About why a shameless person has more developed mental abilities. What is dishonesty? Meaning and interpretation

  • 23.09.2019
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In everyday life, we often say phrases: "A man without conscience", "shameless", "no shame, no conscience", "completely lost conscience", "live according to conscience." What is conscience? Conscience is the noble element of the soul.

However, not every person has a conscience. Some have it, others - it is dormant, for the time being, and still others - it is absent altogether or is lost due to the zombie or degradation of the soul. Those people who have a conscience, and act according to their conscience, according to the principle: "Do with others as you would like to be treated with you."

A conscientious person weighs his actions, corrects mistakes, restrains irritation and negative emotions. Even when you really want to answer the offender with rudeness to rudeness, he finds words and expressions to stop an unpleasant conversation, a scene. Such a person can lose loved ones, friends, but he will never lose himself, because he has a conscience - a good counselor in life. A sense of conscience in an extraordinary way protects its owner from the loss of the most important thing - honesty and decency. Those whose conscience is dormant for the time being, one day realize that they have lived their lives wrong, violating natural laws.

The conscience of such people wakes up, and with it comes problems associated with working off everything that has been done in life not according to conscience, but in the way you want. Repentance comes: "Why did I do this then?" Sometimes this "why" hangs in the air, because it is impossible to correct the situation, the problem - it just took time, and with it the people who participated in this situation.

Let's talk about the third - who have no conscience at all. I think that they are the most unlucky in life. A person without conscience is an aggressor, a ruthless person. It seems to him that he is strong, cunning, dexterous. He is lucky, and everything works out for the time being, for his soul is slowly smoldering. Today he deceived, tomorrow he stepped over love, friendship, family relations, betrayed someone or sold for money. Sooner or later, such a person becomes lonely, unnecessary to anyone. And even those for whom he worked especially hard leave him. There is nothing worse than oblivion and loneliness. There comes a time when a person meets his conscience. It gives rise to a feeling of shame in the soul, for all those actions that have already been committed and remained in the past.

The past cannot be returned, not corrected, and already there, in all conscience, not to enter. In the present, because of this, chaos and imbalance occur, we are losing the most precious thing we have. Conscience clearly regulates all values ​​from spiritual to material. Therefore, a person without conscience clings to material values, losing the most important - spiritual. And then they say about him: "He has no shame, no conscience."

Those who have a conscience cannot understand those who have no conscience at all. Do not try to explain to a shameless person that he is doing wrong, unworthy - he will never understand you, because he has no conscience, which means his views on life and values. It should be noted that a person who has no conscience is energetically infectious to others, he, like a parasite, wants more and more, but, as a rule, at someone else's expense. And since he has no conscience, he is not able to love, regret, be merciful. Do not knock on closed souls, just give all the problems associated with this person to the will of the Higher Forces and time - this way you will save your bright soul from destruction.

Everyone knows that Conscience is good and that a worthy and noble person must have it! But what is Conscience, where it lives in a person, how it is formed and from what it dies, practically, few people can answer.

For all that, each parent to his child, for educational purposes, regularly uses phrases such as “You are shameless…”, “You have no conscience…” and others. But none of the parents, with very rare exceptions, makes a conscious effort to really form this Conscience in their child. And not, namely Conscience, because these are completely different things that people confuse due to their ignorance!

Most people do not know what Conscience is and do not understand its nature. Moreover, modern people do not know how to form the Conscience! And the parents themselves, often of this very Conscience, do not have in its pure form :) (they did not bring it up in themselves).

So what is Conscience? Esoteric Answers!

We are accustomed to perceive Conscience, only from the negative, painful side, when Conscience, so to speak, “torments”. That's right, when the soul in a person is alive, and has some kind of influence on him, and the person has done a disgusting act - then Conscience “torments”, and this means that the Soul is in pain!

And when a person acts with dignity, "According to Conscience" - he experiences pleasant feelings, joy, happiness in his heart. This is how Conscience works and says so. To live in harmony with the Conscience means to live according to the Laws of God!

From an esoteric point of view, Conscience lives in a person's Spiritual heart, in a chakra, and is a collection of Light Ideals (living energies of God), but this is if a person is light.

In the best version, the Ideals of the Creator live in the heart (Love, Goodness, Justice and others - read more). It is thanks to these Ideals in the heart that a person can feel that what he does, what he thinks about is good (corresponds to the Ideals) or bad (does not correspond to them).

A shameless person - what does this mean?

Initially, every soul is light in nature, no child is born immediately as a murderer, rapist, drug addict or alcoholic. People become such as they grow up, as they are "educated", so to speak.

If a person for some time acts against Conscience, stepping over it, goes against the nature of the soul and moral laws - he lies, deliberately harms himself or others, commits various kinds of crime and sins, - his soul is burdened with evil, vices, sins and conscience sometimes dies very quickly (Light Ideals in the heart - die). After that, a person no longer hears his Soul, he is completely at the mercy of Evil.

Accordingly, while a person is tormented by Conscience - he has a chance to be saved and to take a bright path, his connection with the Soul is not lost!

How a sense of Conscience is formed or nurtured

1. Conscience is formed by studying spiritual and moral laws and principles and following them. In a word - through.

2. Learning to distinguish both in yourself, in your life (in everything) and in the world.

Shamelessness as a personality trait - the inability to show conscientiousness, to be aware of their behavior.

Once the conscience told the man that he was wrong, another, the third ... On the fourth, he decided to get rid of her. Yes, not for a day or two - forever! I thought and thought how to do it, and decided ... - Come on, - he says, - conscience, play hide and seek! “No,” she says. - You will deceive me all the same - you will spy! Then the man pretended to be completely sick and said: - I have sick of something ... Bring me some milk from the cellar! Conscience could not deny him this. I went down to the cellar. And the man jumped out of bed - and closed it! He called his friends for joy and with a light heart: he deceived one, offended the other, and when they began to take offense, he drove everyone out altogether. And no remorse for you, no reproaches - good at heart, calm. Good, good, but only a day passed, then another, and something began to be lacking for a person. And a month later he understood what - conscience! And then such longing fell on him that he could not stand it and opened the lid of the cellar. - Okay, - he says, - come out! Just don't command now! And in response - silence. I went down to the cellar: there, here - there is no conscience anywhere! It can be seen, and indeed, got rid of her forever ... The man sobbed: - How am I going to live without conscience now? And suddenly he hears a quiet, pretentious voice. Not from the cellar - in my heart: - Here I am ... The man called for the joy of his friends, apologized and arranged such a feast for them here! Everyone thought it was his birthday and congratulated him on that. And he did not refuse, and his conscience did not mind. And not at all because she was afraid to end up in the basement again. After all, if you look, that's how it was!

Shamelessness does not believe in anything high, including conscience. Conscience and God are one and the same. A conscientious person is deluded into thinking that he is an unbeliever. If he believes in conscience, then he believes in God. Conscience is a particle of God, an oversoul, a person's inner controller. Two souls live in the human body - one is the highest or God, represented by conscience, and the other is a small soul, that is, the person himself. In shamelessness, one mention of morality, morality, and the highest justice causes gagging. Having joined the ranks of the army of ignorance, she lives exclusively for herself, firmly shackling her heart in the shackles of selfishness and self-interest. She is skeptical and distrustful of words about true knowledge. As she degraded, she etched away her conscience and thereby forever said goodbye to the opportunity to find out the true state of affairs. And in vain, because the connection with God is lost. The English word "conscience" comes from the Latin word "conscire" which means "with knowledge." The word "conscientia" means "moral perception of knowledge." The word "conscience" comes from the Greek word "suneidesis" which means "knowing the truth" or "knowing the truth." Conscience means knowing the truth.

Unscrupulousness waddles through life in an embrace with unbelief. A conscientious person fears punishment for his indecent deeds, he believes in higher powers that will punish him for shameful deeds. He is full of compassion, goodwill and empathy for people. The shameless person says: “I had you all in mind. Who will punish me? I am my own king and master. " Taking an ignorant position, he, being a boss, is ready for arbitrariness, mockery of subordinates, optionality with business partners. Shameless and will not think about taking care of subordinates, will fill their pockets, and send the rest to the opposite side from the cash register.

To be consistent, lack of faith forces an unscrupulous boss not to trust subordinates. They respond to him with an irresponsible attitude to their duties. Doing the job slipshod, without any enthusiasm. In a word, both sides are worried. What happens next to the shameless boss? He begins to get nervous, worry, show aggressiveness and discontent, and subordinates in response become secretive. They will smile in the face, but behind their backs they will condemn the greedy and shameless leader. He lost his authority and trust in their eyes. Knowing about his greed, they begin to lie to him and pull to themselves everything that lies badly. Less work and more theft.

Shamelessness guesses that she is being fooled and begins to behave cruelly with her subordinates. In the collective, in response to cruelty, envy, gossip and squabbles reign. At the center of all the gossip is the shameless boss. Then conflicts begin, taking the form of scandals, rough squabbles and direct insults. The team is completely decomposed. The enterprise begins to collapse from the inside and perishes. In such an algorithm, dishonesty manifests itself in all areas: in family life, in friendship, in relationships with partners, in a word, everywhere and everywhere. The end is always the same - degradation.

The lot of shamelessness is loneliness. A shameless person is aggressive, despotic and cruel. He himself thinks that he is a leader - strong, authoritative and uncompromising. For the time being, some unseemly deeds can get away with him, but imperceptibly the amount of obscenities accumulates. Today he "threw" one, tomorrow he betrayed another, the day after tomorrow he deceived the third. A moment comes when quantity develops into quality. People make a verdict - a scoundrel, shameless and shameless individual. Everyone turns away from him, because shamelessness is abhorrent to everyone. The one who tries to convince dishonesty of wrong is naive. Sisyphean labor. Shamelessness does not hear anyone and does not want to hear. Its platform is to snatch at someone else's expense, and there at least the grass will not grow.

It is absurd to build close relationships with shamelessness, because immorality, betrayal, selfishness and selfishness always go along with it. Such people will sell and not frown. If this is a relative, in order to avoid trouble, you should keep a distance from him, not enter into close, trusting relationships. In the words of Sobakevich, the hero of "Dead Souls" by N. V. Gogol, there is a fair and accurate description of shamelessness: "- How, the governor is a robber? - said Chichikov and absolutely could not understand how the governor could get into the robbers. “I confess I would never have thought of that,” he continued. - But allow me, however, to note: his actions are completely different, on the contrary, rather, there is even a lot of softness in him. - Here he even brought up the purses, embroidered by his own hands, as proof, and responded with praise for the gentle expression on his face. - And a robber's face! - said Sobakevich. - Give him only a knife and let him out on the high road - he will stab him, he will stab him for a penny! He is, moreover, the vice-governor - this is Goga and Magoga! "No, he is at odds with them," thought Chichikov to himself. But I'll talk to him about the police master: he seems to be his friend. “As for me, though,” he said, “I confess that I like the police master more than anyone else. Some kind of direct, open character; there is something simple-hearted in the face. - Scammer! - Said Sobakevich very coolly, - he will sell, deceive, and also dine with you! I know all of them: they are all scammers, the whole city is like that: a swindler sits on a swindler and drives him to a swindler. All Christ sellers. There is only one decent person there: the prosecutor; and that, if you tell the truth, is a pig. "

Petr Kovalev 2013

A shameless person is a liar who thinks one thing and says another, who hides all his knowledge and thoughts from people. He pretends that he is not interested in anything other than everyday problems, but this does not mean that he is not really interested in anything other than everyday problems. Indeed, in all his actions, he is guided by one logic of pragmatic benefit: "What is the benefit to me?" This shameless person never forgets anything, because the purpose of his life is to accumulate information in his memory.

It can be logically substantiated that "the ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan" (Revelation of John, 20: 2), really "was more cunning (wiser) than all the beasts of the field, which the Lord God created." (Genesis 3: 1).

How to prove that a shameless person has more developed mental abilities than a moral person?

First, the purpose of the life of a shameless person is to take information and knowledge, not to give. He trained his memory so that he never forgets anything.

Secondly, a moral person very often wants to think of the people around him better than they really are, wants to deceive himself, and he develops conditioned reflexes: aversion to logical thinking, aversion to memorization and long-term storage of information in memory. After all, a moral person wants to create, change the world around him. And a shameless and ruthless person only wants to contemplate and cognize this world, not wanting to change anything in it.

Thirdly, the intellect of a moral person is limited by a moral dogma - not to do meanness, to be grateful, that is, by a sense of duty. The shameless one does not limit himself to anything and constantly ponders: “Why am I going to do this? What benefit will I get from this? "

Fourthly, a moral person must dogmatically believe in the reality of the external world, in the reality of the laws of physics, in the real existence of other people's sensations, other "I", in the primacy of matter, in determinism in order to be moral. A shameless person can not believe in anything without proof and reason like this: “Maybe all the people around me are just dreaming and cannot feel anything. Why would I feel sorry for someone, why would I help someone in trouble? Maybe I am the only one in the entire Universe who can feel pain, see, hear, be aware of myself? " Thus, it is the shameless person who has the minimum number of convictions or beliefs, and the maximum amount of knowledge, for it is he who can not believe in anything without proof.

Question 1. How is the sense of duty manifested? Does everyone have a conscience?

Duty, a sense of duty - who does what he can, does what he must. Madeleine de Scudery - Debt is something that no one else will do at this moment but you. Penelope Fitzgerald - Debt is something that you think about with disgust, do it with reluctance and then boast for a long time.

Conscience - the ability of a person to independently formulate moral obligations and implement moral self-control, demand from himself their fulfillment and evaluate the actions he performs; one of the expressions of the moral self-awareness of the individual. It manifests itself both in the form of rational awareness of the moral significance of the actions performed, and in the form of emotional experiences - feelings of guilt or "remorse", that is, it links mind and emotions together.

A sense of duty in our society is respected, praised and cultivated, because it obliges us and others to do great things.

Question 2. What is debt?

Debt is an internally accepted (voluntary) commitment.

Debt can be defined as the obligation of a subject or group of subjects to another subject or subjects (for example, people or God). Most often, a moral obligation (moral duty, moral duty) is considered as a duty - a voluntary moral obligation of an individual to other people.

Question 3. What are objective responsibilities?

Objective duties are those duties that a person can fulfill, that is, they are real, earthly and within his power.

Our whole life is filled with relationships with other people, with society: we have parents, family, friends, classmates, colleagues, there are just people around us, there is our home, city, homeland. Debt binds us to them. This means that we have certain objective duties and responsibilities to each of those around us, to the entire society. The word "objective" means independent of our personal desires (that is, whether we like it or not, we must certainly fulfill them). Otherwise, we will not be able to live in society, we will become a source of constant troubles (or even troubles) for those around us, and for ourselves. Deceived, let down a comrade - you can be left without friends at all; hack work will eventually hit the hack himself, etc.

Question 4. What aspects does science offer to distinguish in debt?

Science proposes to distinguish two sides in debt: public duty and moral duty. Public duty is all the objective responsibilities that a person needs to fulfill in life. Responsibilities exist wherever a person acts: at work, on vacation, in school, in social activities, at home, in the family, in public places, in relation to friends, people around, nature, as well as to oneself. In order for society to live and develop, everyone must fulfill their responsibilities, regardless of personal desires and inclinations. By the way, many public duties are regulated by law, laws of a coercive nature. Honest performance of duty benefits everyone - both society as a whole and an individual, and dishonest can lead to the most sad consequences.

Question 5. What is moral duty?

Moral duty is the transformation of external cultural norms into the personal task of each person.

This means that a person is not only aware of moral requirements. He makes these requirements to himself and follows them in life. Note: to himself, without any extraneous prompts (bosses, others), by inner motivation - voluntarily, disinterestedly, courageously. Therefore, there is nothing stronger than moral duty.

Just do not oversimplify, imagine that in the performance of moral duty, everything goes easily and fun, like clockwork. No, very often a person experiences deep internal contradictions, wages a struggle with himself. In him, different desires collide, he is overcome by doubts, tormented by natural human fear. Sometimes he would like to give up everything, leave, take cover. And this is understandable. But he knows how to overcome internal discord and firmly goes to the goal. And this is the highest manifestation of moral duty. Moral duty, as it were, governs public duty, directs it, gives a person resilience, makes his actions conscious, and not impulsive.

Question 6. Who monitors and evaluates the performance of the debt?

There is a double control: external - control of society (public opinion) and internal - human self-control, i.e. conscience.

Question 7. What is conscience?

Love, duty, responsibility induce a person to action, deed. But inside a person, his every step is checked by his conscience. Conscience is a deep awareness of one's duty and responsibility, inner moral self-control and self-esteem of a person. And they also say about conscience: the inner eye. This is already a metaphor, a figurative expression.

Of course, conscience and consciousness of duty do not always manifest themselves at the level of reason, rational knowledge. Very often this is a deep personal feeling. A person may not be fully aware of why his conscience tells him to do this and not otherwise. Guided by his conscience, in the deepest recesses of his soul, he judges good and evil. When internal self-control tells a person that he acted honestly, correctly and took the side of good, the person's conscience is clear, calm. Well, if a person did not take into account the voice of conscience - what then awaits him?

Question 8. In the play by the Russian playwright V. Rozov "A, B, C, D, D ..." there is an episode when one of the heroes says to a young man named Volodya: "Everyone has certain duties and must fulfill them." Volodya is indignant and declares in response: "I must, I must ... I owe nothing to anyone!"

Express your assessment of the clashing positions.

Everyone has responsibilities. If not direct, then indirect. The student must study, the worker must work, the housewife must maintain the house, etc. etc.

All people have specific social roles. Everyone must comply with them, so that their behavior in society is predictable. Thus, a person has responsibilities that he himself does not even think about, which he performs always and everywhere. Therefore: everyone has certain responsibilities and must fulfill them.

Question 9. You already know that duty is duty multiplied by responsibility. Think what formalism is, a formal understanding of duty. Try to appreciate this phenomenon.

Formalism - Observance of the external form in something. to the detriment of the merits of the case.

Formalism is when, according to the letter of the law or instructions, everything is correct, but in essence it is not correct and even criminal.

Formally refers to his duties - it means to act from "so far", not showing personal initiative and not taking into account any circumstances.

Question 10. Explain how you understand the meaning of the expressions "pangs of conscience", "remorse", "bad conscience", "calm conscience".

The concepts of "pangs of conscience", "remorse" and "bad conscience" are similar to each other and mean certain states of a person associated with his feelings about committed acts. These concepts are on the rise from "bad conscience" to "pangs of conscience", if in the first case a person realizes the mistake, but accepts it and does not particularly worry, then in the second case this mistake torments him, does not allow him to live in peace. But "calm conscience" is the opposite concept and can refer either to a person who has done everything right in his life, or to a shameless person.

Question 11. French philosopher of the XVI century. M. Montaigne wrote this about conscience: "Conscience can fill us with fear, just as it can fill us with confidence and peace of mind."

Expand the meaning of the words of the famous philosopher. In what cases, why does the conscience fill a person with fear? What could be the cause of fear? And in what cases does conscience give a person confidence and peace of mind?

Conscience can fill a person with fear if he acted vile because of his dislike and selfishness towards others. Let's say: you were asked for directions, and you prompted to follow that path. And because of hostility, you said the way where there are many dangers and therefore you think, "What if this person dies or injures himself ..." and so on.

Peace of mind arises when you helped a person or gave good advice (it doesn't matter) and he thanked you. You already know that you have done something good, and therefore your conscience is calm.

Question 12. We often say that people are held accountable before their consciences. But there are people about whom they say: "Shameless!" What kind of person is this? Can you even call him a person, a person? What are the consequences of his behavior for others and for himself?

The definition of "shameless" speaks for itself - this is a person who has no conscience. What kind of person is this? Impudent, unprincipled, living only for himself. Of course, you can call him a person in the biological sense of the word, and it is quite possible that he is a person, because not always shameless people demonstrate this peculiarity at every step. Such people are characterized by lies and hypocrisy, the ability to adapt to a situation to their advantage. For those around him, his behavior will have the consequences that are beneficial to the shameless person. Shameless people are not always condemned by our society, especially if they are rich. And for him, the lack of conscience is the calmness of the nervous system. The only people who will really suffer and suffer because of such a person are his relatives - parents, wife (husband), children, etc.

Question 13. The Indian philosopher and public figure M. Gandhi argued that in matters of conscience the law of the majority does not work. Explain why.

M. Gandhi was right in his assertion in matters of conscience. Each person has his own boundaries of his own conscience. Not every person is capable of committing acts of conscience. The law of conscience of the majority does not work, since everyone has a different conscience, and the opinion of the majority is not always correct and fair.