"Bezhin Meadow": characteristics of boys. Work by I.S.

  • 28.12.2023

The story "Bezhin Meadow" is written by the author on his own behalf. We are talking about the time of hunting for black grouse, when, having gotten lost and following the light of a fire, he ended up in a vast meadow, which was called among the locals Bezhin. There were five peasant boys there, near whom the hunter stayed overnight. While observing them, he described their appearance and features. Among them was Vanya, these guys live hard, but maintain high moral qualities, demand a lot from others and from themselves too.

Among the characters in the story, Vanya is the smallest, this blond boy is 7 years old, he stands out with his blue eyes and blush, and has a calm, quiet disposition. When everyone was talking, he was sleeping, and after waking up he admired the sky. He compared the stars to a swarm of bees, which he told his comrades about.

Characteristics of Vanya

The narrator speaks about Van last, this is explained by his young age and inconspicuousness, because the boy is quiet and shy. His appearance only emphasizes his vulnerability and youth, his eyes are described as large, quiet and ready to take in everything with wonder. His voice is quiet and sweet, the boy’s slight burr makes his speech childishly sweet, and he props up his fresh face with his small fists.

Vanya's main features are as follows:

  • calm disposition. The boy is obedient to his elders and does not cause them any trouble, which is why they take him with them when grazing horses;
  • modesty. The boy does not seek to attract attention, he does not participate in conversations, and does not interrupt anyone. Even unnecessary movements are not made under the matting;
  • meek. Vanya does everything without haste, even peeks out from under the matting slowly;
  • timid. The guys around were older and more experienced, Vanya was so shy that he didn’t even eat the potatoes;
  • attentive. He listened to conversations with attention and without distraction;
  • sensitivity. The boy has been in rural conditions since birth, but the beauty of nature and his native area does not bore him and continues to amaze him;
  • sincerity. Only once Vanya attracted the attention of the children, affectionately calling the stars stars, showing his childish delight;
  • caring. Vanya is not spoiled and really wants a gift, but he loves his sister more and takes the gift for her. At such a young age, the boy is already beginning to perceive the world from an adult point of view;
  • kindness. Vanya emphasizes Anyutka’s kindness, so we can conclude that he himself possesses this quality.

Vanya’s role in the work, what he symbolizes

Vanya cannot be called the main character, because the hunter did not notice him for a long time. While others told stories, the boy just lay quietly. Initially it seemed that he was sleeping, but in reality the boy just turned out to be very modest. The boys in Turgenev's story acquired quite mature qualities; even the youngest Vanya sincerely loves his family and thinks like an adult.

The author wanted to show through the guys and Vanya that even young age does not interfere with the presence of many positive character traits. Little Vanya puts his sister’s interests above his own desires, showing strength of spirit. By his behavior, Turgenev showed that close people should be taken care of, how important friendship and support are.

“Bezhin Meadow” is a story by I. S. Turgenev, included in the collection “Notes of a Hunter.” During the creation of this I spent a lot of time in the village. His main interlocutors were hunters, who were very different from the rest of the villagers. It was these stories, as well as the amazing nature, that served as inspiration for the creation of the series “Notes of a Hunter.” The story “Bezhin Meadow” is a small work, replete with descriptions of beautiful and serene Russian landscapes.

The story begins with the fact that one warm July day a hunter gets lost in the forest. He wanders for a long time along unknown paths, but still cannot find his way home. Already completely desperate and almost falling into a cliff, the hunter suddenly notices a fire. Out of nowhere, two large dogs run out to meet him, barking, followed by village boys. The hunter learns that the guys came to graze the horses at night, since during the day the animals are haunted by insects and heat.

Having modestly settled under a bush next to the fire, the traveler pretends to be sleeping, although in reality he is watching the boys. The hunter does not want to embarrass them, so he does not show that he sees and hears everything. The guys, having relaxed a little, resume the interrupted communication. The Bezhin meadow rings and shimmers with their voices.

Characteristics of boys. Appearance Features

There are five guys around the fire: Fedya, Pavlusha, Vanya, Kostya and Ilyusha. Bezhin meadow is the name of the place where they drove the horses to graze. Fedya is the oldest in appearance, he is about 14 years old. At first glance, the hunter understands that the boy is from a rich family, and that he came with the guys not out of need, but for fun. This can be seen in his manner of communication, in his neat new clothes and in his delicate facial features.

The second boy is Pavlusha. Behind his outward unattractiveness lies an amazing strength of character. The boy immediately evokes great sympathy from the hunter. Despite the fact that he is only twelve years old, Pavel behaves like the oldest. He calms the boys down when something frightens them; his every word exudes prudence and courage. The story “Bezhin Meadow” is a work in which Turgenev with special love describes ordinary peasant children, each of whom represents the future of the country.

Ilyusha is the same age as Pavlusha. He has an unremarkable face, on which lies the imprint of painful concern for something. It is Ilyusha who tells the most stories; he is distinguished by his ability to convey the essence of what happened well and captivatingly. The work “Bezhin Meadow” consists of such stories. The characteristics of the boys given in the story emphasize the individuality of each narrator.

Kostya is a boy with attentive and sad eyes. His freckled face is adorned with huge black eyes, shining with an incomprehensible brilliance, as if he wants to say something important, but cannot. He is about ten years old.

The last boy, the youngest, Vanya. At first the hunter does not notice him, since the child lies with his head covered in matting. He is a seven year old boy with curly hair. He doesn't tell a single story, but the author admires his childish purity of thinking.

Each of the guys does his own thing and at the same time carries on a conversation. Bezhin meadow echoes them in silence. The boys' stories are of great interest to the hunter, so he tries with all his might to pretend that he is sleeping.


Ilyusha begins his story first. He says that he heard the brownie when he and the guys stayed overnight on the roller after work. The spirit made a noise and noise over the guys' heads, coughed and disappeared.


The next incident that Kostya heard about from his father. Once Gavrila, a carpenter, went into the forest and met a beautiful mermaid there. She called for Gavrila for a long time, but he did not give in. And when he felt that he had no strength left to resist, he made the sign of the cross over himself. The mermaid began to cry and said that he, too, would shed tears with her all his life. After this, no one saw the carpenter cheerful again. Turgenev ("Bezhin Meadow") seems to put the boys' stories into one big hunter's story.


Ilyusha talks about the dog dog Ermil, who, returning home late, saw a small lamb on the grave of a drowned man. He took it for himself, but it turned out that the soul of the dead man had entered the animal.

Suddenly the dogs jump from their places and rush into the darkness. Pavlusha, without hesitation, runs after them to check what’s wrong. It seems to him that the wolf has snuck too close to them. It turned out that this was not the case. The hunter involuntarily fell in love with the boy, he was so handsome and brave at that moment. Turgenev paints the image of Pavlusha with special love. “Bezhin Meadow” is a story that, although it ends on a minor note, still glorifies the victory of good over evil.

Restless gentleman

Ilyusha continues his story with rumors about the deceased master. Once his grandfather Trofim met him and asked what he was looking for. The deceased replied that he needed a gap-grass. This means that the master lived too little, he wanted to escape from the grave.


Next, Ilyusha talks about how you can meet those who are about to die soon. Grandma Ulyana first saw the boy Ivashka, who drowned soon after, and then herself. Bezhin Meadow evokes strange and sometimes scary images. The boys' stories are real evidence of this.


Pavlusha picks up the conversation with her story about a solar eclipse. There was a legend in their village that at the moment when the sun closed in the sky, Trishka would come. This will be an unusual and crafty person who will begin to tempt all Christian believers with sin.

Leshy and water goblin

Next in line is a story from Ilyusha. He talks about how a goblin led one village man through the forest, but he barely fought him off. This story smoothly flows into the story about the merman. Once upon a time there lived a girl named Akulina, she was very beautiful. After the merman attacked her, she began to walk. Now Akulina walks all black, in torn clothes and laughs for no reason.

The merman also destroys the local boy Vasya. His mother, anticipating trouble from the water, with great excitement lets him go swimming. However, he still cannot save him. The boy is drowning.

The fate of Pavlusha

At this time, Pavel decides to go down to the river to get water. He returns excited. To the guys’ question, he answers that he heard Vasya’s voice, that he was calling him to him. The boys cross themselves and say that this is a bad omen. It was not for nothing that Bezhin Meadow spoke to him. The characteristics of the boys reveal each individual image, veiledly depicting children.

Morning and return home

Waking up early in the morning, the hunter decides that it is time to return home. He quietly gets ready and approaches the sleeping boys. Everyone is asleep, only Pavlusha raises her head and looks at him. The hunter nods his head to the boy and leaves. Bezhin Meadow says goodbye to him. The characteristics of boys require special attention. After finishing reading it is worth re-watching it.

The story ends with the words that Paul subsequently dies. The boy does not drown, as the boys' stories predict, he falls from his horse and is killed.

In his story “Bezhin Meadow,” Turgenev talks about his chance meeting with village boys. All of them are the main characters of “Bezhin Meadow”, they are peasant children, whom the writer describes in his work with great love and tenderness. He gives each his own characteristics, describing the appearance of the heroes, whose names are Vanya, Kostya, Ilyusha, Pavlusha, Fyodor, and their tales heard around the fire. This story is part of Turgenev’s cycle, under the general title “Notes of a Hunter,” and reveals the rich inner world of children.

Characteristics of the heroes of “Bezhin Meadow”

Main characters


He has irregular facial features, but the intelligent and direct look of his gray eyes and the strength in his voice compensate for the boy’s unsightly appearance. He is about 14 years old and enjoys authority among his comrades. He speaks knowledgeably about natural phenomena, does not believe in omens, and is a realist. Brave and decisive. He comes from a poor peasant family and wears patched clothes. At the end of the story, the author reports that Pavlusha fell to his death after falling from a horse.


The oldest in the company, a boy from a wealthy family, well and richly dressed. Traveling at night is not a way for him to make money, but simply entertainment. A handsome, blond boy, feeling superior to other children, behaves patronizingly. Mostly listens to boys' stories. He is kind and affectionate, inquires about the health of his younger sister Vanya, and asks him to tell her to come and visit. Knowing about the poverty of Vanya’s family, he promises gifts.


Appearing to be about twelve years old, his inconspicuous appearance conveys a feeling of constant preoccupation. Clean and neatly dressed, he works in a paper factory with his older brother. Responsible, it feels like he knows the value of money. Without boasting, he speaks with pride about his belonging to the working class. A very superstitious boy, he knows a lot of folk superstitions, which he sincerely believes in, and therefore is a little cowardly.


A small and frail boy of about ten years old, sickly in appearance. From an extremely poor family, very poorly dressed. The freckled, pointed face resembles a squirrel. The sad and thoughtful look of large and shiny black eyes attracts attention. A little cowardly, but still loves to go out at night and listen to scary tales. A kind and compassionate boy.


The most inconspicuous boy of the whole company, small, about seven years old. He lies under the mat all the time, utters only a few words, from which it is clear that he is a kind and sympathetic boy with romantic inclinations. He treats his younger sister with love and tenderness and refuses promised gifts in her favor. He has curly brown hair, and a childish face with quiet, kind eyes, when he speaks, he burrs a little.

Minor characters

This is a short description of the characters in the story “Bezhin Meadow” whose heroes, ordinary village boys, give a general idea of ​​the difficult peasant life. Lack of education helps to strengthen children's faith in otherworldly forces, and worries about a piece of bread lead to their early adulthood. According to Turgenev's contemporaries, the types of Russian peasants constituted a new class, worthy of their detailed description in literature.

Vanya was the last of the five boys to whom the narrator paid attention. After all, he was the smallest and most inconspicuous.

Vanya is no more than seven years old. He has blond and curly hair, which only emphasizes his young age. Large and quiet eyes examined everything carefully and were ready to be surprised. He propped up his fresh face with his small fists. Vanya's voice corresponded to his age. Childish, he was cute and cuddly due to the fact that the boy lisped a little.

Vanya is a calm and obedient boy who did not cause trouble to his elders, so they took him with them to graze horses. He also did not interfere in the boys’ conversations, did not interrupt them, and did not attract unnecessary attention to himself. He didn’t even move under his matting unless unnecessary. And when he looked out from under it, he did it slowly, without haste. Meek is the word that most fully describes his character. Perhaps he was a little shy in the company of older and experienced guys, so he didn’t even eat the cooked potatoes. He listened carefully to their stories, trying to be inconspicuous.

This is a sensitive boy. Despite the fact that he lives in the village all the time, he never ceases to be amazed at the beauty of his native land and admire nature. He attracts the attention of the older children only once - to the starry sky, across which the stars scatter like bees. Such a comparison and the affectionate address of the “star” indicate the sincerity of children’s delight.

From the conversations it is clear that the older guys love Vanya and treat him kindly. They are interested in the health of his sister, knowing with what tenderness Vanya treats her. This modest boy, in a childish impulse, first asks for a gift for himself, but then becomes embarrassed. He, of course, wants to get something tasty, because the boy is clearly not spoiled by food and gifts, but his love for his sister outweighs him, and he prefers to take a gift for her. This is an indicator that at seven years old he is just beginning to grow up and understands that he must take care of his sister. He emphasizes in the conversation that Anyutka’s main advantage is kindness. This means that Vanya himself is a very kind boy, since he appreciates this quality in other people.

Option 2

The author meets the village children at the night fire. They, despite their young age, with the efficiency inherent in adults, graze horses in the “night”. Because it is at night, in the coolness and in the absence of flies and gadflies, that horses can graze peacefully. For village children, it is a big holiday to stay at night in a meadow near a fire and guard a herd of horses. The flames of the fire spread like shadows across the night nature. This instills fear and desire in children to appear brave among their comrades, scaring others. You can tell various horror stories, sometimes very fictional ones about goblins and water creatures.

Turgenev characterizes the youngest of the boys very little. At first the author did not notice him; he lay quietly under his matting and carefully looked at the stars in the sky, which he compared to bees. The ability to sense the subtleties of nature immediately fascinates the author of the work in these children. Vanya was not a participant in the conversation, but he curiously listened to every word of the narrators. Turgenev was touched by this thin seven-year-old boy. Eyes that sparkled with curiosity, kindness and sensitivity. The expression on his face showed a rich inner world. Despite his silence, he mentally participated in the conversation with his whole being. This young boy inspires admiration and respect. One can admire his courage, with which he and his peers stayed overnight in the meadow. One can be respected for his kind, attentive, caring attitude towards nature, with which he merges in order to better understand it. He lies there, practically not breathing. Indeed, in complete silence you can hear the slightest breeze, the rustle of grass, the chirping of a cricket or the hooting of an eagle owl.

These children live in harmony with nature from an early age. They are well versed in the voices of birds, the habits of animals and can easily distinguish rustling sounds. Nature is their home. Turgenev wanted to awaken in the reader a love for illiterate village boys, for their rich inner world, despite their young age and silent character.

Essay Characteristics and image of Vanya

In the story by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev “Bezhin Meadow” there is a story about a hunter who got lost at night and went out into a clearing where there were village children. Children of different ages guarded a herd of horses, and in the morning they drove them back to the village. The narration comes from the hunter himself, and he talks about this unusual acquaintance.

At first the boys treated him with some apprehension and even stopped talking to each other, but soon the awkwardness passed. The hunter lay down under a bush and watched each of the guys. He noted for himself that despite such a young age, the guys were very brave and quite smart.

The traveler examines each of the boys and listens carefully to the stories they tell. Near the fire, the boys told each other scary stories that they had heard in the villages from their relatives. At first, the hunter did not even notice the smallest boy, who looked no more than seven years old. It turned out to be the youngest boy, Vanya, he was lying quietly under the matting.

Vanya sometimes looked out from under the matting, showing his blond, curly head. The boy did not participate in the conversation, but lay and calmly looked at the stars. Only once did he exclaim about how beautiful the stars are in the sky and that they looked exactly like a swarm of bees.

It seemed to the hunter at that moment that the boy just wanted to sleep, but later he noticed that the child was simply very modest. When Vanka is asked a question about his sister, the boy speaks warmly about her, even when one of the guys promised Vanya hotels, he refused. The boy said that he didn’t need a gift, but that it would be better if they gave his gift to his sister, because she is very kind and she needs it more.

Describing the boys, Turgenev put into them many qualities that are inherent in adults. Although Vanka was the youngest, he already had boundless love for his loved ones and reasoned like an adult. Ivan Sergeevich wanted to show with his story that the guys had many positive qualities, despite their such a young age. This story can teach readers how to behave in life, how to make friends and try to support loved ones by taking responsibility.

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