Cool anime pencil drawings. Anime drawing lessons for beginners

  • 16.04.2019

art- a good hobby for a person of any age. This can turn into a real profession if you learn how to master a pencil.

And skill develops only through practice. The more you train, the better you get.

Fashionable today, anime art is one of the most popular types of drawing among artists of all ages.

Anime is not only drawings of comic books and stills from cartoons, it is a whole direction in art. Anime cartoons are very popular in our country.

Songs are written about this, and the music selected for cartoons is real masterpieces.

Anime - the whole world. Peculiar, original. Let's dive into it headlong, creating our own comics and sketches in this style.

How to learn to draw a girl's face: eyes, nose and hair with a pencil

Step-by-step creation of a girl's face in anime style:

Drawing a guy from scratch: full body

Draw anime in full height- a little more complicated. There are more details here.

Step-by-step instructions - drawing a full-length guy in anime style:

  1. We draw a cross, where the vertical line indicates the position of the body, and the horizontal line indicates the upper line of the shoulders.
  2. Draw horizontal lines to indicate the hips, knees and feet.
  3. Draw the joints with circles. They indicate the position of the hands. At this stage it’s easy to fix everything and paint on it.
  4. Now we draw the head. First the ball, then the precise lines of the cheekbones and chin. Apply the contours of the hairstyle or headdress with strokes on top. We clarify the line, erase unnecessary strokes.
  5. We finish the drawing: we make the body, the contours of the clothes. We erase everything unnecessary and complete the composition, clarifying the details.

Important! Use the hardest pencil to draw outlines. It is the easiest to erase.

When you are happy with the outlines, erase the excess and trace the drawing. soft pencil. Anime is often depicted with the softest pencil for clarity of lines.

When portraying a man, remember the proportions of the body. Men, too, can be both overweight and very thin.

It is not necessary to add broad shoulders and muscular arms to every male character. Consider height and build. The length of the neck and the shape of the face depend on this.

Girl body for beginners

Female body in anime style - great topic for a new drawing.

Remember a few rules:

  • beauty female body in the anime it is depicted a little exaggeratedly when compared with the normal proportions of a living person.
  • The waist is very thin, slightly wider than the neck.
  • The girls are depicted as very thin, but the head remains disproportionately large.
  • The girl's hair is depicted as voluminous, regardless of length.
  • The chest is feminine, round, slightly wider than the shoulders.
  • Thin hands.
  • The waist is very thin.
  • Hips are wide relative to the waist. Their width follows the chest.
  • The legs are very long, rounded in shape.

When you start drawing a girl, pay attention to the details. Will your anime girl be clothed or are you portraying a naked lady on the beach.

Such drawings turn out great if you draw a girl with her back in a dimly lit room.

Here it is enough to mark the contours as described above. Identify the joints of the elbows and knees, and use them to outline the position of the arms and legs.

We shade everything around, leaving light areas around the figure. She is completely shaded.

Leave short reflections in places, determining the incidence of light yourself. Hair can be of any shape.

You can draw long and loose curls covering half of the back. Classic beauty is superb.

Important! Carefully erase the outlines and joints from the drawing. Final result should look as if it were not drawn, but printed.

This is craftsmanship: your drawings must be alive.

Examples of drawn pictures

You can make money from anime art if you learn how to transfer an image visually onto paper, transforming it into anime.

Such portraits are in demand among schoolchildren and adults. The Internet unites, and anime cartoons - beautiful art, both children and adults like it. Look at the example drawings.

If you want to make money on this skill, use our tips:

  • Bring your art to perfection. If you take money from people, it’s for real art.
  • Practice on your family and friends. Learn to convey emotions.
  • It is good to consult with professionals. Self-taught people can be gifted, but polishing your skills requires serious experience and professionalism.

    Go to an art school, show off your masterpieces, get practical advice. You can communicate online with practicing artists.

  • When starting to draw to order, remember that the client is always right. Advertise online. Draw templates: include photos and drawings on them so people can see what you can do.
  • Make animated sketches of wedding photos. This will be a good income business: a comic book depicting a wedding in anime style.
  • The most profitable work will be practical work: you will have to go out to the embankment or avenue with a canvas and pencil.
  • The tools must be professional.
  • Offer services to local schools.

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First, let's get a little acquainted with the drawing style itself.

Where do you think the first anime was filmed? I think most of you guessed it, this is naturally Japan (1917). It is clear that at first they were quite far from those we are looking at now.

How to draw anime?

The first thing that catches your eye is this is anime drawing style. Emotions are quite expressive, since there are many ways, gestures, to convey the character and mood of the characters.

In order to learn how to draw anime, you need to understand what features they have and how they are characteristic.

Features of drawing anime characters

1. Eyes- this is the first advantage of anime characters. Large, very bright, with detailed reflections, there are even several levels and types of reflections. And closed eyes can be drawn quite simply, with just a few lines.

2. Face- nose and mouth, cheekbones are not given much attention. They are very drawn thin lines small size.

3. Fantasies- in anime, characters cannot always be realistic, they may have hair different colors (up to red, green, blue, etc.), cat ears and much more.

4. Building a body- since there is no concept of realism in anime, choose your own standards and proportions of the character. When drawing a tiny " " (sort of a cute little anime character) use the most simple technique drawing. This style is suitable for beginners and we will look at it a little later.

Although personally, I have seen very drawn and detailed drawings of Chibi.

5. Drawing a face- which is based on an oval. We'll look at this topic a little later, because this moment Unfortunately, I haven’t prepared it yet. The face is characterized by large eyes. We draw lips and mouth in anime style, usually the mouth is small (depending on emotions). The face is based on an oval and it’s worth starting to draw from the oval.

6. Drawing hair- you should not draw hair in small sections, but it is advisable to outline the whole mass at once, but do not forget that they do not come in pieces, but in strands!

7. Drawing clothes- there are no limits to imagination here. It can be anything: from a simple school uniform to a costume, for example, a cat.

Section topics:

Anime is special Japanese technology drawing. Drawings in this style differ from other genres, primarily in the way the face and eyes are drawn. Eat different types anime, for example, comics or manga. It also includes the popular cartoon about Pokemon. Pokemon a large number of, but the main one is Pikachu, with his owner. Drawing characters in this genre is quite exciting, because the picture comes out with contrast, even if you draw with an ordinary pencil. Depicting eyes and a face in anime style is not difficult, because the eyes are usually always large, and the oval of the face can be made approximate. Characters in this genre always have colorful, bright clothes, with quite simple elements, which makes the drawing process easier. The main thing is that the colors look rich and bright. Even if you create with a simple pencil, it is worth making the picture very contrasting, with virtually no penumbra. In this article for beginners, you will learn how to draw anime step by step with a simple pencil.

Initial outlines of a guy in anime style

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When you draw any picture step by step, you need to correctly mark the outline of your drawing at the first stage. To draw a boy, you first need to draw his basic outlines.

To make it easier for you, make a primary outline of rectangular shapes that fit the body parts. First a rectangle for the head, then an outline for the neck. Lower 2 arcs from it, they will indicate the shoulders. From the left shoulder line, draw another line, which in the future will be the boy’s hand. Draw a circle on the edge of the arm line to indicate the elbow. Then continue drawing the hand using rectangles and simple lines. At the end of the right shoulder line, draw a circle for the elbow, and then draw lines from it with a rectangle for the hand. Now you can roughly outline the details of the costume in your drawing.

Drawing an oval face

The anime face shape is similar to a rectangle that is connected to a triangle. You need to draw and then connect these two shapes, and then delete the line that was formed after joining. As a result, you will have an oval face with a sharply tapered chin. At this stage you can add some costume details.

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Adding more details to the picture

Now you can use an eraser to remove all unnecessary contours and begin detailing them. Using the lines you got, draw the final shape of the face. Then, on top of the face, draw an arched visor, with a round base for the cap. Now draw the ears and triangles next to them that will represent the hair. Starting from the sleeve, outline the arm along the previous contour. Then you need to select the legs and draw the collar. IN right hand we will draw Pokemon. To do this, draw a rectangle for the body and a circle for the head. If the picture at this stage has exact proportions, then the hardest part is over.

The final stage of the drawing

At this stage, you need to learn how to decorate images with details, the main ones being the eyes and face. It's worth starting with the face. Make the eyes large and elongated upward with large black pupils. Draw the mouth as an inverted triangle and make the mouth tiny. This technique is used to give people's faces anime-like shapes and proportions.

Now add small parts clothes: belt, pockets, buttons. Don't forget the T-shirt. Draw gloved hands using rectangles on the hands. Then “turn” the hair triangles into hair itself. Using the eraser from the outline for Pikachu, remove the excess and draw a regular face, which consists of circles. Add a tail, arms and ears.

Paint the resulting image

Well, at the end, make the drawing contrasting and bright. Sharp, bright colors are main feature drawings in this style. You can shade the image with a simple soft pencil, just add contrasting, bright shadows.

Video lessons

Each time you draw a head, you need to start with a circle and intersecting lines through the center. This part is always the same, and the remaining part of the face is built depending on the desired type (style). Next we will look at several different types faces in anime.

In all these drawings, it's not just about "the eyes getting bigger." They, of course, become larger, but the nose and mouth do not change either.

Realistic type

This type of facial structure is so close to true human anatomy that it almost looks nothing like anime style. On real human face the eyes are much smaller and the nose and mouth are much more prominent. The ears are at eye level.

cartoon type

We are reaching the extreme range here, but not exceeding the limit. This style is more suitable for the romance (shoujo) genre, where expressive eyes are what is needed. If you look closely at the sketch on the left, you'll notice that the eyebrows are very high on this head.

Very cartoonish type

With this approach, enlarged eyes result in a different relationship with the rest of the facial features, and the ears are now aligned with the nose.I can't emphasize enough how important it is to replicate this balance if you want to paint in this style. Anime and manga fans are a finicky bunch. If you draw the proportions wrong, they will see it and report it!

A little cartoonish

You can see this facial design in manga when the hero is focused on performing an action. The eyes become larger and the nose and mouth become less detailed. However, the distance between the eyes and the tip of the nose is still quite close to the real anatomy.

Nowadays, there are many anime fans among us, namely Japanese animation. What is the difference between this cartoon production and others? Basically, animations are aimed at children, but anime are aimed specifically at teenage and adult audiences. All such animations have a peculiarity - the characters are drawn almost identically. They and other parts of the face and body cannot be confused with other animation characters.
Perhaps this is why anime fans can be found in every corner of the Earth. Each of us also wants to feel like an anime character creator and draw a typical character. But how to draw anime step by step? I didn’t think it would be easy, but today I decided to try to draw an anime girl for the first time and got a lot of emotions that I want to share with others. So, you are now reading a lesson that will help you learn how to draw anime, but for this task you need to be perseverant.

What you will need:

  • paper white(you can use a sketchbook or sketchbook);
  • a simple pencil;
  • colored pencils or markers;
  • eraser.
  1. Take a sheet of paper and a simple pencil. Draw a circle.
  2. For ease of further drawing, we need to divide the circle into two equal parts and just below the middle with two stripes. We put two dots on the very bottom strip.

  3. Now, from the intersection points of the upper lines, we draw two lines to a point and connect them below. This is how we outlined the chin evenly.
  4. We draw another line at the top to indicate the placement area big eyes, common to all anime characters. Draw ovals.

  5. To learn how to draw anime for beginners, be careful and follow drawing "5". Here we erase all the auxiliary lines, draw a small pupil, eyebrows and the upper element of the eye. Please note that the corners of the latter seem to be sharp and curved. By the way, you may want to consider different variants drawing anime eyes in another article:
  6. Then we add a tiny upside-down swoosh nose and a very small mouth in a subtle smile.

  7. Now we erase the extra lines under the chin and color in the eyes. I painted them in shades of pink, but you can get creative.
  8. An obligatory element of anime characters is glare on the pupils. If you draw with a pencil, you should mark the highlights in advance in the form of circles that cannot be painted over.

  9. How to draw an anime girl for beginners? Just a face is not enough here. Therefore, I propose to draw the neck and indicate the neckline of the outfit.
  10. Let's draw an element of the costume - a simple blouse.

  11. At this stage, I suggest not complicating the task and hiding your hands behind your back. Below I drew a skirt.
  12. Now it's time to decorate the character, and we should start with the skin. It should be slightly darkened on the forehead and neck area.

  13. After that we start drawing the hair. If you draw with a simple pencil, try to follow the laws of light and shadow when drawing the strands. If you paint with color, like me, then first outline the strands schematically.
  14. The last stage is coloring. Here you can draw every strand and clothing well. Choose colors as desired. Now you know how to draw a girl in anime style. I wish you further inspiration and creative success!