Scorpio - Ox. Sensational horoscope Ox - Scorpio

  • 28.02.2024

The Scorpio-Ox sign includes people born from October 24 to November 22 in 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021.

The Scorpio-Ox sign is strong and aggressive. By connecting with, Scorpio receives unprecedented strength, power, endurance, an inexhaustible supply of energy and the ability to inspire and infect with your enthusiasm. It is worth noting that as a result of this connection, a complex character is obtained, both emotional and sensitive. A person born with this combination is distinguished by perseverance, practicality and amazing intuition. He always achieves his goal, no matter what the cost. Nothing and no one can stop him except himself. He is not talkative and prefers to do more than talk. In business he is very attentive, collected and responsible, loves to do what is useful for other people. She also loves to travel and explore new places.

In love relationships, Scorpio-Ox is sensitive and open, although devoid of romanticism. But, he treats his loved ones with reverence and care. It is worth noting that a person born with the Scorpio-Ox combination is in no hurry to start a family, and if he does decide, then once and for all. Family relationships are often complex and tense. The reason for this is the iron and unbending character of Scorpio-Ox. However, this person is reliable and devoted to his family and does everything to ensure that his loved ones do not need anything.

Scorpio – Ox characteristics

Scorpio-Ox is a person with great potential, a sparkling reaction and an innate instinct for self-preservation. He is strong, powerful and freedom-loving. According to the horoscope, success will always await him. It is incredibly strong and durable. He never gives in and goes headlong towards his cherished goal, independently eliminating obstacles, regardless of their scale. Scorpio Ox is an explosive mixture of crazy energy and power. It is not easy to get along with a person born under the sign of Scorpio-Ox, it is not always possible to come to an agreement, but his activity, determination and fanaticism in achieving his goal will serve as an excellent example for many.

Scorpio-Ox prefers to do more than talk. He enjoys his work and inspires others to succeed. He is distinguished by attentiveness and composure in his actions. He is independent and does not accept any help. He can perceive even simple everyday advice as a challenge and will give such a rebuff that will not be pleasant for anyone. For him, all people are divided into two categories: friends, for whom he is ready to move mountains, and enemies, whom he will crush without regret. True, it is worth noting that he is fair and correct and will not offend a person without compelling reasons for him.

Born in the year of the Ox, especially when angry with someone, and can also be stubborn and cruel. And there is no limit to his cunning, cunning and rancor. He remembers all the insults and will definitely take advantage of the opportunity to take revenge on the offender. People born with a combination of such strong signs strive to bend the world to themselves, but fate can also play a cruel joke on them. They need to stop in time so as not to become disappointed in life and not to become embittered at everyone around them.

In love relationships, according to the Eastern and Western horoscopes, Scorpio-Ox is as fair as in any other area. He will not deceive his partner and enter into a relationship for the sake of curiosity or entertainment. He is very selective in relationships, sees right through his partner, so you should not play love with him, otherwise you will have to ask for mercy. Sexually, Scorpio-Ox is very attractive, but is in no hurry to start a family. He may try for a long time to find a mate that suits him. And he turns out to be a strong, selfish, despotic family man, and at the same time reliable, stable and caring.

Scorpio - Ox woman

A woman born under the sign of Scorpio in the year of the Ox is distinguished by her obstinate character and stubbornness. She is active, powerful, impulsive, hardworking and honest. She is a natural leader and is capable of managing a large company. She is sincere, never deceives and does not use people for her own selfish purposes. In addition, it is fair and rewards conscientious workers, without sparing lazy people. She charges those around her with her positive energy and leads people along with her. Her masculine, independent character and steely will help her achieve success in any area in which she wants. Non-standard ways of solving problems disarm competitors; perseverance, responsibility and decency are valued by superiors and colleagues . True, it is worth noting that it is difficult for a woman born with the Scorpio-Ox combination to work in a team, so she is recommended to create her own business. Many talents allow you to achieve triumph in various fields of activity. She has a very original approach to everything, a lot of creative ideas, she knows how to cheer up and loves pranks.

The Scorpio-Ox woman belongs to a rare category of people who feel satisfaction from the fact that they benefit society. Without hesitation, he can change jobs in search of a calling to which he will devote his whole life. She sincerely sympathizes with the weak, participates in charity events and is a worthy example for children, whose upbringing she takes extremely seriously. The creative nature of the Scorpio-Ox woman enjoys the results of her work, and the source of inspiration is the admiration of people, thanks to which she tries even more to make the world more beautiful. A woman born under the sign of Scorpio in the year of the Ox is a capable person in any area of ​​life, but she, like a man, of this combination of signs, lacks flexibility, plasticity, and the ability to make concessions.

Born in the year of the Ox, she never lacks admirers. But in relationships with men, this is a tough nut to crack. Not everyone will be able to cope with her hot temper and desire for leadership. The partner of a Scorpio-Ox woman must have no less powerful energy and authority in order to rein in this woman, be with her, at least on an equal footing, and win her respect. She is very freedom-loving, avoids serious relationships and is not ready to sacrifice her usual way of life even for the sake of her beloved man. Only a strong man, capable of reckless actions for her sake, can hold her.

The Scorpio-Ox woman is afraid of gray everyday life, and boredom and monotony will inevitably lead to a breakup, even after several years of married life. She may often suffer from the complexity of feelings and her experiences will not always be positive. The Scorpio-Ox woman needs to learn to trust the man she loves and not plan a relationship. A Scorpio-Ox woman will be happier in marriage if she starts a family in adulthood. Having children is especially important to her. She places big bets on education, since this is what gives her confidence more than anything else.

Scorpio - Ox man

A man born under the sign of Scorpio in the year of the Ox is distinguished by self-confidence, composure, perseverance and assertiveness. He will not tolerate pressure, advice and competitors, from whom he will get rid of by all means available to him. The Scorpio-Ox man is cold-blooded, stubborn, categorical and firm in his judgments. Many talents and self-confidence help him achieve success in any activity. Including, he can make a career in the military or political spheres. The material sphere of life for men born with this combination is, as a rule, always successful. He knows how to earn money, plan a budget and invest surpluses in profitable projects. Therefore, even if his career is not yet at its highest level, he still has money for an interesting life. The problem for the Scorpio-Ox man is the lack of flexibility. It is difficult for him to understand that he can live differently, easily and freely. You just need to reduce your demands on others and become a little softer.

In the year of the Ox, things turn out differently. Here much will depend on his principles. But one thing is clear - he is always focused on family life, although it is not easy to find a girl who meets his high requirements. He needs an active, extraordinary woman who could surprise him. And if he meets one, he will seek her favor by any means, even using tricks, cunning and manipulation. It is worth noting that living with a representative of this sign is not easy. This is an “iron man” whom no one should contradict. He is also picky, does not know how to listen to his partner and take other desires into account. By adulthood, the Scorpio-Ox man has already learned to perceive other people’s opinions, not to react so sharply to criticism, and therefore there will be less disappointment in love.

A Scorpio woman born in the year of the Ox is the owner of a strong and strong-willed character. Nature has endowed her with endurance, determination and self-confidence. Her powerful intuition helps Scorpio-Ox achieve many goals in this life.


The Scorpio girl, born in the year of the Ox, has a wayward character and determination. Thanks to this, she easily achieves her goals. The Scorpio-Ox woman is always confident in her abilities and takes on only those tasks whose successful completion she has no doubt about. For this reason, everything in her life is going well. In addition, this woman is used to solving her problems gradually, without panicking and without unnecessary emotions.

Nature has endowed Scorpio-Ox with an amazing gift - to always get in life what she dreams of. In addition, a woman is endowed with strong intuition, which allows her to calculate any situation several steps ahead. The only thing that can prevent her from achieving her goal is excessive emotionality. But Scorpio-Ox easily copes with his emotions and knows how to control himself.

A woman of this combination of signs is distinguished by honesty and hard work. Even in her youth, a girl learns to set priorities correctly, thanks to which everything goes according to plan.

The main disadvantage of such a woman is that sometimes she gives free rein to her emotions. And when emotions prevail over common sense, you can do a lot of stupid things that you will later regret. This is exactly what often happens in the life of a Scorpio-Ox.

Behavior in friendship

A woman of these signs knows how to make friends. She is a devoted, faithful and unenvious friend. She does not have many close friends, since not everyone manages to understand her inner world. When meeting people, she does not always make a pleasant impression, often the opposite. To many she seems arrogant and uncriminal, but in reality this is not the case.

Girlfriends value Scorpio-Ox for his loyalty and ability to give valuable advice. This woman is ready to help at any time of the day or night. If necessary, he will help with advice; if there is a need, then with deeds or money. He never demands anything in return.

Attitude to love and marriage

In love, Scorpio-Ox often shows selfishness and excessive temper. For this reason, this girl is not always able to build strong relationships. The guys simply cannot stand the difficult character of the Scorpio Ox and are in a hurry to break up with her.

When this woman falls in love, she is ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of her beloved man. True, not all men appreciate this. Many simply take advantage of a woman’s weakness and then disappear from her life without a trace. Scorpio-Ox experiences every separation very painfully. This woman is not ready for fleeting romances; she dreams of a strong relationship.

When starting a relationship with her chosen one, Scorpio, born in the year of the Ox, becomes emotional, bright and jealous. It is better for this woman to enter into a marriage relationship after thirty years. By this age, she becomes calmer, more reasonable and begins to appreciate such relationships.

In marriage, a woman feels very comfortable, tries to be a caring wife and a good housewife. Having children radically changes this woman. Scorpio-Ox will do everything possible to ensure that the house has a comfortable environment and that all members of her family feel happy. For the sake of her children, this woman makes many sacrifices and denies herself many things, since the happiness of her children is above all else for her.

Career and finance

Thanks to some of his character traits, Scorpio-Ox easily achieves financial well-being and stability. As an employee, she shows herself only on the positive side. You can always rely on her, she approaches any task with great responsibility, brings everything to the end and completes it on time. Management always appreciates such executive and responsible employees.

Working in the same team with a Scorpio-Ox is very difficult. This woman does not like to work in a team, preferring to cope with any task on her own. Colleagues treat such a woman with great caution and are in no hurry to accept her into their friendly community. For this reason, Scorpio Ox initially chooses a profession where he can work independently. Most often, after working for some time in a team, such women choose to work at home, become freelancers, or open their own business. Working alone, they achieve great results.

The Scorpio-Ox woman will be able to earn money and provide herself with a decent life in any situation. And all this, again, thanks to her intuition, which helps her make the right decisions in life. This girl knows how to properly plan her budget, thanks to which she always lives in abundance.

The Scorpio-Ox man has excellent qualities: all these qualities can be multiplied by two. The result is a resilient and persistent guy who always achieves his goals. In addition, he has excellent intuition and can evaluate people and events with particular accuracy. And this allows him to achieve everything in life with the least effort. It is better not to joke with him in a relationship, as he knows how to punish a traitor.

These men secretly cherish their dream, hoping for its realization. They love to dream and often live in the world of their dreams, forgetting about reality. However, over time they will learn to implement their ideas. They usually become so carried away that they infect others. They know how to feel other people, so they can realize not only their own, but also other people’s dreams. They are thoughtful and thorough men, despite all their dreaminess, and this helps them realize their dreams.

These are friendly and cheerful men who attract many men for communication. They are ambitious and know how to make decisions quickly and correctly. At the same time, they are too trusting, susceptible to flattery, and these qualities often lead to negative consequences. They have excellent abilities that allow them to realize themselves in the creative and scientific fields. They do not know how to accept constructive criticism, often breaking off relationships because of this.

Characteristics of a Scorpio-Ox man in Love

He never engages in relationships for the sake of curiosity or entertainment. He understands the value of relationships and therefore tries to treat them selectively. He takes a long time to choose a partner and usually successfully. He should like her based on her personal qualities, and they should also have a lot in common in terms of interests. In this case, the union promises to be long and successful, since he is completely satisfied with the chosen one.

He is always correct and fair, so he will never torment his beloved if he does not see the future of their relationship. Most often, he speaks about it directly and does not try to continue a hopeless relationship. That is why it is pleasant to deal with him, especially in love, where understanding and honesty are necessary. He rarely finds himself abandoned, as he can predict the situation and take action.

Scorpio Man, born in the year of the Ox, in Bed

Intimate life means a lot to him. She is sensual, looking for the experience he needs in this side of life. In addition, it can transform sensory experiences into intellectual ones and provide many benefits in everyday life. As a rule, his partner's body language tells him more than he usually does with his behavior. Therefore, this area of ​​​​relationships allows him to understand his beloved even better.

Horoscope of the Scorpio-Ox man in Family and Marriage

If his wife allows him to lead, then there will be complete calm and peace in the family, since he knows how to make decisions correctly. In addition, the relationship with your spouse in this case will be the most radiant. He always works with children himself. In rare cases, he shifts the tasks of education to someone else. It is also important that he is always there for them and helps them overcome the difficulties of life.

Marriage is very important to him. He is consciously looking for a woman who would fit the role of a wife. At the same time, he will try on her role as the mother of his future children. If such a woman meets him, he will not think for a long time, but will definitely win her. But family life is full of certain difficulties for him. He is a leader, so he must embody his qualities. If this does not happen, he will be unhappy.

A successful Scorpio Ox woman, whose characteristics allow us to form an idea of ​​a strong-willed personality, whose masculine character allows her to independently achieve success in the business sphere, stand up for herself in her personal life, and charges those around her with positive energy. An artistic nature will not let you get bored, prefers an active life, and enjoys sports.

At the first meeting of the Ox, the woman gives the impression of a reserved, strict person; she reveals her true face exclusively to close people, in whose sincerity she is confident. Scorpio Ox never ceases to amaze with original ideas, takes a creative approach to organizing holidays, is able to cheer up, and loves practical jokes.

Dedication to your favorite job

Many talents make it possible to achieve triumph in various fields of activity. Scorpio Ox belongs to a rare category of people who feel satisfaction from the fact that they benefit society. Without hesitation, he changes jobs in search of a calling to which he will devote his whole life.

Non-standard ways of solving problems disarm competitors; perseverance, responsibility and decency are valued by superiors and colleagues.

A positive reference from a place of work is ensured by sincerity; he will not lie or use people for personal gain. He feels comfortable in a leadership position, a fighter for justice encourages conscientious workers, and does not spare lazy people.

The creative Scorpio Ox enjoys the results of his work, the source of inspiration is admiring reviews from clients, and tries to make the world more beautiful.

Love magic of a passionate woman

Thanks to the absence of complexes and attractive appearance, Scorpio in the year of the Ox does not experience a lack of attention from successful men. She is afraid of gray everyday life, avoids serious relationships, and is not ready to sacrifice her usual way of life for the sake of her partner. A man capable of reckless actions for the sake of his beloved can keep a freedom-loving woman. Boredom and monotony will inevitably lead to separation, even after several years of marriage.

In the family, he sets rules that one must either come to terms with or disperse; the leader will not make concessions.

He sincerely sympathizes with the weak, participates in charity events, and is a worthy example for children, whose upbringing he takes extremely seriously. The predator controls emotions, but you should not abuse patience; an angry woman forgets about pity.

P.S.A horoscope cannot give a 100% description of qualities, because... Scorpio manifests and forms its negative and positive qualities depending on the atmosphere in the family.

Compatibility horoscope: year of the bull, zodiac sign Scorpio woman - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

This person is not ready to give in, he goes ahead and always achieves his goals. Eliminating any problems that arise along the way is not at all problematic when you work on yourself every day.

Scorpio Man – Ox

The Scorpio Ox man is self-confident, cool-headed and assertive. Despite this, he always tries to be as careful as possible. In business, he is ready to get rid of competitors by any means. The ideal field of activity for the Scorpio-Ox man is politics.

Scorpio Woman – Ox

The Scorpio Ox woman is very powerful, stubborn and independent. She won't let anyone come close to her territory. One can only envy her impulsiveness and activity. With such a set of personal qualities, it will be easy for a person of the fair sex to manage a large company.

Scorpio Ox is an explosive mixture of crazy energy and power. People born with a combination of such strong signs strive to bend the world to themselves, and quite often fate plays a cruel joke on them. They need to stop in time so as not to become disappointed in life and not to become embittered at everyone around them.

Horoscope of the Astrological sign Scorpio, born in the year of the Ox

Both the Zodiac sign and the eastern sign of a person’s year of birth have individual properties, qualities and conditions, which are mainly manifested in the characteristics of a person and his relationships in society.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the Zodiac and the eastern years are formed from twelve parallel vertical levels, on the basis of which people exhibit certain methods of behavior and react to individual conditions in circumstances in the form of the attitude of interacting people towards them.

The Zodiac sign forms tactical abilities in a person’s character and represents one of the twelve levels of behavioral methodology.

The eastern sign of the year of birth shapes the conditions and laws of the external environment for a person, his relationships with people around him, in which he uses his own method of behavior assigned by the Zodiac sign. The year of birth forms for a person one of the twelve levels of his self-realization. The eastern sign is called strategy, since it forms a field of activity for a person and on this field the eastern sign manifests the laws and principles of the attitude of people around him to a person.

Scorpio is the sixth sign of the Zodiac in the natural hierarchy of society. People of this zodiac sign, by the nature of their birth, are constant, have an intuitive understanding of past events, and are prone to emotionality.

The specialty of the zodiac sign Scorpio is “ artist, actor, teacher, critic" A person of this zodiac sign is able to effectively memorize long streams of information, taking into account negative and positive extreme criteria. Scorpio lives by the principle: “ Rest, take it, but in moderation" His behavior lacks diplomacy. Scorpio is weak in dimensions, he tends to the extreme of positive or to the extreme of negative behavior. Scorpio, like an actor, adopts forms of behavior from the people around him, which is why he is able to lose his personal views on life. Scorpio is a powerful consumer of people's attention; he impulsively absorbs the attention of those interacting. Ignored Scorpio can result in aggression and even violence. Scorpio manipulates other people's quotes and opinions, influencing competitors indirectly, through someone.

Eastern sign of the year of the Ox – 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033, 2045, 2057

The Year of the Ox forms a natural strategy, a field for relationships at the third level of circumstances. People born in the year of the Ox are surrounded by relationships in society with people who involve them in executive processes. Regardless of the zodiac sign, a person born in the year of the Ox has to participate in work processes in which those interacting in behavior exhibit positions of “ bosses" Interacting people behave arrogantly and uncompromisingly in relations with a person born in the year of the Ox. People around, regardless of their zodiac signs and eastern years, in relationships with a person born in the year of the Ox, show increased sensuality and vulnerability. People around you are fascinated by the details and details of micro-impressions. People interacting in a relationship with a person born in the year of the Ox conduct relationships according to the principle of the Zodiac sign Taurus: “ Be collected, but not constrained ».

Horoscope of the Astrological sign Scorpio, born in the year Bull.

This combination of signs manifests itself in a person through expressive behavior and open irony with the petty-greedy attitude of the people around him. This person is emotional due to weak internal self-control. Scorpio manipulates words and quotes, creating a vacuum or aggression in communication, thus influencing the mood of the people around them. Scorpio is narcissistic, because of this he often follows a lone wolf policy. The Year of the Ox in circumstances creates conditions for creative processes and relationships with executive people, bosses over small groups of people. The zodiac sign Scorpio, born in the year of the Ox, is in circumstances in which he has to compete in crowds of petty and good-natured self-interested people. At the same time, he involves those around him in solving his own and common problems. This person overcomes the flattery and deceit of the people around him, surpassing them in this. Interacting people tend to obey a given person due to his status, experience, professional abilities and connections in society, if he is useful to them. Scorpio has the ability to use the mature results of the activities of interacting people. The Year of the Ox is accompanied by relationships with self-confident people who are distracted by their petty self-interest.

You can get much more detailed characteristics by zodiac sign and year of birth in the programs “ Individual scanner" And " Crown of education" In these programs, the terminology of horoscopes, zodiac or eastern years is excluded. The programs use the terminology of psychology, theology and physics. This combination forms a new scientific approach to the human information structure, which is called “ Psychonomy ».

Scorpio - Ox: characteristics of a woman (1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

A successful Scorpio Ox woman, whose characteristics allow us to form an idea of ​​a strong-willed personality, whose masculine character allows her to independently achieve success in the business sphere, stand up for herself in her personal life, and charges those around her with positive energy. An artistic nature will not let you get bored, prefers an active life, and enjoys sports.

At the first meeting of the Ox, the woman gives the impression of a reserved, strict person; she reveals her true face exclusively to close people, in whose sincerity she is confident. Scorpio Ox never ceases to amaze with original ideas, takes a creative approach to organizing holidays, is able to cheer up, and loves practical jokes.

Dedication to your favorite job

Many talents make it possible to achieve triumph in various fields of activity. Scorpio Ox belongs to a rare category of people who feel satisfaction from the fact that they benefit society. Without hesitation, he changes jobs in search of a calling to which he will devote his whole life.

Non-standard ways of solving problems disarm competitors; perseverance, responsibility and decency are valued by superiors and colleagues.

A positive reference from a place of work is ensured by sincerity; he will not lie or use people for personal gain. He feels comfortable in a leadership position, a fighter for justice encourages conscientious workers, and does not spare lazy people.

The creative Scorpio Ox enjoys the results of his work, the source of inspiration is admiring reviews from clients, and tries to make the world more beautiful.

Love magic of a passionate woman

Thanks to the absence of complexes and attractive appearance, Scorpio in the year of the Ox does not experience a lack of attention from successful men. She is afraid of gray everyday life, avoids serious relationships, and is not ready to sacrifice her usual way of life for the sake of her partner. A man capable of reckless actions for the sake of his beloved can keep a freedom-loving woman. Boredom and monotony will inevitably lead to separation, even after several years of marriage.

In the family, he sets rules that one must either come to terms with or disperse; the leader will not make concessions.

He sincerely sympathizes with the weak, participates in charity events, and is a worthy example for children, whose upbringing he takes extremely seriously. The predator controls emotions, but you should not abuse patience; an angry woman forgets about pity.

P.S.A horoscope cannot give a 100% description of qualities, because... Scorpio manifests and forms its negative and positive qualities depending on the atmosphere in the family.

Scorpio born in the year of the Ox

At the moment when the determination of the Ox combines with the depth of Scorpio, the complex character of a very emotional and sensitive person is born. Sometimes the Scorpio-Ox becomes really dangerous, they are reckless in their anger, and are often stubborn, aggressive and cruel. Such a person is not capable of concessions and compromises.

According to Eastern astrology, the Ox is the personification of strength and reliability; this person is able to motivate anyone to do difficult work. Regardless of gender, Scorpio-Ox has a huge supply of energy; it seems that he does not get tired at all. Huge life potential is combined favorably with enthusiasm; they know how to inspire, although sometimes they can be tiring.

The Scorpio Ox becomes happy when he does something, and not just thinks and talks about work. In essence, he is not particularly talkative, but at the same time he is still successful in the company of other people, including in the work team. His unsociability is more than compensated for by his reliability and attentiveness. Basically, these are collected, organized and calm people, they know how to be compassionate, give warmth, and are kind.

They prefer work in which they can be useful to society, only in this case they see meaning in work. They are highly motivated and are able to carry out tasks with flying colors that are too demanding for others. Scorpio-Ox prefers to solve their problems on their own, without involving strangers in it.

People born under this combination of signs love to travel and enjoy learning to drive a car. The freedom of the open road attracts them like a magnet, especially since the road is an opportunity to discover new, interesting places. Such a person has a lot of interests; it seems that he is interested in everything indiscriminately. In personal relationships, such a Scorpio is quite flexible; he subtly senses the needs of his partner. He chooses as friends a narrow circle of supporters whom he can really trust.

The main negative feature of this personality is boasting, which is not quite typical for Scorpio. Scorpio-Ox is stubborn and prone to bragging, especially if he is proven right.

Do not underestimate this Scorpio, he is truly a predator whose instincts do not sleep for a second. He is always alert, and his energy potential is always extremely high. A man of this combination is distinctively fast and sharp; a state of soft relaxation is not for him. The Scorpio Ox woman is more balanced, however, she is also energetic and persistent.

Scorpio, born in the year of the Ox, is incredibly stubborn, he becomes fanatical on the way to his goal. He will not tire in the fight; leadership is his calling. He is fearless, and it is simply impossible to stop him.

Any attempt to attack him will be assessed as a declaration of war; his mind then goes into martial law mode. For Scorpio-Ox there is no middle ground, he is either a devoted friend or his worst enemy, there is no other way.

Scorpio-Ox is very sexy, but, which is good, he is quite picky in connections and relationships. He rarely starts a family, but if this happens, then he is ready to become an ideal family man and do everything to ensure that his family prospers.

Horoscope Scorpio-Ox

According to the horoscope, Scorpio-Ox is characterized by decisiveness and an unpredictable disposition. Such people are quite emotional and stubborn. They become truly dangerous when angered. They do not tend to make concessions to other people.

Scorpio-Oxen are individuals with great potential. They value those who respect and honor them. They have excellent intuition and innate instincts of self-preservation. These people have a sparkling reaction, so they are always on the alert.

Scorpio-Ox does not tolerate being attacked, both physically and mentally. Otherwise, he strikes back and hits the enemy hard. They do not accept compromises, so either they are sincere friends, or they spend their whole lives fighting with ill-wishers.

In intimate relationships, Scorpio-Ox is quite careful. He is very attractive sexually. Unfortunately, he is not too keen on family ties. But, if marriage creates, then once and for all.

Horoscope for combining Scorpios with other eastern signs:

Horoscope for combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

year of the ox zodiac sign scorpio woman

Dangerous bull... Stubborn, harsh, terrible.

Zodiac horoscope: Scorpio sign

The determination of the Ox, combined with the depth of Scorpio, creates a complex character, but such a person is very emotional and sensitive at heart. Scorpio-Oxen become dangerous when they are angry with someone, and can sometimes be stubborn and cruel. Scorpio-Ox never gives in to anyone and does not compromise.

The Ox in Chinese astrology is a symbol of reliability and strength, which gives people greater motivation to work hard. Scorpio-Ox men and women are people who never seem to get tired. They have high energy and enthusiasm and can inspire, but can also be tiresome.

Scorpio Ox become happy when they do something, and not just talk about work. These people are not very talkative, but they enjoy the company of other people, especially at work. They may not be very social, but they are very reliable, attentive and less flirtatious than other Scorpios. They are collected and calm most of the time and have a warm, kind and compassionate personality.

These people prefer jobs where they feel useful to society and where their work has meaning. Their highly motivated and tireless nature helps them take on responsibilities that others may find too demanding. They rarely bother other people with their problems, preferring to solve everything themselves.

These people love to travel and always want to learn to drive as soon as age allows. They love the freedom of the open road, visiting new and interesting places. They have many interests. In personal relationships, these people are quite flexible and will always understand the needs of their significant other. In friendships, they choose for themselves a narrow circle of companions whom they can completely trust.

Boasting is one of the main weaknesses in the personality of these people. They tend to be stubborn and boastful, especially when they have proven they are right.

The Scorpio Ox should not be underestimated. This is a predator whose instincts are always alert and whose energy potential is very high. The Scorpio bull man is fast and sharp; soft relaxation is not for him. The Scorpio bull woman is more balanced, but also energetic and very persistent.

Scorpio the bull has incredible stubbornness, moving towards his goals with phenomenal fanaticism. This is a true leader and a tireless fighter. He stops at nothing - he cannot be scared.

The Scorpio buffalo regards any encroachment in its direction as a declaration of war and begins to act within the framework of military laws. This man does not know the middle ground - he is either a devoted friend or a sworn enemy.

Scorpio the bull has increased sexuality, but at the same time he is very picky in connections and relationships. He rarely starts a family, but if he does create one, he will do everything to make it prosper and be happy.

Ox - Scorpio

French writer Albert Camus. English footballer Wayne Rooney. American singer Ciara. Russian saxaphonist Igor Butman.

This person goes headlong towards his goal, he is used to eliminating any problems that arise along the way independently and painstakingly, regardless of the scale of the obstacle that arises.

Ox Scorpio man

The Scorpio Ox man is assertive, cold-blooded, self-confident, and careful. In business, he will not tolerate competition; he will eliminate his enemies in every possible way. For such a man, the ideal field of activity would be a military or political career. In his personal life, a Scorpio man born in the year of the Ox is also tireless and adamant. The Scorpio Ox man will pursue the woman he likes long and persistently, resorting to various tricks and tricks if necessary.

Ox Scorpio Woman

The Scorpio Ox woman is distinguished by her obstinate character, imperiousness, and stubbornness. This lady will not allow anyone to encroach on her freedom and territory. She is active, impulsive, and it is good for such a woman to be a manager in a large company. She knows how to lead people. In relationships with men, the Scorpio Ox woman is a tough nut to crack; not everyone can handle her hot temper and desire for leadership. Her partner must have powerful energy and authority in order to be able to rein in the “beast” and become an equal and respected husband of such an elusive Scorpio woman, born in the year of the Ox.

Scorpio Ox is activity, power, unbridled energy. The desire of people born with the combination of the Ox-Scorpio signs to bend the world to themselves often plays a cruel joke on them, embittering and disappointing the representatives of this combination. It is not very easy to get along with them, it is not always possible to come to an agreement, but their activity and fanaticism in achieving goals can be an example for many other people.

Scorpio – Ox

TO Scorpio-Ox sign includes people born from October 24 to November 22 in 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021.

The Scorpio-Ox sign is strong and aggressive. By uniting with the determined and persistent Ox, Scorpio receives unprecedented strength, power, endurance, an inexhaustible supply of energy and the ability to inspire and infect with his enthusiasm. It is worth noting that as a result of this connection, a complex character is obtained, both emotional and sensitive. A person born with this combination is distinguished by perseverance, practicality and amazing intuition. He always achieves his goal, no matter what the cost. Nothing and no one can stop him except himself. He is not talkative and prefers to do more than talk. In business he is very attentive, collected and responsible, loves to do what is useful for other people. She also loves to travel and explore new places.

In love relationships, Scorpio-Ox is sensitive and open, although devoid of romanticism. But, he treats his loved ones with reverence and care. It is worth noting that a person born with the Scorpio-Ox combination is in no hurry to start a family, and if he does decide, then once and for all. Family relationships are often complex and tense. The reason for this is the iron and unbending character of Scorpio-Ox. However, this person is reliable and devoted to his family and does everything to ensure that his loved ones do not need anything.

Scorpio – Ox characteristics

Scorpio-Ox is a person with great potential, a sparkling reaction and an innate instinct for self-preservation. He is strong, powerful and freedom-loving. According to the horoscope, success will always await him. It is incredibly strong and durable. He never gives in and goes headlong towards his cherished goal, independently eliminating obstacles, regardless of their scale. Scorpio Ox is an explosive mixture of crazy energy and power. It is not easy to get along with a person born under the sign of Scorpio-Ox, it is not always possible to come to an agreement, but his activity, determination and fanaticism in achieving his goal will serve as an excellent example for many.

Scorpio-Ox prefers to do more than talk. He enjoys his work and inspires others to succeed. He is distinguished by attentiveness and composure in his actions. He is independent and does not accept any help. He can perceive even simple everyday advice as a challenge and will give such a rebuff that will not be pleasant for anyone. For him, all people are divided into two categories: friends, for whom he is ready to move mountains, and enemies, whom he will crush without regret. True, it is worth noting that he is fair and correct and will not offend a person without compelling reasons for him.

Scorpio born in the year of the Ox can be very dangerous, especially when angry with someone, and can also be stubborn and cruel. And there is no limit to his cunning, cunning and rancor. He remembers all the insults and will definitely take advantage of the opportunity to take revenge on the offender. People born with a combination of such strong signs strive to bend the world to themselves, but fate can also play a cruel joke on them. They need to stop in time so as not to become disappointed in life and not to become embittered at everyone around them.

In love relationships, according to the Eastern and Western horoscopes, Scorpio-Ox is as fair as in any other area. He will not deceive his partner and enter into a relationship for the sake of curiosity or entertainment. He is very selective in relationships, sees right through his partner, so you should not play love with him, otherwise you will have to ask for mercy. Sexually, Scorpio-Ox is very attractive, but is in no hurry to start a family. He may try for a long time to find a mate that suits him. And he turns out to be a strong, selfish, despotic family man, and at the same time reliable, stable and caring.

Scorpio – Ox woman

A woman born under the sign of Scorpio in the year of the Ox is distinguished by her obstinate character and stubbornness. She is active, powerful, impulsive, hardworking and honest. She is a natural leader and is capable of managing a large company. She is sincere, never deceives and does not use people for her own selfish purposes. In addition, it is fair and rewards conscientious workers, without sparing lazy people. She charges those around her with her positive energy and leads people along with her. Her masculine, independent character and steely will help her achieve success in any area in which she wants. Non-standard ways of solving problems disarm competitors; perseverance, responsibility and decency are valued by superiors and colleagues . True, it is worth noting that it is difficult for a woman born with the Scorpio-Ox combination to work in a team, so she is recommended to create her own business. Many talents allow you to achieve triumph in various fields of activity. She has a very original approach to everything, a lot of creative ideas, she knows how to cheer up and loves pranks.

The Scorpio-Ox woman belongs to a rare category of people who feel satisfaction from the fact that they benefit society. Without hesitation, he can change jobs in search of a calling to which he will devote his whole life. She sincerely sympathizes with the weak, participates in charity events and is a worthy example for children, whose upbringing she takes extremely seriously. The creative nature of the Scorpio-Ox woman enjoys the results of her work, and the source of inspiration is the admiration of people, thanks to which she tries even more to make the world more beautiful. A woman born under the sign of Scorpio in the year of the Ox is a capable person in any area of ​​life, but she, like a man, of this combination of signs, lacks flexibility, plasticity, and the ability to make concessions.

Born in the year of the Ox, the Scorpio woman has an attractive and sexy appearance, so she never lacks admirers. But in relationships with men, this is a tough nut to crack. Not everyone will be able to cope with her hot temper and desire for leadership. The partner of a Scorpio-Ox woman must have no less powerful energy and authority in order to rein in this woman, be with her, at least on an equal footing, and win her respect. She is very freedom-loving, avoids serious relationships and is not ready to sacrifice her usual way of life even for the sake of her beloved man. Only a strong man, capable of reckless actions for her sake, can hold her.

The Scorpio-Ox woman is afraid of gray everyday life, and boredom and monotony will inevitably lead to a breakup, even after several years of married life. She may often suffer from the complexity of feelings and her experiences will not always be positive. The Scorpio-Ox woman needs to learn to trust the man she loves and not plan a relationship. A Scorpio-Ox woman will be happier in marriage if she starts a family in adulthood. Having children is especially important to her. She places big bets on education, since this is what gives her confidence more than anything else.

Scorpio – Ox man

A man born under the sign of Scorpio in the year of the Ox is distinguished by self-confidence, composure, perseverance and assertiveness. He will not tolerate pressure, advice and competitors, from whom he will get rid of by all means available to him. The Scorpio-Ox man is cold-blooded, stubborn, categorical and firm in his judgments. Many talents and self-confidence help him achieve success in any activity. Including, he can make a career in the military or political spheres. The material sphere of life for men born with this combination is, as a rule, always successful. He knows how to earn money, plan a budget and invest surpluses in profitable projects. Therefore, even if his career is not yet at its highest level, he still has money for an interesting life. The problem for the Scorpio-Ox man is the lack of flexibility. It is difficult for him to understand that he can live differently, easily and freely. You just need to reduce your demands on others and become a little softer.

Love relationships for a man born under the sign of Scorpio in the year of the Ox develop differently. Here much will depend on his principles. But one thing is clear - he is always focused on family life, although it is not easy to find a girl who meets his high requirements. He needs an active, extraordinary woman who could surprise him. And if he meets one, he will seek her favor by any means, even using tricks, cunning and manipulation. It is worth noting that living with a representative of this sign is not easy. This is an “iron man” whom no one should contradict. He is also picky, does not know how to listen to his partner and take other desires into account. By adulthood, the Scorpio-Ox man has already learned to perceive other people’s opinions, not to react so sharply to criticism, and therefore there will be less disappointment in love.

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