How many years has the transmission of Field of Miracles been going on? Field of Miracles Games

  • 14.04.2019

Today, October 25th, one of the most popular programs on Russian television- "Field of Dreams".

On October 25, 1990, the television program was broadcast for the first time "Field of Dreams"– just like today, the capital show was released on the “first button”. The authors of the program were Vladislav Listyev, who from the beginning until his death played the game, and Alexey Murmulev. The first director of the project was Ivan Demidov. The program is produced by the television company "VID" to this day.

The TV game “Field of Miracles” is the Russian analogue of the American television program "Wheel of Fortune". Vladislav Listyev took the name for the capital show from a fairy tale Alexei Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio."

Today the permanent presenter of “Field of Miracles” is Leonid Yakubovich, who has held this post since November 1, 1991, becoming one of the symbols of the project. Thus, Leonid Yakubovich’s phrases at the “Field of Miracles” game: “Prize to the studio!” or “The main prize is a car” have become popular, as has the recognizable manner of pronouncing them - stretching out the consonants and deliberately solemnly. The presenter also has assistants, for example, girls who open letters on the scoreboard, whose names viewers do not know.


The rules of the game are very simple: three people participate in three rounds each, the winners of the rounds compete in final game, and its winner, if he wins the super game, receives Grand Prize. It’s very simple to become a participant in the “Field of Miracles” game: to do this, you need to send some original crossword puzzle to the editor of the program. The game is played by both adults and children, firefighters, milkmaids, police officers, teachers, war veterans, artists - everyone who knows Russian letters and words.

Watch “Field of Miracles” on Channel One every Friday at 20:00


  • In 1992, when the program was already hosted by Yakubovich, in one of the episodes, when the game with the audience was about to begin, Vlad Listyev appeared with a message about the theft of the film. This is the only program in which only the first, second and third rounds were recorded.
  • On January 6, 2009, a record was set: the participant scored 13,654 points, and she won the super game.
  • On May 8, 2015, in a special episode dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Second World War, the player scored 0 points, but Yakubovich gave him 9000 points. The participant took all the prizes in the price list, agreed to play a super game and won a car by guessing all three words.
  • In one of the 1992 episodes, a participant won a super game by naming the letter O from the possible letters. As a result, the word OOOO was revealed - Gogol’s first pseudonym.
  • Interestingly, the recording of one episode of "Field of Dreams", which lasts 52 minutes, usually lasts more than three hours. During one shooting day, several “Field of Miracles” programs are usually filmed.
  • “Field of Miracles” received two statuettes “ "- in 1995 in the nomination “Best Host of an Entertainment Program” and in 1999 – in the nomination “Host of an Entertainment Program”.
  • In 2015, for the 25th anniversary of the television program, it was filmed documentary"There is such a letter", which was shown on October 25, 2015.


The “Field of Miracles” capital show gift museum was created in 2001, but its idea was conceived back in the early 1990s. In the museum you can find the first “Field of Miracles” box, costumes worn by Yakubovich, numerous portraits of Yakubovich and much more. The museum is located in the pavilion "Central" All-Russian exhibition center. You can touch most of the exhibits with your hands, you are allowed to take photographs and try on costumes. Over the 26 years of the television project, the Field of Miracles museum has accumulated several thousand exhibits.


Players from all over Russia and neighboring countries take part in the filming. To become a participant, you first need to register on the program website and also fill out questionnaire .

All these years, “Field of Miracles” remains one of the most beloved spectacles of Russians, invariably earning high ratings. The game comes out at a very favorable time for rotation - prime time, Friday evening. Despite the fact that today the project is becoming the butt of jokes among Internet users, “Field of Miracles” continues its story on the pages of television, proving that the project is still interesting to the public.

In the early nineties, viewers, not yet spoiled by the variety of television programs, young and old sat in front of their screens on Friday evenings to watch a program in which the most ordinary people from Russian cities and villages competed in intelligence and erudition, spinning the drum, spelling out the hidden word and taking home the joy of winning or the bitterness of defeat. How old is “Field of Miracles,” a program that has been on television for generations? And could its creators have imagined that it would stay on the air for so long and continue to be at the top of the ratings even after the appearance of new, more popular TV shows?

Making a game show

So how old is “Field of Miracles,” a program familiar to us since childhood? This TV show was first released in 1990, or more precisely on October 26th. It is on this day, Friday, at 20.00, that one of the longest and most popular TV games begins. The young, talented and ambitious Vladislav Listyev, together with Anatoly Lysenko, who was then the head of the youth editorial office of Central Television, revised and adapted the script for the American game “Wheel of Fortune,” invented and embodied by Merv Griffin. One of the main differences was that Wheel of Fortune had several presenters, while Field of Dreams had only one. Listyev himself became it. Having conceived and realized “Field of Miracles,” he enthusiastically carried out the first issue himself. And this enthusiasm was enough for a year. Despite the fact that the popularity of the show was very high and the interest of the audience only grew over time, Listyev wanted to expand his horizons. Therefore, he set out to implement new projects, handing over the reins to Leonid Yakubovich.

The essence of the game is quite simple: there are three trios of players playing in turns, then the winners from each trio play among themselves, and then a super game follows, which the finalist has the right to refuse and take the prizes or play it and also receive a super prize. Each player spins the now famous black and white reel and, depending on the value rolled, either guesses the letter or the move moves on. There are, of course, a lot of exceptions - this is the “Prize” sector, and the “Zero” sector, and “Bankrupt”, and two boxes for three correctly guessed letters... But the main essence of the game is to guess the word before your rivals. During the process, the players express themselves as best they can - they say hello to their relatives, perform dance or circus acts, sing, recite poems and, of course, give gifts to the presenter. Gifts from players are one of the main traditions of the game. Souvenirs can be anything, but it is desirable that they have the flavor of the area where the guest came from, or that they be made or prepared with your own hands. All gifts are sent to the Capital Show Museum.

First presenter - Vlad Listyev

The creator of the game show also became its first presenter. Vladislav Listyev was born in Moscow in 1956. He was a talented journalist, presenter, and entrepreneur with business acumen. He was one of those who stood at the origins of the creation of the VID television company, whose emblem, appearing on the screen, often frightened children. Listyev remained the host of his brainchild for only a short time, from 1990 to 1991. At that time he was already known thanks to the socio-political program “Vzglyad”, and after “Field of Miracles” he went to conquer new heights. He created such programs as “Theme” and “Rush Hour”, he was successful, popular and loved by the audience. He was often invited to KVN as a member of the jury. Then came the peak of his career at the VID television company - he became its president. And again he decided to go further, in 1995 he was appointed to the post general director ORT channel. And just a month after the appointment, on March 1, 1995, a tragedy occurred - Vladislav Listyev was killed.

Second and permanent presenter - Leonid Yakubovich

Almost as old as “Field of Miracles” is, it has been led by the cheerful Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich. He became the host of the capital show after Listyev left him. According to the presenter himself, he was very worried when he came to the casting for “Field of Miracles.” He spent the first graduation very nervous and was sure that he would not be accepted. However, they took it, and it was he who led the program to success and popular love. And some of Yakubovich’s phrases even became catchphrases, for example, “And now there’s a commercial break!” Leonid Arkadyevich is happily married and has a daughter, Varvara. A favorite child- the program “Field of Miracles” has been delighting viewers for 25 years. Yes, in 2015 the TV game celebrated its anniversary - a quarter of a century on screens!

In the archives of the game you can find many interesting and unusual moments. For example, not all filming was in the studio. The hundredth anniversary edition of the show took place at the circus arena on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. And one of the Christmas episodes is in Spain. There was also a super final on board an ocean liner. And the participants were not always ordinary. They made games with the participation of celebrities, with puppets in the place of the players, there was a program with four presenters and even an episode stylized as Africa - all the spectators in the hall were Africans.

Museum of Capital Show "Field of Miracles"

How old is the “Field of Miracles”, the same age is the museum. The museum was not initially planned as part of the show, but people brought and brought gifts to the presenter... Then they organized an exhibition of these gifts in the lobby of the television studio, but during the existence of the TV game their number increased incredibly. After all, since what year has “Field of Miracles” been on? Since 1990! Over so many years, a whole mountain of gifts has accumulated there. As a result, in 2002 it was decided to create permanent exhibition museum at the All-Russian Exhibition Center. The Fields of Miracles museum is now located there.

Domestic version of the American program “Wheel of Fortune”

For more than 20 years of existence of the “Field of Miracles” program, it has turned into a popular program. And now it’s hard to imagine that this is just a domestic version of the American show Wheel of Fortune, that is, “Wheel of Fortune.” “Field of Miracles” was “born” in a hotel room. In the book “Vlad Listyev. Biased Requiem” describes that Vladislav Listyev and Anatoly Lysenko “while watching an episode of the American program Wheel of Fortune in a hotel room, they created a capital show.” The creators borrowed the name from the fairy tale by Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio.”

The prototype of "Field of Dreams" - the American show "Wheel of Fortune" - first aired on January 6, 1975 at 10:30 am on NBC. In August 1980, it was announced that the program would be taken off the air. But subsequently, the channel’s management decided to keep the program on the air and cut David Letterman’s show from 90 to 60 minutes for this purpose. "Wheel of Fortune" is one of the most rating shows throughout the history of American television.

19 seasons

None of the existing TV series has ever dreamed of such creative “longevity”! But that’s exactly how many seasons – 19 – “Field of Miracles” had over its more than 20-year history.

Leonid Yakubovich on film set show "Field of Miracles", 1992 F from: ITAR-TASS

The studio changed 5 times

On October 25, 1990, the first episode of the TV game “Field of Miracles” with host Vlad Listyev took place in a dark blue studio with a drum of a simple, unpretentious shape, with external handles like hooks and with arrows indicating sectors, a scoreboard with black letters. A year later, in 1991, the studio underwent its first change: the inscription “Field of Miracles” appeared on the wall, and the letters on the scoreboard became blue. Two years later, in 1993, the drum became smaller and gained a compass-like arrow, as well as several vertical handles. The number of maximum points a participant could score increased to 750. Among other things, the music has changed. The studio existed in this form for another two years. In 1995, when the screensavers and logo of Channel One changed, the scenery of the show “Field of Miracles” also acquired the new kind: the stairs along which the participants were descending began to glow, televisions appeared on the steps, where a spinning drum was broadcast, the music changed again. The studio existed in this form for 6 years until 2001, when the “Field of Miracles” show completely changed its image. Naturally, the studio could not help but change. It was improved, modernized, and a new drum with a plasma screen was installed, on which the progress of the arrow was broadcast. Finally, last changes touched the studio 8 years ago, in 2005, when they changed the drum and music. From then until now, the design of the studio has not been changed.

Studio in 2007 F photo: Russian Look

The presenter changed only once

Despite 19 seasons and more than 20 years of history, the host of “Field of Miracles” changed only once, and this happened exactly a year after the premiere of the program. Then Vlad Listyev passed the “baton” to Leonid Yakubovchiu, who has been permanent since then, which means that for 22 years now.

The TV quiz show celebrates its anniversaries in... the circus

This has already become a good tradition. Thus, the 100th anniversary episode of the show “Field of Miracles” was filmed on September 29, 1992 at the Moscow Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. On air festive program came out on October 23. The TV quiz show also celebrated its 20th anniversary at the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Surprisingly, but true: the 20th anniversary of “Field of Miracles” coincided with the 130th anniversary of the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Actually, that’s why the management chose this place when choosing a place for holding celebrations.

Vladislav Listyev, Klara Novikova and Leonid Yakubovich on the set of the 100th episode of the show “Field of Miracles” (09/29/1992) Photo: ITAR-TASS

“Field of Miracles” marked on the world map

“Field of Miracles” has several off-site releases. The first one, which was on the theme of Spain, was filmed in Barcelona. It aired on December 25, 1992. The second “on-site” release was on April 23, 1993. It was filmed on the ship Shota Rustaveli, which set off on its first cruise in March 1993. Mediterranean Sea. The third was the Kyiv issue. It was filmed in the capital of Ukraine. It aired on December 16, 1994. There was another supposedly African episode, “Field of Dreams,” which aired on March 31, 2000. The point was that Leonid Yakubovich led him from Africa. In fact, the program was filmed in its own studio, it was simply rearranged in an African style, and the inhabitants of Africa were played by ordinary RUDN students.

Alla Pugacheva saw off Vladislav Listyev

Diva national stage participated in the “Field of Miracles” program twice. First appeared in the latest episode, hosted by Vladislav Listyev. This program was broadcast on October 25, 1991. Actually, on the birthday of “Field of Miracles”. For the second time, Pugacheva took part in the festive edition of “Field of Miracles” dedicated to International Women’s Day. It aired on March 7, 1997.

Elena Malysheva left “Field of Miracles” in a mink coat

During its existence, the “Field of Miracles” show presented a great many prizes to its participants. By the way, the stars also got it. So, who participated in the 1000th anniversary episode of the program, won it and won a mink coat and a week’s vacation in Venice.

The gifts given to Yakubovich by the show participants can not only be seen, but also touched

The museum of the capital show "Half of Miracles", which is constantly mentioned on air and where Leonid Yakubovich sends all the gifts brought to him, really exists. It is located in the Central pavilion of the All-Russian Exhibition Center and has existed for 12 years. There you can find the first “Field of Miracles” box, all the costumes that Yakubovich tried on on air, numerous portraits of the presenter and much more. It is noteworthy that the main part of the exhibits can be touched, photographed and even tried on.

Museum of Capital Show "Field of Miracles" Photo: Sergey Danilchev

On October 26, 2015, the TV game “Field of Miracles” will celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary on Russian television. On this occasion, “Old TV” recalled the 10 most unusual episodes of the program.

The first issue of "Field of Miracles". 1990

The very first program “Field of Miracles” aired on Soviet television in 1990. The host of the TV game was Vladislav Listyev, who became famous in the super-popular socio-political “Vzglyad”, who adapted the Western show “Wheel of Fortune” together with the head of the youth editorial office of Central Television, Anatoly Lysenko.

One of the first domestic TV games (before “Fields...” there was only “What? Where? When?”) gives participants the opportunity to win frying pans, jeans and simple household appliances. An incredibly interesting attraction for a country where at first everything was in short supply and then became too expensive, it instantly attracts the attention of a huge television audience.

Field of Miracles (USSR Central Television, 10/26/1990) First issue

The last surviving episode of “Field of Miracles” with Vladislav Listyev as the presenter. 1991

Listyev quickly gets bored with hosting the TV game and decides to leave “Field of Miracles.” The game celebrates its first birthday in the company of “stars” of Russian cinema.

Unfortunately, latest issue with the participation of the presenter-Listyev has not yet been found. According to some sources, the program aired on November 15, 1991. It was then that Vladislav Listyev announced his retirement from the TV quiz show. On November 22, Listyev handed over “Field of Miracles” to Yakubovich, who conducted the program. In this episode, Listyev, as a farewell, played only a super game.

Field of Miracles (USSR Central Television, 10/25/1991) The last surviving episode with Vladislav Listyev as the presenter

The hundredth issue of “Field of Miracles”. 1992

“Field of Miracles” holds its hundredth edition not in the usual studio, but in the circus arena. At the end of the game, a heartbreaking drama occurs: during the super game, a participant who already knows the answer is shouted out from the audience. Presenter Leonid Yakubovich decides to replace the question. They say that in the 90s there was chaos and lawlessness, but the rules in the game shows were strictly followed.

Field of Miracles (Ostankino Channel 1, 10/23/1992) The hundredth episode filmed at the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard in Moscow

Release of "Field of Miracles" in Spain. 1992

The next “away” episode of the game show was filmed in Barcelona, ​​Spain, and shown on Christmas Day. In addition to the film crew, participants from Russia who won a crossword puzzle competition on a Spanish theme are brought to Spain.

Field of Miracles (Ostankino channel 1, 12/25/1992) “Away” release of the game in Spain

"Field of Miracles" on a boat. 1993

In 1993, the TV game held a super final on the ship Shota Rustaveli, which went on a cruise in the Mediterranean Sea. Interesting fact: Customs did not allow the filming organizers to take money and prizes out of the country, so they were replaced with checks and “prize signs.”

Field of Miracles (Ostankino channel 1, 04/23/1993) Outdoor release of the game on a boat

“Field of Miracles” with dolls of politicians. 1996

On the eve of the Russian presidential elections, an extremely unusual episode of the game show was aired, in which the participants were replaced by rag copies of Russian politicians, borrowed from the NTV satirical show “Dolls.” The program, in essence, was an election campaign video.

Field of Miracles (ORT, 06/14/1996) "Field of Miracles" with dolls of politicians

African edition "Field of Miracles". year 2000

One of the craziest episodes of the game show was filmed in 2000. It was stated that “Field of Miracles” came to Africa for filming. For believability, the presenter was dressed in a sleeveless suit and the participants and spectators were selected in the hall, exclusively, with dark color skin.

As it turned out, the spectators and players were RUDN students, and the filming took place in an ordinary studio, but with thematic decorations. Gifts for Yakubovich looked especially funny, like a bag of diamonds and a suitcase full of hundred-dollar bills.

Field of Miracles (ORT, 03/31/2000) Release of a TV game with Africans

New Year's episode "Field of Miracles" with four presenters. 2002

There has never been more than one presenter in “Field of Miracles,” but this time there were four at once: the usual Leonid Yakubovich, Maria Kiseleva, Valdis Pelsh and Maxim Galkin.

Field of Miracles (Channel One, 12/30/2002) Issue with four presenters: Yakubovich, Kiseleva, Pelsh and Galkin

The thousandth issue of “Field of Miracles”. year 2009

In 2009, the thousandth episode of the program was aired. Unfortunately, by this time “Field of Miracles” had turned from a game show with strict rules into an ordinary one. fun show for a female audience. In the final, Elena Malysheva left the studio wearing a mink coat, having won the super game.

Field of Miracles (Channel One, 12/13/2009) Thousandth episode

Issue-concert 20 years “Field of Miracles”. 2010

“Field of Miracles” celebrated its twentieth anniversary in the circus arena. Special issue became more of a concert than a game, but they still managed to raffle off the car.

Field of Miracles (Channel One, 11/03/2010) Concert release for the 20th anniversary of the program

The game takes place in three rounds, each of which involves 3 players.
Leadingthinks of a word(rarely a phrase) indicated on the scoreboard, and during the game gives guiding hints for the participants.

In the early 1990s, there was an “insurance” that consisted of the following: participants named an “accident” (for example: falling out of the “Bankrupt” sector twice in a row, no one was named correct letter, the move didn’t come at all, etc.), and if something happened to the participant that he was “insurable” against, he received a cash prize. In these years, each of the top three, finals and super games was held for the first time in a TV game by independent companies.

Players take turns spinning the reel. Sectors with different number points that the player will receive if he guesses the letter or special sectors:

  • Prize (P)- the player can choose: to continue the game or drop out of it, but receive a prize hidden in a black box. The host bargains with the player for a prize, which can be any item (from car keys, a TV, a player, a check for $10,000 to a pumpkin, an onion, a toy car, slippers). Also, instead of a black box, you can take a cash prize (the player chooses the amount himself). If the player refuses the prize, then it is considered that the player got a sector with 2000 points.
  • Plus (+)- the player can open any letter in the account (if this letter appears several times, then all of them are opened).
  • Chance (Sh)- the player can call the phone (the number is given by a random viewer in the studio) to get an answer or a hint. If the person at the other end of the line answers correctly, they will send him a prize. If a player refuses this sector, it is considered that he got a sector with 1500 points. Currently, the “Chance” sector is displayed on the reel with the image of a telephone.
  • Key- the player is given 6 keys, one of which is for the car. The player selects one of these keys and tries to open the car door with its help. If the key fits, the player takes the car, if not, he continues to play. Moreover, you can refuse this sector, and then the presenter offers 2000 points for the guessed letter. But if a player uses a sector and chooses the wrong key, then the turn goes to another player. Next, the assistant comes up and shows that there really is a key to the car. Currently, the “Key” sector is displayed on the reel with the image of a key.
  • Bankrupt (B)- the points scored by the player are burned, and the turn passes to the next player. If the “Bankrupt” sector appears twice, the player is given an incentive prize.
  • Zero (0)- the points scored do not expire, but the move is transferred to another player.
  • x2- the player’s points are doubled if he names the letter correctly (if there are two letters, then it is tripled, if there are three, it is multiplied by 4, etc.)

Unused and temporary sectors:

  • At the end of 1991, the drum used a sector Fant (F), the player fulfilled the leader's wishes.
  • Since February 1992 there was a sector Alternative (A), the player was given a word of 6 letters, the player rolled the dice 6 times, the number that came up meant the letter in the account that should open, and after that the player had to name the word in order to play further. If he did not say this word, the move was passed to the next player.
  • IN new year time sector was used New Year with a snowflake on the drum.
  • Also from 1993 to 2001 there was a sector Capital (K)(before the monetary denomination in 1998 it was called Million (M)), when the player was given two bags: one with bagels, the other with money, and he chose the one that, as he believed, contained three million rubles (after denomination - three thousand rubles). If a player chose a bag with bagels, then he took the bagels and the turn passed from him to another player, if a bag with money, then he took the money, and he still had the right to move, while the participant could name any letter.
  • In 1998-2001 the sector was used Scoreboard (T), the player opened special squares on the scoreboard, hoping to find a prize.
  • In December 2002, a competition was held “ Good friends" Within a month, the program received letters in which viewers told what their loved ones dreamed of. On December 30, 2002, in the New Year's episode aired, letters from viewers were read by the presenters entertainment programs Channel One Maria Kiseleva (“Weak Link”), Maxim Galkin (“Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”), Valdis Pelsh (“Lord of Taste”, “Russian Roulette”), Leonid Yakubovich (“Field of Miracles”).
  • Sometimes there are also sectors from sponsors, and when they appear, prizes are awarded. From December 1995 to 1997, the sector " Unistroy", to be able to get new apartment, and in the thousandth issue, released on December 30, 2009, there was a sector “ Nescafe"- new sponsor of the program. In several issues there was a sector “ One hundred beauty recipes" In the issue dated November 23, 2012, there was a sector “ Continent" The main prize was a TV.
  • In the issue dated March 7, 2013, there was a holiday sector " March 8", and the participant received a prize.
  • Since October 4, 2013, there has been a sponsorship sector " NanoPlast" The move remained with the participant, and he received a prize. Also, sometimes the presenter gives a patch to elderly people.
  • In one of the 2014 issues there was a sector “ Pyaterochka" Also in this issue we celebrated the birthday of the Pyaterochka store.
  • 25 . If the player got this sector, he was awarded 25,000 rubles.
  • On October 30, 2015, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the program, there was a sector 1990 . If the player got this sector, he was given a food set made in 1990.
  • On October 30, 2015, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the program, there was a sector 2015 . If the player got this sector, he was given a modern food set.

Next, the player names a letter of the Russian alphabet, which he believes is present in the hidden word. If there is such a letter, then it opens on the scoreboard, and the player receives the dropped number of points (if there are several such letters, all are opened, and points are awarded for each), and can spin the reel again. The letters “E” and “Ё”, “I” and “Y” are counted as one letter. If the answer is incorrect, the turn goes to the next player. The number of points is not displayed anywhere, and the amount scored by the final winner is announced by the presenter. In the early 1990s, the number of points would sometimes appear on the screen in the event of a scoring move.