Another “patriotic freak incubator” is the scientific cabinet of curiosities. Ascent Petrakovich Georgy Nikolaevich latest works

  • 08.04.2024

Full interview with Georgy Petrakovich, published in the magazine "Miracles and Adventures" No. 12, 1996, pp. 6-9:

Special correspondent for the magazine Vl. Ivanov met with a full member of the Russian Physical Society, surgeon Georgiy Nikolaevich Petrakovich, who published sensational works on thermonuclear reactions occurring in living organisms and the transformation of chemical elements in them. This is much more fantastic than the most daring experiments of alchemists. The conversation is dedicated to the true miracle of evolution, the main miracle of living nature. We do not agree with the author of the bold hypothesis on everything. In particular, being a materialist, it seems to us that he excludes the spiritual principle from those processes where it, apparently, should be present.
But still, G. Petrakovich’s hypothesis interested us because it intersects with the works of Academician V. Kaznacheev about "cold thermonuclear" in a living cell. At the same time, the hypothesis builds a bridge to the concept noosphere. V. Vernadsky, pointing to the source that continuously feeds the noosphere with energy.
The hypothesis is also interesting because it paves scientific paths to explain a number of mysterious phenomena, such as clairvoyance, levitation, iridology and others.
We ask you to forgive us for some scientific complexity of the conversation for the unprepared reader. The material itself, unfortunately, by its nature cannot be subject to significant simplification.

CORRESPONDENT. First, the essence, the salt of a miracle, seemingly incompatible with ideas about living organisms... What kind of strange force operates in us, in the cells of our body? Everything resembles a detective story. This power was known, so to speak, in a different capacity. She acted incognito, as if under a mask. They talked and wrote about it like this: hydrogen ions. You understood and called it differently: protons. These are the same hydrogen ions, the bare nuclei of its atoms, positively charged, but they are also elementary particles. Biophysicists did not notice that Janus is two-faced. Is not it? Can you tell us more about this?
G.N. PETRAKOVICH. A living cell obtains energy as a result of ordinary chemical reactions. This is what the science of cellular bioenergy believed. As always, electrons take part in reactions; it is their transitions that provide a chemical bond. In the smallest "bubbles" of irregular shape - the mitochondria of the cell - oxidation occurs with the participation of electrons. This is a postulate of bioenergy.
This is how the country's leading bioenergetics officer, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.P. Skulachev, presents this postulate: “In order to conduct an experiment on the use of nuclear energy, nature had to create a human being. As for the intracellular mechanisms of energy, they extract energy exclusively from electronic transformations, although the energy effect is here immeasurably small compared to thermonuclear processes."
“Exclusively from electronic transformations”... This is a fallacy! Electronic transformations are chemistry, and nothing more. It is thermonuclear reactions that underlie cellular bioenergy, and it is the proton, also known as the hydrogen ion - a heavy charged elementary particle - that is the main participant in all these reactions. Although, of course, the electron also takes a certain, and even important, part in this process, but in a different role, completely different from the role prescribed for it by scientific specialists.
And what is most surprising: to prove all this, it turns out, there is no need to conduct any complex research or research. Everything lies on the surface, everything is presented in the same indisputable facts and observations that the scientists themselves obtained with their hard work. You just need to reflect unbiasedly and deeply on these facts. Here is an indisputable fact: it is known that protons are “thrown out” from mitochondria (a term widely used by specialists, and it sounds disdainful of these hard-working particles, as if we are talking about waste, “garbage”) into the space of the cell (cytoplasm). Protons move unidirectionally in it, that is, they never return, unlike the Brownian motion in the cell of all other ions. And they move in the cytoplasm at a tremendous speed, exceeding the speed of any other ions by many thousands of times.
Scientists do not comment on this observation in any way, but one should think about it seriously.
If protons, these charged elementary particles, move in the space of a cell with such enormous speed and “purposefully,” it means that the cell has some kind of acceleration mechanism. Undoubtedly, the acceleration mechanism is located in the mitochondria, from where protons are initially “ejected” at enormous speed, but what is its nature... Heavy charged elementary particles, protons, can only be accelerated in a high-frequency alternating electromagnetic field - in a synchrophasotron, for example. So, molecular synchrophasotron into mitochondria? As strange as it may seem, yes: the subminiature natural synchrophasotron is located precisely in a tiny intracellular formation, in the mitochondria!
Protons, once in a high-frequency alternating electromagnetic field, lose the properties of the chemical element hydrogen for the entire time they remain in this field, but instead exhibit the properties of heavy charged elementary particles.
For this reason, in a test tube it is impossible to fully repeat the processes that constantly occur in a living cell. For example, in a researcher’s test tube, protons participate in oxidation, but in a cell, although free radical oxidation occurs in it, peroxides are not formed. The cellular electromagnetic field “carries” protons out of the living cell, preventing them from reacting with oxygen. Meanwhile, scientists are guided precisely by “test tube” experience when studying processes in a living cell.
Protons accelerated in a field easily ionize atoms and molecules, “knocking out” electrons from them. In this case, the molecules, becoming free radicals, acquire high activity, and ionized atoms (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other elements) form electrical and osmotic potentials in the cell membranes (but of a secondary, proton-dependent order).

CORRESPONDENT. It's time to draw the attention of our readers to the fact that a living cell invisible to the eye is more complex than any gigantic installation, and what happens in it cannot yet be even approximately reproduced. Perhaps galaxies - on a different scale, of course - are the simplest objects of the Universe, just as cells are the elementary objects of a plant or animal. Perhaps our levels of knowledge about cells and galaxies are roughly equivalent. But the most striking thing is that the thermonuclear fusion of the Sun and other stars corresponds to the cold thermonuclear fusion of a living cell, or, more precisely, its individual sections. The analogy is complete. Everyone knows about the hot thermonuclear fusion of stars. But only you can tell us about the cold thermonuclear reaction of living cells.
G.N. PETRAKOVICH. Let's try to imagine the most important events at this level.
Being a heavy charged elementary particle whose mass exceeds the mass of an electron by 1840 times, the proton is part of all atomic nuclei without exception. Being accelerated in a high-frequency alternating electromagnetic field and being in the same field with these nuclei, it is able to transfer its kinetic energy to them, being the best transmitter of energy from the accelerator to the consumer - the atom.
Interacting in the cell with the nuclei of target atoms, it transfers to them in parts - through elastic collisions - the kinetic energy it acquired during acceleration. And having lost this energy, it is eventually captured by the nucleus of the nearest atom (inelastic collision) and becomes an integral part of this nucleus. And this is the path to the transformation of elements.
In response to the energy obtained during an elastic collision with a proton, an energy quantum is ejected from the excited nucleus of the target atom, characteristic only of the nucleus of this particular atom, with its own wavelength and frequency. If such interactions of protons occur with many nuclei of atoms that make up, for example, a molecule; then a whole group of such specific quanta is released in a certain frequency spectrum. Immunologists believe that tissue incompatibility in a living organism manifests itself at the molecular level. Apparently, in a living organism, the difference between “one’s own” protein molecule and a “foreign” one, despite their absolute chemical identity, occurs in these very specific frequencies and spectra, to which the “sentinel” cells of the body - leukocytes - react differently.

CORRESPONDENT. An interesting side result of your proton-nuclear theory! Even more interesting is the process that alchemists dreamed of. Physicists have pointed to the possibility of producing new elements in reactors, but this is very difficult and expensive for most substances. A few words about the same thing at the cellular level...
G.N. PETRAKOVICH. The capture of a proton that has lost kinetic energy by the nucleus of a target atom changes the atomic number of this atom, i.e. the “invader” atom is capable of changing its nuclear structure and becoming not only an isotope of a given chemical element, but also in general, taking into account the possibility of repeated “capture” of protons, taking a different place than before in the periodic table: and in some cases even not the closest to the old one. Essentially we are talking about nuclear fusion in a living cell.
It must be said that such ideas have already excited the minds of people: there have already been publications about the work of the French scientist L. Kervran, who discovered such a nuclear transformation while studying laying hens. True, L. Kervran believed that this nuclear synthesis of potassium with a proton, followed by the production of calcium, is carried out using enzymatic reactions. But, based on the above, it is easier to imagine this process as a consequence of internuclear interactions.
To be fair, it should be said that M.V. Wolkenstein generally considers L. Kervran’s experiments an April Fool’s joke among cheerful American scientific colleagues. The first idea about the possibility of nuclear fusion in a living organism was expressed in one of Isaac Asimov’s science fiction stories. One way or another, giving due credit to both, and the third, we can conclude that, according to the hypothesis presented, internuclear interactions in a living cell are quite possible.
And the Coulomb barrier will not be a hindrance: nature has managed to bypass this barrier without high energies and temperatures, softly and gently,

CORRESPONDENT. You believe that a vortex electromagnetic field arises in a living cell. It holds protons, as it were, in its grid and disperses them, accelerates them. This field is emitted and generated by the electrons of iron atoms. There are groups of four such atoms. Experts call them gems. The iron in them is di- and trivalent. And both of these forms exchange electrons, the jumps of which generate a field. Its frequency is incredibly high, according to your estimate 1028 hertz. It far exceeds the frequency of visible light, which is usually also generated by electron jumps from one atomic level to another. Don't you think that this estimate of the frequency of the field in the cell is very overestimated?
G.N. PETRAKOVICH. Not at all.

CORRESPONDENT. Your answer is clear to me. After all, it is very high frequencies and the corresponding short wavelengths that are associated with high quantum energy. Thus, ultraviolet with its short waves is stronger than ordinary light rays. Very short waves are needed to accelerate protons. Is it possible to check the proton acceleration scheme itself and the frequency of the intracellular field?
G.N. PETRAKOVICH. So, the discovery: in the mitochondria of cells, an ultra-high-frequency, ultra-short-wave alternating electric current is generated and, according to the laws of physics, accordingly, an ultra-short-wave and ultra-high-frequency alternating electromagnetic field. The shortest wavelength and highest frequency of all variable electromagnetic fields in nature. Instruments have not yet been created that could measure such a high frequency and such a short wave, so such fields do not yet exist for us at all. And there is no opening yet...
Nevertheless, let us again turn to the laws of physics. According to these laws, point variable electromagnetic fields do not exist independently; they instantly, at the speed of light, merge with each other through synchronization and resonance, which significantly increases the voltage of such a field.
Point electromagnetic fields formed in electromagnets by moving electrons merge, then all the fields of mitochondria merge. A combined ultra-high-frequency, ultra-short-wave alternating field is formed for the entire mitochondrion. Protons are held in this field.
But there are not two or three mitochondria in one cell - in each cell there are tens, hundreds, and in some - even thousands, and in each of them this ultra-short-wave field is formed; and these fields rush to merge with each other, all with the same synchronization and resonance effect, but in the entire space of the cell - in the cytoplasm. This desire of the alternating electromagnetic field of the mitochondrion to merge with other similar fields in the cytoplasm is the very “draft force”, the energy that accelerates “throws” protons out of the mitochondrion into the space of the cell. This is how the intramitochondrial “synchrophasotron” works.
It should be remembered that protons move to the nuclei of target atoms in a cell in a significantly enhanced field - so short-wavelength that it can easily pass between nearby atoms, even in a metal lattice, as if along a waveguide. This field will easily “carry” with it a proton, the size of which is a hundred thousand times smaller than any atom, and is so high-frequency that it will not lose any of its energy. Such a superpermeable field will also excite those protons that are part of the nucleus of the target atom. And most importantly, this field will bring the “incoming” proton closer to them so much that it will allow this “incoming” to give the nucleus part of its kinetic energy.
The largest amount of energy is released during alpha decay. At the same time, alpha particles, which are tightly bound two protons and two neutrons (that is, the nuclei of helium atoms), are ejected from the nucleus at enormous speed.
Unlike a nuclear explosion, with a “cold thermonuclear” there is no accumulation of critical mass in the reaction zone. Decay or synthesis may cease immediately. No radiation is observed because alpha particles outside the electromagnetic field are immediately converted into helium atoms, and protons into molecular hydrogen, water or peroxides.
At the same time, the body is capable of creating the chemical elements it needs from other chemical elements using “cold thermonuclear” and neutralizing substances harmful to it.
In the zone where the “cold thermonuclear reaction” occurs, holograms are formed that reflect the interactions of protons with the nuclei of target atoms. Ultimately, these holograms are carried undistorted by electromagnetic fields into the noosphere and become the basis of the energy-information field of the noosphere.
A person is capable of arbitrarily, with the help of electromagnetic lenses, the role of which in a living organism is performed by piezocrystal molecules, to focus the energy of protons, and especially alpha particles, into powerful beams. At the same time, demonstrating amazing phenomena: lifting and moving incredible weights, walking on hot stones and coals, levitation, teleportation, telekinesis and much more.
It cannot be that everything in the world disappears without a trace; on the contrary, one should think that there is a kind of global “bank”, a global biofield, with which the fields of everyone who lived and are merging on Earth merged and are merging. This biofield can be represented by a super-powerful, super-high-frequency, super-short-wave and super-penetrating alternating electromagnetic field around the Earth (and thereby around and through us). This field holds in perfect order the nuclear charges of proton holographic “films” about each of us - about people, about bacteria and elephants, about worms, about grass, plankton, saxaul, who once lived and are living now. Those living today support this biofield with the energy of their field. But only a rare few have access to its information treasures. This is the memory of the planet, its biosphere.
The still unknown universal biofield has colossal, if not limitless, energy, we all swim in the ocean of this energy, but we don’t feel it, just as we don’t feel the air around us, and therefore we don’t feel that it is around us... Its role will increase . This is our reserve, our support.

CORRESPONDENT. This field of the planet in itself, however, will not replace working hands and a creative mind. It only creates the preconditions for the manifestation of human abilities.
G.N. PETRAKOVICH. Another aspect of the topic. Our eyes, if not the mirror of the soul, then their transparent environments: the pupil and the iris, are still screens for the topographical “cinema” constantly emanating from us. “Integral” holograms fly through the pupils, and in the irises protons, carrying a significant charge of kinetic energy, continuously excite the molecules in the pigment clumps. They will excite them until everything is in order in the cells that “sent” their protons to these molecules. The cells will die, something else will happen to them, to the organ - the structure in the pigment clumps will immediately change. This will be clearly recorded by experienced iridodiagnosticians: they already know exactly - from the projections in the iris - which organ is sick and even with what. Early and accurate diagnosis!
Some doctors do not have a very favorable attitude towards their colleagues-iridodiagnosticians, considering them almost charlatans. In vain! Iridodiagnosis, as a simple, publicly available, cheap, easily translated into mathematical language, and most importantly, an accurate and early method for diagnosing various diseases, will be given the green light in the near future. The only drawback of the method was the lack of a theoretical basis. Its foundation is outlined above.

CORRESPONDENT. I think that for our readers it would be necessary to explain the process of formation of holograms of each individual. You can do it better than me.
G.N. PETRAKOVICH. Let us imagine the interactions of accelerated protons with any large bulk (three-dimensional) molecule in a cell, occurring very quickly. Such interactions with the nuclei of the target atoms that make up this large molecule will consume many protons, which, in turn, will leave a voluminous, but “negative” trace in the proton beam in the form of a vacuum, “holes.” This trace will be a real hologram, embodying and preserving part of the structure of the molecule itself that reacted with protons. A series of holograms (which happens “in nature”) will display and preserve not only the physical “appearance” of the molecule, but also the order of physical and chemical transformations of its individual parts and the entire molecule as a whole over a certain period of time. Such holograms, merging into larger three-dimensional images, can display the life cycle of an entire cell, many neighboring cells, organs and parts of the body - the entire body.
There is one more consequence. Here it is. In living nature, regardless of consciousness, we communicate primarily through fields. With such communication, having entered into resonance with other fields, we risk losing, partially or completely, our individual frequency (as well as purity), and if in communication with green nature this means “dissolving in nature,” then in communication with people, especially with those who have a strong field, this means partially or completely losing their individuality - becoming a “zombie” (according to Todor Dichev). There are no technical “zombie” devices under the program and it is unlikely that they will ever be created, but the influence of one person on another in this regard is quite possible, although, from a moral point of view, it is unacceptable. When protecting yourself, you should think about this, especially when it comes to noisy collective actions, in which it is not reason or even true feeling that always prevails, but fanaticism - the sad child of malicious resonance.
The flow of protons can only increase due to merging with other flows, but in no way, as opposed to, for example, an electron flow, does not mix - and then it can carry complete information about entire organs and tissues, including such a specific organ like the brain. Apparently, we think in programs, and these holograms are capable of transmitting a stream of protons through our gaze - this is proven not only by the “expressiveness” of our gaze, but also by the fact that animals are able to assimilate our holograms. To confirm this, we can refer to the experiments of the famous trainer V.L. Durov, in which Academician V.M. took part. Bekhterev. In these experiments, a special commission instantly came up with any tasks feasible for the dogs, V.L. Durov immediately handed over these tasks to the dogs with a “hypnotic gaze” (at the same time, as he said, he himself seemed to become a “dog” and mentally carried out the tasks with them), and the dogs exactly followed all the instructions of the commission.
By the way, photographing hallucinations can be associated with holographic thinking and the transmission of images by a stream of protons through the gaze.
A very important point: the information-carrying protons “tag” the protein molecules of their body with their energy, and each “labeled” molecule acquires its own spectrum, and by this spectrum it differs from a molecule with exactly the same chemical composition, but belonging to a “foreign” body. The principle of mismatch (or coincidence) in the spectrum of protein molecules underlies the body’s immune reactions, inflammation, as well as tissue incompatibility, which we have already mentioned. The mechanism of smell is also built on the principle of spectral analysis of molecules excited by protons. But in this case, all molecules of a substance in the air inhaled through the nose are irradiated with protons, with an instant analysis of their spectrum (the mechanism is very close to the mechanism of color perception).
But there is “work” that is performed only by a high-frequency alternating electromagnetic field - this is the work of the “second” or “peripheral” heart, about which much was written at one time, but whose mechanism no one has yet discovered. This is a special topic for conversation.

Based on materials from V. Volkov

Reviews from international experts about ionized water

Author of the book Alkalinity or Death, Dr. Theodore Barody:

“I have administered nearly 5,000 gallons of this water to almost every health situation imaginable. I know that ionized alkaline water can be beneficial to everyone."

Author of the book “Balanced Acid-Alkaline Diet” Felicia Drury Climent:

“After 10 years of very positive and lengthy clinical experiments performed with hundreds of patients who drank ionized alkaline water, I came to the conclusion that in the coming years this technology will change the way all healthcare professionals and society view their health... I suggest drinking ionized alkaline water, wherever such an opportunity exists"

Author of the book “The Chemistry of Luck” Dr. Susan Lark:

“If you drink 4-6 glasses of alkaline water a day, increased acidity will be neutralized and the body’s buffering abilities will be restored over time. Alkaline water should be drunk when conditions of excessive acidity arise due to colds, flu or bronchitis. Like vitamins C, E and beta-carotene, alkaline water acts as an antioxidant by supplying the body with its extra free electrons. This helps the body fight the development of heart disease, stroke, immune disorders and other similar diseases."

Dr. Sherry Rogers, M.D., immunologist:

“Alkaline water helps the body rid itself of acidic residues...Having evaluated the results of my advice to hundreds of people, I was convinced that the main cause of degenerative diseases is toxicity in the form of acidic residues.”

Dr. Ingfreid Hobert, MD:

“To regain lost health, you don’t need expensive medications that have side effects... Alkaline water works effectively and for a long time, since it alkalizes your body and is an effective antioxidant”

Dina Aschbach-Gitelman M.D. Germany:

What happens when a diabetic person drinks alkaline water? Scientist Dina Aschbach-Gitelman claims that this reduces the amount of sugar in the blood. Jumps in the amount of sugar, as well as an increased amount of glucose in the evenings, become less noticeable. Sugar surges are very harmful to blood vessels, and for the whole body it is a stressful condition. The scientist says that the clinic where she works has seen the following results: after drinking alkaline water for 4-6 weeks, the need for insulin injections decreased by 20%, and the amount of glucose in the blood decreased by 30%.

Hiromi Shinya, MD, author, "Enzyme Factor":

“Using electricity, you can create water with strong redox properties. There are purification devices that use electrolysis to create ionized water with such properties. When electrolysis occurs, active hydrogen is also produced, which removes excess free radicals from the body. The result is What I call "good water" is pure, unadulterated alkaline water with lots of minerals. Good water is water with a powerful restorative effect that is not contaminated with chemicals. I believe in drinking plenty of good water every day. Even to use it for cooking, it is necessary to have a water purifier with strong reducing power."

Dr. Richard Cohen, MD, Natural Anti-Aging Specialist:

“Alkaline antioxidant water is the best thing we can drink after natural glacier water. Consuming ionized antioxidant water will help bring the body into balance by hydrating it and creating alkaline barriers." "Our body becomes a reservoir for excess acidity, and this is one of the causes of diseases in our body. Bones demineralize, our ability to produce energy declines, the immune system is suppressed, and inflammation, pain, and aches increase. It's bad to be sour."

Textbook of Medical Physiology, Arthur C. Guyton, MD:

"The cells of a healthy body are alkaline, while the cells of a diseased body have a pH below 7.0. The more acidic the cells, the more sick we become. If the body is unable to alkalize the cells, they will become acidic and thus open to disease. Most cells die at a pH level of about 3.5. Our body produces acid as a by-product of normal metabolism. Since our body does not produce alkalis, we must supply them externally to prevent oxidation and death."

David Carpenter, Doctor of Naturopathy, C.Ac., C.C.I. "Change the water, change the life":

"All processes of removing toxins from the body (liver - intestines, kidneys - bladder, skin - sweating, lungs - breathing and lymphatic system) require water. If water is not supplied in sufficient quantities, waste products accumulate in the intracellular fluid and all pathways for eliminating toxins become sluggish. However, our body is inventive. In response to stress from dehydration, the body will find places to store toxins that will not immediately affect the most important life processes. Toxins and waste can accumulate in fatty tissue, in the joints and in the form. deposits in the arteries. In the short term, life is safe, but far-reaching consequences are obvious."

Herman Aihara, "Acid and Alkaline":

“If the extracellular fluid, especially the blood, becomes oxidized, it begins to affect our physical condition - initially in the form of fatigue, susceptibility to colds, etc. If this fluid oxidizes even more, it begins to affect our physical condition in the form of pain and illness, such as headache, chest pain, stomach pain, etc."

Dr. Sherry Rogers:

"Alkaline water rids the body of acidic waste. After carefully analyzing the results of hundreds of people I have counseled, I am convinced that acidic waste is a major cause of degenerative disease."

Harald Tietze, "Rejuvenation":

"Increasing your consumption of good quality tap water or filtered water can transform your health; it can play a major role in healing almost all degenerative diseases. However, alkaline water has a deeper and longer-lasting effect because it alkalizes your body and supplies an effective antioxidant." David Niven Miller, Anti-Aging Expert, Author, Grow Yourself “By drinking alkaline water, the aging process can be reversed and waste can be reduced long-term to the level of a younger body. Body functions can be restored."

Ingfreud Hobert, MD:

"You don't need expensive medications with all their negative side effects to regain your health. Alkaline water has a deep and lasting effect on the body, alkalizing it and providing it with an effective antioxidant."

Sang Uang, "Reversing Aging":

"What is the simple process of aging? Every living cell in our body creates waste products. Nutrients from food are delivered to each cell, where they are burned with oxygen, providing us with energy for life. The burned nutrients are waste products. Useful or harmful food is determined by the quantity and quality of waste produced: toxic, acidic, alkaline, etc. Most of our cells undergo metabolism, and old dead cells become waste products." "These waste products must be eliminated from the body. In fact, our body tries to get rid of them through urine and sweat. Almost all waste products are acidic; therefore the urine is acidic, and the surface of the skin is also acidic. The problem is that for various reasons Our body is not able to get rid of the waste products it produces 100%.

Dr. Robert O. Young, Ph.D., author of "The pH Miracle":

"The main reason for this is our lifestyle. We go to bed late and get up early. We don't take rest breaks, some of us work multiple jobs. So we spend more time producing waste products than recycling them." "Those willing to look at this again with clear eyes will be rewarded with the secrets of permanent health. We can heal ourselves by changing the environment within our bodies. Potentially dangerous aliens will have nowhere to grow and will become harmless."

Dr. Robert Atkins, renowned author, health and diet expert:

"The cells and fluids in most people's bodies are too acidic. This can cause a host of health problems. This makes it difficult for your body to neutralize and get rid of harmful, toxic toxins. You become more susceptible to cell-damaging free radical oxidation, which leads to cancer and other diseases."

Richard Cohen, MD:

"We must understand what is water and what is not. Modern civilization mistakes tea, coffee, milk, carbonated and energy drinks for water. Liquid does not mean water. Structurally, what flows from the tap and the water that "We buy in bottles may represent water molecules, but when we understand how water exists in its natural form, it will become clear to us that this is not necessarily the water that evolution has adapted our bodies to."

Dr. Keith Morishita, "The Hidden Truth of Cancer":

"...If the blood becomes more acidic, these excess acidic wastes are deposited somewhere in the body. If this unhealthy process continues year after year, these areas continually increase in acidity and the cells in them begin to die. Other cells in the affected area can survive without being normal, such cells are called malignant. This is the beginning of cancer... Modern medicine treats these malignant cells as if they were bacteria or viruses. Chemotherapy, radiation and surgery are used to treat cancer. However, none of these treatments. will not be effective enough if the body environment remains acidic."

Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman, MD, "Fantastic Voyage: Live Long and Always:

“There are two ways to restore your body’s alkaline reserves, necessary for detoxification and destruction of oxygen free radicals:
1. Avoid indigestible acids. They are found in carbonated drinks, especially cola...
2. Drink alkaline water. Metabolism produces acidic waste products, so it is necessary to restore your alkaline reserves. Drinking alkaline water is an effective way to do this."

Anthony Robins, author of "Awaken the Giant Within":

"Alkalize your body and live a healthier, more energetic and more fulfilling life overall. Our acid-base balance is the main line that determines our physical health. By giving up old eating habits, you will notice how you return to your authentic self," filled with the vitality and energy that you so lack and that you deserve."

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, "New Viruses: AIDS and EBOLA":

"Many diseases can be reversed by simply improving body chemistry. International studies show that populations with low incidence of cancer drank water with a high pH level (alkaline water). When other risk factors were considered and eliminated, it became clear that they were drinking water with a pH level from 9.0 to 10.0."

David Jubb, author, The Secret of the Alkaline Body:

"Maintaining proper pH levels in the blood and body tissues helps prevent premature death and distinguishes vitality from death. It is the secret of the alkaline body."

From an interview with Ben Jonson, MD, Doctor of Oriental Medicine:

"The whole body works better when it is alkaline. Enzymes work better, and enzymes are necessary for most body functions, even energy production, electricity. All cells in the body run on electricity, so it is important to maintain an alkaline environment. It regulates the amount of energy and the rate of chemical reactions."

Here are the names of the Laureates of the Russian Physical Society Prize, who are also honorary members of the RusFO.

  1. Zaev Nikolay Emelyanovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Moscow. Author of numerous theoretical and experimental works in various fields of theoretical and applied physics, creator of a new class of energy installations - “environmental energy concentrators, KESSORs” (author's name).
  2. Verbitskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna, Candidate of Technical Sciences, St. Petersburg. The founder of a unique technology for the production of highly nonlinear ferroelectric ceramic capacitors - VARIKOND-s (author's name).
  3. Pirogov Andrey Andreevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Moscow. Author of a discovery in the field of cybernetics: “phonetic function of the speech signal” (author’s name) as a universal natural tool that determines the process of encoding-decoding speech information of any origin. Founder of the theory and practice of speech communication with machines for creating the so-called. “intelligent robots”. Inventor of a new, highly efficient method of flight (without weight loss) of heavier-than-air aircraft “LA-OVELA” (author's name).
  4. Chirkova Eleonora Nikolaevna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Moscow. The creator of a new direction in biology – “chronobiology”, and in medicine – “chronodiagnosis” and “chronotherapy” (author’s names). The author of a pioneering scientific article in this area is “The wave nature of the regulation of gene activity. A living cell as a photonic computing machine.”
  5. Petrakovich Georgy Nikolaevich, highly qualified surgeon, Moscow. Creator of a series of scientific articles in the field of human and animal physiology: cellular bioenergy, theory of respiration, nuclear reactions in a living cell, natural and artificial human hypobiosis.
  6. Buynov Gennady Nikitich, electromechanical engineer, leading specialist of the Department of Industrial Power Installations of RusFO, St. Petersburg. Author of the thermophysical theory of constructing “open T S -cycles of potential systems” (author’s name): one-sided open T S -cycles for chemical systems and open on both sides for binary and gradient systems. Inventor of a “monothermal installation with thermosorption compression and internal use of the enthalpy of formation.”
  7. Rudenko Mikolo Danilovich, publicist, Kyiv. Author of a series of journalistic works in the field of economics and commodity-money relations. Scientifically substantiated the need for a transition from modern speculative political-economic theories to the natural, natural theory of “physical economy” (author’s name), based on the objective laws of biophysics and physiology of society.
  8. Barkovsky Evgeniy Vasilievich, geophysicist, researcher at OIPZ RAS, Moscow. The founder of the geophysical concept of earthquakes - as “graviquakes” or “gravitational explosions” (author’s names), i.e. sharp fluctuations in gravity in local space above volumes of rocks adjacent to tectonic ruptures in the activation stage. Author of a unique control and measuring complex “gravionic inertial geophysical system, GGS” (author's name) for complex geological and geophysical research in various sectors of the national economy and, above all, for highly reliable short-term (per day, hours) earthquake forecast. Scientifically substantiated the geophysical cause of explosions at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, in Sasovo and other regions.
  9. Oshe (Sharapova) Agata Ivanovna, researcher at the All-Russian Research Institute of Current Sources, Moscow. The author of the discovery of a universal scheme for the self-organization of the energy of any natural systems and objects, including the electron-proton self-organization of the energy of living objects, based on proton electrochemical field effects in biomembrane energy converters “bio-ECG” (author’s name), - fuel cells, “turned inside out.”
  10. Makarov Valery Alekseevich, geologist, Moscow. Author of the discovery (together with N.F. Goncharov and V.S. Morozov) of the “icosahedral-dodecahedral system of the Earth, IDSZ” (author’s name), in foreign geophysical terminology – “Russian grid”. Co-author of the creation of the “dynamic model of the IDSZ” (author’s name), which determines the vectors of movement of blocks of the Earth’s crust and its surface matter, reveals the mechanism of movement of the planet’s matter and determines the evolution of the quasicrystalline structures of the Earth’s shells and its inner core - “Geocrystal” (author’s name) from the beginning Proterozoic to the present day, which determines the binding of accumulations of various minerals as well as the binding of geopathogenic zones to different IDSZ frameworks, taking into account the hierarchy of IDSZ subsystems. He scientifically proved and deepened the correctness of the discovery of Johannes Kepler (16th century) that regular polyhedra from the series fit into all spheres of motion of the planets of the solar system in a certain sequence: octahedron, icosahedron, dodecahedron, tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, and so on.

Quantum mechanisms in the energy of living matter. Collection of works by Petrakovich G.N.

Petrakovich Georgy Nikolaevich. (Brief biographical information)

Born in 1932 in the city of Samarkand. In 1951 he graduated from high school in Moscow and in the same year he entered the medical faculty of the 1st Moscow Medical Institute (now the I.M. Sechenov Medical Academy), from which he graduated in 1957. Having become interested in surgery, even in his senior years he disappeared on countless night shifts at the Institute. N.V. Sklifosovsky and in the hospital named after. S.P. Botkin, learning surgical “handicrafts” and providing emergency surgical care.

By the end of the institute, he already had 206 abdominal surgeries on his personal account, not counting other operations.
Having become a highly qualified surgeon, he successfully worked as an assistant in the surgical departments, head of the surgical departments of oncology, general surgery, purulent surgery, and proctology. He has a large number of publications in these specialties. But, continuing to work as a surgeon until his retirement, already at a respectable age, Georgy Nikolaevich, unexpectedly even for himself, became interested in bioenergy and... accomplished a whole revolution in the idea of ​​living matter! Moreover, he did this without any scientific sophistication or sophisticated laboratory research - simply with his insightful mind he penetrated into a living cell, into living matter, and discovered: in every living cell, from microbes, plants to humans, an unprecedentedly high frequency is generated (mega-high-frequency) electromagnetic field in inextricable unity with ionizing proton radiation, which together is the real biofield of living matter. This biofield, being a natural synchrophasotron, interacting with the nuclei of target atoms, is capable of performing nuclear fusion and nuclear fission already in a cell, which scientists have not yet achieved in their experiments, even having created the most enormous collider near Geneva.
But the author did not limit himself only to living Nature: he, in collaboration with his granddaughter Maria Alekseevna Petrakovich, a biologist by training, revealed the generation of the same mega-high-frequency electromagnetic fields in inanimate Nature, establishing the effects of “grounded” and “flooded” iron. This made it possible to create a hypothesis about the mechanism of the Earth’s rotation, to discover longitudinal electromagnetic waves that had not yet been discovered by science, which turned out to be waves of gravity, to reveal the cause of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and to express our opinion about the existence of a destructive danger on the planet Mars not only for all living things, but for everything material consisting of atoms and molecules. All this is presented in an accessible form, conclusively and in good Russian (the author studied at the A.M. Gorky Literary Institute) in the collection of scientific works by G.N. Petrakovich “Biofield without Secrets” offered to the reader. Guarantee for the development, assimilation and mastery by all of humanity of this fundamental discovery by G.N. Petrakovich are the first favorable reviews of this discovery from a number of outstanding Russian scientists - Academician, Doctor of Medical Sciences Kaznacheev Vlail Petrovich, Academician, Doctor of Biological Sciences Voronov Yuri Aleksandrovich, Academician, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Nefyodov Evgeniy Ivanovich, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Pirogov Andrey Andreevich, academician, doctor of natural philosophy of the Royal Belgian Academy of Sciences Shabadin Eduard Borisovich.


The science of cellular bioenergy, which has been developing over decades and represented by many brilliant scientific minds, serving as the foundation for all other sciences about living matter - that “stove” from which everyone “dances” - this science is currently in a deep crisis and, according to -apparently, will remain in this crisis until there is a change in its paradigm, which is still biochemistry.

However, this does not mean that the science of cellular bioenergy has so far been going, and is going, on the wrong path: it’s just that biochemistry, as the basic science in this section, has exhausted its resources.

At the same time, scientific works created on its basis and which have become classics will never lose their significance.

Based on books by such authors as V.P. Skulachev, A. Leninger, E. De Robertis and co-authors, C. Willie and V. Dethier, E. Racker, P. Mitchell as presented by David J. Nichols, I. Theodorescu Exarcu and many others have raised more than one generation of scientists. And he will continue to be educated.

At the same time, another science, quantum mechanics, is increasingly asserting its rights to be introduced into biology and medicine, especially recently. This is in questions about biofields in living objects, “cold thermonuclear” in living cells, etc., although, in fairness, it should be said that elements of such “introduction” into living nature have been noted for a long time.

So, back in 1923. our compatriot A.G. Gurvich discovered mitotic radiation in the ultraviolet range emanating from a living object - “Gurvich rays”; in 1949 spouses S.D. and V.H. Kirlian, also our compatriots, discovered and photographed high-frequency radiation, also emanating from living tissues - the “Kirlian effect”; currently living academician V.P. Over the past few decades, Kaznacheev has been proving to academic science the ability of living objects, in particular microbes, to transmit intracellular information, including pathological content, from one biological object to another by field (electromagnetic nature) means.

In recent years, pioneering works by academicians E.I. Nefedov and A.A. Yashin and co-authors have been published, in which they outlined their own theory of a single information field of the noosphere of electromagnetic nature in the EHF range and the theory of interaction of physical fields with living matter on the same basis. Academic research continues.

But life requires an ever wider and deeper introduction of quantum mechanics into biology and medicine. Without such large-scale implementation, vital questions such as the following cannot be answered. – – What is the mechanism of muscle contraction? The “old” science, based on the biochemical paradigm, never answered this. But a correct understanding of muscle contraction is not just reliable knowledge, but also correct diagnosis and thereby correct treatment of many pathological conditions associated with the activity of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and all internal organs without exception! – What is the mechanism of blood movement through the vessels (hemodynamics), if it is known for certain that the heart does not have a blood-suction function, and yet the blood seems to flow to the heart on its own, overcoming a significant force of gravity throughout the life of a person or warm-blooded animal ? It is clear that this is a burning question for all of us, but the answer to it has not yet been found.

And then something very exotic, to which no answers have been found either. – – What is the mechanism for concentrating colossal energy (and what is its type?) in our body, allowing those who own this mechanism to demonstrate miracles of physical strength in its vast variety, walk on hot coals, levitate, and so on? – What are the mechanisms of telepathy, clairvoyance, dowsing, poltergeist? – What energy unites or separates them?..

Many, many questions...

Of course, on such a controversial topic as “a new look at the nature of living things”, it would be necessary to present evidence not only in the form of the author’s hypotheses, even if some of them hint at future discoveries, but also to present experimental studies - at least according to the “core” section of this work: on the generation of vortex EHF fields in the mitochondria of living cells.

However, it will not be said as an excuse, but in fact, it was not possible to carry out such experiments at the present time for one, but compelling reason: world science has not yet created instruments for the objective and direct recording of vortex EHF fields with a frequency of 1018 Hertz and higher, which are generated in cells, especially since she has not created generators of such EHF fields.

Therefore, the author was forced to reduce all the evidence for the presented concept to a series of his own hypotheses, which logically proceed from the main discovery he made - albeit “at the tip of the pen”, it doesn’t matter - about the generation of vortex EHF fields in a living cell, but it is logically continued and developed , without in any way violating the existing laws of physics, chemistry, biology and medicine.

The author draws the attention of readers to the fact that in a number of chapters of the published work and the conclusions to them, the concept of an “electronic unit” of mitochondria is presented, capable of instantly “turning off” them and thereby the entire cell from life activity, as well as “launching” it into the vital activity of the cell is just as immediate by removing the “electronic unit”. This also applies to entire living organisms.

The author provides clarification on this matter. The fact is that considerations about the “electronic unit” of a cell and a living organism as a whole came during the writing of this work, but they seemed so significant in new ideas about the nature of living things that the author decided to introduce this concept into the published text.

I. Generation of extremely high frequency (EHF) vortex electromagnetic field in the mitochondria of a living cell

(Based on the author’s works: “Biofield without secrets”; “Nuclear reactions in a living cell”; “Nuclear reaction in a living cell”; “Cold thermonuclear” in a living cell”; “Nuclear reactor - in a living cell”; “Thermonyud in a cell - a miracle of living nature.”) Scientists who have studied the bioenergy of a living cell have long discovered that in a cell, during its life, a huge number of protons are “ejected” from mitochondria into the space of the cell - the cytoplasm. Scientists regard these protons as “waste” of biological oxidation in mitochondria and believe that this “waste”, which is cellular poison, is neutralized in the cell by combining it with air oxygen delivered to the cell in peroxide and then into water.

But two features of protons “ejected” from mitochondria into the cytoplasm make us think about them in a completely different way.

The first is that protons are “thrown out” from the mitochondria at a tremendous speed, exceeding the speed of movement of all other ions in the cell by tens of thousands (!) of times.

If we consider protons simply as ions of hydrogen atoms, which is what biochemists do, the phenomenon of speed remains unclear.

If they, protons, are considered as heavy positively charged elementary particles, everything becomes clear: protons, as particles, can be accelerated to significantly higher speeds, but only in a high-frequency alternating electromagnetic field.

Therefore, it makes direct sense to look for the generation of such a field in the mitochondria of cells, from where protons are “ejected” at enormous speed.

The second is that protons “ejected” from mitochondria always move in the cytoplasm in one direction - in contrast to the Brownian movement of all other ions in the cell. This is how protons can behave only in a high-frequency field, which again argues in favor of the generation of this field in the mitochondria of the cell.

All moments of biological oxidation in the mitochondria of a cell have been studied in the most thorough manner and are presented in the Krebs cycle - named after the author of the discovery, Nobel Prize winner G. Krebs (1953). It is noteworthy that all enzymes in the Krebs cycle, and there are about 200 of them, have the ending “dehydrogenase” - taking away hydrogen.

Back in the 60s of our century, the famous French biochemist A. Labori, studying the process of biological oxidation, came to the conclusion that regardless of the nature of the oxidized substrate in the mitochondria, that is, whether it is fats, carbohydrates or proteins, biological oxidation in the mitochondria of the cell ultimately Ultimately, it involves the separation of atomic hydrogen from the substrate and its ionization.

Ionization of atomic hydrogen is, as is known, its division into a nucleus and an electron. The nucleus is a heavy, positively charged elementary particle - a proton, and the electron is also an elementary charged particle, but only light and with a negative charge sign.

The process of ionization of atomic hydrogen in a cell has the character of a non-enzymatic free radical oxidation of a branched chain type with the participation of iron atoms with changing valence as a catalyst.

Such iron is part of hemes - four interconnected iron atoms (by interatomic bonds) in the form of a tetrahedron: at the “vertices” of the tetrahedron there are iron atoms with varying valence, between which two valence electrons move in orbits.

Heme is an atomic lattice of a metal – iron, and in such “single” types of lattice it exists, apparently, only in living nature. Valence electrons in such a lattice are also called conduction electrons. A very important circumstance: the distance between two atoms in a straight line in such an atomic lattice is equal to the diameter of the same atom, that is, no more than 10 -8 cm.

According to the laws of physics, each electric current has its own electromagnetic field of the same frequency and the same wavelength. However, instruments have not yet been created that could measure a field with such a frequency and such a wavelength, so such fields do not seem to exist at all. For academic science, of course, they exist in Nature! This field is of a vortex nature, that is, its lines of force close on themselves.

Heme is an inseparable component of the cytochrome protein molecule, which, like all protein molecules, is a liquid crystal. By combining metal atoms with a crystal, Nature thereby created a special piezocrystal - at the molecular level.

But more about these amazing creatures of Nature is yet to come.

It should be emphasized that the valence electrons in the cytochrome heme can only circulate within the heme, since they do not experience any external resistance, and cannot in any way be transferred through the hemes from one cytochrome molecule to another - due to strong external resistance.

Thus, cytochromes in mitochondria cannot serve as transmitters of electrons in the electron transport chain - therefore, the electron transport chain does not exist at all in the bioenergetics of the cell. It’s a shame, but the scientists were very wrong.

Electrons, having entered the heme acceleration system (the closer the ferric iron, the greater the speed), themselves create a field of electromagnetic radiation around themselves, with which they immediately interact. The electron spends part of its energy on the formation of this field (this is the “electron cascade” known in bioenergy), and the effect of the field on its own electron consists in braking the electron due to radiation friction.

And when the force of radiation friction exceeds the force of attraction of the electron by ferric iron, the electron that has lost part of its energy is ejected from the acceleration system in the heme, and the iron immediately takes away the electron from the nearest hydrogen atom, and the electron acceleration system starts again.

This also starts the generator of the vortex EHF field in the cytochrome heme.

The EHF fields generated in both electron acceleration systems, being coherent, “merge” (add) with each other through synchronization with the inevitable resonance effect, which greatly increases the voltage of the combined field - and this is only the beginning of subsequent countless similar additions of fields.

In mitochondria, the fields of individual cytochromes and the fields of “respiratory ensembles” are composed - this is how a single vortex EHF field of the mitochondria is formed.

This field keeps protons from interacting with electrons and other negatively charged particles.

But what is the further fate of the electrons that have lost part of their energy and were thrown out of the acceleration system in hemes? Next to cytochromes there are always ATP molecules (adenosine triphosphates), characterized in that they contain an excess charge of 1-2 electrons. ATP molecules immediately capture an electron that has weakened and been thrown out of the acceleration system, “stops” it and again “charges” it due to its own excess electron charge.

The role of ATP in the bioenergetics of the cell is thus represented by a capacitor - that’s all. As a capacitor, the ATP molecule does not need to wander around the cell as a “bargaining chip” with the help of “carriers” and return again to the mitochondrion - it does all the work in place.

An electron restored with the help of ATP (this is the process of oxidative phosphorylation known in bioenergy) is again able to take part in the acceleration system in the heme - if it is captured by a ferric iron atom.

But all EHF electromagnetic fields, no matter what their magnitude and voltage, especially coherent ones, are all aimed at adding to each other with variable synchronization and the resonance effect. Likewise, the EHF fields of mitochondria formed are directed toward “addition,” but in the space of the cell, in the cytoplasm.

This aspiration is that energy, that “draft force” of the field, which at tremendous speed carries (“throws out”) protons accelerated in this field into the cytoplasm of the cell. And which researchers have long discovered.

This property of protons accelerated in an EHF field will be presented in the next chapter, but first - about a very important factor that was not included in published works, but is extremely necessary for a correct understanding of the bioenergetics of a living cell from a new perspective: about the “electronic block” that constantly arises and is discharged in the mitochondria of every cell of every living organism.

Although the ionization of atomic hydrogen in the mitochondria of a cell produces the same number of protons and electrons, an electric (electronic) charge nevertheless accumulates in a functioning cell - due to the “loss” of protons accelerated in the EHF field, leaving first the mitochondria, and then, as we will see , and the cell itself.

On the one hand, this is good: the increasing electronic charge of the mitochondrion promotes diffusion into it through electrophoresis of large molecules charged with the opposite sign in metabolism, which partly reduces the amount of electronic charge in the mitochondrion; on the other hand, it blocks EHF field generators in cytochrome hemes, since it binds with excess electrons from ferric iron, turning it into divalent iron.

The vortex EHF field generator can be “started” again only by eliminating the excess electrons. For some time, the “electronic unit”, “disconnecting” the mitochondria and the cell from the general EHF field, creates conditions for the cell to “rest”, introduces it, while maintaining viability, into a kind of hypobiosis at normal temperature - and all this would be good, if the cell retained the ability to exit such hypobiosis constantly.

However, in a number of cases, the “electronic unit” is not removed, while at the same time the biological oxidation reaction in mitochondria, due to the inertia of the chemical process, continues, as a result of which under-oxidized products accumulate in the mitochondria of the cell: atomic hydrogen, lactic acid, acetone or ketone bodies, glucose compounds .

All these products are cellular poisons. Under the influence of these poisons, a cell can transform into a malignant one: without maturing, it rapidly divides and uses these poisons as products for its own nutrition and reproduction. It is these changes that are observed in the cells of various malignant tumors.

The “electronic unit” of vortex EHF generators in the mitochondria of such cells also removes them from the influence of the fields of neighboring, healthy cells, the field of the entire body, which is noted by scientists as the “uncontrollability” of malignant cells, their exit from the control of the body.

Of course, every living organism has mechanisms to free itself from such an “electronic block.”

In humans, this is carried out along the lines of least resistance through acupuncture points and Zakharyin-Ged zones, with sweat, breathing, tears, urine, etc., as well as artificially - through grounding the body, for example, according to the method of Academician A.A. Mikulin . Actually, this method undoubtedly helped the famous academician live up to almost 90 years old, vigorous, of sound mind and memory.

Air ionization according to A.L. Chizhevsky also contributes to the removal of the “electronic unit”.

1. Biological oxidation in the mitochondria of living cells ends with the non-enzymatic free radical oxidation of atomic hydrogen according to the branched chain type, in which cytochrome hemes participate as a catalyst. In this case, the hydrogen atom is divided (ionized) into elementary particles: electron and proton.

2. Two electrons involved in the cytochrome heme by ferric iron atoms generate in this heme two extremely high-frequency vortex electromagnetic fields (EHF fields), which, being coherent, add up to each other with indispensable synchronization and a resonance effect.

3. Such fields of all cytochrome molecules, respiratory ensembles of mitochondria are composed - a single vortex EHF field of the entire mitochondrion is formed. This field retains protons resulting from the ionization of atomic hydrogen.

4. The ATP molecule in such a system of biological oxidation in the mitochondria of the cell acts as a capacitor.

5. The tendency of the vortex EHF fields of mitochondria to combine with each other already in the cytoplasm of the cell is the very “draft force” that with enormous speed “throws” the protons held in these fields out of the mitochondria into the space of the cell.

6. The indivisible unity of vortex EHF fields and protons accelerated in them constitutes the energetic basis of every living cell - its biofield.

7. A proton, having entered the vortex EHF field of the mitochondria, and then the cell, loses the properties of a chemical element - the nucleus of a hydrogen atom - for the entire time it is in this field. For this reason, it cannot enter into any chemical interactions with other chemical elements - for example, with oxygen.

Thus, the statement of some scientists about peroxidation occurring in the cell should be considered erroneous.

8. Due to the loss of protons by mitochondria during radiation, which leads to an increase in the negative electrical charge in them due to the “remaining” electrons, the rate of diffusion into the mitochondria of ionized molecules with a positive charge increases.

9. At the same time, excessive accumulation of electrons in mitochondria leads to the transformation of ferric iron into ferrous iron in the hemes of cytochromes. Such a transformation immediately blocks the generation of the vortex EHF field in the mitochondria, and the cell, deprived of its biofield, immediately ceases its function. This is the “electronic unit”.

10. At the same time, the “chemical part” of biological oxidation in the mitochondria continues for some time, as a result of which, during the “electronic block”, under-oxidized products in the form of lactic acid, ketone bodies (acetone) and others accumulate in the cell. All these under-oxidized substances are cellular poisons, and with prolonged electronic block of mitochondria they cause intoxication of the body.

A.V. Svetlov

Hypothesis about cellular bioenergy G.N. Petrakovic (or as Petrakovic Revici explained)

G. N. Petrakovich presented a new hypothesis about cellular bioenergetics, the essence of which is that in the “power stations” of the cell - mitochondria - in the process of biological oxidation, a short-wave high-frequency alternating electromagnetic field is generated simultaneously and in inextricable unity and hydrogen atoms are ionized. The ions of the hydrogen atom, also known as protons (H+), heavy charged elementary particles, are held and accelerated in the same field. The transfer of energy from biological oxidation in a cell is carried out by “bombarding” with accelerated protons the nuclei of target atoms located with protons in the same short-wave high-frequency alternating electromagnetic field, while holograms are formed in the cell. The bioenergy fields of cells (biofields) merge with each other through synchronization with the inevitable effect of resonance - this is how a single bioenergy field (biofield) of the entire living organism is formed, which is in constant high-speed movement.

In this combined field, which is basic, at different frequencies, numerous small fields of cellular associations are formed, disintegrated and formed again, which include both the commander cells of the brain and the cells of the executive organs - this is how functional systems are formed according to P.K. Anokhin, but exclusively on a field basis. The outstanding scientist could not have foreseen this at that time.

The incentives for the formation of such temporary systems aimed at performing specific tasks are both signals from the external world - through the senses, and signals from internal organs, as well as those emanating from the brain (i.e., thoughts).

At the same time, countless numbers of such systems can function without interfering with one another - the basic unified energy field of the body promotes the fusion of individual cellular fields, regardless of the anatomical location of the cells. There is enough for such mergers on short waves and different frequencies so that one formed system does not block another. Although in extreme situations such blocking undoubtedly occurs.

For the normal functioning of the entire organism, the brain and its subsystems need constant and reliable “feeding” of information not only from the cells of organs and tissues, it needs to control countless biochemical and physical processes that constantly occur in the body and manage these processes. Homeostasis is based on this control.

In this regard, the role of metalloproteins - protein molecules containing atoms of various metals - in a living organism is presented in a completely new way.

It is known that all protein molecules in a living organism have a crystalline form, and if metal atoms are also organically built into these protein crystals, then such molecules appear as piezocrystals with all the operating mechanisms that follow from such a definition. Through a metal atom, like through an antenna, a piezoelectric crystal can receive an electromagnetic wave by induction - in this case, the crystal changes its shape, which, in turn, generates an “internal” electromagnetic pulse - and this impulse goes “to reception” into the surrounding space through the metal atom .

If G.N. Petrakovich’s guess about the existence of piezocrystal molecules in a living organism is correct, then we can assume that a new class of piezocrystals has been discovered with a number of distinctive features.

  1. Firstly, all these piezocrystals are liquid.
  2. Secondly, in size - the smallest.
  3. Thirdly, they are of natural origin.
  4. Fourthly, they can only be controlled through the field.

Traditional science still knows nothing about the existence of such piezocrystals. But Revici received them - here they are:

It is possible that metalloprotein molecules are chemically activated and inactivated not by forming temporary chemical bonds with other substances, but by simply changing the shape of their crystal, which can be influenced remotely.

The alternation of external and internal electromagnetic pulses transforms such a piezocrystal molecule alternately into a chemically active substance and into a piezoelectric sensor, signaling by wave about the state of chemical activity at the point where the element is located. Much has been written about chemodensors, or more precisely, about chemoreceptors, but none of the researchers saw metalloproteins in the role of these chemoreceptors, much less defined them functionally as piezocrystals.

Need examples? One of Revici's most famous drugs - an anti-alcohol, anti-tobacco, anti-drug, bone-restoring agent called ASAT - is a liquid piezoelectric crystal based on allylic sulfides with all the attendant properties. Indeed, looking at J. Emsley’s reference book “Elements”, we find that already at a temperature of 94 °C, sulfur changes the type of crystal lattice from orthorhombic to monoclinic. And looking at the corresponding Revici patent, which describes the method of preparing the drug, we learn that:

"...the temperature should be maintained at an upper limit within the range of about 120 °C to about 130 °C and preferably 125-127 °C."

In a living organism, there are a large number of crystalline protein molecules containing metal atoms:

  • Some of them contain iron in the form of hemes - 4 iron atoms linked by atomic bonds with varying and unchanging valency (hemoglobin, myoglobin, bile pigments, cytochromes).
  • Others contain non-heme iron (many respiratory enzymes).
  • Still others contain a zinc atom (insulin, various an- and dehydrogenases).
  • Crystalline protein molecules also include atoms of copper, calcium, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum - almost all the metals and metalloids from the periodic table.
  • There are protein molecules that contain several atoms of various metals.

[Among Revici's preparations there are liquid piezocrystals based on beryllium, bismuth, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, sulfur (two types), selenium (two types), zinc, as well as copper and sulfur at the same time.]

Myriads of piezo-crystal molecules, wherever they are located - in the blood vessels, liver and spleen, in the bones, in the urinary tract and in the intestinal lumen - from everywhere, at their frequencies, they inform the brain about themselves, about the processes in which they participate, and at the same frequencies and wavelengths they receive orders to action (or inaction) from the brain.

A feature of all piezocrystals is that they can maintain the amplitude of their oscillations indefinitely - until the electromagnetic pulse arriving at them breaks their rhythm. Based on this, the piezocrystal molecules in our body, invisible to the eye and even a microscope, can fully be called the guardians of our biorhythms, our internal clock.

Since, as is known, piezocrystals respond equally to both electromagnetic and acoustic waves (transforming one into the other), it is possible that we, like dolphins, emit ultrasounds from ourselves, and perceive music and rhythms not only by hearing, but also internally, especially if this music resonates with our internal rhythms. So people sometimes become music lovers not only out of whim, but also out of necessity.

But the largest number of piezocrystals are found in the muscles - these piezocrystals are the myoglobin molecules containing them. Science has identified myoglobin as a “holder” of reserve oxygen, which is consumed during intense muscle work. In fact, cells do not need either atomic or molecular oxygen - oxygen in a living organism is consumed (and produced!) through completely different channels.

There is every reason to believe that myoglobin molecules are destined for a different role, not yet known by modern science - it is these piezocrystal molecules that are the first and main movers in muscle contraction. It is they who are capable, without energy losses, at the same time, instantly and inertia-free of converting the energy of electromagnetic induction into mechanical movement, and the elastic molecules of actin and myosin act as shock absorbers during this main movement, thereby protecting the piezocrystals from destruction and extinguishing the enormous speed of contraction to an acceptable one.

Understanding the real process of muscle contraction is extremely important not only for science, but also for practice - after all, muscle contraction underlies cardiac activity and external respiration. The muscular system is the only system in our body through which we can control our thoughts and emotions, and if a person demonstrates any phenomena, he demonstrates them primarily through the muscular system.

A.V. Svetlov, Hypothesis of cellular bioenergy G.N. Petrakovich (or as Petrakovich Revici explained) // “Academy of Trinitarianism”, M., El No. 77-6567, pub. 17794, 12/20/2012


I will give a complete interview with Georgy Petrakovich, published in the magazine “Miracles and Adventures” No. 12, 1996, pp. 6-9.
Special correspondent for the magazine Vl. Ivanov met with a full member of the Russian Physical Society, surgeon Georgiy Nikolaevich Petrakovich, who published sensational works on thermonuclear reactions occurring in living organisms and the transformation of chemical elements in them. This is much more fantastic than the most daring experiments of alchemists. The conversation is dedicated to the true miracle of evolution, the main miracle of living nature. We do not agree with the author of the bold hypothesis on everything. In particular, being a materialist, it seems to us that he excludes the spiritual principle from those processes where it, apparently, should be present.
But still, G. Petrakovich’s hypothesis interested us because it intersects with the works of Academician V. Kaznacheev about "cold thermonuclear" in a living cell. At the same time, the hypothesis builds a bridge to the concept noosphere. V. Vernadsky, pointing to the source that continuously feeds the noosphere with energy.
The hypothesis is also interesting because it paves scientific paths to explain a number of mysterious phenomena, such as clairvoyance, levitation, iridology and others.
We ask you to forgive us for some scientific complexity of the conversation for the unprepared reader. The material itself, unfortunately, by its nature cannot be subject to significant simplification.
CORRESPONDENT. First, the essence, the salt of a miracle, seemingly incompatible with ideas about living organisms... What kind of strange force operates in us, in the cells of our body? Everything resembles a detective story. This power was known, so to speak, in a different capacity. She acted incognito, as if under a mask. They talked and wrote about it like this: hydrogen ions. You understood and called it differently: protons. These are the same hydrogen ions, the bare nuclei of its atoms, positively charged, but they are also elementary particles. Biophysicists did not notice that Janus is two-faced. Is not it? Can you tell us more about this?
G.N. PETRAKOVICH. A living cell obtains energy as a result of ordinary chemical reactions. This is what the science of cellular bioenergy believed. As always, electrons take part in reactions; it is their transitions that provide a chemical bond. In the smallest "bubbles" of irregular shape - the mitochondria of the cell - oxidation occurs with the participation of electrons. This is a postulate of bioenergy.
This is how the country's leading bioenergetics specialist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.P., presents this postulate. Skulachev: “In order to conduct an experiment on the use of nuclear energy, nature had to create a person. As for the intracellular mechanisms of energy, they extract energy exclusively from electronic transformations, although the energy effect here is immeasurably small compared to thermonuclear processes.”
"Exclusively from electronic transformations..." This is a fallacy! Electronic transformations are chemistry, and nothing more. It is thermonuclear reactions that underlie cellular bioenergy, and it is the proton, also known as the hydrogen ion - a heavy charged elementary particle - that is the main participant in all these reactions. Although, of course, the electron also takes a certain, and even important, part in this process, but in a different role, completely different from the role prescribed for it by scientific specialists.
And what is most surprising: to prove all this, it turns out, there is no need to conduct any complex research or research. Everything lies on the surface, everything is presented in the same indisputable facts and observations that the scientists themselves obtained with their hard work. You just need to reflect unbiasedly and deeply on these facts. Here is an indisputable fact: it is known that protons are “thrown out” from mitochondria (a term widely used by specialists, and it sounds disdainful of these hard-working particles, as if we are talking about waste, “garbage”) into the space of the cell (cytoplasm). Protons move unidirectionally in it, that is, they never return, unlike the Brownian motion in the cell of all other ions. And they move in the cytoplasm at a tremendous speed, exceeding the speed of movement of any other ions by many thousands of times,
Scientists do not comment on this observation in any way, but one should think about it seriously.
If protons, these charged elementary particles, move in the space of a cell with such enormous speed and “purposefully,” it means that the cell has some kind of acceleration mechanism. Undoubtedly, the acceleration mechanism is located in the mitochondria, from where protons are initially “ejected” at enormous speed, but what is its nature... Heavy charged elementary particles, protons, can only be accelerated in a high-frequency alternating electromagnetic field - in a synchrophasotron, for example. So, molecular synchrophasotron into mitochondria? No matter how strange it may seem, yes: the subminiature natural synchrophasotron is located precisely in a tiny intracellular formation, in the mitochondria!
Protons, once in a high-frequency alternating electromagnetic field, lose the properties of the chemical element hydrogen for the entire time they remain in this field, but instead exhibit the properties of heavy charged elementary particles."
For this reason, in a test tube it is impossible to fully repeat the processes that constantly occur in a living cell. For example, in a researcher’s test tube, protons participate in oxidation, but in a cell, although free radical oxidation occurs in it, peroxides are not formed. The cellular electromagnetic field “carries” protons out of the living cell, preventing them from reacting with oxygen. Meanwhile, scientists are guided precisely by “test tube” experience when studying processes in a living cell.
Protons accelerated in a field easily ionize atoms and molecules, “knocking out” electrons from them. In this case, the molecules, becoming free radicals, acquire high activity, and ionized atoms (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other elements) form electrical and osmotic potentials in the cell membranes (but of a secondary, proton-dependent order).
CORRESPONDENT. It's time to draw the attention of our readers to the fact that a living cell invisible to the eye is more complex than any gigantic installation, and what happens in it cannot yet be even approximately reproduced. Perhaps galaxies - on a different scale, of course - are the simplest objects of the Universe, just as cells are the elementary objects of a plant or animal. Perhaps our levels of knowledge about cells and galaxies are roughly equivalent. But the most striking thing is that the thermonuclear fusion of the Sun and other stars corresponds to the cold thermonuclear fusion of a living cell, or, more precisely, its individual sections. The analogy is complete. Everyone knows about the hot thermonuclear fusion of stars. But only you can tell us about the cold thermonuclear reaction of living cells.
G.N. PETRAKOVICH. Let's try to imagine the most important events at this level.
Being a heavy charged elementary particle whose mass exceeds the mass of an electron by 1840 times, the proton is part of all atomic nuclei without exception. Being accelerated in a high-frequency alternating electromagnetic field and being in the same field with these nuclei, it is able to transfer its kinetic energy to them, being the best transmitter of energy from the accelerator to the consumer - the atom.
Interacting in the cell with the nuclei of target atoms, it transfers to them in parts - through elastic collisions - the kinetic energy it acquired during acceleration. And having lost this energy, it is eventually captured by the nucleus of the nearest atom (inelastic collision) and becomes an integral part of this nucleus. And this is the path to the transformation of elements.
In response to the energy obtained during an elastic collision with a proton, an energy quantum is ejected from the excited nucleus of the target atom, characteristic only of the nucleus of this particular atom, with its own wavelength and frequency. If such interactions of protons occur with many nuclei of atoms that make up, for example, a molecule; then a whole group of such specific quanta is released in a certain frequency spectrum. Immunologists believe that tissue incompatibility in a living organism manifests itself at the molecular level. Apparently, in a living organism, the difference between “one’s own” protein molecule and a “foreign” one, despite their absolute chemical identity, occurs in these very specific frequencies and spectra, to which the “sentinel” cells of the body - leukocytes - react differently.
CORRESPONDENT. An interesting side result of your proton-nuclear theory! Even more interesting is the process that alchemists dreamed of. Physicists have pointed to the possibility of producing new elements in reactors, but this is very difficult and expensive for most substances. A few words about the same thing at the cellular level...
G.N. PETRAKOVICH. The capture of a proton that has lost kinetic energy by the nucleus of a target atom changes the atomic number of this atom, i.e. the “invader” atom is capable of changing its nuclear structure and becoming not only an isotope of a given chemical element, but also in general, taking into account the possibility of repeated “capture” of protons, taking a different place than before in the periodic table: and in some cases even not the closest to the old one. Essentially we are talking about nuclear fusion in a living cell.
It must be said that such ideas have already excited the minds of people: there have already been publications about the work of the French scientist L. Kervran, who discovered such a nuclear transformation while studying laying hens. True, L. Kervran believed that this nuclear synthesis of potassium with a proton, followed by the production of calcium, is carried out using enzymatic reactions. But, based on the above, it is easier to imagine this process as a consequence of internuclear interactions.
To be fair, it should be said that M.V. Wolkenstein generally considers L. Kervran’s experiments an April Fool’s joke among cheerful American scientific colleagues. The first idea about the possibility of nuclear fusion in a living organism was expressed in one of Isaac Asimov’s science fiction stories. One way or another, giving due credit to both, and the third, we can conclude that, according to the hypothesis presented, internuclear interactions in a living cell are quite possible.
And the Coulomb barrier will not be a hindrance: nature has managed to bypass this barrier without high energies and temperatures, softly and gently,
CORRESPONDENT. You believe that a vortex electromagnetic field arises in a living cell. It holds protons, as it were, in its grid and disperses them, accelerates them. This field is emitted and generated by the electrons of iron atoms. There are groups of four such atoms. Experts call them gems. The iron in them is di- and trivalent. And both of these forms exchange electrons, the jumps of which generate a field. Its frequency is incredibly high, according to your estimate 1028 hertz. It far exceeds the frequency of visible light, which is usually also generated by electron jumps from one atomic level to another. Don't you think that this estimate of the frequency of the field in the cell is very overestimated?
G.N. PETRAKOVICH. Not at all.
CORRESPONDENT. Your answer is clear to me. After all, it is very high frequencies and the corresponding short wavelengths that are associated with high quantum energy. Thus, ultraviolet with its short waves is stronger than ordinary light rays. To accelerate protons, very short waves are needed. Is it possible to check the proton acceleration scheme itself and the frequency of the intracellular field?

G.N. PETRAKOVICH. So, the discovery: in the mitochondria of cells, an ultra-high-frequency, ultra-short-wave alternating electric current is generated and, according to the laws of physics, accordingly, an ultra-short-wave and ultra-high-frequency alternating electromagnetic field. The shortest wavelength and highest frequency of all variable electromagnetic fields in nature. Instruments have not yet been created that could measure such a high frequency and such a short wave, so such fields do not yet exist for us at all. And there is no opening yet...
Nevertheless, let us again turn to the laws of physics. According to these laws, point variable electromagnetic fields do not exist independently; they instantly, at the speed of light, merge with each other through synchronization and resonance, which significantly increases the voltage of such a field.
Point electromagnetic fields formed in electromagnets by moving electrons merge, then all the fields of mitochondria merge. A combined ultra-high-frequency, ultra-short-wave alternating field is formed for the entire mitochondrion. Protons are held in this field.
But there are not two or three mitochondria in one cell - in each cell there are tens, hundreds, and in some - even thousands, and in each of them this ultra-short-wave field is formed; and these fields rush to merge with each other, all with the same synchronization and resonance effect, but in the entire space of the cell - in the cytoplasm. This desire of the alternating electromagnetic field of the mitochondrion to merge with other similar fields in the cytoplasm is the very “draft force”, the energy that accelerates “throws” protons out of the mitochondrion into the space of the cell. This is how the intramitochondrial “synchrophasotron” works.
It should be remembered that protons move to the nuclei of target atoms in a cell in a significantly enhanced field - so short-wavelength that it can easily pass between nearby atoms, even in a metal lattice, as if along a waveguide. This field will easily “carry” with it a proton, the size of which is a hundred thousand times smaller than any atom, and is so high-frequency that it will not lose any of its energy. Such a superpermeable field will also excite those protons that are part of the nucleus of the target atom. And most importantly, this field will bring the “incoming” proton closer to them so much that it will allow this “incoming” to give the nucleus part of its kinetic energy.
The largest amount of energy is released during alpha decay. At the same time, alpha particles, which are tightly bound two protons and two neutrons (that is, the nuclei of helium atoms), are ejected from the nucleus at enormous speed.
Unlike a nuclear explosion, with a “cold thermonuclear” there is no accumulation of critical mass in the reaction zone. Decay or synthesis may cease immediately. No radiation is observed because alpha particles outside the electromagnetic field are immediately converted into helium atoms, and protons into molecular hydrogen, water or peroxides.
At the same time, the body is capable of creating the chemical elements it needs from other chemical elements using “cold thermonuclear” and neutralizing substances harmful to it.
In the zone where the “cold thermonuclear reaction” occurs, holograms are formed that reflect the interactions of protons with the nuclei of target atoms. Ultimately, these holograms are carried undistorted by electromagnetic fields into the noosphere and become the basis of the energy-information field of the noosphere.
A person is capable of arbitrarily, with the help of electromagnetic lenses, the role of which in a living organism is performed by piezocrystal molecules, to focus the energy of protons, and especially alpha particles, into powerful beams. At the same time, demonstrating amazing phenomena: lifting and moving incredible weights, walking on hot stones and coals, levitation, teleportation, telekinesis and much more.
It cannot be that everything in the world disappears without a trace; on the contrary, one should think that there is a kind of global “bank”, a global biofield, with which the fields of everyone who lived and are merging on Earth merged and are merging. This biofield can be represented by a super-powerful, super-high-frequency, super-short-wave and super-penetrating alternating electromagnetic field around the Earth (and thereby around and through us). This field holds in perfect order the nuclear charges of proton holographic “films” about each of us - about people, about bacteria and elephants, about worms, about grass, plankton, saxaul, who once lived and are living now. Those living today support this biofield with the energy of their field. But only a rare few have access to its information treasures. This is the memory of the planet, its biosphere.
The still unknown universal biofield has colossal, if not limitless, energy, we all swim in the ocean of this energy, but we don’t feel it, just as we don’t feel the air around us, and therefore we don’t feel that it is around us... Its role will increase . This is our reserve, our support.
CORRESPONDENT. This field of the planet in itself, however, will not replace working hands and a creative mind. It only creates the preconditions for the manifestation of human abilities.

G.N. PETRAKOVICH. Another aspect of the topic. Our eyes, if not the mirror of the soul, then their transparent environments - the pupil and the iris - are still screens for the topographical “cinema” constantly emanating from us. “Integral” holograms fly through the pupils, and in the irises protons, carrying a significant charge of kinetic energy, continuously excite the molecules in the pigment clumps. They will excite them until everything is in order in the cells that “sent” their protons to these molecules. The cells will die, something else will happen to them, to the organ - the structure in the pigment clumps will immediately change. This will be clearly recorded by experienced iridodiagnosticians: they already know exactly - from the projections in the iris - which organ is sick and even with what. Early and accurate diagnosis!
Some doctors do not have a very favorable attitude towards their colleagues-iridodiagnosticians, considering them almost charlatans. In vain! Iridodiagnosis, as a simple, publicly available, cheap, easily translated into mathematical language, and most importantly, an accurate and early method for diagnosing various diseases, will be given the green light in the near future. The only drawback of the method was the lack of a theoretical basis. Its foundation is outlined above.
CORRESPONDENT. I think that for our readers it would be necessary to explain the process of formation of holograms of each individual. You can do it better than me.
G.N. PETRAKOVICH. Let us imagine the interactions of accelerated protons with any large bulk (three-dimensional) molecule in a cell, occurring very quickly. Such interactions with the nuclei of the target atoms that make up this large molecule will consume many protons, which, in turn, will leave a voluminous, but “negative” trace in the proton beam in the form of a vacuum, “holes.” This trace will be a real hologram, embodying and preserving part of the structure of the molecule itself that reacted with protons. A series of holograms (which happens “in nature”) will display and preserve not only the physical “appearance” of the molecule, but also the order of physical and chemical transformations of its individual parts and the entire molecule as a whole over a certain period of time. Such holograms, merging into larger three-dimensional images, can display the life cycle of an entire cell, many neighboring cells, organs and parts of the body - the entire body.
There is one more consequence. Here it is. In living nature, regardless of consciousness, we communicate primarily through fields. With such communication, having entered into resonance with other fields, we risk losing, partially or completely, our individual frequency (as well as purity), and if in communication with green nature this means “dissolving in nature,” then in communication with people, especially with those who have a strong field, this means partially or completely losing their individuality - becoming a “zombie” (according to Todor Dichev). There are no technical “zombie” devices under the program and it is unlikely that they will ever be created, but the influence of one person on another in this regard is quite possible, although, from a moral point of view, it is unacceptable. When protecting yourself, you should think about this, especially when it comes to noisy collective actions, in which it is not reason or even true feeling that always prevails, but fanaticism - the sad child of malicious resonance.
The flow of protons can only increase due to merging with other flows, but in no way, as opposed to, for example, an electron flow, does not mix - and then it can carry complete information about entire organs and tissues, including such a specific organ like the brain. Apparently, we think in programs, and these holograms are capable of transmitting a stream of protons through our gaze - this is proven not only by the “expressiveness” of our gaze, but also by the fact that animals are able to assimilate our holograms. To confirm this, we can refer to the experiments of the famous trainer V.L. Durov, in which Academician V.M. took part. Bekhterev. In these experiments, a special commission instantly came up with any tasks feasible for the dogs, V.L. Durov immediately handed over these tasks to the dogs with a “hypnotic gaze” (at the same time, as he said, he himself seemed to become a “dog” and mentally carried out the tasks with them), and the dogs exactly followed all the instructions of the commission.
By the way, photographing hallucinations can be associated with holographic thinking and the transmission of images by a stream of protons through the gaze.
A very important point: the information-carrying protons “tag” the protein molecules of their body with their energy, and each “labeled” molecule acquires its own spectrum, and by this spectrum it differs from a molecule with exactly the same chemical composition, but belonging to a “foreign” body. The principle of mismatch (or coincidence) in the spectrum of protein molecules underlies the body’s immune reactions, inflammation, as well as tissue incompatibility, which we have already mentioned. The mechanism of smell is also built on the principle of spectral analysis of molecules excited by protons. But in this case, all molecules of a substance in the air inhaled through the nose are irradiated with protons, with an instant analysis of their spectrum (the mechanism is very close to the mechanism of color perception).
But there is “work” that is performed only by a high-frequency alternating electromagnetic field - this is the work of the “second” or “peripheral” heart, about which much was written at one time, but whose mechanism no one has yet discovered. This is a special topic for conversation.

To be continued...