Michael Jackson: cause of death, official investigation, funeral. Three unsolved mysteries of Michael Jackson Why was Michael Jackson killed

  • 20.06.2019

Of course, I’m not the only one who will express this idea. And this thought lies on the surface. And it will probably be checked by American investigative authorities. And yet I must formulate it.

The greatest pop artist in human history, Michael Jackson, died on Thursday, June 25, 2009, in a Los Angeles clinic at the age of 50. The official cause of death has not been announced at the time of this writing, but it is known that Jackson’s breathing stopped after he was injected with a certain painkiller. He was taken to the hospital in a coma, and it was not possible to resuscitate the artist.

What was Michael Jackson doing in Los Angeles (he has lived in the United Arab Emirates for a long time) and why was he given painkillers? Because he was preparing for concerts in London.

He announced that Jackson would give 10 concerts in London several months ago. Or rather, it was not he himself who said it, but some of his “representatives”. Jackson was even brought out in full dress to some press conference in London, where he said a word or two. The rest of the time the artist was silent, and the organizers spoke.

Then they tried to sell tickets. Tickets sold out within minutes. The organizers perked up. They scheduled 11 more concerts and increased ticket prices. 10 times. In the end total concerts reached 50 (!!!). 750,000 tickets were sold at an incredible average price of about $600. Do you know how much money this is? US$450 million. Half a billion bucks, damn it. This is a big jackpot.

It was obvious to anyone familiar with show business that Michael Jackson could not give 50 concerts. He is 50 years old, he is seriously ill and has not given any concerts for a long time. The whole story with these concerts looked like a gamble from the very beginning. It was obvious that there would be no concerts (I personally made a comment about this on the radio as soon as it became known that there would be exactly 50 concerts).

A Michael Jackson concert is not a Philip Kirkorov concert. And if Philip Kirkorov can give 30 concerts in a row with plywood and backup dancers, then even for him it’s difficult. A Michael Jackson concert is a Michael Jackson concert. With all his dancing, jumping and flying over the stadium with a microphone in one hand and a trapeze in the other. I attended two Jackson concerts in Moscow and I assure you that there are hardly a dozen other artists in the world who can do this on stage. And the people who bought the tickets expected to see exactly this. They didn't want to see Jackson as an older and fatter Elvis, who just needed to stand in front of a microphone stand.

The organizers had the following options. The first is to cancel concerts. But then we would have to return the money for the tickets. And this is half a billion US dollars. Doesn't fit.

Option two is “the return of Elvis.” Then a couple of concerts would take place, after which people would start returning tickets en masse. And this is half a billion US dollars. Doesn't fit.

Meanwhile, the scheduled date for the concerts was getting closer and closer. They were supposed to start in a couple of weeks. They tried to “play the fool” - on June 10, a lawsuit was filed in a New York court, which stated that it was impossible for Jackson to perform in London. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of a certain company, AllGood Entertainment, which claimed to have signed Jackson's manager Frank DiLeo to a contract for the reunited Jackson Five to perform in the summer of 2009. And that according to this contract, Michael Jackson could not give other concerts before the joint performance with his brothers and for three months after it. Needless to say, Michael Jackson has not worked with Frank DiLeo since 1989. That is, there was an obvious attempt to disrupt the concerts.

At the same time, the first concerts were postponed. The first concert was postponed from July 8 to the 13th. And the second concert is from July 10 to March 1, 2010!

But all this did not solve the problem. Whether it was July 8 or the 13th, there was very little time left before them. And Michael Jackson remained Michael Jackson - a deeply ill 50-year-old man who could hardly have stood even the five numbers that the public around the world was waiting for him to do.

Half a billion US dollars. Big jackpot. What can you do for that kind of money?

For the third option.

Michael Jackson has been out of work for a long time. He was slandered and disgraced in the USA, he was bankrupt and lived at the invitation of some Arab prince, or sheikh, in his, the prince's or sheikh's, Arab country. And he seemed to promise this sheikh or prince to record three new albums, but he did not record anything, and the prince or sheikh was also dissatisfied with him. Various swindlers and charlatans always revolve around such sinking Titanics. “The Return of Michael Jackson” – isn’t it a project in the style of Ostap Bender?

True, Ostap Bender never killed anyone. They killed him, that was it. But noble times passed.

Michael Jackson died after being given a painkiller. His breathing slowed and then stopped altogether. The whole world is in shock. Shocked fans who bought half a billion US dollars worth of tickets are unlikely to return them. After all, these are tickets to the very Jackson concerts before which he died!

And now I hear on the radio: “Jackson’s manager accused the doctors and called them “charlatans and criminals.” As they say, a thief's cap is on fire.

Personally, I think that Michael Jackson did not die a natural death.

He was simply killed.

Maxim Kononenko,

Of course, I’m not the only one who will express this idea. And this thought lies on the surface. And it will probably be checked by American investigative authorities. And yet I must formulate it.

The greatest pop artist in human history, Michael Jackson, died on Thursday, June 25, 2009, in a Los Angeles clinic at the age of 50. The official cause of death has not been announced at the time of this writing, but it is known that Jackson’s breathing stopped after he was injected with a certain painkiller. He was taken to the hospital in a coma, and it was not possible to resuscitate the artist.

What was Michael Jackson doing in Los Angeles (he has lived in the United Arab Emirates for a long time) and why was he given painkillers? Because he was preparing for concerts in London.

He announced that Jackson would give 10 concerts in London several months ago. Or rather, it was not he himself who said it, but some of his “representatives”. Jackson was even brought out in full dress to some press conference in London, where he said a word or two. The rest of the time the artist was silent, and the organizers spoke.

Then they tried to sell tickets. Tickets sold out within minutes. The organizers perked up. They scheduled 11 more concerts and increased ticket prices. 10 times. In the end, the total number of concerts reached 50 (!!!). 750,000 tickets were sold at an incredible average price of about $600. Do you know how much money this is? US$450 million. Half a billion bucks, damn it. This is a big jackpot.

It was obvious to anyone familiar with show business that Michael Jackson could not give 50 concerts. He is 50 years old, he is seriously ill and has not given any concerts for a long time. The whole story with these concerts looked like a gamble from the very beginning. It was obvious that there would be no concerts (I personally made a comment about this on the radio as soon as it became known that there would be exactly 50 concerts).

A Michael Jackson concert is not a Philip Kirkorov concert. And if Philip Kirkorov can give 30 concerts in a row with plywood and backup dancers, then even for him it’s difficult. A Michael Jackson concert is a Michael Jackson concert. With all his dancing, jumping and flying over the stadium with a microphone in one hand and a trapeze in the other. I attended two Jackson concerts in Moscow and I assure you that there are hardly a dozen other artists in the world who can do this on stage. And the people who bought the tickets expected to see exactly this. They didn't want to see Jackson as an older and fatter Elvis, who just needed to stand in front of a microphone stand.

The organizers had the following options. The first is to cancel concerts. But then we would have to return the money for the tickets. And this is half a billion US dollars. Doesn't fit.

Option two is “the return of Elvis.” Then a couple of concerts would take place, after which people would start returning tickets en masse. And this is half a billion US dollars. Doesn't fit.

Meanwhile, the scheduled date for the concerts was getting closer and closer. They were supposed to start in a couple of weeks. They tried to “play the fool” - on June 10, a lawsuit was filed in a New York court, which stated that it was impossible for Jackson to perform in London. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of a certain company, AllGood Entertainment, which claimed to have signed Jackson's manager Frank DiLeo to a contract for the reunited Jackson Five to perform in the summer of 2009. And that according to this contract, Michael Jackson could not give other concerts before the joint performance with his brothers and for three months after it. Needless to say, Michael Jackson has not worked with Frank DiLeo since 1989. That is, there was an obvious attempt to disrupt the concerts.

At the same time, the first concerts were postponed. The first concert was postponed from July 8 to the 13th. And the second concert is from July 10 to March 1, 2010!

But all this did not solve the problem. Whether it was July 8 or the 13th, there was very little time left before them. And Michael Jackson remained Michael Jackson - a deeply sick 50-year-old man who could hardly have stood even the five numbers that the public around the world was waiting for him to do.

Half a billion US dollars. Big jackpot. What can you do for that kind of money?

For the third option.

Michael Jackson has been out of work for a long time. He was slandered and disgraced in the USA, he was bankrupt and lived at the invitation of some Arab prince, or sheikh, in his, the prince's or sheikh's, Arab country. And he seemed to promise this sheikh or prince to record three new albums, but he did not record anything, and the prince or sheikh was also dissatisfied with him. Various swindlers and charlatans always revolve around such sinking Titanics. “The Return of Michael Jackson” - is it not a project in the style of Ostap Bender?

True, Ostap Bender never killed anyone. They killed him, that was it. But the noble times are gone.

Michael Jackson died after being given a painkiller. His breathing slowed and then stopped altogether. The whole world is in shock. Shocked fans who bought half a billion US dollars worth of tickets are unlikely to return them. After all, these are tickets to the very Jackson concerts before which he died!

And now I hear on the radio: “Jackson’s manager accused the doctors and called them “charlatans and criminals.” As they say, a thief's cap is on fire.

Personally, I think that Michael Jackson did not die a natural death.

He was simply killed.

In a nutshell - Michael stopped just entertaining the public and began to draw attention to serious things! And they couldn’t forgive him for this! It was for this clip that Michael was killed! “Michael Jackson is a land without love.” After this clip, Michael’s problems all started...

Why does Michael Jackson pass away at only 50 years of age and in perfect health? Don’t you remember that just a couple of years ago there was a criminal trial of Michael Jackson in the USA - a group of Jewish and crypto-Jewish lawyers tried to put Michael Jackson in prison, of course, with confiscation, on charges of allegedly “pedophilia”.

The fact that they failed, with the total support of all the legal forces of the country and the crypto-press, clearly showed that all the charges were fabricated.

And when the legal method did not work out, the medical method was used. If you look into history, how many state leaders were sent to the next world by Krptoalen doctors - then, say, in Russia - these are almost all the leaders of the country since its founding.

Now if you read the national press about the death of Michael Jackson different countries everywhere in the hands of these alienoids, then you will find out that Michael Jackson, they say, was a “drug addict”, a “dystrophic” and in general he himself wanted, they say, to die and had a presentiment of his early death, so everything is natural.

However, on Friday June 26, 2009 - immediately - the New York Jewish newspaper “New York Post” came out with a portrait of Michael Jackson and a short headline


See for yourself:

what can be translated or how “DEAD!” or how "DEAD BODY!", with the same subtext that you understood - that they had been hunting for him for a long time.

And all the aliens immediately understood the subtext. Because in a normal sense it would sound like “has been dead.”

Now you understand why Michael Jackson really had a presentiment of his death, and that he was not at all motivated, as the crypto press put it, by “morbid mania,” to show extreme concern for his health. Remember his walking around in public wearing a sterile mask, etc. In fact, now the person who cared more about his health than anyone else in the world and, most importantly, had everything to do so, is suddenly dying. cash. Now you understand WHY he cared about his health? “ Michael died weighing 126 pounds.” (about 60 kg) – criptopress screams – dystrophy! He brought himself to the point of exhaustion! Obviously, crypts appeal to the consciousness of the average American, who weighs 120 kg. Since when did the normal weight of a person eating fresh fruits and vegetables become dystrophic?

Michael died of a drug overdose“- the crypto press screams even before any results of the toxicological analysis, - they say, “ drug addict”.

Don’t remember, absolutely the same arrangement with crypts and the circumstances of the death of another great goy - Vladmir Vysotsky - the same words and music. Do you remember the film “The meeting place cannot be changed”, released just before Vysotsky’s death?

Vysotsky there does not even look close to the complete drug addict and alcoholic that the crypto press has always portrayed Vysotsky as. No matter how great an artist a person is, a drug addict and alcoholic cannot portray and play a normal person in a movie.

Why do great goyim and semi-goyim suddenly die?

John Kennedy Jr., Princess Diana, Igor Talkov, Vladimir Vysotsky, John Lennon, Vasily Shukshin, film director Yuri Chulyukin, Yuri Gagarin... Frol Kozlov, Stalin, Gorky, all Russian tsars?

“Kill the best of the goyim”- says the law of aliens, and this is quite understandable in this context, and in no other context. All goyim are subject to extermination*.

It’s stupid in such a context, for example, to leave the most prominent goyim and half-goyim who could potentially lead the masses, especially Michael Jackson, who doesn’t have a lot of money.

Immediately, the crypto press spread rumors that Michael Jackson was “bankrupt” and, like, poor, having, they say, about $400 million in debts. Don’t you remember how 20 years ago Paul McCartney immediately offered Michael Jackson a billion dollars for the rights to the Beatles’ songs? Michael turned McCartney down.

How much is this right worth now, 20 years later, when everything has risen five times since then? In the 1970s, the Beatles sold the rights to their songs to Michael Jackson for $150 million. They are still the property not of the Beatles, but of Michael. Michael was the only fabulously rich goy at the moment. He apparently knew that he was screwed. That’s why he frantically protected his health.

Only he, like the Russian Tsar Alexander the Third, was poorly versed in crypts.

I don’t think that Michael Jackson’s personal physician, Conrad Murray, is a pure Jew by habit. As you can see, even the last name is non-Jewish.

However, behind all this crypto chatter, separate out, naked fact: dead Michael Jackson is found in the company of the attending physician, who allegedly performs a closed heart massage.

I will inform you as an expert on this issue, from a purely medical point of view, the resuscitation measures of the attending physician contradict the clinical picture. The fact is that the drug Demerol, which even before the toxicological analysis of the cryptopress indicates the cause of Michael Jackson’s death, like all morphine-like drugs, causes respiratory arrest in an overdose, and not the heart. The doctor cannot help but know this.

I had a case in my practice 27 years ago. In the hospital emergency room, a female doctor injected an old woman with a similar drug (fentanyl) intravenously and the old woman stopped breathing on the needle. Everyone froze, because they realized that it was a “corpse,” especially since they had already left the vein.

I turned up by chance here, I took a long needle and through the subclavian vein injected the old woman with 4 cubes of the respiratory analeptic cordiamine - the old woman sighed on the needle and after 5 minutes I talked to her and she subsequently left the hospital. The old woman did not suspect that she was already almost THERE– there were seconds left and crowds of confused medical staff.

The main question is what happened during an intimate examination by the attending physician alone with Michael Jackson, as a result of which Michael Jackson suddenly “died”? However, it is clear that even if a toxicological analysis reveals a drug in the blood, there is no way in the presence of a doctor that Michael Jackson could, so to speak, “eat a handful of drug tablets in front of a stunned doctor,” and this is understandable. There is also no point in taking drugs and then calling your doctor. Even if Michael did this, simple artificial respiration saves the patient. Every doctor knows this. And after that, doctor Conrad Murray disappeared for a day and the police were looking for him (Michael Jackson’s doctor disappeared after his death. The police are looking for him).

What did the doctor do these days? “Obviously I was working out defense options with a team of Jewish lawyers.” After all, a whole team of crypto-aliens has been working on the “Michael Jackson problem” for a long time.

For Michael Jackson, even “his own biographer” was created, and more than one. Do not think that this was an initiative of Michael Jackson himself with the biographer. Cryptoaliens have long written both a biography and an obituary for him. Now you yourself will be stunned by how they will smear the attending physician, who, apparently, persuaded Michael Jackson to administer intravenous “medicine”; like, Michael Jackson had diarrhea, and the doctor persuaded him to give him intravenous, they say, “antibiotic”, and he, having been waiting for this case for a long time, administered a toxic dose of Demerol. Please note that no nurse is mentioned in this doctor's visit.

It turns out that the doctor himself administered the drug! Without even touching on the crypto-alien problem, a doctor can kill a patient by a thousand different ways, if he needs it; and even more so if they get rid of him, and even more so if they pay him; especially since doctors are already involved in this matter every day; Just more partly, so to speak, “inadvertently”.

It is absolutely appropriate to recall the recent case of the sudden billionaire Ann Nicole Smith, who became a fabulous billionaire after the death of her 90-year-old husband.

Nicole Smith and her potential heir son - did not live for a year after receiving the inheritance - suddenly died - the healthy woman was just walking into the hotel room and immediately the healthy woman in the room died. Her entire multi-billion dollar fortune has passed into the hands of special team Jewish lawyers. You will see that in the case of Michael Jackson it will be the same, although Michael Jackson has a lot of different relatives. We are dealing with unmistakable aliens who are superior to the goyim in everything. They will establish something like the “Michael Jackson Foundation”. Who will be against it?

Here's something for the archive from the crypto press:

A private pathologist performed a second autopsy on Jackson's body - but the results were not leaked to the press. The coroner's office (the investigator who handles suspicious death cases) notes that official toxicology test results can take four to six weeks. http://news.mail.ru/society/2697195

Los Angeles police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of Michael Jackson. In particular, investigators are finding out where exactly his personal doctor, Dr. Conrad Murray, is located. It is known that he was next to the singer in the last minutes of his life, and then suddenly disappeared somewhere. Police believe Murray may know a lot about how exactly the King of Pop died. An examination carried out the day before showed that the death was not violent. However, the investigation still decided to conduct a toxicological examination. The intrigue that had arisen with the disappearance of Jackson’s personal cardiologist Conrad Murray, who was allegedly in the singer’s house when he became ill, was also resolved. Murray's car remained parked near Jackson's house, and the doctor himself disappeared for almost a day. However, he has already been found, and the police are preparing to ask him many questions.

Adding to the mystery of this story is the fact that Murray, 11 days before the death of his “star” client, announced that he was temporarily ceasing his medical activities, without explaining the reasons. In addition, Jackson did not hire Murray himself - the cardiologist was introduced to him by the company organizing the London tour.

Jackson's death raised many questions. What to do with unreleased Michael Jackson material (that's 10 songs)? Who owns the rights to them? Who will inherit Michael Jackson's fortune, as well as his numerous debts? Where and when the funeral will take place is also unknown.

Los Angeles police have launched an investigation into the cause of Michael Jackson's death. Jackson underwent full medical testing in May and was found to be in good health. http://news.mail.ru/society/2695874

An ambulance took Michael Jackson to a Los Angeles hospital with a diagnosis of cardiac arrest - literally: delay and stoppage of the heart. The ambulance was called at 12:21 Los Angeles time. The doctors arrived within a few minutes (according to some reports, after 3 minutes, according to others, after 8). They saw Michael Jackson on the floor. Next to him was his personal physician, who was trying to stimulate the heart of a patient who had fallen into a comatose state.

An autopsy on the star, which will take place soon, will reveal whether any of the drugs Michael took actually led to cardiac arrest.

No traces of Michael Jackson's violent death were found. Forensic experts in Los Angeles have just completed an autopsy on the body of the famous American singer Michael Jackson. The first and main conclusion that doctors made was that no traces of violent death were found. http://news.mail.ru/society/2695920/

Who will get Michael Jackson's children and money?

According to some experts, the father's substantial fortune should now pass to the children, around whom a real battle could take place. According to others, great fortune Jackson is a myth and he left his children only about 500 million in debt. Be that as it may, the most likely guardian for the singer’s children is his mother, that is, the children’s grandmother, who loves her grandchildren very much. http://deti.mail.ru/roditeljam/topatun685

INFOX.ru: Michael Jackson died of an overdose Michael Jackson could have died of a drug overdose.

On June 25, 2009, a man collapses in a house in west Los Angeles. Doctors arrive 3 minutes after the call. Doctors later declare Michael Jackson dead...

13.30 June 13. 13 hours before death...
Jackson's personal cardiologist, Conrad Murray, gives him 10 mg. diazepam (Valium), which is a fairly large dose. Typically, adults take no more than 5 for sleep disorders. But Jackson Lately can no longer fall asleep on his own.

August 1958. 50 years before what happened.
In Gary, Indiana, their seventh child, Michael, was born to Joseph and Katherine Jackson. Joseph worked in a steel mill to feed his children until he realized that children could feed him - he creates from his sons music group. Young Jacksons They dance and sing well, but Michael is the best. If Joseph was proud of his son, he never showed it. He screamed, beat and forced them to work endlessly. It got to the point that Michael became so afraid of his father that the boy felt sick at the sight of him.

He was constantly under the influence of his father's strong aggression, which put pressure on him. My father constantly forced me to do things that were not what he wanted. He had to grow up too early as a child.

12 hours before death...
At 2 am, Dr. Murray gives him another injection - 2 mg. lorazepam, after an hour 2 mg. midazolam - both substances are hypnotic and are used for mild anesthesia. For Jackson, this is a regular sleeping pill. At 5 am the doctor injects 2 more cubes and at 7.30 2 more. At dawn Jackson is already literally stuffed with medicine, but he still does not close his eyes and asks the doctor for propofol, which helped him fall asleep so well. This is the substance forensic examination will officially name the actual cause of death of Michael Jackson.

Summer 2005, 4 years before death...
The jury found that Jackson did not molest young Gavin Arvizo, and no one else can suspect the king of pop of pedophilia. A difficult two-year trial is over, but the victory came at an incredible price. Michael is admitted to the hospital, dehydrated and exhausted. Later he bought 2 huge villas on the island of Bahrain and moved there.

The press wrote that Michael would spend the rest of his life on this island, but no one knew that it would be only 4 years and the next time he would appear in public only before his death.

March 2009, 3 months before the events...
Michael announces that he is returning to the stage, but that this will be his farewell tour. The effect of this news is difficult to put into words - Jackson has already been written off to the archives. No one has seen Jackson live on stage for many years. Initially, the organizers are planning 10 concerts. But the excitement around Jackson's future concerts is so incredible that at least 50 concerts can be done. Tickets for concerts in London sell out at a rate of 333 per minute. As a result, about a million viewers are preparing to attend the pop idol’s farewell show.

Michael Jackson begins daily multi-hour rehearsals - this is the same load as a professional boxer before a competition, but Jackson is not a young person and has not competed for a long time. To survive until the concerts themselves, he takes stimulants.

2 hours before death...
The star's doctor gives him the last injection - propofol. Exhausted by insomnia, Jackson finally falls asleep, the doctor goes to the restroom for a few minutes, and then gets ready to make a call. At this time, Michael stops breathing.

Propofol is a very serious ultra-short-acting drug. Introducing it and leaving a person unattended is simply a crime. It can only be used in a hospital setting because respiratory depression may occur. The root of the tongue collapses, the person stops breathing.

On July 15, 2009, three weeks after his death, the Los Angeles Coroner's Office publishes the results of the examination of the death of Michael Joseph Jackson. The cause of death was acute propofol intoxication, the manner of death was murder. Authorities have charged singer Conrad Murray's doctor with manslaughter.

June 2009. A month before his death...
Jackson's personal doctor is not an anesthesiologist, but he is well aware that giving the singer propofol at home is dangerous, and for this he could lose his medical license. Then why did Murray take this risk?

Michael's death a week before his huge concerts is very incredible. It's hard to believe in the natural course of events.

Cheeky young African American man with big nose- this is how he is remembered when he was a teenager. And although before last interview Michael said he had a pair of three plastic surgery, Michael did a lot more than 10: he raised his forehead, made his lips thinner, changed his cheeks, tightened his eyelids, made a dimple on his chin, and he operated on his nose so many times that in the end it was gone. IN last years Jackson walked with a prosthesis. He had a real mania for constantly changing his appearance.

From the mid-80s, Michael began to lighten his skin; he bleached his skin. Jackson denies it for a long time until he admits that he has a rare genetic disease - vitiligo, so he puts on a lot of makeup to even out his skin color, but one day he admits that he can’t stand himself. The biggest star tries not to look in the mirror and thinks he looks like an ugly lizard.

Elena Romashchenko:
He turned himself from black to white and began to change his appearance very much. This suggests that he has a deep pathology at the level of existence.

Now we can say for sure what Jackson was sick with and what he didn’t. Thanks to the data from his post-mortem examination. This is his only public medical card. From the details - bald, tattooed eyebrows and lips, excellent heart, other important organs worked like clockwork, vitiligo, slight changes in joints, as happens with dancers, a small problem with the lungs, gastritis... That's all. He was healthy.

But the doctor gave an injection that became fatal for Jackson. Was it an accident, or was Dr. Murray's hand guided by someone? Who benefited from the death of the King of Pop?

May 2009. A month before death.. .
The farewell concerts sold 750,000 tickets at an incredibly average price of about $600. The total for all tickets is 450 million US dollars, which is almost half a billion. If Jackson were alive, this money would be divided between the artist and the organizers, but what if the star dies before the concerts? The fans, of course, will not return the tickets; will someone really part with the last rarity? Then all the money remains with those who organized the concerts.

Maxim Kononenko:
If Michael Jackson had died a year earlier in his bed, it would have been a different matter. And he died 10 days before the start of the concerts, the whole world was heated up, a lot was said about Michael Jackson in the press.

Jackson became a god back in the 80s. His unusual music, appearance, moonwalk are a miracle that everyone saw with their own eyes. At the sight of this, millions of people around the world went into ecstasy, fainted and became hysterical.

No matter how cynical it may sound, the entire Jackson clan also benefited after Michael's death. They found a gold mine. In his unreleased songs and his image. They are the ones who own the rights to all this. By the first anniversary of the singer's death, his family will receive $250 million in sales income.

Jackson has always been incredibly popular in Russia.

September 1993. 16 years before his death...

Michael Jackson will perform in Moscow. The concert should take place at the large sports arena "Luzhniki". It rains heavily during the concert, and puddles are wiped away during the performance.

Jackson had a dream to meet the parade on Red Square standing in the Mausoleum, but this was impossible and then the organizers organized a parade in the Taman division. The Russian organizers of the concert were convinced that in front of them was an adult child. In his room, Michael was sitting on the floor playing with toys. The concert did not bring any profit, people until recently did not believe that Michael had arrived, then the spectators were allowed into the stadium for free.

It is possible that Jackson's death was beneficial to him. Some people around the singer say that he committed suicide. Dr. Murray bases his defense on precisely this.

The classic reason for murder is Michael's inheritance. Was it attractive? People leave wills to those they love... And he loved children...

Jackson's assets now reach $1 billion, but his inheritance is burdened with debt. There could have been more money, but Michael never knew how to save. He could spend $6 million on one shopping trip and even racked up $1 million in late fees library books. The singer left nothing in his will ex-wives, sisters, brothers and father, he wrote most of it to the children.

Michael was the father of three children. He had two from nurse Debbie Rowe - a 13-year-old boy, Prince Michael Joseph Jackson Sr., and a 12-year-old daughter, Paris. Most little son, Prince Michael Jr., whose name is Blanket, was born through a surrogate mother. Jackson loved his children dearly, but treated them strangely. For example, he hung little Blanket out of the window to the horror of his fans.

Even before he was born, Michael was always surrounded by children. He built his Neverland estate as an amusement park, where there were always many little guests. Michael tried to invite children, including those who were seriously and terminally ill. At his home they could visit a real amusement park and zoo.

But Jackson paid for this.

1993 16 years before his death.
He is accused of molesting 13-year-old Jordon Charlen, a Jackson fan who often visited his ranch. According to the boy's father, his son admitted to him that the singer forced him to touch his genitals. Police investigated these allegations. Michael even had to show the investigators his genitals for comparison with what the boy described - it did not match. But from that moment on, the press declared war on the king of pop - he would never be good to journalists again.

10 years later, in 2003, the singer was again accused of molesting 13-year-old Gavin Arvizo, also a regular guest at Jackson's ranch. As before, Jackson denies everything. The trial has been going on for 2 years. But in the end, the court ruled that Jackson was not guilty. But something has already broken in him...

One got the feeling that Michael Jackson never grew up, one half of him was an adult, the other was a child. And this child wanted to play with children, and for this he was accused of sexual harassment

June 25, 2010, a year after death.
The investigation continues... Many believe that Michael Jackson is alive and preparing a spectacular comeback, but his double has died.


The whole world mourned the death of Michael Jackson. Many did not believe in this death, they suspected that Michael Jackson is not dead, A someone else died instead of him.

The Order of the Illuminati is involved in this worldwide deception.

Next will be an interview from a person who knows the whole truth about the “death” of Michael Joseph Jackson. This man is an insider secret society. In the media, this group is usually called the "Order of Masons".
Also found facts will be provided that Jackson had a double...

I know the truth and I will tell it!

I am a member of the Order myself, and I know why the Illuminati helped Jackson deceive the world. I want as many people as possible to know the truth. After all, what Michael Jackson has already achieved is a small thing compared to his far-reaching plans that he is going to implement in this century.

Why did the Illuminati agree to Michael Jackson's plan?
Yes, because no one has ever been able to refuse him. Ask the people closest to him, and they will say: Michael always got his way.

Already 4 years ago, Michael Jackson conceived this plan. His intentions were more serious than ever. It was then, 4 years ago, that he met with a representative of our Order in Naples and offered to help him implement his plan. The payment that Michael Jackson promised for this was beyond anyone's expectations. Our Order does not need money, but the huge amount received for fulfilling Michael Jackson's order will allow the Order to calmly work on solving the Problem that we have been solving for at least 700 years.

The Order should not be accused of being promiscuous or being too accommodating. The Order would not agree to a grandiose deception just for money. However, in Michael Jackson's hand there was not only a sweet gingerbread, but also an iron whip. He very transparently hinted that he would not only generously pay for our consent, but would also do everything to ensure that we could not refuse. If the leadership of the Order still refused, Michael Jackson promised to reveal to the whole world the secret that we had carefully hidden throughout the 700 years of the Order’s existence. This would attract unwanted attention from the Vatican to the activities of the Order. A similar trouble already happened in the 1940s, when representatives of the German Nazis tried to form an alliance with the Illuminati. Rumors are circulating around the world about the Illuminati's supposed (and I emphasize this word, "alleged") desire for world power and the cruelty it displays in doing so. Hitler's agents tried to play on these legends, attributing other people's sins to the Order.

I have already said that I intend to tell the whole truth about the secrets of the Order. I will also tell you about where the supposedly deceased Michael Jackson is now. I am aware that my confessions will be followed by retaliation from both Michael Jackson and the Order. I break the silence that the Illuminati has maintained for centuries. And I am aware of what can await me. I don't know if Michael Jackson is capable of murder, but given the circumstances that led him to conspire to defraud all of humanity, I wouldn't be surprised if he's already thinking of ways to take me down. So to speak, book me a non-refundable ticket for a trip to the Neverland Ranch.

Neverland - Michael Jackson's Villa
Fans of M. Jackson, of course, know that his villa in California is called “Neverland”. This is the title magical land from a fairytale " Peter Pan" In this country, children stop growing, which means they stop aging. This one beautiful fairy tale There is a second, rather scary, meaning. None of the Michael Jackson fans think about this meaning. So tell me, when does the counting of human years stop? It's right when people die.

Why did they stage Jackson's artificial death?
Since childhood, Michael Jackson has been obsessed with the idea that he died as soon as he was born, and therefore that he was a vampire. This strangely combined with his fear of death, which many of his fans know about. It is known that Michael followed a strict regime because he dreamed of living at least 150 years. He often feared that he would die early, like the legendary Elvis Presley. The most in an unusual way Preserving Michael's youth was his desire to sleep in special chambers where high oxygen pressure was maintained.

In fact, one was conditioned by the other. Jackson was afraid of death because he had never really lived. As a child, the joy of life was taken away from him. Jackson Sr. persistently and systematically pushed his son to success in show business, not allowing him to relax into games with peers and children's pranks. The creation of Neverland Ranch was Michael Jackson's attempt to recapture the lost joy of childhood.

Jackson's father not only robbed his son of his childhood. He made his son a kind of “drug addict,” instilling in him an obsessive desire for constant success on stage. Therefore, the enormous wealth that show business brought Michael Jackson did not satisfy him. Jackson did not see life, did not feel it. He was a stranger in this world. Such detachment gave rise to Michael's belief in his divinity, and - as a consequence - in inevitable immortality. He tried to achieve this immortality not only by scientific and technical means, but also by occult means.

Michael Jackson was a Vampire?
Michael Jackson considered himself a vampire. Everyone knows that he underwent several skin grafting operations on his face. He endured these painful operations not because he was ashamed of being black. He wanted to become like the thousands of living dead who, he believed, had not yet disappeared from the face of our planet.

On December 2, 1983, the “Thriller” video was first shown on MTV.

The film “Thriller,” based on the disc of the same name, is an attempt to reach out to the soldiers of the vampire army. Michael hoped that if he became like them on the outside, he would change on the inside. "Thriller" was like Jackson's autobiography, in which he laughed at death. But subconsciously he was afraid of death and sought the secrets of immortality. He hoped that by seeing the film, the living dead would sense his despair and come to him.

And they came. One of the vampires led Michael Jackson to the Illuminati.
One way or another, this meeting had to take place. Jackson didn't just spend millions on pleasure. He spent hundreds of millions searching for immortality. These searches would sooner or later lead him to the Illuminati. At one time, Hitler sought contacts with the Illuminati in order to build a thousand-year empire with their help. I already mentioned this. The Illuminati were able to escape Hitler's bloodhounds. But Jackson had more resources than that of the possessed Fuhrer.

With money and threats, he achieved that he was allowed to the archives of the Order, which kept the secrets of thousands of years. He spent many weeks in the Illuminati archives. At this time, three of his doubles constantly flashed in public. It was much easier to find doubles for Michael Jackson, with his seemingly plastic face assembled from scraps of skin, than for other celebrities. It was this circumstance that prompted Michael Jackson to plan fake death. It is this plan that I will now tell you about.

Photo of Michael Jackson's double

The truth about the fictitious Michael's death Jackson
Before you go to better world, allowed himself to exert himself excessively, which could easily lead to cardiac arrest from the painkiller administered by the attending physician. It is alleged that it was not the real Michael Jackson who died in the arms of the attending physician, but Romanian look-alike Dimitri Dragucescu(Dimitrie Draghicescu), who was drawn into one of the biggest intrigues in show business.

At that time, Michael Jackson himself calmly boarded a jet plane, which took him to the Southeast of the United States of America. This Romanian decided to be like two peas in a pod to the pop legend; over the course of three years he underwent many plastic surgeries. He also learned to copy speech and behavior, not to mention choreographic abilities. But still, it was not the great Michael Jackson, but just his double, who was taken to the hospital.
Think for yourself, the person who called the immediate response service never answered who was feeling bad or what his name was. In principle, even if the idol of millions were dying, 911 would reliably hide this information from strangers, and besides, they have special sensors that react to the degree of anxiety of the caller, thereby making it possible to find out about the authenticity of the call. At that moment there was no suspicion, but the person actually died, but it was unlikely that it was Michael Jackson.

Dimitri Dragucescu was mortally ill and knew that sooner or later his turn would come, so he agreed to play the role of the corpse of the Great King. On top of that, the real Michael promised a generous reward from the family of the Romanian double, and he simply could not refuse such a luxurious way to leave. In fact, Jackson is alive, and he was absolutely healthy, since all his life he tried to keep himself in amazing shape, which would allow him to live not 50 years, but all 150. Most likely, the planned blackmail was crowned with success, and now Michael Jackson is calm with smiles and looks at what is happening from the outside. This man reached such heights in his life that several generations do not reach; he had everything he could dream of. He was loved by millions, and he paid in kind, and the series of scandals that were associated with the singer’s name was nothing more than a way to stir up attention to his person.

Michael Jackson's Secret Diary
After Michael's death, his close long-time friend allegedly found a diary kept by the singer, in which he repeatedly mentioned a certain plan of death, a staging that he definitely wants to pull off. The diary said that Jackson wanted to fake his passing from this world from a heart attack. Jackson also writes in his diary that he is tired of his name being associated only with scandalous details his life, he's tired of all the fuss and just wants to go away and relax. He further describes such details that allegedly another King of the Stage, Elvis Presley, who had problems with drugs, at one time also staged his death theatrically, although in fact, there was another person in his place.

It is quite possible that Jackson decided in this way to get rid of all the problems at once and simply fool the world community. This is confirmed by many facts that clearly show that Michael Jackson could not just disappear in an instant. He writes in his diary that he is most likely imitating heart attack which will occur from strong drugs.
He even chose the day when he would show himself lifeless to the world. He wanted to choose either Christmas or New Year, but doubted it. He further wrote that after this a completely different life will come, which will be more beautiful than the one that came before. He understood that he had an army of millions of fans, which he would lose forever, but he did not know and could not imagine any other way to get rid of all pressing problems at once.

That close friend, who found this manuscript, was dumbfounded by the information hidden in it. He decided to give the diary to the singer’s friends and relatives. As he correctly noted, this is not his thing, it does not belong to him. According to people close to Michael, the singer thus announced his intention to leave back in 2008, but then no one took his words seriously. When the matter turned out this way, there was an immediate resonance in the media. This is a real fraud project which, if this international deception is exposed, will be a powerful weapon against the identity of the superstar. The legal consequences in this case will be more than serious. When this information was made public, ordinary people rejoiced at the fact that Michael Jackson might actually be alive and that it was a hoax. Simple people they love him for who he is in his songs, his work and they don’t care about what really happened. They believe he didn't do it for the money, or for the insurance to cover all his debts.

Death of Jackson's double
On June 25 last year, the world was stunned by news that overnight eclipsed all others. The pop idol of many generations, Michael Jackson, has died. At first, no one believed this contradictory information; some even decided that it was nothing more than a canard or someone’s bad joke. Many continued to believe that Jackson was alive and simply hiding. Moreover, thousands of witnesses around the world unanimously claimed to have seen the King of Pop.

In particular, his family behaved extremely suspiciously, on the basis of which the journalists decided that death of Michael Jackson is not fiction. Then the whole world learned that the death of himself popular singer in the world the real truth.
After medical confirmation of death, the family of the deceased demanded a second autopsy to find out for sure whether it was really Michael. An autopsy showed that Michael Jackson died from a large dose of the painkiller Diprivan (another name in the medical world, Propofol), which was injected into him by his attending physician. The attending physician is found guilty of the death of the most popular singer in the world.
The best lawyers tried to drop the charges against the attending physician, but as it turned out, this was absolutely impossible. Still, some argue that death is nothing more than a very high-quality staging, and in fact, Jackson was an absolutely healthy person who would have lived not only up to 50 years, but up to 150 years.

Regarding his bankruptcy, this is also nothing more than a fiction; he still had enormous financial resources and could afford a lot. It seems that Jackson is sitting calmly somewhere in secluded place and watches what is happening with a smile on his lips. He achieved even more than he imagined, so why not allow himself such a little prank?
Perhaps he was tired of being popular, because popularity does not relieve loneliness, and by all accounts, Jackson was an unhappy person. Many did not understand him when he decided to have surgery and change his skin color, but when tragedy came to his home, it seemed that everyone who even disliked Michael began to mourn with those who considered him their idol.

When did Michael Jackson's double die?
On June 25, 2009, at the age of 50, a fake death was performed. And on Thursday, September 3, at the Glendale Forest Lawn Cemetery in the suburbs of Los Angeles, millions of people around the world watched the funeral of the “King” take place, so how to assess the fact whether he is alive or has really gone to another world? Nobody knows this for sure.

What actually happened will remain a mystery to everyone, the key to which will be extremely difficult to find.

Perhaps this is the one big performance, in which the King of Millions played main role, and I must say he played it perfectly, making the whole world believe in his sudden death. After all, judge for yourself, how else could such a person disappear without a trace? famous person, whose life has recently become the subject of discussion throughout globe, a certain stagnation was noticed in creativity, but here comes a chance that needs to be taken advantage of as soon as possible. After all, Michael Jackson disappeared immediately after his world tour, doesn’t this seem suspicious or even mystical to you?

The golden lid of the coffin was closed, behind it it was invisible who was in the coffin.

Immediately after the announcement of the death of the great singer, he soared to the top of the charts, his album began to be sold out with triple force, knowing about the debts that had accumulated quite a lot, Jackson and his associates could well have pulled off such a scam. All statements about long-term illness and other health problems are nothing more than a myth. Jackson was in great shape and had no intention of dying, at least not that soon. Such a genius may never appear on the stage again, and if he does, how will the world react to him? Will he accept a new, as yet unknown singer? Only time will give the answer to this question.

What do you think?

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