A place in the Hermitage garden where everyone takes pictures. Sunday in the Hermitage Garden - Cheers Mates! Modern garden life

  • 29.06.2019

Autumn is wonderful this year. The trees are still bursting with colors and only recently have their leaves begun to fall off. And a week ago, everything was just showing off in place.

And I found new fun. Walking during lunch isn’t enough for me, now I sometimes go for walks in the mornings too :))) It’s just that the start of the working day was postponed for 10 o’clock, and no one even thought about postponing the start of school. In light of this, you still wake up as before and go to school baby is coming just like before, that’s how it works out for me now almost in the morning a whole hour time. Fortunately, we now work in the center and there are so many places to walk. And how I enjoy this circumstance!

The weather was wonderful that week. And one morning I decided to take a walk to the Hermitage Garden. Many times we walked past it during our walks, but somehow never got inside.

On the way to the garden I looked at the decoration of all sorts of cafes

And this name, apparently, arose in light of the sanctions :)))

The bike rack is almost empty. It has become very popular to ride a bicycle to the office, I see it every day office workers on bicycles from the bike rack

Just the day before I saw an interesting house here

And the interesting thing is the decoration. I've never seen a home bats decorated

Walk quickly along the side streets to the Hermitage Garden. It's already on the horizon. But I had time and I decided to walk along Uspensky Lane, which is next to the garden and has just been restored.

We walked along this alley many times, but somehow I didn’t remember anything about it at all. And now he looks much better. Set up benches and flower beds

And the lanterns, in appearance, are the same as the gas ones that stood in Moscow more than a hundred years ago.

All you have to do is paint the building a little, put an emphasis on it - and the look of the alley is completely different

And behind the building is something without which it is impossible to imagine the city - the domes of churches

Well, now you can take a look at the Hermitage Garden

I came in from Uspensky Lane and immediately came across a large children's playground

Squirrels are said to live in this enclosure. But early in the morning I found only the janitor there.

How to describe the feeling when you are walking through a very popular place in Moscow, where in the evening there are always a lot of people, but you walk and there is not a soul around? Beauty!!! Early morning, autumn trees, leaves underfoot, but the janitor rarely flashes anywhere.

There are several theaters in the Hermitage Garden.
The monument is a monument to Victor Hugo.

Monument to Dante Alighieri (it seems that it was a gift to Moscow from the Italians)

Another theater - " New Opera"The building is already more than a hundred years old, I later read this. But at first I thought it was a successful remake.

And on the balconies on the sides there are such visitors

This quiet green corner was created in 1894 by Yakov Shchukin, and before that there was a large wasteland on the site of the garden. Now it is a popular holiday destination.

Moreover, on the territory of the garden there are three theaters - the Hermitage theater of the same name as the garden, as well as the Sphere and the New Opera. In addition, here you can see sculptures, admire fountains and look at the first electric lantern.

Address of the Hermitage Garden:

  • Karetny Ryad street, building 3, building 2.

Operating mode:

  • The garden is open to the public at any time, admission is free and completely free.

Hermitage Garden on the map (direction)

Directions to the Hermitage Garden

If you want to visit the Hermitage Garden, choose the most convenient way for you to get there.

By car

If you choose this method, then first of all think about traffic jams - choose a time when there are fewer of them. In this case, getting to the garden will not be difficult.

When driving along the Garden Ring, in the area of ​​Sadovo-Samotechnaya Street, turn onto Karetny Ryad Street. It is on this street that the Hermitage Garden is located, so you will be able to see it very soon.


Getting there by metro is very convenient - you can avoid long traffic jams, and, in addition, it’s not far from the metro to the garden.

From Chekhovskaya station

The closest metro station to the garden is Chekhovskaya, located on the Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line. Coming out of the metro, you will have to walk for 5-7 minutes before ending up at the garden. You will need to go through Strastnoy Boulevard along Karetny Ryad Street.

In addition, the following metro stations are located not far from the garden: “Tverskaya”, “Pushkinskaya”, from which you can also walk in about 7 minutes. A little further away there are metro stations such as Tsvetnoy Boulevard and Mayakovskaya, but still, it’s also quite convenient to get to them on foot, it just takes a little longer.

From Tsvetnoy Boulevard station

From Tsvetnoy Boulevard you need to go left, or rather, onto Sadovo-Samotechnaya Street. Then turn onto Bolshoy Karetny, and then onto Maly Karetny Street. From this street go out to Likhov Lane, and this way you will reach the garden.

From Mayakovskaya station

And from the Mayakovskaya metro station you need to walk along Tverskaya Street until you turn onto Degtyarny Lane, turn and go to Uspensky Lane, while crossing Malaya Dmitrovka. And there it’s not far from Karetny Val Street, on which the Hermitage is located.

From other stations

In addition, you can get to the following metro stations: “Novoslobodskaya”, which is on the Circle Line, and “Dostoevskaya”, which is on the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya metro line. From them you can take trolleybus No. 69 to the stop called “Hermitage Garden and Miniature Theater”, 3 and 6 stops respectively.

By trolleybus

Perhaps it is convenient for you to travel by trolleybus. In this case, you need to go to the stop called “Karetny Ryad” on trolleybus B or number 10. If you want to shorten the journey a little and take a trolleybus from the metro, then the route number you need is 69.

Whatever method of travel to the Hermitage Garden you choose, something else is important. Here you can relax, enjoying the silence and greenery. Or maybe you want to go to the theater.

Young mothers also love to visit this garden when walking with strollers. And for older children there are playgrounds with swings, slides and carousels.

And in the garden there is a monument “Heart of Lovers” - a favorite place for couples in love. The Hermitage Garden is a romantic place that is pleasant to be in at any time of the year.

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Photo of the Hermitage Garden


Hermitage Garden - Moscow, st. Karetnyi Ryad, 3

Metro station:

Mayakovskaya, Pushkinskaya, Tverskaya, Chekhovskaya, Trubnaya, Tsvetnoy Boulevard

How to get there:

There are many different places in Moscow where people can relax, have fun or just have a good time free time. Among the various city parks, the Hermitage garden occupies a special place, founded at the end of the 19th century by a Moscow merchant, famous philanthropist and theatrical figure I'M IN. Shchukin.

It is thanks to the efforts, perseverance and enthusiasm of Shchukin that today on the territory of the Hermitage Garden you can visit various theaters (the Sphere Drama Theater, the New Opera Theater named after E.V. Kolobov, the Hermitage Theater) and stage venues (the Shchukin Stage , Open summer stage), relax in the garden gazebos or in the summer reading room with a good book in your hands. In addition, visitors can eat in the restaurant-veranda “32.05” or a cafe (ButterBro or SHAWRMAREPUBLIC) located on the territory of the garden, take a walk near the garden fountain, monuments to Dante Alighieri, Victor Hugo or the Monument to All Lovers.

Young visitors and their parents will certainly be interested in seeing the squirrel colony, pheasant farm and dovecote. Also on the territory of the Hermitage Garden there is a children's playground, Kids club, The first children's media laboratory, which has a children's and ballet studio, an art studio and a dance studio.

Drama theater "Sphere". Founded in 1981. A small Moscow theater located on the territory of the Hermitage garden, in which the stage is made in the form of an amphitheater. Sphere features one of the strongest and most talented theater groups Moscow with excellent production of performances.

"New Opera" named after. E.V. Kolobova is a Moscow theater that opened in 1997. Currently, it is one of three theaters located on the territory of the Hermitage Garden.

The oldest and most famous historical monument The garden is the Hermitage Theater. Founded in 1959 as the Moscow Theater of Miniatures, and since 1987 renamed the Hermitage.

An integral part of the Hermitage garden is the Shchukin stage or “Pike”. Included in the list of objects cultural heritage. After fires in 2008 and 2011. Experts conduct inspections of the monument with one goal - to prepare an opinion on the possibility of restoring the premises.

Open summer stage of the Hermitage Garden – legendary place, which since its foundation and still hosts concerts on City Day, performances by stars, various holidays and major presentations.

Speaking about the Hermitage garden, one cannot fail to mention the buildings that create an atmosphere of sophistication and special comfort - two garden cottages with cast metal patterns that create a variety of airy lace in the park.

Since 2000, two sculptural works have been installed in the garden: a bust of Dante Alighieri, donated to the city of Moscow by the Italian government, and a bust of Victor Hugo, which was donated to the garden by the City Hall of Paris.

The Big Silver Heart or the “All Lovers” Monument was erected in 2006. The monument is made of metal pipes in the shape of a heart, inside of which Japanese bells are suspended.

Hermitage Garden (Moscow, Russia): detailed description, address and photo. Opportunities for sports and recreation, infrastructure, cafes and restaurants in the park. Reviews from tourists.

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Some say that the Hermitage Garden is the most Moscow vacation spot, while others, on the contrary, argue that this is an atypical place for the capital. The garden is amazing because three theaters, a stage, a fountain, a children's playground, squirrels, pheasants, pigeons, flowers, trees, and gazebos fit into a small area.

The Hermitage Garden was not always like it is now. He was even in a different place. From 1830 until almost the end of the 19th century, it was located on Bozhedomka and was the first pleasure garden in Moscow.

The Hermitage Garden was not always the way it appears to us now. He was even in a different place. From 1830 until almost the very end of the 19th century, it was located on Bozhedomka and was the first pleasure garden in Moscow, with gazebos, flower beds, a theater, a stage, coffee houses and pavilions. The Hermitage flourished in every sense when it belonged former actor Maly Theater Lentovsky. Ballets were staged on the shore and water, gypsy choirs, military bands, and Russian songwriters performed.

Hermitage Garden

When Lentovsky went bankrupt, the garden fell into disrepair. The area was built up with houses. And here new garden"Hermitage" appeared in Karetny Ryad. In 1984, the site of the former estate of the merchant Olontsov came into the possession of the Moscow merchant Shchukin, in just a year he turned the vacant lot into a flower garden, laid out flower beds, planted trees, and reconstructed the theater building. And on June 18, 1895, the official opening of the garden took place. In the same year, the Hermitage received electricity, running water, and a swimming pool.

Chaliapin, Nezhdanova sang on the garden stage, Rachmaninov made his debut as a conductor, Sarah Bernhardt, Maria Ermolova, Vera Komissarzhevskaya played. In 1898, the Moscow Art Theater opened in the building of the Hermitage Theater, the first performance was “Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich,” and it was here that the premieres of Chekhov’s plays took place. Leo Tolstoy and Vladimir Lenin visited the garden.

After the revolution, the garden was first nationalized, and during the NEP period it was transferred to private rent. During the war it was temporarily closed. In 1943, performances resumed, the artists rehearsed and played in an unheated building, but the Hermitage lived on. In the 50-60s of the last century, they played chess in the garden, walked, read, listened famous artists, watched a movie (in 1953 a screen for a summer cinema was installed).

The first play “What?” took place at the Mirror Theater. Where? When?".

In 1991, the New Opera theater was opened, and today there are three of them in the garden - plus the Hermitage and Sphere. In winter, the garden turns into the most romantic skating rink in Moscow, and in the warm season all kinds of festivals are held here - jazz, ETNA, Latin American music, humorous, gastronomic, wine, beer, and exhibition fairs. The teahouse is open.

You can practice yoga in the Hermitage Garden in summer. Experienced instructors teach everyone how to hold asanas completely free of charge. But at the end of the lesson, you can thank the trainer by putting any amount of money in a special box.

Practical information

Address: Moscow, Karetny Ryad, 3. Metro stations "Mayakovskaya", "Tverskaya", "Pushkinskaya", "Chekhovskaya".

Operating hours: 24 hours a day. Free admission.