Novice medium. The gift of a medium does not open to every person

  • 23.02.2024

In Latin there is a word media, which means “environment”. And it is this word that is derivative of the well-known word “medium”. A medium has nothing to do with magic, it is not a magician, it is an intermediary between “us” and “them”, between two worlds - the world of the living and the world of the dead. Notice how precise this definition is. The ability of some people to consciously, but more often unconsciously, perform certain actions, where the presence of otherworldly consciousness is clearly visible and to establish a connection with this consciousness, uncharacteristic of our world, is called mediumship.

To this definition we should add one more, characterizing the abilities of mediums. Mediumship. This, in fact, is a gift and the ability to provide a stable connection with the essence of the subtle world, which is currently communicating with an intermediary medium. In most cases, mediumship is the only type of paranormal ability of a certain person.

Being a “gift from above,” contact occurs spontaneously, but with certain training and development of the senses, information from the other side can flow constantly. But, it should be borne in mind that sensitivity can suddenly end, or stop for some time, and suddenly reappear in the ability to feel, hear and know about the past, present and future. The gift of a medium does not open to every person. It appears only in hypersensitive people, with a subtle mental organization, or frankly weak mentally, possibly sick; or in moments of severe mental stress, when the individual seems to tear the veil separating one world from another, when his subtle bodies, as if under pressure, are thrown into the mental sphere.

This phenomenon causes increased interest, fear, feelings of disgust and hostility among religious fanatics. The Christian Church, of course, does not stand aside, and its adherents take great pleasure in adding fuel to the fire (Christians are obsessed with pyromania, this is confirmed by the entire history of the Middle Ages; and theology cannot do without bonfires). So, from the point of view of individual representatives of Christianity, they manifest themselves in people possessed by demons. In this case, a contradiction arises, since various religious sources and cultures of different peoples often mention the communication of characters with deceased members of the clan, long-gone ancestors, angels or demons.

Those who attend seances are in for some very unexpected surprises. During the session, the medium conveys only what he was given to hear or see. The medium is not capable of broadcasting, i.e. predict what he does not know, did not see or did not hear during a spiritualistic session. When Nostradamus was asked to predict someone's fate, he invariably answered: “I am just a vessel filled with information.” And besides this, “life is a series of choices,” he said. Each of you has to make a choice, and sometimes more often than you would like. And whether you go left or right; to where the sun rises from the ocean, or to some wonderful place where the sun sinks in the ocean; you choose light or darkness - your life will directly depend on all this.

It is known that at those moments when materialization occurs, the medium releases a special substance, a certain medium, the so-called ectoplasm (here the Latin word media is very appropriate). The medium provides contact and at the same time is a kind of tool and habitat for the spirit that materializes and communicates with living people. But a good medium is not necessarily a clairvoyant or a healer. And for this reason, the absence of these paranormal abilities should not be considered as conclusive evidence of the lack of mediumistic talent in a particular medium in general. I will not deny the obvious: many people have psychic abilities to one degree or another. Almost everything. However, to become a real medium, that is, to be able to come into contact with those who have gone to another world, is given only to a few. This is a special gift, the nature of which is not fully understood.

To be able to communicate with representatives of the world of the dead, at least two conditions are necessary: ​​a special structure of consciousness and a specific organization of the medium’s energy field. During a spiritualistic session, the entity, an inhabitant of the subtle world, acquires partial or complete control over the psychic’s body. It is this phenomenon that Christians call “possession.” In religious practice, these phenomena do not represent any rarity; this is confirmed by extensive statistics. Highly gifted mediums, when communicating with a spirit, fall into a unique state of trance, reminiscent of lethargy or a somnambulistic state, while the contacting spirit gains almost absolute control over the human body. &&&

Being a medium is hard work and you will have to devote a lot of time to it if you want to have an amazing gift. Not everyone will be able to walk this path to the end, but you will succeed.

In the article:

How to become a medium

Before realizing a desire, you need to realize who he is. Many people believe that all the abilities of a medium end with the ability to communicate with the dead. But that's not true. He has the gift of healing, seeing the future, moving objects. There are several ways to become one.

Heredity. Such people are most often the owners of amazing abilities. If your family has relatives endowed with supernatural powers, you are more likely to develop them.

The eyes determine whether a person is a medium. They are not the same or have different colored dots on the iris.

Work. If you work hard on yourself, everything will work out.

It is believed that women can become mediums and are more predisposed to this than men. But you need to develop the gift, otherwise you will lose it.

To develop your capabilities, do a course of exercises every day. Train your intuition.

How to become a medium - tutorial

The course consists of several parts:

  • training of all known 5 senses;
  • development of intuition;
  • maintaining athletic shape.

If you are weak in body, illnesses will break you, and this will have a bad effect on the development of your abilities.

Determine which sense organ works better than others. Start training by improving it.

If this vision, develop the gift of clairvoyance. However, sometimes people with poor vision are even more likely to learn to foresee the future.

Good hearing used to communicate with the dead. You will see their silhouettes, feel the energy flows, and hear them.

Developed taste receptors are used to detect things. Many mediums claim that a person’s energy can be tasted. Check it.

With help sense of smell you can find out the approach of a negative situation in the future, the presence of a negative program, changes in relationships between people and many other things.

Skin and touch- an important tool of the medium. With the help of this feeling, changes in the biological field and energy exchange are determined. With the help of touch, a good medium can understand what diseases a person has and cure them.

How to develop intuition

Mediums are similar to. The difference is that it is easier for the former to contact the spirits of the dead.

Use the same methods and training as . Learn to guess colors.

Do the exercises in pairs with other students. Your partner will hide a card with a color, your task is to guess it. At first, you can touch the object (the reverse side), smell it, and receive information in an accessible and convenient way.

Tune in to the energy and information flow of the object. It's hard at first, but it's not the hardest part of learning.

Practice several times a day, but don't overdo it. Take breaks and clear yourself of work energy. When you learn to identify colors, make the exercise more difficult. Now you can’t touch the card and you will have to collect information without tactile contact.

Intuition develops if you tune in to any situation and feel its outcome. Don’t guess, don’t go through options, don’t evaluate logically, but feel it.

Communication with the souls of the dead - fact or fiction

Many people are distrustful of the ability of mediums to communicate with spirits. But they know how to do it. It’s difficult to become a guide if you don’t have the predisposition, but you can learn this too.

Communicate with the souls of the departed outside the home. They should not come along the beaten path to the apartment. At first you won't be able to send them back to where they came from.

You can train on. If they make contact, create a strong connection with the dead. But remember, don't bother them unnecessarily.

To speak freely with the souls of the deceased, learn to feel dead and living energy. To do this, read information from living people more often. Learn to distinguish it from the streams that the dead emit.

If you understand how to do this, souls will establish contact with you and those who need help will want to come. Do not overdo it. Protect your home from foreign energy and the dead. Bless your home, place salt and poppy seeds on the windows, corners and thresholds.

Otherwise, the deceased will pester you. To learn how to speak to your soul, tune in to the one nearby. You may have to go into a trance state. R . Learn to reach the state in which it is best to make contact with spirits.

Before tuning into the energy of the dead and communicating with them, prepare yourself. Be calm, relaxed, don't be afraid. If the spirits understand that you are worried or fussing, they will refuse to make contact.

Becoming a medium is not easy, but nothing is impossible. Work hard and aim for results.

Every person has something unusual and magical. And if we are talking about representatives of the fair half of humanity, then to a greater extent nature itself has endowed them with insight and various supernatural capabilities. As for men, they are either endowed with colossal potential and have enormous strength, or they deny otherworldly forces. However, every person thinks about their capabilities from time to time. And the question of how to become a medium is becoming increasingly common.

For many people, being a medium means talking to the dead. However, this does not limit the capabilities of this person. Anyone who has such superpowers can, in fact, communicate with the other world, with those who are no longer with us.

And besides this, being a medium also means having the gift of healing, foreseeing the future, moving objects and much more.

Signs that a person is a medium:

If there were already people in your family who were gifted in this area, then there is a high possibility that you too are endowed with a gift. Often abilities are passed down through generations.

Different colored eyes or specks on the iris.
When a person has eyes of different colors, this is one of the most obvious signs of superpowers. However, even those with eyes of the same color, but with speckles, can quickly and easily become excellent mediums.

Developed intuition.
If a person considers himself sensitive and always relies on intuition, then this is an excellent start on the path to developing psychic abilities.

It is believed that most women are born or become mediums. Among generally recognized specialists, there are six times more representatives of the fair half of humanity than men. In addition, it is much more difficult not to become an excellent medium, but to remain one, since abilities can pass for a while, then return or not return. Many of these people lost their gift due to serious shocks, problems or experiences.

If you decide to become one of these specialists, then some exercises can be performed at home. Theory and practice together will help you achieve results in the shortest possible time.

Useful literature

  • Rose Aindren "So you want to become... a medium";
  • Alan Kardec "The Book of Mediums";

In these two books you will find actionable answers and receive detailed information that will certainly be useful to you. It is recommended to read books at home in order to better absorb the information.

The beginning of the way

Having decided to develop psychic abilities in yourself, you need to follow the basic rules that will help you not to lose your gift, but only to increase it:

As often as possible and as much as possible, trust your sixth sense - your intuition. Do simple exercises to develop it - for example, try to guess the next song on the radio or what will be waiting for you for lunch.

Five senses.
Don't forget about the other five senses. Ideally, it is recommended to sharpen your perception of the world as much as possible, which will not only help you become a person with superpowers, but also succeed in life.

No stress or worry.
Try to worry about trifles and get upset as little as possible. In this case, emotional balance and stability are important.

Various books on how to become a medium are considered effective for those people who want to develop their psychic abilities. Theory and practice together will help you achieve excellent results. And it’s not at all necessary to look for specific videos with exercises; you can use books.

Every person has something unusual and magical. And if we are talking about representatives of the fair half of humanity, then to a greater extent nature itself has endowed them with insight and various supernatural capabilities. As for men, they are either endowed with colossal potential and have enormous strength, or they deny otherworldly forces. However, every person thinks about their capabilities from time to time. And the question of how to become a medium is becoming increasingly common.

For many people, being a medium means talking to the dead. However, this does not limit the capabilities of this person. Anyone who has such superpowers can, in fact, communicate with the other world, with those who are no longer with us.

And besides this, being a medium also means having the gift of healing, foreseeing the future, moving objects and much more.

Signs that a person is a medium:

If there were already people in your family who were gifted in this area, then there is a high possibility that you too are endowed with a gift. Often abilities are passed down through generations.

Different colored eyes or specks on the iris.
When a person has eyes of different colors, this is one of the most obvious signs of superpowers. However, even those with eyes of the same color, but with speckles, can quickly and easily become excellent mediums.

Developed intuition.
If a person considers himself sensitive and always relies on intuition, then this is an excellent start on the path to developing psychic abilities.

It is believed that most women are born or become mediums. Among generally recognized specialists, there are six times more representatives of the fair half of humanity than men. In addition, it is much more difficult not to become an excellent medium, but to remain one, since abilities can pass for a while, then return or not return. Many of these people lost their gift due to serious shocks, problems or experiences.

If you decide to become one of these specialists, then some exercises can be performed at home. Theory and practice together will help you achieve results in the shortest possible time.

Useful literature

  • Rose Aindren "So you want to become... a medium";
  • Alan Kardec "The Book of Mediums";

In these two books you will find actionable answers and receive detailed information that will certainly be useful to you. It is recommended to read books at home in order to better absorb the information.

The beginning of the way

Having decided to develop psychic abilities in yourself, you need to follow the basic rules that will help you not to lose your gift, but only to increase it:

As often as possible and as much as possible, trust your sixth sense - your intuition. Do simple exercises to develop it - for example, try to guess the next song on the radio or what will be waiting for you for lunch.

Five senses.
Don't forget about the other five senses. Ideally, it is recommended to sharpen your perception of the world as much as possible, which will not only help you become a person with superpowers, but also succeed in life.

No stress or worry.
Try to worry about trifles and get upset as little as possible. In this case, emotional balance and stability are important.

Various books on how to become a medium are considered effective for those people who want to develop their psychic abilities. Theory and practice together will help you achieve excellent results. And it’s not at all necessary to look for specific videos with exercises; you can use books.

Mediumship is a direction in magic where a person with superpowers comes into contact with the world of the dead.

Novice mediums often doubt their own abilities, which affects their effectiveness and resistance to the interference of spirits.

Moreover, such doubts led to the fact that newcomers began to seek the protection of other spirits. Those who respond to a person’s call are not always even kind.

At the same time, even realizing the consequences, the person agrees to take the risk, hoping to drive away the annoying assistant. Evil spirits even agree to provide their “wards” with some services, but the price of these services can be exorbitant.

In addition, if you have not achieved success in mechanical mediumship, you should not give up the hope of becoming a medium of a different variety. For example, hearing. If a person is not deprived of this ability, it will bring many benefits to its owner, if only this ability is developed. Also, if the results are rather weak and further progress is weak, or even non-existent, a person should write the first thought that comes to him.

A candidate for mediumship should not wonder whether it is his own thought or not. Time will teach him to make distinctions. Mechanical mediumship can develop over time. There are also cases when there is no need to look for differences between personal and suggested thoughts. This is exactly how all brilliant ideas come and discoveries are made. All creative people are inspired in this way.

It often happens that a medium has no obstacles in his work, everything comes easy to him. In this case, arrogance will most likely begin to develop. And, what is even more likely, the spirits begin to mock the would-be seer with all their might. And this grief can be expressed not only in financial difficulties, but also in problems with health or even life.

The real problems for the already formed medium are just beginning. And in the future you need to be very attentive, careful and listen to advice. And, in addition, it is important to avoid using your ability with evil intentions. The pleasure that power gives to beginners must be restrained and their enthusiasm tempered.

Abilities of this kind are given to increase the presence of good in the world. Using them for tasks of another kind can cause great misfortune both for the medium itself and for the people around him. This gift cannot be used for stupid curiosity either.

This gift from the Creator is used only when needed, and not every minute. It is also worth remembering that patronizing spirits do not always have time to chat, and therefore they should be called at a strictly defined time, so that they are free and can devote time to the medium who called them.

This practice makes it easier to put your mind to work and improves your relationship with ghosts. If, despite all efforts, the ability does not manifest itself, then you need to seek the help of another medium and use his services in the future. The fact that mediumship has not manifested itself does not mean that the spirits refuse to help a person.

If the dead love those who are still alive, they will be there, regardless of whether they are capable of being mediums or not.

Why the ability can leave the medium

Very often, something happens to mediums that worries them most - their handwriting may change, or the ability to contact ghosts will disappear. It doesn’t matter what the reasons for this may be, but people, losing patience, rush to find other patrons for themselves, but most often they look for problems in all known and unknown places.

It also happens that the ability does not leave its owner forever, but for some time. However, without knowing this, a person begins to worry. It is also worth remembering that any ability depends on the will of the spirits.

If the ability disappears, this does not mean that the medium has used up all the energy. Most likely, the spirits simply do not want or can no longer come into contact with a person. The reasons for this may be different. The main and most important of them is that the medium became too proud and began to abuse his own gift. He no longer wants to send messages from spirits. He uses the acquired knowledge exclusively for evil or personal gain. Seeing that the seer no longer meets his goal, the ghost begins to look for another, better one.

A ghost that has left can be replaced with another, but this does not mean that the ghost that responds to the call will be benevolent. Although at first a ghost may seem like one. With the help of rudeness, toughness and everything else, he will do his best to convince the medium of his power so that the latter will believe in him.

And if the seer begins to trust a new friend, he will try to seize power over the person. In addition, the former spirit-advisor may be offended if a person begins to look for a replacement. Perhaps the abandoned ability was part of a test of strength, so that the medium would see that the messages received were not only his merit, that it was a favor, and it was not good to be proud of it.

A respite in mediumship may also be an attempt to prove to the medium that the messages are really delivered by spirits, and not by the person himself writing under the influence of a sick fantasy. It may also be done to provide the haunted medium with a well-deserved rest.

True, not everyone appreciates such generosity. Some because they do not need rest, while others immediately begin to look for a replacement for the departed spirit. But this can also be part of the check. The spirits want to know whether a person will become despondent. If this happens, they get pretty upset too.

Stops also occur if the spirits want to give the medium time to think about their advice and instructions. You should not neglect this opportunity to gain strength and put your thoughts in order. If the spirit advises you to continue writing even if you stop, you should do it, and if it doesn’t advise you, then you should abstain.

To shorten the trial, you need to be humble and ask the Lord for help every day. Again, as mentioned above, you can continue to try to write to see if the ability has returned. And the fact that mediumship skills are temporarily lost does not mean that the spirit has left the person. The main thing is to be patient and wait.

Development of the medium's abilities

If a person thirsts for knowledge and new opportunities, he often resorts to the help of the other world. It happens that a person, without having the desire to do so, unwittingly becomes a medium. But it also happens that someone who wants to become one cannot fulfill his desire for various reasons. For example, lack of energy.

If energy is tight, the spirit may not come to the call. He can also be scared off by the incorrect behavior of the medium himself. However, for some reason the spirit may simply not want to make contact.

Therefore, you can resort to the help of an experienced medium. Such exercises strengthen the skills of the novice medium and help develop the mentioned abilities. You can also hypnotize a beginner to improve his skills and help him in the future. The hypnotist can put his hand on the beginner’s shoulder, or he can simply help him with an effort of will.

It is useful for a beginning clairvoyant to take advantage of the guidance of an experienced specialist in order to improve his abilities, and then he can do without his help when the beginner himself gains experience.

But there is another way to develop abilities. Several people gather with the same intentions. And over and over again the Guardian Angel is called upon to help, or the ghost who is most friendly. The common intentions of several people attract a large number of spirits and enhance the energy potential of those present. After this, what is called mediumship occurs. Spontaneous writing begins under the influence of ghosts.

The last mentioned method is used when there are no mediums in a spiritualist circle or there are very few of them. But the funniest thing is that some people begin to “cure” their lack of abilities using physical methods. They shock themselves with electricity and perform various physical exercises.

This method arrived in other countries from America and became widespread due to its complete incapacity. More precisely, there are results. From severe overloads, the nerves cannot withstand it, and the body malfunctions. If the abilities are too weak, the would-be medium will not achieve anything by physically abusing his own body.

To begin to develop abilities, faith is not always necessary. It, of course, strengthens inner convictions, but, more importantly, it requires purity of thoughts and a strong desire. There are known cases when people who did not believe at all in the afterlife became mediums, while those who sincerely believed could not achieve this. It all depends on whether a particular person is predisposed to mediumship or not.

The first sign that a spirit has come into contact with a person is a trembling of the hand. The desire to write is growing and it is impossible to resist it. Then the drawing of lines begins without any order or logic. And later images of letters appear. Experienced mediums also advise avoiding resistance in the writing hand or in any way forcing it into violent movements.

But most importantly, constant practice is required.

Categories of mediums

Interest in magic in all its manifestations does not fade in our time. On the contrary, everything suggests that they have become much more interested in magic than before. Spiritualism began to gain more and more popularity, becoming a mass phenomenon. Accordingly, interest in mediums also arose.

Experts identify mediums of an impressionable and hearing nature into a special category. The difference between them is not very great, since these phenomena are closely related. In addition, all mediums are impressionable to one degree or another - without this, the manifestation of their gift is impossible.

Impressionability becomes a catalyst for the development of all other qualities and abilities. But one should not confuse ordinary impressionability with the impressionability of nervous individuals.

It happens that the most irritable people cannot detect any presence of spirits, but individuals with nerves of steel can sense them. If you develop your abilities, you can reach the point where the medium can understand whether the person in front of him is good or evil, and perceive his individuality.

Spirits that are of a good character make the same impression. They are calm and peaceful, trying to help in everything. If an unkind spirit comes, the medium becomes uneasy, anxiety and restlessness increase.

Hearing mediums, like impressionable ones, detect the presence of ghosts in the form of voices in the mind. It could also be an inner voice. It can resemble the sound of the voice of a real, living person. This is a very useful skill when the practitioner enters into communication with good spirits.

There are ghosts who try to express their sympathy in a very strange way. At the same time, they can force the unfortunate sorcerer to hear unpleasant and offensive things. Experts definitely advise getting rid of such ghosts.

There are also categories of speaking and seeing mediums. Speaking mediums are something like a translator. They convey what they heard from the ghosts, turning into a connecting link. At the same time, speaking spiritualists themselves do not realize what exactly they are saying.

Moreover, these may be things about which the mediums themselves may not have the slightest idea. But there are also specialists in their field who are perfectly aware of everything that is happening and can control it.

Spiritualists who see have the ability to see ghosts, which, in fact, is what the name of this category suggests. Some see them consciously, while others only in a state of somnambulism. But even those who can see spirits consciously cannot always activate this ability.

Individuals with double vision are also considered seeing mediums. There is also the ability to see spirits in a dream. But it is worth remembering that it is not the person himself who sees ghosts, but his soul. Often this ability manifests itself in the blind, as a result of which they acquire qualities that are rarely developed in sighted people.

There is a difference between spontaneous visions that occur at the moment of death of people whom their loved ones knew well. In this case, it is worth praying for the dead in order to make their afterlife easier.