Nutrition for the family of the Prophet Muhammad Prof. Jalal Yenicheri

  • 31.12.2023

1. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Messenger of Allah (S) said:

The lord of the food of the near and future worlds is meat, and the lord of the drink of the near and future worlds is water. I am the master of the descendants of Adam and I am not proud of it.

2. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Messenger of Allah (S) said:

If you eat soup (stew), then eat from the sides, because it is good ( barracks) in the middle.

3. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Messenger of Allah (S) said:

The best seasoning is vinegar. The house in which there is vinegar will not be poor.

4. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Messenger of Allah (S) said:

The master of the food of the near and future worlds is meat, and after it rice.

5. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Messenger of Allah (S) said:

Eat pomegranate, for with each grain that falls into the stomach, the heart is illuminated, and the Shaitan is driven out for forty days.

6. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Messenger of Allah (S) said:

Eat olives (or use olive oil), for they cleanse the stomach, remove bile, strengthen the nerves, eliminate weakness, improve character, make the soul good and remove anxiety.

7. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Messenger of Allah (S) said:

Eat grapes berry by berry because they are healthier and tastier.

8. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Messenger of Allah (S) said:

If there is healing in anything, it is in the cuts of the hijama and the drink of honey.

9. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Messenger of Allah (S) said:

If someone offers you to drink honey, do not refuse it.

10. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Messenger of Allah (S) said:

When you cook anything, use pumpkin, for it brings joy to a sad heart.

11. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Commander of the Believers, Ali (A) said:

12. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Messenger of Allah (S) said:

There is nothing more hateful to Allah than gluttony.

13. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Commander of the Believers Ali (A) said:

Three things increase memory and remove bile: reading the Koran, honey and milk.

14. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Commander of the Believers Ali (A) said:

Abu Juhaifa came to the Messenger of Allah (S) and belched in conversation. The Messenger of Allah (S) told him: “Burp less (that is, do not eat much). Those who eat a lot in the world around them will be the hungriest on the Day of Judgment.” From then on, Abu Juhaifa never ate his fill until his death.

15. Imam Reza (A) reported that Imam Hussein (A) said:

When the Messenger of Allah (S) ate food, he said: “O Allah, bless us in this and grant us something better than this.” And when he drank milk, he said: “O Allah, bless us in this and give us this.”

16. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Commander of the Believers, Ali (A) said:

Food was brought to the Messenger of Allah (S). He wanted to take it from her and saw that she was hot. Then he said: “Let us wait until it cools down, for grace ( barracks) there will be more of it. Allah does not feed us hot food.”

17. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Commander of the Believers, Ali (A) said:

Eat meat, because it strengthens your muscles. Whoever does not eat meat for forty days will have a bad temper.

18. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Commander of the Believers, Ali (A) said:

Near the Messenger of Allah (S), they began to talk about meat and lard (fat). He said: “Every piece of it that goes into your stomach will become a healing and remove disease.”

19. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Commander of the Believers, Ali (A) said:

The Messenger of Allah (S) did not eat kidneys and did not order them to be eaten because of their proximity to the place where urine flows.

20. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Commander of the Believers, Ali (A) said:

Talha ibn Ubaydullah came to the Messenger of Allah (S), and the Messenger of Allah (S) gave him quince (or pears), saying: “Take it, O Abu Muhammad, because it strengthens the heart.”

21. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Commander of the Believers, Ali (A) said:

Whoever eats twenty-one raisins on an empty stomach will not see anything in his body that would bother him.

22. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Commander of the Believers, Ali (A) said:

Gabriel said to the Prophet (S): “Eat young dates, for they are the best of dates. This will bring you closer to Allah and distance you from Fire.”

23. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Commander of the Believers, Ali (A) said:

The Messenger of Allah (S) said: “Eat lentils, for they are blessed and pure. She softens the heart and multiplies tears, and she was blessed by seventy prophets, the last of whom is Isa ibn Maryam (A).”

24. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Commander of the Believers, Ali (A) said:

Eat pumpkin because it increases brain power.

25. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Commander of the Believers, Ali (A) said:

Eat olive oil and apply it to your body. For whoever eats it and smears it on his body, Satan will not approach him for forty days.

26. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Commander of the Believers, Ali (A) said:

The Messenger of Allah (S) told me: “Use salt, for in it there is a cure for seventy diseases, such as leprosy and madness.”

27. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Commander of the Believers, Ali (A) said:

The Messenger of Allah (S) was given melon and dates. He ate from both and said: “Both are good.”

28. Imam Reza (A) reported that the Messenger of Allah (S) said:

Whoever begins his meal with salt, Allah will remove from him seventy diseases, such as leprosy.

The Prophet (SAW) loved pumpkin dishes.

According to Anas (ra), one day a certain tailor invited the Messenger of Allah (sw) to visit him. Anas (ra) went to the tailor along with the Prophet (sw).

The tailor offered the guests barley bread and soup made from pumpkin and dried meat. Anas (ra) narrates: “I saw the Messenger of Allah (saw) collecting pieces of pumpkin from the edge of a plate. From that day on, I loved pumpkin too.”

In another narration, from the words of Anas (ra), it is reported: “When I saw this, I did not eat the pieces of pumpkin so that they would go to him (sgv).”

Another narration reads: “From that day on, whenever possible, they prepared pumpkin dishes for me” (narrated by Muslim, Tirmidhi and Abu Daud).

It is reported that the Prophet (sw) preferred onions and did not like the smell of garlic. Thus, Aisha (ra) said that the very last dish that the Prophet (sw) ate contained onions (Abu Dawud).

Jabir ibn Samura (ra) said that once the Prophet (sw) was the guest of Abu Ayyub (ra). After this, Abu Ayyub (ra) sent surplus food from his house to the house of the Prophet (sw). One day the Prophet (sw) will refuse the food sent by Abu Ayyub (ra). He came to the Prophet (sw) to find out the reason for his refusal. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “There was garlic in it.” Abu Ayyub (ra) asked: “O Messenger of Allah! Is (garlic) haram?” The Prophet (sw) replied: “No, but I don’t like its smell.”

The Prophet (sw) did not drink milk with honey.

Anas (ra) reported that one day the Prophet (sgv) was brought either a pot or a wooden dish in which there was milk and honey. According to Anas (ra), the Prophet (sw) said the following on this occasion: “There are two treats in the dish. I won’t eat it, but I won’t prohibit it either” (Tabarani).

Cool fresh water was the most favorite drink of the Prophet (sw).

The Messenger of Allah (saw) used to force his fellow travelers to take a lot of water when he went somewhere. Once, during one of the campaigns, the Prophet (sgv) ordered a halt and asked for water for himself. Washing his hands and face, he quenched his thirst and said, turning to the companions around him (ra): “Wash your faces and necks with some of it.”
Every time after the Prophet (saw) drank water, he said the following prayer: “Praise be to Allah, Who created fresh water, and not bitter and salty.”

It is also known that once drinking water during a hike, the Prophet (sw) said the following words about it: “The best drink in this and this world.”

Sahaba Abu Umama al-Bahili (ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Nothing will defile water until its smell, taste or color changes” (Ibn Majah).

In another narration, the words of the Prophet (sw) are conveyed as follows: “Water remains pure until impurities that enter it change its smell, taste or color.”

Aidar Khairutdinov

When choosing products, we first of all pay attention to their beneficial properties. The use of certain gifts of nature helps to recover from diseases, improve the functioning of organs, and serves as the prevention of diseases. Separate dietary recommendations for Muslims are also contained in the Noble Sunnah.

Prophet Muhammad (s.g.w.) paid great attention to the choice of food and called believers to this. We have prepared for you a list of seven products mentioned as useful in hadiths.

1. Black cumin

Black cumin, also called nigella sativum, is a herbaceous plant. In many countries it is used as a spice. Its seeds contain many useful substances, which give it healing properties.

Black cumin, as well as oil made from its seeds, has been used as a medicine for centuries in Asia and Africa. It is used as a spice to add to confectionery and baked goods. In addition, it is used to flavor meat dishes, fish and salads.

The benefits of this spice are mentioned in the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). So, he once said: “Eat black cumin, as it is a cure for all diseases except death” (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ahmad).

Research by modern scientists has confirmed the saying of God's Messenger (s.g.w.) Black cumin actually treats many common diseases and ailments of people, such as colds, sore throat, vascular diseases, cancerous tumors, kidney stones, intestinal worms, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, etc. It also serves as a means of disease prevention.

2. Dates

Dates also bring significant benefits to humans. Their main advantage is strengthening health and longevity.

The healing properties of dates have been known since ancient times. The chemical composition of these fruits includes 23 types of amino acids, which are absent in most other fruits. In addition, it contains the substance tryptophan, which prevents the aging of the body and ensures the functioning of brain cells.

Dates are especially beneficial during the month of Ramadan. That is why the Most Pure Sunnah prescribes breaking the fast with this natural dessert after the fast. Having eaten several fruits, a person immediately loses the feeling of hunger, which protects him from overeating and gives him strength to perform the evening (maghrib) prayer.

There is a well-known hadith of the Messenger of Allah (s.w.), who, in particular, instructed: “Dates are a cure for poisoning” (Tirmidhi).

3. Olives

The benefits of olives are already evidenced by the fact that they are mentioned in several surahs of the Holy Quran. As you know, both products are the fruits of the same tree - the olive. They differ only in color and degree of ripening. Their benefits are due to the content of a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Due to its composition, olive fruits are indispensable for certain diseases: atherosclerosis, indigestion, anemia, arthritis, arthrosis, obesity. In addition, olives improve the functioning of the human genital organs by stimulating blood circulation.

The Sunnah of the Prophet (s.a.w.) talks about the many beneficial properties of olive oil. One of the hadiths says: “Eat olive oil, smear your body with it, for it contains healing from 70 diseases, including leprosy” (Tabarani). In another hadith you can find the following advice: “Eat olive oil, anoint yourself with it, as it is from a blessed tree” (Tirmidhi, Ahmad).

4. Honey

Honey serves as both a sweet treat and a healthy nectar. It is actively used for consumption both raw and processed. It is indispensable in the preparation of confectionery products. In addition, beekeeping products are used in medicinal preparations.

The chemical composition of honey includes a whole storehouse of useful elements and vitamins, especially vitamin B. It helps improve liver and kidney function and stimulates blood circulation.

The great Arab healer Abu Ali Hussein (known in the Western world as Avicenna) in his work “Treatise on Vinegar Honey” called nectar a product of longevity. He advised taking honey for digestive disorders, as well as for external use. This natural delicacy is actively used in the treatment of colds, sore throat and cough.

Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) noted: “Healing power is in three things: in a sip of honey, (bloodletting - approx. IslamGlobal ) and cauterization, but I forbid the latter” (Bukhari). Another hadith says: “Pay special attention to two medicines: the Quran and honey” (Ibn Majah).

The fact that the Messenger of Allah (saw) consumed honey next to the Holy Quran speaks for itself.

5. Pomegranate

From time immemorial, pomegranate has been popular among the Arabs, who used its bark to heal wounds. In addition, it was taken for headaches. This fruit contains a large number of minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin C, which helps improve immunity.

It is recommended to take it for tuberculosis, dysentery, indigestion, circulatory problems, heart and thyroid diseases. Fruit seeds are useful for high blood pressure and hormonal imbalances.

The mercy of the worlds Muhammad (s.g.w.) also called on believers to eat pomegranate because it has beneficial properties. The Prophet (s.a.w.) once said: “Eat the pulp of the pomegranate, as it is a means of cleansing the stomach” (Ahmad).

6. Quince

This is a fruit that tastes like apple and pear. It contains a large amount of potassium, phosphorus and calcium, it improves the functioning of the brain, muscle and nervous systems, bone tissue and skin. One quince contains the daily requirement of copper and iron.

The hadith, narrated by Abu Dharr, mentions the beneficial properties of quince. “Once I came to the Prophet (s.g.w.) and saw Him with other companions. He held a quince in his hands. Handing it to me, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) said: “Oh, Abu Dharr! This is for you! It improves heart function, improves breathing, and also eliminates heaviness in the chest area” (Nasai).

7. Watermelon and melon

The most favorite product of many people in hot weather are sweet melons - watermelon and melon. Both fruits contain a noticeable proportion of the substance folate, which is recommended for pregnant women. The fact is that folate halves the risk of birth defects in a baby and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) loved to eat watermelons and melons in combination with dates, as evidenced by the hadith that has come down to this day through Aisha bint Abu Bakr. “Our Prophet ate watermelons and melons at the same time as dates and explained: “We combine the dryness of one with the moisture of the other, the cold of one with the heat of the other” (Tirmidhi, Abu Daoud).

About,how he ate food

He was very moderate in food, eating what was available in the house. If it was dates, then he ate them even without bread; if it was barley or wheat bread, then he did without other food. If he found any sweets, for example, honey, then he ate it, but if only milk, then he drank it without bread. He ate wholemeal rye bread. Sometimes the Prophet (ﷺ) did not eat for three days in a row. ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said that there were times when for a month they did not light a fire at home to cook food. He never talked about food, he ate what was given. What he liked best was meat. He said that it improves hearing, and that it is Mr. (sayyid) food in this world and the next. The Prophet (ﷺ) also loved pumpkin. He said: " O ‘Aisha, when you cook pumpkin, increase it in the cauldron. Truly she cheers up the sad heart».

He ate the meat of birds brought from hunting. He loved lamb, especially ham and shoulder. However, he did not eat onions, garlic and leeks, so that people would not smell their unpleasant smell, and he never blamed the food: if he liked it, he ate it, if not, he left it. When he ate, he used both hands, but took food inside only with his right hand. When I ate dates, I put the pits in my left hand. After eating, he licked his hands and did not wipe them with a towel until he cleaned them with his tongue. At the same time, he said that it is not known in which part of the food grace is hidden (barakat). After eating, he praised Allah for these blessings, washed his hands and rubbed his face with wet hands.

About how tohow did he drink water

He drank three times, pronouncing the name of Allah each time, and after each sip he praised Him. He drank silently and never exhaled into the vessel. After himself, he passed the vessel to the one on the right.

Once, when they brought him milk and honey, he refused, remarking: “Two products in one vessel!”, but then said that he did not forbid others to do so. He said that he did not want demand in the next world because of excesses.

Another time, after circumambulating the Kaaba (tawaf), he went to the holy spring of Zamzam to drink water. There he discovered a drink made from dry dates in a large vessel from which everyone was drinking, and asked that he be treated too. The companion ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) then said to him: “ O Messenger of Allah! This is a drink that has been touched by many hands, I will bring you a pure drink from home " But the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: “No. Give me a drink from this, where people drank from, I want to receive grace from the hands of Muslims,” and he drank from it.

He had a jug for ablution. People sent their children to him so that they would drink for barakat and pour water from this jug on their body and face, and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did not object to them.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “The worst vessel that a person can be filled with is his stomach. It is enough to eat as much as necessary to maintain strength. If this is too little, then: a third [of the stomach] is for food, a third is for drinking and a third is for breathing."

Exceptions are possible in individual cases. For example, when a person is visiting another. One day Abu Hurayrah, being next to the Prophet, drank a lot of milk and exclaimed: “There is no more room [to drink more]!” The Prophet's companions sometimes ate their fill in his presence and he (may the Almighty bless him and greet him) did not reproach them.

Scientists said: “The worst thing for the stomach is eating food on top of food that has not yet been digested.”

Constant overeating is extremely detrimental to both a person’s soul and his body. People who allow this kind of excess are passive, lazy and more prone to sins and misdeeds.

An interesting addition to the topic. One day a non-believer came to visit the Prophet Muhammad. The Messenger of God ordered the household to milk the goat. The guest drank milk and was not satisfied. They milked another one, but again he was not satisfied. And this continued until this man drank as much milk as was milked from seven goats. The guest spent the night and the next morning [to the surprise of many] he became a believer [having radically changed and transformed]. For breakfast they brought him milk milked from one goat. He drank. Then they brought more, but the guest could not finish his drink. [Everyone was amazed, and] the Prophet explained: “A believer (mu’min) eats for one person, and an unbeliever eats for seven.”

Proper nutrition is the key to human health, strength and beauty. However, many of us are prone to bad habits and take nutrition lightly, misunderstanding the enormous importance of this factor in human existence. Some believe that rational nutrition is determined only by the amount of food, others simply rely on their appetite, forgetting that food is not only a source of energy, but also the most important building material for the formation of complex structures of the body.

The lifestyle of most of our contemporaries is characterized by high neuropsychic stress combined with low physical activity. This is why excessive high-calorie nutrition can cause irreparable harm to the body, leading to metabolic disorders, the development of atherosclerosis and other “diseases of the century.”

Rational nutrition is the timely supply of food to the body containing vital nutrients in optimal quantities, taking into account the nature of a person’s work and his individual characteristics: age, gender, height, weight, etc.

Eating food at a strictly defined time is very important because a conditioned reflex is developed in the activity of the digestive glands of the stomach. When food enters the stomach, which is already “prepared” for its digestion, it is absorbed much better. If a person does not eat on time, then the secreted gastric juice, being in an empty stomach, adversely affects its mucous membrane.

In the development of many diseases, including gastrointestinal ones, eating disorders play an important role.

It is especially harmful to eat a lot at night. An overfilled stomach puts pressure on the diaphragm, disrupting breathing and heart function.

Based on experimental studies and long-term observations of doctors, three or four meals a day are recommended. The amount of food and the choice of dishes for each meal depend on age, the nature of work, and also on what time of day the person works. If work takes place in the first half of the day, then the calorie intake is distributed as follows: first breakfast - 25–30%; second breakfast - 10–15%; lunch - 40–45%; dinner - 25–10%.

For various reasons, most people still only eat three times a day. In any case, you need to distribute food according to the rule: a hearty breakfast, a hearty lunch and a light dinner. It is not recommended to eat spicy meat dishes at night, drink coffee, cocoa, strong tea, etc. Before going to bed, it is useful to drink a glass of kefir.

Nature has given man the ability to exercise natural self-control in food. This is expressed by a feeling of satiety and fullness in the stomach. But you should never eat to the point of obvious satiety, which creates a feeling of heaviness in the pit of your stomach.


One of the most common consequences of poor nutrition is obesity. Obesity is one of the most serious problems addressed by the health care of developed countries.

What is obesity?

Obesity is the excess deposition of fat in the body. It can manifest itself as an independent disease or a syndrome that develops in certain diseases. In the latter case, with the cure or compensation of the underlying disease, obesity is also eliminated.

Obese people are susceptible to a range of serious illnesses. It is known that hypertension develops in obese patients 2–3 times more often, and coronary heart disease and angina pectoris 3–4 times more often than in people with normal body weight. Almost all diseases, including influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, pneumonia, are more severe in obese patients, require longer treatment and are more often accompanied by complications.

How can you tell if you are obese?

Using special devices you can accurately measure the amount of fat in the body. Typically, the percentage of fat in total body weight is taken as an indicator.

One of the methods for assessing the amount of fat was developed by American doctors R. Schmidt and G. Thews in 1895. Using an instrument called a caliper, the thickness of skin folds is measured in four anatomical areas of the body. Then the data obtained is processed and the percentage of body fat is obtained.

Once you have determined the amount of fat in your body, you can use the tables to find out if you are obese.

What is the main reason for the development of obesity?

The main cause of obesity in both adults and children is overeating. Chronic overeating leads to disturbances in the functioning of the appetite center in the brain, and a normal amount of food eaten can no longer suppress the feeling of hunger to the required extent. Excess, extra food is utilized by the body and stored “in reserve” in the fat depot, which leads to an increase in the amount of fat in the body, that is, to the development of obesity. However, there are many reasons that force a person to overeat. For example, strong anxiety can reduce the sensitivity of the satiety center in the brain, and a person begins to eat more food without noticing. A similar situation may be the result of a number of psycho-emotional factors, such as feelings of loneliness, anxiety, melancholy; People suffering from neurosis such as neurasthenia are also susceptible to this. In such cases, food seems to replace positive emotions. Many people eat heavily before bed while watching TV, which also contributes to the development of obesity.

In addition, in the development of a tendency to overeat and, as a consequence, obesity, the appearance and smell of food is extremely important: beautifully prepared, aromatic food that evokes appetite by its very appearance forces a person, overcoming the feeling of fullness, to continue eating.

Age plays a significant role in the development of obesity, which is why there is even a special type of obesity - age-related. This type of obesity is associated with age-related disruption of the activity of a number of special centers of the brain, including the center of hunger and satiety. To suppress the feeling of hunger with age, you need O larger amount of food, so many people over the years begin to eat more and overeat unnoticed. In addition, an important role in the development of age-related obesity is played by a decrease in the function of the thyroid gland, which produces hormones involved in metabolism.

Another important factor leading to the development of obesity is low physical activity, when even a normal amount of food becomes excessive, since the calories that enter the body with food are not completely “burned” and turn into fat. Therefore, the less we move, the less we should eat in order not to gain weight.

If food for you is one of the greatest pleasures in life, then, most likely, excess weight is your companion, and it will be extremely difficult to part with it without changing your worldview. The transition to a balanced diet should be accompanied by a change in the amount of food consumed, a change in the choice of products themselves and the diet.

1) Reduce the volume of your usual portions gradually. This is the first thing to do.

To begin with, say, reduce the portions by 1/4, and give yourself the opportunity to get used to this volume. Further to 1/3 of the original, etc. This approach is justified from the standpoint of physiology. Our stomach is an organ capable of increasing and decreasing. With constant consumption of large volumes of food, it overstretches, and with small amounts, it contracts. For example, if you eat a large amount of food even once a day (most often this happens in the evening at dinner), the stomach receptors, which transmit information related to the feeling of fullness, are overstretched.

2) Don’t set strict restrictions on yourself.

This leads to stress and does not give the desired result. If you really want sweets, but you understand that you need to limit them, sometimes it makes sense not to deny yourself, but just be content with a small portion. In general, it is useful to think a little before eating something - whether you really want to eat at the moment or whether your hand is out of habit reaching for a piece of something tasty.

3) The key to success is moderation in everything.

The ratio of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in the diet should be balanced. Of course, there are many different opinions about what proper nutrition should be. According to one, you cannot eat carbohydrates, according to another - proteins, according to the third - separate meals. I think that you can eat anything, the main thing is moderation. The diet should mainly include fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir), vegetables, fruits, lean meats, fish, although from time to time you can allow yourself any deviations.

4) Drink more fluids.

A few words about the drinking regime. Drinking is healthy! Water is youth. If in youth the human body consists of 80% water, then by old age its content decreases to 60%. The recommended volume of fluid is 2–3 liters per day (in the absence of contraindications - arterial hypertension, kidney disease, etc.). Water is necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines, for a healthy appearance and good skin condition.

5) Don't try to fast on your own.

In conclusion, I would like to touch on the issue of fasting. Remember that complete fasting is a fairly serious undertaking that requires extensive medical knowledge. If you do not have such knowledge, fasting should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. I strongly recommend that you refrain from such experiments.

Given modern data, this is the amount of food that provides approximately 2000 calories per day. See below for more details.

Hadith from al-Miqdam; St. X. Ahmad, Ibn Majah, at-Tirmizi and others. See: Al-Benna A. (known as al-Sa'ati). Al-Fath al-Rabbani li tartib musnad al-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal al-Shaybani. T. 9. Part 17. pp. 88, 89, chapter No. 46, hadith No. 81, “sahih”.

See: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziya. At-tybb an-nabawi. P. 17.

Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. Ahmad, Muslim, at-Tirmizi and others. See: al-Benna A. (known as al-Sa'ati). Al-Fath al-Rabbani li tartib musnad al-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal al-Shaybani. T. 9. Part 17. P. 89; al-Baga M. Mukhtasar sunan at-tirmidhi. P. 251, hadiths No. 1819, 1820, “hasan, sahih”; at-Tirmidhi M. Sunan at-Tirmidhi. 2002. P. 544, Hadith No. 1824, “Hasan”; an-Naysaburi M. Sahih Muslim. P. 854, Hadith No. 186 (2063).

“The sources of energy necessary for the functioning, or rather the vital activity of the body, are carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Naturally, they have their expression in calories. For example, one gram of fat contains nine calories, and fat, by the way, is the most concentrated source of calories, and it greatly affects the calorie intake. One gram of protein and carbohydrates each contain four calories.

How many calories does a person need per day? The most accurate amount of calories is determined for each person individually, since it depends on many factors: lifestyle and lifestyle, physical activity, the level of hormones in the body and their production, physical fitness, thermogenesis associated with individual activity for each person, there are people who are sedentary , restless, slow and restless. Naturally, these are not all the factors influencing the calculation of calories.

For those who want to lose weight, the main factor is the number of calories they consume. An organism that consumes more calories than it expends gains weight.

For information: consuming just 100 “extra” calories per day leads to an increase in body weight by 5 (!) kg per year.” See:

Blagosklonnaya Ya. V., Babenko A. Yu., Krasilnikova E. I. Problems of excess weight. St. Petersburg: Nevsky Prospekt, 2001.