New rules for the certification of teachers. Mandatory certification: important information about this type of teacher assessment

  • 22.09.2019

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If a specialist successfully passes the commission, he receives advanced training. As a rule, the certification commission checks the teacher’s ability to communicate with children, his teaching skills and knowledge.

To convince the certification commission of your professional suitability, you should show considerable resourcefulness and deep pedagogical knowledge. It is important to prepare for the test, and therefore it is not enough just to desire a higher salary.

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Teacher certification in 2018: communication of the situation

All employees without exception educational sphere will have to undergo a certification procedure. Until recently, there were two types of certification in the Russian Federation: voluntary and mandatory. The first is relevant for teachers who seek to improve their current qualification level, and the second is a mandatory knowledge test established at the state level. In this case, the commission determines the level of professional competence of the teacher and suitability for the position held.

Previously, teacher certification was mandatory every 5 years. The 2018 teacher certification is relevant for those who took it five years ago.

A teacher is not just a person who conducts lessons and gives grades. This is, first of all, a mentor, friend, educator who not only develops mental capacity child, but also reveals his pupil as a person.

Very often in the media we can hear that the level of education in our country is an order of magnitude lower than it was in Soviet time. Since then, a whole generation of teachers and the education system itself have changed. So why is the quality of knowledge slowly falling down, and what to do about it?

In 2018 at two stage will pass certification of teachers, where teachers will be able to prove their professional suitability and show whether they are suitable for their position. Let's take a closer look at what teacher certification is and who will take it?

Certification of education workers is a form of testing teachers for compliance with the position held and the requirements for a modern teacher. During the test, the quality of performance of teaching functions and the professional level of the teacher are determined.

Recertification must be done every 5 years. After successfully completing the procedure, the teacher may be assigned a qualification category.

Who conducts the certification

To carry out the procedure, a special certification commission is created, which includes the chairman of the commission, a deputy, members of the commission and a secretary. The commission is composed primarily of employees of the organization in which the tested teacher is employed, as well as employees of the education committee.

Who does not need to undergo certification in 2018

Certification of teachers is divided into two categories: mandatory and voluntary.

Mandatory certification concerns teaching staff who have already participated in this procedure. The following are exempt from this procedure:

  • teachers who have worked in the field of education for less than 2 years;
  • qualified teachers;
  • a teacher who was absent from work for more than 4 months due to illness;
  • pregnant women;
  • workers located in maternity leave.

It is worth noting that employees on maternity leave will be able to undergo certification 2 years after being reinstated to this position. Teachers who were unable to pass certification due to illness have the right to undergo the procedure one year after returning to work. If a teacher expresses a desire to undergo testing, the commission admits him to certification immediately.

Voluntary certification is carried out by persons who at will want to improve their qualification level

How to get certified

Mandatory certification of education workers in 2018 will be carried out under strict control certification commission. Until this year, the teacher himself wrote an application, which was considered by the head of the institution. Now the main responsibility will fall on the shoulders of the educational organization itself.

To do this, the teacher needs to prepare the following documents:

  1. Statement from the teacher with his personal signature.
  2. Copy of higher education diploma teacher education or a retraining diploma in the taught profile.
  3. A copy of a document confirming the presence of previously assigned categories.
  4. A copy of the results of the previous certification, if this test is repeated.
  5. A copy of your marriage certificate, if your last name has recently been changed.
  6. Characteristics of a teaching worker, written by superiors, which clearly shows the level of professionalism of the teacher.
  7. Information card showing results professional activity teacher for a specific period.

Starting from 2018, teachers will be presented with more stringent requirements, which means that not all those certified will be able to pass the test. Teachers will not be fired, as this is not the purpose of the certification. Teachers will be sent to various advanced training courses and master classes.

A modern school needs valuable personnel, so the level of knowledge will increase not through changing teaching staff, but through training existing teachers. The duration of the certification process lasts no longer than 60 days

More information about the application to the certification commission

Please note that the application for certification can be either printed or handwritten. This document must provide information about the professional activities of the teacher. To write an application, the teacher must fill out the following information.

  1. Last name, first name, patronymic in the genitive case.
  2. Position indicating the subject, discipline and direction.
  3. Place of work, municipal area.
  4. Indication of the desired qualification category.
  5. Membership in a trade union organization.
  6. List of copies of available documents.
  7. Mobile, home and office phone, email.

Also in the application you can indicate your teaching experience, the university where the certified person studied, and mention awards and titles (if any).

Already this year it was said that now pedagogical certification will take place once every 4 years. Rosobrnadzor insists that teachers be inspected every 2-3 years according to the following criteria:

  • level of knowledge in the subject being taught;
  • psychological characteristics of the teacher;
  • testing skills in teaching.

But many teachers consider this type of verification incorrect, because their qualifications are confirmed by a diploma higher education received at the university.

Sooner or later, every teacher must go through the procedure of testing their ability to work in this field. But you should not treat certification as a punishment or an exam, which is what many teachers mistakenly do. Let this test be a source for every teacher to discover new knowledge, teaching abilities and improve their level of skill.

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The authorities today made changes to the federal law about "Education in Russian Federation", according to which we can say exactly how teacher certification will change in 2018, last changes This bill says that at the first stage the event will have to confirm their professional suitability, and at the second stage they will have to pass a commission that will invalidate the qualifications obtained.

The requirements of Russian legislation oblige every teacher (teacher) to undergo a recertification procedure every five years, and this is done in order to confirm existing skills and gain new professional knowledge.

This event is constantly changing, so every representative of this profession should know about its features. There are some nuances of passing recertification and the main thing to remember is that you can successfully pass the commission if you have a certain level of knowledge, for this you also need to pay attention to resourcefulness and the ability to respond to non-standard situations (in the teaching environment they arise very often) . Successfully passed teacher certification in 2018 highest category may become a reason for getting a promotion at work, so you should devote a sufficient amount of time to prepare for it (especially since a promotion is usually accompanied by an increase in wages

). Moreover, failure to recertify may be a reason for dismissal of an employee. The media recently published information that the recertification rules will be slightly changed in 2018, and this will happen in order to reduce the number of uneducated people. The problem is that modern inspection results of school institutions and the results of state exams indicate that some representatives of the general education sector significantly inflate the grades of students, so very often they do not correspond to the actual level of knowledge. This phenomenon is observed especially often in provincial cities made them think about how to change teacher certification in 2018 so that it would have a positive impact on both teachers and students.

The development of the new certification will be carried out not only by teachers, but also by the teaching staff of school institutions, so the risk of preparing incorrect assignments is minimal. The certification will consist of several blocks, the first of which will be checking the current level of knowledge in a particular subject. The second block will be marked by testing a person’s psychological characteristics, and the third will be aimed at determining teaching skills. Such an approach will make it possible to determine as accurately as possible the level of teacher training and his ability to find common language with kids. However, the situation is complicated by the fact that no one has yet given accurate information about how teacher certification will be carried out in 2018, because the assessment methodology is still under development and some proposals from the Ministry of Education are causing debate about whether they should be accepted or not.

Despite the fact that the recertification of teachers has not yet been fully approved, last news they say that it is planned to conduct it every four years (although the option of more frequent inspections is being discussed). Some sources of information say that teachers will have to write essays aimed at assessing their horizons. However this question

is controversial because it becomes unclear who will check the work and what criteria will have to be taken into account, because in this case the assessment may be biased. Some experts, speaking about how teacher certification will be carried out in 2018, believe that essays can be replaced by exams (similar to the Unified State Exam), which will determine both the general and narrow range of teacher knowledge. AND this option

is considered the most optimal, because it is it that will determine a person’s professional qualifications.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that a poorly passed certification should not become a reason for dismissal, because such teachers will simply be sent to re-pass the procedure in order to improve their teaching skills. Accordingly, one should not be afraid of this procedure; it will simply allow the education sector of the Russian Federation to be brought to a fundamental level new level development.

Workers in the educational sphere, namely, teachers in universities, schools, teachers in kindergartens, as well as specialists in primary and secondary institutions already know that from 2017 some changes will be made in the certification process. Simply put, certification of teaching staff (2017) will be subject to completely different rules and regulations.

Many people know that any employee in the field of pedagogy must undergo recertification every 5 years. This procedure is necessary in order to improve the skills and knowledge of teachers, as well as to understand whether the person is suitable for the position held (whether he has all the necessary skills for it). Anyone who has ever encountered this inspection assures that it is the most responsible and significant for all education workers.

  • Firstly, the commission must see 100% preparation of the certification participant; before it, he must reveal all his knowledge and skills. In addition, it is often necessary to prove pedagogical professionalism and resourcefulness. It is these criteria that can help the commission determine the qualifications of a teacher and give him grades.
  • Secondly, successful completion of certification allows an education worker to count on a higher salary. This is quite a significant incentive for professional growth and new achievements.

General information

There are two types of pedagogical certification: voluntary and mandatory. Let's look at each type in more detail.

Mandatory certification in 2016-2017 will “capture” all teaching staff who passed it 5 years ago. The following are exempt from mandatory verification:

  • pregnant women;
  • teachers with a qualification category;
  • workers who are “new” in the field of education, i.e. worked only 2 years;
  • persons who are on maternity leave at the time of the knowledge test (they will undergo certification 2 years after returning to their legal place of work);
  • a teacher who is absent from work for more than 4 months due to illness (certification will need to be completed a year after officially returning to work).

Voluntary pedagogical certification is carried out by persons who, of their own free will, want to improve their qualification level. To do this, you must contact management with a corresponding statement. Please note that teachers who do not have a category or have acquired a 1st category can achieve promotion to the 1st category. To receive the highest rank, you need to earn the 1st category no less than 2 years ago. In addition, if a teacher already has the highest category, he can confirm it with voluntary certification.

New regulations and rules

With the onset of 2017, everyone will need to familiarize themselves with the innovations that have affected pedagogical certification. It is assumed that new check will be based on two main stages:

  • confirmation of suitability for the position held;
  • obtaining a higher category.

Each of these stages has distinctive features and features:

  1. Confirmation of suitability for the position held. During this part of the inspection, the commission must evaluate and test the knowledge, skills and abilities of the teacher. In addition, during the verification process, professionalism and methods of communication with children during study are determined. Simply put, at this stage, the commission members determine the professional suitability of the teacher, namely, whether he has the right to engage in teaching.
  2. Obtaining a professional qualification category. In 2017, the teacher will have the right to qualify for 1st or higher category. However, to earn the first category, an employee must meet the following parameters:
  1. have a second qualification category;
  2. have the first one, but the time for certification has come.

If the goal is to obtain the highest category, it must meet other conditions:

  • have the first category for two years;
  • have the highest category, but the time has come to pass the certification test.

Documents for certification

Officials also changed the list of documents required to begin passing the pedagogical certification in 2017. Let us remember that previously the employee had to simply write an application - at this point the registration stage ended. Now things are happening a little differently, because the main responsibility is placed on the shoulders of educational institutions at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

List of required documents:

  1. Application with personal signature
  2. A copy of the result from the previous certification (if available)
  3. Copies of diplomas of higher or secondary vocational pedagogical education
  4. A copy confirming the presence of the highest or first category of certification (if one was previously obtained)
  5. A copy of documents confirming the change of surname, if it has been changed
  6. Specially composed covering letter or a detailed description from the place of work, which can confirm the level of competence and professional activity.

A month after submitting documents, the applicant will receive a letter at his home address with detailed description place and time of certification.

Schedule for certification of teaching staff for the first and highest qualification categories for the 2016-2017 academic year

Submitting applications to the Education Department Timing of the examination Meeting of the certification commission of the Moscow Region
01.08.2016 from 07.09 to 23.09 19.10.2016
08/10/2016 and 08/11/2016 from 26.09 to 21.10 09.11. 2016
09/01/2016 and 09/02/2016 from 10.10 to 11.11 01.12.2016
09.11.2016, 10.11.2016, 11.11.2016 from 13.12 to 20.01 09.02.2017
14.12.2016, 15.12.2016, 16.12.2016 from 23.01 to 21.02 15.03.2017
01/19/2017 and 01/20/2017 from 20.02 to 24.03 19.04.2017

Certification of education workers is considered a regular and rigorous procedure. Recently, the procedure for certifying teachers has changed slightly. The main goal of testing professional level today is to improve the quality of education in the country. How to check whether an employee’s qualifications meet the professional standard? What is the essence of the procedure?

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It should be noted that certification of teaching staff is carried out in order to confirm the compliance of workers with the positions they occupy based on an assessment of their professional activities.

For Russian teachers modern rules There are two types of certifications: mandatory and voluntary.

Mandatory certification applies to all teachers and ensures the maintenance of the level of education that is already available.

With the help of voluntary work, a teacher can achieve improvement of his qualifications, as well as professional growth. Voluntary certification will be of interest, first of all, to those employees who are pursuing the goal of increasing wages.

According to the Deputy Head Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science Anzor Muzaev, such measures are aimed at reducing the number of weak teachers.

The results of the VPR and Unified State Examination tests showed that some teachers inflate grades. Anzor Muzaev believes that the reason lies in the teacher’s insufficient knowledge.

The predicted verification model will consist of three blocks:

  • testing knowledge on the subject;
  • testing of teaching skills;
  • checking psychological characteristics.

This model, according to officials, can make it possible to determine the level of knowledge of the teacher, as well as his ability to present the material. It is already known that such certification of teachers will take place every four years.

Please note that this certification model is still under development. However, many provisions already cause dissatisfaction among teachers. For example, when certifying employees they want to introduce essay writing, but there is no confidence in objective assessment, since there are no clear criteria.

And most importantly, if a teacher does not pass such certification, Rosobrnadzor proposes to send him for advanced training.

Despite the tightening of legislative changes, one can hope that this approach to the selection of teaching staff will help improve the quality of education in general. What do you think? How is certification carried out in your region?

You will find even more materials, including samples of the necessary local acts (Regulations on certification, Order on the creation of a certification commission, etc.) in our “Directory” system.

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