Military Signalman Day in Russia. Military Signalman's Day in Russia Postcards and congratulations in prose on Military Signalman's Day in Russia

  • 18.10.2023

Celebrated on October 20, it was established by the Decree of the President of Russia of May 31, 2006. Previously celebrated as the Day of Communications of the Russian Armed Forces.

Signal troops are special troops designed to deploy a communications system and provide command and control of formations, formations and units of the Ground Forces in peacetime and wartime. They are also tasked with operating systems and automation equipment at control points.

Communications troops include central and linear formations and units, units and units of technical support for communications and automated control systems, communications security services, courier-postal communications and others.

The first communications units appeared in Russia in the middle of the 19th century, after the invention of the electric telegraph. The first technical communications unit was a telegraph company, formed in September 1851 under the management of the St. Petersburg-Moscow Railway.

The telegraph communication units created to service the fortress military telegraphs in Sveaborg (1864) and Kronstadt (1865) were the first in the fleet. The first military traveling telegraph was used in the Crimean War of 1853-1956. Military telegraph communications units were used in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1978. In 1884 they were introduced into the army corps, and in 1894 military telegraph companies were created instead.

Radio communication, first carried out in May 1895 by the Russian scientist Alexander Popov, soon found application in military affairs, and in May 1899 the first military radio unit, the Kronstadt Spark Military Telegraph, was formed. Since 1900, radio communications began to be intensively introduced into the army. In 1902-1904, radio communication teams were created on large ships of the Russian fleet.

In the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905, linear communications units and radio communication units appeared in the active army, and wire telegraph, radiotelegraph and telephone were used. All other armies began to introduce radio communications later, using the experience of the Russian army.

By the beginning of the First World War of 1914-1918, the Russian army had 7 separate spark (radio telegraph) companies, 11 separate telegraph companies and 41 telegraph companies as part of engineer battalions. During the war, the number of individual telegraph companies increased almost 2.5 times. Communications units began to be created in new branches of the military - aviation and air defense forces.

On October 20, 1919, an order of the Revolutionary Military Council was issued, marking the beginning of centralized management of military communications. The communications service was separated into a special headquarters service, and the communications troops into independent special troops. Thus, the structure of modern signal troops was laid.

Military communications have gone through a long and complex path of development from the simplest audio and visual means for transmitting signals and control commands directly on the battlefield to widely ramified multi-channel automated systems capable of providing communication with both stationary and mobile objects of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on land, on water, underwater and in the air.

Military signalmen showed massive heroism, examples of courage and dedication on the battlefields. During the Great Patriotic War, about 600 signal units were awarded orders for military merits, many became guards units and received honorary titles, 303 military signalmen were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 106 became full holders of the Order of Glory, tens of thousands were awarded military orders and medals.

Military signalmen fulfilled their duty in armed conflicts, counter-terrorism, special and peacekeeping operations.

Modern communications troops are equipped with mobile, highly reliable radio relay, tropospheric, space stations, high-frequency telephony equipment, voice-frequency telegraphy, television and photographic equipment, switching equipment and special message classification equipment.

A high level of information support for combat operations of troops (forces) becomes a determining factor in achieving strategic and operational-tactical superiority over the enemy.


Date in 2019: October 20th, Sunday.

It is customary to congratulate signalmen involved in the Armed Forces in October. Their holiday is closely connected with the birth of the corresponding troops, despite the fact that the holiday itself officially appeared only 10 years ago.

Human destinies and historical events often depend on timely transmitted information. Communication has always played a special role during wars and battles. Therefore, for people of an honorable and responsible profession - military signalmen - their own separate professional date is allocated among other military holidays, when they celebrate Military Signalman Day.

Who's celebrating?

Signal troops did not always exist in the army, but, nevertheless, the people responsible for delivering important information were always respected and tried to protect them from unjustified dangers. After all, it was the signalmen who could not only inform headquarters and active military units, but also completely, thanks to their work, change the course of events.

Of course, the first warriors who delivered dispatches and orders were like ordinary messengers or postmen. Except that their activities, unlike the work of their civilian colleagues, were fraught with considerable risk and various dangers.

For the first time, people started talking about real transmission of information at a distance towards the end of the 19th century. The idea related to the propagation of radio waves belongs to the Russian physicist Alexander Stepanovich Popov. The scientific community became acquainted with his prototype of a radio receiver, which was also a radio transmitter, in 1895. In fact, the invention of the Russian scientist revolutionized the field of communications.

To conduct specific experiments, he receives state permission and funds in the amount of 900 rubles. And already in 1897, a series of experiments began on the Baltic coast. The first results of a series of tests resulted in the receipt of a stable signal transmitted over a distance of 700 m. Subsequently, it was possible to increase the transmission range. Effective operation of the radio device at a distance of 3.2 km was recorded on Igrivy Island when transmitting a signal to an object located in open waters. The following experiments were aimed at connecting the two ships. The experiment was carried out on the training ship "Europe" and the cruiser "Africa", and, like the previous ones, ended successfully. Both the scientist himself and the sailors were stunned by the results of the experiments and the possibilities for their practical application.

Signalmen begin to study the principles of transmitting information using radios. And already in 1905, during the Russo-Japanese War, the first military tests were carried out in real combat conditions. Responsibility fell on the officers, who had previously received special training at radio equipment warehouses in Krasnoe Selo.

However, signalmen were not transferred to separate troops for a long time. Communications in the old Russian army were provided by the engineering troops, who were responsible for the workers and soldiers responsible for communications.

At the early stages of the formation of the Red Army, each structural military unit had its own communications departments. This approach did not allow for effective operational management.

Therefore, in 1919, it was decided to form an independent body, which was obliged to manage all military signalmen.

The corresponding order was signed by the Revolutionary Military Council on October 20. It was this day that went down in history as the birthday of the Signal Corps.

Thanks to this decision, an effective structure was formed, which included military units and civilian enterprises, which united more than 135 thousand people.

However, with the end of the civil war, such an extensive military communications network lost its relevance. Therefore, the troops were significantly reduced, and the equipment of the remaining units left much to be desired, as it was mostly outdated and worn out.

Despite the presence of trained signal commanders with 42 thousand people under their command on the eve of the war, the beginning of hostilities showed the shortcomings of these troops.

And already on July 23, 1941, the State Defense Committee of the Union made attempts to rectify the situation, for which purpose, by a special resolution, the Main Directorate of Communications was created, to which all People's Commissariat responsible for communications were resubordinated.

Thanks to the high level of training and devotion to the Fatherland of soldiers and officers, the situation with communications has changed dramatically.

It is impossible not to dwell on the role of military signalmen in the victory over the Nazis. Giving their own lives, these heroes provided communication between headquarters and units. How many warriors were awarded the title of hero, and many received such awards posthumously.

Modern signalmen serve in special forces that provide uninterrupted and timely communication between stationary and moving objects located both on land and at sea, under water, in the sky and even in space. It is customary to congratulate these warriors on Signalman’s Day in Russia.

But in addition to the main troops, in each unit, regardless of the type of troops, there are military personnel who provide communications. For them, this holiday also became familiar.

history of the holiday

Despite the glorious history of the Signal Corps, whose birthday is considered to be October 20, when Signalman's Day was celebrated starting in 1919, the official holiday appeared only in 2006.

The reason was the official Decree of the President, which was issued on May 31. Since that time, the holiday has become legalized, and is now celebrated not only among personnel, but also at the state level.

On this day, it is customary to remember the exploits of military signalmen and focus on pressing and important issues related to modern information transmission. The purpose of the official Signalman's Day in Russia was also to raise the prestige of military professions and attract talented youth to this type of activity.

For officers, soldiers and cadets, this day is not just a holiday, it is an excellent occasion to show off their achievements. After all, modern signalmen really have something to be proud of. It is their painstaking and important work that is noted in notes of gratitude from management and congratulatory speeches from senior command personnel.

And the best reward for any signalman will always be a promotion. According to military tradition, the new rank will necessarily be washed on the holiday. The stars, before they shine on their shoulder straps, must be in a glass of vodka, which their owner will drain in one fell swoop. The heroic deeds and painstaking everyday life of the signal warriors and relatives and friends of the heroes of the occasion will be celebrated.

About modern signal troops

Years fly by, and those first radio transmitters, which were used by communications enthusiasts of the early 20th century, can only be found in museums. Modern requirements for troops and, above all, for communications, have increased not several times, but thousands of times. The development of electronic, radar, and computer technologies is also reflected in military affairs.

Modern realities dictate special requirements for the Armed Forces related to increased combat readiness. A key role in performing such a task is played by the control system, which technically directly depends on communication.

And priority is given to an automated control system supported by signal troops. Therefore, these units, despite the difficulties, are the first to receive new unique equipment. Radio mobile devices, satellite communication stations, automated control systems are only part of what a modern communications officer or soldier has to work with.

Troop missions have changed over the years, and today's warriors are faced with the goal of transitioning from analogue to digital communications. The selection of applicants for service in such branches of the military is quite strict.

A future warrior must not only be a good soldier, hardy, loyal and able to overcome any difficulties, but also have certain knowledge and skills in the field of radioelectronics and computer technology.

After all, modern communication systems are quite complex mechanisms that can include radio and radio relay, wired and tropospheric, linear and combined types of signal transmission.

Congratulations on Signalman's Day

For the military, communication is truly invaluable. And on Military Signalman Day, I would like to note the importance of your service. May signals not only pass uninterruptedly on this holiday, may the airwaves not be disrupted by enemy signals, and may luck and technology never fail.

Day and night military signalman

Trying to catch a signal.

Today is an important day, fun,

And your holiday has already arrived.

We wish you not to leave the wave,

And so that there is no war.

On Military Signalman's Day,

There is a reason for a toast.

So that the connection is reliable,

Never let me down.

Larisa, August 21, 2016.

Holidays are constant companions of people's life. Holidays for us are an opportunity to bring joy to loved ones! And of course, a holiday is not a calendar concept, it happens where it is felt, where it is expected. A lot has changed in our lives in recent years, but people's craving for holidays remains an important phenomenon for any person.

The professional holiday Military Signalman Day was established by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.” Before this decree, the holiday was called “Signal Troops Day.”

Signal troops are special troops designed to provide communications and control of the Armed Forces.

Military communications are an integral part of the management of the Armed Forces, its material basis. The efficiency of troop leadership and the timeliness of the use of combat assets and weapons largely depend on the state and functioning of military communications.

From the history of the Signal Corps

Military Signalman's Day is a great opportunity to take a look at a page of history.

In its development, military communications have traveled a long and complex path, inextricably linked with the history of the creation of the Armed Forces, changes in the forms and methods of their use, and the improvement of military art.

From the simplest audio and visual means of communication for transmitting signals and commands directly on the battlefield to widely ramified multi-channel, modern automated systems capable of providing communication over an almost unlimited range with both stationary and mobile objects located on land, on water, under water and in the air - this is the historical path of development and improvement of military communications.

In the old Russian army there were no signal troops as such. Subunits and communications units were part of the engineering troops.

At the highest levels of management, communications were provided by the bodies of the People's Commissariat of Posts and Telegraphs, as well as the Central Directorate of Military Communications and the Main Military Engineering Directorate, which supplied communications equipment.

At the first stage of the existence of the Red Army in 1917-1918. battalions and communications teams were organizationally part of rifle and cavalry formations. At the same time, a communications battalion was provided at the headquarters of the rifle division, a communications company in the brigade, and a communications team in the regiment. The commanders of these units and subunits were at the same time the communications chiefs of the division, brigade, and regiment, respectively.

The lack of firm communications leadership had a negative impact on troop control. In this regard, on October 20, 1919, by order No. 1736/362 of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, an independent central body for the management of military communications was created - the Communications Directorate of the Red Army and the positions of Chiefs of Signal Troops of fronts, divisions and brigades were introduced. As a result, October 20, 1919 is considered to be Education Day. signal troops.

By November 1919, 768 separate communications units with a total number of about 119 thousand people were formed in the Red Army. In addition, 510 field civilian postal and telegraph enterprises and institutions were assigned to the headquarters of fronts, armies, divisions and brigades, employing about 16 thousand communications employees. After the end of the Civil War, the signal troops were reduced to 32,600 people and were equipped mainly with outdated and worn-out foreign communications equipment.

In the early 30s, the communications industry was created, which made it possible to produce modern communications equipment.

On the eve of the war, signal troops were maintained in peacetime states numbering more than forty-two thousand people, consolidated into 19 signal regiments, 25 separate signal battalions, 16 separate radio divisions.

To train commanders of signal troops in the pre-war period, the Military Electrotechnical Academy of the Red Army, as well as the Leningrad, Voronezh, Ulyanovsk, Kiev, Ordzhonikidze and Stalingrad military communications schools were created.

During the first period of the Great Patriotic War, during the retreat of our troops with heavy fighting, the insufficient preparedness of the border areas with regard to communications became obvious.

The efforts undertaken by the State Defense Committee of the USSR: the unification in one hand of the communications of all the People's Commissariat in which it was (defense, communications, communications and internal affairs), the creation of the Main Communications Directorate of the Red Army, the publication of the decree of July 23, 1941 “On improving work communications in the Red Army" managed to rectify the situation. This was facilitated by a good level of training and selfless devotion to the Motherland of the personnel.

In the post-war years, the development of signal troops was carried out on the basis of the experience of providing communications in the most difficult conditions of war, taking into account the newly emerging requirements for methods and methods of organizing communications, the tactics and structure of signal troops, the development of modern means of communication and control systems for forces and weapons for the introduction into the troops .

Modern Signal Corps

In modern conditions, the requirements for the state of combat readiness of the Armed Forces are constantly increasing. At the same time, a significant role in solving this problem is given to improving the control system of the Armed Forces. The technical basis of the command and control system is the communications system and the automated troop control system.

Signal troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation include signal troops of central subordination, formations, units and signal units of branches, branches of the armed forces, districts (fleets) and formations. They include stationary and field communication centers, linear communication units, communication security control centers, courier and postal communications, technical support institutions, research and military educational institutions.

Despite the presence of difficulties in the country, a characteristic feature of today is the arrival of new generation communications equipment into the signal troops and, first of all, means of an automated troop control system, radio mobile equipment, and satellite communication stations.

The main direction of development of troops and communications systems today is integration into a single telecommunications space based on the use of modern information technologies, replacing analogue means and communication systems with digital ones.

A modern communication system is a complex multifunctional organism, including numerous communication nodes for various purposes, many thousands of kilometers of radio, radio relay, tropospheric, wire and other types of communications.

Signal soldiers are taught perseverance in overcoming difficulties, exemplary performance of military and patriotic duty, skillful and reliable defense of the Fatherland.

Decades have passed, new generations have grown up, but the image of the hero-signalman remains an example for present and future signal officers. High professionalism of commanders, field training of formations and units, readiness to carry out tasks by personnel are characteristic features of modern signal troops. Thousands of signalmen fulfill their military duty with honor, taking part in peacekeeping and counter-terrorism operations.

With their work and unique qualities, signalmen deserve their holiday - Military Signalman Day!

The path to the development of military communications was quite long. In earlier times, messengers and couriers were used to transmit information and orders from leadership to subordinate troops; army units in more ancient times used light and sound signals. Starting with such simple methods of communication, the military communications service has developed to modern automated complexes and systems capable of transmitting signals over almost unlimited distances, using satellite and other types of modern communications for their purposes.

In our country, the time of appearance of military signalmen is usually counted from October 20, 1919 - by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Soviet Republic No. 1736/362, a communications department headed by the head of communications was created as part of the Field Headquarters. At the same time, the basic structure of modern signal troops was laid down, and they were separated into independent special troops.

Happy Military Signalman's Day -
Don't lose touch with your friends!
The soul is light and pure,
If the connection is not interrupted.

May luck not leave you,
Let life go with meaning,
Fate will add joy
And health in turn!

Happy Military Signalman's Day!
May success come quickly
And the work is not easy
There will be a joyful mood.

Communication will always be fine
Without problems and shortcomings,
Be proud without hesitation
Loud title - signalman!

Congratulations on Military Signalman's Day. I wish you to always successfully complete your assigned tasks without any interference or obstacles, I wish that the signal of optimism and connection with luck never disappears in your life.

Happy Military Signalman's Day,
Let everything be: smooth, clean,
A wonderful connection to have,
And things were going well!

So that your health is strong,
Every day was: kind, bright,
Everything always works out
And it worked out great!

Military signalman is an unusual position,
You need to keep in touch, be careful,
Today is your day, your holiday has come,
We wish that the fighting spirit does not disappear!

Let there be no mistakes in your work,
Connections will be established, may success prevail,
Good luck, patience and great will,
And inspiration to you, groovy dreams1

Happy Military Signalman's Day!
Strength, patience, optimism.
Fewer old wires
And untalented partners.

Keep in touch with confidence
And value your work.
Honor and recognition await you
For your work and efforts.

On Military Signalman Day
I don’t want to lose touch
And always easy and fast
Do all the work!

May luck accompany you
May success await you!
And let every moment
Gives peace, tranquility, comfort!

Happy Military Signalman's Day!
Let the air be clear,
Messages are flying in
Let everything happen in one moment!

Let the service go smoothly
Let everything be alright
And today, on your holiday,
Have fun, dance and sing!

I wish you less risk in work,
After all, the fate of a signalman is not easy.
Always keep in touch with the world
And never give up!

Let there be a lot of health,
Let the road be happy.
May only a bright path await you in life.
Signalman, always be happy!

Every year on October 20, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation celebrate the professional holiday of military signalmen.

The date for celebrating Signalman's Day was chosen based on the fact that it was on October 20, 1919 that special signal troops were created in Soviet Russia. We are talking about the creation, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council, of centralized management of military communications, which was defined as strategically important in conditions of civil war and foreign military intervention. The military communications service was allocated to the special service of headquarters, and the troops themselves were allocated to independent military formations as part of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.

The holiday itself appeared in the new calendar of important dates of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the basis of presidential decree No. 549 of May 31, 2006.
Military signalmen of Soviet Russia, the USSR and the Russian Federation took part in all, without exception, wars and armed conflicts in which the Armed Forces of the Fatherland were involved. One of the most difficult trials was the Great Patriotic War, during which the feat of military signalmen cannot be overestimated.

As a result of the first attacks of the Nazi troops, communications at various levels and purposes were partially disrupted. Often, the command did not have information about the state of affairs on a particular sector of the front, which actually undermined the foundation for developing an effective operation plan. The expansion of the zone of occupation of the territory of the USSR led to the loss of existing communication systems. Thus, by December 1941, the length of all-Union telephone and telegraph lines had decreased by more than a third. The number of telegraph apparatus operated by the USSR decreased by no less than 40%.

All forces and means of military signalmen were thrown into restoring communication lines. By decision of the command in the USSR, 10 repair and restoration battalions of 750 people each were created to complement the three operating linear communications battalions. Highly qualified specialists from the Military Academy of Communications, the Moscow Institute of Communications Engineers, the Central Research Institute of Communications and other specialized technical universities and scientific laboratories were called up to serve in the signal troops.

Military signalmen sometimes, at the cost of their own lives, restored broken channels, and also created new lines for the exchange of information. In a very short time, communication lines were laid from Moscow to Leningrad - through Ladoga. This line made it possible to maintain contact with the besieged city and clarify the likely possibilities for the supply of food and ammunition, as well as planning operations. During the war, a communication line appeared from Stalingrad to Nevinnomyssk, which passed through the territory of Kalmykia.

In a short time, special units were formed and prepared to provide communications in the “Headquarters - Front” link. In addition, lines were serviced at the “army-corps-division” level. By the summer of 1942, front commanders were provided with personal radio stations, which were used during trips to the troops.

A truly enormous contribution to the development of the signal troops, as well as the technological base for their activities during the Great Patriotic War, was made by the legendary People's Commissar of Communications of the USSR (1939-1944) Ivan Terentyevich Peresypkin (1941-1944 - part-time Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR). Before his appointment to the post of People's Commissar, Ivan Peresypkin served as deputy head of the Red Army Communications Department.

Ivan Terentyevich is by no means a staff official. During his tenure as People's Commissar of Communications during the war, he directly took part in virtually all of its major battles: from the Battle of Moscow and the Battle of Stalingrad to the battles for the liberation of Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic states from the Nazis. Ivan Peresypkin went to the front at least 20 times, as evidenced by military archives. He became the first marshal of the signal forces in the USSR. Ivan Terentyevich was awarded 4 Orders of Lenin, 2 Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of the October Revolution, the Order of the Red Star, the Order of Kutuzov 1st degree and other orders and medals, including foreign ones.

Today, signal troops are the most important element of command and control of the Armed Forces. The state of communication lines provided by military personnel largely determines the efficiency of troop leadership and the timeliness of making the most important decisions, including decisions on the use of certain types of weapons.

Military communications play a huge role in assisting the Syrian army in the fight against international terrorism. On the eve of the Signalman's Day, the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Army General Valery Gerasimov, said that Russia would redirect part of its space reconnaissance assets to Iraqi Mosul, in the area of ​​which a situation is developing that allows ISIS militants (banned in the Russian Federation) to advance to the Syrian border and cross it. To monitor the situation near Mosul, the Russian Armed Forces will also use unmanned aerial vehicles, which will transmit information to the Coordination Center. This information will allow the Russian Aerospace Forces to timely determine where militants are gathering, heading from Mosul through Syrian territory, and destroy them before they manage to settle in any relatively large city.

Military personnel of the Signal Corps conduct their daily activities to ensure the security of the borders of the Russian Federation. The troops are receiving new equipment that allows them to effectively solve information exchange problems. On October 19, it was announced that the “military” Internet would begin operating within the RF Armed Forces. This is a particularly secure computer network called the “Closed Data Segment”. The segment is distinguished by the fact that it is not connected to the regular Global Network and is reliably protected from connecting drives that are not certified in the system.

On this day, “Military Review” congratulates all military signalmen of Russia and veterans of the signal troops on their professional holiday!