Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Arrest, what does it mean to see Arrest in a dream. Why do you dream about arrest?

  • 22.11.2023

In general, a dream about an arrest and those arrested foreshadows troubles and bad news. If in a dream you see embittered prisoners sitting in a cage, then you will be able to get away with it after causing a lot of anxiety and trouble to other people. A dream in which the arrested person managed to escape, but was caught and brought back under escort, means that no matter how hard you try to get away from problems, they still won’t go away, and you will have to solve them one way or another. If in a dream you see that you have been arrested, then you need to make an important decision for which you do not have the courage. If in a dream you managed to avoid arrest, then your decisive actions will greatly puzzle your opponents and put them in a stupid position. If you are also threatened with a weapon during your arrest, then your lover is making every effort to regain your affection. However, if you have not given yourself into the hands of enemies, then the hopes of your lover are in vain, because he cannot offer you something with which you would agree. If in a dream you witness the arrest of other people, then your plans will not come true due to your indecision. See interpretation: prison.

If in a dream you see people arrested in a cage and they threaten you, then you have an enemy who dreams of dealing with you properly, but at the moment he is deprived of such an opportunity due to objective circumstances.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Arrest

It means that you do not have enough strength to solve certain problems. Perhaps you simply lack the determination to overcome certain unpleasant circumstances.

At the same time, the male prisoner: symbolizes the difficulties associated with the advancement of affairs, while the female prisoner.

It means constraint in expressing feelings.

If you see that the arrested person is trying to break free and resist: this is a sign that everything is in your hands and you need to get down to business more boldly.

It is most favorable if the prisoner in your dream receives freedom: this is a harbinger that you will be able to cope with any situation.

Seeing yourself under arrest means your constraint and great difficulties in business, but if.

You are trying to break free, which means you have a good chance of overcoming these difficulties.

Safe escape from arrest: indicates a quick resolution of some pressing problems.

Interpretation of dreams from

Do you think that even in a dream, arrest does not bode well? The dream book will dispel your negative assumptions and tell you exactly why you dream of such a contradictory vision.

Dreams Come True

If you dreamed that you were arrested, do not rush to be upset, the dream promises you quick news with good news. The arrest of a familiar person guarantees the help and support of loved ones in reality.

If the arrested person resists the police, then your endeavor will be crowned with great success. In general, being arrested in a dream means your most cherished dream will come true.

By the way, if in your night dreams you personally arrested your husband, son or other close relative, then you will be able to find a common language with this person in reality.

Getting married soon!

When trying to understand why you have a dream about an arrest, you should take into account who dreamed it. For example, for a woman, a vision in which her husband was arrested promises trouble.

If a girl dreams of her lover being arrested, then the dream book believes that he has a mistress. If the lady witnessed the police taking away a stranger, then in the near future she will receive a marriage proposal.

But for a man, such a dream brings a very profitable business offer. Why dream that you yourself work in the police and managed to detain a bandit? This is a very good sign; in reality, you will be able to attract someone to your side and literally “subjugate” someone.

Path to freedom

Particular attention when deciphering should be paid to the place where the arrest took place. So if your son was arrested within the walls of his own home, then be prepared for any surprises. If the stranger’s arrest occurred on the street, then the dreamer’s plans are prevented from being implemented by his own fears and concerns.

By the way, the dream book offers an absolutely unexpected interpretation of a dream in which the arrest happened in a crowded place and it was you who was detained. In reality, you will be able to free yourself from your fears and gain complete freedom.

Time to get down to business

To understand exactly why you dream about being arrested, you should consider the interpretations of various dream books. This will enable you to make the right decision in the future. So, according to Miller’s dream book, the arrest of strangers promises failure due to excessive indecision.

If you dreamed that the detainees desperately resisted and even managed to escape from the police, then you can safely take on any case. Success will certainly await you.

According to Vanga’s dream book, if you dreamed of an arrest, then you will be entrusted with a big secret, which is why you will suffer and worry.

Conclusion is voluntary

A dream in which you received an arrest warrant and personally appeared in prison has a very unusual interpretation. Here the dream book recommends taking a close look at the meaning of the last object.

The fact is that even in night adventures, prison symbolizes a certain restriction of freedom, isolation and hermitage. Most likely this is marriage, work, business, creative union and any other ties.

Further events can be judged by your behavior: whether you decided to escape, whether the jailers offended you, etc. But this decoding concerns exclusively voluntary imprisonment; in all other cases, the dream book gives completely different interpretations of the dream about prison.

Why do you dream about arrest? Such a dream usually means that you have a little ingenuity in you, and you will be able to look at the world soberly, which allows you to fully apply to the assessment of any situation. It is also possible that this is a signal that you are too serious a person and could use a little imagination and even a little madness in your life.

Why do you dream about the arrest of a loved one - Freud’s dream book

When you sleep and in a dream you see the arrest of a loved one, this means that you want to realize your plans and finally begin to realize your high aspirations, but fate ultimately does not cooperate with you.

When you are going on a trip and dream of your own arrest, it foreshadows the need for you to incur significant expenses, which will hit your budget hard.

Why do you dream about the arrest of an employee - Miller’s dream book

Seeing an employee being arrested in a dream can warn you that someone is giving you false advice in order to mislead you and benefit from it for yourself.
It can also foreshadow problems that you will have when you begin to demand reimbursement of money that one of you borrowed some time ago and he has problems paying back.

Why do you dream of being arrested by the police - Vanga’s dream book

In a dream you meet several people who are under police arrest, this means that you will have to submit to the plans of other people, even if you do not have the slightest desire to do so.

Dreaming of arrest and prison means that you will soon open some important business for you, which will absorb a significant part of your time and completely your attention. You dream of being arrested and detained, with a red nose, as a better fate, because this is a very joyful event awaiting you, which will fill your life with a feeling of happiness for a long time.

Why do you dream about your husband’s arrest - Nostradamus’ dream book

If you dream of your husband being arrested, such a dream foretells happiness in any form. To dream of a police arrest symbolizes that someone cares about you, and if he tells you something additionally, it is possible that he is directly giving you some important hint or warning you before something. If in a dream you are surrounded by prisoners, this means that you will be able to find inner peace and harmony.

Why do you dream of a noisy arrest - Hasse's dream book

A noisy arrest, such a dream expresses your dissatisfaction with yourself, which, perhaps, you do not understand at all in reality and is felt only at the subconscious level.

For people in love, arrest portends happiness in a relationship, maybe even a bed and a happy life surrounded by loving people and close friends. An arrest in a dream signals the need to organize your emotional affairs, and flying out symbolizes pipe dreams that you constantly give up in order to get away from the unsatisfactory reality in which you live.

Dream Interpretation arrest

Why dream of being arrested if you are completely unfamiliar with problems with the law? Of course, there is nothing good in such a dream, but only by using the dream book can you understand that all fears will be groundless. How to understand why the dreamer was arrested? What to do in this situation? Dream books will help you find answers to these and other questions.

We talk about dreams

If you dreamed that you were taken under arrest, then you should not panic ahead of time. Such a sign actually promises good news that you have been waiting for for so long.

Who was arrested?

The dreamer must remember the person who was taken into custody.

If you witnessed your acquaintance or good friend being arrested, then in real life you can completely rely on his help and support. In addition, a pleasant surprise awaits you on his part, but do not forget to take reciprocal steps.


If an arrested person resists law enforcement, then the dreamer should only be happy, since all his endeavors will end extremely successfully. As the dream book says, arrest is a favorable sign that confirms the fact that dreams come true if you really want it.

Close relative

You may dream about how you personally took your loved one into custody:

Someone I know was in custody

  • husband;
  • son;
  • father, etc.

So why dream about the arrest of a close relative? Most likely, it will not be difficult for you to find a common language with a person even after a serious quarrel.

Will there be a wedding?

To understand the dream scenario, you need to take into account who dreamed it.

To the girl

If a representative of the fair sex sees her chosen one being arrested, it means that in real life they may begin to experience temporary discord. Miller's dream book tells that his beloved could have another woman, and now he is trying to devote more time to her.

If a woman saw how law enforcement officers took away a stranger, then in the foreseeable future she may receive a marriage proposal.

To a man

The meaning of sleep for a man

For a representative of the stronger half of humanity, a dream with the scenario described above will foreshadow the receipt of a profitable business offer that is simply impossible to refuse. If you yourself are trying to imprison a criminal, then you are capable of attracting the right people into your life who are solving global problems.

Way home!

The place where the actual arrest took place deserves great attention.


If the person being arrested was spotted at home, you can prepare for any surprise. The dreamer must become extremely attentive and careful in order to prevent a major mistake.


If you dream that the arrest took place on a crowded street, this denotes unrealizable plans and dreams. The fact is that fears and concerns paralyze the dreamer in achieving his goal. If appropriate measures are not taken, the problems will only get worse. If you were arrested on a busy street, then fears will no longer dominate you. All endeavors will be implemented with minimal effort.

Time for business, time for fun...

Prison is a place where many people are re-educated and are released into freedom in a completely different role. To decipher the above scenario, you need to turn to different dream books. The more accurate the information is, the more room for maneuver there will be. Miller insists that arresting a stranger will symbolize pathological indecision, which only distances you from success.

Having trusted Vanga, the prison sentence will be associated with a big secret that they decided to entrust to you. You will constantly worry, and other aspects of life will suffer as a result.

Unusual interpretations

Among the large number of scenarios, there is a need to consider the most unusual ones. If you were given a warrant and you personally came to prison, then you need to analyze your behavior in detail.

It is also worth noting that prison, even in night dreams, will symbolize a certain degree of limitation, and therefore in reality it can be a grueling job or marriage, business or friendly gatherings. The dreamer's further behavior will be of great importance, especially if a decision was made to escape or fight with prison employees.

Why does a woman dream about being arrested?

Seeing in a dream how people you don't know are being arrested means trouble; seeing how you are arrested means victory in business.

1 arrest by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Seeing an arrest in a dream means:

For someone who was arrested in a dream, such a dream foreshadows sadness and need, but later they will be replaced by success and joy.

Seeing someone's arrest is a sign of trouble; you will soon find out that your attempts to mislead others did not bring the desired effect, and your deception has been exposed.

If you dreamed that you were arrested, you will soon receive a letter.

The arrest of one of your relatives or friends means: you will receive a letter or note from this person.

1 arrest by Esoteric dream book

If you were arrested - gain will, freedom, get rid of fear.

You arrested someone - lasso, force someone to do what you want.

The more strange a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 arrest according to the Dream Book of the 21st century

A dream about being arrested means:

To dream that you are being arrested, but you are innocent, means that you may find yourself in a difficult situation thanks to your ill-wishers and envious people, but in the end you will defeat them.

If people unknown to you were arrested, your plans are not being implemented due to your fault.

The arrest of acquaintances promises you timely and necessary help received from them.

Running away from arrest means that you will soon receive good news about your loved ones or be delighted to meet them.

Seeing a prisoner with a shaved head and shackles chasing you is a sign of slight illness, runny nose or flu.

For a girl to see her lover imprisoned, it may portend that she will have reason to doubt his love.

1 arrest by Gypsy dream book

Meaning of sleep arrest:

If you dream that you have been arrested, this means that you are taking unnecessary risks. Stay alert.

1 arrest by Danilova's erotic dream book

A dream in which you are arrested predicts a catastrophe in love through your fault.

If a young woman sees her lover arrested, it means that in reality she will have reason to doubt his fidelity.

If he resists arrest, it means that the rival will be left with nothing. A man’s dream in which his passion is arrested should be interpreted in the same way.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 arrest by Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

An arrest in front of a large crowd of people and the resistance of the person being arrested leads to the issuance of an amnesty decree.

1 arrest by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Arrest in a dream means:

Arrest for a woman is a marriage proposal; for a man - an unexpected business proposal.

1 arrest by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Being arrested in a dream means your desires will come true; seeing a loved one arrested means trouble; to see an unknown prisoner - to make unrealizable plans.

1 arrest by Eastern dream book

Why does a woman dream of being arrested?

If you dreamed that strangers were being arrested in front of your eyes, it means it’s high time for you to make changes in your life.

If those arrested resist, any of your endeavors will certainly be successful.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 arrest by Dream book of Nina Grishina

Why does a woman dream about being arrested?

To see an arrest or to be arrested - beware of a rash and evil deed, which you yourself will not be happy about / misfortune and poverty, which will be replaced by joy.

1 arrest by Combined dream book

Seeing an arrest in a dream means:

Observing an arrest in a dream means getting sick without serious consequences; the arrest of a man is a business proposal, a surprise; arrest of a woman - problems, conviction.

If you see that strangers have been arrested in front of you, you will not dare to implement your plans for fear of failure.

The resistance of those arrested in a dream marks the success of your endeavors.

1 arrest by Psychotherapeutic dream book

A dream about being arrested in the dream book is interpreted as:

Seeing a prisoner portends news.

1 arrest by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

A dream about being arrested means:

A non-dangerous, but lingering disease that will not be easy to get rid of. To avoid the unpleasant consequences of a dream, imagine that you (or someone else) were released with an apology.

1 arrest by Ukrainian dream book

Meaning of sleep arrest:

You will have trouble; surprise.

1 arrest according to Dream Book 2012

What does it mean if a woman dreams of being arrested:

The prisoner is the need for an urgent revision and change in worldview.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 arrest by Women's dream book

What an arrest might mean in a dream:

If people you don’t know were arrested before your eyes in a dream, this may mean that, fearing failure, you will not dare to implement the changes you have planned. Those arrested and resisting dream of successful completion of new endeavors.

1 arrest by Slavic dream book

Arrest in a dream means:

Unexpected business proposal.

1 arrest by Dream book alphabetically

If a girl dreams of being arrested, it means:

Witnessing someone being arrested in a dream means that an underlying fear of failure will prevent you from implementing the changes you have planned. If what is happening takes place within the walls of an apartment, be prepared for any surprises. If those who are arrested resist, it means that your plans will be successfully realized.

If you are arrested on suspicion of a crime to which you have not the slightest connection, then you will leave your competitor high and dry. If you feel some kind of guilt about yourself, a black streak of all kinds of bad luck will come in your life.

If you were arrested and taken to a place of detention, it means that your opponents will beat you in business. If you yourself arrest someone and put him in prison, little by little you will be able to fix the shaky business and find a common language with your competitors, becoming their reliable partner.

1 arrest by Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Why does a woman dream of being arrested?

A non-dangerous, but lingering disease that will not be easy to get rid of. A prisoner with a shaved head and in shackles is a danger of contracting the flu or other viral disease of the upper respiratory tract.

To avoid the unpleasant consequences of a dream, imagine that you (or someone else) were released with an apology. The arrest happened by accident, due to a misunderstanding. What those who produced it repent of.

To participate in an arrest - all your attempts to change something in your life will be unsuccessful. To arrest a stranger - your inaction will turn against you. The arrest of a person you know means the help you expect will come, but very late.

Imagine that a person resisted arrest and managed to escape justice.

1 arrest by Dream book of the 20th century

Seeing an arrest in a dream means:

It means that you do not have enough strength to solve certain problems. Perhaps you simply lack the determination to overcome certain unpleasant circumstances.

At the same time, the male prisoner: symbolizes the difficulties associated with the advancement of affairs, while the female prisoner.

It means constraint in expressing feelings.

If you see that the arrested person is trying to break free and resist: this is a sign that everything is in your hands and you need to get down to business more boldly.

It is most favorable if the prisoner in your dream receives freedom: this is a harbinger that you will be able to cope with any situation.

Seeing yourself under arrest means your constraint and great difficulties in business, but if.

You are trying to break free, which means you have a good chance of overcoming these difficulties.

Safe escape from arrest: indicates a quick resolution of some pressing problems.

1 arrest by To the newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Interpretation of a dream about being arrested:

If you are arrested, a loved one will stop trusting you.

If you observe an arrest, you will seriously let someone down.

If you arrest yourself, you will find out something shocking about someone close to you.

1 arrest by Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why do you dream about Arrest:

You see in a dream that some strangers are being arrested; you feel sorry for these people, you would like to help them, but you don’t know what to do - in real life, what you have been planning for a long time and what you thought was about to come true, will not come true for a long time; the reason for this is your indecision, less likely - incompetence.

On the contrary, you dream that strangers are resisting arrest and you are successfully helping them - expect that your most daring undertakings will find a quick successful conclusion.

They arrest you, although you are absolutely sure that you are innocent, and all the charges that are brought against you are not charges against you; you are sure that a terrible mistake is being made - a good dream; in reality you will prevail over your opponent. It's worse if those who arrest you have reason to do so; the accusation is read out to you, and you understand that everything is true, and you have nothing to object to - prepare for the fact that difficult times await you in real life.

You are released from arrest, but you just can’t believe that you are finally free - the dream suggests that your affairs are not in the best way; If you do not take decisive action, you may suffer losses or lose profitable partners.

I had a dream 😴

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