The topic of the lesson is folk costume. Lesson summary "drawing Russian folk costume"

  • 06.07.2019

Ananyeva Elena Valentinovna

Teacher visual arts

GB OUSOSH No. 10, Syzran, Samara region

Fine arts lesson in 6th grade.

Lesson topic: “Russian folk costume».

Goal and tasks: teach students to love their country, know and keeper of the traditions and culture of his people

Teaching methods: Conversation, explanation of new material, demonstration of didactic material.

Equipment: board, computer, projector, screen, brushes, album, watercolor, colored pencils, illustrations.

The role of the teacher: send cognitive activity students, control, observe.

Role of students: Draw a Russian folk costume, adequately evaluate your work.

Lesson plan:

    Organizing time-3 min

    Explanation of a new topic. Conversation on the topic. Presentation show -20 min

    Physical exercise - 2 min.

    Practical work-15 minutes

    Summing up -3 min.

    Reflection -2 min.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

"Hello guys"! I mark those who are absent. I look at the class's readiness for the lesson.

    Explanation of a new topic.

The topic of our lesson is “Russian folk costume”.

Love to native land, knowledge of its history -

the basis on which alone can be carried out

growth of spiritual culture of the entire society.

Likhachev D.S.

Historical page. Today in the lesson we will go to meet our ancestors and find out what they wore. Do you know anything about this? (Presentation).

Folk costume is a priceless, integral heritage of the culture of the people, accumulated over centuries. The traditional costume, widespread throughout the vast territory inhabited by the Russian people, was quite diverse. This especially applies to women's clothing. Women's and men's clothing was made from home-made linen, hemp, wool, half-wool fabric, as well as from factory-made fabrics: silk, wool, cotton, brocade. The complex of men's everyday clothing consisted of a shirt-shirt with a slit on the left side of the chest and pants (ports). In winter, trousers made of homemade woolen fabric or woolen cloth were worn over canvas trousers. Shirts were worn untucked and belted with a narrow belt, to which, as needed, a comb, traveling knife or other small objects were attached. The festive shirt was made from thin bleached canvas and decorated with weaving and embroidery with red and black threads in a “laying” or “cross” pattern along the collar and slit on the chest, sleeve cuffs and hem. Their feet were shod in bast shoes with onuchas or boots, and in winter they wore felt boots.

Men wore cloth caftans, zipuns, and undershirts. The embroidery of the shirt along the shoulder and sleeve is dense - “set” and satin stitch; They also made a shirt with oblique inserts from calico with stripes of typesetting weaving. The waist apron-curtain made of canvas was embroidered with double-sided satin stitch and braid. The costume included a woven wool belt, chest decorations - “garusi” (for men - “gribatka”, woolen knitted stockings with colored stripes and shoes - “cats”).

In the culture of the Russian people there are differences between the South Russian and North Russian complexes women's clothing.

Northern Russian - from a shirt and sundress. The costume is decorated with embroidery, woven patterns, and printed material.

We will take a closer look at the North Russian folk costume. At first glance, the costume seems simple: a sundress, a shirt with embroidered sleeves and a headdress. The basis is a shirt, mainly white. It was sewn from straight panels of homemade linen or linen fabric. The shape of the sleeves was different: straight or tapering towards the wrist, loose or gathered. Shirts were decorated with embroidery using linen, silk, wool or gold threads. The pattern was located on the collar, shoulders, sleeves and hem. Double-sided embroidery in red, blue, and black with metallic sparkles predominated. The arrangement of the ornament on the shirts and its style are not accidental. They protect against evil spirits.

An obligatory element of the costume was an apron. It is impossible to imagine a Russian folk costume without a belt. Walking without a belt was considered indecent. Tied under the chest or under the stomach. The belts were woven or woven.

You will never see identically decorated shirts, aprons or hats. The costume is decorated with printed embroidery and woven patterns.

A woman's costume contains a lot of symbolism: for example, a woman's headdress in the form of a horn (one, two or three) carries a symbol of fertility - the fertility of animals. The belt divides the figure up and down, the top symbolizes the earth and sky, the head - the sun, a deity (highlighted in red); bottom - water, underground springs. Embroidery on peasant clothes not only decorated them and delighted those around them with the beauty of the patterns, but was also supposed to protect the one who wore these clothes from harm, from evil man. A woman has embroidered Christmas trees, which means she wishes the person prosperous and happy life, because spruce is the tree of life and goodness. Human life is constantly connected with water. Therefore, water must be treated with respect. You need to be friends with her. And the woman embroiders wavy lines on clothes, arranging them in a strictly established order, as if calling on the water element to never bring misfortune to her loved one, to help and protect him. Women's hats - “magpie” and kokoshnik. The kokoshnik was embroidered with pearls, gold threads or decorated with hanging threads of beads and cannons. Girls' headdresses were headbands and crowns. Nizhny Novgorod girls' headbands were sewn in the form of a straight strip of fabric trimmed with metallic sequins in one or several rows. The headbands are decorated with voluminous ornaments, embroidered with pearls, rhinestones, and beads. The edge of the headband is framed with patterned lace. When put on, the bandage takes the shape of a cone truncated at the top due to thick cardboard placed under the central part of the bandage. The bandage is tied with braid threaded through loops sewn from the inside

Long ribbons decorated with gold fringe are sewn to the edges. The braid was tied under the braid, and ribbons covered it. In the most elegant version of the costume, the girls tucked another ribbon, to which they pinned a silk bow of a different color, going down to the hem of the sundress.

    Physical exercise.

We were tired, we were drawing

our little hands are tired,

we'll shake it up a little

and let's start creating again.

We were tired, we were drawing

our little eyes are tired,

we'll blink a little

and we will study again.

    Practical work.

Now let's get to the practical part. We are faced with the task of drawing a Russian folk costume. But before we get to work, we need to remember the rules for constructing the human figure. I show on the board a diagram of the construction of a human figure. I monitor the work of the class.

5. Summing up. Reflection.

Analysis of children's works. Summing up. We write down our homework.

Ananyeva Elena Valentinovna

Art teacher

GB OUSOSH No. 10, Syzran, Samara region

Fine arts lesson in 6th grade.

Lesson topic: “Russian folk costume.”

Goal and tasks: teach students to love their country, know and keeper of the traditions and culture of his people

Teaching methods: Conversation, explanation of new material, demonstration of didactic material.

Equipment: board, computer, projector, screen, brushes, album, watercolor, colored pencils, illustrations.

The role of the teacher: direct the cognitive activity of students, control, observe.

Role of students: Draw a Russian folk costume, adequately evaluate your work.

Lesson plan:

    Organizational moment -3 min

    Explanation of a new topic. Conversation on the topic. Presentation show -20 min

    Physical exercise - 2 min.

    Practical work -15 min

    Summing up -3 min.

    Reflection -2 min.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

"Hello guys"! I mark those who are absent. I look at the class's readiness for the lesson.

    Explanation of a new topic.

The topic of our lesson is “Russian folk costume”.

Love for the native land, knowledge of its history -

the basis on which alone can be carried out

growth of spiritual culture of the entire society.

Likhachev D.S.

Historical page. Today in the lesson we will go to meet our ancestors and find out what they wore. Do you know anything about this? (Presentation).

Folk costume is a priceless, integral heritage of the culture of the people, accumulated over centuries. The traditional costume, widespread throughout the vast territory inhabited by the Russian people, was quite diverse. This especially applies to women's clothing. Women's and men's clothing was made from home-made linen, hemp, wool, half-wool fabric, as well as from factory-made fabrics: silk, wool, cotton, brocade. The complex of men's everyday clothing consisted of a shirt-shirt with a slit on the left side of the chest and pants (ports). In winter, trousers made of homemade woolen fabric or woolen cloth were worn over canvas trousers. Shirts were worn untucked and belted with a narrow belt, to which, as needed, a comb, traveling knife or other small objects were attached. The festive shirt was made from thin bleached canvas and decorated with weaving and embroidery with red and black threads in “laying” or “cross” along the collar and slit on the chest, sleeve cuffs and hem. Their feet were shod in bast shoes with onuchas or boots, and in winter they wore felt boots.

Men wore cloth caftans, zipuns, and undershirts. The embroidery of the shirt along the shoulder and sleeve is dense - “set” and satin stitch; They also made a shirt with oblique inserts from calico with stripes of typesetting weaving. The waist apron-curtain made of canvas was embroidered with double-sided satin stitch and braid. The costume included a woven wool belt, chest decorations - “garusi” (for men - “gribatka”, woolen knitted stockings with colored stripes and shoes - “cats”).

In the culture of the Russian people, there are differences between the South Russian and North Russian complexes of women's clothing.

Northern Russian - from a shirt and sundress. The costume is decorated with embroidery, woven patterns, and printed material.

We will take a closer look at the North Russian folk costume. At first glance, the costume seems simple: a sundress, a shirt with embroidered sleeves and a headdress. The basis is a shirt, mostly white. It was sewn from straight panels of homemade linen or linen fabric. The shape of the sleeves was different: straight or tapering towards the wrist, loose or gathered. Shirts were decorated with embroidery using linen, silk, wool or gold threads. The pattern was located on the collar, shoulders, sleeves and hem. Double-sided embroidery in red, blue, and black with metallic sparkles predominated. The arrangement of the ornament on the shirts and its style are not accidental. They protect against evil spirits.

An obligatory element of the costume was an apron. It is impossible to imagine a Russian folk costume without a belt. Walking without a belt was considered indecent. Tied under the chest or under the stomach. The belts were woven or woven.

You will never see identically decorated shirts, aprons or hats. The costume is decorated with printed embroidery and woven patterns.

A woman's costume contains a lot of symbolism: for example, a woman's headdress in the form of a horn (one, two or three) carries a symbol of fertility - the fertility of animals. The belt divides the figure up and down, the top symbolizes the earth and sky, the head - the sun, a deity (highlighted in red); bottom - water, underground sources. Embroidery on peasant clothes not only decorated them and delighted those around them with the beauty of the patterns, but was also supposed to protect the one who wore these clothes from harm, from an evil person. If a woman embroidered a Christmas tree, it means she wishes the person a prosperous and happy life, because a spruce is a tree of life and goodness. Human life is constantly connected with water. Therefore, water must be treated with respect. You need to be friends with her. And the woman embroiders wavy lines on clothes, arranging them in a strictly established order, as if calling on the water element to never bring misfortune to her loved one, to help and protect him. Women's hats - “magpie” and kokoshnik. The kokoshnik was embroidered with pearls, gold threads or decorated with hanging threads of beads and cannons. Girls' headdresses were headbands and crowns. Nizhny Novgorod girls' headbands were sewn in the form of a straight strip of fabric trimmed with metallic sequins in one or several rows. The headbands are decorated with voluminous ornaments, embroidered with pearls, rhinestones, and beads. The edge of the headband is framed with patterned lace. When put on, the bandage takes the shape of a cone truncated at the top due to thick cardboard placed under the central part of the bandage. The bandage is tied with braid threaded through loops sewn from the inside

Long ribbons decorated with gold fringe are sewn to the edges. The braid was tied under the braid, and ribbons covered it. In the most elegant version of the costume, the girls tucked another ribbon, to which they pinned a silk bow of a different color, going down to the hem of the sundress.

    Physical exercise.

We were tired, we were drawing

our little hands are tired,

we'll shake it up a little

and let's start creating again.

We were tired, we were drawing

our little eyes are tired,

we'll blink a little

and we will study again.

    Practical work.

Now let's get to the practical part. We are faced with the task of drawing a Russian folk costume. But before we get to work, we need to remember the rules for constructing the human figure. I show on the board a diagram of the construction of a human figure. I monitor the work of the class.

5. Summing up. Reflection.

Analysis of children's works. Summing up. We write down our homework.

Lesson summary on fine arts

Topic: Drawing Russian folk costume.

Nevsky district of St. Petersburg

Target :

Educational: the history of the creation of the costume, elements of Russian clothing, symbols and images in the embroidery of the costume.

Educational: pride in the Russian talented people who created such a powerful folk culture, the guys are obliged to know the traditions and culture of their people.

Developmental: based on the knowledge gained, the children work independently to create their own costume.

Equipment and resources: computer, presentation, photo of folk costumes.

Interdisciplinary connections in the lesson: history, geography, technology.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

Greetings. Self-determination for activity. Motivation to study.

Guys! Let's greet each other. Let's wish each other good luck and creativity in class.

Today we have a meeting of two subjects - fine arts and technology.

    Conversation and work with the presentation.

What was it like, the Russian national costume?

An important "peahen", a "dove of soul"
This has long been a name for a girl.
Girls' hands in labor and care
From an early age we got used to work:
Weaved and spun, knitted and sewed,
They sowed, reaped and kneaded the dough.

By clothing it was possible to determine which province this person was from (Tambov, Voronezh, Oryol, Kursk, Ryazan, Smolensk).

Headdresses and the upper part of the costume are associated with the image of the sky, so in the patterns of this part of the clothing they turned to the sun, stars, and birds. Ribbons hanging from hats symbolize rain. The patterns and embroideries are dominated by the image of fertile land. The pattern was depicted from stylized plants, flowers, and branches.

Women's clothing consisted of:

Shirt - the basis of women's folk costume, which was sewn from white linen or hemp fabric. It was decorated with embroidery, especially on the collar, shoulders, chest and hem, which protected the woman from the “evil eye”.

Sundress – worn over a shirt, decorated with a patterned stripe, braid, and lace on the front and bottom.

Dushegrea - a short flared blouse without sleeves, made of brocade fabric.

Poneva – homespun plaid skirt decorated with ribbons and braid. An apron decorated with images of earth and water was included with the poneva. He protected his stomach.

III. Practical work.

Class type: combined.

Form: lesson-conversation, excursion into history.

Target:developing students' interest in historical heritage our Motherland.


  1. Introduce students to Russian folk costume, the concept of “ensemble,” and the meaning of color in clothing.

  2. To develop students' skills and abilities when using various types techniques at work.

  3. Create conditions for creative work and development of artistic taste, fantasy and imagination.

  4. Develop search and research skills, independent activity students.

  5. Instill interest in Russian folk art, to form a sense of patriotism.

Equipment: presentation on the topic: “Russian folk festive costume”, computer, projector; record player; reproductions of paintings depicting Russian folk costume (I.P. Argunov “Portrait of a Peasant Woman in Russian Folk Costume”, V.M. Vasnetsov “The Frog Princess”); illustrations for fairy tales; panel with the image rural landscape, templates of human figures; musical series: Russian folk songs; library materials (books: “Explanatory Dictionary”, “Russian folk riddles, proverbs, sayings", "Traditions of the Russian people"), a set of art materials.

Lesson plan:

    Setting lesson goals. Teacher's opening speech.

    Conversation about folk costume. Student reports, presentation.

    Setting an artistic task.

    Independent work of students.

    Working on a collective panel, sharing impressions.


Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Announcement of the topic of the lesson, introduction teachers.

(slide 1,2)

a) Conversation:

Let's imagine, guys, that we live in Russia not in the twenty-first century, but somewhere in the seventeenth! What can you say about Russian life? families ? What kind of life was it? What did they do in summer and winter?(Children express their thoughts).

You say correctly: life was difficult in past centuries: in spring and summer there was hard work in the field, in autumn there was harvesting and harvesting. The work began with the first rays of the sun, and ended when it was already completely dark.

But when a holiday came, they greeted it joyfully and always prepared for it.

Presentation (slide 3,4)

Every nation has holidays. They reveal a person’s soul, his character. In Rus' they loved holidays. They greeted spring and said goodbye to winter; holidays celebrated the completion of field work, and sometimes simply the end of the working day. Holidays were always fun, filled with music, singing, games and dancing. Every evening people different ages they gathered in the evening at someone’s hut and sang and danced there. The song and dance repertoire was very rich and varied. For all seasons, for everything calendar holidays there were their own songs, games, dances, fun, nursery rhymes. Often catchphrases, jokes, and jokes were invented on the spot, improvised on the spot, especially ditties.

The holiday is not only songs and dances.

- How else is this day different from ordinary everyday life?/outfits/

On the eve of public festivities, heavy chests were thrown open. The more they were stuffed, the richer the owner of the house was considered. All festive clothing was necessarily decorated with elements of embroidery, beads, sparkles, which, as a rule, was not present in casual wear. One could judge the taste and skill of the craftswoman by the clothes, because the peasant woman made her own outfit.

Presentation (slide 5)

Student messages:

    People in the old days were little like modern inhabitants. They dressed completely differently. Nobody bought clothes: they made them at home with their own hands.

    It was believed that clothes should be comfortable, so they were sewn loose. They did not give their shirt to anyone, as it was believed that it protected a person from adversity.

    In the old days, clothes were treated with respect, put in chests, and washed specially.

What a variety of holiday outfits! Slide 6.7 (presentation)

What do they have in common? (patterns)

How can you call it differently? (ornament) What is ornament?

Any Russian costume in the old days was certainly decorated with ornaments and embroidery.

Let's remember what types of ornaments you know? /plant and geometric/

Let's take a closer look at the outfits. (Slide 8)

The basis of any Russian costume was shirt. Shirts with a fastening on the side were called braids. These were usually worn by men. Their outfit also included trousers, which refueled at boots or in onuchi(a piece of fabric), and on top they put on bast shoes.

The shirt was wide and decorated along the hem, collar, and edge of the sleeves with embroidery. And I definitely tied up sash belt <рисунок 1>.

Belts performed many functions: they spoke about a person’s well-being, and were also a reward and a gift and were passed on by inheritance. Festive shirts were embroidered with colored silk threads. Preference was given to red color (as a talisman).

Vocabulary work(the work is given to students in advance: find the interpretation of the words: blouse, shirt, onuchi, bast shoes, pants (ports), belt (sash), V explanatory dictionary Ozhegov or Dahl)

Picture 1.

Now let's get acquainted with the women's costume (slide 9, 10)

In the central and northern regions of Russia, women wore sundress<рисунок 2>.

Vocabulary work: find the interpretation of words: sundress, epanechka, dushegreya, kokoshnik, kichka, korotena, poneva, navershnik.

The smooth lines of the sundress seemed to flow, making the woman look like a swan. It’s not for nothing that in songs and fairy tales they are called swans.

The festive outfit also included the so-called soul warmers - epanechki or koroten - short blouses with straps, similar to sundresses<рисунок 2>.

Figure 2.

And in the southern regions of Russia, fashionistas wore a pony complex<рисунок 3>.

Figure 3.

Poneva - skirt. She always dressed over a shirt, then an apron, and then a top.

Red color predominated. This is the color of fire, the sun, magical, beautiful, a symbol of salvation and a sign of a barrier for evil forces. This color was supposed to scare away demons and spirits in human form, and to preserve and protect the owner from various misfortunes.

And finally, hats.

They were clearly divided into dresses for girls and for married women:

Kokoshniks, ribbons, wreaths /girls/.

Koruna, magpie, kitschka /female/.

In the names of the headdresses one can hear a relationship with a bird: kokoshnik, kichka, magpie. And this is no coincidence. Remember the fairy tales: the swan, the swan is white, like a peahen.

Give an interpretation of the words “ensemble”, “color”.

Ensemble - coherence, harmony of parts of a single whole.

Color - color saturation, the ratio of colors to tone.

III. Practical work – creation of a collective panel on the theme “Holiday in the Village.”

Students are given figurines depicting people and need to make them festive clothes.

Differentiated task:

1st group: Colorize ready-made figures, already “dressed” - a task for slow children and those who have difficulty drawing images on their own. Come up with your own ornament.

Group 2: “Dress” paper figurine, i.e. come up with and draw a festive outfit yourself.

The main condition is the presence of an ornament in clothing.

Finished works glued onto a pre-prepared panel depicting the countryside.

During the work, you can ask the children several riddles (slide 11-13) and proverbs (slide 14)

During the work, you can offer students to listen to several Russian folk songs.

IV. Bottom line.

Everything in life changes, but the holiday remains. And although he can cope in different ways, the main thing remains - joy, special excitement, fun, elegant clothes, gifts, songs and dances, which are now sometimes mysterious to us. However, these traditions constitute extraordinaryness and peculiarity. You need to remember and know about them.

V. Evaluation of work.

VI . Homework: selection of material about modern fashion(magazine materials).

Interpretation of words: