Greedy men: how to recognize them, what to talk to them about? Stinginess and greed. What to do if a man is greedy? Why did my husband become greedy?

  • 02.11.2023

If a person is greedy, he is greedy in everything - in money, words, care, love, attention.

Nowadays, many women complain that men are greedy.

What is male greed? Does it always depend on a woman whether a man is stingy or not? Is it possible to turn a greedy person into a generous person? Does a man's greed depend on the degree of love for you? Let's try to understand these issues.

Is the man greedy or practical?

First you need to understand what is considered greed and what is considered saving. After all, there are different types of men.

Successful and truly rich men in principle, from a female point of view, they are greedy. The truth has long been known that the more money a person has, the greedier he is.

And if a man started his own business not so long ago, he has not yet had time to get enough of money. He sees many prospects for the development of his business, requiring financial investments, and therefore prefers to invest all his money in work and only a little in all other areas of life.

In this case, we cannot yet talk about greed: maybe it is just practicality and the understanding that money must first be invested in something that will later bring income.

Again, think about whether you need to endure all these hardships, not knowing whether you will be able to enjoy dividends in the future - suddenly the man will have another woman. Here we are not talking about your husband, but about the men who come into your life. If your partner does not propose to you and says: “Be patient, dear,” then you need to understand that in this case there is a certain amount of risk. And here only your heart will tell you the right path.

There are men who will deliberately lead you by the nose, not intending to marry and not wanting to spend money on you now. And there are those who want to develop their business and only then offer you something, in which case your expectations and modesty will return to you a hundredfold... although they may not return. Therefore, you must honestly answer the question: are you ready for losses if your investments - youth, time, health - never pay off?

You may also meet other men who have already established themselves, but who do not want to invest in you. It's worth thinking about why? Or such a man, in principle, does not want to spend money on you, because he is not confident or deeply disappointed in women, or he has some kind of economical position in life. How does he prefer to spend and invest money?

Does he not want to invest and spend money AT ALL, or is this happening because his partner is not confident in your sincerity and love?

And you? Are you really dating him without thinking about money? Do you have self-interest? Are his suspicions and fears justified?

In this situation you should be careful. Greedy men very often tell women heartbreaking stories about how they were robbed by their ex, how they did a lot for her, and in the end she left her with nothing.

Girls, of course, there are notorious bitches among women. But... If this is not a swindler, but a partner who lived with him for several years and fell into a love trap, then think about why she has so much anger at this man? Perhaps she was greatly offended and believed that everything rightfully belonged to her. She may have wanted to compensate for some gap and wound after her relationship with him. Women do this to men only if they are very offended by them. There are, of course, other cases, but if a woman is a notorious bitch, then how did she get to your little angel?

Do not rush to feel sorry for a man and, out of a desire not to be like your former passion, prove to him by all means that you do not need money.

If a man of average income “came” to see you, then see for yourself. If he can’t take you to an expensive restaurant, but he has no problem buying a bucket of ice cream and your favorite fruit, then this does not mean greed. His budget is just limited.

What matters in a man is not how much he pays, but that the amount of money he spends on you is meaningful to him.

For some, 200 rubles is money, but for others, even 20,000 will not cause significant damage to their financial situation. Therefore, you, as a wise woman, do not rush to draw conclusions, but watch your chosen one a little, and then you will be able to understand whether he is a greedy man or not.

Money energy is masculine energy

It is also necessary to understand that money is energy, and masculine. In fact, it is not a man, but male energy that is purposeful, aimed at results and achievements, which is expressed in the form of money.

Why did I emphasize the point that it is not a man who strives for a goal, but his energy? Because very often women do not understand that A man does not always have masculine energy, and this needs to be known and taken into account.

All women have a desire for their partner to be successful and have a lot of money. And if this is not so, then it seems like he is not a real man... And the woman begins to feel unhappy.

Although, if such a weak man came into your life, then according to the laws of nature, you most likely have more developed masculine energy, and if you do not realize it, then this also makes you unhappy. And it turns out that you suffer twice and are twice unhappy. You don’t feel like a woman next to the average man and you don’t realize your natural potential.

A man with feminine energy will not be able to kill a mammoth in the forest for you. He will shoot a rabbit and cook it for you himself. With such a partner, you will have to learn to save money, or, having spent everything at once, you will then suck your paw.

But how many other positive aspects do such men have?

  • They are truly caring, love children, and enjoy spending time with their family.
  • They understand the world of your feelings and experiences.
  • You can talk to them like you would a friend, about everything and nothing.
  • They are always ready to listen to you and for them family is a priority in their life values.
  • Maybe, of course, they are sometimes overwhelmed by emotions and feelings, but mostly they are open-hearted and very warm. It's cozy with them.

It is difficult to call such a man greedy, just because he has no money. But he is generous with his soul and does not skimp in terms of care and emotions. Yes, he won’t be able to invite you to the Bahamas, but he will renovate your room or make something with his own hands.

Greed is a quality that extends beyond finances. If a person is greedy, he is greedy in everything - in money, words, care, love, attention.

There are many men in whom feminine energies predominate and who, by definition, cannot be strong in this world. But because of prevailing stereotypes, all women want successful partners.

Yes, the successful ones will be able to provide you with the comfort you deserve. You will not save or count pennies, but you must understand that such a man will not have time for you, or he will be emotionally closed. You will miss love and warmth, you will begin to yearn for simple human, warm and sincere communication.

A woman is designed in such a way that she will always find a reason to be sad about what she does not have. And happy are those who accept a man for who he is. And they rejoice in what he gives.

A man's failure as a woman's complex

Nowadays, many women develop an inferiority complex due to the fact that their husband/partner is unsuccessful, or they meet only men of this type in their life. Almost all women's trainings say that factors such as a man's success and the amount of money he has depend on the woman.

And the woman attends various courses, persistently carries out ceremonies and rituals - with the sole purpose of making her man successful. And if this does not work out, she takes full responsibility for the failure upon herself. At the same time, she does not understand at all that yes, a woman is responsible for a man, but... provided that he has potential and he himself wants to be successful. And if a man doesn’t have such a desire, then at least do something, he won’t be rich.

When you plant an apple tree, you know exactly what kind of apples this tree will bear. However, living or dating a certain man, for some reason you hope to get a harvest of oranges from the apple tree in the fall. And if there are no oranges, then you blame yourself: “That means I’m like that, some kind of sub-woman.” And your man, despite all your efforts, is not getting rich.

This does not mean that he is not a man. But he just can give you OTHER things... And if you look inside yourself, you will probably find that money will come to you much faster.

You can say: “Why then do you need a man? I won't be able to respect him." But this is your problem.

Remember the movie “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”? The main character, the director of the factory, met Gosha, who was lower in status than her and earned less, but this did not detract from his masculine qualities in her eyes. She could be a woman at home and a leader at work.

And if you are higher than a man in social status, then this should not become a reason for disrespect for him. You compare successes and achievements when it comes to love.

Although, of course, there are many excesses, for example, when a woman plows for days, and a man has fun on the couch, openly taking advantage of the lady’s love. Such manifestations must be recognized immediately and stopped in time.

The sick greed of a man

You must understand that if by nature a man has more feminine energy, then you should not expect great success from him in society.

However, there are often men who in a perverse way combine both half-man and half-woman. Such partners will not be able to give you either the warmth of feminine energy or male security in material terms, although at the same time they behave like a “model man”, demanding respect and veneration. Run away from these types, and as quickly as possible. Understand that no woman can solve the deep-seated problems of a man, which initially prevent him from realizing himself in any aspect.

This is not a disadvantage or a reason for humiliation - such men need help, deep and serious psychotherapy in order to restore parts of themselves damaged in childhood. But you are not a psychotherapist, you are a woman.

If you don’t get anything from a man, then it means he either DOESN’T WANT to give you anything or CANNOT give you anything.

A man with severe psychological problems not only cannot give you anything, he does not want it. Such men are greedy by nature. And this male greed destroys a woman. Don’t try to understand and justify this, you won’t be able to become an accepting, unconditionally loving mother for a man, or heal the emptiness of his soul.

The wife cannot solve the problems that the husband had in childhood. The union of a man and a woman is not a union of mother and son, where one gives and the other receives. This is a reciprocal relationship where you both give and receive.

Answer yourself honestly the question: what do you get from a man?

  • Wife status?
  • Material support?
  • Feeling safe?
  • Support?
  • Love and warmth?
  • Care?
  • Feeling of a reliable rear? What?

If none of the above, then isn’t your man a pathological greedy person?

Well, you won’t be able to make him generous, no matter how hard you try; he will always only consume without giving anything in return.

You will not have complete unconditional acceptance of a man, it is very difficult: you cannot even love your children with only such love. In any case, you have your own desires and requirements. And there is no need to be ashamed or embarrassed about them.

Yes, sometimes a woman, with her claims and dissatisfaction, destroys all a man’s aspirations to do anything for her. In theory, a man always wants to be the best in the eyes of his woman, and I think this is the most important thing - not to kill this desire.

If a man feels that he is the best for you, he tries to be so, and this desire is his potential. Don't destroy it. And how it will be realized - in money, achievements, love for you, care or something else - it doesn’t matter. Learn to appreciate what you have.

If a man doesn't even try to be the best for you, or you systematically killed his desire, then it will not be easy to restore and return everything. Maybe it was not you, but his mother who tried hard and destroyed the desire to please a woman in her son; in this case, no matter what you do, you will not be able to rehabilitate this ability. If the mother did not demand anything at all from her son, surrounded him with love and care, without noticing that she was raising a real narcissist and egoist, then you will not be able to change his existing attitude towards life. So male greed is the lack of desire to please a woman and be the best in her eyes.

Greed is the inability to give, and not only money, but also love, care, warmth, attention, time...

If this ability was destroyed in childhood by a mother or, for example, a father who disrespected his son, made fun of him, laughed at his failures, then as a result the young man gave up forever, considering himself somehow unfinished. And no matter how hard you try, you are unlikely to be able to increase his self-esteem.

You must understand that you should not transfer responsibility for a man’s greed onto yourself, think that it means that you are not a woman, since such a man is next to you. It may not be about you at all.

If you know that a man earns money and saves it for his needs, like a hamster in his hole, then think about it, aren’t you dealing with a real greedy person? Remember, such a partner destroys a woman on a subtle level, because you give, but do not receive anything in return.

I am writing all this about men with whom you have been in a relationship for quite some time.

If you have just started dating, then at first it is difficult to judge the qualities of your partner. Let the relationship develop and watch what happens.

Especially dangerous are men who do not invest money in business and at the same time constantly save on a woman and even on themselves. And they collect, collect... Money is energy, and it must be in motion, in flow, and if this does not happen, then you and such a partner will wither away like stagnant water in a swamp. The more money a man gives, the more he receives, but this does not mean that you need to give every penny, but some of it must be spent. If for a business, then the money invested will pay off handsomely; if for a woman, then by pleasing her, the man sees a happy and satisfied partner, which means he will feel better about it.

Signs of a greedy man

  • Have you noticed that a man with great pleasure spends money, but only if he himself gets something from it. He can pay for dinner at an expensive restaurant, but only because he likes to go there. He can buy expensive wine because he loves it. He can even pay for your tour, but he will do it not for you, but for himself. And you will be like an additional application to his pleasure. It is important to understand these points: is a man spending money on himself or on you?
  • Greedy does not recognize and does not understand why give gifts if there is no reason for it, he will give flowers exclusively twice a year: on March 8 and on your birthday. He believes that spending on pleasure is useless, you need to invest money wisely.
  • When the conversation turns to spending or finances in general, he immediately begins to remember his past achievements, about how he used to have a lot of money, that there were different times, and how wasteful he was with money. That is, he will remember all the moments when he HAD them and when he spent them, but he will not mention what to do now to improve his financial situation.
  • Wherever you go, he will comment on the cost of this or that thing. and complain about unreasonably high prices. In a restaurant, he will also mention in some form, even jokingly, the cost of the dishes.
  • He keeps track of all the discounts, knows where and what is cheaper. He will always buy things only on sales or promotions. Moreover, if he buys something cheaper, he will be immensely proud of himself and be in a good mood.
  • He is very reluctant to spend a lot of money. He always has a limit in his head, a ceiling on the amount for purchases, and with further spending his mood will deteriorate, he will begin to get nervous.
  • He loves to collect things; collecting is his passion and hobby.

Of course, you need to be able to distinguish when a man is truly greedy and when he is simply rational. If you need a car to conveniently get to work, and you want expensive jewelry, and a man makes a choice in favor of comfort, then this is not greed, but a manifestation of his care for you.

It is very difficult for a man with pronounced masculine energy to spend money on unnecessary things. He prefers to plan his budget and spend money wisely. But It’s hard to call such a man greedy.

But if a partner, in principle, cannot spend money on pleasure, but only pays for useful things, then he is unlikely to give you the emotions and attention that you will most likely need greatly when you are next to him.

Change a greedy man

If you do decide to try this, here are some tips.

  • First, you must be ready to accept a man for who he is. Imagine that he will always be greedy. All life. In this case, will you be able to live with him, love and respect him? If not, then don't even waste your time and energy.
  • If you can, try to identify tasks for a man from the nearest development zone. Be content with what you have, but dream of a LITTLE BIT more. For complete happiness, you need only a little.
  • So, for the sake of this little thing, the man will try to change. But be careful! If your desires are from the category “I want to be a pillar noblewoman,” then in this way you will kill any aspiration in your partner.
  • Create a step in your life that will be easy for him to climb. Don’t build insurmountable rocks that he won’t even try to climb.
  • With a slight difference in mood, let your man understand what you like and what you don’t.
  • Share your emotions generously when receiving gifts. But don’t jump to the ceiling and don’t thank a hundred times for one given rose.
  • Tell him about his generosity towards you. It is likely that he will want to become like this.

If you are too demanding of a man, then perhaps you should reconsider your criteria. But if, on the contrary, you forget about your desires, then learn to appreciate and love yourself.

Learn to see a real man, with his abilities and ability to give. Don’t try to make the king of beasts, Leo, out of a kind and loving cat.

The article tells how to live with a greedy husband. It describes the reasons why a man becomes greedy, how to deal with greed, and gives advice to those girls who have chosen a greedy husband as their husband.

When a woman first meets a man, when she is going through a period of falling in love, she does not notice his negative qualities at all, everything around her is perceived as rosy, and this period can last for a long time.

Even if any errors are observed, the woman thinks that if the man is only hers, then he will become ideal, all his shortcomings can be corrected.

But if a woman notices signs of greed before marriage, then she needs to be wary so that in the future this quality does not become a reason for divorce. Unfortunately, recognizing a greedy man in the early stages of a relationship is quite difficult, because a truly calculating man reveals himself much later, after he has won the girl’s feelings and affection.

Therefore, many people are concerned about the question of how to live with a greedy husband after marriage. It is worth noting that some men show this quality quite quickly. They can carefully choose products in supermarkets, ask the price, and pay attention to current promotions.

A woman should be very attentive, because if the chosen one comes on a date empty-handed or does not invite you to the cinema, but prefers to relax in nature, you should not rush to conclusions. Perhaps at the moment he is faced with a difficult financial situation, maybe he lost his job, but he is afraid of losing his girlfriend, so he is afraid to save the relationship by any means.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand what greed is, what kind of property it is and why it arises. In fact, greed is one of many character traits and can be inherent in both women and men. But the husband perceives his wife’s greed differently; he transfers management of the family budget into her hands and is glad that his chosen one is economical and thrifty.

If a girl hears the phrase, greedy husband, she immediately has a lot of negative emotions about this. These emotions arise because a woman believes that if a man is generous, then he loves and appreciates her, fulfills all her wishes, she thinks that her beloved will be ready to do anything for her.

When a woman hears about a greedy man, the following portrait immediately appears before her eyes: a rather curvy man, certainly with a cigarette in his mouth, who hides huge sums of money in his pockets, but at the same time regrets buying a small bouquet for his own wife. He constantly thinks why buy flowers if they need to be thrown away anyway.

It is interesting that many women determine the amount of love by the price of the gift; the more expensive they are, the stronger the love. But this is an erroneous opinion, and reasoning in this way is absolutely unacceptable.

In fact, greed or stinginess are exceptional personal qualities that can be inherited. For example, you can observe the members of this person’s family, everything will immediately fall into place.

It is not often that this quality appears after a person has experienced a difficult childhood in material terms or was given a bad upbringing. It happens that personal qualities may depend on the location of the planets at the time of his birth, in other words, on the zodiac sign.

Psychologists identify the following types of greed:

  • Pathological greed, when a man constantly thinks that everything is not enough for him. The extreme level of such greed is hoarding. Most often it is caused by insufficient attention in childhood.
  • Innate greed, as mentioned above, was inherited by the man from his relatives.
  • Greed for others, but not for yourself. The husband does not pay attention to what his wife looks like and what she needs; he only worries about having all his needs met.
  • Selective greed is a very difficult type of greed, when the husband strictly controls every penny, and suddenly after a while it turns out that the husband has a mistress who needs absolutely nothing. Such a husband should be abandoned immediately, despite his good qualities.

In fact, it is very difficult for a woman to make a greedy man become generous; you can try to slightly correct this quality. For this there is one condition - a woman must love her husband very much.

After all, she married him because she noticed many good qualities in him that covered all the bad character traits. Maybe he acts as a loving father and an attentive, caring man, a good lover.

Therefore, you should not focus your attention only on the material side; it is better to try to praise him for showing love and care to all family members. It is worth noting that the husband did not become greedy in order to cause suffering to someone, one must accept the fact that it is difficult for him to part with the money he earned through honest labor.

Only a frank conversation with your husband will help bring harmony and mutual understanding back into the family. You need to choose the right moment, a calm atmosphere and tell him about your love, that relationships between a man are built not only on the principle of “take”, but also “take and give”. You also need to invite your husband to share his experiences and grievances.

He needs to be taught to share what he has. Let it be love, care and time devoted to loved ones, while you need to explain to him that sharing is not at all difficult. It is very important that this conversation does not turn into continuous complaints, but ends with kisses and hugs.

It often happens that a man is stingy not only with money, but also with emotional emotions - warmth, affection and care. This also needs to be talked about, because you rarely meet men who figure everything out on their own.

He needs to be shown the line between where frugality is and where there is excessive stinginess, you can even shame him a little, let him feel ashamed that a woman gives all her best to please him, but gets nothing in return.

In no case should a woman tolerate her husband constantly showing his displeasure about women who waste the money their husbands earn, while his wife engages in selfless charity, washing his shirts, preparing impeccable dinners. She has the right to fully demand trips to a restaurant, the purchase of things she needs, and even a nice ring for her wedding anniversary.

When a man’s stinginess has spread to all members of the family, when the wife wears only boots for the third winter in a row, and the children do not see sweets for some time, at a time when the husband managed to buy himself a gun and an inflatable boat, then it is worth thinking about whether such family mutual understanding and love. In most cases, such a person loves only himself, and cares only about himself.

There are also types of men who are afraid to make various expenses because they are worried about being left without any money. In this case, the woman should also act wisely by allocating the family budget clearly.

You can purchase several envelopes and put the words “Food”, “Repair”, “Rainy Day” and so on on them. Then he will be sure that the “Rainy Day” envelope will not be opened unnecessarily.

It is also necessary to know that stinginess of incredible proportions cannot be cured by ordinary conversations or remedies, like a cold. Only the help of a real specialist will be appropriate in this case.

What to do if a man is greedy? And right away I have a question, why do you need this? Why do you need a greedy man with whom it can be embarrassing to even be with, especially among strangers?

Well, okay, maybe I’m wrong, and in other respects he is an ideal man, handsome, Komsomol member, gallant gentleman :) and there is no one like him yet. (This actually happens)

Let's look at the two main types of greedy men. These are completely different men and the strategies for dealing with them may be different. The first type of man is a man who is indifferent to a particular woman and therefore does not want to spend money on her. The second type of man is always a greedy man with all women, in all circumstances. (There are still options. For example, Don Juans, psychopaths, rarely spend money on women, but we will only consider the two main types).

Then, as usual, I have the first question. Is this man greedy only with you or in general?

Quite often there is a situation where a man, in principle, is not particularly greedy. It’s just that his “greed” manifests itself in different ways. With those women with whom he is in love, appreciates them, etc. He may not be a model of generosity, but he spends money and not a little.

If a woman is relatively indifferent to him, if he doesn’t love her, and only plans a few meetings for sex (or even a few years for sex, without transitioning into a relationship), then he can be very “greedy.” In his opinion, why spend money if everything is fine, if a woman already runs after him, calls him, is in love and without any expenses.

For example, women do not spend money on gifts for men at first meetings, on a cafe, in order to invite a man whom she barely knows and whom she still moderately likes. (but there are no better ones yet) Why? Not because women are greedy. Of course not. Many women spend money on gifts for their beloved men with pleasure. But why spend money if you don’t really like the man and there are ethical standards where the man should at least pay for the expenses of the date.

It's the same for men. If a woman already agrees to sex, no relationship, or even achieves this from a man entirely on her own initiative, despite the fact that he is not indifferent to her, then why spend money? This is just stupid. And the man doesn't spend. I repeat that a man does not spend money because he is greedy. With another woman he can behave completely differently. He doesn't spend it because it's stupid in his opinion.

And here greed is simply one of the manifestations of the fact that a man does not love a woman. Why would he spend money on something he doesn't value? That's right, no reason.

If this woman (whom he doesn’t love) leaves, he won’t be very upset. (maybe even be happy)

What is the solution in this situation?

I think it's obvious. You need to leave such a man.

Of course, there is a theoretical option to make a man fall in love gradually. That is, when there is already some kind of relationship where he doesn’t particularly value the woman, but then somehow do something so that he begins to value her or even falls in love and spends money accordingly.

But this requires considerable psychological skill. And if it were, then the woman would not even find herself in such a situation when a man has been showing greed towards her for a long time at all levels. (money, time, nerves, initiative).

Therefore, try in the future to either build up this skill (which is difficult and time-consuming) or build relationships only with those men who clearly take the initiative in the first stages, fall in love with you, and who clearly like you. Some kind of skill in such relationships is needed 10 or even 100 times less.

How to determine that a man is greedy only for you? If you have the opportunity to see and compare how he spends money on you or on other women (maybe he told you or you know his exes), then everything is simple. Look and you can compare.

He gave a bouquet of 10 roses to his mother and sister, but forgot about you? Does he drive his own car about his business without greed, but tries to get you to come to him for your light?

If there is no such opportunity to compare directly, then there is still a criterion. A truly greedy man always talks about how expensive everything is and/or how someone spends money unwisely on something when they could have done it much more economically. (Even if this saving is sometimes very controversial. That is, you save on car maintenance, but then you need repairs)

A really greedy man talks and talks about this all the time. It is impossible to shut him up, he comments on everything and everyone in terms of expenses, their incorrectness, etc.

He not only says this, he lives it too. That is, he may not go to a cafe, even if he earns very well, but try to spend the evening on the street. (If he is simply indifferent, then he will try to save money on the woman, and not on himself)

He constantly buys things on sales, he always counts and saves.

That is, the essence of a truly greedy man, and not an indifferent one, is manifested in everything and always. An indifferent man can spend a lot of money on all sorts of nonsense, but he will try to save money on a woman.

And further. A greedy man does not mean that he is poor or that he does not buy expensive things or even that he does not give money to anyone. It’s just that he has different evaluation criteria for spending money, which are often incomprehensible to society or at least to you. That is, he can buy expensive things that he considers important. For example, an apartment, shares, a car, etc. and the selection of these things for purchase will be made according to some of his criteria. But he may be greedy to buy tea in a cafe, a new pen (when he can buy a refill for the old one) or new trousers when he thinks they can be repaired. (which sometimes looks funny when a man has a good income).

So, let's summarize a little.

There are few or even very few truly greedy men (more on them below). Most often we are talking about ordinary men who are relatively indifferent to a particular woman. (Or other types of men who rarely spend significant money on women, like philanderers or psychopaths) Why should he spend money if everything is fine (there is a woman, there is sex, etc.) and even if such a woman leaves, then he Don't be particularly upset. That is, such a man may well spend a decent amount of money on other women.

Which exit? I have already written about this, but I will repeat it. The simplest way out is to leave a man who is indifferent to you and find one who will like you, who will try to do something for you, try to help, etc.

The second way out is to make the man begin to love you, emerging from a state of indifference. This is extremely difficult to do, especially considering the possible mistakes made. (excessive initiative on the part of a woman, disrespect for oneself, etc.) Such work requires good self-esteem and mastery in the practical psychology of men. What exactly should you do if you choose the second method? (Better forget about him) This is what my entire site and books are about.

The first is to restore self-respect. And after this you will immediately come to the first point, when a man who does not want to spend a ruble on his woman needs to be abandoned.

So, what if a man is actually greedy? What to do?

I wrote above how to determine that a man is actually greedy and not indifferent to a woman.

Then practically the only option is to at least first adapt to those criteria for spending money, at least in words, and better in actions.

If a man is not clinically greedy (there are very few of them) when money is not spent even on what is absolutely necessary, then it is possible that he is very frugal and is simply perceived as greedy. Try to join him first.

For example, say that you didn’t eat in a cafe at work, but cooked it at home and brought lunch with you, since it’s more economical.

Say that you bought something on sale with big discounts. (or even a used one). Explain that when traveling you stay in hostels, not luxury hotels.

Try to show the man that you are not going to waste your money first, and then his money (if you know him better). In other words, show that you value his money and appreciate his beliefs about how to spend this money. Show that you are not going to, even in the long term, waste years of his work and efforts to save money as a result of a momentary zilch.

If you can show this to a man, then your chances of building a successful relationship with him will increase by an order of magnitude.

Secondly, if he believes you, he will start trusting you and will spend money on you.

I repeat that a greedy man is not always a poor man. I'll even say more. A greedy man does not always spend little on consumer goods. He just spends it differently. He wants to understand what he is paying money for. He does not want to pay many times more for fashionable things, for what he himself can easily do, for what, in his opinion, costs many times more than necessary.

Sometimes his behavior is unpleasant and not accepted in society. But, in essence, this is a different way of looking at spending money. (Again, let's remove the clinic when a person does not want to spend on anything other than water and bread).

It is possible to adapt to this behavior. It's not always easy. But I repeat that we are talking about men whose greed is not very developed and is compensated by some significant advantages. That is, he may be reliable, earn good money, can listen and reassure, etc., but there is a moderately developed lack of greed.

I have seen such examples of adaptation to a man’s greed more than once. Women live with such men relatively happily for years, they have children, etc.

So let's summarize.

Truly greedy men are rare. I have met in my life and heard stories from the lives of hundreds of men who spend little on their women. (compared to income, of course). Very few of them are truly greedy in everything. (not just greedy within normal limits, but unpleasantly greedy).

The vast majority of cases are not a man’s greed in the literal sense of the word, but indifference to a woman and the fact that he does not value her very much. Yes, he can be polite and gallant, but usually in these cases he is polite and gallant with all women. That is, this is its background behavior.

Yes, he may like a woman sexually, but that just means that he will like any other woman with a similar body about the same.

And if a woman herself takes the initiative, if she herself bears even indirect expenses on herself, both temporary and monetary (visiting a man, her apartment, her dinner, etc.), then why should a man spend money?

After all, he practically doesn’t care whether the woman leaves or not.

Maybe, just maybe, if the woman really leaves on her own and doesn’t need to come up with something to break up or face tears, unnecessary declarations of love, or even threats to do something to herself.

Therefore, the main reason why a man is greedy with a woman is his indifference to a particular woman. This is approximately 80% of all cases. The solution here is clear. You need to break up without a scandal with the man who is indifferent to you. (You can make a scandal about a man not doing something unpleasant for you. Making a scandal and demanding that he fall in love is a little funny and sad).

If a man is really greedy, that is, greedy with all people, with all women and in any situation, then the strategy may be different. That is, adapt to his greed. Understand why he doesn’t spend money on this and that and learn to spend money differently. Here again, I repeat that such a lack of a man, in my opinion, should be compensated for by something good, at a minimum, and greed itself is not expressed too strongly. That is, he must earn well, be reliable, love you, etc.

Best regards, Rashid Kirranov.

The times of discussing predatory women stalking tight men's wallets have long since sunk into oblivion, giving way to conversations about successful businesswomen and self-sufficient women of our time. At the same time, Internet search engines are increasingly sending the query: “why are men greedy” and what to do about it?

Male greed is a negative phenomenon, it should not be confused with frugality, but it will be quite useful to find out the reasons for its occurrence and understand how to deal with this unattractive trait. And for women whose husband has become greedy, and for girls who have just started a relationship and want to test their boyfriend for greed. All useful information about the greedy man is discussed below.

How to recognize a greedy man

As has been said, greed should not be confused with frugality. The guy’s prudent economy will rather become a plus in a joint family life, because the financial side will be under control and will not allow it to leak at the wrong time. The same cannot be said about pathological greed in men, the presence of which will bring nothing but resentment and disappointment. Fortunately for women, there are ways and signs that can help you understand the behavior of a stingy man.

Signs of a greedy man:

  • restaurants – parting with money for this type is extremely difficult and painful. He takes the time to search for various promotions, discounts and other freebies before choosing the place where you will go. Usually a miser chooses the cheapest dishes, rejoicing at every penny he can save. He is quite capable of offering to pay you the check; tipping the waiter is out of the question;
  • flowers - of course, the absence of a bouquet on the first date may be due to haste and forgetfulness, and this is not an indicator that the man at the meeting with you is a greedy one. However, the constant absence of signs of attention leads to certain thoughts about a person’s character. Since this type is accustomed to transfer everything into money, emotional greed is also inherent in him, and hearing a compliment from him is a rarity;
  • gifts are excluded altogether, and if presented, they are repeatedly recalled later. Alternatively, a tight-fisted gentleman is ready to give his beloved something that he can use himself;
  • attitude towards money - all stingy people love to talk about money, not about ways to increase income, but about prices and amounts, about how expensive everything is and how much, where they had to pay, but everything is so expensive, and so on, round and round. Remembering that “a penny saves a ruble,” a type prone to greed is very reluctant to exchange large bills, and therefore one should not be surprised when he hears an offer to pay for some small thing, because he “doesn’t feel like changing a thousand”;
  • shopping - the psychology of modern Plyushkins is ambiguous; on the one hand, a wealthy man can not spend money on his chosen one, without denying himself anything. On the other hand, he can spare money even for himself, hiding every penny in a box, minimizing the acquisition of necessary things, literally wearing everything out to nothing.

Based on these signs of greedy men, a greedy man is unmistakably identified. There are other distinctive features that allow you to draw the conclusion that this is a miser. For example, such young people prefer to spend their leisure time without leaving home in order to avoid spending money, for the same reason they go on visits “empty-handed”, saving on cakes for tea.

Those who trust horoscopes and believe that the signs of the zodiac contain truly correct and worthwhile information will be interested in descriptions of characters in accordance with them . All people are individual, and zodiac characteristics are not the ultimate truth, however, astrologers identify several signs, among which greedy men are most often found.

A little astrology:

  • Taurus love to receive attention, including in monetary terms, but they themselves do not show the slightest generosity towards others. The female sign is somewhat more generous than the male sign, and part with money more freely . Taurus men are ready to spend money only on themselves, moreover, you can often find typical Alphonse among them;
  • Virgos are natural housekeepers. Where they can save, they will save, and even where they can’t, they still won’t throw money away. They still allow themselves to make expensive purchases, making sure to tell everyone around them about them;
  • Capricorns justify stinginess with practicality and frugality. However, this does not make it much easier for a loving woman. Since position in society plays a significant role in the life of a Capricorn, infrequent gifts are presented commensurate with the status of the recipient. It is not surprising that his beloved may receive a chocolate bar for her birthday, and his boss may receive an expensive gift.

According to most star forecasters, Sagittarius, Libra and Aquarius are considered the most generous. Although in life, everyone has probably come across greedy people from absolutely all zodiac signs.

It is not so critical when greed is revealed in the early stages of communication, and it is easier for a woman to make a choice: to continue a relationship with such a person or not. And if your husband is greedy, what should you do? To combat your husband's greed, you can try several methods, but before you begin to correct the situation, it is useful to understand the reasons why he is greedy and what causes it.

Let's find out the reasons for male greed

Any greedy man is not born this way initially, but greed, as a characteristic trait, can arise in childhood. Often the reasons for stinginess and reluctance to share benefits with others and loved ones originate precisely in the past, when the child’s character is just being formed, and he absorbs information coming from all sides, primarily from those who raise him. Psychology, in its research, pays considerable attention to issues of the past, family and childhood, which is understandable, since by examining the personality through the prism of these aspects, a person’s actions and behavior become more understandable and explainable. Including greed.

Possible reasons for male greed:

  • unsecured childhood - if a child grew up in a family without adequate material wealth, experienced deprivation and received frequent refusals from his parents to get what he wanted, then it is likely that when he becomes an adult, greed comes to him along with independence. Now that he has grown up and can, without asking anyone to get what he wants, he is still in no hurry to do it, because he is accustomed to the eternal “no”;
  • a spoiled child - paradoxically, but a life in complete abundance, without restrictions in the fulfillment of desires, can become another reason for greed. Such a child could constantly hear about family well-being as a consequence of saving, that the family knows how to count money, and therefore they have everything. Or, having always received everything most delicious and expensive, he got used to taking it for granted. Often, loving parents tell their children something like: “eat candy, you have it, but they don’t, but you don’t have to share it with anyone, you just have to eat it.” As a result, such a child, even as an adult, does not consider it necessary to give anything to anyone; such greed goes hand in hand with selfishness;
  • financial failures and difficulties - if a man happened to be at the bottom of a financial hole or he experienced a financial crisis, having overcome the troubles, he, consciously or not, will save money for a “rainy day”. The fear of being in a similar situation again leads to systematic greed, when in order to save for the future, he is ready to make restrictions in the present;
  • stupidity - perhaps you have to live with a greedy man because he has not yet matured and wised up enough. Not realizing his new social role as a husband and protector, he is not able to set priorities correctly, and is in no hurry to spend money on you, because he does not see the need for it. He perceives taking care of himself on your part as a duty, but it doesn’t even occur to him to take care of you;
  • self-affirmation - when the husband has not achieved much success anywhere, he believes that having a fair amount of money, he will be able to establish himself in the eyes of others. Tyranny can also serve as a form of self-realization - by infringing on you in everything, listening to your constant, humiliating requests for financial help and maintenance, he grows in his own eyes every time he gives you any amount.

The reasons for greed are not limited to this list, remembering the individuality of each of us, this trait develops depending on the events and circumstances that have occurred. The trait is harmful and corrosive, and it is not easy to fight it.

How to save a man from greed

It is very difficult to change the disposition and habits of an adult. When, some time after meeting, you begin to believe that this is a miser in front of you, the best advice is to immediately weigh the pros and cons of a new relationship, and most likely, retreat. Because living with a greedy person is not easy. And whether it is worth spending time and effort on re-educating such a person is better to decide in advance. But what about those who have already tied the knot with the prototype of the mole from Thumbelina?

Tips to help women whose man is greedy:

  • conversations - long, regular, with arguments, with calmness and patience. Yes, it will take a long time and the result will not please you soon, but a woman who has decided to re-educate a miser will have to do just that - time after time to convey to her husband the idea of , that people living in marriage not only take, but also must give, including the money necessary for the successful and strong development of the family;
  • redistribution of responsibilities - when a wife has to beg for money, even for necessary purchases and payment for services, a good solution would be to entrust the management of household accounts to her miserly husband. For someone who constantly grumbles that his beloved spends too much money, it will be useful to find out all the expenses in detail, perhaps after this he will begin to allocate larger sums for everyday life;
  • trust - despite the fact that you now live together, your husband may still not trust you. Try to convince him that you are not a spender, and the money requested is used for the benefit of the family . Find out for what purposes he is saving money, and take part in it. Prove to him that he is dear to you as a person, and not as a source of income. Believing in this, a man will be more willing to part with money, not counting more that, by limiting your funds, he binds you more tightly to himself;
  • reconsider your priorities - maybe it’s time to reassess your values ​​and start earning money yourself? If a man provides for you completely, but you don’t have enough money, try to earn it yourself. Firstly, there will be more of them, and secondly, your husband will begin to treat you differently when your beloved ceases to completely depend on his will.

If no admonitions and support on your part bear fruit, and the money allocated for the family budget is not enough, and not due to lack of income, but due to stinginess, the last radical option remains - divorce. Whether I love or not, fade into the background when greed increases, which, alas, inevitably comes with the age of a miser. You shouldn’t hope that everything will change over the years and you will live a full life. . I If you can’t tame a greedy man at the very beginning, you won’t be able to in the future. Is it worth spending invaluable time on a life devoid of comfort, in constant money quarrels? It’s a personal choice for everyone.

It often happens that we enter into relationships and even get married for love, but then the high feeling dies due to the negative character traits of the other half. One of these “killer” qualities is greed in a man.

First, you need to figure out whether you really have a greedy husband?

Determine whether your husband is really greedy, or are your requests still inadequate? In this article we will assume that you love your husband and do not live at his expense.

One of the disadvantages of the fight for equality is that a husband is not obliged to support his wife, the exception being situations when you are pregnant and cannot work, are on maternity leave, are sick, or are in full charge of the household. Then, of course, your husband bears “financial responsibility” for you.

The following can be considered signs of a greedy husband:

The husband spends more on himself than is really necessary, but at the same time saves on the family (for example, he pays for painting the car in a fashionable matte color, but forgets about the “washing machine”);

The husband accumulates money even when there is no specific “major” need (an apartment or a family car), denying the family vacations and unnecessary expenses;

The husband is extremely frugal when it comes to buying gifts, saving even on such minor pleasures as flowers for your birthday;

The husband saves on gifts for the child;

And the extreme stage of greed is considered to be a man’s saving on himself.

Signs of a man's greed can also be seen at the dating stage. For example, when inviting you on a date, a man does not pay for movie tickets/cafe bills/other expenses, initially expecting you to pay at least 50% of the date price.

Signs of a greedy man are NOT:

Refusal to give you his entire salary, which he earned through his own labor, investing in this time, strength and health (a man must pay the expenses of his wife, whose job is to take care of the house, cook and other everyday life, but he is not obliged to simply give money to you);

Refusing to buy you things that are too expensive for him at his income level.

So, you have carefully considered the situation and realized that your husband is still greedy and unfair. What should I do? There is a solution, even several!

Consider some reasons for male greed. A man’s tight-fisted nature can be rooted in childhood, as a consequence of poor upbringing. Here, the concept of “bad” can hide many reasons: wrong parental attitude, lack of upbringing in general, someone’s influence (usually the streets). As a result, greed can grow out of simple envy and rivalry. However, one should not think that stinginess is characteristic only of people who come from a relatively poor class. Greed as a quality can be inherent in a person regardless of his well-being. Of course, the greed of the poor and the greed of the rich are different, but it is difficult to say who has it stronger.

Also, the cause of greed can be blows of fate. Difficulties with self-realization or a slightly prolonged financial crisis can break the male psyche (we must pay tribute to the fact that psychologically men are not so strong). In this case, a radical degeneration of personality may occur. And if your man was defeated by fate, then you, as a woman, using your intuition, need to support him at a difficult moment so that, while rethinking his life, he does not acquire “bad” habits. It should be noted that people who have been at the bottom of a financial hole can consciously or unconsciously save for a “rainy day”, sacrificing the present.

The reason for greed may be, as trivial as it may sound, stupidity. The man has not yet fully matured and has not realized the full depth of responsibility for your family. As a rule, there are more desires than possibilities and he is simply unable to set priorities or does not know, or perhaps does not want to notice, your problems that interfere with him.

However, the worst case, and perhaps the incurable one, is when a man takes advantage of his wife’s financial dependence on him and thus “affirms himself.” A man feels like a master, but instead of caring, he builds relationships according to the master-slave model.

How to re-educate a greedy husband

1. Intimate talk. The most difficult thing, but absolutely necessary, is a heart-to-heart conversation. Unfortunately, many women are embarrassed by this, naively believing that men should understand all our hints. As a result, grievances accumulate, which spill out at the most inopportune moment.

So where to start?! You should not quarrel and attack your husband from the doorway. If this is your first conversation, then obviously do not blame your husband for greed. Try to start the conversation in a positive environment, after a meal and after your husband has taken a break from work. Try to come to a common opinion on this matter and outline an action plan: for example, agree on updating your wardrobe or buying a washing machine.

Tell your husband: 1) what the problem is, 3) what you lack, 4) what needs to be changed, 5) what benefits he will receive from this (you will have to think about this).

2. Move it from abstraction to specificity. You need money to spend it. If your husband is saving, decide together what he is saving for and when he is going to buy it. Does he save on everything, saving up for “vacation”? Find out how much, when and on what type of vacation he plans to spend. If you work, it wouldn’t hurt to help your husband and invest in a vacation together.

In a society with a modern economy, money quickly depreciates. “Kubushka”, like any bank, are the most ineffective methods of storage. After all, the main rule of millionaires is that wealth cannot be accumulated, it can only be earned.

3. Plan family expenses together. If you have a common budget (and this is natural for a normal family), join forces with your husband in planning family expenses, and you will be aware of what and when the family will spend the money. Let him know how much of his money will be spent and on what. Be sure to include in this budget expenses like “I wanted to buy for no reason” for you and for him.

4. Contact a family psychologist. In our latitudes, psychologists are just gaining popularity, but a good specialist will help you and your husband, without pulling out your hair, identify the problem, determine the reasons for his greed, and even get rid of it. If you take care of it in time, it is completely curable. Moreover, a good psychologist can perform the role of an arbitrator much better than one of your relatives or friends

5. Change of work activity. If you are building your life in such a way as to help your husband’s career, but he doesn’t appreciate it, then maybe you should think about your career? Of course, this approach is not always acceptable, since your responsibility for raising children may serve as a limitation.

6. Get divorced. The worst thing is that greed can develop with age. Therefore, if greed turns into paranoia and you find yourself in the position of a maid, then the best way out of this is to get a divorce.