What does a tower mean in tarot? The Tower in combination with other tarot cards

  • 28.02.2024

The Major Arcana Tarot card, The Tower, is almost the exact opposite of most cards in the deck. It's all about its negative interpretation and warning nature. In the map image you can see a tall tower with a storm raging around it. In some interpretations, the picture shows how a storm strikes the tower with lightning, causing great destruction.

Arcana Tower is one of the few cards that, in an upright position, speaks of impending troubles or negative changes. But it is quite possible to change the interpretation if the card is in combination with other, more favorable cards. So in the upright position of the Tarot card the Tower means:

It's a triumph, but it comes at too great a cost.
The end of a life stage that is worth crossing over.
Disruption of the normal flow of things.
Internal shocks.
External damage.

In the case of its inverted position, the Tower lasso is not as terrible and catastrophic as in the standard one. In this option, only positive interpretations are taken into account, that is, a certain symbol that misfortunes will finally recede. Often, in the case of a “changeover”, it can be determined that a person has already gone through a certain life crisis and is now only cleaning up the remaining difficulties. An inverted Tower when answering a work question is a symbol of imminent dismissal, but at the same time receiving relief from this decision; career growth is possible when changing jobs.

Fortune telling

Tarot card Tower and work schedule

When the Tower Tarot card comes out, you should expect either a change in activity or dismissal. Moreover, a change of place of work may be accompanied by a conflict situation. Bankruptcy or the impossibility of implementing important projects cannot be ruled out. Moreover, if a fortuneteller has some power, then you should not abuse it.

The financial situation when the Tower Arcana is released is extremely unstable, theft or loss of funds is possible.

Tarot card The Tower and its meaning in relationships

In relationships between lovers, the Tower Tarot card means the imminent onset of change. They will not be easy; you may have to go through a series of conflicts, quarrels, and possible violence of both a psychological and physical nature. Combinations with other cards can either aggravate or even out the situation, but, as a rule, when the Tower Tarot card comes out, the relationship comes to an end.

A direct card means that there will be an inevitable showdown, which will be difficult for both partners. It may be necessary to separate for a while, or move away from each other, but such separation will make the relationship even stronger. In addition, this card means that it is time to develop and renew yourself internally, getting rid of old habits and attitudes.

An inverted Tower card means a painful breakup, emotional breakdowns, quarrels. The period after the end of the relationship will be emotionally difficult, with a hint of deep disappointment. But it should be remembered that nature does not tolerate emptiness, and fate is clearing space for a new, more solid foundation.

Tarot card Tower in combination with other cards

For a complete picture of the interpretation of fortune telling, you do not need to see only the negative meaning of the Tower lasso. It is worth paying attention to the couples who go with her. Thus, some cards soften circumstances or transfer actions to different areas of human life.

Tarot card The Tower in combination with the Major Arcana

With “The Jester” - start over;

With "The Magician" - start from scratch;

With the “High Priestess” - reveal the secret, gaining the necessary knowledge;

With “The Empress” - build your happiness on someone else’s misfortune;

With “Emperor” - destruction in relationships or business;

With “Papa” - the collapse of principles and ideals;

With “Lovers” - parting;

With “Chariot” there is danger on the way;

With “Strength” - to withstand changes;

With “Hermit” - being alone after the end of a relationship;

With the "Wheel of Fortune" - unexpected changes;

With “Justice” - a court decision;

With “The Hanged Man” - accident, change;

With “Death” - a complete change in all areas of life, renewal;

With “Moderation” - successful recovery from destructive events;

With the “Devil” - fraud, losses;

With “Star” - confusion in thoughts and actions;

With “Luna” - trouble;

With the “Sun” - clarity;

With “Court” - opportunities to make changes in your life;

With “Mir” there is complete restoration.

The Tower Tarot card combined with some of the minor arcana

With the “Ace of Wands” - fire;

With the “Two of Wands” there is a dead end;

With the “Four of Wands” - problems in the family;

With the Five of Wands - betrayal;

With the “Nine of Wands” - a wounded ego;

With the Ten of Wands - a difficult event;

With the “Page of Wands” - bad news;

With the “Knight of Wands” - unexpected results;

With the “Queen of Wands” - destroyed goals;

With the “King of Wands” - pessimism.

With the “Ace of Cups” - a difficult end to a relationship;

With the “Four of Cups” - melancholy;

With the “Five of Cups” - loss;

With the “Seven of Cups” - the collapse of illusions;

With the Ten of Cups - meaning in relationships - nothing will be the same as before;

With the “Page of Cups” there is a danger of miscarriage; collapse of plans;

With the “Knight of Cups” - destroyed ideals;

With the “Queen of Cups” - unpleasant events concerning a woman;

With the “King of Cups” - unpleasant events concerning a man.

With the “Ace of Swords” - the impossibility of realizing an idea;

With the Three of Swords - destructive events;

With the Five of Swords - broken pride;

With the “Six of Swords” - avoid danger;

With the Eight of Swords - punishment;

With the “Nine of Swords” - a difficult experience;

With the “Page of Swords” - break your word;

There is a conflict with the “Knight of Swords”;

With the “Queen of Swords” - loss;

With the “King of Swords” the situation will get out of control;

With the “Ace of Pentacles” - material losses;

With the Five of Pentacles - problems with real estate;

With the Eight of Pentacles - loss of position;

With the “Nine of Pentacles” - a bad investment;

With the Ten of Pentacles - problems in the family;

With the “Page of Pentacles” - troubles in learning;

With the “Knight of Pentacles” - passive existence;

With the “Queen of Pentacles” - material dependence;

The “King of Pentacles” is a failed affair.

The Tower Tarot card can show life not in a rosy light, but such changes always provide a full-fledged experience of getting out of the current situation. And the faster the problems are solved without dwelling on them, the faster the stage of joy will come. The main thing is not to perceive the problems that come as inevitable; there is always light at the end of the tunnel. And no cards can stop this.

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Description of the Tarot card “THE TOWER”

The sixteenth Arcana of the Tarot depicts a tower crowned with a crown, collapsing from a lightning strike. Two human figures fall from the tower, which symbolizes the destruction of the previous chimeras that openness and interaction with the outside world brings to man. In other words, a person builds something new, perhaps on the ruins of the old, but there comes a moment when the ultimate goal of human effort not only attracts him to itself, but also sends painful blows. At such a time, it may seem that everything is lost, but later knowledge comes: if a blow follows, it means that another stage of ascent has been completed.

General meaning and interpretation of the TOWER Tarot card in layouts

Direct card position

The Arcanum Tower says that for quite a long time we considered our position stable and safe, and suddenly everything collapsed. It is precisely those structures that we have already surpassed that are collapsing, and they have become cramped for us. We can talk about our beliefs or life principles, as well as about work, finances, relationships that seemed stable and unchanging to us. In any case, the Tower symbolizes a certain concept that for a long time provided us with confidence in the future, and perhaps a sense of security, and now no longer corresponds to our increased level. This usually comes as a surprise to us: when an old concept suddenly collapses, many people perceive it as a lightning strike. And since the very structures that formed the very basis of our confidence are collapsing, it often looks like a disaster. But when the first shock passes, we see that we have gotten rid of the long-standing ballast.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Tower speaks of a strong dependence on existing circumstances that cannot currently be changed - opportunities are limited, and individuality is oppressed. You walk along the same road, live according to the old, familiar pattern.

The meaning and interpretation of the TOWER card in fortune telling for work, business and career

Direct card position

The changes will be so unexpected that they threaten to come as a shock to you. The experiences associated with this can very significantly undermine your position as a whole, become a threat to security, significant monetary or property losses. However, the Tower card may also indicate that this is all a necessary transformation. Often, the destruction of the old system is necessary to gain greater independence and freedom of expression.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Arcana Tower additionally reports that upcoming changes may manifest themselves in the form of dismissal at the will of the employer.

The meaning and interpretation of the TOWER card in health layouts

Direct card position

The tower can predict exacerbation of diseases, accidents, injuries, sudden attacks, strokes and heart attacks. Sometimes indicates hospitalization. Problem areas: spine, head, heart.

Reversed card position

The crisis is over, recovery and restoration of strength awaits.

The meaning and interpretation of the TOWER card in fortune telling for love and relationships

Direct card position

In layouts for love and relationships, the Tower card speaks of the sudden destruction of familiar things, the collapse of illusions, insight, the exposure of things or events hidden from prying eyes. Arcanum indicates a difficult situation or stage in a relationship when communication becomes too emotional due to sudden dramatic events or the revelation of an important secret. Relationships or conditions of existence will never be the same again, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to rebuild them from the ruins. This card advises you to forget the past, which has become cramped, and move towards the new.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Tower may be an indication that the fortuneteller himself is bringing confusion into the relationship, hiding from problems behind a solid wall of ostentatious composure, stubbornness and inaccessibility. But now the time has come to leave these walls towards a new, in all respects, fruitful union.

The meaning and interpretation of the TOWER card in personality assessment layouts

Direct card position

The Sixteenth Arcana Tower describes an aggressive, selfish person who will cause unexpected changes in the fortuneteller’s life, which can cause the latter to have attacks of anger and irritation.

Reversed card position

Most often, the Tower in an inverted position indicates a person experiencing stress.

Meaning and interpretation of the TOWER card as a card of the year

The coming year may become a time of liberation for you, if, of course, you yourself want to free yourself from something. Check whether your approach to some things is too narrow and one-sided, whether the values ​​that you value so much are too illusory? If you notice that a conflict arises here, retreat, let everything take its course, because the more you fight, the sooner the situation will force you to give up your position. Find the courage to break free from old ideas, rules and circumstances. View these changes not as a meaningless blow of fate, but as a necessary change of course and a decisive step towards further growth.

Work and finances. In this area, the Tower card foreshadows a possible change of job or dismissal, closure of a company, or, in a calmer situation, an unexpected collapse of plans that seemed completely reliable. But, no matter how crushing such a blow may seem to you, you will soon feel that you have finally gotten out of prison, although before it seemed quite cozy to you.

Personal relationships. In this area, the card may foretell the collapse of previous relationships that seemed stable and unchanging, or a very severe test of love or friendship, after which the opinion of loved ones changes.

Health status. Here the card predicts “sudden” illnesses - fractures, injuries, accidents, wounds, burns.

Top card tip. Stop clinging to old habits. Find the strength within yourself for a decisive breakthrough, expand your narrow boundaries, free yourself from the prison of everyday life, and then you will find new goals and opportunities.

Meaning and interpretation of the TOWER card as a card of the day

Today a surprise awaits you, which could turn into an amazing discovery, but it could also become a significant hindrance, disappointed expectations. If the sudden collapse of plans upsets or angers you, then do not forget that the Tower card ultimately means the breaking of boundaries that have become too tight or liberation from outdated ideas. Later you will stop regretting what did not come true today.

Advice from the TOWER card in fortune telling

You yourself became the cause of all your troubles, the unpleasant situation in which you now find yourself. Unfortunately, nothing can be corrected, so the best thing now is to simply wait out the streak of failures.

The Tower in the tarot is the sixteenth Major Arcana and carries in the reading greater significance. Basically, the map image shows a building that is burning and collapsing. The meaning is approximately the same: the question for which the alignment is made no longer makes sense, the questioner should prepare for a new stage of life.

General meaning of the Tower card

The card itself has a rather positive meaning, but when combined with negative cards such as the devil or dozens of swords, a person should prepare for the worst case scenario: destruction with all the ensuing consequences cannot be avoided.

But not everything is so bad; the card itself means, rather, changes that were expected. For example, if we recall the collapse of the ruble/dollar exchange rate, then there were prerequisites for this in the form of a fall in oil prices. Of course, for many citizens this turn of events was unexpected, but some anticipated this outcome. You can look at this event and from a positive point of view, especially for those who held assets in dollars, therefore, when the Tower lasso falls out, it is worth preparing for drastic changes, which the questioner will probably guess about. Changes may be favorable or not - it depends on other cards in the layout.

The planets Mars, Uranus, Saturn and Pluto influence the lasso. In their interaction they amount to rapid, global and karmic destruction. By nature, the card is subordinate to the zodiac sign Scorpio, symbolizing transformation and emotionality. It is the sixteenth lasso.

Straight position

In the upright position, the lasso carries the meaning of complex changes that are expected. The exact meaning of the changes will be told by the arcana located in the layout near the Tower. If they are favorable, but weaker than the destructive lasso, then their meaning will be changed in a negative direction.

The Arcana Tower also has a favorable outcome, but at the same time the questioner will have to endure losses that he did not expect. For example, a person has long wanted to build his own house, he expected one amount, but the final cost of construction turned out to be twice as much. To keep the process going, he had to take out a loan, which means that in the future he will suffer losses due to construction.

And also in the scenario for the future, the Tower lasso can speak of a complete change in the life of the questioner. All stable processes and stability will be destroyed, and a person will have to completely change. The changes are painful, because the questioner will not even notice how quickly a revolution will occur in life.

In general, the Tower card in an upright position speaks of rapid changes in the external and internal world of the questioner. Most often, changes are painful for a person, because all old habits and visions of the world are instantly destroyed - it’s like the death of a grandfather or grandmother, which happens instantly, but such a loss brings great pain. Because of it, the person begins to get used to a more difficult life, because a loved one is no longer there, but, on the other hand, it makes the person stronger. After the death of a relative, you will not have to wait for help in difficult times, because a sincerely loving person is no longer alive. Thus, we can describe the influence of the Tower Arcana.

Inverted position

Unlike most meanings of inverted cards, the Tower in this position has an even more painful effect than in the upright one. The person will accept the ongoing losses and changes through force, but will not want to come to terms with reality and may fall into long-term depression. In an inverted position, the Tower card will not give concessions and those located nearby in the layout favorable arcana will not influence properly - they themselves will be painted in a negative tone. This is a temporary phenomenon, but unlike a card in an upright position, an inverted lasso makes the process longer and more difficult.

According to another opinion, the card still has a less negative meaning: the lasso means the end of the black streak in a situation where things can’t get any worse. Perhaps life will continue to go downhill, but the person will come to terms with this and eventually find a way out of the difficult situation. But this is at best - in reality, he may become very accustomed to crisis situations and will not try to change them. With such an attitude, he will only delay the moment of truth and destruction of the established reality, which did not allow him to move forward. This can be compared to a toad who decides to settle in a swamp: she also needs land, but the swamp has become more comfortable for her, and she does not want to remember the land.

Interpretation of cards in tarot layouts

If the sixteenth lasso as a whole carries a destructive outcome, then if it falls into a certain area of ​​a person’s life, he will have to completely change his opinion about it. For example, if the questioner decided to make a career alignment in the current work environment, then the Tower card speaks of collapse and high-profile dismissal.

The meaning of the card in relationships

At love situation The value of the Tower can be as follows:

The appearance of a lasso in a reading can have two meanings depending on the situation. In the first case, with accumulated problems and understatements, people will decide to release them. This will develop into a major conflict and a strong quarrel, but the lasso controlled by Scorpio will eventually translate this into an energy exchange: a powerful sexual impulse will appear between the couple. What has been accumulating for months, and perhaps years, will come out. This can be predicted by the situation in the couple; if the relationship seemed driven into a corner, and there was no way out in sight, then this is the likely outcome of this situation.

Perhaps someone in the couple felt depressed, like a prisoner in prison. The Tower card shows the collapse of a building, which means this prison will be destroyed. The situation may occur due to outside interference, because no one will listen to the prisoner. In most cases, after this there is nothing holding him prisoner, which means he is more likely to run away from such a relationship. With strong affection and love, people will still stay together, but the “prison manager” should change his attitude towards his other half; when re-imprisoned, she will no longer tolerate this.

In the second case, the destruction of a long-term and serious relationship may occur. And also a harsh truth may emerge that will change the partners’ opinions about each other. Perhaps someone hid information about a past relationship, and this will confuse the partner. For example, people want to conceive a child, but for a long time they have not been able to do so. They end up going to the doctors, and it turns out that their partner’s abortion could have contributed to this. for a long time which she was hiding. Naturally, this fact will lead the man into a dead end, and what will upset him most is that she didn’t tell him anything. After this incident, they will seriously think about ending the relationship.

Sudden loss of a partner may also occur. This situation is much more difficult to bear, because the living spouse also loves the other half, and she suddenly leaves him. After this, deep depression and lack of love for life are possible. It’s as if a person is losing ground from under his feet, and the only thing that can make him live is a possible common child.

For a lonely questioner, the sixteenth lasso is favorable. In a relationship scenario, he talks about the long-awaited second half. His character is influenced by other cards located nearby. For example, with the arcana of Lovers and a strong card of the suit of cups, a person will experience mutual and happy love. With negative cards, there will be short-term relationships that are unlikely to be mutual, and sometimes can bring the couple to a loud end, in which all loved ones will suffer. For example, the rapid development of a relationship that promises a wedding, but at the last moment the relationship is destroyed due to the skeptical look of the parents of one of the parties.

Work, career and business

In this case, the card carries the following meanings for fortune telling professional activity and attachments:

  • Unexpected dismissal and job change.
  • Unfair and controversial promotion of a colleague.
  • Destruction of business by government officials or people of authority.
  • Pointless investments in risky projects.

When it comes to work and career, the Tower lasso is negative. He indicates an unexpected dismissal that will not be discussed. This may be due to new faces in leadership positions with whom positive relationships have just begun. This will only add to the suddenness and lack of understanding of what is happening, but a person should look forward and look for a new job, there is no turning back.

And also an unfair promotion may occur to a person with whom a long and persistent struggle was waged. After this, a person can have a strong conflict with management, which will ultimately lead to his demotion, and even dismissal, therefore, if an unfair and controversial situation arises, it is better for a person not to show his character and be content with what he has, so as not to lose his job. When the sixteenth lasso falls out, it is better to take this advice and not start a war with the leadership.

When fortune telling about the success of your own enterprise or investment, the appearance of the Tower card leads to collapse. This will be influenced by negative forces from outside. Perhaps a senior government official will not like the way development is going and he will decide to carry out many checks, which, naturally, will reveal any discrepancies. After this, the entrepreneur may give up and nothing will be interesting to him, because the business in which he invested so much effort and money instantly and without a trace collapsed, and there is no point in resisting the state, everything has already been decided.

Investments will also not bring what the questioner expected. If favorable cards appear, he may not lose anything, but he will not be able to make money on investments. In the worst case, a person will lose all his funds and find himself in a dead end, because he could have high hopes for assets, which is why he risked all his money, so the questioner, if the Tower appears in the scenario, it is better to immediately start withdrawing all funds from risky projects, so as not to be left behind without means of subsistence.

Health status

In general, the card carries the following meanings when considering health status:

The appearance of the sixteenth lasso in the scenario does not bode well, but it can also indicate the end of a long illness. The card speaks of all types of fractures and injuries, accompanied by severe and acute pain, and this will happen quite suddenly. When divining a sick person who has been in serious condition for a long time, the Tower card can tell about his speedy recovery and healing. After all, it is destructive in nature to the established, and the fact that close people and doctors thought it was impossible will happen. True, such a recovery will require great sacrifices, and perhaps residual consequences will accompany the person in the future.

In addition to fractures, this lasso speaks of severe poisoning, accompanied by high fever, vomiting and severe diarrhea. It will not be easy for a person, and he will have to endure more than one day to remove toxins from the body.

Mental disorders are also possible, because the patron of the card is Scorpio, who is responsible for strong emotionality, sometimes going beyond the brink. They will be associated precisely with inadequate manifestations of aggression and strange actions. Schizophrenia and departure from reality follows a different arcana.

Sometimes, when associated with negative arcana such as Death, the Devil or dozens of swords, the card can speak of unexpected death.

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Main meaning of the card

Straight position

The Tower is one of the most complex Arcana, because carrying the idea of ​​destruction, it creates a message for progress and overcoming problems. It is the Tower that contains much of what happens “suddenly” - insight, awareness, desire to fight, breakthrough. The “negative” coloring of the Arcana arises because all these processes - breakthrough, insight, and understanding - are usually painful and associated with crises, conflict, and destructive emotions. But few people can readily accept the fact that inviolability and peace must be left behind, and new stability still needs to be achieved and must be earned.

Some of the combinations of the Tower with other Arcana are very indicative. With the Jester, this card is interpreted as liberation; with the Priestess - as comprehension of deep secrets and intimate knowledge, the path to which was long and difficult; with the Court - as an unprecedented opportunity, a unique chance to change your life; with Death - dramatic changes, a new stage of life.

Inverted position

The inverted Tower symbolizes a painful awareness of ongoing injustice, blows of fate, depression, disasters (destruction, fires, etc.), serious illness, bankruptcy. And all this without “mitigating” circumstances. Of course, “this too shall pass,” but the dark streak of life in the case of an inverted Tower is usually long-lasting and painful. If the Tower fell upside down along with Justice, then we are talking about an inevitable and severe, although somewhere fair, punishment; if with the Hierophant - the collapse of former beliefs and ideals; with the Wheel of Fortune - “spears in the wheels” that arise in some business, undertaking, or intention.

Love and relationships

Straight position

For relationships, the Tower is a difficult but necessary showdown, a forced separation (together with the Moon - unexpected), which, as further events will show, will subsequently strengthen feelings, as well as overdue changes and liberation from an unwanted partner (especially with Lovers). The Tower indicates the need to free ourselves from our own “armor”, which we ourselves build from habits, stereotypes, dogmas that we consider unshakable. And come out to meet a new, fresh vision of your problems. In addition, combinations of this Arcanum with the suit of Cups are interesting and characteristic for love scenarios. For example, the Tower, which appears in a scenario paired with the Ace of Cups, is interpreted as a crisis in a relationship that was considered deep and eternal, and with the Two of Cups - as an unsuccessful or broken date.

Inverted position

A tower in an inverted position speaks of an emotional explosion, a breakdown in relationships, and very unpleasant experiences. In fact, here we are dealing with a loss that will not be easy to survive, or with experiences that can poison life for a long time even after they are in the past. It is the inverted Tower that indicates great disappointment from love, that a person is abandoned, betrayed, forgotten. It is loneliness after a breakup that is symbolized by the inverted Tower, if it is strengthened by the Hermit. And when Strength appears next to such an Arcanum, this means that a person will need all his willpower and common sense to resist the blow of fate.


Straight position

For the professional sphere, the Tower predicts serious, even cardinal changes, the termination of a project (development, research). This card suggests that a person is required to be more inventive and ready for atypical, unconventional, unexpected actions, words, and judgments. The tower suggests that it is absolutely necessary to go beyond the existing framework, since it has become cramped or turned into a vicious, vicious circle. For a more specific interpretation, you should pay attention to the cards associated with the Tower in the layout. For example, the Magician is very characteristic in this regard; this combination is like a call to give up everything, burn bridges behind you and start all over from scratch.

Inverted position

For career plans, the inverted Tower is a clear warning of significant problems and difficulties. Such an Arcanum can mean big money problems, shameful resignation from a position, failures in performing responsible work. In addition, an inverted Tower with the Empress means that someone will profit from other people's problems (that is, from the problems of the one who is being told fortunes). And the inverted Tower with the Ace of Wands is a fiasco of an undertaking that seemed very promising and interesting.

Do not limit yourself to the small, “bird in hand.” This is not your level. And even if moving towards a big goal will involve significant challenges, you must move forward. With the right amount of effort, you will be able to overcome all difficulties.

Each Tarot sign has its own interpretation and points to events of the present and future. The Major Arcana Tower symbolizes breakthrough, life changes. However, the interpretation depends on the purpose of fortune telling. The special meaning of the Tarot Tower is in relationships and love.

General meaning of the card

The meaning of the Tower card will change depending on which major arcana fell along with it in the layout.

This lasso is a symbol of destruction, an incentive to develop, move forward, and overcome obstacles. It indicates enlightenment. However, there is also a negative side of the symbol, which is associated with conflicts, crises, internal imbalance, mental disorders and other unpleasant circumstances that cause insight.

Value in upright position

The appearance of a symbol in an upright position in the layout means dramatic changes.

This lasso prophesies victories for which you will have to pay. Stability will soon be disrupted, so you need to prepare for it. Sometimes the meaning of the lasso is deciphered as the end of an important life period.

The lasso also predicts a change in values, views, life principles and guidelines, and getting rid of a heavy burden. If you interpret the map on a large scale, it will indicate a disaster, a murder.

Reversed meaning

An inverted lasso speaks of injustice, stressful situations, serious health problems, financial difficulties, and natural disasters.

Such a difficult stage in life will drag on and bring suffering. Sometimes the lasso indicates denial of problems, such as alcohol addiction. The card advises making compromises, avoiding disputes and resolving all conflicts peacefully.

Also, the appearance of an inverted symbol in the layout means a person’s dependence on other people, on the opinions of society. This card signals that you should be more careful to notice the signs of fate. In a difficult situation, it is better to postpone important matters.

Meaning in love and relationships

When fortune telling for love, the lasso foreshadows the need for a break, which in the future will only intensify feelings and strengthen relationships.

It means dramatic changes in life, getting rid of an unsuitable partner. Sometimes a card suggests that it's time to look at the world in a new way.

The combination with Cups promises love. The Ace of Cups indicates problems, stagnation in relationships that seemed strong. In combination with the Two of Cups, the senior lasso promises an awkward meeting, a ruined date.

Inverted Tower in Relationships

In a love layout, the lasso in an inverted position prophesies internal imbalance, excessive expression of emotions, love drama, separation from a loved one.

The main meaning of the lasso in such fortune-telling is loss and severe anxiety, which will torment a person for a long time, even after positive life changes. The inverted Tower symbolizes unhappy love, betrayal of a loved one, dissatisfaction with relationships.

Combined with other cards

The tower, in combination with positive Tarot cards, predicts a happy future, and in combination with negative ones, it predicts something bad.

Meanings of the card in combination with other arcana:

  • with the Jester - liberation, change of profession;
  • with the Magician - an opportunity to start life anew;
  • with the High Priestess - understanding secret knowledge, gaining experience;
  • with the Empress - building happiness on the problems of other people;
  • with the Emperor - divorce;
  • with the Court - correcting mistakes will change fate;
  • with Death - the beginning of a new life period, dramatic changes;
  • with the Hanged Man - a fateful event;
  • with Moderation - avoiding tragedy;
  • with the Devil - a large financial loss;
  • with the Sun - gaining experience;
  • with the World – strengthening of vital energy.

Arcana in reversed position with other symbols.