Jester Ace of Wands. Interpretation of the combination with the Ace of Pentacles

  • 19.11.2023

When the Ace of Wands of the Tarot is given in fortune telling, the meaning of this fiery card can seriously please people who strive for success. However, in some cases it can also warn of troubles.

In the article:

Ace of Wands Tarot - the meaning of the card in layouts

The Ace of Wands Tarot card symbolizes fire, energy and masculinity, as well as growth, vitality and willpower. If you received this card, you not only know what you want, but you also understand how to fulfill this desire. You have everything to achieve your goal. You can safely go to her, luck is now on your side. The result will be your triumph.

The meaning of the Ace of Staffs Tarot is creativity and a high probability of change associated with new beginnings. You can get a new job, change your place of residence, open your own business, or radically change your lifestyle. The card can predict the receipt of a significant inheritance or the birth of a child.

New opportunities are opening up before you, don’t miss them. You are adventurous and courageous enough to take calculated and carefully planned risks. Events may be favorable for the discovery of your personality, and this means aspects of it that are important to you. Since the suit of Wands belongs to the element of Fire, situations can be associated with strengthening willpower, beliefs and principles.

What happens to you will contribute to inner maturation and personal growth. This card symbolizes strengthening one's position in life, optimism and the joy received from every day of life. But sometimes it indicates a lack of patience, which can ruin your plans.

An important part of the meaning of the Ace of Wands Tarot is masculine strength. If the card comes up for a man, it indicates that he is okay with this. For a woman, it will become a hint of necessity.

Inverted Tarot card Ace of Posokhov does not advise getting down to business or not interfering in the events in question. You don't have enough resources and energy to achieve your goal. In addition, your decision may turn out to be selfish, which will lead to the collapse of the enterprise. Now you are inattentive and do not know the whole situation, and the promise given to you is very likely not to come true. For men, an inverted card warns of problems with potency, and for a woman it can say that she is deprived of male attention or is infertile.

What does the Ace of Wands Tarot card mean at the level of consciousness?

At the level of consciousness, the Ace of Wands is a card of great potential, imagination and creative inspiration. You have the right amount of energy to take initiative in things that interest you.

Your beliefs, willpower and all the resources that you need are able to receive the most complete disclosure in this period. Now is the right time for personal improvement, self-discovery, introspection and self-awareness.

If you have long wanted to engage in self-development, you should start now. At this point, you are able to productively learn and develop, enjoying the process of improvement.

Ace of Wands Tarot - meaning in relationships

The meaning in a relationship of the Ace of Wands Tarot is a certain new direction within the union, most often in a positive sense. This is a map of living and fruitful relationships. It can represent the time of getting used to each other, which is impossible to do without at the very beginning of life together.

The Ace of the suit of Wands portends the opportunity to create a strong union based on love and kindness towards each other. For fortune tellers who are married or in a relationship, the card promises a revival of love feelings, even if the union has begun to cause boredom. It predicts mutual understanding, increased sympathy and joint ventures for the couple.

Since the Ace of the suit of Wands personifies the fiery element, it is impossible to do without manifestations of the fiery temperament in these relationships. One way or another, they will contain stormy showdowns and outbursts of passion, but in general the card has a positive meaning, and the relationship will develop well.

Ace of Staffs Tarot - meaning in work layouts

The Ace of Staffs opens up the opportunity for the fortuneteller to find out his true calling. This is a chance to realize your talents and demonstrate your abilities. Soon you will receive an interesting offer or opportunity that you do not want to miss.

It is difficult to say what exactly this event will be that will reveal your destiny. Perhaps you will receive a difficult task that you have long dreamed of at your workplace. Or maybe you will be able to express yourself in places where you did not have access before. Fate is offering you a chance to prove yourself and you have everything to succeed.

The business you undertake will be associated with ambition and enthusiasm. The motivation to succeed will be truly strong. Definitely, the results of the idea are worth all the difficulties associated with its implementation.

What kind of people does the Ace of Staff Tarot card represent?

The Ace of Posokhov can relate not only to situations in the fortuneteller’s life, his future and emotions, but also to personify people from his environment. Using this part of the card’s meaning, you can easily answer questions that concern many, for example, who brought harm secretly or from whom you can expect help.

Ace of Posokhov in a straight position indicates that you are dealing with a creative person who is accustomed to directing her resources to creation. This person is proactive and well motivated. He has a penchant for adventure, but it is difficult to lure such a person into an illegal enterprise.

The person in question may be a pioneer in some way. He can introduce innovations at his workplace, introduce them to the market, or engage in the production of a fundamentally new product. This person is capable of inventing things that are truly useful to society. It is highly likely that he has chosen a career as an entrepreneur or is striving for it.

Flipped over The Ace of Posokhov indicates a person who did not keep his promise. This is an unambitious person who is characterized by selfishness, stubbornness, insensitivity to other people's opinions, and sometimes emotional instability. He shows himself to be unproductive and has no aptitude for what he does. At the same time, he is distinguished by excessive pickiness towards others.

Ace of Wands and Tarot card combinations

Many combinations of the Ace of Wands in the Tarot with other cards indicate approval of projects and ideas. For example, if this card appears near , this indicates that your boss will like your idea, as well as a desire to take responsibility for its implementation. Combination with the lasso Judgment also portends approval of a project or support of an idea.

The combination of the Ace of Wands with the Two of Wands speaks of the need for planning, thinking and visualizing the planned project. The Three of Wands means that this project is already taking shape. The Six of Wands suggests finding like-minded people and working on the popularity and promotion of a project that will definitely bring success.

Some combinations of the Ace of Wands, despite the generally positive meaning of the card, portend trouble. For example, the Seven of Wands suggests that trials await you on the path to success. The level of motivation of the team or fortuneteller must pass this test. The Ten of Wands with the Ace of Wands signifies surrender and loss of motivation.

Ace of Wands in the Thoth Tarot

In the Thoth Tarot deck, the Ace of Wands is depicted as a flaming torch, which symbolizes the element of Fire. According to the descriptions of the author of the deck, Aleister Crowley, this is the second card in the deck, which means higher energy, the first is the Sun lasso. The image on the card shows the energy that manifests when you remove everything that blocks it.

The Ace of Wands is the potential for any project. Its implementation depends on you, on your actions. This is the initial burst of creative energy, motivation, spark, idea. You have the courage to achieve something new. It's time to start a new project.

When the card appears in a reading, you may be tempted to travel to an exotic place you have never been to.

The Ace of Wands can speak to sexual energy. You may meet someone and feel attracted to them. The lasso can also signal the conception of a child. A concept is the great spark that ignites life.

This card opens up new work opportunities. You may have a great idea that is ready to be implemented.

This is a great time to change your daily routine, exercise or go on a diet.

Value keys:

  • Creative skills
  • inspiration
  • enthusiastic emotions
  • inexhaustible energy
  • courage, openness
  • excitement
  • new opportunities and projects.
  • male power
  • potential worth developing.
  • change for the better
  • personal growth
  • search for new opportunities.
  • favorable period in life

At the bottom of the map is a harmoniously combined landscape: a river flowing through a green valley, a forest on the shore, high mountains can be seen in the background, and a castle can be seen on a hill in the valley. In the center of the card is a cloud from which a hand emerges, confidently clutching a staff or wand. Green shoots sprout from the rod, symbolizing the beginning of a new period, the birth of a new life.

Interpretation of direct provision

Direct position keys: creations, creation, new inventions, the ability to make the right decisions, beginning, fundamental moments, origin, creative inclinations, career growth, activity, masculinity, money, material benefits. Ingenuity, enterprise, resourcefulness, obtaining material wealth, the emergence of new opportunities.

New beginnings - it is necessary to dispel the fog of the past, drive away doubts, stop regretting the past and boldly move forward.

Successful endeavors in any field and field of activity. The Ace of Wands is the successful implementation of planned plans, a positive result from existing projects, and the completion of all endeavors in a positive way. Circumstances and situations develop in the best way and have a favorable effect on your affairs. All your dreams can come true.

But do not forget that inaction will not bring what you want, so to fulfill your desires you should work, be patient, be more persistent and decisive, and also learn to look for an extraordinary approach to resolving the situation.

The Ace of Wands appears at the moment when a person realizes what he is doing, has a clear idea of ​​his goal, knows what he is striving for, and most importantly, has already thought about and decided how to act.

To implement your plan, it is necessary to attract all the resources and energies of the body.

Interpretation of the inverted position

Upside down keys: collapse of plans and hopes, loss of strength, bankruptcy, losses, gloom, failure of projects, unrealizable plans, decline or lack of progress, apathetic states, impotence, ambiguous judgments. Delay in execution of plans. Conscious renunciation of one's goals or beliefs. A pause is needed.

Your plans and ideas will fail, your dreams will not come true, and your projects may fail and will not bring the desired income. Collapse and destruction can also affect personal life.

Most likely, you chose the wrong time to implement your plans, did not find the right approach, and your plan contains a flaw. Your mood also plays an important role - self-doubt, lack of firmness and determination - the result of failed plans. During this period, your ideas can bring you problems and complicate the situation.

You should stop and rethink what is happening, find the place where you made a mistake.

The reversed Ace of Wands communicates that you are not ready to move on, and fate does not present new opportunities because you have not dealt with past tasks. It pays to be careful and move slowly but thoughtfully.

Ace of Wands at work

Occupations of the Ace of Wands: civil servant in various departments, conductor, sports coach, fitness instructor, motivational speaker.

Difficulties in work, overcoming which you can count on a promotion. Do not be afraid of risk - in this case your actions will be justified. The emergence of profitable offers and new partners. Making a profit and stable income.

In an inverted position - a state of crisis, lack of motivation for work and advancement, reluctance to work, inability to complete the assigned task. The person is confused, does not know what he wants and what decision to make, is afraid of making a mistake and does not know how to trust his intuition, does not know how to listen to his inner voice, and is also afraid to ask for advice.

New acquaintances or relationships that are ready to reach the next level and develop further. Respect of partners for each other, willingness to work on relationships and build a strong alliance. All this is accompanied by passion and sexual energy. It is also possible to return to a past relationship or find a new friend.

Inverted position - unpleasant conversations with your significant other, humiliation or fading of feelings. Disappointment in a partner, failure of expectations, unjustified hopes. Perhaps mistakes were made that can no longer be corrected.

About love

Arkan says that there will definitely be a sexual spark in your love affair. This is a very passionate card, showing unbridled attraction and magnetism. This is absolute, unadulterated pure potential. Sometimes indicates experiences that are difficult to control.


You feel like a lively, passionate person with great enthusiasm and optimism. If you ask about what feelings a certain person has for you, then know that he is romantic towards you, he is delighted with you.

The person may even be quite excited about the opportunity to meet you and feel excited about meeting you.

Your partner believes that you have the potential to start something new and exciting together.

Ace of Wands in health

A surge of vitality and a retreat from illness. Energy and desire to be healthy. Strength of spirit and immunity.

Upside down. Lethargy and excessive fatigue, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, baldness, inflammatory processes, damage to the skin.

Interpretation of the Ace of Wands regarding the situation

You have a chance that you should take advantage of and use it to benefit yourself. You have enough physical strength to solve the problem, as well as a financial condition that helps you realize your plans. Decisiveness and firmness in action are required, then everything will work out successfully. Doubts and worries will not lead to anything good.

Reversed position - you do not have enough strength to solve the problem, and even less energy to start something new. The answer to your question is: “No.” You need preparation, there are no opportunities and you have nowhere to get strength and energy. Nobody will help you.

When you have figured out the interpretation of the Ace of Swords card, then you can answer next questions:

  • where do you get your energy, where is this source?
  • Which ideas do you accept openly and with a positive attitude, and which ones scare you and prevent you from moving forward?
  • Are you spending your energy wisely?
  • How long have you been thinking about new ideas?

Interpretation of combinations of the Ace of Wands card with other cards in the deck

Major Arcana

Jester. You don't have enough strength to finish the job. Ideas and their implementation are not thought through. Randomness of choice.

Mag. The implementation of the project creates a desire to act. Seek advice from a more influential and knowledgeable person.

High Priestess. Learning something new, gaining knowledge. Gaining life experience, gaining experience regarding a career and specialty.

Empress. Lack of children, inability to conceive a child. A result that will impress. It is worth developing creative abilities.

Emperor. Acceptance of neutrality. Stability of results. Your boss is pleased with your work. It may be worth taking responsibility for the implementation of the project.

Hierophant. It's time to think about your position and analyze the state of affairs.

Lovers. Conflict states, quarrel, breakup. It may be worth choosing one option.

Chariot. Intrigues, conversations behind your back, slander. The thirst to win. Development in material terms.

Force. In order to overthrow the enemy, it is necessary to search for weak and vulnerable places. Passion and desires.

Hermit. Missed opportunities. The result of actions that is not noticeable. It is necessary to understand what is happening. The desire to retire and be alone with oneself.

Wheel of Fortune. It's time to take the initiative and solve the problem yourself. Shifting the process from a dead point.

Justice. Failure to accept arguments. Legal issues.

Hanged. Lack of prospects and opportunities. Lack of energy. Failed plans. The desire to change the current situation.

Death. The ability to cope with a dangerous situation on your own. A process has been started that cannot be reversed. The desire to leave the past and start living in the present.

Moderation. It is necessary to correctly calculate your strength and spend it moderately so that it lasts for a long time. Finding compromises, loyalty, resolving issues peacefully.

Devil. The idea of ​​dangerous and risky things. Obsession with something. Sexual attraction.

Lightning Tower. Your plans are ruined, your prospects do not inspire confidence. Something is out of your control.

Star. You are given a chance to make your plans come true. Finding and understanding your purpose in this world.

Moon. Uncertainty about how to move and proceed. The fog makes it difficult to see clearly. The dubiousness of projects.

Sun. What you have planned comes true and brings you a favorable period and calling.

Court. Delays in decision making. Summing up, passing judgment. Decision is made. Your bosses are good about your ideas and projects, they listen to your opinion.

World. Realization of plans. Reaching a new level. Ambitions and emotions. Achieving fame at the global level.


Two. The emergence of new ideas and ideas. Stopping at what has been achieved, analyzing the situation and situation, evaluating the results. Balance and deliberation.

Troika. What you have accumulated during the period of stagnation and rest must be rationally used until the next stop. Formation of goals that you have not paid attention to before.

Four. Working out the details of events, careful preparation.

Five. Disagreements. Actions that were not agreed upon, actions outside of plans.

Six. Promotion. Unexpected results. Completion of work soon. It is necessary to search for colleagues and partners.

Seven. Obstacles and tests of strength, tests. Your actions may meet with resistance. Trouble is possible.

Eight. You set the direction for your thoughts and actions. You should stick to a well-thought-out plan; now is not the time to take risks and change your strategy.

Nine. It's worth thinking about yourself. Use your accumulated energy for your own good. Now is not the time to think about others.

Ten. The project has no prospects; perhaps it is worth revising the action plan or changing the final goal. Your actions are disappointing.

Page. Learning something new. The results are insignificant, but inspire new things.

Knight. Excessive display of passion. Dangers. A success that will quickly be forgotten.

Queen. Your life is in your hands. Growth of professional skills.

King. You create your life yourself. Luck is on your side.


Ace. It's worth taking a closer look at your partner. The emergence of a spark and the manifestation of feelings.

Two. Studying the terms of cooperation. Future plans.

Troika. Event planning.

Four. Suspicion and mistrust.

Five. Negativity uses up your energy.

Six. Referring to the past, constantly looking back. Inability to move forward and live in the present.

Seven. Making plans.

Eight. New development prospects and opportunities for the implementation of plans are emerging.

Nine. Excessively comfortable conditions lead to stagnation and new opportunities do not appear.

Ten. Journey.

Page. It is worth thoroughly studying the proposal received.

Knight. Arrival of new opportunities.

Queen. Plans for the woman's partner. Possibility of conceiving a child.

King. Plans for the man's partner. There was also a sense of purpose.


Ace. Ideal conditions for starting a new project. Analysis of the current situation. Expanding horizons of activity.

Two. Indecision that does not give peace, torment and doubt.

Troika. Gap. Hobbies are not justified.

Four. Observation, search for a place to rest.

Five. Your plans are ruined.

Six. Searching for new routes, searching for a solution to the situation.

Seven. If retreat is necessary, you must have a plan and moves to get around the difficult or conflicting situation.

Eight. Your options are limited due to your horizons. Broaden your horizons and look at the world with wide open eyes.

Nine. Your desperation can be useful. Treat this energy with understanding and direct it in the right direction.

Ten. Catastrophe, collapse of ideas, anxiety, bad feelings. Finding answers to questions regarding a failed project. Finding someone to blame.

Page. Inability to endure and wait. The result is decisions made in haste.

Knight. Cloudiness of mind. Failure to meet deadlines and plans.

Queen. Parting with the past. Disappearance of optimistic mood.

King. Planning. Rational use of energy. Objective thinking.


Ace. Your projects will generate income.

Two. Financial difficulties. Excitement and desire to make money in the gambling business.

Troika. Professional development, career opportunities or training, advanced training.

Four. Thinking through financial security, creating an emergency reserve.

Five. Loss of finances. The plans have no chance of being realized.

Six. Receipt of financial assistance.

Seven. On what is unpleasant for you, you spend twice as much of your strength and energy.

Eight. Search for a job. Desire to learn.

Nine. You have a solid foundation for building new projects and implementing plans.

Ten. Budget. Family budgeting.

Page. Reassessment of the chances for project implementation.

Knight. Finding a new path.

Queen. A plan on how to take advantage of a wealthy lady. Execution of what is intended.

King. Making plans to attract a wealthy person.

The meaning of the Ace of Wands in the upright position

The Ace of Wands Tarot is a sign of new beginnings and receiving a well-deserved reward. Changes for the better, a favorable outcome of the previous stage, positive development. Determination, initiative, success, recognition, increased status. Achieving a great goal, triumph, luck. Favorable development of relationships, birth of a child.

  • creative power, creation, invention, enterprise, masculinity, luck
  • new beginnings, creativity, ingenuity
  • creation, creativity, enthusiasm, new ideas, career
  • luck, exaltation, recognition, fame

The Ace of Wands Tarot signifies the beginning of a new business. Traditionally this is a new job or the organization of a new production, but, depending on the environment, the card can be interpreted as the birth of a child. The Ace of Wands also speaks of creativity, enthusiasm, innovation and vanity. Whichever of these qualities is the main one, the Client can energetically use them to achieve his goal.

The Ace of Wands Tarot card predicts an inspiring start to a new business or enterprise. It's also a good time to start. The circumstances are favorable, the ideas and plans are correct. A state of contentment and triumph.

Meaning of the Ace of Wands in reversed position

A serious problem is on your way. Misconception, mistake, wrong choice. Defeat, major quarrel, scandal. Powerlessness, apathy, major disappointment.

  • ruin, death, disaster, bankruptcy, darkened joy
  • bad beginnings, motivation problems, frustration
  • for men it can mean impotence, for women it means the inability to have children
  • lack of new ideas, rejection of new things, narrow-mindedness, delusions, loss of meaning and purpose

The Ace of Wands Tarot in an inverted form speaks of the beginning of new things, the full implementation of which is hampered by various problems. Perhaps the wrong moment was chosen for such an undertaking, or the Client lacks initiative and commitment. Poor planning, excessive expectations, disappointment and frustration are the inevitable results.

The Ace of Wands tarot card reversed represents ruin and decline. Either the project was poorly conceived, you didn't have enough information or ability to handle it, or the timing was wrong. The cards, for example, may show that you could have done it, but you lacked confidence in yourself and your venture. In any case, the result will be failure if appropriate steps are not taken.

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

Starting a new venture, probably related to business or finance. Creation, invention and (or) source for them. The birth of usually a new business or idea. It is possible to receive an inheritance, monetary or property, or to inherit the abilities necessary for the success of a started enterprise. The mood of the Questioner is also favorable; Sometimes the Ace of Wands tarot card signifies a feeling of contentment and triumph. This interpretation is similar to that of the Ace of Swords, but in a more positive sense. The point here is not about conquest, not about defeating enemies, but about breaking ties, throwing off shackles, which will allow you to start anew; essentially an escape to freedom.

The Ace of Wands card shows a hand emerging from a gray cloud and clutching a staff, which is a symbol of power. Allegorically, such an image is a burning torch illuminating the way for a traveler at night. In the background there is a white castle, which symbolizes a person’s dream, and the mountains that are part of the landscape represent the person’s goals to which he strives. The inner meaning of the card is that you need to take a fresh look at life and move on. The Ace of Wands is a symbol of male vitality, inspiration and energy.

The meaning of the Ace of Wands card in an upright position

In an upright position, the Ace of Wands symbolizes new beginnings and receiving a well-deserved reward for them. Positive changes are planned in a person's life. This card can also be a sign of the completion of a certain life stage. The Ace of Wands can indicate significant events in a person's life, such as receiving an inheritance, marriage or the birth of a child.

This card appears in the layout during a period of life when the most favorable time comes for the implementation of ideas. A person has new opportunities, and he is full of determination to reach new heights. The card indicates that the most favorable time has come for unleashing a person’s creative potential. This is an optimistic sign indicating that a person is on the right path and his wishes will come true.

This card can mean the following:

  • In business matters, a very profitable offer may follow in the near future, which will bring good profits in the future. In addition, all human activity during this period of life will be aimed at the creation and successful implementation of original ideas and projects.
  • In personal relationships, the card portends well-being. It is interpreted as a sign of physical intimacy and sexual connection. For women, such a card expresses the desire to find a worthy man in life.
  • In matters of health, the card foretells recovery for a sick person.

The Ace of Wands in an upright position represents a very passionate and strong person. Often such people are entrepreneurs or people of creative professions.

The meaning of the Ace of Wands card in reversed position

In an inverted position, the Ace of Wands card appears in the layout when a person does not have the strength and energy to achieve a goal, and it turns into an unfulfilled dream. All undertakings during this life period will end in failure and there will be a large delay in the timing of their implementation.

Very often, such a card focuses attention on the lack of spiritual energy. It may also indicate that stagnation in business is closely related to the fact that someone around the person or he himself is extremely demanding and tough. In addition to various failures in life, a person may experience a period of painful loneliness, when it is impossible to count on the support of other people.

In other areas, this card may indicate the following:

  • In the area of ​​health, there is complete emotional and physical devastation. Very often, such a card indicates impotence for men, and infertility for women. It may also portend a miscarriage or abortion.
  • In your personal life, this period is not the right time to start a new relationship. Existing relationships are in crisis and filled with empty promises.
  • In the business sphere, career growth is impossible and you should not count on making a profit from previously started projects. But at the same time, minor victories are possible that will not have an impact on your future life.

The Ace of Wands in a reversed position represents boastful and stubborn people. The card also indicates that a person is surrounded by many unnecessary people, a promise with whom means nothing.

The minor arcan Ace of Wands in the Tarot foretells wonderful prospects. These are not only events and actions, but also an emerging intention - a force that does not yet have a form, determination and absolute readiness for important actions. This time is very favorable for new projects, making plans, starting planned activities.

general characteristics

The card shows a hand with a staff coming out of the heavens - this is a traditional symbol of divine power. In the Thoth Tarot deck, the Ace of Wands is represented as a fiery flash.

The Arcanum says that the questioner has powerful energy that can be used for good. If a person does not use his abilities, they will leave him, because he will forget how to work with them.

Each lasso is interpreted not only directly, but also inverted . In the main position, the Ace of Staves has the following meaning:

The characteristics of this card change significantly if it is turned over. In this case The Ace of Wands will have the following meaning:

  • The need to remain cautious;
  • Lack of vitality;
  • Lack of development;
  • Unfulfilled expectations, disappointed hopes;
  • Too little motivation;
  • Impotence, problems with conception;
  • Negative attitude;
  • Lack of decisive action;
  • Unjustified stubbornness.

Personal meaning

In the case when the Ace of Staves indicates a specific person, we are talking about an enthusiast. This person is not afraid to take risks, he is very brave and has a strong will. He has well-established moral principles. This is an optimistic and peace-loving personality, overflowing with inspiration. He is ready to accept the challenge thrown by fate and, if necessary, wage a fierce fight.

However, it also has its drawbacks. He looks far into the future, completely ignoring what is happening around him. He follows his dreams and goals, without paying any attention to the people around him, the needs of loved ones and his own needs. The card warns against excessive stubbornness.

Love relationship

In a relationship reading, the meaning of the Ace of Wands Tarot is very interesting. He speaks of a bright flash of love and passion, excitement and initiative. If we are talking about a new hobby, then it will be short-lived. This lasso promises a chance that needs to be taken advantage of, but people cannot always see the opportunities available. In general, this is a very favorable lasso for love.

He may talk about the following:

This lasso indicates the stormy temperament of the questioner. His relationship with his partner is very passionate. The card can mean a new addition to the family, and in an inverted position, children born out of wedlock. The Ace of Wands in combination with other cards will indicate this more accurately.

The card terminates unnecessary relationships and gives long-awaited freedom. If the union has outlived its usefulness, an affair on the side is possible. The new connection will bring peace and harmony. The minor lasso speaks of serious feelings that give stability. An inverted card can tell about abortion, infertility, and impotence in men.

The Ace of Staves gives advice: you need to give vent to your emotions. It is impossible to constantly live like on a volcano. It is worth acting boldly, deciding on something that has long been put aside in a distant drawer. You need to be vigilant so as not to miss your chance.

Work and career

The appearance of this lasso in a professional situation indicates that the time has come to stop engaging in hired labor. Now is the best time to open your own business. Don't be afraid to take risks.

The Arcana Ace of Wands of the Tarot in combination with the Emperor tells that a person with power will patronize the questioner. And the neighboring Sun card promises glory.

In an inverted position, the lasso portends a crisis in a career, low motivation and inability to follow one’s plans. A person does not know what decision would be right for him. Perhaps the wrong period has been chosen to realize your goal.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the inverted Ace of Staves in combination with the Hanged Man promises the absolute inexpediency of the plan. And proximity to the Fool speaks of the inability to bring things to a victorious end.

Health status

The meaning of this card in a health reading is directly related to the availability of energy. The lasso in the main position indicates that everything is fine with this. An inverted card indicates an energy imbalance, a lack of strength.

In this case, additional “feeding” sources are needed. Excellent exercises: yoga, qigong. Perhaps the use of slats. It is also worth visiting places of power and consuming energy-rich foods.

Combination with other arcana

It is important to remember that it is necessary to consider each arcana in conjunction with other cards. The Ace of Wands in combination has the following meanings.