DIY Mother's Day invitation card for kindergarten. DIY Mother's Day Invitations

  • 19.10.2023

Artistic creativity outside of classes with children in the preparatory group for school - postcard “Invitation to Mother’s Day”

Target: summarize children’s understanding of the calendar and international holiday “Mother’s Day”.
Tasks: 1. Strengthen drawing and appliqué skills when decorating a given shape; practice the ability to arrange a “story” in a given format, highlight the main thing, choose a color scheme;
2. Continue to develop children’s interest in artistic creativity and silhouette appliqué; ability to use different art materials: felt-tip pens, colored paper;
3. Cultivate an interest in artistic activities and a caring attitude towards loved ones.
Material: colored paper: A4 format - the main background, a 10x15 rectangle - for an oval, dolphin templates (for each child), glue stick, PVA glue, felt-tip pens, blanks of color stripes: blue - 7x12, light blue - 6x9, pink (for the bow) - 4×3, white - 1×1, green - 2×12; strips for quilling: green - 7 stripes, pink (or other colors of the children's choice) - 9 strips, curly scissors, simple scissors, a simple pencil.

Organizing time.
Educator. Guys, who can tell me what month it is now?
Children. November.
Educator. Tell me the holidays that take place in the month of November.
(Children's answers.)
Guys, listen to the poem:
Quite a few kind words have been written,
About our mothers, dear and beautiful.
They are like fairies from fairy tales,
They bring an endless holiday into our lives.
They are with their kindness and love
Capable of dispelling any fog.
There are no dearer mothers in the world.
There is no one more beloved than my mother.
She is like a ray of light in the night to me.
When she is near, my heart is warmer.
Thank you for being able to teach
Everything that you yourself, dear, can do.
Who is the poem talking about?
Children. About mom.
Educator. Mom is one of the few words that is understandable, perhaps, to all people on Earth and dear to all peoples. Mom is love, wisdom, patience, and feat. Mom is the one who gave life, who keeps us and protects us throughout our lives.
Guys, soon we will have a holiday dedicated to mothers in our kindergarten. We definitely need to invite them to the holiday, but how to do this and who can tell me?
(Children's answers.)
Educator. You can send an invitation card. But it should be the most expensive, pleasant and beautiful gift for mom. How to do it?
Children. Do it yourself.
Educator. Right! I suggest you make an invitation to moms. What is the name of our group?
Children. Preparatory group "Dolphin".
Educator. Well done! So the main character of the postcard will be a dolphin. Let's try to make an invitation card like this. (The teacher shows the children the finished card.)

Joint productive activities of teachers and children.

Educator. For the postcard we will need: a large piece of paper, on the back you have written an invitation to mothers who can read, can read aloud:
Our dear mothers!

We are glad to invite you all!
On a glorious holiday in your honor,
And it will take place here:
MBDOU "Lesobazovsky kindergarten"
Music hall.
Here's the date, look:
November 27, 2014
And at 17.00 you come!
We will be waiting for you impatiently,
To honor and congratulate!

C/o your children and teachers
preparatory school group
Guys, now fold the sheet in half so that the note remains inside - this is our postcard.
You have an oval, take a piece of paper slightly smaller than a postcard and trace the oval.

We cut with curly scissors, but before you pick up the scissors, let’s remember the safety rules when working with scissors.
Children (one by one) . 1. Do not hold the scissors with the ends up.
2. Do not leave scissors open.
3. Pass scissors only in closed form with rings towards a friend.
4. When working, watch the fingers of your left hand.
5. Remember, the marking line must remain on the parts being cut out.
6. When cutting out a circle, turn the paper clockwise.

Educator. We cut out an oval and glue it onto the base of the card.

Next, take the dolphin templates and trace it onto blue paper and cyan.

Cut it out and paste it onto the corner of the card.

We outline the silhouette of the dolphin with a black felt-tip pen and finish drawing the face and highlighting the details of the fin and eyebrows.

Take a pink strip and trace the bow template.

Glue on the dolphin and draw lines, highlighting the bow.

Then cut out a circle from a white square - this is the eye. Glue and draw the pupil, highlight the eyelashes. The dolphin is ready.

On the oval we write the word “Invitation”.
(Which of the children does not yet know how to write, the teacher writes on the board in printed font, and the children copy.)

Next, take a green strip, bend it in half and in half again - we get four rectangles. Cut out the leaves and glue them onto the card.

Now we make quilling from the strips: we take 7 green stripes and 9 pink (orange) strips. Twist into a socket (the teacher glues the rosettes himself and makes flower petals, and then applies a drop of glue to the postcard base and the children arrange the flowers at their discretion).

Mothers Day.

Hello, dear mothers, grandmothers and guests. We are starting a holiday dedicated to Mother's Day. Attention to the screen.

There is music and a slide show with a parable.

The day before his birth, the child asked God:

They say that tomorrow I will be sent to Earth.

How will I live there, because I am so small and defenseless?

God replied: “I will give you an angel who will wait for you and take care of you.”

The child thought for a moment, then said again

“Here in Heaven I just sing and laugh, that’s enough for me to be happy”! God replied:

“Your angel will sing and smile for you, you will feel his love and you will be happy”!

"ABOUT! But how can I understand him, since I don’t know his language?” - asked the child, looking intently at God.

“What should I do if I want to contact you”?

God gently touched the child's head and said: “Your angel will put your hands together and teach you to pray.”

The child then asked, “I heard that there is evil on Earth. Who will protect me?

- Your angel will protect you, even at the risk of his own life.

- I will be sad because I won’t be able to see you anymore...

- Your angel will tell you everything about me and show you the way to return to me. So I will always be by your side.

At that moment, voices began to be heard from Earth; and the child asked in a hurry:

- God tell me, what is the name of my angel?

- His name doesn't matter. You will just call him...MOM!

Presenter 1 There are a lot of kind words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more important:

A simple word made of two syllables: “mother”

And there are no words more precious than it.

Presenter 2 Let's light the mysterious candles,

Let's warm up the kind words.

We owe a woman so much

Because all are her sons.

Let's put our shoulders under the thunder of heaven,

Participation often heals the soul -

And now, as young as before,

The female star is shining!

Children sing a song about their mother (to the tune of the song “Nadezhda”)

A familiar star is shining for us,

It's a happy holiday again.

Cities celebrate today

The entire geographical map.

I need to give my mom something,

We all composed this song.

And now we want to thank

Our mother and grandmothers together.


Mommy is our earthly compass,

And we remember grandma too.

We always wish you good health

And joy with a huge smile.

On this day we want to tell everyone:

Don't forget to congratulate your mothers.

May great success always await them,

The disease will never reach them.

We will give you our love,

To make you smile today

So that every mother again and again

All wishes were immediately fulfilled.

Presenter 1. Mother! What a great word - one of the most ancient on Earth. All people respect and love mothers. The word “Mother” is also used to describe one’s homeland to emphasize that it treats its children like a mother. There is probably not a single country where Mother's Day is not celebrated.

Slide 1-2

Presenter 2.

In Russia, Mother's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently.

Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin No. 120 “On Mother’s Day” dated January 30, 1998, it is celebrated on the last Sunday of November, paying tribute to mothers’ work and their selfless sacrifice for the benefit of their children.

Slide 3

Presenter 1.

New holiday - Mothers Day- is gradually entering Russian homes. And that is great:

no matter how many good, kind words we say to our mothers, no matter how many reasons we come up with for this, they will not be superfluous.

Slide 4

Presenter 2.

Honoring a woman-mother has a long history.

According to some sources, the tradition of celebrating Mother's Day dates back to the women's mysteries of ancient Rome, intended to honor the Great Mother - the goddess, the mother of all gods.

Slide 5

Presenter 1.

From the 17th to the 19th centuries, the so-called “Mothering Sunday” was celebrated in Great Britain - the fourth Sunday of Lent, dedicated to honoring mothers throughout the country.

Slide 6

Presenter 2.

In the USA, Mother's Day is a day of unity among mothers in the struggle for world peace.

In 1910, Virginia was the first state to recognize Mother's Day as an official holiday. In 1914, US President Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday in May a national holiday in honor of all American mothers.

Slide 7-8

Presenter 1.

Mother's Day is also celebrated on the second Sunday of May in Malta, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Australia, and Japan.
The Maltese have been celebrating Mother's Day since time immemorial.

In Estonia, Mother's Day has been celebrated since 1992 on the second Sunday of May. On this day flags are hung. The day before, matinees are held in kindergartens, and concerts for mothers are held in schools; children give their mothers cards and gifts.

Slide 9

Presenter 2.

In Finland, Mother's Day has been officially celebrated since 1927 on the second Sunday of May. On this day, flags are hung, children prepare gifts for mothers, and fathers try their best in the kitchen on this day, each to the best of their abilities and capabilities. Grandmothers are also congratulated.

Slide 10

Presenter 1.

In Ukraine, Mother's Day began to be celebrated back in 1929, in Galicia, but over time it was forgotten. Today this day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, modestly, without celebrations.
In Greece, Mother's Day is celebrated on May 9th. The history of the holiday dates back to the times of ancient Greece, when the Greeks celebrated the day of the mother of all gods, Gaia, in the spring.

Slide 11

Presenter 2.

Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent.

On this day I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give their children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

Slide 12-14

Student 1

Many of your nights have passed without sleep,
There are countless worries and worries for us,
Bow to you, dear mother
For the fact that you exist in this world.

Presenter 1. People congratulate their mothers and come to visit them, give them gifts, and arrange a holiday for them. And today we are going to talk about mom.

Presenter 2. Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!

Holiday of grandmothers and mothers,

This is the kindest holiday,

Comes to us in the fall.

This is a holiday of obedience,

Congratulations and flowers,

Diligence, adoration -

A holiday of the best words!

Student 2. From the bottom of my heart in simple words

Let's friends, let's talk about mom.

We love her like a reliable friend,

Because she and I have everything together.

Student 3. We love her, but sometimes

Eye wrinkles become more severe.

But it’s worth confessing your head,

The wrinkles will disappear, the storm will pass away.

Student 4. But that is always without concealment and directly

We can open our hearts to her.

And simply because she is our mother.

We love her deeply and tenderly.

Student 5. I love you mom, I don’t know why.

Probably because I breathe and dream.

And I rejoice in the sun and bright day,

This is why I love you, my dear.

For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.

I love you mom, you are my best friend!

Presenters: And now skit: “What kind of children are these days, right?”

Student 1.- I’m thinking, I’m guessing,

Why are children born?

So, do you guys mind?

Let's weigh the pros and cons!

Student 2. – Why do you need all this?

Student 1.- For a specific answer!

Preparation for adult life...

Student 2.- Yes... we cause a lot of problems...

Not an easy position - mother.

It would be easier for her

Without children like us.

Student 1.- Ugh! What nonsense!

She will be bored then!

Yes, and in old age compote

Who will bring it in a glass?

Just imagine now

A mother without children at all!

Student 2.- At home - quiet... cleanliness... Beauty!

Student 1.- And emptiness! The house is cozy, but empty!

Without children he is not alive!

Student 2.“But, I’ll tell you straight, mom is having a nice rest.”

She won’t have to check all her lessons again,

Solve problems for children, write essays,

For various tricks, sometimes scold, sometimes punish,

Kitchen, dinner, laundry, collecting toys again.

Without sparing your nerve cells, get the kids in bed!

Student 1.- And hear, falling asleep...

You are so beautiful

Honestly, honestly, I say

Mom, I love you so much!..

Student 2.- Yes... hmm-hmm... sounds beautiful...

What about this prospect?

Just raised children...

Got married quickly...

Do you want to relax now?

Here are your grandchildren! Get it!

Student 1.- So what? Play again.

Answer grandma

They sat down, stood up, ran,

All the toys have been collected again,

Workout at the stove

A load of domestic fuss.

Student 2.- Why do they need to live like this?

Student 1.- Complete aerobics!

Hurry up to get everything done.

There's no time to grow old.

Student 2.- No! I still doubt it, there are so many nerves and worries!

I am becoming more and more convinced: Children are troublesome people.

It takes a long time to raise them, and educate them, teach them,

Don't get enough sleep at night, worry day and night,

If you get sick - treat them, if you are guilty - beat them up,

And help with studies, and feed, and dress up...

Student 1.– What is the difficulty? I don't understand! I dress up dolls!

Student 2.- Well, I compared! Wow - it gives!

Student 1.- Children are troublesome people!

But for mom

More important than everyone else, I’ll say it straight out.

For mothers, children continue.

And honor and respect!

And great love.

Student 2.– And care again and again...

Student 1.- So, my friend, calm down! Worries are fun!

While you are raising children, you will not get bored for a moment.

Student 2.- yes, I got the answer - the meaning of life can be seen in this.

Student 1.– The meaning of life is to have a house full of children! Every mother has a child!

All. - Well, it’s better to have two at once!

Student 2.– So that mommy doesn’t have a headache from boredom!

Student 6.

Mother! There is no better word in the world!

Mother! Who is dearer than her?

Student 7. Mother! There's spring in her eyes!

Mother! The kindest on earth.

Mother! Gives fairy tales, gives laughter.

Student 8. Mother! Sometimes it makes us sad.

Mother! He will regret and forgive!

Mother! There is light in this word of the sun!

Student 9. Mother! There is no better word in the world.

Mother! The song flows like a stream.

Mother! This is what we sing about.

Song from the cartoon “Mom for the Baby Mammoth”

Across the blue sea to the green land

I'm sailing on my white ship,

On your white ship, on your white ship.

Neither the waves nor the wind scare me,

I'm swimming to the only mother in the world,

I'm sailing through the waves and the wind

To the only mother in the world.

I want to get to the ground as soon as possible.

I'm here, I've arrived. I'll shout to her.

I'll scream to my mom, I'll scream to my mom.

Let mom hear, let mom come,

May my mother definitely find me.

After all, this doesn’t happen in the world,

So that children are lost.

After all, this doesn’t happen in the world,

So that children are lost.

Presenter 1. And now, we ask all mothers to prepare invitation cards, which are being drawn today in win-win lottery “Crown Miser”.

We are holding a lottery, we spare no effort
To please friends, all the gathered guests,
For those who have not yet taken a ticket, I hope there are none.

Presenter 2. So, we begin, if the named number matches your invitation card number, you come up to claim your prize.

    Thrill seeker. (buttons)

    Thought transmitter at a distance. (envelope)

    You received a postcard, that’s how it was supposed to be with us (postcard)

    You got a pencil, it was no one's, now it's yours.

    We are giving you as a gift an excellent modern vacuum cleaner (brush)

    There is no more practical prize than a plastic bag.

    Palace 2x3 (shawl)

    Whether you like sweets or not, here’s a handful of sweets for you.

    Hanger for small apartments. (nail)

    Washing machine “baby” (eraser)

    To avoid a quarrel, eat the apple of discord. (apple)

    Please don't be angry with us - the lid will also come in handy. (lid)

    Extend your hand and receive an onion head.

    Happiness fell into your hands, you got three potatoes.

    You were worried a lot, but there was no loss. On the ticket: beets were used to make vinaigrette.

    Even if it's small soap, there is always great strength in him.

    You would like a piano, but you got it calendar.

    Don't get sick, be strong, we give you napkins.

    To find out your income will be useful for you notebook.

    Our friend, don’t get bored, and always drink strong tea.

    In life you have to hope for the best glue take it if something doesn't stick.

Presenter 1. Dear mothers, you are happy today. Because you have such wonderful children, and you children are happy that you have such sweet, good, kind and interesting mothers. Take care of your mothers!

Student 10. Mother! The most beautiful word on Earth is “MOM”! This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages ​​of the world.

Student 11. Mother! Close your eyes and listen, and you will hear your mother's voice. He lives within you, so familiar, so dear. It cannot be confused with any other. Even when you become an adult, you will always remember your mother's voice.

Student 12. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the most tender and affectionate hands that can do everything. And in a mother’s faithful and sensitive heart, love for her children never fades; it does not remain indifferent to anything.

Student 13. Mother! You were little and couldn’t speak yet, but she understood you without words. I guessed what hurts you, what you want. Mom taught you to talk, walk... Mom read the first book.

Student 14. And no matter how old you are - 5 or 50 - you always need your mother, her care, her kindness, her participation, her affectionate gaze. And the greater your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter her life!

Student 15. No matter how the rush of events beckons you,

No matter how you draw me into your whirlpool,

Take care of your mother more than your eyes

From insults, from hardships, from worries.

If you have become harsh at heart,

Be more gentle with her, children,

Protect your mother from evil words,

Know that children hurt everyone the most!

Mother will leave, leaving a wound in her soul,

Mother will leave and the pain will not be relieved...

I conjure: take care of your mother!

Children of the World, take care of Mother!

Presenter 2.

Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye.
The noise and thunder of applause will subside,
And we are with you, dear friend,
Let's continue to go our separate ways, each of us.

Presenter 1

We all owe a debt to our mother. Mother's Day is a family holiday. Let this day become a kind of thanksgiving day to our dear and beloved mothers, for their invaluable work, for their almighty love. Health and prosperity to you, dear mothers. You are the most beautiful, delicate and fragrant flower in the world.

Accept in gratitude the gifts that your children have prepared for you.

The children get up and give their mothers a card and flowers. A song is played, a presentation with photographs of mothers.

Elena Malimonova

On November 27 our group celebrated MOTHERS DAY! And, of course, it was necessary to hang it in the group locker room party invitation for parents. It was possible, of course, to place an advertisement on an information stand, but this is too simple and banal. To decorate the group and give festive mood, I decided to decorate it beautifully invitation in the form of a congratulatory postcards.

To make it, we will need a large binder folder in which we store documents. On the left and right we attach files for placing information on double-sided tape.

We decorate the middle with a voluminous bouquet of white roses made from cotton pads and green corrugated paper.

We add a decorative ribbon and red hearts. Like this the invitation card created a festive atmosphere in the group.

Publications on the topic:

"Mother's Day" Holiday for children of the preparatory group Children enter the hall and perform the music and dance composition “My Russia” music. Struve Ved. : Hello children! Hello, dear ones.

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Mom is the keeper of the family hearth. It is the mother who plays an important role in the life of every person. Among the many holidays celebrated.

Mother's Day holiday - preparatory group TR channel 1 SCREEN sounds on the TV screen. 01 There are 2 children in the frame of the TV / a boy and a girl / Girl: The news is on air Boy:.

Mother's Day holiday in the senior group Goals: Social and communicative development: - Formation of ideas about the holiday “Mother's Day” Cognitive development: - development.

Invitation to Mother's Day. Master class with step-by-step execution.

Berdnik Galina Stanislavovna, primary school teacher of the KhMAO-Ugra "Laryak boarding school for students with disabilities."
Description: This master class is intended for children of primary school age, additional education teachers, educators and creative people who love to create beautiful gifts with their own hands.
Purpose: the work can be used as interior decoration, a holiday gift or an invitation card for any special event, in particular Mother's Day.
Intended for use by children aged 8 years and older.
Target: Making an invitation card from paper.
1. Strengthen skills and abilities in working with paper.
2. Cultivate a desire to make a product with your own hands.
3. Cultivate the habit of working independently, carefully, and bringing the work started to its logical conclusion.
4. Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy.
5. Develop compositional skills and aesthetic feelings.
Tools and materials required for work:
1. Colored cardboard, painted on both sides.
2. Colored tinted paper for printing A-4.
3. Colored yarn or thick threads.
4. Glue, scissors, pencil, shaped hole punch - hearts.

1. For the base, choose any shape of a balloon. It can be round or oval. It is important to note that the cardboard base is painted on both sides. This gives a neat and aesthetic appearance to the greeting card.

2. Prepare a congratulatory text in advance. You can choose words in poetic form. It is advisable to print the text on tinted paper to match the base of the card.

You can place multiple images with text on a page.

3. We cut out the printed illustrations according to the shape of the base of the card - a ball. In our case, the shape of the ball is oval.

The round shape of the postcard also looks original.

4. Using a shaped hole punch, make hearts from colored cardboard. Glue two or three hearts to the left side of the Mother's image.
Tie a small piece of colored yarn at the base of the card to form a beautiful bow.

Instead of colored yarn, you can use thin twine, or even better, a colored satin ribbon 3-5 mm wide. The bows turn out small and neat, and are ideal for a paper base.

Here are the color options for Mother's Day greeting cards.

Together with the junior ranks, we produced a huge number of them. for each event participant.
On this page you can get acquainted with the event itself, which took place on the eve of the celebration of the most important holiday in every family: