Secrets of the human soul. The human soul after death

  • 31.12.2023

What results can you expect from a heart-to-heart conversation? What mysteries and secrets do you carry in your soul or secrets yours souls. What a relief it is from secrets and mysteries.

Secrets of your soul.

Secrets of the soul- this is not the content of secret files or films about the mysterious. We are talking about the secrets that you carry in yours.

Family secrets, secret messages, “secrets” from childhood, unsaid things - all this weighs on your soul. Maybe it's time to free yourself? Psychologist of Happiness.

In our language there is such an expression as “to remove a stone from the soul,” often such a stone is the secrets of our soul or what we hide from others for fear of losing their respect and losing their approval and love.

Write in the comments, do you have similar “stones”-secrets in your soul that weigh on you?

A heart-to-heart conversation relieves tension.

You probably remember what happens in your soul when you tell the truth.

What happens when you tell the truth?

You feel relief throughout your whole body. After all, along with the unspoken secret, you often keep your feelings about this secret.

All these secrets cause extraordinary tension in the body. When you open your soul and begin to speak and express emotions, tension leaves the body.

What should you not accumulate in your soul?

In any area of ​​life, these are, first of all, grievances, unmet needs underlying these grievances, and judgments (evaluations).

Whenever you get angry at someone, ask yourself, what do I want and am not getting from this person?

And then convince yourself to ask him about it.

Workshop. This is what I would like to say...

I offer a cleansing and healing procedure for your soul.

1) What secret do you carry in your soul?

Think for a moment and quickly write on a piece of paper all the secrets, everything unspoken, everything hidden behind seven locks in the depths of your soul.

Here are some secrets from my Clients:

  • I passed the mark on my final exams.

  • At the age of fourteen I stole a penknife from the market.

  • I'm afraid to confess my feelings to my neighbor.

  • I want to be given a phone.

  • I'm still angry at my high school roommate.

  • I no longer have any strength to hide my attitude towards my father.

2) Who is your secret addressed to?

Now think about who your secret message is addressed to, which can’t wait to come true?

Who is this man? Or a group of people?

Picture him or her in your mind. What feelings do you have for the recipient? What would you like to say? What to pour out your soul about?

3) This is what I would like to say...

Start revealing your secret to the light with the words: “This is what I would like to say...”

Express your pain, anger, fear or desires to this imaginary interlocutor.

Tell it like it is. Pour out your soul and remove the stone from your soul.

Cry or scream! Express doubts, regret, or sympathy for yourself or the other person. and others.

All. Now breathe out a sigh of relief.

4) What does a heart-to-heart conversation give?

Many of my Clients have similar workshops, in addition to providing relief:

  • Brings relief from migraines that have plagued you for years.
  • Relieves spastic colitis or gets rid of old ulcers.
  • Helps you get out of the swamp and realize how wonderful life is.
  • Removes extra pounds without any diets.

Do you want to check what will happen to your body after relieving your soul from such mysteries and secrets?

Talk about an opportunity to vent and relieve stress!

Be brave! The truth is welcome on the happiness psychologist's blog!

Read the best materials from a happiness psychologist on this topic!

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Our everyday speech sometimes contains such deep secrets that we usually are not even aware of. What do we mean when we say – the soul hurts? Or did your soul sink into your heels? Or when we say about someone that he has colossal fortitude? And what do we mean by repeating the famous saying: a healthy mind in a healthy body?

What a body is is always clear to us. Well, what are soul and spirit? Some may say that this symbolically speaks of mood or health.

Well, maybe we are talking here about certain components of a person? What does modern science say about this?

One of the leading specialists in the field of medicine and physiology, the famous surgeon V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky (1877–1961), now the renowned Saint Luke, believed that the soul and spirit are as inherent in man as the body.

This outstanding scientist, who later became an archbishop, had even earlier managed to so convincingly prove the existence of the immaterial world to the chairman of the Cheka, Peters, that he had nothing to object to.

This happened during the trial in the 1920s of innocently slandered doctors in Tashkent. All of them faced capital punishment. The trial was supposed to be a demonstrative reprisal against the “counter-revolutionaries.”

Professor Voino-Yasenetsky was called as a witness, but because of his courage he could also become a victim of the trial.

After he professionally explained how far-fetched the charges against the doctors were, an enraged Peters asked:

– Tell me, priest and professor Yasenetsky-Voino (with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon, Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky took holy orders, but continued to practice surgery), how do you pray at night and cut people during the day?

To this the surgeon calmly replied:

“I cut people in the name of their salvation, but in the name of what do you cut people, citizen public prosecutor?” The audience greeted the successful response with applause.

To attract the sympathy of the workers in the hall, Peters asked the following question:

- How do you believe in God, priest and professor? Have you seen Him, your God?

“I really didn’t see God,” answered Voino-Yasenetsky, “but I did a lot of surgery on the brain and, when I opened the cranium, I never saw the mind there either.” And I didn’t find any conscience there either.

The chairman's bell was drowned in the long-lasting laughter of the entire hall. The doctors' case failed miserably.

One of the scientific developments of Professor Voino-Yasenetsky was research in the field of neurosurgery, the study of brain activity, perception and thinking. The result of these studies was his book “Spirit, Soul, Body.”

In it, he cites amazing cases of clairvoyance, premonition, and transmission of thoughts at a distance, which do not fit into the pseudo-materialist teaching that was hammered into the heads of Soviet schoolchildren for 70 years.

What is the soul? According to the conclusion of Saint Luke, this is a complex of organic and sensory perceptions, thoughts and feelings, memories, mind, will, united by self-consciousness, which is enlivened by the spirit. Those elements of the soul that are associated with the life of the spirit are immortal.

Archbishop Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) was not only a theorist, but also a practitioner of spiritual life. This man, who saved thousands of lives on the surgical table, did not abandon his healing even after death. There are many known cases of miraculous healings that took place at his grave in Simferopol. In 2000, Archbishop Luke was canonized by the entire Russian Orthodox Church. His holy relics now rest in the cathedral of the city of Simferopol.

The concept of soul for a person is something abstract, not having an exact representation and description. Some people imagine it in the form of a breeze flying away from the body, others in the form of smoke, others simply live with the clear confidence that every person has it, without thinking about its appearance.

Among the peoples living on the territory of the Komi Republic, the soul was associated with breathing, and it was with its cessation that a person was already considered dead. The soul, or, as the locals called it, “the catch,” was on earth after death for another 40 days and came to its home, so all this time there was a clean towel and a bowl of water hanging there so that it could wash itself. The afterlife was presented in different ways. On the one hand, it was hell and heaven, on the other, a certain place located in close proximity to the earth, which provided a very close connection between the living and the dead. It was believed that the dead constantly monitor the lives of their loved ones and in every possible way protect them from various troubles. And in order to strengthen this protection and thank them for the care of their ancestors, people had to remember them with funeral treats.

In Egypt, the soul was considered to be the totality of various substances living in a person:

Ba is the soul of a person or god, which appears only after death. She was depicted as a bird with a human head. She could be directly in the tomb, she could fly away, but she always returned to the body again.

Ka is a sign by which animate and inanimate objects are distinguished; it was also called the “double” of the soul. A special sarcophagus was placed in the tomb so that Ka could hide there.

Ah - also called “spirit” in another way, was one of the constituent parts of the soul and was depicted in the form of an ibis.

Shu is a person’s shadow, his dark side, hidden from others.

The heart is one of the most important components of the soul, which was also considered to be the location of its consciousness. At the sessions of the afterlife court, it was the heart that could tell about the bad deeds of the deceased person. To avoid this, special spells were read over the heart during burial.

Sakh – human body after the mummification procedure. It was the embodiment of a person who had gone through all the necessary sacred rites.

Among the ancient Greeks there was a firm belief that the soul exists, and they represented it in the same way as man himself. They gave the name “Hades” to the world of the dead and did not feel any fear towards it, because, having been there, they could meet dear people. The fate of human souls was different, and it depended on the lifestyle that their owners led.

The Greeks believed in this and during their lifetime they still took care of their souls, participating in various cult activities. Usually, an analysis of one's life was carried out in old age, when a person felt the approach of death and understood the inevitability of punishment for his actions. The well-being of the soul was ensured by participation in various mysteries and through initiation into “mysties.” Any person could be admitted to initiation, regardless of gender, but not with a criminal past. People were prepared for the afterlife by telling them about it and performing purification rites. Also, the burial process itself played a big role, which had to take place according to all the rules in order for the soul to find its well-being in Hades. Otherwise, she is doomed to torment and wandering. On memorial days, the relatives of the deceased person always left bread and wine at the grave, and in difficult moments of life they mentally turned to the soul with requests for help.

The worst punishment for the Egyptians was not death, but the possibility of refusal of burial. This applied to people leading a criminal lifestyle; after execution, they could be given to be torn to pieces by wild animals and not buried.

For many centuries the Slavs had a real cult of their ancestors; their souls must be in heaven. The dead were “clean” and “unclean”; this division occurred depending on how the person’s death occurred. The dead bore the name of their parents in a “decent” manner, hence the name of Parents’ Day, when all deceased relatives are remembered. The second category included suicides, drowned people, drunkards, whose lives were ended intentionally or as a result of their indecent lifestyle. They were feared even after death, believing that they could harm living people, so a wooden stake was driven into the corpse so that they could not get up.

The ancient Slavs believed that after death not only the activity of a person’s soul, but also his body could be preserved. Spirit was understood as subtle matter, something weightless and barely noticeable, like a mist. At the same time, the Slavs did not make clear divisions between the spiritual and the material; they explained this as different states of the same substance.

In Buddhism, the concept of “taking refuge” is common. This means receiving some protection from higher powers, accepting the teacher’s karma, and taking on greater responsibility. This is something like an additional chance for a person to achieve enlightenment. In fact, this whole ritual looks like this: the lama touches his palm to the forehead of a person who has stood in a whole line and pronounces a spell, which says that from now on every moment of this person’s life is filled with teaching, and he needs to live up to his position. Anyone can come to the seminars without restrictions, and only those who have completed the training are accepted for practical classes.

Despite the difference in the idea and understanding of the soul among different nations, they are united by the fact that people sincerely believe in it, understanding its importance in their lives. There are no immortals, at the end of the path everyone faces the same end, but what the path after death will be depends on the person during life. The most correct thing is to live according to your conscience, not to betray yourself and not to commit illegal acts. Life is multifaceted and you need to learn to see the positive sides in it, protect yourself as much as possible from negative information and surround yourself with the right people.

The human soul is an immense world full of mystery. Man is of particular value, since he is endowed not only with a mortal physical body, but also with an eternal spiritual one. The soul is the essence of a person, since it determines what he is like in the eyes of Allah. The hadith says: “Allah Almighty does not look at your appearance and condition, but at your hearts and actions.”

A person wants to comprehend and know the secret of his soul: what it is for, where it comes from and what is the meaning of its existence. How the Quran and the Sunnah of the Messenger (peace be upon him) answer this question:

In the Quran, Allah Almighty says that man will never know the secret of the soul, since it is the mystery of Allah: “They ask you about the soul. Say: “The essence of the soul is one of the secrets of the Almighty, which only He knows. And your knowledge is insignificant compared to His knowledge” [Quran, 17:85].

The soul is a mystery, and it acquires a body even when the child is in the womb: “For each of you, all the components of your creation come together in the womb of your mother by the 40th day. During this period, it becomes like a blood clot, and then after the same period - a chewed piece. After this, an angel is sent to him, who breathes his soul into him. He was given four instructions: write down his destiny, term, deeds and whether he will be unhappy or happy.”

The soul is a mystery, but the believer must strive to know it, to know himself, his weaknesses and strengths. The whole life of a person in this world is the education and improvement of one’s inner self. A person will not take anything with him into another world except his soul, and it is for this that he will be responsible before the Lord.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The most knowledgeable of you about yourself (or about your soul - nafs) is the most knowledgeable about your Lord.”

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) called for the purification of the soul and warned about the importance of keeping one’s soul righteous: “Truly, there is a piece of flesh in the human body, which, being good, makes the whole body good, and being unfit, makes the whole body unusable , and this piece is the heart.”

A person gains faith when he lets Allah into his soul, reveals his soul to Allah, realizes that the soul is His creation and it will return to Him. The soul finds peace only from the awareness of its true purpose. The hadith says: “There is no slave who would direct his heart towards Allah without Allah directing the hearts of the believers towards him.”

A soul that has come to know Allah has also come to know the essence of its existence and has established the boundaries of what is forbidden and what is permitted. “To find out what righteousness is, turn to your heart. Righteousness is that which does not disturb the soul and heart, and sin is that which stirs unkindly in the soul and tosses heavily in the chest.”

The soul of a believer is valuable to the Almighty. Allah will certainly bestow his blessings on him. The hadith says about the soul of a believer:

“The heart of a believer is open; there is a shining lamp in it. The heart of an unbeliever (kafir) is black, overturned.”

“If a slave secludes himself with his Master in a dark night and begins to talk to Him, Allah will light a light in his heart.”

“There is no slave who, for forty days, would sincerely devote his deeds to Allah alone, lest Allah cause springs of wisdom to flow from his heart to his tongue.”

“Allah the Almighty says: “I will be what My servant considers Me to be, and I am with him when he remembers Me. If he remembers Me in his soul, then I will remember him in My soul, and if he remembers Me in the company (of other people), then I will remember him among those who are better than them. If a slave approaches Me by an inch, I will approach him by an elbow, if He approaches Me by an elbow, I will approach him by a fathom, and if he approaches Me at a walk, then I will rush to him at a run!”

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that a body devoid of consciousness is just an empty shell. Not long ago, scientists discovered that even in patients in a coma, the brain continues to partially function. However, is thinking related to the brain? Recently, scientists have doubted that our consciousness is even part of the body.

A group of American researchers led by anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff announced that they were able to prove the possibility of the existence of the soul after death. In his report, Hameroff argues that our soul is something more fundamental than a collection of neural connections. “I think that consciousness, or its predecessor, has always existed in the Universe, perhaps since the Big Bang,” says the scientist.

Thus, the soul is not at all born with a person, but only moves into our body from somewhere outside, and leaves it when we die. Therefore, at the moment of dying, our consciousness fixes the “white light” or “tunnel” - this is the soul “flying away” into the vastness of the Universe, where it was originally located.

True, this is not proof yet, but rather a hypothesis. But numerous cases of reincarnation (when people “remember” their “past lives”, talk about things that could only be known to their “predecessors”), as well as the belief in the transmigration of souls, characteristic of Eastern teachings, indirectly indicate that Hameroff and his colleagues may be right. By the way, this theory perfectly explains the fact that a coma state can sometimes change a person’s personality - but what if another quantum entity simply inhabits him? Well, of course, we are more accustomed to calling it the soul...

Indirect evidence of the existence of the soul, that is, a certain out-of-body substance, was recently obtained by Peter Fenwick from the London Institute of Psychiatry and Sam Parina from Southampton Central Clinic. After studying the medical records of 63 patients who experienced clinical death due to cardiac arrest, they found that none of them had a decrease in oxygen concentration in the tissues of the central nervous system after the cessation of brain activity. But if the brain did not control the body, then what controlled it?

In turn, American cardiologist Michael Sub compared the stories of 116 people who also experienced clinical death with real events that took place at the time when they were “on the other side of consciousness.” And it turned out that these patients often described in detail the actions of doctors over their lifeless bodies, and sometimes what was happening in other places, for example, in neighboring wards or even at their home... In general, there is no doubt that there is a certain substance that is connected to our body, but at the same time is able to function independently of it. This is the soul or consciousness.

What about the brain? It is curious that this organ makes up only two percent of the body's volume, but at the same time consumes up to 50 percent of all the energy produced by the body. This may indicate that the brain is the receiver through which consciousness communicates with the body. When the “battery” dies, consciousness also turns off. Or rather, it is present, but outside the body. And in old age, people begin to think worse, since the body can no longer produce the amount of energy sufficient to maintain the functioning of the brain... In a word, the brain is not a source of consciousness at all, but a transmitter.

But where do our souls, or rather our disembodied selves, live when they are outside the body? It is unlikely that we can talk about any specific habitat here. Yes, they can sometimes be seen in the form of ghosts in different places, including those where a person often visited during his lifetime. But science still doesn’t really know anything about the nature of ghosts. It is possible that they, or at least part of them, have nothing to do with real “souls” and are only creations of someone’s consciousness, visions and so on. As for the question: “Where does the soul go after death?” - then, in order to answer it, one should think in completely different categories than the concepts of space and even time that are familiar to us.