Commentary on the essay. Essays on Russian language and literature Problems of choice in human life

  • 29.06.2019


1 Topics of the final essay Year of the final essay Topic code Topic Which person can be called a hero of his time? Why should a person look into the future? What can the experience of the past teach us? What questions concern people in any era? How is the fate of a person connected with the history of the people? When do you want to stop the moment? Why is wasting time considered an irreparable loss? Can a person influence the course of history? What does a person try to forget, and what does he try to keep in memory? Is it a good idea to “live for today”? What questions are called “eternal”? Why is it important to know the “lessons of history”? What role do childhood and adolescence play in the development of personality? What problems does it pose to a person? war time? History and modernity: is a look back necessary? Why is time called the best healer? When does a person forget about time? Which historical era is most interesting to you and why? What's happened moral lessons stories? What does it take to become a hero of the times? Is there anything that is timeless? Should we strive to be “ahead of our time”? Temporary and eternal in our lives Is oblivion of the past destructive for a person? What is a “connection of times”? What problems does revolutionary time pose to people? In which historical era Would you like to live and why? “Without knowing the past, it is impossible to understand the true meaning of the present and the goals of the future” (M. Gorky) Do you agree with the statement that “time heals”? Does the past influence the present? “Time is a precious gift given to us so that in it we can become smarter, better, more mature and more perfect” (Thomas Mann) What things don’t you mind spending time on? Does everything change or does everything repeat itself in this world? Why is it important to manage your time wisely? When does childhood end? Why is time called a precious gift? What influence does historical time have on a person? “Time does not wait and does not forgive a single lost moment” (N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky) Why is it impossible to “kill time”? “A moment, you are wonderful, last, wait!” (I.V. Goethe)

2 What do you think should be filled with free time? What does it mean in a person's life parents' house? What can a house tell about its owner? How are the concepts of “home” and “fatherland” connected? War and home Is home a place or people? Is the principle “my house is on the edge” a good one? How do home and family influence the formation of personality? Can a house be considered a reflection of a person’s inner world? Can a person live without a Home? What is the role of home and family in preserving and transmitting life experiences? What kind of house do you want to come to again and again? Which moral values strengthen the family? What is the most important thing in the house? What importance do home traditions have in a person’s life? Is the concept of “home” outdated? What is the feeling of home? When the House becomes moral support person? Who is closer to you: a wanderer or a homebody? Is L.N. Tolstoy right when he said: “Everything happy families similar to each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”? Why do they say: “Away is good, but home is better”? Why in search better life does the person return home often? "My home is my castle"? When does the House need protection? Family hearth as the basis of a Home When does a home become a Home? Why is a person’s connection with family and home so important? When does a home become a meeting place for generations? Is Alexandre Dumas, the father, right when he said: “Houses, like people, have their own soul and their own face”? Why is a person afraid of homelessness? Do you agree that a house can become a reflection of the person who lives in it? Is a house capable of protecting a person from outside world? What is “good neighborliness”? What can it tell an old house? Is home a place or a state of mind? Home is a place where you want to return “Live in a house and the house will not collapse” (A. Tarkovsky) What is included in the concept of “home”? What does it take to build a home in your own soul? Why does a person feel homesick when traveling? When and why does a person need the support of family and friends? What family structure seems ideal to you? What qualities does love reveal in a person? What other conditions of happiness are there besides love? What is “love of life”? Why is it important to understand and forgive in love?

3 Why doesn't love always bring happiness? Do you agree with the statement of A. de Saint-Exupéry: “Loving does not mean looking at each other, loving means looking together in the same direction”? Is love always a condition for happiness? Do you agree with the statement of L.N. Tolstoy: “To love means to live the life of the one you love”? Do you agree with W. Shakespeare’s statement: “You can fall in love with beauty, but you can only love the soul”? Do you agree with the statement of J.-J. Rousseau: “To love deeply means to forget about yourself”? The bright and tragic sides of love Is it possible to be happy without love? How are the concepts of “love” and “responsibility” related? Does love require a person to work on himself? Is selfishness dangerous for love? By what signs can you recognize true love? What good qualities does love awaken in a person? What is the difference between love and falling in love? Are actions done in the name of love always noble? How does love for the Motherland manifest itself? Why is first love poeticized by humanity? When does love become a test? How does love for life manifest itself? Is love happiness or suffering? Do you agree with the statement of A. Camus: “Not to be loved is just failure, not to love is misfortune”? Does love help you understand yourself? Do you agree with the statement of L.N. Andreev: “ True love can be recognized by how much better a person becomes from it.” Does love help you cope with life’s difficulties? Can love change a person? What kind of love can be called true? Why is first love poeticized by humanity? Does love always make a person happy? Does it exist eternal love? “Thank you, life, for the fact that I recognized love” (R.I. Rozhdestvensky) What is the difference between two feelings: infatuation and love? Is the saying true: “love is blind”? What “good feelings” does love awaken in a person? What's happened selfless love? Does it need true love in reciprocity? What does it mean to love your land? What is the opposite of love? What does it mean to walk the path of honor? What influence can elders have on a person’s choice of life path? What can painful pride lead a person to? What influences a person’s choice of life path?

4 On the path to a noble goal, are all means good? Do you agree with the idea that life path Is this a permanent choice? Is it important, as you move forward in life, to look back at the path you've taken? Should we strive to know ourselves? What landmarks help you not get lost on the path of life? What does it mean to be at a crossroads in life? Is it possible to avoid mistakes when searching for a path in life? What could be the path to self-knowledge? Is it important for a person to choose his own path in life? The path to yourself: ups and downs Why is it important to comprehend the path traveled? Why is human life compared to a road? Love as a path of self-knowledge Do you agree with the statement that there are no hopeless situations? What could be the path to self-knowledge? What does it mean to “go your own way through life”? Choosing a path like life problem Is it necessary to make mistakes to find Right way? Which way does a person go to himself? How does travel enrich your personality? What does it mean to find your way in life? What life-saving guidelines help a person not to get lost on the path of life? What does it mean to follow the path of self-improvement? Is it possible to have a life without mistakes? Travel is a way of learning about yourself and the world. How should you deal with mistakes along the path of life? What helps a person not to go astray in life? Why do they say: “the one who walks can master the road”? What dangers await a person on the path to fame? Why are not only confidence important on the path of life, but also doubt? What path leads a person to happiness? What goals are important to set along the path of life? What can distort a person's life path? How does a person's character influence his life path? Can dreams be a help on the path of life? What thoughts and feelings does the road evoke? What can help you choose the right path in life? Reading which book required mental work on your part? Why is literature often called “human studies”? Reading a literary work is work or relaxation? Do you agree with the statement: a person who loves to read will never be lonely? How does reading affect the mind and heart of the reader? What questions raised in the literature do not lose their relevance over time? Is it possible to replace reading a literary work by reading its summary?

5 What role does reading fiction play in the development of personality? Does a book help a person understand himself better? What works become classics? What book would you like to film? What adds to the reading experience life experience? Why do people reread some books? Is classical literature outdated? How is history reflected in literary work? Do you agree with the statement that reading teaches you to think? What themes in fiction do not lose their relevance over time? “Following the thoughts of a great man is the most entertaining science” (A.S. Pushkin) What books do you enjoy reading? What book did you celebrate the Year of Literature with? Does literature help to form a life ideal? A book I would read to my children What book would I recommend a friend read? What problems raised by writers do you consider relevant? Which human values affirmed in classical literature? Who from modern writers Are you particularly close to it? “Talking with writers of other centuries is almost the same as traveling” (R. Descartes) Your reading discoveries in the Year of Literature What place does literature occupy in your life? Literature and cinema: rivalry or cooperation? What do I expect from the new book? Books of my childhood Can a book make a person better? “A book for everyone illuminates our personal movement towards the truth” (M.M. Prishvin) Do you agree with the statement of A.I. Solzhenitsyn: “The only substitute for the experience we have not lived through is literature”? What books are you especially interested in? What important life questions have books answered for you? What book would you like to re-read? What theme in literature seems eternal to you? What advice can books give? Is it possible to live without books in life? What is the happiness and drama of love? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu. Lermontov) Why M.Yu. Lermontov’s work may be interesting to the modern reader? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu. What is close (or alien) to you in the hero of M.Yu. Lermontov? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu. What problems in the works of M.Yu. Lermontov are most interesting to you? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu

6 Is understanding the soul of another person important? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu. Lermontov) How to resist the blows of fate? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu. Lermontov) Are there anyone among M.Yu. Lermontov’s heroes who are especially close to you? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu. Why do M.Yu. Lermontov’s heroes rarely find happiness in friendship and love? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu. Why does a person often become the source of other people’s misfortune? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu Lermontov) What psychological problems raised in the works of M.Yu. Lermontov are you interested in? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu. What prevents a person from being happy? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu. Lermontov) Dreams and reality in the works of M.Yu. .Yu Lermontov A work by M.Yu Lermontov that you would like to discuss with the author himself. What character can be called controversial (Based on one or more works by M.Yu Lermontov) What moral issues raised in the works of M.Yu Lermontov are of interest to you? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu. What problems of society raised in the works of M.Yu. Lermontov seem relevant to you? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu. What problems of personality raised in the works of M.Yu. Lermontov are of interest to you? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu. What makes a person truly happy? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu. Lermontov) Personality and society: is harmony possible? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu. Lermontov) Love: a duel without winners ? (Based on one or more works by M. Yu. Lermontov) What is freedom? (Based on one or more works by M. Yu. Lermontov) How are egoism and loneliness related? (Based on one or more works by M. Yu. Lermontov) What is the “history of the soul”? human" may be interesting to another person? (Based on one or several works by M.Yu. Lermontov) Is it possible to play “on the living strings of the human heart” (Based on one or several works by M.Yu. Lermontov) What does it mean to love the Motherland (One at a time? or several works by M.Yu. Lermontov) Does the phrase of a person of the older generation offend you: “Yes, there were people in our time” (According to one or several works by M.Yu. Lermontov) A person in critical circumstances: the problem of choice Loneliness: desired or painful? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu. Lermontov)

7 What can oppose extraordinary personality to the vulgar world? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu. Lermontov) Can a poet change anything in this world? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu. Lermontov) Work by M.Yu. Lermontov, which you would like to discuss with friends. Is it easy to find a true friend? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu. Lermontov) What danger does individualism pose? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu. Lermontov) Can freedom be limitless? (Based on one or more works by M.Yu. Lermontov) What experience does war give a person? “Whoever says that war is not scary knows nothing about war” (Yu.V. Drunina) Why does the theme of war not leave literature? Preserve humanity in war (Through the pages of literature of the 19th-21st centuries) “Wait for me, and I will return”: love and war A work about war that excited you “War is not fireworks at all, but just hard work...” (M .V Kulchitsky) Why humanity still cannot give up wars? Do you agree with L.N. Tolstoy, who claims that war is “an event contrary to human reason and all human nature”? War: crime and feat How does war affect the essence of a person? The theme of duty and honor in literature about war How does a person’s character reveal itself in war? What trials does war bring to a person? Do you agree with the words of A.S. Pushkin: “It cannot be that over time human society will not understand the senselessness and cruelty of wars”? What is a feat in war? How does a person achieve feat of arms? What is the strength of front-line friendship? How do you become heroes in war? Is there a place for humanism in war? Why does the memory of the military past not fade away in peacetime? The memory of war is a responsibility to the past and the future. Do you agree with the statement of L.N. Tolstoy: “War is not a courtesy, but the most disgusting thing in life”? A work about the war that you remember. War is a test of courage and humanity. Bitterness and greatness. military victory Is a world possible without wars? What is true courage in war? Why does the war for the Fatherland unite the people? “There is no word more sad than war. / There is no word more holy than war” (A.T. Tvardovsky)

8 What is a feat in war? What is the difference between the Patriotic War and the Civil War? Why do we need the memory of the war? What is the secret of the popularity of poems and songs of the war years? How do you understand the expression “living in harmony with nature”? Nature and inner world human: consonance and dissonance What prevents a person from finding harmony with nature? How do landscape pages of works help to understand the character and condition of a person? Can nature help a person understand himself? Is nature capable of educating a person? Is nature capable of giving clues to man? What can a person learn from nature? How nature helps us understand the world human feelings? Why are winter pictures so interesting to writers? What excites you more: the beauty of nature or the beauty created by man? How do you understand F.I. Tyutchev’s words about nature: “It has a soul, it has freedom, it has love, it has language.” How does the world of human feelings relate to the seasons? Why is the theme of seasons so interesting to writers? Why are pictures of spring so interesting to writers? What is more valuable: the beauty of nature or the beauty created by man? Why are autumn pictures so interesting to writers? Seasons in literature: which author is closest to you and why? Is man the master of nature or part of it? Why is nature an eternal source of inspiration for writers? Man and “our little brothers” in literature Can communication with nature enrich a person? Why is communication with nature important for humans? What can communication with nature give a person? Why is the world of wildlife attractive to a writer? What natural phenomena have acquired symbolic meaning in literature? Do you agree with the statement of E.M. Remark: “When a person is lonely, he begins to look closely at nature”? Why is the theme of spring so popular among writers? Harmony of nature and human imperfection Why is the natural world often contrasted with the world of people? Why are the sky and stars so often depicted in literature? Is it a coincidence that “nature” and “Motherland” have the same root word? Why are the sea and mountains so often depicted in literature? Man and natural elements.

9 What events and experiences in life help a person grow up? The role of parental guidance in human life Why is it so important to maintain connections between generations? Do you agree with the statement of the hero I.S. Turgenev: “Every person must educate himself”? What can prevent fathers and children from understanding each other? Why is the theme of “fathers and sons” often present in many works of literature? How can the experience of fathers be valuable for children? Why older generation Is it so rare for young people to be satisfied? Is conflict between “fathers” and “children” inevitable? What's happened family traditions and why are they needed? What are the sources of misunderstanding between people of different generations? Why is a blind person dangerous? parental love? “The present century” and the “past century”: is agreement possible? What other works Russian literature could the title or subtitle be “Fathers and Sons”? How can the experience of children be valuable to fathers? What can fathers and sons learn from each other? Is only one side always right in generational conflicts? Is the generational dispute eternal? Are the behests of fathers always valuable? “The present century and the past century”: causes of the conflict At what times does the conflict between “fathers and sons” escalate? Is it difficult to be an adult? What role can family play in the development of personality? Is truth born in a generational dispute? “Fathers” and “sons”: rivals or allies? Why do children and parents not always understand each other? What is the significance of youth in a person’s life? Why "fathers and sons" eternal theme? What role can elders play in the development of personality? What does it mean to be an adult? Is it important for a person to receive parental guidance? How do you think parental love should be manifested? Parents and children: argument or dialogue? “It is not only possible, but also necessary to be proud of the glory of your ancestors” (A.S. Pushkin) What kind of life can be considered not lived in vain? What is more important: to love or to be loved? What is the danger of freedom without restrictions? Who can be considered happy man? For what sake can a person make self-sacrifice? Why is indifference dangerous? What is mutual understanding? “I love, and that means I live” (V.S. Vysotsky) How do you understand what “honor” and “dishonor” are? How do you understand what “moral law” is?

10 How do you understand the word “debt”? “A bird is strong with its wings, and a man with friendship” ( folk proverb) How do you understand the word “honor”? How do you understand the word “conscience”? What are justice and mercy? Friendship in a person's life Why did many writers talk about the cleansing power of suffering? “One word of truth will conquer the whole world” (proverb) Is it possible to live without creativity in life? What is worth living for? Can it be argued that belief in fate denies personal responsibility? Which human qualities most valuable to you? Why does a person decide to go against fate? What role can pride play in a person’s destiny? Sin and repentance in human life Is it difficult or easy to do good? What does it mean to live for people? Freedom and responsibility in human life Can love bring misfortune to a person? How do you understand N.A. Zabolotsky’s statement: “The soul must work”? Understand a person or control him? Is it possible to live without a goal? What is meant by the concept of “happiness”? What makes a person truly happy?

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An essay on the topic of the fate of man in an inhuman world, an essay in the direction of Topics this direction orient students to war, the influence of war on the fate of a person and a country, about moral choice

The first basis is the VALUE OF LIFE. The highest value in this world is human life. The life of any person must be protected as if it were your own, because although it is fleeting, it gives everyone a chance to increase their main

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Always be polite. Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others feel pleasant with you. Prepared by the family of Ilya Fedotov, 2012. Kindness and politeness need to be learned from childhood. Politeness and kindness

Planned results of mastering the academic subject) awareness of the importance of reading and studying native literature for your further development; formation of the need for systematic reading as a means


Politeness is the sum of actions that determine a person’s internal culture. Meanwhile, no one, apparently, will raise any objections to the assertion that the very concept of “culture” follows from moral and moral principles.

CALENDAR-THEMIC PLANNING FOR LITERATURE Grade 9 Dates Quantity Lesson topic Planned Actual hours date date 1 Masterpieces of Russian literature 1 06.09 2 The origins and beginning of Old Russian literature.

1. Planned results of mastering the academic subject: 1) awareness of the importance of reading and studying native literature for one’s further development; formation of the need for systematic reading as a means

Patriotic lyrics of Lermontov. Lermontov's poems are almost always an internal, intense monologue, a sincere confession, questions asked to oneself and answers to them. The poet feels his loneliness, melancholy,

State budgetary educational institution of the Republic of Crimea “Feodosia sanatorium boarding school” We need peace Class hour For primary school, dedicated International Day world Educators:

Students from grades 3 to 9 read and discussed stories by A.P. in parallel sessions. Chekhov. And students in grades 10-11 worked on the play “ The Cherry Orchard" 155 years have passed since the birth of A.P. Chekhov, and his works

An essay about artistic features Roman Pushkin Evgeny Onegin Lyrical digressions Pushkin's novel Eugene Onegin about creativity, about love in the poet's life. Love for Realism and Fidelity

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Fairy Tale" Dolinsk, Sakhalin region "The role of books in the formation of spiritual moral education preschoolers" Completed by: teacher

EXAMINATION TICKETS FOR THE STATE FINAL CERTIFICATION IN LITERATURE FOR BASIC GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS Ticket 1 1. Answer the question: “What is the relevance of “The Lay of Igor’s Campaign” in our

Explanatory note Working programm designed for 34 hours per year, 1 hour per week. To implement the program content, the following are used: Culture and traditions of the peoples of Dagestan: A book for reading in elementary

Essay on the topic of woe from mind life ideals Famusov society Chatsky and Famusov society(based on Griboedov's comedy Woe from Wit). Denis Povarov added an essay, April 29, 2014, 18:22, 158 views.

The Law of Karma (the Law of Cosmic Justice or Causality) The Law of Karma, the Law of Cosmic Justice, states that any event in a person’s life is a consequence of his previous thoughts and

Supplement to the basic educational program of primary general education Municipal budgetary educational institution "Gymnasium 2" Work program on the subject "Fundamentals of religious cultures

Calendar-thematic planning for literature in grade 8 68 hours Planning is based on the Federal component of the state educational standard basic general education

The path traveled by man led to environmental violations of the Laws of the Universes! Realization of this led the Cosmic Mind to the conclusion that life on Earth must cease! Humanity has the only way out of this situation - this is to reconsider its attitude to the reality of its understanding of its actual purpose. Its purpose is to love, not to destroy!

The opportunity for humanity to build Paradise on Earth in infinity, and then in other cosmic worlds and spaces.

Paradise is not a fairy tale, but a necessary reality. The transition to another dimension will begin in 2012 according to the earthly calendar.

The new era will provide an opportunity to change the polarity of the earth and comprehend what has been passed. It will make it possible to balance the created imbalance in the universes.

Harmony and balance in the universes are possible without human participation!

The Cosmic Mind is ready to create new forms of life on Earth, not similar to human ones.
This is a person's right to choose! Everything is in his hands! If he wants his descendants to be proud of today’s generation of people, then change your attitude towards the Earth and Space. No, you will be erased from the face of the Earth and the Universes!

The wisdom of life is in life itself, and not in its death!

Construction of Heaven on Earth in infinity.

In order to change the created imbalance on Earth and in Space, it is necessary to create a dream and love!
This will enable humanity to make a painless transition to a new dimension and will enable people to become co-creators, be happy and long-lived. You will acquire the status of Earthly and Cosmic Gods.

Yakov Byl 03/6/2009


Heaven on Earth is possible!!! (association with “The Age of Heaven on Earth” by V.A. Shemshuk)

Friends, I present my idea for your discussion. I hope that it is accessible, understandable and close to everyone who loves our Motherland and wants its prosperity and future. I tried to express it in understandable language. For now it’s all in my head and on paper. To launch a project, we need programmers, mathematicians, designers, developers and just people with ideas who can take on this and make a website server for it. I hope that you have friends who are excited about this idea. I kindly ask such enterprising passionaries to become my friends. The program is designed for the whole world. This is only part of what was planned, but this is where, in my opinion, we need to start.

Construction of Heaven on earth in infinity and other comic worlds and spaces. (A game)

Objectives and explanation of the game:

1. Attracting ideas, developments, specialists, like-minded people, resources, means for living life on earth as a promised land - paradise.
2. This site – game program. The game itself can be called “Promised Land”. This is a platform for flights of fancy, but where everything is present to bring it to real life.
This gives the game participants the opportunity to bring what they have conceived to the point that what they have come up with can be understood, supported, supplemented and adopted by other project participants. Everything necessary for this will be on this site: people, ideas, developments, discoveries, financing, educational programs, environmental component, laws, forms of social relationships.
3. To determine the significance of any idea, a mathematical algorithm, which finds the best solution from all proposals that are close to a given topic.
There are many topics across all spectrums of our lives. Presentation best option is expressed in a harmonious visual effect. As an example: A flower, its beauty, development and flowering. If there is no harmony and beauty, then you will see for yourself what will come out of this flower and what it will become. Or a house, plot, land.
4. The algorithm’s filter system will cut off destructive ideas. The main thing in this game is mathematical model project, which with the help of numbers will make it possible to express perfect harmony ideas of a person with the world around him and find a way to implement them. For how long, with what resources, with whom and at what cost. This is virtuality, but leading to reality and the implementation of what was planned, but the best of what was invented.

Beautiful, find the hearts!

Always in love and joy,
Rod is nearby, and so are the Gods Ra.
Smile, light up your eyes,
Beautiful, find the hearts!

In the context of family and tribal values, which is an important part of the historical past of the people, a person comprehends and accepts within himself own life. Based on this basis, people experience the integrity and stability of the time period of their own existence. In addition, it is also a psychological basis

For the occurrence true patriotism, regarded as a feeling of an individual’s involvement in a certain clan and nationality, as well as responsibility for one’s own life and ancestral memory.

The beginning of life

The path is considered to be the moment when a person independently makes decisions concerning his life.

Sooner or later, people have to start accepting them, which marks the beginning of their life’s journey.

The path of life is not the same for everyone. Many people manage to pass it according to the stereotypes and norms established in society without any deviations. It is the “mass” that is represented by such people. This phenomenon in classical works gave it the name “gray man problem”. This topic is well covered by the classics with the stories “The Overcoat” and “The Man in the Case”,

with which we are all familiar. However, upon entering adult life, everyone begins to realize that this phenomenon is Our life.

There are many individuals who dare to take a different path, challenging life, without looking back at the past and expressing their readiness to fight difficulties. An analogy can be drawn between them and eagles, flying high and moving to the horizon, simultaneously washing upward and alternately falling down like a stone.

The task of man is right choice life path with its own values, worldview, life goals. This is a kind of constitution for a person - analyzing one’s actions and working on mistakes.

Other works on this topic:

  1. When you move forward thoughtlessly, when you are not puzzled by the question of what remains behind, you can end up nowhere. This state of affairs is reminiscent of a man lost in the forest, who, before...
  2. The problem of fathers and children is an eternal topic. Each generation is different from the previous one: priorities, morals and people themselves change. The old is being replaced by the progressive new. But...
  3. Why is it important to protect and love our planet? Why do we need to protect the Earth? It’s big, there’s enough for everyone – that’s what some will say. Yes the answer...
  4. Man is created in such a way that he questions and critically examines everything that surrounds him. Without this, he will not be able to move forward and develop intellectually and spiritually....
  5. Why is it important to be tolerant towards others - this is the question that Yu. Lotman asks. Reflecting on this problem, the author compares society to an orchestra, where...

In the context of family and tribal values, which is an important part of the historical past of the people, a person comprehends and accepts his own life within himself. Based on this basis, people experience the integrity and stability of the time period of their own existence. In addition, this is also a psychological basis.

for the emergence of true patriotism, regarded as a feeling of an individual’s involvement in a certain clan and nationality, as well as responsibility for one’s own life and ancestral memory.

The beginning of life's journey is considered to be the moment when a person independently makes decisions concerning his life. Sooner or later, people have to start accepting them, which marks the beginning of their life’s journey.

The path of life is not the same for everyone. Many people manage to pass it according to the stereotypes and norms established in society without any deviations. It is the “mass” that is represented by such people.

This phenomenon was given the name “gray man problem” in classical works. This topic is well covered by the classics with the stories “The Overcoat” and “The Man in the Case”, with which we are all familiar. However, upon entering adulthood, everyone begins to realize that this phenomenon is Our life.

There are many individuals who dare to take a different path, challenging life, without looking back at the past and expressing their readiness to fight difficulties. An analogy can be drawn between them and eagles, flying high and moving to the horizon, simultaneously washing upward and alternately falling down like a stone.

A person’s task is to choose the right path in life with his own values, worldview, and life goals. This is a kind of constitution for a person - analyzing one’s actions and working on mistakes.

Updated: 2016-10-30

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Useful material on the topic

Topics for final essays will be available starting from 9-45 local time of the subject Russian Federation on the date of the final essay. Please note that each subject of the Russian Federation has its own set of topics for the final essay.


  • The word PATH, like the word HOME, has many meanings.
  • This is the space between some destinations.
  • This is the path to follow.
  • These are the stages of an individual's life.
  • These are stages in the life of an entire state.
  • This is a journey that allows you to get to know new countries, see new places, meet new people.
  • This is knowledge of yourself and the world around you.
  • This is a person’s moral life path.
  • Path (topics for February 3, 2016):
  • 421. The path to yourself: ups and downs.
  • 422. Why is it important to comprehend the path traveled?
  • 424. Love as a path of self-knowledge.
  • 425. Do you agree with the statement that there are no hopeless situations?
  • 426. What could be the path to self-knowledge?
  • 427. What does it mean to “go your own way through life”?
  • 428. Choosing a path as a life problem.
  • 429. Is it necessary to make mistakes in order to find the right path?
  • 430. Which way does a person go to himself?
  • 431. How does travel enrich a person?
  • 433. What life-saving guidelines help a person not to get lost on the path of life?

    1. D.S. Likhachev. Following the path of goodness is the most acceptable and only path for a person.
    2. N.D. Arutyunov. “The path is a kind of anchor of salvation thrown to a person in a raging ocean of elements and chaos.
    3. Wayne Dyer. There is no path to happiness: happiness is the path.
      Confucius. If you love what you do, it’s not work, it’s an exciting journey towards your dream.
    4. Steve Jobs. Take a step and the road will appear by itself.
    5. Francis Bacon. He who hobbles along a straight road will outpace a runner who has lost his way.
    6. Paul Valery. When you reach a goal, you realize that the path was the goal.
    7. Dante Alighieri. Follow your path and let people say whatever they want.
    8. I.Guberman.
      Two meanings in life - internal and external,
      The external one has family, business, success;
      And the inner one – unclear and unearthly –
      Everyone is responsible for everyone.
    9. Khayyam Omar (1048 - 1131) - Persian poet, philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, astrologer
      In this vicious circle - no matter what -
      It will not be possible to find the end and the beginning.
      Our role in this world is to come and go.
      Who will tell us about the goal, about the meaning of the path?
    10. Anthony Robbins. The road to “someday” leads to nowhere.”
    11. L.N. Tolstoy. In order for a person to live his life well, he needs to know what he should and should not do.
    12. W. Shakespeare. My honor is my life, both grow from the same root. Take away my honor and my life will end.
    13. O.Henry. It's not about the road we choose; it is what is within us that makes us choose the path.
    14. R. Gamzatov.
      Probably won't be found in the world
      People who have never gone astray
      Hearts that have never been shrouded in fog.
      And if your friend is in trouble:
      He said the wrong thing, the wrong thing and the wrong time -
      Don’t consider his mistake a deception...”
    15. Boris Akunin. The main duty of every person before God is to find himself, his own path, to live his own destiny, and not someone else’s.
    16. Rabbi Baruch. The world is filled with light for the one who knows this, and covered in darkness for the one who loses his way.
    17. Confucius. Path noble man is born within himself, but is tested by the people.
    18. Sergey Dovlatov. The only honest road is the path of mistakes, disappointments and hopes. Life is the identification by one’s own experience of the boundaries of good and evil.
    19. Lion Feuchtwanger. The path to the ability to live in peace with the world, but not to submit to it, is hard.
    20. Ilya Shevelev. Life is the path to happiness, but not everyone is able to overcome all stages of this path.
    21. Vadim Kulik. Every person is free to choose his own path in life. When it coincides with a calling, the path is illuminated by the light of providence and makes a person like a lit candle. Its light can warm or illuminate, that’s not the point. It is important to light it, because a candle without fire is deprived of its original meaning.
    22. Marlon Brando. Only the one who goes his own way will never be overtaken by anyone.