We draw a tit in stages for children. We draw tits with colored pencils on tinted paper

  • 07.07.2019

This is an average difficulty lesson. It can be difficult for adults to repeat this lesson, so I don’t recommend drawing a tit using this lesson for young children, but if you have great desire- then you can try it. I also want to note the lesson “” - be sure to try it again if you still have time and desire to draw today.

What you will need

In order to draw a tit we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grain special paper: beginning artists will find it much more pleasant to draw on this kind of paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Each bird is not only unique in coloring, but also has its own anatomical structure. To draw a tit correctly, you need to be present in person, if possible. Yes, I'm talking about drawing from life. I understand that this is very difficult to do, but it will give you a big head start. I can also advise you not to neglect photo cards on the Internet.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Please note that each item, each Living being, each phenomenon on paper can be depicted using simple geometric objects: circles, squares and triangles. They are the ones who create the form; they are the ones the artist needs to see in the surrounding objects. There is no house, there are several large rectangles and a triangle. This makes building complex objects much easier.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

Step one. Let's mentally mark the top of the head and from there we begin to carefully move the pencil to the left and then down. Let's pause on the beak and draw it as shown in the picture.

Step two. Using short strokes under the beak, thus creating the effect of plumage, we will show the bird’s neck. We continue with the same short lines and move into a fluffy chest, it protrudes forward relative to the neck. Gradually round off the contour and move on to the abdomen. Now let's go back to the top of the head and draw a line to the right and down to the neck. You can draw a broken line. At the level of the convex chest, we make a bend to the right and go down again, drawing the contour of the body. Let's show a relatively long tail, and two legs under the belly. Starting just below chest level, draw a broken line - draw a wing. A vertical line divides it approximately in half. This is in accordance with the coloring of the tit. You can turn to photography again here.

Step three. Draw a black eye - a bead. Under it, starting from the beak, we will draw the outline of the cheek and leave it white, unpainted. Using a fairly strong pressure on the pencil, shade a black stripe-collar around the neck. From it we will draw a “tie” down to the abdomen. Our lines should be along the plumage to make it more realistic. We also shade the area above and above the cheek along the plumage. We leave the crown light, this will give us a shiny effect.

Let's continue drawing the titmouse's wing. Already with larger strokes. And only along the plumage. So that our bird does not hang in the air, we will show a wide one under its legs.

Step four. And the last step. Let's add some more shading. OK it's all over Now! The drawing is finished. I hope now you will know how to draw a titmouse!

So you learned how to draw a tit, I hope it was interesting and informative. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share this lesson with your friends on social media. networks.

Step one

In the center of the sheet, draw a small oval - the head. Now we draw the torso from it down. It's always easier to draw if you imagine the shape of what you're drawing. Now our body is somewhat similar in shape to a cucumber. The long, angular tail needs to be continued downwards.

Step two

Let's draw a beak to the head. Long, smooth. Let's designate the eye. Let's show the wing starting from the upper part of the body. It is folded, and its tail sticks out a little over the tail. Now the bird's legs.

Step four

We continue to work on the bird's face. Shade the chin and draw a tuft on the back of the head. We will show long feathers on the wing and tail. Let's work on the paws.

Step five

Now we carefully shade the raven. Let's blend it out a little later. Well, you don’t even have to paint it! It seems to have worked out well.

How to draw a bullfinch with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw a small branch with a small shape in which you will draw the bird.
Step two. Clearly highlight the wing, since the drawing will be in profile, and then the paws and beak.
Step three. Make the branch more neat, add feathers and a small black eye.
Step four. Start adding some silent shadows and sketch out the top of the head.
Step five. Clean up the drawing, add some shading, and also draw in the tail in black. Don't forget to make the contours clearer.

How to draw a tit with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's mentally mark the top of the head and from there we begin to carefully move the pencil to the left and then down. Let's pause on the beak and draw it as shown in the picture.
Step two. Using short strokes under the beak, thus creating the effect of plumage, we will show the bird’s neck. We continue with the same short lines and move into a fluffy chest, it protrudes forward relative to the neck. Gradually round off the contour and move on to the abdomen. Now let's go back to the top of the head and draw a line to the right and down to the neck. You can draw a broken line. At the level of the convex chest, we make a bend to the right and go down again, drawing the contour of the body. Let's show a relatively long tail, and two legs under the belly. Starting just below chest level, draw a broken line - draw a wing. A vertical line divides it approximately in half. This is in accordance with the coloring of the tit. You can turn to photography again here.

Step three. Draw a black eye - a bead. Under it, starting from the beak, we will draw the outline of the cheek and leave it white, unpainted. Using a fairly strong pressure on the pencil, shade a black stripe-collar around the neck. From it we will draw a “tie” down to the abdomen. Our lines should be along the plumage to make it more realistic. We also shade the area above the nose and above the cheek along the plumage. We leave the crown light, this will give us a shiny effect.
Let's continue drawing the titmouse's wing. Already with larger strokes. And only along the plumage. To prevent our bird from hanging in the air, we will show a wide tree branch under its paws.

Step four. And the last step. Let's add some more shading. OK it's all over Now! The drawing is finished. I hope now you will know how to draw a titmouse!

How to draw a goose with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, draw two circles, large and small, and connect them with a curve.
Step two. In accordance with the circles, draw the bird’s body, long neck, beak and eyes.
Step three. We remove the extra lines from the first circles, outline the body itself in bold, draw the paws and the ground under them.
Step four. All that remains is to carefully draw the main attribute of the bird - the plumage. You can add shading.

Step one.

Let's start with the head. Let's place it in the very center of the sheet. In the center of the head there are auxiliary lines in the form of a cross: the level of the eyes, mouth and nose.

Draw a torso to the head. Swinging to the sides, we draw the lines of the wings. The wings must be symmetrical. Together they are somewhat similar to a heart.

We will draw short curved lines on the wings, then they will turn into feathers. Below the bird we draw a fairly large arc - the outline of the tail. At the bottom of the body we outline the paws with claws.

Step two.

Let's draw the owl's claws in detail. Inside the contour we will show the body, which converges to the legs.

At a horizontal level we outline the eyes. And then we draw feathers all over the owl’s body: along the line of the wings, along the tail. At the same time, the feathers do not have to be the same and their size can also be different. For especially large feathers, draw a center line. Step three.

On the main area of ​​the large open wings we draw small curved lines representing the plumage. In some places we will show them more densely, in others less often.

Look carefully at the owl's belly and try to do the same.

Let's put a mark in place of the beak. Step four.

The next stage of drawing a dove will be the play of light on our bird. Neck, tail, wing and other places where a shadow falls or the plumage becomes darker in color light movements We shade our hands with a pencil.

Our creation is almost ready, but when we do, we should not forget the importance of details. We erase the auxiliary lines, add sophistication to the plumage, correct the outline, and, to the best of our ability, try to detail the drawing as much as possible.

How to draw a hummingbird with a pencil step by step

Step one. First you will need bird and flower shapes.
Step two. Draw one eye, a beak and the shape of a tail, also add a flower that the hummingbird flew to.
Step three. Carefully draw out all the details, the contours of the wings, carefully sketch out the eye and a branch with flowers.
Step four. Add more shadows using shading. It should look something like this:

How to draw a seagull with a pencil

Step one.

Let's draw two circles indicating the head and body of the bird. We will also show the tail and legs.

Step two.

Let's outline the contours of the body.

Step three.

We draw the eye, beak and legs. Let's designate the wing.

Step four.

Let's do the finishing touches and add some details. And here is the result:

How to draw feathers with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's make a shape similar to a leaf.
Step two. Let's add a couple of touches.
Step three. Let's make the outlines of the feathers.
Step four. Using shading we draw a realistic feather. See how it turned out:

That's why I'll be happy to show you how to draw an owl with a pencil.

Step one

We draw two circles in the center of the sheet, and mark with horizontal lines the branch on which the eagle owl sits.

Step three

Let's add legs and the outline of the plumage.

Step four

Draw the eyes and key of the owl.

Step five

Let's add a couple of feathers and some shadows. And you'll end up with a bird like this:

Let's get down to business.

How to draw a stork with a pencil step by step

Step one.

Let's draw one large and second small circle in the center of the sheet. From them we will draw lines indicating the wings and legs of the stork.

Step two.

Let's draw the beak and neck. Draw a line with the approximate wing span.

Step three.

Let's draw toes on the legs, and sketch feathers on the wing. Let's outline the contours of the stork's body.

Step four.

Let's finish drawing the head (beak, eyes). Let's add feathering. Don't forget to erase the auxiliary lines.

Step five.

Let's outline the stork's feathers with a thicker line; to do this, use a softer pencil.

Step six.

It remains to add a little shading on the body and darken some areas in order to give it more realism. This can be done using shading - rubbing a pencil over the surface of the paper.

Final result:

I won’t rant too much, let’s get started right away.

How to draw a heron with a pencil step by step

Step one.

Let's draw two circles: one for the body in the center of the sheet, the second higher and to the left for the head. Let's immediately outline the wingspan and show the location of the legs.

Step two.

Connect two circles to create a long neck. Let's add a tail.

Step three.

The heron has a clearly visible tuft of feathers on its head, so this bird is difficult to confuse with any other bird. Next we draw a cone-shaped beak and give shape to the plumage.

Step four.

Let's draw the heron's wings and darken the chest part a little. You can achieve a darkening effect using shading or shading.

Step five.

Let's make it beautiful: erase the auxiliary lines, add shadows, draw bolder contours. In the end it turned out something like this:

How to draw a starling with a pencil step by step

Step one

In the center of the sheet, slightly to the left, we will place the head - a small circle. Let's add an oblong figure to it, resembling an oval. In the future, this will be the torso!

Step two

Let's outline the open beak. Now the paws. One is raised, the other is supporting. Starting from the head, we draw a line... this is the wing. Let's show a short ponytail.

Step three

Outline the outline of the tit. You should get a smooth line. Let's draw the beak. Let's show the eye and claws on the paws. Note the ribbed skin of the raised paw. Try to do the same. On the abdomen and on the tail there are short lines showing plumage.

Step four

Let's outline the eye with a thin line. There is a small white spot in the center of the eye. Let's shade the bird's mouth.

Now we draw the feathers on the wings, as shown in the picture.

Step five

We continue to show the plumage. It is all over our bird's body. This is how it turned out pencil drawing of a starling:

How to draw a crane with a pencil step by step

Step one. First create the shape of the body, use a long line to highlight the paws, and draw the head on top. Step two. Connect the head with the body with the neck, draw the second raised paw and the shape of the wing. Step three. Shade the bird, correct the contours of the lines and complete the eyes and beak. Step four. Clean up the drawing with an eraser and add a little more shading.

How to draw a magpie with a pencil

Step one.

Draw two circles in the center of the sheet. One represents the head, the second the body of the magpie. From the body, draw a line for the tail and two legs below.

Step two.

Let's outline the contours of the body, erasing the auxiliary lines drawn in the first step, and using light intermittent strokes we will add the contours of the plumage.

Step three.

Let's draw a magpie's beak, eye, wing and paws.

Step four.

Let's add some more strokes to the body to give it a realistic look. Ready!

Easy and fast, right? I hope it worked out for you too!

We will draw from it.

How to draw a lark with a pencil step by step

Step one.

We draw a sketch of the future bird.

Step two.

On the wings and tail we will add lines indicating the plumage.

Step three.

Let's draw an eye and a beak. And also the hind legs.

Step four.

Let's add touches throughout the body to give the lark a realistic look.

The result should look like this:

How to draw a cuckoo with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch a bird and a branch.
Step two. Let's add a feather, a key and an eye.
Step three. Let's remove the extra lines, add shading and sketch out the eye. It turned out like this:

How to draw a rooster with a pencil step by step

Step one. We use circles to denote three parts of the body, these are the head, the torso, the large tail and below an arbitrary stone on which the rooster sits above our world.
Step two. We outline the contours, add the semblance of a head, wings and the tip of the tail. Step three. The rooster crows almost all the time, which means we draw an open, screaming beak for him. We also draw the mane and feathers all over the body, especially on the tail and wings. Don't forget about the paws, we fix them too. Step four. Now all that remains is to give our rooster more contrast and shadows, let’s draw in the details. We draw the necessary lines in bold and erase the auxiliary ones.

How to draw the Firebird with a pencil step by step

Step one

Let's outline a small circle - the head. Let's frame it in a large semicircle. Below we will draw an arc. The resulting figure somewhat resembles a month. From there down are the lines of the body. Longer and curlier tail. Let's show some curls.

Step two

Let's add a beak to the head. He looks up. It seems that the bird proudly lifts its head up. We bring the curved neck down. Let's add a little more heat, that is, curls.

Step three

Let's outline the outline of the body and wings. The bird's legs are still dim. And a few curls can already be outlined brighter. There is a small crest on the back of the head.

Step four

Let's work on the bird's head in detail. The crest has become completely curly, and we can see an eye on his face. On the wings we highlight individual pointed feathers. The tail becomes more and more fluffy and curly. A pair of lines - a spring - stretches from the body. Let's also outline the outline of the body.

There you go! You can color the Firebird fiery orange!

How to draw a Phoenix with a pencil step by step

Step one

First we will define the position of our drawing. It should occupy the entire central part of the sheet. In the middle we will draw a head with a curved neck. From it downwards there is an oblong body. And now the wings. This is perhaps the biggest detail. Below we outline the waves of the tail.
Step two

Let's draw the bird's head and beak. Smoothly outline the neck and body. Inside the wings we will draw many, many lines that will show us the feathers. And below, where the tail is, we will place beautiful curls.
Step three

Draw the wings, long thin feathers. Let's show the eye and legs of the Phoenix bird. Let's add curls to the ponytail.
Step four

The finishing touches remain. Let's color the eye. Let's draw a winding crest on the head. Let's show the plumage on the body. Let's draw the paws in detail. And let's fluff our tail. That's probably all! Now you can safely paint the most bright colors and pencils!

How to draw a Swan with a pencil step by step

So, let's start drawing.

Step one.

In the center of the sheet, draw two closely spaced circles.

Below we will place two figures symmetrically, similar in shape to an egg. And now we need to use a neatly curved line to connect the small circle-head with the large body. You need to draw carefully. At the same time, you can imagine the shape of a heart: this is approximately how the necks are positioned.

Step two.

Draw the head. First, the beak: elongated and not very sharp. Almost at the very neck: dot-eye. We circle the top of the head several times, leaving a small ponytail sticking out to create a tuft.

Step three.

Perhaps the head is a very important part of the drawing. But still in second place after the graceful symmetrical bend of two swan necks. So, let's draw a triangle from the beak to the eye. We'll decorate the nose next to the beak. Let's outline the neck line.

Step four.

We already have the neck axis. Around it you need to draw the neck itself. Starting from the head and ending on the torso. At the same time, in the chest area we make a more convex bend.

Step five.

Draw the outline of the body. We start from the neck line and go along the back. Approximately in the middle of the back we make a small notch in the feathers, then smoothly go down along the oval, drawing out the angle of the wing and the tail.

Let's imagine a horizontal line from the sternum to the tail. But in reality it is not entirely straightforward.

Step six.

Let's paint the red cheeks of the swans. At all thin line Let's outline the outline of the wing. Left just a little bit.

Step seven.

Erase all auxiliary lines. Let's make the outline clearer. Now our drawing is ready. You can color it and add a landscape.

How to draw a peacock with a pencil step by step

Step one

Draw a large oval in the very center of the sheet. Let's step back up and show a small circle - the head. From the body downwards we will draw several long and curving lines.

Step two

Let's connect the head to the body. The neck should be thin at the head and gradually widen downwards. Let's draw the wing. It ends at the tail. From the head up draw a peacock feather.

To the left of the body we have a curl.

Step three

Let's draw the heads: beak, eye, flowing curls from the head. Let's fluff up the tail, adding more lines there. Let's formalize it.

There are beautiful curls on both sides of the body.

Step four

Let's turn our drawing into an original, creative one, so to speak. Let's carefully inscribe our peacock into a figure similar to a hieroglyph. Graceful lines ending in either a point or a rounded curl.

Step five

Let's shade our figure. With assertive, strong pressure from the pencil. Almost done. You can add colors and you will have a colorful peacock!

How to draw a duck with a pencil step by step

Step one

In the very center of the sheet, but at the bottom, draw a large elongated body. The shape is somewhat similar to a loaf. Above on the right side is a circle. This is the future head. The beak goes away from it. Using an oval we connect the head and body.

Step two

Let's outline the resulting figures with a single smooth line, turning into a sharp tail. In this case, the back is convex, the neck is curved, and the chest protrudes forward. Let's show the surface of the earth and the grass around our feathered guest.

Step three

Let's draw a wing. It extends slightly beyond the contour of the entire bird’s figure. Let's show the beak and eye. And in the foreground, in front of the duck, we will draw small flowers.

Step four

Let's make the eye dark, dark and bright. Let's give it an almond shape. There is a spotted cap on the head. There are small feathers all over the body. Notice how the wings and tail are drawn. Let's add even more growth around.

Step five

Left a little. Let's take soft pencil, outline the outline of the bird, select the wing. Let's decorate the grass a little with flowers. The duck is ready! True, not with apples.

How to draw a chicken with a pencil

Step one.

Draw a circle in the upper left corner. This is the future head. Place a large oval in the center of the sheet. So that it touches the chicken's head.

Let's outline the bird's beak with an auxiliary line. Let's draw the center lines of the legs.

Step two.

Now let's draw the beak. In a chicken it is very small and similar to the beak of a woodpecker, only much smaller. The line that we have already outlined should be at the bottom of the triangle.

From the beak upward we draw the line of the forehead. Then we go down the circumference of the head. And on the back of the head we will show a tiny crest. Now let’s draw a zigzag line along the entire body of the chicken to give the bird some fluffiness. (Fluffy cat in pencil) In this case, you can show individual hairs.

Let's outline the paw: it is quite massive, with claws. Step three.

On the head, as you remember, we drew an auxiliary line. We now need to draw an eye on its tip. Large, almond-shaped. We immediately paint over it, leaving a small light dot - a reflection of the light.

Next we outline the entire body of the chicken: chin, neck, wing shape, leg. In a zigzag line to create a “fluff”. Almost like a kitten.

We will draw additional lines on the chest, forehead and cheek.

Let's draw the second paw with claws. Step four.

Almost everything is ready. All that remains is to erase all unnecessary lines. Let's outline the contour brighter, and leave the lines along the body, the same ones on the chest, forehead and cheek, light. You can add a couple more of the same throughout the body. The chicken is ready, congratulations! It seems that you want to stroke it... Or paint it.

How to draw a chicken with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's draw a jug, or underpants, whatever you want to call it. This will serve well for creating a feathered bird in it.
Step two. We draw the body, correlating its upper and lower points with the corners of the jug, so that the head is on the left, the tail is on the right, and you know where the paws come from - from below.
Step three. We outline the elements of the body in more detail. There are not a lot of details here, so I won’t comment, everything is clear from the pictures.
Step four. Let's remove the auxiliary lines. There are not enough feathers.
Step five. Let's add more plumage, correct the muzzle, remove unnecessary lines, a little shadow under the legs in order to give the effect of movement. And we will add shading throughout the body.

How to draw a rook with a pencil step by step

Step one

We draw the main details of the body: head with beak, torso and tail. At this stage it is only geometric figures, located in the center of the sheet.

Step two

Let's connect the head to the body. The result is a neck. Let's mark a point - the eye. Because of the body we have two protruding wings. Let's show the paws - the legs of the rook.

Step three

We draw the head: the eye, a point on the beak. Now - the wing. It begins in the center of the oval body, following its contour. Let's continue drawing the paws with clawed toes.

Step four

Now the shading. Using large stitches we shade the neck, abdomen, farthest from the wing. On top, blend it a little. We will leave the wing and head white - untouched. So the drawing of the rook is ready!

So let's get started.

How to draw an eagle with a pencil step by step

Step one. All lines are first shown with a thin, barely noticeable line so that there is an opportunity to correct the mistake. First we draw the beak - typically eagle-like, hook-shaped and curved down, quite high.
Step two. From the beak to the side we draw the line of the head: we rise up, then go down to the neck.
Step three. From the bottom of the beak, draw down the neck and convex chest of the eagle. Let's start drawing the wing from above.

Step four. Let's show the back of the wing and paws of our predator. At the back, using a zigzag line, we will draw the plumage.

Step five. We finish drawing the wing: draw a smooth line along the chest and end it behind the wing, drawing a couple of zigzag feathers.
Step six. Let's finish with the paws: they are powerful, with very strong claws, feathered down to the toes.

Step seven. Draw the tail. It is of medium length and rounded at the back.

Step eight. Claws are a powerful and strong weapon of a predator, which it needs in hunting prey. Above the beak we will place a small, but very keen eye. Draw a line above the bottom line of the beak, repeating it.

Step nine. Our drawing is almost ready. All that remains is to remove the missing lines. You can trace the outline and color it.

Let's start drawing.

How to draw a swallow with a pencil step by step

Step one.

First, let's outline the outline of the bird. Let's start with the body: it is oblong and pointed on both sides. The tit's belly is more rounded, and its back, on the contrary, is straighter.

Now we draw the outline of the wings. Please note that they are not completely symmetrical, but at an angle. One shoulder is slightly ahead of the other, because our swallow is now soaring in the air and we see it from one side. Step two.

Inside the outline we will show the bird's head. It is small, with a small sharp beak. We'll show you round eye. Next - the neck and a sharp transition from the neck to the wings. On the lower part of the wing we will show jagged feathers.

Let's denote the tail. Step three.

At this stage, we will erase all the auxiliary lines, outline the outline with a thick line and show the details. Let's draw a stripe from the beak, a pattern on the head and a spot on the chest. Let's draw feathers on the wings. Let's draw the tail more clearly, leaving long tail feathers along the edges. There are paws on the tummy. Step four.

Let's color our little bird. I recommend using either colored pencils or watercolors to show the color transition. Just not with felt-tip pens. And before adding color, you need to carefully look at the color of the bird in photographs and pictures.

Tits are the birds of our childhood: fidgety, very active, and also winter birds. Because most often they were the ones who flew to our feeders under the windows! We sat and waited for something tasty, some kind of delicacy to be served. And we fed them with pleasure. And they were grateful to us for helping us survive the harsh winter.

More difficult - from life

Tits could be found in parks, gardens, and squares. There were feeders in the trees where birds flocked. There, if you wish, you could write from life if the question came to your mind: “How to draw a tit?” But it was quite difficult to do this, because it was cold and the bird itself was fidgety. In short, you won't accelerate much.

Now there are many manuals and guides on how to draw a tit, or any bird in general. You just need to carefully study the photographs and instructions - and get to work, to the delight of yourself and your children!

Easier - step by step

The tit is a bird with very beautiful and bright colors. The abdomen is bright yellow with a black stripe, somewhat reminiscent of a tie. The cheeks are white. The top of the head and neck are black. The wings have a bluish tint. Such bright colors It's hard not to notice, they really attract attention. When thinking about how to draw a tit, you need to take this feature into account.

If you don't have the opportunity to draw from life, you can always draw a bird using our lessons! So let's begin!

How to draw a tit in stages with a pencil

Step-by-step instruction

How to draw a tit in stages? Very simple! Here our sketch is ready. Let's start drawing the details and shading the picture.

First step. Mentally mark the top of the bird’s head. From there, carefully draw a pencil to the left and down. Let's focus on the beak. We draw it carefully.

Second step. Under the beak we will show the neck of the tit - with short strokes, creating the effect of plumage. Next we move to the chest, which protrudes slightly forward relative to the neck. We gradually round off the contour and move on to the abdomen. We return back to the top of the head, draw a line to the right and down to the neck. It can be drawn intermittently.

At chest level - slightly convex - we will make a bend to the right. We go down again, continuing to draw the contours of the body. Just below the thoracic level we will show a broken line - this is the wing. It will be divided approximately in half by a vertical line in accordance with the color of the tit.

Third step. Let's draw a black bead-eye. We draw a contour under it, starting from the beak. This is a cheek. We leave it unpainted and white. Pressing the pencil firmly, we shade a black stripe around the neck—the collar. From there we draw a tie down, closer to the abdomen. Leave the crown light and unpainted. This will create a glitter effect. We shade the areas under the beak and above the cheek as if along the plumage to make it more realistic. We continue to hatch the wing in the same way, only along the tail, but larger. We draw the legs and the branch on which the bird is sitting. Let's add some more shading. Our drawing is almost finished. We remove unnecessary lines. Now you know how to draw a tit with a pencil!

To all of the above, we can add that in the same way you can try to depict a woodpecker, swan, duck, chicken with a pencil - only the proportions of the figures will be slightly different. The swan has a longer neck, the woodpecker has a beak.

Coloring with paints

Returning to the question of how to draw a tit, it should be noted that it will work best if you paint it, for example, with gouache or watercolor. To do this, look carefully at the bird in nature or in photographs. How does she look? What colors are best to use? The blue-green-yellow color scheme is suitable. Of course you will need black and white colors. Perhaps a little red for the beak and paws. Start coloring the bird step by step. But first, make an accurate sketch (see above). Do everything as for but do not draw the details and do not shade the outline too much. Fill the sketch with paint and remove any excess lines with an eraser. To make it more realistic, look at the photo, which shows a bird in color. Draw a twig brown paint. Possibly green leaf. Choose the background of the picture to match the primary colors. It is unacceptable, for example, to put pink or dark purple, although this is a matter of taste. Now you know how to draw a tit different ways- both pencil and paints. Happy work!

Hello, fellow readers of the blog site!

Let's draw a titmouse. But first, let’s think: why did the choice fall on her? Surely for good reason. On the one hand, tits have a hard time in winter, like many other small and large birds. Our choice may be partially justified by this consideration. On the other hand, the titmouse is a common and very characteristic bird. Anyone who has ever seen a tit will never confuse it with anyone else.

Here I offer you quite interesting thought: It’s easier and more enjoyable to draw something very typical, characteristic. I’m not sure it’s really possible to draw a fin whale and a puking whale so that they can be identified, but draw a sperm whale and a fin whale and everyone will understand who is who. It's the same here. If we set out to depict a titmouse specifically (and not a bird in general), then anyone, looking at our picture, will exclaim: oh, that’s a titmouse! Thus, we WILL ACHIEVE THE GOAL, and this is a lot! To achieve your goal, you need to imagine what the result will look like. How does the tit differ from urban birds of similar size and partly in lifestyle, the sparrow, wagtail and bullfinch?

Color is the first thing that comes to mind. But not only. Pay attention to how powerful the tit’s body is: noticeably more massive than that of a sparrow and even more so a wagtail. There is almost no neck, the head is large, the legs and tail are not too long. In winter, the chest of a titmouse is always fluffed up, probably for warmth, and it itself is all gathered into a ball, sitting on a maple branch. So we will draw it. The titmouse sits on a branch and waits for us to put lard in the feeder attached to the windowsill. In our yard there is a whole flock of tits, they got into the habit of sitting under our window, they are waiting for fat from us, and we, in turn, are accustomed to watching them. I’ll say right away that we’ll draw the bird, of course, right along with the twig, and the ends of the twig (as in our picture) will go out of frame: by this we will show that we are faithful to the principle of reality and the branch is real and not imaginary. So let's move on to the lesson - how to draw a titmouse.

Drawing a titmouse step by step - lesson 1

The bird is located at three quarters in relation to the observer. Of course, the most important thing is her powerful torso and her sore head drawn into her shoulders from the cold. Pay attention to the head-back-tail line, it is not entirely straight, the tail is slightly raised relative to the back, the head is separated from the back by a small notch. The beak is small and straight. The forehead can be said to be generally convex. The chest is so fluffy that it sticks out forward.

The legs are short with thin toes. They are half hidden in the fluff on the abdomen. The tail is narrow and in our picture continues the midline of the body.

Well, the bird is ready, now it’s time to give it the characteristics of a titmouse through coloring. Here I want to use a little trick. Describe the pattern in detail and color scheme I won’t: look at our titmouse, look at the titmouse on your windowsill and get an accurate and realistic idea of ​​its coloring. Just color it and you’ll train your powers of observation.

If you wish, you can give a verbal description of this coloring yourself. In the meantime, I’ll go watch the titmice on our maple tree in the yard, or, perhaps, prepare some lard for them.

Evgeniy Novikov told you how to draw a titmouse.

Let's draw a tit - lesson 2

Let's start with a pencil sketch:

The body is dense, teardrop-shaped, the head is large, the neck is not pronounced:

Today we will draw a small sketch of tits on tinted sketch paper. Drawing on toned paper may be easier for some people because... the background is not white and the drawn object on it already has some depth of tone.
These are the titmice we will draw:

To draw, we need sketch paper, watercolor or colored pencils (white, yellow, olive, blue-gray, black), a pencil and an eraser. First thing with a simple pencil Let's make a sketch of tits, which we will place next to each other (you can choose your location). Try not to use here aids. The shape of the tits is quite simple, so try to draw the outline by hand.

Next we take white pencil and paint over all the white and light areas, including the chest and wings. Using a yellow pencil, we go over the back and chest, trying to convey the small feathers. Next, on the back and bottom of the abdomen, add a slightly olive color.

Take a blue-gray pencil (you can just use blue, but use a thin layer). We go through the feathers on the tail and wings, as well as a little along the back and abdomen. Lightly draw the contours of the legs.

Well, at the final stage, take a black pencil and paint over all the dark areas, feathers on the wings, eyes, beak and details on the legs. As you can see, the details here are not drawn as diligently as I did in many previous tutorials. However, despite this, we managed to convey the image of a tit on paper.