Who will host the show while everyone is at home? Timur Kizyakov called the methods of the management of Channel One unacceptable

  • 22.06.2019

The program “While Everyone is Home” will no longer air on Channel One. Timur Kizyakov, along with the film crew, resigned from the TV channel.

Channel One will no longer air the show “While Everyone is Home” with host Timur Kizyakov.

Channel One terminated the contract with the company that was producing the program. Since the program does not belong to “Pervy” and was created by the production company, it will no longer be broadcast on it.

TV presenter Timur Kizyakov explained the reasons for leaving Channel One: together with the project “While everyone is at home,” he quit for at will back in May, after the scandal with video passports of orphans.

Kizyakov insists that the transmission manufacturer Dom LLC in early June own initiative sent Channel One an official notice that he would no longer create a program for them: “We did this because of the unacceptable working methods of the channel’s management.” Kizyakov refused to disclose the essence of his claims. “We know nothing about the fact that the channel allegedly decided not to work with us anymore in April,” he told reporters.

However, according to Kizyakov, the severance of relations with “First” for the “Dom” company is not directly related to the scandal around video passports: “Although we were extremely unpleasant that the channel did not protect us in this situation.”

Earlier, the media reported that the decision to terminate the contract with the Dom company, which produced the While Everyone Is Home program, was made about a month ago. Allegedly this happened based on the results internal audit, which was organized by the TV channel after the publication in the media of information that presenters Timur and Elena Kizyakov received money from several sources at once for the production of so-called “video passports” of orphans (they were shown in the section “You will have a child”). They talked about children from orphanages who needed adoptive parents.

It turned out that the company received money for this section from the TV channel (for outsourcing the production of the program), from the state (for the production of “video passports”) and from sponsors (for example, from one of famous manufacturers ceramic tiles).

According to the Unified State Register legal entities, 49.5 percent of Dom LLC belongs to Kizyakov and his long-time business partner Alexander Mitroshenkov, and another 1% belongs to the head of the company Nina Podkolzina.

The fact that companies that belong to the creators of the “While everyone is at home” program received funding from the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation and at the same time from regional authorities in the amount of about 110 million rubles for the creation of videos about orphans, Vedomosti reported at the end of last year.

According to procurement documents studied by the newspaper, the production of one such “video passport” costs 100 thousand rubles.

Channel One representative Larisa Krymova then noted that they were not aware that the company producing the program was filming “video passports” with money received from the state.

According to the publication, Channel One paid approximately one and a half million rubles for one episode of the program “While Everyone is Home.” The “You’re Having a Baby” section also had a separate sponsor - the same tile manufacturer, and the creators of the program also received part of this money.

Last week, TV viewers were shocked by the news that the program “While Everyone is Home” will no longer air on Channel One due to the fact that its permanent presenter Timur Kizyakov was suspected of making money from orphans. It turned out that three sources allocated funds for the production of videos about children left without parental care - the television company, the state and sponsors. According to journalists, the audit confirmed information about financial fraud.

The television journalist himself denies such accusations and claims that they are a fabrication aimed at ruining his reputation. Timur Kizyakov decided to respond in detail to the claims against him on his Facebook page. The man posted a post entitled “Punishment without a crime,” in which he spoke in detail about the violations attributed to him.

Thus, the presenter is often reproached for registering the name “Video Passport,” but he considers his actions “an absolutely normal, correct and legal step.” According to Kizyakov, everyone who starts serious work should do this.

After video passports began to gain popularity, one former home renovation company won a competition to create the stories. As a result, its employees presented low-quality products, according to Kizyakov. Timur and his colleagues decided to sue the organization. The man emphasized that this was the only time they decided to resolve the conflict legally.

“The attackers got to work and produced a video that caused bitterness, shame and indignation, a wretched hack called a video passport!” – noted the presenter.

In his address to the public, Kizyakov also commented on the cost of performing a video profile of a child left without parental care. The presenter and his colleagues argue that 100 thousand rubles is not a fabulously high amount for such work.

“Video passports are filmed only with professional equipment, only by on-air specialists with medical books and non-disclosure receipts closed by law information about children. 100 thousand is the cost of work on one video passport, it has remained unchanged for 10 years (although everything has become more expensive: equipment, rent, transport, accommodation), and for ten years this official information has been available on the Internet. In all contracts it is clearly visible that the total amount of the contract is always a multiple of the number of passports produced,” he said.

// Photo: Shot from the program “While everyone is at home”

Kizyakov added that it was often necessary to buy tickets separately and pay for accommodation for employees when it came to traveling to other regions. “Funding goes only for video passports,” the presenter added, stating that the “You’re Having a Child” section is not funded from three sources, as previously stated. Kizyakov also disclosed the terms of his company’s agreement with third-party organizations that purchased placement on the air of the TV show.

Then Kizyakov explained how the creation of video passports differs from the “You will have a child” section. According to him, these are two different formats, the production of each of which has its own characteristics.

Timur Kizyakov – widely famous TV presenter and script writer. The TV presenter’s most famous project, “While Everyone is Home,” is known and loved in all corners of the country and even abroad.

Timur was born in the Moscow region, in the city of Reutov, which is located just a few kilometers from the capital. Timur’s nationality raises questions in the press; journalists call Kizyakov a Tatar, but the press has not received official confirmation of this assumption. The family of the future TV presenter gravitated towards technical specialties: his mother worked as an engineer, and his father served all his life shoulder to shoulder with military equipment and retired to the reserve with the rank of colonel.

About nothing else but military career, Timur himself did not even think about it. Kizyakov was involved in his own physical education from childhood, and after high school submitted documents to the Yegoryevsk Aviation School at DOSAAF and in 1986 graduated from there with the education of an MI-2 helicopter pilot.

But I didn’t want to remain in Timur’s service, so higher education the young man went to study at a civilian university, but also a technical one. Kizyakov's choice fell on the Moscow Energy Institute. However, in fact, even as a freshman, Timur began working on television and by the time he received his diploma he had already had tangible success with viewers.


However, Timur Kizyakov got on television by accident. A friend of the future TV presenter, who studied at VGIK, told Kizyakov that there was a competition for the script of a new children's program and everyone could participate. The guy decided that he had nothing to lose and proposed his own idea to the leaders of the “Early in the Morning” project. And it was this idea that turned out to be winning and began creative biography Kizyakova on television.

Thus, since 1988, Kizyakov began working in the Main Editorial Office of Broadcasting for Children, both as a co-author and as the host of the program “Early in the Morning,” which replaced the popular Soviet Sunday children's show"Alarm".

"While everyone is at home"

Later, with the collapse Soviet Union, this editorial office was transformed into an independent television company “Class”, and Timur Kizyakov proposed a new idea - a morning entertainment program for the whole family, whose guests were supposed to be famous and respected people. The new show was called “While everyone is at home,” and the first person to whom TV presenter Timur Kizyakov went to visit was the legendary actor and his big family.

In addition to simple gatherings and communication, Kizyakov came up with the idea of ​​diversifying his own program with various regular sections. Over almost 25 years, many of them were replaced, but the most popular remained “My Beast,” “Crazy Hands,” and “You’re Having a Baby.”

During his career, Timur Borisovich was a nominee and laureate many times for the title of best TV presenter of the year, according to the organizers of the professional awards “Golden Ostap”, “TEFI”, “Person of the Year”.

Personal life

Timur met his only wife Elena in 1997 at Ostankino. The girl was a professional journalist, a graduate of the specialized faculty of the Peoples' Friendship Institute. At the time of the meeting, Elena held the position of editor of the Vesti program.

On Timur's part it was love at first sight. The TV presenter was not even stopped by the fact that his beloved was married. Kizyakov said that he does not take away someone else’s wife, but takes him away his own wife. Soon Elena divorced her first husband and married a TV presenter. Today Timur and Elena not only live together, but also actually work in family project“For now everyone is at home.” Elena Kizyakova runs the “You will have a child” column there.

It also needs to be said that Timur has three children. Interestingly, it was decided to name the first girl Elena in honor of her mother, and Timur in honor of her father. And only the second daughter received the name Valentina, which is the only one in the apartment.

From time to time, rumors appeared in the press that the TV presenter of a family show divorced his wife, but the Kizyakov family remains strong today, and such rumors are not confirmed.

The TV presenter does not seek to advertise his own personal life. There is no page registered on Instagram under the name of Timur Kizyakov, in others in social networks The TV presenter is also not active.

Today Timur Kizyakov became seriously interested political activity. Kizyakov believes that he can help the citizens of his own country, so he joined the party’s supreme council “ United Russia", where the TV presenter was personally invited by the representative of the General Council Olga Batalina. Timur Borisovich is going to deal with the issues of children left without parental care, and will also directly cooperate with television in order to try to minimize the tongue-tiedness of modern TV presenters, as well as influence positive side on the number of quality children's programs.

Timur Kizyakov now

On August 15, 2017, the press learned that the program “While Everyone is Home,” one of oldest programs"Channel One", . The closure of the program was due to the termination of the contract between Channel One and Dom LLC, which is involved in the production of “While Everyone is Home” and is 49.5% owned by TV presenter Timur Kizyakov.

Rumors about why Kizyakov was fired vary. The press talked about the TV presenter’s illness, about the conflict with the channel’s management, about personal and family problems.

The Vedomosti newspaper names two reasons why “While Everyone Is Home” is no longer broadcast on Channel One. First, the show's gradual decline in ratings is to blame. The second reason is cited by the media as a scandal that began in December 2016. The Meduza project was the first to write that Timur Kizyakov receives budget money for filming video profiles of orphans, which are shown in the “You’re Having a Child” section, hosted by the TV presenter’s wife Elena Kizyakova. According to rumors, each story about orphans under government orders cost 100 thousand rubles, which amounted to 35 million rubles over three years. At the same time, journalists noted that the TV presenter criticizes charitable foundations and organizations, as well as other producers of orphan profiles for filming unprofessional materials.

Other media outlets picked up the news. Immediately after a series of high-profile articles, the management of Channel One initiated an investigation. As RBC subsequently reported, the audit confirmed the fraud. Information also appeared in the media that Timur Kizyakov did not collaborate with other charitable projects of Channel One, except his own, and did not participate in the annual trips of the channel group to hospitals and orphanages in selected cities.

The TV presenter confirmed that the program “While Everyone is Home” will stop airing on the channel. But, according to Timur Kizyakov, this is happening on the TV presenter’s own initiative, and a letter to terminate cooperation was sent to Channel One back in May. The TV presenter cited new leadership methods, which Timur Kizyakov does not agree with, as the reason for his departure.

Kizyakov criticized rumors of a scandal. The TV presenter claims that in this way the channel is trying to save face when old and popular programs break off cooperation with it. Timur Borisovich declared the media information unreliable and referred to the fact that the press does not provide the names of sources, which means it can publish fictitious rumors.

Timur Kizyakov is also supported by the fact that the TV presenter is not the first star to leave Channel One. They have already stopped collaborating with the channel.


  • 1988 - “Early in the Morning”
  • 1992 - “While everyone is at home”

The permanent presenter of perhaps the most soulful program on our TV, “While Everyone is Home,” will soon exchange “fifty dollars”

The permanent presenter of perhaps the most heartwarming program on our TV, “While Everyone is Home,” Timur KIZYAKOV, will very soon exchange “fifty dollars.” As always, he will spend his anniversary with his family - wife Elena, daughters Lena and Valya and son Timur. Well, we decided to remember the brightest moments from their lives.

Timur and Elena have been together for 20 years. We met at Ostankino, where Kizyakov At that time, he had already been working on his brainchild for five years - the “While Everyone is Home” program. Lena worked as an editor on another project and was also married.

For Timur it was love at first sight, obsession! - Comrade Kizyakova told us Ruslan Smolin. “I couldn’t eat or sleep and talked incessantly about this beauty. But several thousand people visit Ostankino every day, so the chances of meeting the mysterious stranger again were scanty. We tried to explain this to him and persuaded him not to kill himself like that - you never know how many girls walk the corridors of the television center! But, apparently, Lena and Timur were destined to be together. A few days later, Kizyakov again met a stranger at the Ostankino technical entrance - where he had never looked before that moment. And, naturally, he did not believe his luck.

From the very first moment I knew that we would have a family,” the TV presenter recalled that day. “Everything was at stake for me then.” Literally a few days after we met, while leaving on a business trip, I gave Lena the keys to my apartment and burned all the spare airfields: I called everyone with whom I had at least some hint of a relationship and said that we no longer communicate.

The TV presenter’s country house is equipped with everything necessary for year-round living. Photo by Ruslan VORONOY ()

Elena immediately filed for divorce and within a few months became Kizyakov’s wife, and in next year gave him a daughter, whom the couple, without thinking twice, also named Lena. By the way, the Kizyakovs’ five-year-old son is called Timur - according to an already established tradition. And the middle Valyusha inherited the name from her grandmother.

Kizyakov admitted more than once that by marrying Elena, he found not only the love of his life, but also a faithful work partner. The wife became right hand Timur on the project “While everyone is at home” and hosts his column “You will have a child” there. In it, Elena talks about orphans and tries to help each child orphanage find a new family.

It would seem that the project is kind and charitable, but even here it was not without a scandal. Six months ago, the head of the department of state policy in the field of protection of children's rights of the Ministry of Education and Science Evgeny Silyanov said that for each such children's video profile the Kizyakovs receive a hefty sum. The figures were sky-high: almost 10 million rubles in a year alone! And not only that, Timur and his wife registered copyrights for such video passports of orphans, which gave them the opportunity to sue anyone who, in the same way as they did, would try to place the orphans in the family.

The Kizyakovs themselves commented on this situation with restraint: they say that they did not appropriate other people’s money and spent all allocated funds exclusively for their intended purpose. Be that as it may, over the 11-year history of this charity project new house really gained an incredible number of babies.

During this time Timur and Elena also managed to acquire a luxurious family nest in the near Moscow region. In this three-story cottage with a cozy barbecue gazebo and a spacious bathhouse with a pond, Kizyakov will one of these days host a celebration in honor of his 50th anniversary.

The entertainment program “While Everyone is Home” is an old-timer on domestic television. It has been on the air since November 8, 1992. Author and presenter Timur Kizyakov came to visit famous artists, musicians, athletes and over a cup of tea asked about life. But the program will not be aired in the new season - Channel One decided to close it due to ethical and financial problems.


The scandal erupted over the column “You’re Having a Child,” which had been published since 2006. Timur Kizyakov’s wife, Elena, spoke about children from Russian orphanages, promoted foster care and foster families, and helped with adoption.

According to the State Procurement website, in 2011, companies that belong to the creators of the program “While Everyone is Home” received a lot of money in tenders of the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as regional authorities, to create videos about orphans. The amount is really huge – 110 million rubles. They spent it, as the Vedomosti newspaper writes, on creating so-called video passports about orphans: 100 thousand for each.

At the same time, Channel One bought a license from the manufacturer on commercial terms for the entire program, including the section “You will have a child.” The channel did not know that videos about orphans were produced at the expense of the state, the Channel One management assures.

Everything was revealed at a meeting at the Ministry of Education and Science. According to TASS and the newspaper " TVNZ", department employee Evgeny Silyanov said that Kizyakov receives money from the budget to create videos about orphans and is suing others charitable foundations, if they try to use the term "video passport".

As a result, Channel One terminated the contract with the production company “While everyone is at home.” “We closed it because of its tarnished reputation; it was difficult to make it to the end of the season, but we have already been preparing since April new program", sources on the First told the site.

The host of “While everyone is at home” Timur Kizyakov told RBC that he did not know about the termination of the contract: “I don’t have such information - I’m away.” Co-owner of the Dom company, Alexander Mitroshenkov, noted that he could not comment on anything, since he “does not have any information.”