What colors need to be mixed to get light green. What paints need to be mixed to get the desired color?

  • 20.04.2019

Mixing colors is one of the most difficult procedures that a person who decides to make repairs on their own may face the need to perform. The point is that it is very important to know what colors to mix to create a certain tone. It should be immediately noted that it is better to purchase white paint and tint it in a store using a special machine, so the tone will be uniform. If you decide to do everything yourself, then you can read more about how to mix colors correctly.

These materials are universal, they are used for many purposes: with their help you can simply paint walls, paint stained glass windows, apply designs on the wall and ceiling. In general, the scope of their use is limited by imagination. The compositions are easy to use and adhere well to the surface. But if you decide to paint a multi-component image on the wall, then buying paint of all the necessary colors will be too expensive, and after completion of the work there will be a large number of unnecessary material. In this case, it is better to buy a base series, and mix to create certain shades acrylic paints.

Mixing base paint colors makes it possible to get many different shades, while you can save a lot on your purchase

Main color range

More from school days Everyone knows: when you combine yellow and red, you get orange, but if you add blue to the same yellow, you get green. It is on this principle that the table for mixing acrylic paints is built. According to it, it is enough to purchase only the primary colors:

  • white;
  • black;
  • red;
  • brown;
  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • pink.

You can simply mix acrylic paints of these tones to get most of the existing shades.

Basics of mixing according to the table

To properly mix materials, you cannot do without a table. At first glance, it is easy to work with: to get the desired result, you just need to find the color and see what components are required. But the color mixing table does not indicate the proportions, so it is necessary to gradually add tinting material to the base paint and apply the mixture to some unnecessary product: a sheet of plywood, drywall, and so on. Then you need to wait until the material dries. If the color matches the required one, you can begin work on the main surface.

Coloring technique

Now about how to get colors. By mixing acrylic materials You can achieve the formation of two main tones: light and dark. Basic tones: earthy, green, orange, purple. To create color, it is recommended to follow certain rules:

  1. Light.
  2. In this case, the main material is titanium white, to which one or two tinting compounds are added. The less additional paintwork materials are used, the lighter the tone will be. This is how you can make most shades of a light palette.
  3. Dark.
  4. To create shades of this type, do the opposite. Before mixing colors, you need to prepare the base tone; black dye is gradually introduced into the base. When working with black paint, you need to be careful because it can make the color look muddy rather than dark.
  5. Green. This shade is not in the main palette, so you will need to mix yellow and blue. The exact ratio can only be determined experimentally.
  6. Violet. This is a cool color that is obtained by mixing blue with pink or red. In some cases, you will also need to add black to darken the material.

Orange. To create this color you need to mix red and yellow. For a richer orange, it is recommended to add more red and vice versa. If you want to create a soft color, for example, coral, then you need to lighten the material with white. Can I add dark dyes? Yes, you can, but mixing colors may result in a muddy tone.

Earthy. Here the main color is brown. By adding various shades to it, they get a color from beige to dark wood.

It is recommended to place white in the center, since it is used in creating most shades. Dyes of the main color range are placed in the recesses around (if any). You need to mix carefully, gradually adding tinting material and constantly checking the result. After mixing the colors, the brush should be rinsed in a container of water.

On a note! Working with materials based on acrylic resins using a table and palette is quite simple. The main thing is to practice more, the result will get better each time.

Oil paints

If you compare this material with watercolor or acrylic, then oil is more fluid. Because of this, you need to mix the compositions very carefully. different colors. On the one hand, this is a drawback, but on the other hand, this feature allows you to obtain the following effects:

  • Providing thorough mixing, a uniform tone will be obtained. This material is perfect for both complete painting of surfaces and partial decoration.
  • If you mix partially, then different colored veins will appear on the coating.


Now about how to mix oil paints. For mixing paint colors on oil based a table is also used. It indicates the colors obtained by combining various tinting components. In addition, here you can find such an indicator as a combination of shine. If you add a little gloss to a matte base, there will be practically no result, but if you do the opposite, the shine will be slightly muted.

Mixing methods:

  1. Mechanical. In this case we're talking about about mixing two or more different-colored materials in one container. Color saturation is controlled by the number of compositions of bright shades. The desired color is created even before the wall or ceiling is processed.
  2. Color overlay. Gradual application of several strokes on top of each other.
  3. Optic. This is the most complex method, which is available only to specialists. It involves mixing glossy and matte bases while applying paint to the surface. You can mix paint colors only on the surface being treated, otherwise you will get a more even tone.


The first method fully corresponds to the data in the table. When it comes to color application, the result is unpredictable. One of the most simple options optical illusions is glazing: a dark tone is applied to the surface, after it dries, paint is applied a little lighter, and then completely light. As a result, each color will be visible through the top layers.

So there is no specific pattern. To find out which colors need to be mixed, it is not enough just to take and look at the table; it is important to constantly practice and not be afraid of experiments. This way you can create a new effect that will make the interior unique. It is also important to remember that a mixed shade is very difficult to replicate, so you should remember the proportions.

Now the question of how to mix paints correctly does not seem so difficult.

Knowledge of color mixing options can be useful not only in professional activity artists. Individual design of a living space often poses the question to the designer of how to achieve this or that interesting undertone. The proposed combination options and color mixing table will help you achieve the desired effect.

Everyday life is filled with a wide range of different colors. To get the right one, you need to know the intricacies of combination.

Blue, red and yellow paint are the three pillars on which a wide palette of halftones rests. It is impossible to form these colors by mixing other colors. At the same time, combining them with each other gives an unusually large number of combinations.

Important! You can create a variety of shades by mixing only two colors by changing their proportions.

Depending on the volume of one part of paint added to another, the resulting result approaches one or another original color. One of the most famous examples is the mixing of blue and yellow, resulting in green color. The resulting result, when adding new portions of yellow paint, will gradually change, getting as close as possible from green to yellow. You can return to blue by adding more of the original element to the green mixture.

Mixing chromatic colors that are located close to each other on the color wheel produces a paint that does not have a pure tone, but has an expressive chromatic hue. Combining colors that are on opposite sides of the chromatic circle will result in an achromatic tone. An example is combining orange or purple with green. That is, a mixture of colors located closely in the color wheel gives a rich chromatic shade; the maximum distance of colors from each other when mixed leads to a grayish tone.

Individual paints, when interacting, produce undesirable chemical reaction, which may result in cracking of the decorative layer. In some cases, the resulting background may darken or turn gray. A clear example A mixture of white lead and red cinnabar is used. Attractive pink color It gets darker over time.

It is optimal when the impression of multicolor is achieved by mixing a minimum number of colors. At the same time, it is important to consider which paints, when mixed with each other, give a lasting result, and which ones are unacceptable to combine. The knowledge gained allows us to eliminate paints that fade or darken in the future from work.

The table of unwanted mixtures below will help reduce the risk of erroneous combinations:

Having tried the examples given in practice, future painters and designers will gain valuable professional experience.

Methods for obtaining red and its shades

Red is one of the three primary colors and is necessarily present even in minimal sets. But for mass printing, magenta tone is used. The answer to the question of how to get red is quite simple: mix the proposed magenta with yellow in a 1:1 ratio. There are other options for getting red when mixing paints:

The main red is located in the center. Next are the options for mixing. The next circle is the result of combining the first two colors. In conclusion, color options are presented when added to last result red, black or white paint.

Blue and its shades

Blue is considered a primary color, so to form all its shades you will need blue paint.

Attention! No combination of other colors produces a shade of blue, so the presence of this paint in the kit is mandatory.

Even with a set of 12 colors available, the question periodically arises of how to get blue. The classic tone is called “royal”, and in a set of acrylic paints the main color is often ultramarine, which has a bright dark shade with a purple undertone. A lighter effect can be achieved by mixing blue and white in a 3:1 ratio. Increasing the white leads to a lighter tone, up to a sky blue. If you want to achieve a moderately rich result, dark blue paint is mixed with turquoise.

Let's look at what colors need to be mixed to get shades of blue:

  • The effect of a dark blue-green tone is achieved by mixing blue and yellow paint in equal proportions. Adding white paint will result in a lighter shade while reducing the brightness due to the combination of the 3 elements.
  • The creation of “Prussian blue” is carried out by mixing 1 part of the main blue and adding 1 part of a composition of bright green and light green. A rich and deep shade can be diluted with white, and its purity will not change.
  • Combining blue and red in a 2:1 ratio produces blue with a hint of purple. Adding white allows you to lighten a dark and rich tone.
  • Royal blue is distinguished by its brightness; a similar effect is achieved by mixing the main blue with mangento pink in equal parts. An admixture of white traditionally brightens the result.
  • Combination with orange gives a gray mass. Replacing orange with brown in a 1:2 ratio to the base creates dark color with a complex gray-blue tint.
  • The formation of dark blue occurs with the help of an admixture of black in a ratio of 3:1.
  • You can create a blue tone yourself by mixing the main color with white.

A small table of combination options is presented below:

Green color palette

Solving the problem of how to get green if it is not in the set is quite simple: combine yellow and blue. A rich palette of green halftones is created by changing the proportions of the original components and adding additional elements that perform the function of darkening or lightening. Black and white paint plays this role. The olive and khaki effect is achieved by mixing two main elements (yellow and blue) and a slight admixture of brown.

Comment! The saturation of green depends entirely on the quality of the constituent elements: intense tones of the source materials guarantee a bright result.

If green is obtained by mixing, then all subsequent undertones will be duller. Therefore, it is better to experiment with the range of green if you initially have a ready-made primary color. There are many combination options:

  • A combination of blue and yellow in equal proportions produces a grassy green.
  • Increasing yellow to 2 parts and adding 1 part blue results in a yellow-green effect.
  • An experiment on the contrary in the form of a blue-yellow proportion of 2:1 will allow you to obtain a blue-green tone.
  • If you add ½ part of black to the previous composition, you will achieve a dark green effect.
  • A light green warm tone is formed from yellow, blue and white paint in a ratio of 1:1:2.
  • For a similar light green shade, but a cool tone, you need to take yellow, blue and white bases in a 1: 2: 2 ratio.
  • Dark olive color is formed by mixing equal parts of yellow, blue and brown paint.
  • The gray-brown tone is obtained from similar elements in a ratio of 1:2:0.5.

The expressiveness of the green color is directly dependent on the original elements; accordingly, the brightness of the halftones is based on the saturation of the green. The graphic palette gives a clear idea of ​​the mixing options:

As in the case of the red circle, the main paint is located in the center, followed by mixing options, then the result of the experiments. The final circle is the shades of the previous level when adding base, white or black paint.

Other combination options

There are many other techniques to create the desired effect by adding some kind of dye to the base color. The answer to the question of how to get color Ivory multifaceted and depends on the surface where you plan to apply the paint. The simplest option is to mix snow-white basic basis with yellowish. For example, yellowish ocher or a minimal amount of strontium is added to white. To tint paper, a small amount of potassium permanganate is diluted in water. A light pink tint indicates a correctly diluted solution. A cotton swab, brush or sponge is moistened with the resulting composition, after which the surface of the paper is treated.

Advice! For double-sided tinting, the sheet can be dipped in a container with a solution of potassium permanganate for a couple of minutes. After drying, it will acquire the desired ivory effect.

There are also several ways to get black:

  • by mixing the three basic colors of red, blue and yellow;
  • when combining cyan, magenta and yellow;
  • a combination of green and red, but the result will not be 100% clear, but only close to the desired effect.

We will try to answer the most popular questions about mixing options:

  • How to get raspberry color: the base is blue with the addition of red, white and brown tones.
  • Get turquoise, whose second name is aquamarine, can be used by mixing blue and green. Depending on the proportions, the tones of the new shade range from soft pastels to intense and bright ones.
  • How to get yellow? It is a basic color and cannot be obtained by combining other colors. Something similar to yellow can be created watercolor paints when combining green and orange or red. But it is impossible to achieve purity of tone in this way.
  • How to get a brown tint? To do this you will need basic paints: red, yellow and blue. First, a small amount of yellow is added to the red (in an approximate ratio of 10:1), then the volume is gradually increased until an orange tone is obtained. After which they proceed to the introduction of the blue element, 5-10% of the total volume will be enough. Minor adjustments to proportions will produce a wide variety of brown effects.
  • Combining black and white elements in different proportions gives a diverse range of gray tones.

As you can see, there are options to achieve desired effect V creative process an innumerable variety of designs. The information presented will be supplemented by a table with options for mixing colors and video:

Everyone knows that by combining 3 primary colors (red, yellow and blue), you can achieve any other color. This theory was developed in ancient times by Leonardo da Vinci. The conclusion from the theory can be drawn that it is impossible to obtain primary colors by mixing others. But what to do and, for example, how to get red? To solve the issue, let's approach it from a practical side and consider how red is made in a printing house, how artists get it and what needs to be done for this.

Red color in printing is made by mixing other basic colors. The CMYK color model is used here. All differences in the colors of the model used are made by mixing the desired base colors:

  • Blue - cyan
  • Magenta (violet) – magenta
  • Yellow
  • Black

As in other color models, you need to take at least 2 colors, and in our case, red on printed products is made by combining 2 process colors: violet (magenta) and yellow. This method is also used to make color engravings. If you acquire these paints, you can make not only red, but also achieve shades of it by adjusting the ratio of yellow and magenta (violet). The range of red colors will be from pale purple to rich orange-red.

Mix yellow and magenta to get red

Information: In addition to printing, the CMYK model is the basis for the operation of most printers. It is also used for professional painting of cars, decoration of interiors and facades of buildings, and in fabric production.

Natural red

In addition to artificially obtaining color, it can easily be made from natural materials. This is how bedstraw flowers allow you to paint objects bright red. To prepare this paint, flowers are dried and boiled with alum for half an hour. Safflower and St. John's wort flowers are also suitable for making red paint by boiling water until thick. Cherry paint, similar in color, is made from orange lichen. You need to finely chop the lichen and mix it with baking soda (it is better to use a solution), wait 3-4 minutes and you can use it.

In nature, red color can be found quite often. Therefore, its different shades are sometimes named based on their natural hosts: fruits, minerals and berries. Among them you can find such names as: raspberry, pomegranate, cherry, coral, blue, wine, burgundy. All similar colors form the red spectrum.

Red shades in painting are made based on pigments of warm and cold shades. Quinacridone ruby ​​or violet should be considered cold, while cadmium light, orange sienna (natural and burnt) should be considered warm.

RGB and CMYK color models

Interaction with other colors

Many people wonder whether it is possible to make red from other colors, for example, pink. Our answer is no! If you replace purple with pink and mix it with yellow, then you won’t see red, only a semblance of it.

Burgundy is made from red by mixing with black. Depending on the types of paints, the ratio can reach up to 2:1 (you need 2 parts red and 1 black). By changing the concentration you can create different shades of burgundy.

Another question is, what happens if you mix red and yellow? Answer: we get orange.

The most popular question is: “what do we get when mixing red and blue paints?” To clarify, let's look at the RGB color model (red, green, blue), where you can clearly see that using blue in combination with red, we get purple.


The basic colors for red are yellow and magenta (violet). To do desired color When mixing, it is not necessary to take artificial paints, you can use natural ones. Red is the base color in the RGB model and must be mixed with green and blue to make other colors.

We offer you an interesting video to watch

Color science is a whole science. And mixing colors with each other is quite a fascinating process. Just imagine that from a small set of primary colors and additional white, you can get absolutely any shade and enrich the color palette of your painting.

Difficulties in working with color

Every artist is faced with the fact that he sometimes needs a certain shade, which can be composed of two or three colors. A professional has no problems with this. He clearly understands what to mix and with what to achieve the desired result. However, it can only use a few local colors.

Beginners always have difficulties with this. And not everyone knows that green comes from yellow and blue, and brown from red and green. What about the color pink? How to get it in its pure form or its specific shade, because the palette of pink is very extensive. In addition, it is not always possible to achieve a pure color.

Features to consider when mixing

Successful color mixing will depend on the type of paints you are working with. They all differ in chemical composition, accordingly, can react with each other. This is especially true for oil paints. If you do not take into account the characteristics of some pigments, then the resulting color, when combining two or three poorly combined with each other, may darken, crack, or acquire an inappropriate shade. In order to help artists figure this out, special tables have been created that indicate all undesirable mixtures of oil paints. There are also auxiliary tables with shades that clearly show what you get by mixing certain colors.

Shades of pink

If you are faced with the task of getting it as close as possible to how you imagine it, then first you need to decide what color is considered pink? Or more precisely, which of its great many shades, which vary not only in lightness, but also in warmth and coldness. It is interesting to know that each person sees and perceives this color differently. This may depend not only on gender, but also on the climate in which a person lives.

How to get pink from art paints?

Its production will directly depend on the type of paint used. Let's look at a few of the most common options.

If you paint with watercolors and use standard set out of 24 colors, you can find carmine there. Dilute it with water and you get pink. Adjust its saturation by the amount of added water. If you're using a limited palette, any red you have will do. Mix it with water in the same way.

Gouache is also water-based, but unlike watercolor, it actively uses white. Red gouache with white will give you pink. To make it paler, add more white, to make it brighter, add more red. Pay attention to the fact that the gouache becomes lighter as it dries. Therefore, the color of the diluted paint should be brighter than you require.

WITH oil paints the matter is a little more complicated. It is important to take into account, when figuring out how to get pink, which colors will be suitable in composition, and which, after mixing, may fade over time. Ideal option it will be if you add it to a durable one. The scheme of actions is the same as with gouache. The more white, the lighter the color.

Before applying to the painting, test the resulting color on a separate piece of paper or cardboard to make sure you are happy with it.

Warm and cool shades

Which colors to mix to get pink will be influenced not only by the overall color scheme of your painting, but also by the lighting in it. After all, pink in the shade and in the light are two completely different shades.

There is another important nuance that novice artists sometimes overlook and wonder why they can’t get the color they want when they’ve done everything right. The fact is that the resulting shade of pink directly depends on what tone of red is used as the base. Accordingly, if you mix cold red with white, you will not get warm pink. And you can get a warm tone by adding yellow, orange or brown to red in the right proportions.

If you want a cool pink, mix red and white with a little blue or blue colors. If you add a drop of black paint, the color will be muted. By experimenting, you can achieve very interesting shades.

How to get pink color when mixing construction paints?

When it comes to construction and interior paints, there are several options other than buying a ready-made color, which may not always meet your expectations.

One option is to buy a can of white base color and a universal pink color, which should be compatible with paints from any manufacturer. To mix them you will need a separate container. Pour white paint into it (it can be either water-based paint or construction acrylic) and begin to gradually add color to it.

During the process, you need to thoroughly stir the composition. Continue dripping color into it and stirring until you feel that the desired tone has been achieved. But don’t rush to paint the entire surface with it at once. Paint a small area with it first and wait until it dries to see the results.

The second option for getting pink is to mix red and white paint. There are also a lot of shades of red among construction paints. If you need to paint a large area and the mixture will have to be done several times, then write down the proportions as accurately as possible so that the color is ultimately uniform over the entire surface.

At the same time, glossy paint will be bright and rich, while matte paint will be more subdued.

You can get pink, as you already understood, in many ways. It all depends on the tasks assigned to you. And when you get a successful shade, be sure to write down what colors you used and in what proportions, so that you can repeat it if necessary.

In this article we will look at what needs to be mixed to get brown color in paints.

Such a noble and calm color as brown has always dominated the clothing of rich and noble representatives. By the way, its main characteristic is stability and stability. But often the palette does not have this color or its required shade. And young or even experienced artists should be able to select the right colors in order to create their own color scheme brown spectrum. And our recommendations will help in this aspect.

How to get brown color when mixing: 3 ways

Before rushing to the color scheme and brushes, you need to remember what colors there are. They are divided into two groups – basic and additional. There are also two more subgroups - composite and complex. All of them make up the design of four groups of basic colors.

Remember - primary colors cannot be obtained by combining any palettes. By the way, they are the ones that become the basis for creating other colors. Moreover, having black and white on hand, you can extract absolutely any color.

IMPORTANT: Brown belongs to the group of complex colors.

We offer three basic methods for obtaining brown color.

Green (blue+yellow) with red

  • Even schoolchildren know that brown comes out when you mix two colors together - green and red. This is the case if we talk about the primary and composite colors.
  • But the task still remains to do green tint. As easy as pie! Take two primary colors - yellow and blue.
  • You need to take an equal amount various shades. But take into account your wishes.
    • If you want to end up with a darker color, then add a little more blue, but to the finished green color.
    • If, on the contrary, you want to make a more transparent shade, then initially take a little more yellow.
  • After receiving the secondary color, we begin making the tertiary color. To the green color you got, you need to add a little red tone.
  • It is important to introduce red paint, and not vice versa! After all, it is the fundamental tone that regulates the degree of darkness and saturation brown tint. If you add too much red coloring, then you will get more of a brick tone.
    • But also keep in mind that the red color makes brown so warm (in large quantities it can even create a rust effect), but green, on the contrary, will make it even a little grayish and cold.

Orange (yellow+red) with blue

  • The first thing you need to do is take red. And add yellow to it. By the way, it needs to be introduced gradually and in small quantities.
  • On average, yellow should be only 10% of the volume of red. It's important to get a dark orange. But keep in mind that too much red coloring will create a reddish brown color.
  • Blue paint will need even less - 5-7% of the total volume. You also need to add gradually, in small portions and stirring the ingredients well.
  • Of course, adjust the tone and saturation of the brown color using the blue tint.

Violet (red+blue) with yellow

  • Red and blue colors should be taken in equal quantities. Then you can get a noble and even royal shade purple, which will have the desired richness and warmth.
  • Then, you need to introduce yellow color little by little. It will lighten the resulting purple, so watch the amount. If the color is predominantly yellow, then the brown color will be lighter and warmer. The violet tone does the opposite.

IMPORTANT: Too much yellow paint will create an ocher tint.

How to make a light brown color from paints, gouache when mixed?

To get a light brown color, you need to give the yellow color a predominance. But! Let us repeat that too much of it will make the color look like ocher. And, of course, it all depends on the desired lordship.

  • To whiten brown color, you need add white. Yes, it's that simple. The more you add, the lighter the final color will be.
  • But don’t overdo it, brown is a warm color and White color will neutralize this characteristic. Therefore, introduce very carefully, gradually and in small portions (literally, 1% of the total mass of paints).
  • Although adding the previous color will help correct the situation.

How to get a dark brown color when mixing paints and gouache?

If we talk about previous mixing options, more blue or green will make a darker brown. But they will also add their own nuance. There is another, simpler and quick way obtaining a dark brown color.

  • Just add black paint. But you need to work with it extremely carefully, since a small dose of excess paint will simply turn it into black.
  • Therefore, add paint in tiny portions and take note of one rule - conduct experiments with a small amount of paint.

  • By the way, so as not to make a mistake with in the right color, mix a little black with white. But leave the first shade predominant. Just make it a little softer as it can quickly eat up the brown color.

How to get chocolate when mixing paints or gouache?

For creating chocolate color, you need to tinker a little. The most unencumbered scheme is to choose the right tones of orange and blue. But there is another possible option.

  • Combine yellow and blue paint to create a dark green color. In another bowl, combine red and a drop of yellow to create orange.
  • Now combine the two resulting colors. And in the end you get the color of green grass or grass green.
  • Now you need to create a bloody red color. To do this, combine the same orange and red palette.

  • In conclusion, it remains to combine the two complex colors obtained.
  • And as a result we get the color of real chocolate.
    • If you want milk chocolate then add a drop of white paint
    • A mixture of white and yellow will give an additional golden tint to the color.
    • Dark chocolate is again obtained by adding black paint.
    • But yellow with chocolate will help you get a beautiful and even brown color

How to get coffee color when mixing paints or gouache?

  • Coffee color can be obtained by adding the same black gouache. Also, you need to mix according to technology - orange paint plus blue color. In this case, you can achieve the desired tone.

Getting coffee color
  • Alternatively, you can achieve the desired color using a composition of purple and orange paint. If necessary, you need to add a drop of black tint.

Color mixing: table

For a clearer understanding, we would like to provide you with a table that will show all possible versions removal of brown color and its range. To get a brown color, you need to mix composite colors, adding the main shade to them. True, there are other options where the composition includes not just secondary colors, but even complex palettes.