Parade of planets as seen from the earth. Parade of planets - interesting facts, does the parade of planets affect a person? What is a “parade of planets”

  • 13.12.2023

Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter will line up for the first time since 2005. The parade of planets will last until February 20.

The five bright planets of the solar system will converge in one line in such a way that they and the star Antares can be seen with the naked eye.
The parade of planets will be repeated on August 13-19, 2016.

The Moon and five planets of the Solar System will be visible during the week of January 31st. This was reported at the Moscow Planetarium, specifying that an interesting astronomical phenomenon will appear on the horizon before sunrise at 7.30 Moscow time. “From January 31 to February 7, before dawn, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and the Moon will be visible high above the horizon in the southern part of the sky, and Venus and Mercury low above the horizon. The phenomenon can be observed with the naked eye; a telescope is not required,” said Yaroslav Turilov, head of the astronomical complex of the Moscow Planetarium. According to him, the Moon will be waning during this period, so its bright light will not interfere with observations. “We are unlikely to see all the planets in the city, since Venus and Mercury will be low above the horizon and will not be visible behind the houses. Observations are best made in open areas and away from city lights. Sunrise in early February occurs at approximately 8.20 Moscow time, that is, at 7.30 Moscow time the sky is quite dark,” Turilov noted. Astronomers clarify that the scientific term “parade of planets” does not exist, but among astronomy enthusiasts it is quite actively used to describe an astronomical phenomenon when several planets gather in one small area of ​​the sky. According to scientists, there is no pattern between the parade of planets and natural disasters, so there is no need to be afraid of the unusual arrangement of the planets of the solar system on Earth. The big “parade” with the participation of all eight planets of the solar system will take place only on May 19, 2161.

What is a parade of planets?

A parade of planets is an astronomical phenomenon in which several large cosmic bodies appear on one side of the Sun in a small sector. In the sky you can observe a small and large parade of planets.

Since ancient times, formidable prophets and predictors have frightened people with a parade of celestial bodies. It is various kinds of forecasters, and not scientists, who make the weather and unhealthy noise in the free and democratic media.

Even a schoolboy studying astronomy can figure out whether the parade of planets threatens our earth or not. In scientific astronomy, a parade of planets is considered to be a position in the solar system when several planets, continuously spinning and circling in their orbits, seem to line up approximately close to the same line for a short time. This short-lived and rather rare phenomenon, the coincidence of movement passing through one line, is the parade of planets with which they began to seriously intimidate us this year. Scientific astronomy observes, records and divides the parades of planets into large and small, visible and invisible.

For example, with a small parade, there will be 4 planets on one approximately straight line at the same time. These are mainly: Venus, Mars, Saturn and Mercury. The small parade of planets is observed often: approximately once a year, and the mini-parade (when there are only 3 planets on one line) can be observed 2 times a year. The arrangement of celestial bodies during the “parade” is similar to the arrangement of the Sun, Moon and Earth during Solar and Lunar eclipses.

A large parade of planets occurs less frequently, approximately once every 20 years. To do this, 6 celestial bodies: Earth, Venus, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus must line up in one approximately straight line and be in the sky sector (approximately 10-40 degrees) for some time. The big parade of planets is repeated rarely, after about 20 years.

The fact that space, and especially celestial bodies close to our Earth, have a huge influence on our lives is unambiguous, but our body has adapted to this in such a way that many do not know it. The influence of the parade of planets is not so great as to cause Armageddon or a catastrophe on a planetary scale. Believe the scientists and their calculations: even the largest parade of planets, fortunately for us, is not an Apocalypse at all, and not a distortion of our energy shells to the point of widespread universal death. The Moon has the greatest influence on the Earth during the full moon. We are used to this and do not pay attention to this influence. The largest celestial body in terms of mass in the solar system is Jupiter. When Jupiter is in opposition to the Earth, its gravitational influence on us is greatest. But even then, it is 1640.6 times farther from the earth than the Moon. Considering the masses of the planets, this influence will be 100 times less than the influence of the Moon on our Earth. The gravitational effect of other celestial bodies of the Solar System on Earth is even less significant, even if during the parade of planets they all line up in one very even line. parade of planets

From all of the above, it is clear that the parades of the planets occurred quite often, will be observed with the same frequency, and in the future will not have any significant impact on a person in the physical sense, nor will they affect any of his shells more than before. And in general... there will be no big parade of planets on December 21, 2012: predictors and prophets are not astronomers, and cannot compete with scientists processing data from spaceships and the latest computer telescopes. Prophets mainly predict events that are beneficial to someone, absolutely not based on scientific data, and the democratic media present this to us colorfully and emotionally. In general, this is a profitable business: instilling fear in people... you see - and the candles no one needs are bought up at inflated prices, they stock up on fuel and food, some shell out money for tickets to hell, some to heaven. Even a new word appeared: bunkeromania. People are afraid for their lives, and they began to build and store huge bunkers in the ground - “from the parade of planets.” If things continue like this, overcoming the economic crisis will not be far off. And the people will be cheerful before the New Year: what joy! the end of the world has been cancelled, you can continue to live in peace and make good money until the prophets come up with something new, and they certainly won’t eat bread for nothing, and after the holidays they will get back to their work. God willing, maybe they will come to their senses and predict and prophesy a happy, heavenly life on Earth for us. And the parades of planets, according to their cosmic and astronomical laws, have taken place and will continue to take place, without interfering or threatening us in any way.

Good day, dear readers and guests! October turns out to be not only an autumn month, but also a month of interesting events this year. A parade of solar system stars is just around the corner, have you ever heard of such a phenomenon?

Life on our planet Earth does not stop for a minute. But only with the onset of night, there in distant space we can see that nothing stands still there either. Changing phases of the Moon, meteor showers, comets, solar and lunar eclipses occur constantly.

But perhaps one of the most fantastic and unrealistically beautiful celestial phenomena for us remains the parade of planets. In all periods of thousands of years, they aroused great admiration and at the same time alarm. And even today, to some of us, it seems like more than just an astronomical event. What is this unique phenomenon - a parade of planets? How does it affect our Earth and us as a whole, and should we expect anything from it in the future?

When was the last time there was a parade of planets?

In October 2015, several planets of the solar system: Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury lined up in a row from the Sun in a small sector, almost in one line, this was a parade of planets. It looked something like this photo.

When is the next planetary parade?

Of course, professional astronomers never use such a term, but amateur astronomers came up with such a name when several planets gather in one area of ​​the sky. In fact, this is really a parade, since all the planets stand in one line and it is very interesting and exciting to watch them. This event lasts a month, a month and a half, until the planets move far away from each other.

The most intriguing phase will be in mid-October 2017, namely, to be more specific, a more precise date falls on October 5th. Planets such as Venus, Mars, Jupiter will simply be very close to each other, and Mercury, which is generally difficult to find because this planet is always close to the Sun, will be visible lower to the left right against the background of dawn.

How often does the parade of planets occur and does it affect a person?

A very important question, let's imagine that space is like a billiard table with balls. What do you think is the probability that three balls will end up in a row? Very tall, isn't it? But 5-6 balls can extremely rarely be located in one line, depending on your luck. But this, of course, is a game of billiards, and in the solar system the movement of bodies is more orderly, and therefore predictable.

The movement of bodies can be compared to the movement of hands on a clock. Just as the planets make their way around the Sun at different speeds in approximately the same plane, in the same way the hands move around the dial at different speeds as they make their revolutions.

And the hands sooner or later come together, usually once an hour, since everything is determined by the movement of the slowest hour hand. Also, planets can line up in one line and we call it a parade.

Important! The frequency of this astronomical phenomenon is determined by the movements of the most distant slow planets in the solar system.

A miniparade of three planets occurs approximately twice a year, but the rest are much less common. The rarest of all members of the 8 planets once every 170 years.

But often parades, both large and small, are not always visible from Earth. And in principle, there is no most accurate forecast for the date of these events; no one can say with 100 percent accuracy when the next parade will occur.

Since ancient times, such bright events in the sky have excited a lot of people. And visible planets in one line were considered either good or bad news of events.

Interesting! So there is a hypothesis that the Star of Bethlehem, which showed the Magi the way to the baby Jesus, was not a miraculous sign of God, but only a visible parade of planets, in particular Jupiter and Saturn. This led to the idea that a king was born, because Jupiter in astrology symbolizes power and success, and Saturn symbolizes service and self-restraint.

Full parades of eight planets have always caused fears among people, often associated with a complete apocalypse.

These fears were always explained in approximately the same way: planets that are located close to each other, in other words, together, cannot influence the Sun, and therefore the Earth.

Interesting! There are observations that in 1989, after the parade of planets, the collapse of the USSR and the collapse of the CMEA occurred. But again, these can only be coincidences.

There is no need to be afraid of the parade of planets; scientists have been predicting for many billions of years that there is no danger to humanity in this unique natural phenomenon. But what you should be afraid of is the planet Nibiru, this is a wandering planet, which, according to researchers, previously caused great cataclysms and apocalypses. Perhaps the end of the world is very close; according to preliminary data, it was expected on September 23, 2017, but as we see, it did not happen. Yes, and thank God, hurray!

If you try to look into the future, then the next parade of planets is predicted by scientists in July 2022. We will see 5 celestial planets in one line at once: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. But the next full parade of 8 planets will only take place in 2161, and that’s already 144 years from now.

In conclusion, I would like to invite you to watch a video from the YouTube channel, it shows the last parade of planets, which took place in 2016, and you will also learn how to correctly and where to observe this phenomenon:

This is the news my friends have at this moment. Subscribe to the group in contact, share the link to this article on social networks. Write your comments and thoughts on this issue. All the best to everyone! Be healthy and take care of yourself! And remember that it’s very interesting to observe nature and the Universe, so let’s do it more often!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

This week, Russians will be able to see a rare astronomical phenomenon

Starting today, a real performance will unfold in the skies above the Earth - the Parade of the Planets. We explain what it is, as well as how, where and at what time it can be observed.

What is the Parade of Planets

You can usually see the planets of the Solar System only one by one, but once every few years, or even decades, they converge on one side of the Sun and line up in a row so that you can admire them all at once. To understand how unique this phenomenon is, it is enough to remember that each of the planets has its own time of revolution around the Sun, and if for Jupiter it is 12 Earth years, then for the farthest planet Neptune it is as much as 165 years.

The last full Parade of Planets dates back to 1982 - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and even Pluto, which was then still considered a full-fledged planet, took part in it. In 2002, the inhabitants of the Earth could observe a parade of four planets. The same will happen this time - Venus, Mars and Jupiter will be in the same sector with the Earth.

Millions of people around the world will watch the crossing of the paths of the planets, because astronomers assure that this spectacle is much more beautiful and impressive than solar eclipses and other cosmic phenomena.

How and where to watch the Parade of Planets

As the Moscow Planetarium promises, all Russians will be able to admire the convergence of the planets, regardless of where they are in the country. However, the phenomenon will be best seen in temperate northern latitudes. The only necessary condition is a cloudless sky, and in addition you will have to wake up early.

On Tuesday, November 14, you can see Jupiter and Venus, and a little higher above the horizon you can also see Mars and the Moon from 6:40 am Moscow time.

On Wednesday, 15th of November, space performance starts at 6 am. Venus will be closer to the horizon, and Jupiter will rise higher, and Mars and the Moon will be located even further north.

On Thursday, November 16, Mars will disappear from view, but the trio of Venus, Jupiter and the Moon will still be visible, starting at 6:30.

You can see the approach of planets with the naked eye, without any special equipment. The two bright points that are Venus and Jupiter definitely cannot be confused with anything. The first videos documenting the phenomenon have already begun to appear on the Internet. And yet, in order to fully appreciate the beauty of the event, it is better to use a telescope.

When you can watch the parade of planets 2019, what it will be like and how it will affect our planet and its inhabitants, we will try to find out with the help of “exclusive” information provided by NASA specialists.

According to the “simplified” scientific definition, this phenomenon is a kind of “construction” of large space objects in one line and on one side of the star. Depending on the number of space objects involved in the construction, astronomers classify the minor, major and complete parades of planets. In the first case, there may be four planets, in the second - six, in the last - all eight (on average, such an event occurs once every 170 years). There are also so-called dwarf or mini-parades, which are formed from only three celestial bodies. As for the upcoming phenomenon, it belongs to the last of the mentioned categories, which means that in 2019, astronomers will have the opportunity to observe the “troika” of cosmic giants.

Unique formation of planets in 2019: warnings from astrologers

A distinctive feature of the parade of planets next year will be the “retrograde” Mercury. In simple terms, this celestial giant will be in the “reverse” phase of its orbit around the Sun three times. How can this phenomenal cosmic process affect the inhabitants of the Earth?

According to astrologers, this planet of the solar system is responsible for the sphere of finance, business and human intellectual activity. And since the “retrograde” of Mercury is a negative factor, you should not count on its beneficial influence. That is why, during the parade of planets, astrologers categorically do not advise starting new projects, engaging in commerce and other issues related to financial matters. It is best to devote this time to communication and passive relaxation surrounded by loved ones and friends.

Let us remind you. that the most critical periods in 2019 in the field of business initiatives will be March 5th - March 28th, July 8th - August 1st and October 31st - November 20th.

On what date and at what time can you watch the 2019 planetary parade?

According to preliminary forecasts by NASA experts, the next parade of planets will happen in May 2019. It is almost impossible to determine with extreme accuracy what date and at what time it will be possible to enjoy this unique planetary procession. Scientists need at least two months to complete the necessary astronomical calculations. Thus, it will be possible to find out the exact time frame of the upcoming mini-parade of planets no earlier than March-April 2019.

As for the big parade of planets, the next phenomenon of such a large scale will occur in the spring of 2022. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to track him from Russian territory. A kind of “compensation” for this trouble will be a parade consisting of 5 planets, which Russians will see in June of the same year. Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn will appear on the celestial stage. Scientists have also announced the approximate date of a full parade of planets. In their opinion, this event will occur no earlier than 2161.

Which planets will participate in the 2019 parade?

According to a recent survey, the second most popular question asked by users of thematic forums on the Internet is the question of which planets will take part in the upcoming mini-parade of celestial bodies? According to data provided by NASA astronomers, Mars, Venus and Mercury will be visible in the 2019 planetary formation.

What consequences does the parade of planets 2019 entail: predictions of Nostradamus and the opinions of scientists

Despite the fact that the mini-parade of planets is a completely “ordinary” astronomical phenomenon, there are people who associate global changes with it for all of humanity. The main argument in favor of this hypothesis is the predictions of the great 16th century clairvoyant Michel Nostradamus. According to the soothsayer, the formation of planets in 2019 will be a harbinger of the beginning of “big upheavals” for the whole world. Nature will deliver a crushing blow to human civilization. Tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes will kill millions of people. The apocalyptic picture of the world will be complemented by volcanic eruptions that will cover the Earth with toxic ash and practically destroy all life.

The opinions of scientists from the optimist camp are more “rosy”. According to them, the parade of planets in 2019 will not entail serious consequences that could become a threat to the existence of our planet. However, some experts do not exclude certain negative aspects associated with the linear construction of celestial bodies. For example, leading scientists in the world have proven that this phenomenon significantly increases the risk of exacerbation of chronic, and in particular, mental illnesses. Taking into account this unpleasant factor, during the parade of planets, many doctors strongly recommend that their patients refrain from excessive physical exertion, stress and conflict situations.

In addition to the listed opinions, there is an unofficial hypothesis that “strong” politicians and gifted public figures are born during the planetary parade. As confirmation of the stated theory, a list of the following names can be given:

  • Bashar al-Assad (current president of Syria);
  • Abdullah ibn Hussein (King of Jordan);
  • Dmitry Medvedev (Prime Minister of the Russian Federation).

Despite the fact that the above hypothesis is not officially supported by science, it has a fairly solid basis and deserves more serious and “deep” research.

Is it possible to watch the 2019 Planetary Parade online: will there be a live broadcast of the event?

On the eve of such a grandiose cosmic procession, millions of people around the world would like to know whether there will be a live broadcast of the 2019 Planetary Parade and where can they watch an online video of this event? According to reports from reliable sources, the broadcast in real time will take place on the resource of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration - NASA.TV. The exact time of the “star” broadcast will be announced in April 2019. A video recording of the parade of planets, captured by NASA satellites, can be seen on the specified resource a little later - in June - July 2019.

From January 31 to February 7, 2016, the Moon and the five planets of our solar system - Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury - lined up on one side of the Sun. It is called . This phenomenon can be observed in the mornings before dawn, under clear sky conditions. What does this rare astronomical spectacle promise us?

Parades big and small

There are minor parades in which from four to six planets participate. Large parades involve six or more planets. There are also “visible” and “invisible” parades. A visible parade of planets is a configuration in which Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn come close to each other and become visible at the same time in a small sector of the sky (10-40 degrees). Of course, “mini-parades” involving four planets occur more often than those involving five or more celestial bodies. And the “lining up” of three planets in a row can be observed at least once or twice a year. But visible parades of planets are observed once every 18-20 years.

The term “parade of planets” was coined by American astrophysicists Plageman and Gribbin. On the eve of another similar event in 1982, they made panicky statements that this would threaten the Earth with terrible cataclysms.

Back in 1974, scientists published the book “The Jupiter Effect,” the cover of which depicted planets lined up in a straight line. Which, by the way, basically doesn’t happen. And the term “parade of planets” itself is not considered scientific by most astrophysicists. We are simply talking about the convergence of celestial bodies, they say.

Heavenly signs...

Nevertheless, traditionally such changes in the position of planets in the sky are surrounded by mystical meanings. Even in ancient times, this phenomenon was mistaken for. So, in 1954 BC, fearing the impending end of the world, the Chinese emperor ordered the calendar countdown to begin from scratch, hoping to appease the heavenly rulers...

One of the planetary parades, which could be seen with the naked eye, took place in 1940, before the Great Patriotic War. On February 2, 1962, seven planets came into operation at once - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. The parade of planets was accompanied by a solar eclipse, and many then argued that this was not good... Indeed, the Cuban Missile Crisis happened, and the following year American President John Kennedy was assassinated...

Another parade of planets happened on March 10, 1982: then all nine planets of the Solar System, including Pluto, which still had planetary status, gathered on one side of the Sun, in a sector with an angle of 95 degrees. In November of the same year, Leonid Brezhnev, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, died...

The theme of “planetary apocalypses” was readily picked up by the yellow media, cinema and television. Thus, in the film "Knight of Camelot" based on Mark Twain's novel "A Yankee in King Arthur's Court", the main character finds herself in the medieval era during a parade of planets... In the film "The Mummy: Prince of Egypt" the mummy of an ancient Egyptian is also resurrected thanks to a parade of planets... In the animated series "Transformers: Prime" (2011) the same astronomical phenomenon awakens to life the monster Unicron, who is also the earth's core, and this threatens the Earth with destruction... In the film "2012" the parade of planets has such a negative impact on the Sun that it causes a global catastrophe on Earth ...And in one of the episodes of The X-Files, two girls are possessed by a demon, because on their birthday Mars, Uranus and Mercury were located on the same line...

Voyager's finest hour

But let’s leave omens and cinema alone and turn to the astronomical sciences. Are planetary parades really capable of influencing processes occurring on Earth?

Vladimir Surdin, a senior researcher at the State Astronomical Institute named after P. K. Sternberg of Moscow State University, argues in the brochure “The Fifth Force” that the “collection” of many planets on one side of the Sun should stimulate tidal phenomena on the star. But their influence on solar activity is not so clear, he believes.

“On the one hand, they lead to the release of additional energy in the convective shell of the Sun, on the other hand, they destroy its structure, and with it the structure of the magnetic field, which, as is known, plays an important role in energy processes on the surface of the Sun,” writes scientist.

But planetary parades are the best time to launch spaceships. It was in 1977, when the planets once again approached each other, that two Voyager spacecraft were launched into space to explore the solar system. Although it was initially planned that only Saturn and Jupiter would be studied, thanks to the fact that the planets “lined up in a parade”, it was possible to fly around them all.

The next “big” parade of planets will take place in March 2022 in the 38 degree sector. But only in June will all five planets become visible on Russian territory.