game, the winner is determined by the number of correctly performed handstands within the specified time. In other cases, preference is given to the participant who stands on his hands longer (provided that the depth is the same for everyone).

"Round dance"

Task- improving diving and mastering getting into the water. Description of the game. Holding hands, the players form a circle. At the signal, a movement begins in a circle in the indicated direction, accompanied by a recitative: “The round dance is going on, everything is going on, everything is going on, and soon it will come, it will come, it will come!” Having finished the recitative, the children stop, release their hands and squat, plunging headlong into the water and actively exhaling; then they rise, join hands again and resume moving in a circle.

Methodical instructions. After each recitative, the direction of movement changes. Before the “round dance” stops, you cannot “break” the circle, let go of your friend’s hands, hold each other under water, or go forward or backward.

“Swim, toy!”

Task- training in active exhalation, development of orientation in water.

Description of the game. Children actively blow on floating toys, moving them along according to the instructions: the toy should only float straight, in a circle, in a zigzag, etc.; whose toy will reach the set mark faster. Determining the winner will depend on the option for promoting the toy offered to children.

Methodical instructions. The toy can be anything: a paper boat, a plastic duck, a ball, etc. If the game is played as a competition, then everyone should have the same toys. The toy will move faster if you blow on it strongly and correctly - depending on its shape.



Description of the game. The players form a circle, in the middle of which there is a teacher. At a signal, children plunge headlong into the water and exhale forcefully, accompanied by the sound “oo-oo-oo-oo-oo” - “locomotive whistle”. At the end of the exhalation, you can sit on the bottom (this may be a condition for determining the winner).

Methodical instructions. The teacher monitors the correct execution of dives and exhalations into the water. The players should not interfere with each other, leave the circle, or bend over. When diving, be sure to open your eyes and look for air bubbles.

"Sit on the Bottom"

Task- training in diving and exhaling into water.

Description of the game. At a chest-deep depth, the players, squatting, sit on the bottom, sending straight legs forward; hand position is arbitrary. The time spent under water is minimal - it is important that the “Sitting on the bottom” position is at least indicated.

Methodical instructions. You can sit on the bottom only if you exhale strongly beforehand (or during the squat). Do not close your eyes in the water. As you master exhalation, you can perform it for a long time; in this case, the body will sink slowly.


Task- learning to dive into water with your head and exhale.

Description of the game. The players, holding hands, stand in pairs opposite each other. At the signal, the first one, according to calculation, squats, plunging headlong into the water, exhales into the water, then stands up; the second immediately performs a similar dive with exhalation, etc.

Methodical instructions. When determining pairs, the height, weight and level of fitness of the children should be taken into account. It is impossible, for example, to combine into one pair a child who knows how to exhale into water and one who cannot at all; tall and small. The pace of squats is strictly individual. The game can be regulated by time (up to 1 minute) or the winning couple can be determined by the quantity and quality of squats and exhalations.


Task- mastering and improving an unsupported position, developing orientation in the water.

Description of the game. Children perform somersaults - forward or backward somersaults in a tuck - “lump”. The winner is the one who completes the most number of somersaults according to the task within the specified time.

Methodical instructions. The water depth should be above waist level. The position of the group is preliminary studied on land and in shallow water. Somersaults can only be performed from the wall of the pool.


Task- mastering an unsupported horizontal position.

Description of the game. The players are divided into pairs. The first ones in pairs (by calculation) take an unsupported position on their chest, and the second ones hold them by the arms and move backwards forward - “towed”. The first one to reach the set target wins. Then the players change roles. On command or after reaching a conditional mark, the second ones release their hands so that the first ones slide in an unsupported position. As a variant of the game, you can use “towing” with one player playing two, two playing one, and also use a plastic stick, which the “towed” person holds onto.

Methodical instructions.“Towed” can take a position on the chest and on the back, various support options; in these cases, the “tugs” can move chest forward. You can also perform various movements with your legs during “towing” or subsequent unsupported sliding.


Task- study and improvement of unsupported horizontal position, study of movements with arms and legs.

Description of the game. The players position themselves arbitrarily, but without interfering with each other, and at a signal they take an unsupported horizontal position on the chest, arms and legs apart. Upon a repeated signal (whistle, drum roll, etc.), the arms and legs are brought together and raised (the movement is stopped voluntarily). Movements can be performed simultaneously with arms and legs, or alternately. This game is varied.

  • Option 1. During leg movements, the feet are in the “toward” position and to the side - “Hockey stick”.
  • Option 2."Star on the back." Turns from a position on the chest to a position on the back and back with fixation of the position on the back; the same can be done repeatedly by connecting your arms and legs and stretching out.

Guidelines. When performing movements with your hands, keep your palms in an inclined position (see Fig. 8) and change the position of your feet: when spreading, the feet are “towards you”, when bringing them together, an overwhelming movement.

"Diving Ducks"

Task- mastering an unsupported position in the water.

Description of the game. Children randomly position themselves in the pool and, when given a signal, try to “grab the bottom,” raising their legs at the same time, to show their “tail,” as a duck does when diving for food. The winner is the one who shows the “tail” the most times within the set time.


Task- study of unsupported position, development of orientation.

Description of the game. May have several options. For example, the players are divided into two teams with an equal number of participants. Each player on one team holds a hoop in his hand (Fig. 66), and the players on the other team try to dive into each hoop as quickly as possible (one after another). The end time of the game is determined by a stopwatch. You can divide the children into four teams, with each player holding a hoop according to the conditions of the game. The first team to reach the finish line wins. To identify the absolute winner, the winning teams of the first stage compete at the next stage.

Methodical instructions.

It is advisable to complicate the game, for example, reduce the diameter of the hoop, change its position, use different arrangements of players, etc.; children should know in advance about all changes and complications. When recruiting teams, you need to take into account the degree of mastery of the material being studied.


Task- mastering an unsupported position and developing orientation in the water.

Description of the game. The players form a circle, in the middle of which an inflated rubber circle floats. You need to dive under it so that it ends up on your head (Fig. 67). The one who does it on the first try wins.

Methodical instructions. The distance to the circle gradually increases, which is regulated by the readiness of the children and the size of the pool. If among the players there are those who dive under the circle on the first try, then you can immediately increase the distance or play the game with such children separately.


Task- mastering an unsupported position, opening the eyes and developing orientation in the water.

Description of the game. Can be team or non-team. In the first case, the players are divided into two teams with an equal number of participants. First, multi-colored pebbles or other small but clearly visible objects are scattered at the bottom. At a signal, children dive and retrieve these objects from the bottom. The winner is the team whose members got the most pebbles within the set time. The game can be complicated by scattering plastic plates, letters, numbers, and flat objects at the bottom that are more difficult to grab.

Methodical instructions. During diving, you must not interfere with each other, take away objects, or push each other. The teacher should carefully monitor the actions of the players. The option of individual play is very interesting. In this case, the playing children have their backs to the water and, on command, everyone must find “their” toy. The preparedness of children should be taken into account: firstly, everyone should know “their” toy in advance, secondly, more prepared children take out flat objects from the bottom, less prepared ones - cubes, pebbles, etc.


The task is to master and improve sliding.

Description of the game. At a signal, the players take their starting position and perform a chest slide (several people at the same time). The winner is the one who slips the farthest, like a “torpedo.” Depending on the conditions, the game can be team or non-team.

Methodical instructions. The children themselves can determine the winner by noting the distance their comrades slide. As you learn sliding, you can perform one stroke simultaneously with both hands and then slide until you come to a complete stop (or to the mark), pressing your hands to your body. You can also take into account the straightness of sliding. While sliding, you must not interfere with each other, turn over on your back or side, or perform movements not stipulated by the terms of the game.


Task- mastering and improving an unsupported position, developing orientation in the water.

Description of the game. While sliding, perform side turns, back flips, 360° flips, and multiple non-stop flips. The winner is the one who performs the most flips and glides the farthest.

Methodical instructions. The winner is determined by the teacher. During inversions, do not spread your arms and legs.


Task- mastering the swimmer’s starting position.

Description of the game. Children take the “Star” position on the chest and on the back and voluntarily perform folding and spreading arms and legs, both simultaneously and alternately, fixing the straight position.

Methodical instructions. In a fixed position, the arms are extended and connected, the legs are straightened, the toes are pulled back (“Fin”), the face is lowered into the water. The execution time is arbitrary. In a supine position, look up without throwing back or tilting your head.

"ABC", "Account"

The players stand facing the side, and floating letters or numbers are scattered on the surface of the water, from which they need to add a certain word or number. On command, children strive to complete the task as quickly as possible. The one who does it first wins.

Methodical instructions. The number of letters or numbers should correspond to the number of players if they all completed the task at the same time. Words and numbers should be simple at first - “mom”, “dad”, “100”, “200”, etc. The game becomes more difficult when sinking letters or numbers are scattered; To get them from the bottom, you must be able to dive - this is an indispensable condition of the game. As they master this material, the time for composing a word or number is limited, which teaches the children to quickly read and count.

"Walking on your heels"

Task- studying the position of the foot in breaststroke, developing orientation in the water.

Description of the game. The game can be played in a variety of formations and in a competitive form: walking - in ranks towards each other - “Who is faster?”, diagonally, in a circle, etc. with different hand positions (but only on the heels) , feet to the sides “poker”, “stick”, toes - “spread”.

Methodical instructions. The game should first be played on land so that the conditions for it are clear to the children: to do this, first walking can be done in a semi-squat position (knees to the sides), the position of the hands is arbitrary or regulated. When playing a game in the form of a competition, it is necessary to take into account the direction of movement (the offender receives a penalty point), the speed of movement, maintaining a given position of the hands, etc.

"Crocodiles on the Hunt"

Task- mastering the horizontal position, leg movements, developing orientation in the water.

Description of the game. Can be team or non-team. From a prone position, the players move on their hands along the bottom, while performing specified (or optional) movements with their legs. The winner is the one who gets to the “prey” before others.

Methodical instructions. The depth of the water is no more than 40-50 cm. Movement with the help of legs is allowed (and even encouraged) (arms are pressed to the body or extended forward).


Task- improving the unsupported position, testing the aptitude for symmetrical footwork.

Description of the game. Children take the position of a swimmer at the start and, on command, perform a chest slide followed by leg movements (you can also perform arm movements) - “like frogs”, “like breaststroke swimmers”.

Methodical instructions. First you need to show the children photographs of a breaststroke swimmer - in this case, it would be more appropriate to call the game “We are breaststroke swimmers”; if there is no illustrative material, you should explain how the frog swims and invite the children to reproduce its movements. The game can have several options.


Task- mastering the unsupported position and movements of the legs by a dolphin.

Description of the game. At the command “Start!” children take the position of a swimmer at the start, on the command “March!” jump forward and then perform movements with their legs and torso like “dolphins”, trying to swim to the set mark. The game can have several options.

Methodical instructions. If the player stops before swimming to the set mark, he again takes the position of a swimmer at the start, jumps out and continues moving. As you master the movements, it is advisable to declare the winner the one who does not make a single stop and is the first to swim to the finish line.

"Hold on!"

Tasks- maintaining balance, developing orientation in water, emotional impact.

Description of the game. Large balls or inflatable rings can be used as a movable sliding support. Players hold “their” ball or circle near them with one hand and, at a signal, try to lie down on it and hold on for a set time. The winner is the one who lies on the floating object first and stays on it for the specified time.

The game has several options.

  • Option 1. At first, only large circles (chambers) or balls of the same size can serve as support.
  • Option 2. The sizes of balls or circles periodically decrease or increase depending on the level of readiness of the children.
  • Option 3. The game is played in the form of a relay race, for example, run to a set landmark, dive further a certain distance, lie down on a floating object and hold on to it for a set time.
  • Option 4. Lie on a circle and get to the established landmark, performing movements with your legs.
  • Option 5. The same as option 3, but after the children are able to lie down on a floating object, move up to the set mark by moving their legs.

Methodical instructions. Floating objects (unless specified by the conditions of the event) must be the same for everyone. Depending on the readiness of the children, the playing conditions may change and become more complicated. For example, option 3 may include diving in a circle, somersaults, jumping, etc., which is also determined by the size of the pool (or other body of water).

"Ball on the Water"

Task- development of orientation in water, emotional impact.

Description of the game. The players are divided into two teams with an equal number of participants and stand in two lines opposite each other (at a distance of 1 m). The teacher throws the ball between the ranks. The players strive to take possession of the ball and deliver it to a pre-agreed area.

Methodical instructions. Throwing the ball into the opponents' zone is allowed no closer than the established mark. You can take the ball away arbitrarily, but you are not allowed to deliberately push each other



Outdoor games in the water

They can be team, non-team, plot and plotless.

Team games - participants are divided into teams, and the actions of each player and his skills are aimed at the victory of the team.

Non-team - participants are not divided into teams; Each player independently solves the assigned tasks.

Story games - based on a specific theme: for example, “Crucian carp and carp”, “Fishermen and fish”, etc.

Plotless - are based on performing exercises in a competitive form: “Who is first?”, “Who is next?”, “Who is longer?” etc.

According to their primary focus, outdoor games in water are divided into the following main groups:

  1. To get acquainted with the properties of water.
  2. To improve individual exercises and technical elements.
  3. To get acquainted with the elements of applied swimming.
  4. To develop physical qualities. 5. For emotional impact.

Requirements for outdoor games in water

  1. Games should be selected in such a way that they are understandable, accessible and interesting to children of any age group.
  2. The game should take into account the level of swimming readiness and physical development of children.
  3. Any game should be a means of understanding the world around us.
  4. All participants must actively participate in the game.
  5. The game should serve as a means of emotional impact.
  6. In the training process, the game should serve as a means of regulating physical and mental stress.
  7. In the game you can improve previously learned exercises and elements of technique.
  8. In each game, participants must receive active physical activity.
  9. Participants must know in advance the conditions of the game: rules, tasks, location, water temperature, equipment, etc.
  10. During the game, constant supervision of the teacher must be ensured.
  11. The results of the game must be announced to all participants.

The feasibility and possibility of using a particular game are determined by:

  1. the objectives of each specific lesson;
  2. age of those involved; c) the preparedness of those involved, the experience of swimming;
  3. conditions of the event (outdoor, indoor pool, its size, ambient temperature, availability of equipment, etc.).

A game can only be interesting if it contains motor material that has previously been studied as exercises. If the game is being played for the first time or contains, although simple, but unfamiliar exercises (movements), it must first be played on land. Outdoor games in water are mainly aimed at improving movements and exercises; the study of movements is carried out mainly by the method of exercise, but when working with children, it is certainly in a playful form. The game differs favorably from other learning tools in that one movement, which sometimes presents a certain difficulty, can be easily learned in a wide variety of gaming situations. But I repeat: this is the same movement or, for example, an element of technique.

A very important point in the preparation and conduct of games is the appointment of team captains. Here the volitional decision of the teacher is not always justified. Although, on the other hand, if you ask children: “Who will be the captain?”, almost all of them will shout: “Me!” Judging by the experience of working with preschoolers, the “captain” competition, the participants of which must demonstrate courage, dexterity, quick wits, quick thinking, and organizational skills, justifies itself. Selected captains should be briefed on their responsibilities.

The duration of each game is determined by:the type of lesson, the objectives of the lesson as a whole and each of its parts separately; level of preparedness of students; conditions of the game.


Task - mastering walking on toes, developing orientation in the water.

Description of the game. Two teams are located at opposite (short) sides of the pool. At the signal, all children quickly move to the middle on their toes, raising their knees high. Whose participant reaches the set mark first, that team is declared the winner.

Methodical instructions.Previously, the game is played on land; During the game you cannot run or advance by jumping. The position of the hands is arbitrary or regulated - to the sides, forward, to the shoulders, on the belt, etc.


Task - mastering the starting position for performing leg movements.

Description of the game. Having positioned themselves in a circle, the players sit on the bottom in a rear support position and, at a signal, give their body a straight position at the surface of the water (back of the head on the water, look up - “Who is faster?”); record this position as instructed by the teacher. Repeat 3-4 times. When the signal is repeated, start moving your legs in a crawl style on your back.

Methodical instructions.Having mastered this position, you can move forward and backward on your hands, first without movements, and then with movements of your legs in a competitive manner. The tempo of movements is regulated by the teacher’s voice or musical accompaniment.

"Push off your heels"

Task - mastering the push with both legs at the same time, identifying tendencies for symmetrical leg movements.

Description of the game. The players randomly position themselves in the pool and, at a signal, begin to jump up, pushing off with their heels - “Who is taller?”

Methodical instructions.Before the game (on land), children must learn to squat and hold their foot with a “stick” and their toes with a “spread”. In the water, during squats, spread your knees, hold your feet with a “stick” when jumping, push off only with your heels.



Description of the game. It can be team (if the size of the pool allows) and non-team. The winner is the participant (team) who, by jumping on both legs (arm position is arbitrary or regulated), reaches the established landmark faster.

Methodical instructions.During the game you cannot run or push each other. The position of the hands changes only to complicate movement. If two teams participate in the game, they start from the opposite short sides of the pool towards the middle. The number of players is regulated by the size of the pool.

"Fishermen and Fishes"

Task - development of orientation in water and mastering headlong dives.

Description of the game. Three or four participants (“fishermen”), holding hands, move through the pool, trying to surround (“catch in a net”) the fleeing “fish.” The caught “fish” becomes a “fisherman”. The game ends when all the fish are caught, and the last one is considered the most agile.

Methodical instructions.You cannot catch “fish” with a “torn” net. If the “fish” plunges headlong into the water or dives during the pursuit, then it is considered uncaught.


Task - study and improvement of head diving.

Description of the game. The players are arranged randomly. At the signal, the catcher (determined by lot or appointed by the teacher) begins to pursue the players; trying to tarnish someone. The tainted player becomes the catcher.

Methodical instructions.To escape from a pursuer, children can squat, plunging headlong into the water, or dive; in these cases, staining should not be done. The player whom the catcher overtook before diving is considered to be stained; You cannot chase the same player for a long time, wait until the submerged person emerges, or hold each other under water.

"Ball in the Air"

Task - development of orientation in water.

Description of the game. The players are divided into two teams and are located opposite each other in two lines at a short distance. The teacher throws a large light ball between the ranks; the players try to master it and not give it to their opponents, for which they pass it on to the members of their team. The ball must not touch the water - the team loses if it falls on the water through the fault of its players.

"Hide in the water"

Task - improvement of head diving, development of orientation in water.

Game description . The players form a circle. The leader takes a place in the middle of the circle and spins a large light ball suspended on a cord above the heads of the players. To avoid being hit by the ball, you need to quickly plunge your head into the water. The winner is the participant who is not touched by the ball even once.

Methodical instructions.As the game progresses, the pace of rotation of the ball changes - from very slow to fast and very fast, which is regulated by the level of readiness of the children. Players should not move to the sides, bend over, etc. One of the options for this game is to dive into the water while exhaling.

"Circus Performers"

Task - study and improvement of water diving.

Description of the game. Can be team or non-team. The players bend forward, place their hands on the bottom, trying to do a handstand, “like in the circus.” The game can be complicated by diving into a floating circle and then doing a handstand (depth - at waist level).

Methodical instructions.If the game is a team game, the winner is determined by the number of correctly performed handstands within the specified time. In other cases, preference is given to the participant who stands on his hands longer (provided that the depth is the same for everyone).

"Round dance"

Task - improving diving and mastering getting into the water. Description of the game. Holding hands, the players form a circle. At the signal, a movement begins in a circle in the indicated direction, accompanied by a recitative: “The round dance is going on, everything is going on, everything is going on, and soon it will come, it will come, it will come!” Having finished the recitative, the children stop, release their hands and squat, plunging headlong into the water and actively exhaling; then they rise, join hands again and resume moving in a circle.

Methodical instructions.After each recitative, the direction of movement changes. Before the “round dance” stops, you cannot “break” the circle, let go of your friend’s hands, hold each other under water, or go forward or backward.

“Swim, toy!”

Task - training in active exhalation, development of orientation in water.

Description of the game. Children actively blow on floating toys, moving them along according to the instructions: the toy should only float straight, in a circle, in a zigzag, etc.; whose toy will reach the set mark faster. Determining the winner will depend on the option for promoting the toy offered to children.

Methodical instructions.The toy can be anything: a paper boat, a plastic duck, a ball, etc. If the game is played as a competition, then everyone should have the same toys. The toy will move faster if you blow on it strongly and correctly - depending on its shape.



Description of the game. The players form a circle, in the middle of which there is a teacher. At a signal, children plunge headlong into the water and exhale forcefully, accompanied by the sound “oo-oo-oo-oo-oo” - “locomotive whistle”. At the end of the exhalation, you can sit on the bottom (this may be a condition for determining the winner).

Methodical instructions.The teacher monitors the correct execution of dives and exhalations into the water. The players should not interfere with each other, leave the circle, or bend over. When diving, be sure to open your eyes and look for air bubbles.

"Sit on the Bottom"

Task - training in diving and exhaling into water.

Description of the game. At a chest-deep depth, the players, squatting, sit on the bottom, sending straight legs forward; hand position is arbitrary. The time spent under water is minimal - it is important that the “Sitting on the bottom” position is at least indicated.

Methodical instructions.You can sit on the bottom only if you exhale strongly beforehand (or during the squat). Do not close your eyes in the water. As you master exhalation, you can perform it for a long time; in this case, the body will sink slowly.


Task - learning to dive into water with your head and exhale.

Description of the game. The players, holding hands, stand in pairs opposite each other. At the signal, the first one, according to calculation, squats, plunging headlong into the water, exhales into the water, then stands up; the second immediately performs a similar dive with exhalation, etc.

Methodical instructions.When determining pairs, the height, weight and level of fitness of the children should be taken into account. It is impossible, for example, to combine into one pair a child who knows how to exhale into water and one who cannot at all; tall and small. The pace of squats is strictly individual. The game can be regulated by time (up to 1 minute) or the winning couple can be determined by the quantity and quality of squats and exhalations.


Task - mastering and improving an unsupported position, developing orientation in the water.

Description of the game. Children perform somersaults - forward or backward somersaults in a tuck - “lump”. The winner is the one who completes the most number of somersaults according to the task within the specified time.

Methodical instructions.The water depth should be above waist level. The position of the group is preliminary studied on land and in shallow water. Somersaults can only be performed from the wall of the pool.


Task - mastering an unsupported horizontal position.

Description of the game. The players are divided into pairs. The first ones in pairs (by calculation) take an unsupported position on their chest, and the second ones hold them by the arms and move backwards forward - “towed”. The first one to reach the set target wins. Then the players change roles. On command or after reaching a conditional mark, the second ones release their hands so that the first ones slide in an unsupported position. As a variant of the game, you can use “towing” with one player playing two, two playing one, and also use a plastic stick, which the “towed” person holds onto.

Methodical instructions.“Towed” can take a position on the chest and on the back, various support options; in these cases, the “tugs” can move chest forward. You can also perform various movements with your legs during “towing” or subsequent unsupported sliding.


Task - study and improvement of unsupported horizontal position, study of movements with arms and legs.

Description of the game. The players position themselves arbitrarily, but without interfering with each other, and at a signal they take an unsupported horizontal position on the chest, arms and legs apart. Upon a repeated signal (whistle, drum roll, etc.), the arms and legs are brought together and raised (the movement is stopped voluntarily). Movements can be performed simultaneously with arms and legs, or alternately. This game is varied.

  1. Option 1. During leg movements, the feet are in the “toward” position and to the side - “Hockey stick”.
  2. Option 2. "Star on the back." Turns from a position on the chest to a position on the back and back with fixation of the position on the back; the same can be done repeatedly by connecting your arms and legs and stretching out.

Guidelines. When performing movements with your hands, keep your palms in an inclined position (see Fig. 8) and change the position of your feet: when spreading, the feet are “towards you”, when bringing them together, an overwhelming movement.

"Diving Ducks"

Task - mastering an unsupported position in the water.

Description of the game. Children randomly position themselves in the pool and, when given a signal, try to “grab the bottom,” raising their legs at the same time, to show their “tail,” as a duck does when diving for food. The winner is the one who shows the “tail” the most times within the set time.


Task - study of unsupported position, development of orientation.

Description of the game. May have several options. For example, the players are divided into two teams with an equal number of participants. Each player on one team holds a hoop in his hand (Fig. 66), and the players on the other team try to dive into each hoop as quickly as possible (one after another). The end time of the game is determined by a stopwatch. You can divide the children into four teams, with each player holding a hoop according to the conditions of the game. The first team to reach the finish line wins. To identify the absolute winner, the winning teams of the first stage compete at the next stage.

Methodical instructions.

It is advisable to complicate the game, for example, reduce the diameter of the hoop, change its position, use different arrangements of players, etc.; children should know in advance about all changes and complications. When recruiting teams, you need to take into account the degree of mastery of the material being studied.


Task - mastering an unsupported position and developing orientation in the water.

Description of the game. The players form a circle, in the middle of which an inflated rubber circle floats. You need to dive under it so that it ends up on your head (Fig. 67). The one who does it on the first try wins.

Methodical instructions.The distance to the circle gradually increases, which is regulated by the readiness of the children and the size of the pool. If among the players there are those who dive under the circle on the first try, then you can immediately increase the distance or play the game with such children separately.


Task - mastering an unsupported position, opening the eyes and developing orientation in the water.

Description of the game. Can be team or non-team. In the first case, the players are divided into two teams with an equal number of participants. First, multi-colored pebbles or other small but clearly visible objects are scattered at the bottom. At a signal, children dive and retrieve these objects from the bottom. The winner is the team whose members got the most pebbles within the set time. The game can be complicated by scattering plastic plates, letters, numbers, and flat objects at the bottom that are more difficult to grab.

Methodical instructions.During diving, you must not interfere with each other, take away objects, or push each other. The teacher should carefully monitor the actions of the players. The option of individual play is very interesting. In this case, the playing children have their backs to the water and, on command, everyone must find “their” toy. The preparedness of children should be taken into account: firstly, everyone should know “their” toy in advance, secondly, more prepared children take out flat objects from the bottom, less prepared ones - cubes, pebbles, etc.


The task is to master and improve sliding.

Description of the game. At a signal, the players take their starting position and perform a chest slide (several people at the same time). The winner is the one who slips the farthest, like a “torpedo.” Depending on the conditions, the game can be team or non-team.

Methodical instructions.The children themselves can determine the winner by noting the distance their comrades slide. As you learn sliding, you can perform one stroke simultaneously with both hands and then slide until you come to a complete stop (or to the mark), pressing your hands to your body. You can also take into account the straightness of sliding. While sliding, you must not interfere with each other, turn over on your back or side, or perform movements not stipulated by the terms of the game.


Task - mastering and improving an unsupported position, developing orientation in the water.

Description of the game. While sliding, perform side turns, back flips, 360° flips, and multiple non-stop flips. The winner is the one who performs the most flips and glides the farthest.

Methodical instructions.The winner is determined by the teacher. During inversions, do not spread your arms and legs.


Task - mastering the swimmer’s starting position.

Description of the game. Children take the “Star” position on the chest and on the back and voluntarily perform folding and spreading arms and legs, both simultaneously and alternately, fixing the straight position.

Methodical instructions.In a fixed position, the arms are extended and connected, the legs are straightened, the toes are pulled back (“Fin”), the face is lowered into the water. The execution time is arbitrary. In a supine position, look up without throwing back or tilting your head.

"ABC", "Account"

The players stand facing the side, and floating letters or numbers are scattered on the surface of the water, from which they need to add a certain word or number. On command, children strive to complete the task as quickly as possible. The one who does it first wins.

Methodical instructions.The number of letters or numbers should correspond to the number of players if they all completed the task at the same time. Words and numbers should be simple at first - “mom”, “dad”, “100”, “200”, etc. The game becomes more difficult when sinking letters or numbers are scattered; To get them from the bottom, you must be able to dive - this is an indispensable condition of the game. As they master this material, the time for composing a word or number is limited, which teaches the children to quickly read and count.

"Walking on your heels"

Task - studying the position of the foot in breaststroke, developing orientation in the water.

Description of the game. The game can be played in a variety of formations and in a competitive form: walking - in ranks towards each other - “Who is faster?”, diagonally, in a circle, etc. with different hand positions (but only on the heels) , feet to the sides “poker”, “stick”, toes - “spread”.

Methodical instructions.The game should first be played on land so that the conditions for it are clear to the children: to do this, first walking can be done in a semi-squat position (knees to the sides), the position of the hands is arbitrary or regulated. When playing a game in the form of a competition, it is necessary to take into account the direction of movement (the offender receives a penalty point), the speed of movement, maintaining a given position of the hands, etc.

"Crocodiles on the Hunt"

Task - mastering the horizontal position, leg movements, developing orientation in the water.

Description of the game. Can be team or non-team. From a prone position, the players move on their hands along the bottom, while performing specified (or optional) movements with their legs. The winner is the one who gets to the “prey” before others.

Methodical instructions.The depth of the water is no more than 40-50 cm. Movement with the help of legs is allowed (and even encouraged) (arms are pressed to the body or extended forward).


Task - improving the unsupported position, testing the aptitude for symmetrical footwork.

Description of the game. Children take the position of a swimmer at the start and, on command, perform a chest slide followed by leg movements (you can also perform arm movements) - “like frogs”, “like breaststroke swimmers”.

Methodical instructions.First you need to show the children photographs of a breaststroke swimmer - in this case, it would be more appropriate to call the game “We are breaststroke swimmers”; if there is no illustrative material, you should explain how the frog swims and invite the children to reproduce its movements. The game can have several options.


Task - mastering the unsupported position and movements of the legs by a dolphin.

Description of the game. At the command “Start!” children take the position of a swimmer at the start, on the command “March!” jump forward and then perform movements with their legs and torso like “dolphins”, trying to swim to the set mark. The game can have several options.

Methodical instructions.If the player stops before swimming to the set mark, he again takes the position of a swimmer at the start, jumps out and continues moving. As you master the movements, it is advisable to declare the winner the one who does not make a single stop and is the first to swim to the finish line.

"Hold on!"

Tasks - maintaining balance, developing orientation in water, emotional impact.

Description of the game. Large balls or inflatable rings can be used as a movable sliding support. Players hold “their” ball or circle near them with one hand and, at a signal, try to lie down on it and hold on for a set time. The winner is the one who lies on the floating object first and stays on it for the specified time.

The game has several options.

  1. Option 1. At first, only large circles (chambers) or balls of the same size can serve as support.
  2. Option 2. The sizes of balls or circles periodically decrease or increase depending on the level of readiness of the children.
  3. Option 3. The game is played in the form of a relay race, for example, run to a set landmark, dive further a certain distance, lie down on a floating object and hold on to it for a set time.
  4. Option 4. Lie on a circle and get to the established landmark, performing movements with your legs.
  5. Option 5. The same as option 3, but after the children are able to lie down on a floating object, move up to the set mark by moving their legs.

Methodical instructions.Floating objects (unless specified by the conditions of the event) must be the same for everyone. Depending on the readiness of the children, the playing conditions may change and become more complicated. For example, option 3 may include diving in a circle, somersaults, jumping, etc., which is also determined by the size of the pool (or other body of water).

"Ball on the Water"

Task - development of orientation in water, emotional impact.

Description of the game. The players are divided into two teams with an equal number of participants and stand in two lines opposite each other (at a distance of 1 m). The teacher throws the ball between the ranks. The players strive to take possession of the ball and deliver it to a pre-agreed area.

Methodical instructions.Throwing the ball into the opponents' zone is allowed no closer than the established mark. You can take the ball away arbitrarily, but you are not allowed to deliberately push each other

And today let's talk about what kinds of water games there are for children. After all, it’s summer now, and this is an opportunity to spend a lot of time near the pond.

So, water games for children:

1. Who is faster

This game is aimed at teaching the child to quickly and decisively enter the water. Draw a line with a stick, pebble, shell or finger at a distance of 3 meters from the water.

All participants in the game must line up in one line behind the line, facing the water. One person gives the signal, and everyone else runs into the water and runs to a predetermined place, and then returns back. The player who returns the fastest wins.

2. Water game “Treasure Hunt”

This game is aimed at teaching children how to dive. An adult throws some bright colored thing into the water, and the children must find it. Whoever discovers the treasure first wins.

3. Sea battle

The main task of this game is to teach children not to be afraid of water. The kids are divided into two groups and line up opposite each other. On command, players begin to splash water on the enemy, trying to push him to the shore.

4. Water game “Mirror”

Children enter the water, one of the kids is appointed as the leader. He shows simple movements, and everyone else must repeat them. This can be jumping in place, clapping your hands, etc. The winner is the one who repeated the movements without errors. This player becomes the next leader.

5. “Dwarfs are giants”

Children go into the water up to their waists. A leader is selected who gives signals. At the signal “Dwarves!” all players must crouch in the water, at the signal “Giants!” - jump up. If the child gets it wrong, he is out of the game.

6. Another version of the game “Treasure Hunt”

The leader must throw several objects to the bottom. The one who collects the most treasures wins.

7. Water game “Donuts”

All children will need circles for this. Kids who participate in the game must sit in circles and swim to a certain place. The winner is the “doughnut” who completed the task the fastest.

8. Water game “Shark”

Children must enter the water and line up in a row - these are fish. One little one is designated as a “shark”; he is in the center, opposite. The task of the fish is to swim past the shark and not hit it; whoever hits it, or the “shark” catches him, becomes a “shark” himself.

9. Water game “Guess who it is”

Before playing, the child must prepare. Show him what animals or fish live near bodies of water, live in them, how they move, what they eat, and how they differ. And in the game, the baby must show you someone, and your task is to guess. This game is similar to Crocodile. For example, a child can show a heron that walks on the water, raising its legs high and standing on one leg, or a crocodile, a dolphin, a shark...

10. Water game “Frogs”

Children go into the water up to their knees. And a line is drawn on the shore. Kids must, at the signal, jump like frogs to quickly get to the line. But, you need to jump in the following way: sit down, and after jumping, straighten your legs. Land on your feet and hands at the same time. This jump must be repeated several times.

11. Water game “Star”

Kids take a deep breath, hold their breath and lie down on the water, either face up or down. You need to hold on until you count to 5.

12. Water games with a ball

They will require two or more participants. Children can simply throw the ball to each other, or they may not limit themselves to this. Let them play tag, throw the ball at speed through the water, swim with it, holding it in one hand, or two...

13. Who can jump the highest?

Here the main task is to jump as high as possible, pushing off the bottom with your feet.

14. Knight tournament

You need to divide into two teams, in pairs, so that from each team you get a pair: “horse” and “rider”. The “horseman” sits on the shoulders of the “horse”. At the signal, the teams begin to fight. The task of the “rider” is to throw the enemy into the water from the “horse”. The discarded “rider” is eliminated from the game along with the “horse”.

15. Dogs

The minimum number of players must be 4. The game is played on an extensive sandbar. It resembles a stick. A driver is selected and tries to make one of the players look bad. You can swim away, run away, dive, but it is forbidden to move to places where the depth is greater than neck-deep.

16. Water game “Fish in the net”

You need to choose two presenters. The players enter waist-deep water and spread out in different directions, but not far. At the signal, the presenters, holding hands, begin to “fish”, trying to catch one of the players. The caught player joins the leaders, the size of the network increases by 1 participant. The game ends when all the “fish” are caught.

17. Get into the circle

The presenter throws an inflatable ring into the water. Children stand on the shore, they must take turns throwing the ball, trying to get into the circle. The player who hits the circle the most times wins.

18. Pair swimming

Children are divided into pairs. Their task is to overcome a certain section in the following way: one player swims on his chest, working with his arms, the other, holding on to his legs, swims with only his legs. Whichever pair gets to the finish line faster wins.

19. Race

You need to run a certain distance through the water, where the depth is knee-deep, raising your legs high.

20. Race backwards

This is also a competition to see who is faster, but you need to run backwards. The depth should be knee-deep and the distance should be clearly defined.

Such outdoor games on the water will give you and your children a good mood. And if a child is afraid of water, they will help him “make friends” with it.

Choose games that are suitable for your family, water will delight you, cool you and have fun.