Who suits brown hair color? Light brown hair color dyes Garnier, Estelle, L'Oreal, Kapus, Palet, Igora

  • 11.10.2023

In the days of Marilyn Monroe, gentlemen preferred blondes, but nowadays the powers that be prefer brown-haired women. So many world-famous divas have dyed their black, white or fiery hair, making it chocolate!

Have you also decided to follow their example? Shades of chestnut hair color look very seductive, but of course, when choosing them for yourself, it is better to be guided not by the desire to give your hair warmth and richness, but by your own color type of appearance.

Chocolate brown hair color

Girls with green, light brown, and blue eyes will go for a light chocolate color scheme. Rich, warm shades of paint will beautifully frame both dark and powdery complexions. What should you pay attention to? There are paint boxes on which it is written: honey, nut, and also soft pearlescent chestnut.

Caramel chestnut shade

If your color type is either spring or autumn, your favorite may be a caramel-colored chestnut. At the same time deep and delicate, replete with brown and red notes, it will add sweetness and enthusiasm to your image.

Walnut-chestnut shade

The light chestnut shade also includes nutty - delicate and feminine, which is suitable for the sophisticated nature of a spring girl.

Copper chestnut and honey shade

If you are the owner of dark brown or chestnut (light or classic shade) hair, you can “try on” copper or honey tones. They look natural and very cozy, a real eye-catcher. Best of all, such hair will “fall” on the dark shoulders of the owner of bright green eyes. Although, of course, honey curls are also perfect for many other women.

Golden chestnut shade

If honey is too “red” for you, it’s time to think about gold! Its shine makes brown hair look very rich and sophisticated, no matter how long it is. Well, these colors begin to play best in electric lighting - so if you like frequent evening outings, the golden shades of chestnut are definitely for you.

Dark chestnut cool shades

Dark shades are considered no less relevant - black chestnut, graphite, as well as the color of dark chocolate. World-famous psychologists assure: girls with such hair are most likely to succeed and always manage to do everything. As soon as this statement was made, the number of ladies with dark brown hair on our streets increased greatly.

Dark chestnut warm shades

Dark-skinned women are very lucky: not only chocolate, but also cognac-chestnut shades suit them incredibly well. Shiny gold, reddish copper, languid cherry and catchy terracotta - this is the palette you can use to color your hair.

Ash brown hair color

A lady with a cold color type may like the ashy color of chestnut. This paint is considered neutral, making it suitable for many. However, not every hair product manufacturer can offer it to their clients. There is a solution: go to a salon, where an experienced master will mix several tones of paint, creating for you exactly that same ash chestnut. Dark hair, as if dusted with snow - how beautiful it looks in combination with blue eyes!

Chestnut brown hair color

Another cool tone can be called chestnut-blond. It effectively highlights facial features, so if you're happy with the shape of your nose, chin and cheeks, let your hair highlight that perfection.

frosty chestnut

Frosty or red chestnut is another favorite shade of the winter lady. The cool crimson shade, which shimmers the hair with every movement, will suit owners of olive, beige, and peach skin and light eyes!

Red-brown hair shades

Bright shades of chestnut with red tints (mahogany, oak bark) will appeal to energetic, self-confident ladies.

I wore makeup for the second time in my life, not counting the use of toner. And I consider this time the most successful! My hair was not damaged at all, but on the contrary, it was transformed!

My hair

My hair is brown (light in summer, dark brown in winter, I fade), thin, thick, length below my shoulder blades.

Before that, I painted it chestnut with Palet Fito Line, I don’t remember what exact shade it was. After this dye, I learned what it means when my hair splits. I still can’t completely get rid of this problem, but still, my hair is splitting much less.

The dye spoiled me with a beautiful color for just a couple of weeks, and then washed off without a trace, leaving half of my length (my hair was almost waist-length, it had never split before) split.

It even took me longer to get rid of the color of the tonic, but the story is also unpleasant - suddenly, after the first wash, I became fiery red!

After such unpleasant experiments, I hesitated for a long time to wear makeup again, but the dream of having chocolate-colored hair remained!

I read reviews for a long time, looked at packs of paints in stores and finally made my decision!

About choosing paint Schwarzkopf Perfect Mousse I don’t regret it one bit!

What result was expected

To begin with I I didn’t want to radically change my color right away. I wanted the original color to be not much different from my original color, but to become darker. I also wanted to paint over the faded strands, i.e. wanted so that the color becomes uniform.

Where can I buy? What is the price?

Sold in any cosmetic store, even in large chain stores.

Price: about 250 rub.

How to paint?

Immediately buy gloves at the pharmacy - the ones in the pack are unrealistically large and will be inconvenient to apply makeup.

When you look at the picture, it seems like the mousse will foam, but it doesn't. There was not so much foam on my head; it was absorbed instantly.

Pour the contents of the small black bottle into the large white one. Screw on the dispenser, turn it up and down a couple of times - done! When you press the dispenser, foam with a brownish-red tint comes out. Apply the foam to your hair and wait for the specified time. We wash it off. Then we apply the mask included in the kit, and after a couple of minutes we wash it off.

Is one pack enough for me?

At first I even regretted that I took one package - the foam was difficult to distribute throughout my hair, it absorbed it very well, it seemed that I didn’t have enough for my whole hair.

But, having soaked all my hair with the mousse, I saw that it didn’t even think about ending, I went through my hair a second time - now it was as if my hair was well nourished with foam, but the mousse continued to be squeezed out of the bottle!

In the end, I was already happy that the foam was finally over!))

So, on my thick hair below my shoulder blades One package of paint was more than enough for me!

Dyeing process

  • Forget about the dreary step-by-step coloring, when you couldn’t do it without a salon specialist or, in extreme cases, a friend! Now myself I can paint it and spend it on everything, including styling no more than 1 hour! Foam mousse is applied like shampoo or mask!

Everything is simple! I applied foam to my hair, left it on for half an hour, rinsed it off, applied the mask for 2 minutes, washed it off again - and that’s it! All that remains is to dry it and see the result.

  • Forget about the pungent chemical smell that corrodes your eyes and notifies the entire neighborhood that you have decided to change your hair color!

During dyeing you only feel light, unobtrusive, pleasant smell!

  • The paint does not burn the scalp, does not flow and is not felt at all.
  • It is easily washed off and subsequently no longer stains the water.
  • I would also like to praise the mask that came with the kit - very good! Your hair will have a great shine after using it!

So, the result:

Everything I wanted I achieved:

  • the color is similar to my own, but darker

  • my bleached strands are colored

  • the hair was not damaged - it did not fall out, it did not split anymore, it is soft, pleasant, alive!

I'm very pleased with the result! All my fears were in vain! I'm very happy with the new color - exactly what I wanted! The color corresponds to what is stated on the box.

It's been almost a month since I dyed my hair. The color has become a little lighter, but it is still with me, the quality of the hair has not become worse!

I give the paint a solid 5! Next time I’ll take the same color, but now I’ll take it darker!

№400 Cold espresso

When it seemed to me that the paint was starting to wash off, I decided to paint it a darker color. The choice fell on Schwarzkopf Perfect Mousse No. 400 Cold espresso.

I won’t re-paint the box, the contents, the painting process - everything is exactly the same! Let's get straight to the color:

This is what I looked like the first day I painted it:

I dreamed of this hair color! And now he is with me!

I also want to show how color behaves in natural light - outside and in the sun:

By the way, in the photo the flowers are 2 weeks old!

This is how your hair shines in the setting sun:

In real life, the color doesn’t have a hint of red, which I really like - I can’t stand it, and in the evening sun it sometimes plays like this. I didn’t notice this in the daytime sun, as you can see in the photo above.

This season, all natural colors are trending, including natural brown hair color. Quite intense and rich, it has many shades. Today we will tell you how to choose the most suitable tone for you. So, let's go.

Variety of shades of chestnut color

The color of chestnut is quite multifaceted. In the classic version, it is brown with a small admixture of red. However, when a small admixture of other tones is added to this color, it begins to play with new colors. So, we list the main shades of brown hair color:

  • light chestnut can be mixed with nutty, caramel, gold, amber, honey or pearlescent tones;

  • medium chestnut– has shades of red, crimson or frosty;

  • dark chestnut– color with an admixture of chocolate or dark gray with mother-of-pearl graphite.

Advice!Dark hair can quickly fade in the sun. That is why stylists advise painting them more intensively from the very beginning, especially the roots. Otherwise, you will have to visit the salon quite often.

Who suits rich chestnut color?

Expert colorists warn that when choosing the right shade, you should definitely focus on your skin tone and eye color. After all, shades of chestnut can be both cold and warm:

  • light-skinned girls are better off choosing light brown hair color with shades of ripe cherry; snow-white skin with a milky “winter” tone also harmonizes perfectly with all cold red, coffee and chestnut-gray shades;
  • summer type leather with a slight bluish tint it looks best against a background of coffee chestnut or coffee gray;
  • for “spring” type skin It is better to paint in warm golden chestnut or amber shades of this color; Chestnut with a dash of honey is ideal for green-eyed beauties;
  • autumn skin type Ivory color goes well with chestnut-brick or copper; dark-skinned women of the “autumn” type are better off choosing chestnut-walnut tones.

Advice!On chestnut curls, this season's trendy bronding, shatush or obmre look very impressive. After all, the contrast between dark and light curls looks much more impressive than the usual uniform coloring.

Celebrities who suit chestnut locks

Chestnut color is definitely one of Hollywood's favorites. In combination with a trendy ombre or blonde, it looks simply incomparable:

  • Cindy Crawford chestnut, her own natural color, clearly suits her; however, she does not deny herself the pleasure of periodically changing its shade; Moreover, stylists strictly ensure that it matches perfectly with “winter” skin;

  • Julia Roberts, who first appeared on screen with a shock of red curly locks, has recently chosen a calmer, warm honey-chestnut color, shaded with ombre at the ends; this choice turned out to be no less successful, the color of honey sets off her “autumn” skin well;

  • Dakota Johnson, the owner of very light summer-type skin and gray-blue eyes prefers curls with a copper-brown tint;

  • Lea Michele looks just perfect with dark brown hair color shaded with gold at the ends;

  • TV star Vanessa Incontrada I also made no mistake in choosing my shade; copper chestnut goes perfectly with brown eyes;

  • light-skinned Drew Barrymore, a natural blonde, often dyes her hair light brown, which, of course, only decorates her;
  • uses the same technique Drew Barrymore, for her natural light brown curls, she chooses a light chestnut shade and blond.

  • However, even celebrities have punctures. Yes, in due time Reese Witherspoon, being a naturally “spring” blonde, decided to experiment with her curls and dyed them dark chestnut. But, since the shade she chose was not very good, she looked much older with the new color. Fortunately, she no longer conducts such experiments with herself.

Advice! Even in an expensive salon, be sure to first take a closer look at the work of the master and the final result. Perhaps the style in which he works does not quite suit you.

Bronzing chestnut curls

Getting the same curls as Jennifer Aniston or Gisele is not so easy. After all, they are painted using a rather complex technique called armoring. This word is formed from the merger of two terms: brown (brown, chestnut) and blond (blond). The method allows you to obtain a simply stunning three-dimensional effect and a significant visual increase in volume.

It is impossible to get such an effect at home. Even in a salon, you will need more than one hour. To dye, the hair is first lightened, and then the specialist proceeds with multi-stage dyeing.

If during highlighting the strands are made very light, then in this case the palette is selected more calmly, light light highlights differ from each other by only 2-3 tones. Moreover, the coloring does not come from the very roots, but starting from the middle of the curls. Unlike coloring, the curls are given not bright, but natural shades.

More natural shimmers are obtained using the additional super nature technique, when one color is used, but in several shades. In some cases, preliminary highlighting is performed. However, this method is simpler and does not always give the desired effect.

Advice! You can shade already colored hair and make it even brighter with the help of toning products. However, be sure to first check their action and effect on one strand.

What is shatush?

If bronding is more suitable for medium-brown hair, then shatush is best used on dark curls. If you have a short haircut, this method also does not look very impressive - in this case it is better to replace it with regular highlighting. After all, color transitions in it are performed not on adjacent strands, but along the entire length of the curls with a slight indentation from the roots.

Lightening with shatush begins further from the roots than with bronding. As a result, the ends turn out to be the lightest, and at the beginning of growth the hair remains dark. Moreover, if coloring during bronding is carried out by dividing them into sections, then with shatush there is no such system; lighter strands can be located in different places and have different thicknesses.

To obtain soft gradient transitions during shatush, the hair is pre-combed, which allows you to get color stretching along the entire length. Also, as in the previous case, the hair acquires greater volume and texture, but the color transitions in this case are softer. Using this method, you can hide the consequences of unsuccessful previous coloring or highlighting.

Advice! Curls will retain their rich shade longer when using conditioners and shampoos specifically designed for caring for colored curls.

Brown hair color and ombre

The term ombre means shading. The main difference between this technique and shatush is the coloring zone. If in the first case the hair is tinted at the same level, then with ombre the colored curls are arranged chaotically.

The second difference is the choice of shades. Shatush is a more conservative method and involves the use of only natural tones. When darkened, the main chestnut color can be shaded with any colors, including bright and contrasting colors.

Ombre and shatush can also differ in the composition of the colors. For shatush, for example, compositions with a much smaller brightening effect are selected.

The border in ombre can be either blurry or clearly defined. It allows the addition of a third shade. Dyeing can be done from the very roots, or vice versa, the roots can remain light, and the hair can be shaded closer to the ends.

Choosing a dye

When choosing a dye for brown hair, of course, it is better to choose professional formulations. Only in this case will you be able to get the most natural and natural shades without admixtures of unwanted tones:

  • Selective Professional EVO: this dye, which contains chamomile extract, not only perfectly and evenly covers even gray hair, but is also able to care for curls;

  • Igora Royal: another well-known manufacturer, the composition does not spoil the curls at all, on the contrary, it makes them silkier and maintains the structure;

  • Life Color Plus: minimal ammonia content, soft, gentle effect on curls and a huge selection of shades;

  • C:ehko Color Explosion: a more budget-friendly dye, it applies well, and after drying the hair looks dense and full; plus the dye is quite economical, and even for long and thick strands, two small tubes are enough;

  • Concept Profy Touch: a good Russian dye with a gentle effect, color fastness - 8 weeks.

Advice!If tap water contains a large amount of copper, dyed strands may acquire an undesirable shade of green. You can restore color by rinsing them in water with the addition of lemon juice and an aspirin tablet.

Subtleties of coloring at home

Of course, it is very difficult to repeat the obmre or shatush technique at home. But it is quite possible to dye your curls evenly using high-quality professional dyes. So, let’s describe this method of coloring step by step:

  • Naturally, you first need to study the instructions, because each manufacturer has its own requirements for this process;
  • keep in mind that if you overexpose the paint, you still won’t get a deeper shade, but will only burn the strands;

  • pay special attention to the shade table; choose your initial hair shade and the final result you will get;
  • If you are prone to allergies, be sure to do a test by applying paint to a small area of ​​skin for a few minutes;
  • to minimize injury to strands, only dirty hair should be dyed;

  • It’s better to work with a special brush: the hair is divided into partings, and the paint is applied first to the roots, and then stretched along the entire length;
  • so that it does not dry out prematurely, a film is put on the head, and then an insulating cap;
  • After rinsing off the composition, do not forget about the conditioner - it will protect your hair from damage.

Advice!Lightening your hair too quickly can result in an unwanted yellow tint. Therefore, never highlight them at home by more than 2-3 tones.

How to care for colored hair?

Since dark strands are able to reflect light, so that they shine better in the sun and look perfect, it is necessary to provide them with proper care:

  • for better preservation of color pigments, use only special shampoos and balms, the labeling of which contains the inscription “for the care of colored hair”;
  • To prevent the strands from fading, during prolonged exposure to the sun it is better to protect them with a light hat or an original scarf tied around the head; Special mousses, jellies or hair sprays will also help protect against UV rays;
  • masks made from natural oils, for example, apricot kernels, argan or olive, will make chestnut strands smoother and shinier; to strengthen them, you can use proven folk remedies;
  • for the first one or two weeks after dyeing, you should not use an iron or a hot hair dryer; in the future, be sure to use heat-protective compounds for styling;
  • It is better to comb long hair with a wooden comb starting from the ends - this way it will be less damaged.

Advice!Never dye your hair after a perm - in this case, the strands will look lifeless. You shouldn’t do this immediately after keratin straightening - the paint simply won’t take.

When dyeing hair, the natural color type of the skin plays a decisive role. If you still find it difficult to choose a shade, be sure to listen to the advice of the stylist in this video:

Brown hair looks very beautiful. However, how to choose the right shade? Is it possible to achieve excellent results at home?

Stylists claim that you can dye your hair deep brown with various shades of chestnut at home, just don’t skimp on the quality of the dye and carefully read its instructions, especially the part where the initial and final results are compared.

Every woman wants to be stylish and irresistible. How many subtleties and nuances she must know about her own appearance in order to use all its capabilities in the best possible way! Sometimes, only after trying hundreds of tricks, beauties gain true beauty and self-confidence. Wanting to help those who are looking for interesting ideas for improving their image, today we will dwell in a little more detail on such a topic as hair coloring, discussing the possibilities and richness of the color - chestnut.

Who suits brown hair and who doesn't?

A noble, stylish color with a rich palette does not leave any woman indifferent. It is suitable for both young girls and older ladies. To choose the right shade, you should consider:

  • color of the skin;
  • iris color;
  • presence of moles and freckles on the face.

Dark tones visually hide damaged curls and imbue them with a healthy shine. Light chestnut, on the contrary, will highlight all the imperfections of the hair, its fragility, dull color.

A chestnut shade may not be suitable for a woman only when the color of the eyebrows and eyelashes is very different from the curls. If your eyebrows and eyelashes are sun-bleached and your hair is dyed rich chestnut, the look will look ridiculous.

Popular chestnut shades

  • dark chestnut - will perfectly decorate the image of a young girl and a lady wise with age. It suits women of any color type and emphasizes the advantages of appearance;
  • golden chestnut - will emphasize youth and youth. Ideal for girls under 35 years old.
  • Ash chestnut is an excellent option for combating gray hair. Looks ideal in combination with gray and blue eyes;
  • with a copper tint - the noble shine of copper goes with any look, but it is best suited for ladies with freckles and pigmentation on the face.

Having achieved the desired result, all that remains is to properly care for your hair in order to maintain the strength of color pigments and the healthy shine of your curls.

A few rules for caring for chestnut hair color

Do you want your hair to look well-groomed and healthy? Follow our advice!

  1. For washing and care, you should use only mild detergents - shampoos and conditioners recommended for your hair type (dry, normal, oily, combination). In this case, the depth and radiance of the chestnut will be guaranteed.
  2. Prolonged exposure to sunlight depletes hair. Chestnut color, like no other, fades under ultraviolet light. In the sunny summer, chestnut brunettes are highly recommended to wear hats, walk under an umbrella, and stay in the shade if possible.
  3. Light chestnut shades change their tone when exposed to chlorinated water. You should “acidify” the water for the final rinse by adding a few drops of lemon juice or an aspirin tablet.
  4. For dry hair dyed chestnut, masks with olive, amaranth, apricot and almond kernel oils will be very useful. Rub the oils into the scalp using massaging movements.

By remembering and following these simple rules, you will look no worse than famous celebrities who most often choose aristocratic chestnut tones.

Brown hair. Successful and unsuccessful experiments of stars

The blonde Reese Witherspoon, familiar in most films, dyed her hair brown. She chose a less than light chestnut color, which aged her a couple of years and gave her skin an earthy tint. From this it follows that girls with the “spring” color type should be careful with this color, giving preference to cold rather than warm shades of chestnut.

Dakota Johnson (summer color type) has been wearing dark brown hair with a slightly copper tint for the last two years. Her soft, porcelain-like fair skin and bluish-gray eyes are perfectly shaded.

Over the years, the beautiful actress with an “autumn” appearance color type, J. Roberts, has given her curls either dark or light chestnut tones, periodically introducing notes of diversity into the image, a carefully thought-out ombre with light ends and a darker top. We find her examples successful and worthy of emulation.

Cindy Crawford, with her pronounced “winter” color type, often chooses chestnut hair color, which looks impressive with both ombre and highlights.

British top model Cara Delevingne often appears before us in light brown hair, delighting her fans with well-groomed straight curls, braids or loose knots.

Model and TV personality Vanessa Incontrada made the right choice by opting for a light chestnut-copper shade that goes surprisingly well with her striking dark brown eyes.

Drew Barrymore often chooses chestnut, transforming her natural brown hair into light chestnut, doing highlighting or blond. As a result, such curls are successfully combined with the tone of her fair skin and gray eyes with a reddish tint.

The beautiful image of Indian film actress Freida Pinto, who gave her dark hair golden-brown tints, is perceived as something natural and unique. This is what it means to skillfully choose a tone!

American dancer, singer and producer Nicole Scherzinger looks great, and much of the secret is that she chooses a base red-brown color with alternating slightly lighter strands.

American actress, model, and clothing designer Lindsay Lohan was highly praised by fashion critics when she appeared in public with brown hair.

Rihanna, who looks great in any color she chooses, was a fan favorite when her hair was brown with a pop of red.

Actress and public figure Eva Longoria, being a burning brunette, had highlights, giving her strands a light brown color.

We will not list all the Hollywood stars and the shades they chose. We have outlined the main ideas with chestnut, now the choice is yours!

Brown hair. Nuances

Let's summarize.

  1. Olive skin tone begs for warm chestnut tones with rich reflections of gold or bronze.
  2. Light-eyed blondes should choose cool tones of medium chestnut.
  3. Beauties with fair skin with gray, blue and green eyes will suit all shades.
  4. If you have vaguely brown hair color, hurry up to shade it with a fashionable rich color, and your appearance will immediately attract attention.
  5. If blondes or light brown girls choose medium or dark chestnut, you should not forget to make your makeup brighter, while your eyebrows and lips should be wider and thicker. The face will become younger and more expressive.
  6. The darker the tone you choose, the more attention you will have to pay to the condition of your skin and the choice of foundation. Therefore, the younger the girl, the darker her hair color she can choose, and vice versa.
  7. The chocolate shade of chestnut suits almost everyone.
  8. Red in combination with chestnut gives a strong image of a confident lady.
  9. The shade of coffee on chestnut is a sophisticated option that never goes out of style.
  10. With dark brown eyes, the chestnut tone “red cherry” looks impressive.
  11. Chestnut always looks as natural as possible. But if you are a former blonde, you will have to strictly monitor your hair roots.

We are sure that chestnut hair color will give you a lot of new and interesting ideas for harmonious transformations! Do you like this color?

Shades and colors of brown hair - photos

At the same time, she will be able to experiment with different highlights in her hair.

This color is often considered to be a bit monotonous. Chestnut in curls is often associated with a simple brown color, so familiar to us from a set of children's paints. However, this is just a far-fetched idea. The chestnut color is surprisingly varied in highlights and shades. It shares similarities in color with the following elements:

  • honey;
  • nutmeg;
  • gold;
  • chocolate;
  • walnut;
  • sand;
  • caramel;
  • copper;
  • amber;
  • cappuccino;
  • baked milk.

Hair in honey, caramel, coffee, and chocolate shades looks amazing. Crimson shades with a red tint, which shimmer beautifully in the sun, are always popular. For girls who love experiments, the so-called dégrade is suitable, combining two different colors, for example, the color of beige and chestnut, honey and chocolate. With the right selection, fashionistas get beautiful brown hair with natural sun-light curls. Partial lightening of the strands gives the hairstyle a thickening effect and helps in the first stages to hide gray hair from the eyes of others.

Amazing chestnut curls

How to choose the right tone

Some women find that this color will suit them in any shade because of its neutrality and ease. However, this is a misconception. This color requires the same care when choosing as any other. There are several important points to consider, for example, a woman’s color type:

  • “spring” girls should definitely choose red highlights in chestnut, but not overdo it with depth;
  • summer-type girls with light brown hair and brown eyes can try on chestnut ashes;
  • “autumn” girls with a beautiful peachy skin tone and red strands can try the golden shade of chestnut, which will add sunset depth to their curls;
  • girls with dark chestnut curls and fair skin (winter color type) are advised to use dark shades of chestnut;
  • for skin with an olive tint, shades of gold, caramel, and walnut are perfect;

  • for pale girls you can choose dark and light color motifs;
  • for those with dark eyes, warm shades are selected, and for those with light eyes, on the contrary, cold shades;
  • when choosing chestnut shades for coloring, owners of light eyebrows also need to tint them;

  • girls with blond hair will be able to get the depth of chestnut only after 2-3 colorings;
  • women with natural dark strands can choose shades of honey and gold, possibly in separate strands;
  • Chestnut in combination with burgundy highlights will look quite bold.

According to surveys, the majority of men consider brown-haired women to be an ideal option for creating everyday life and comfort. They are chosen as friends with greater confidence. They are interesting conversationalists. Chestnut hair color can be chosen by women who want to start a family and build long and reliable relationships.

Psychologists also have a theory that the choice of hair color affects a woman, her character, and temperament. Strict brunettes become softer, blondes become reliable, and redheads become serious. If a girl is naturally brown-haired, she is quite charismatic, and she is best suited to work in the fields of politics, economics and management.

Gaze orientation

Often, to change her image, a woman just needs to look at the packaging of hair dye. However, being like the girl in the picture and having truly attractive curls are not the same thing. When choosing a hair color, a girl should be guided by many nuances, including eye color. Shades of chestnut should fit into the overall image and highlight the eyes.

  • Girls with emerald eyes Warm shades are ideal. They should choose tones with gold and honey. Red highlights will also highlight the eyes. Ladies with dark green eyes can purchase light brown, ashy shades of chestnut.

  • Blue-eyed women It’s worth taking a closer look at the ashy shade of chestnut color. Dark chestnut paint will also suit them. This color will perfectly highlight the sky in the eyes. The contrast of colors will make the girl bright and attractive.
Dark shades of chestnut will suit blue-eyed girls
  • Girls with brown eyes are the most fortunate in having a variety of suitable shades. They are the ones who can try different options and experiment more than others. A more interesting option for such ladies would be dark chestnut tones. However, they also look good with amber, honey and reddish tints.
  • Warm tones of chestnut strands are also suitable for those with gray eyes. They will visually reduce age and make a woman brighter.

Best haircuts

However, simple dyeing cannot make a girl a beauty if her hair is just a bunch of strands. Each hair color should be complemented by a spectacular haircut or hairstyle.

The best option for brown hair has always been considered a ponytail, a very impressive, stylish and feminine example of a hairstyle.

Curled strands will look incredibly impressive. You can curl large curls at home, or use salon services to style your hair with the effect of curly wet strands. These hairstyles look quite elegant and are suitable for special occasions. A hairstyle with long straight strands combined with a few curly curls will add romance to brown hair. Brown curls shine beautifully in straight strands. Such hair looks beautiful with hairpins decorated with pearls and rhinestones, beautiful hairpins, satin ribbons, various hoops and scarves.

It will look good on chestnut strands angled bangs with a structured bob. You can make it short. Short hair can be finely curled and then styled using styling gel. The effect of negligence is achieved with the help of a fluffed, stacked mess.

Bright brown hair will not be lost, unlike light brown or blond hair. “Ragged” cascades give a rejuvenating effect for women over 40 years old. The length of the cascade will depend on the woman’s desire. It will look equally impressive on brown hair. A brown-haired woman with a bob and long sloping bangs looks piquant.

Home care

Most girls and women on Earth have chestnut curls. This color shimmers incredibly on healthy, well-groomed hair. Constant care is important for the beauty of curls. Stylists advise girls with brown strands to follow the following rules:

  • It is very important to protect your curls from sunlight. Often, after a trip to the seaside, girls notice that their hair no longer radiates shine and shine. This is a consequence of excessive exposure of the head to the sun without covering, as well as lack of proper hair care. Ultraviolet radiation is bad for hair. Dyed curls react even worse to the sun. Their pigments are destroyed more than natural ones.

  • Water containing chlorine will add a greenish tint to brown hair.
    Dryness, weakness and change in hair color are an unpleasant consequence of the influence of sea water containing salts. It is necessary to constantly rinse your hair with fresh water and use nourishing balms and oils. Olive, apricot kernel, and argan oils have proven themselves well.
  • Girls should use oils no more than 2-3 times a week, as their excessive use makes their hair dry. For owners of artificially colored hair, you should avoid using oils along the entire length. They have a bad effect on artificial pigments.

Advice! The use of oils on the ends of the hair gives a good effect to brown-colored hair. If desired, you can slightly reduce the artificial pigmentation on the ends of the hair and achieve a coloring effect (ombre). There are special masks for moisturizing brown hair, which you can buy in the store, or prepare yourself.

Suitable hair care products should be used for different hair types. It would be nice if these products were of the same brand or series. Particular attention should be paid to shampoo. It has the greatest effect on the pigment content of the hair.

To add shine to your hair, you can use salon procedures, care products from the “For dull hair” or “For hair lacking shine” series. Traditional methods are also effective, for example, rinsing with water and adding lemon juice or vinegar.

Brown-haired women can rinse their hair with a decoction of chamomile flowers to give a shiny effect.

Brown hair color is quite versatile for choosing an overall look. The color goes well with various shades of clothing and makeup. The main thing is that the whole tandem harmonizes well with the skin and eyes. However, some points are still worth considering.

For women with brown eyes and dark skin, a palette of shadows in the following shades is suitable: a shade of peach, pearl, as well as blue, protective, gray. It is better to choose light brown or peach blush. Terracotta in lipstick will highlight the range of colors in the image. Stylists do not recommend choosing a pink palette. For girls with light brown strands, it will greatly discolor the entire look.

For light shades of chestnut hair, shades of pink, purple, and blue are useful. Red or cinnamon-colored lipsticks are suitable for this type.

For women with brown hair, it's easy to find it difficult to highlight yourself with black or white clothing. The hair will look quite dull. Black color can be used in combination with other colors. You should especially avoid black in the upper part of the body. Cream shades will go better with white strands.

Clothes in cool colors are suitable for fair skin and dark hair and eyes

Clothes in cool colors are suitable for fair skin and dark hair and eyes. Pink and blue colors go well with them. As in other cases, chestnut curls can be successfully embellished with the help of skillfully selected accessories.

For girls with brown hair, there are some specific points to note:

  • Do not wear clothes that are too bright or saturated in color;
  • The black color in the wardrobe must be shaded with another color;
  • Coral-colored clothing does not harmonize well with such curls;
  • bright color in clothes can only be used as an accent;

Brown hair refreshed with highlighted strands
  • shades of gray, dark brown, green are suitable for girls with brown hair and green eyes;
  • brown-eyed brown-haired women should opt for gray and brown shades of shadows;
  • blue or gray eyes harmonize with cocoa or brown shadows;
  • The color of the lipstick is selected taking into account mainly the color of the eyes and skin tone, but in this case, flesh-colored, terracotta shades are also suitable;
  • The eyes can be emphasized with a pencil or eyeliner, they will become more expressive.

Every woman or girl can conduct an experiment. She can try on different images and take photographs. Then you can decide on your own or with the help of friends and family what clothes or makeup will go with the chestnut shade of your hair.

Society has given women the opportunity to choose their hair color, but it is important to determine your desires and capabilities, and imagine the future result so that it does not come as a surprise. The variety of shades of brown hair opens up great prospects for every girl.