Happy birthday ditties to a woman are beautiful. Happy birthday ditties, funny greetings to a woman

  • 19.10.2023

Do you think that only older people sing ditties? But you are wrong! Chatushki can be sung at any age. And all because ditties are fun, it’s interesting and it’s incendiary! So we wrote funny ditties for such a small anniversary as a man’s 30th birthday. Funny rhymes, unexpected endings, and lots and lots of humor. We have all this. Therefore, if you are planning a 30th anniversary, then feel free to perform ditties on it, and you will see for yourself how wonderful it is!

We'll sing ditties now,
Rather spread out your ears,
We will sing and congratulate
I wish you good health!

Everyone gathered today
We're celebrating Colin's anniversary!
He's still small,
He is only 30 years old!

30 years is not enough time yet
Even though all the fluff fell out!
If there is no gray hair,
You're not old yet!

Happy anniversary,
We praise you today.
But if you get arrogant.
You'll be left without pants!

Believe it if you want, or not!
You are 30 years old today
But you look younger
It's like you're only three!

Our Kolya loves to joke,
And also talk
If he starts chatting,
Someone will die laughing!

He can be very smart
I know a lot of different topics
If you talk to him,
Take care of your ears!

Our Kolya is a stately man,
He is, of course, the head of the family!
Kolya is the head of everything,
While his wife is sleeping!

And you are a husband, Kolya, and a father,
In general, Kolya, well done!
Let's keep it up
And live to be a hundred years old!

You are three decades today,
So may you live a sweet life!
Just not a lot of sweets
Otherwise your whole butt will stick together!

You are a young man
Always keep your tail up!
Continue to hold him like this,
Only for your wife!

To be a real man
You don't need stubble
You don't need a beard either
Just be yourself always!

Here we sang ditties,
How could and how did they manage,
And you, Kolya, don’t yawn,
Pour a hundred grams for everyone!

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Don’t know how to entertain guests and surprise them at their 50th anniversary? Invite them to sing funny ditties. Laughter, smiles and good mood are guaranteed for the holiday. Choose the most suitable ones among our funny and funny ditties.

Nowadays you can wish Happy Birthday in any way. But funny songs and ditties remain predominant.
On the Etohozdnik resource we have collected all the most sonorous ditties for a woman’s 50th birthday, cool and classic options.

We are ditties for the anniversary
It took two weeks to compose
Now let's sing them to you,
And to your dear guests!

Ditties to the tune of “Ditties of Granny Hedgehogs”

We came to the anniversary
Pour us a glass,
We will sing and dance.
Congratulations to our ___.

Extend your congratulations,
Let everyone wave to us
Take instructions
Our hero of the day.

We wish you warmth
And so that her dream comes true.
And also great love.
We wish in a crowd.

So that your heart doesn't hurt,
So that the skin does not age,
So that trouble does not torment you,
Our ____ never.

Extend your congratulations,
Let everyone wave to us
Take instructions
Our hero of the day.

We wished everything
We haven't forgotten anything.
And now it's time to go for a walk,
Celebrate your anniversary!

As you know, almost all ditties are sung to the same tune, so it will not be difficult for anyone to substitute words for the desired tune. Only more mischief and fun in the mood. Ditties on a woman’s 50th birthday are a good musical congratulation. It will not leave you, your guests, or the hero of the day indifferent.

What is an anniversary?
It's just a bright day
We came to congratulate you,
There was no need to lose heart.

You meet guests
Feed them, give them a drink,
So as not to get angry,
And they invited you to visit.

We wish you everything
What is stored in the mind
Never and no one
So that you don't have to be ashamed.

Be healthy and happy,
Many, many, many years.
So that you don't know sorrows,
Our very close person.

We wandered around the world
We walked around all the shores,
We have accumulated happiness for you
And good luck with two bags.

Brought you love
The suitcases are full.
You take the gift
So that we don't get it.

_______'s birthday
Wonderful holiday
Because we are all ditties
They sang so diligently.

Dear anniversary hero,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
You are young at heart,
Don't look at the years.

You with your energy
You will also conquer space.
Well, quickly pour it for us,
Why are you sitting quietly?

She poured us a glass,
Thank you so much.
And now let's continue for you,
We sing songs beautifully.

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts,
Good health,
Never be discouraged
Resume the feasts.

There's a river at your table,
Let the treats flow.
And then it will be better
All congratulations here.

So let's get started now
______ praise,
After all, she opened the door for us
For the sake of congratulations.

You are good today
It is clear that the soul is singing,
So go dance
And help us sing along.

You are sociable, diligent,
You don't give yourself rest.
For you, probably already
Everything is possible on earth!

Don't let your friends let you down
They always come into the house for tea,
Let the grandchildren and children make you happy,
And a gift in an envelope!

Our ____ gorgeous,
You won't look thirty,
And so stubborn behind her,
Grooms are walking around in droves!

And your anniversary is not a problem,
He only keeps track of the years,
We will survive it
And tomorrow we will start a new path!

We sing from our hearts here.
Accept them quickly
And hug us tightly.

We wish you a lot of money,
There were, just in case.
So that there are two thousand in your pocket,
Lost there at the bottom.

So that you don't look for them,
And I got others instantly,
We will also add friend,
A couple of million.

So that the car is under the window,
Didn't fade, didn't rust,
With my little man alone,
Go to the Seychelles.

Sunbathe in Bali
Don't worry about work.
It won't disappear anywhere
He'll be waiting for you at home.

We wish you on your anniversary,
So that you don't be sad,
And from famous couturiers
I wore all my clothes.

So that the house has three floors,
Fate brought it to you.
And there were a lot of kids in it,
Sweet candies.

Promotion at work
They give our congratulations,
Humble subordinates,
To the boss of lovers.

We wished for a lot
What's interesting, choose
And do it quickly
Bring your desires into life.

We will help you with everything
And we will always support
Let's increase our wealth
And we’ll keep you out of harm’s way.

Congratulations soon
Our ____ accept,
And your friends, guests,
Surprise and entertain.

Well, we'll sit down at the table,
We'll eat and drink there,
If suddenly you ask us,
We'll sing for you as an encore.

Anniversary, anniversary,
Pour for the hero of the day,
Let him drink everything to the bottom,
He has another hundred years to live.

And let him treat his friends,
Let him pay attention
And then his friends
They will always be faithful.

Happy anniversary,
We wish you happiness and joy,
Good health to you
We wish you at the feast.

Never be discouraged
While away the century with your loved one.
And so that the children do not hesitate,
The grandson was awarded.

We wish the hero of the day,
To make things work easier,
Well, summer holidays are hotter,
Yes, stormier than the night.

So that my husband gives flowers,
And he carried her in his arms.
Pleased with surprises
Put up with whims.

Don't forget about your friends
Invite them to visit
To make you happy
Helped sometimes

We congratulated you
Even though this has always been done.
Now it's time to shut up
Sit down and pour yourself.

Under the words of each ditty, you can choose a special attribute as a staged gift. If the song is sung about a bag, then you can decorate a simple bag in beautiful paper and give it as a gift, and so on.

But, undoubtedly, your congratulations will be the most original!

March 13, 2017.

If your birthday seems like a sad holiday to you, then make sure it doesn't seem like that! And how to do it? Yes, very simple! Sing funny birthday ditties to the birthday boy! And he or she will certainly be in a good mood right away! Our original birthday ditties are both funny and simply congratulatory. They will help you make the holiday unforgettable not only for the hero of the occasion, but also for everyone present at this celebration!

What to give as a gift
For your birthday,
I'll give myself to you
In only jewelry!

How we hastened to congratulate,
Happy birthday friend,
So everyone drank up the gifts,
We ask for forgiveness!

Happy birthday congratulations,
I want you today
And I wish you
Live long and with love!

On your name day
we baked a loaf
Don't just sit there
Let's pour some tea!

Year after year, day after day,
We live peacefully with you,
But a birthday is worth celebrating,
We'll be scrubbing the house all year long!

Friends have gathered to see you,
Celebrate a birthday
It would be better if they helped later,
Clean the house from the birthday party!

Early in the morning in the morning,
I'll go to the flower shop
For your birthday,
Cheer up your mood in the morning!

It's been a year since we
We celebrate your birthday
Just how old are you?
We still don't know!

There is wine on the table
A whole bottle
Happy birthday,
We are (name) darling!

Like on your birthday,
All the relatives have gathered,
The main thing is that under the table,
There's enough room for them all!

Birthday only once
This year we celebrate
And then after that,
Another week we...

After the birthday
They came to you for treatment,
If only for a week again,
We can't all get drunk!

It's your birthday
Congratulations to you,
And for your health,
Let's pour the glass full!

We wish on your birthday,
The bag is immense,
So that it is full of rubles
It's a small thing, but it's nice!

There are candles burning on the cake,
Nth amount,
Don't count how many years
Our Majesty!

Make a bow on your lips
Make your eyebrows a house
On your birthday you will be yours,
The cutest gnome!

Can't live without fun
Celebrate birthday
Smile, let's smile wider,
Don't you dare offend us!

Ditties for a woman’s anniversary, ditties for a man’s anniversary, ditties for a colleague’s anniversary. Anniversary ditties for every taste! Cool ditties for an anniversary.


Ditties for anniversaries 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 years

Who is closest to the bottle there?
Pour it for the birthday girl!
We drink to your health,
And drink to your friends!

There is acacia smoke in the alleys
Newness inspires...
It's good when you're seventeen
It's good when it's spring!

Behind the gate of leaves is silk,
There was fog and rain!
It's good when we're thirty
Autumn is also good.

Outside the window the blizzard is angry
And a mess of snowflakes.
It's good when you're forty,
It's good when it's winter.

We want you, Vanyusha,
On your birthday, wish you
To have a lot of money
And so that you can dance.

We wish you on your birthday,
So that fate does not bypass,
Gave me a lot of money
And she gave you a wife!

Anniversary booklets
I'll wrap it in film -
Each contains a dozen portraits
My darling.

San Sanych has a feast -
Turned fifty.
Even though he is bald and gap-toothed,
He likes to hang out with girls.

I'm here for your birthday
I'll give you three roses.
May your eyes be filled with happiness
They glow like stars.

Steamships, steamships.

Oh, you steamboats.

Let them go back now

Girlfriend, you are one year old.

Anniversary concerns,

You've tired me!

I'm going on maternity leave

For the next three days!

Eh, once again
Knocking out the traffic jam
Knock over our Anniversary
Yes, a full stack!

Stretch your furs, accordion,
Eh, play, have fun!
It's Lyubasha's birthday
Drink, don't talk!

Half a century has passed,
Fifty years since then
How I fell in love, how I got married,
How I live alone with you.

We all came from mountains
And steep banks.
We wish you happiness
And two bags of gifts.

Cool ditties for an anniversary

I walked along the forest side,
The anniversary ran after me:
I spat on his baldness
And she sent it to the devil!

Forty years - what a date,
Only half my life has been lived.
We want to live richly
So that you want and can.

I'm sitting on a log
I'm looking at the sun.
And I wish you, my friend
Lying on the sea beach.

We don't want you money -
Earn it yourself
After all, happiness is not in money, Vasya,
The main thing is that the house stands.

Comic ditties for the anniversary

And Lyubasha is cheerful,
And beautiful and slim,
I called people here
To celebrate the anniversary!

We all congratulate you
And we wish, as always,
Happiness, joy, good luck
And live to be a hundred years old.

How old is she -
This is not a secret at all!
She will always be twenty years old
Even at eighty years old!

A tank is driving through the village,

The gun is being displayed.

It's a pity that our anniversaries

They do it once every five years!

I contacted the State Duma

With one suggestion:

To make your anniversary,

All-Russian weekend!

The Volga river is deep

The waves hit the shore.

The hero of the day is clear,

You are very dear to us!

Funny ditties for the anniversary

Hello, dear guests,
A feast awaits you all,
Eat, drink as much as you like,
For my health.

There are many anniversaries these days,
Anniversaries too,
But we congratulate him
Who is dearer to us all?

I want to congratulate you
And a pat on the shoulder.
Let them give you gifts
Just like Yakubovich.

Birthday is a holiday of childhood,
Even though you are fifty, .
We will give you a rattle
Will you play it?

I wish everyone a cutie,
And for you - a fashion model.
If you forget your key at home,
Then he will crawl through the crack under the door.

The sun is shining outside the window,
And the little birds fly.
For the ladies present
Let's have a glass!

The godfather announced to the godfather:
You and I are now relatives,
Come whenever you want
Stay with me.

The doctor pulled it out of the kidneys
The stones are fenced.
May you have stones
Only precious ones.

We sat in the evening
They had fun with beer.
If only it were our birthdays
We managed it all year round.

Don't swear or bark
On our anniversary,
We'll pour you moonshine -
It will be more fun.

On your fiftieth birthday

The songs sound good.

Come back in a year

Celebrate forty-nine.

Interest in folk sparkling ditties does not fade to this day. Adults and children love humorous short couplets for their funny content. Just a few phrases can amuse, lead to dance, and ignite the audience. Small quatrains are sung at a fast pace to one melody, but do not look boring, because the authors try to impart a deep humorous meaning and enthusiasm. Children's ditties for a child's birthday will excite everyone and are guaranteed to enliven the celebration.

To perform lively verses, you don’t need to have a keen ear for music; anyone, even someone far from music, can sing them. To congratulate the hero of the occasion in an original way, it is enough to gather several performers (at least 3-4 people), choose interesting texts or compose them yourself, find an accordion player (if you haven’t found one, then you can download the melody), dress up in colorful folk costumes (if you wish).

Let's light up the fun

We came to congratulate you,

Vanya [name of the birthday boy] Happy Birthday.

So sit down comfortably in your chair,

And listen to congratulations!

To congratulate you on Jam Day

We wish you all the best,

Birthday ditties

Now we will perform!

I don’t know how old you are,

Why should I know this?

There are candles on a huge cake

I look at the table and see

Very tasty loaf

But I'm on a diet today

Don't choose me!

Name day is a wonderful holiday,

They happen once a year.

Crocodile is visiting you

I’ll invite you with Cheburashka!

They will sing you a song

About the magic helicopter

The one that's exactly on your birthday

He'll bring popsicles to everyone!

You can dress someone in the costumes of the crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, who will hand out popsicles and balls to the guests. It will turn out very original!

Let's cheer up honest people

Anya [name of the birthday girl] happy birthday

Let's honestly congratulate

Today is joy and fun,

Come out and dance!

We all glow with happiness

It's your birthday!

We're here to congratulate you

Relatives and friends.

Here are flowers, and here are sweets,

Isn't it nice?

And we’ll also give you a holiday,

Have fun and be beautiful!

Be happy, be healthy,

Never be harsh!

May life be successful

If so, stick with us!

Have fun, honest people,

Birthday is coming!

Let them bring you gifts

The holiday will become bright and bright!

In this place you can arrange the presentation of gifts to the jubilant explosions of firecrackers and the applause of guests.

Let's have a fun party

Oh, what's that screaming, what's that noise?
Explosion or earthquake?
Don't worry, it's us
Came for a birthday!

We all came from mountains
All steep banks.
We wish you happiness
And three bags of gifts.

Galoshes float down the river
Four pieces in a row.
May all horoscopes be with you
They promise only joy.

Even on Anya’s birthday
Vanya out of habit
Anya instead of congratulations
He pulled my pigtail!

I'll pour Dirol in the morning
In sauce, tea and mayonnaise.
Let him be afraid of you now
This terrible caries.

There's a picture hanging on the wall,
And in the picture there is a sailboat.
May you not need
Syringe, enema or thermometer.