Where does the Grushin festival take place? Travel news of the Samara region

  • 15.06.2019

The Grushinsky Bard Song Festival, one of the largest in the country, takes place annually at the end of June near Samara. Performers from all over Russia take part in it.

The organizers of the event are the Samara Regional Art Song Club named after Valery Grushin, the Government of the Samara Region and the Foundation named after. V. Grushina of the city of Tolyatti.

When will the Grushinsky Festival take place in 2019?

46th Grushinsky Bard Song Festival 2019 years will pass 9 to 12 August. It will start a month later than usual due to the 2019 FIFA World Cup matches being held in the Samara region.

The festival is designed to introduce young people to music, poetry, tourism and sports, promote the development of original songs, identify talented authors and performers, and promote a healthy lifestyle.

History and traditions of the Grushinsky Bard Song Festival

The history of this competition goes back several decades. IN medieval Europe“bards” were wandering singers who performed their own songs and folk ballads. In the middle of the 20th century in the USSR, performers of original songs began to be called bards.

The idea of ​​holding an art song festival appeared in the late 1960s. Since that time, he has been named after Valery Grushin, who was a student at the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute and one of the active promoters of the tourist song. Valery Grushin died in 1967 during a hike on the Uda River in Siberia, saving drowning children.

The first Grushinsky Tourist Song Festival took place on September 29, 1968 in Zhiguli in the Stone Bowl. About 600 people attended. The next competition already attracted 2.5 thousand people.

Its popularity grew every year. In the late 2000s, the festival was held at two venues. As a result, a number of conflicts occurred that resulted in lawsuits. Since 2010, the Grushinsky Festival has been held on Fedorovsky Meadows, and the event organized on Mastryukovsky Lakes has become known as the “Platform”.

It is expected that in 2019 the Grushinsky Festival of Bard Song will gather several tens of thousands of participants - true romantics, tourists, lovers of good art songs. As part of the festival, there will be several creative stages where competition programs will be held.

In addition to Grushinsky, other bard song festivals are also held in Russia:

  • Ilmensky festival of art song near the city of Miass, Chelyabinsk region,
  • Sail of Hope" in the Voronezh region,
  • "Oskol Lyre" - in Belgorodskaya,
  • “August’s Autograph” - in Lipetskaya,
  • “Robinsonade” - in Leningradskaya and others.

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Grushinsky Festival, it is under this name that the All-Russian festival of art songs is known among the people, which has been held annually in the Samara region for many years.

Every year, thousands of musicians, bards, performers, guitarists, and all those who are in love with music, gather at the festival to communicate with like-minded people and perform their favorite and familiar songs.

Grushinsky Festival 2019

This year the festival will take place on Mastryukovskie Lakes, Samara region . Date of the festival July 4-7, 2019.

About the Festival

The first song festival took place in 1968, and its audience initially consisted of tourists and performers of original songs from Samara and the region.

Now the geography of this event has become much wider. Thousands of guests gather here, coming not only from Russia, but also from other countries.

The number of guests of the Grushinsky Festival even reached 210,000 people, which is important indicator his popularity. Agree, not every stadium can accommodate such a number of guests.

The Grushinsky Festival is an event where everyone can sing. Yes, there are many concerts on different stages here. But the most important thing is that spectators can also become participants in the festival and perform their songs and take part in competitions.

The venue of this musical event was a great start for many talented people. Once upon a time, this is how the now famous musicians and songwriters such as Oleg Mityaev and others gained their popularity.

Particular attention is paid to children, for whom performance stages are specially installed here, instilling in this way young talents love for music from a young age. Who knows, maybe one of the little guests of the holiday in the future will also gather entire stadiums of fans of their musical talent at their concerts.

Music of the Festival

A special feature of Grushinsky is its traditional floating stage, shaped like a guitar, which has become a symbol of this event since 1970. It is on this stage that the final concerts of the festival are held. Behind last decades this venue has seen performances by many brilliant authors and performers of our time, including Yuri Vizbor, the Nikitins and other big names.

Here you can hear not only the original song. Grushinsky's platform is also open to other song genres. Stars such as Yuri Shevchuk and Sergei Kalugin became frequent guests here. Among the guests of the musical event you can also meet: famous people: astronauts, poets, composers, actors, directors. But, despite their status and position, they are united by a common love for original songs and music in general.

Welcome to the kindest and most comfortable celebration of music - the Grushinsky Festival!

A few days on fresh air, just you and good music in live performance.


We invite you to see all the beauty and uniqueness of this amazing musical event, which every year makes thousands of hearts beat in unison and hundreds of voices sing songs around the fire.


The holding of FIFA World Cup matches in Samara in 2018 will affect cultural life areas. The Grushinsky Festival will have to be postponed. This was announced by the Minister of Culture of the Samara Region Sergei Filippov.

According to him, in 2018 the festival will be held from August 9 to 13. At the same time, the organizers will prepare a grandiose performance. After all, in 2018 “Pear” will turn 45 years old.

This year the festival will take place from June 29 to July 2 at the Mastryukov Lakes. It will be attended by Oleg Mityaev, Veniamin Smekhov, artists of the Taganka Theater, Alexander Gorodnitsky. An important event There will be a concert dedicated to the late poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko.

To get to the festival site, Samara residents will need to drive through the village of Pribrezhny, turn at the thousandth kilometer of the M-5 highway and cross the railway crossing. After this, you need to turn left at the city cemetery. The cost of parking a car near the clearing will be one thousand rubles.

“We will be able to park about three thousand cars without any problems.” Anything over that will cause problems. However, we ask you not to park cars along the road in the driveway near the clearing. To ensure safety, tow trucks will operate,” said festival director Irina Zvereva.

It should be noted that there will be three main stages, a football field, a forest area, a sports center, and a children's playground on Grushinskaya Polyana.

According to the organizers, it will be possible to get to the festival by train. The train schedule will be published soon on the festival website.

The Grushinsky Festival is wonderful because it takes place every year. And every year we spend the first month of summer where smoke from fires spreads across the water, and music, like gas, fills the provided volume.

The music begins at the distant approaches to the festival clearing. Played by misanthropes who do not accept the obligatory festival crowds in their immediate vicinity and set up camp further away. The farthest stage of the festival is playing - the Kola Hillock. People with jew's harps and pipes of unprecedented shapes are playing as they pass through the festival.

In general, as Galina aptly noted, Pear is a large music box. You fall into it and even seem to fall, like into a rabbit hole, and you never know what “dreams and songs” (c) the air will be filled with in ten steps. Here the Beatles are singing, there is CHIZHA, and now “Atlantes hold the sky on stone hands” (c), Leps is heard from around the corner, but thank you, it’s not Tanya Bulanova, although maybe they sing her somewhere too. It's great that we are with Galina Garshenina devirtualized!

Groups of people gather randomly on musical grounds, and strangers sing with each other, sorting songs by voice.

And all this musical diversity happens every year, continuing as if in the same place where we left off last time. Sometimes I get the feeling that Pear never really ends. This is such a Grushin space-time continuum, arising from parallel universe on the first weekend of July in the same place and bringing with them the same time due to some physical incident.

And the Pear certainly appears with the rain, which only confirms the theory. But if we hardly noticed any rain, this festival is one of the most “precipitated” in my memory. And the rain became the musical accompaniment, incessant percussion punctuated by tinkling strings, harmonica and a long, gentle trumpet roulade in the style of Chat Baker. This trumpeter made my Saturday morning, the rain beats rhythmically on the tightly stretched awning of the tent, without losing its rhythm. And then the pipe comes in...

Traditional night concert just like 5 and 10 years ago, it imperceptibly materializes on the lake. This time, even he could not do without rain, and the night tree-mountain attracts photographers and listeners, like a lamp attracts moths.

And when the rain finally stops, at dawn on Sunday, the rising sun and rising fog are ready to lift the spell of witchcraft from the clearing, when time is ready to make its usual loop and turn the festival back into a simple forest clearing. The pear is the most beautiful. And you can watch her from the stairs for a long time, trying to catch the moment when everything disappears. But you won't catch it.

Everything disappears without you. The pear turns into a memory, like Santa Claus into gifts under the tree and a slightly open window. "Personal New Year"(c) met. Looking forward to the next one.