Curd cake with kiwi and banana. We prepare a delicious and beautiful sponge cake with bananas and kiwi

  • 05.04.2024

And again in the kitchen we are greeted by children - the daughters of my friend, who have long gone beyond the basics of cooking (one, which had the lion's share of their help, for what it's worth) - with a dessert of cookies and fruit! This amazing cake with bananas and kiwi will definitely delight everyone with its taste. The dessert is easy to prepare, does not require too much expenditure, and is a great help in a situation where a kid wants a little celebration, but adults (if absent) do not have time to bake a cake.

And the children who come to visit will be at a loss until they are told that the basis of this culinary creativity is cookies, and they will definitely want to “order” this dish for dessert again and again. Surprisingly tender, with cookies soaked in sour cream and natural fruit juices of bananas and kiwi, the cake prepared by children will please even the most picky person. And all I had to do was take photos and watch the process, relaxing after experimenting the other day with and.

Dish ingredients:

  • Cookies "Animals" (or "Fish" - unsalted) - 1 pack,
  • sour cream - 700 gr,
  • bananas and kiwi - a couple of pieces each,
  • sugar - at least a glass.

Making a cake from cookies with sour cream, with photo

Pour sour cream into a large plate, add a glass of sugar, mix well with a spoon (mixer), and taste. The sour cream should be sweet enough to suit your taste. If it seems that there is not enough sugar, add more until the sweetness is satisfactory. Set aside the sour cream for a while to completely dissolve the sugar.

While the mixture “reaches”, let’s start cutting the fruit. After washing the kiwis under water, peel them and bananas, cut them into circles and carefully place them on a large dish.

When the fruit slices are ready, check to see if the sugar has dissolved in the sour cream. If not, we use the mixer again and bring the dissolution process to its logical conclusion. Pour the entire packet of cookies into a plate. Mix the latter well with sour cream and place it in the refrigerator for a while until the cookies are saturated with this lactic acid product and become soft and tender. Typically, impregnation takes from half an hour to 60 minutes.

When the cookies reach standard, we begin to form the cake itself. Place 1-2 rows of already soft cookies on a plate with a spoon and level them.

On top of it we lay a layer of one of the fruits - bananas, for example.

Spread the cookies on top with a spoon again in a couple of layers, then a layer of kiwi.

You can repeat the layer of cookies and fruit again, but the girls only settled on cookies.

Coat the last layer of cookies and the sides of the cake with the remaining sour cream from the plate. Top with fruit.

The cookie cake will be completely ready when it is well soaked in the juice of the layered bananas and kiwis. To do this, you need to leave it in the refrigerator for 40-60 minutes.

If you have some cookies soaked in sour cream left over, you can make small cakes with pieces of fruit on top - children really like this delicacy. Or you can let them (or adult aunts) finish it with spoons. Enjoy your tea!

A dessert that can prevent the appearance of gray hair, improve lipid metabolism in the body and burn unnecessary fats - is it a dream or reality? No, this is quite real, since the “medicinal berry” or “Chinese gooseberry”, better known to many as kiwi, has such truly miraculous properties.

Quick cake recipe

Baking cake layers requires a certain amount of time, which may be short before guests arrive. In this situation, store-bought sponge cakes will help out. They can be found in almost any grocery store. The hostess will only have to prepare the cream and assemble the cake, decorating it to her liking.

The procedure for preparing a kiwi cake from ready-made cake layers:

  1. Since the cakes are already ready, first of all you need to prepare the cream. Using an immersion blender, beat the cottage cheese into a fluffy, homogeneous mass without grains. Then, continuing to whisk, add condensed milk into the cream. It can be either regular or boiled. The cream is ready;
  2. Peel the fruit and turn it into thin round slices. If the finished cakes are a bit dry, you can soak them in syrup or give the assembled cake more time to soak in the cream;
  3. Spread each prepared cake layer generously with cream (there will be a lot of it), and place pieces of kiwi and/or other fruits on top. Repeat this until you run out of cakes and fruits. Coat the sides and top with cream and decorate according to the imagination of the pastry chef.

Cake "Turtle" with kiwi

This cake is also very often called “Emerald Turtle” because of the color of the finished dessert and the abundance of kiwi in it. Another feature of this baking is that the cakes are baked not in the oven, but in a frying pan. Since the surface of the cake is decorated with kiwi slices, to prevent them from darkening or weathering, they can be covered with cold decorative gel or a thin layer of cake jelly.

For the cake layers, cream and fruit layer you will need:

  • 370 g condensed milk;
  • 3 chicken eggs (1 for dough, 2 for cream);
  • 5 g baking soda;
  • 3 ml table vinegar;
  • 500 g flour (including 50 g for cream);
  • 500 ml milk;
  • 220 g butter;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • 800 g kiwi.

All culinary processes for preparing dessert will take 120 minutes.

The calorie content or energy value of a 100-gram serving will be 220.0 kilocalories.

Sequence of preparation steps:

  1. Baking a cake begins with preparing the custard. Mix regular sugar with vanilla and the required amount of flour. Beat two eggs with a mixture of dry ingredients, pour milk into the resulting mixture and put everything on the fire;
  2. Boil the milk base of the cream over medium heat, remembering to stir continuously so as not to burn, until a spatula mark remains on the surface. After removing the cream from the heat, immediately add the butter and stir until smooth. Then cover with cling film in contact so that a crust does not appear on the surface;
  3. For the dough, mix condensed milk with egg, slaked soda and flour. The result will be a dough similar in consistency to shortbread;
  4. From the resulting amount of dough you need to bake eight cakes of different diameters (two each 20, 22, 24 and 26 cm). The cakes need to be rolled out very thin and fried in a dry frying pan. Baking duration is from 40 seconds to 1 minute. The dough scraps should also be baked; they will help give the cake a smoother shape;
  5. Peel the kiwi and cut into thin slices, approximately 1 mm. Once this process is complete, you can begin assembly. Grease the largest cake with cream, place a layer of kiwi on it, repeat the layer of cream. In this way, layer the remaining cakes, moving from larger diameters to smaller ones;
  6. Dip the cream samples into the cream and use them to give the cake the shape of a hemisphere. Leave the cream to generously coat the cake. Place a circle of kiwi in the center of the circle on top, and lay out the entire cake with other circles overlapping in a circle;
  7. You can also make a muzzle, tail and paws from kiwi or scraps of dough. After the cake has soaked (at least 20 minutes), it can be served.

Kiwi and sour cream jelly cake recipe

Bright green jelly with pieces of kiwi, covered with the most delicate sour cream mousse on a base of shortbread cookies and chocolate, will cause great delight in any gourmand with its taste and appearance. This cake can be prepared without baking and with minimal time.

In the process of preparing a bright fruit dessert you will need:

  • 300 g shortbread cookies;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 20 g chocolate;
  • 500 ml of fatty (or homemade) sour cream 20-30% fat;
  • 250 ml milk;
  • 20 g granulated gelatin;
  • 3 g vanillin;
  • 120 g kiwi;
  • 100 g jelly with kiwi flavor;
  • 400 ml water.

Once you start preparing the treat, after 2.5 hours it can be served.

The calorie content of 100 g of finished cake is 228.3 kcal.

Sequence of work:

Curd cake with kiwi and banana

This curd dessert with fruit is prepared without baking and will be a real find during the hot season. Oatmeal cookies are used as the base of the cake, but if desired, they can be replaced with ready-made sponge cake, baked yourself or purchased in a store.

List of ingredients used:

  • 400 g oatmeal cookies;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 500 g of cottage cheese, grated through a sieve;
  • 200 ml natural yogurt;
  • 180 g sugar;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 30 g gelatin;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 5 g vanilla powder;
  • 150 g grapes;
  • 200 g bananas;
  • 200 g kiwi;
  • for decoration, prepared whipped cream and jelly for the cake.

Since the torus will need to be refrigerated for some time after assembly to harden well, the total cooking time will be 4-5 hours.

The energy value of the main ingredients will be 261.3 kcal per 100 g; the total calorie content of the finished dessert will depend on the calorie content and the amount of cream and jelly used for decoration.

Cooking method:

  1. Mash the cookies into fine crumbs and mix with soft butter. Spread the resulting mass in an even layer over the bottom of the springform pan (diameter up to 26 cm) and compact well. While preparing the curd layer, place the mold with cookies in the refrigerator;
  2. Pour gelatin (20 g) with milk and leave until it swells for the time specified in the instructions for gelatin. Blend the cottage cheese and yogurt thoroughly with an immersion blender. Heat the swollen grains of gelatin in a steam bath or in a microwave until completely dissolved. Add liquid gelatin and milk into the curd mixture in a thin stream, continuing to operate the blender;
  3. Peel the fruit and cut into slices. After this, you can begin assembly. Place banana slices on the cookie base and fill with half the curd cream, then lay out a layer of kiwi slices and fill with the remaining cream. Place the cake in the refrigerator for half an hour;
  4. Meanwhile, prepare the fruit in sugar for decoration. Dissolve the remaining gelatin in water, dip grapes and banana and kiwi slices in it, then roll the fruits in sugar and dry them on a paper napkin;
  5. Place the candied fruits beautifully on the surface of the set dessert and carefully fill them with a layer of cake jelly, prepared according to the manufacturer’s instructions;
  6. Place the cake in the refrigerator for several hours, before serving, remove the sides of the springform pan and decorate the sides of the dessert with prepared whipped cream.

Sponge cake with kiwi and banana

This cake perfectly combines soft juicy sponge cake, sourness of thin kiwi slices, sweetness and pleasant aroma of bananas on sour cream with condensed milk. Preparing this dessert is not difficult, the main thing is to completely follow the step-by-step algorithm.

For baking sponge cake, preparing cream and assembling the cake, the following is used:

  • 8 chicken eggs;
  • 500 g granulated sugar;
  • 320 g flour;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 5 g vanillin;
  • 800 ml homemade thick sour cream;
  • 380 g condensed milk;
  • 200 g powdered sugar;
  • 200 g bananas;
  • 200 g kiwi;
  • 100 ml water.

Baking the cake will take about an hour, a little less preparing the cream and assembling the cake, but keep in mind that it will take time for the sponge cake to rest in the refrigerator from 8 to 12 hours. The finished baked goods will soak for the same amount of time.

The calorie content of the treat is 287.6 kcal/100 g.

Steps of preparation:

  1. For the sponge cake, beat eight yolks separately with 200 g of granulated sugar until white. Do the same with the whites, using another 200 g of sugar and salt, but you need to achieve soft peaks;
  2. Using a spatula, carefully fold the white foam into the yolks. Movements should be from bottom to top. Then sift the flour with vanilla and mix into the dough in two additions;
  3. Bake the mixture in one layer in a preheated oven at 180-200 degrees. This amount of dough is designed for a mold with a diameter of 24 cm. The baking time will be from 25 to 40 minutes;
  4. Wrap the finished cake in cling film to prevent it from weathering, and let it rest in the refrigerator overnight. After this procedure, it can be cut with a minimum amount of crumbs;
  5. For the cream, beat full-fat sour cream (preferably homemade) with powdered sugar, then, continuing to beat at low speed, add condensed milk. You can add a little vanillin for flavor. If the sour cream is from the store, then to achieve the desired consistency of the cream you will need to weigh it out or use a thickener, for example, gelatin;
  6. The prepared sponge cake needs to be cut into 4 cake layers. Boil syrup from the recipe amount of water and 100 g of sugar and, after cooling, soak the cakes. The impregnation must be cooled so that the cream does not float;
  7. Cut the kiwi and bananas into thin slices and you can assemble the cake. Generously coat each cake with cream, place fruit slices on top of the cream, alternating kiwi and banana. Coat the top of the cake with cream and decorate with fruit. Allow the dessert to soak for some time and serve.

When buying kiwi in a store, you should give preference to harder fruits, since specimens that are soft when pressed may turn out to be spoiled. It is better to buy hard fruit and then let it sit for a while until it reaches the required degree of softness.

The finished dessert with this fruit in the ingredients can be decorated with cherries, bananas, pineapples, strawberries, almonds or coconut flakes. These products complement the exotic taste of kiwi well.

1. Turn on the oven to warm up at 150-180 degrees.
2. Separate the whites from the yolks so that not a single drop of yolk gets into the whites. In order for the whites to beat well, add a small pinch of salt or a teaspoon of lemon juice, I do both. Taste with salt. Beat until stable peaks form with the whisk of a blender or mixer.
3. Beat the yolks with a mixer or blender with sugar until light in color.
4. Add whites to the yolks (NOT the other way around, because the whites are lighter than the yolks, otherwise the whites will settle).
5. Using a blender, beat at least 2-3 yolks with whites. Put away the mixer (blender), we won’t need it anymore!))
6. Sift the flour 2 times (it’s better to do this in advance), add to the bowl with the whites and yolks in a thin stream in parts, do not beat!!! Only with a silicone spatula, as if saturating the flour with oxygen, carefully in one direction, lifting and stirring with a spatula). Add 1 packet of vanillin or 2 packets of vanilla sugar. The dough will turn out like thick sour cream with many pimples. This is very good. Immediately pour the dough into a mold (I have a mold with a diameter of 24), cut parchment according to the mold and place it on it, grease the entire mold a little with sunflower oil (don’t be afraid that the dough will settle, if you do everything correctly, the sponge cake will turn out fluffy and tall). The oven must be preheated!!!
7. Bake at 180-200 degrees. Do not open the oven for the first 20 minutes, otherwise the biscuit will settle. Bake the biscuit for 25 minutes to 40 minutes (you can check the doneness with a toothpick).
8. After baking, cut the biscuit into 3 biscuits (or 4, depending on your preference). It is advisable that the biscuit rest overnight. Or cut it in the morning (this is even better), the main thing is not to leave it in the air so as not to dry out.
9. Cream. Beat homemade sour cream with 200 gr. powdered sugar. Add a jar of condensed milk, add a bag of vanilla sugar. Place in the refrigerator. I don’t add gelatin and don’t recommend it, it’s better to buy heavy cream, but I still make it with thick sour cream, it’s tastier))) I also make this cake with chocolate cream (black chocolate, drained butter and condensed milk, but more on that next time))
10. Cut bananas and kiwi into slices.
11. Make the impregnation, boil water with sugar (5 tablespoons each) in a plate, let the syrup boil a little and cool. It must not be warm otherwise the sour cream will flow.
11. Pour the impregnation onto the sponge cake, then spread it with cream (more)), then fruit completely over the cake, alternate bananas with kiwi). Do this with all the cakes, the last cake can be decorated with mastic or icing. I don’t focus on decoration in this recipe!
12. Last thing))) The cake turns out to be 2 -2.5 kg))) Even if you have a small family, it’s not scary, you’ll eat it in a few days and want more))) Eat the cake the next day so that it is soaked. I won’t talk about its amazing taste, try it and you’ll understand for yourself))) I’ve been baking cakes for a long time, so the recipe has been tested by me with time and experience. Bon appetit!!!))

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Do you want your next celebration to be decorated with a bright, beautiful, and of course, ? Then this recipe is for you. The combination of sponge cake with sour cream, bananas and kiwi will certainly please all guests, and bright green colors will add color to the feast.


For one cake layer (you need three in total for the cake):

- 1 incomplete glass of granulated sugar;
- the same amount of flour;
- three chicken eggs.

For cream:

- 800 grams of sour cream at least 20%;
- 1.5-2 cups of sugar.

For filling and decoration:

- 3 bananas;
- 3-4 kiwis.

For the syrup:

- 1.5-2 cups of sugar;
- 1.5-2 glasses of water;
- food flavoring (rum, cognac or citrus).

How to cook with photos step by step

1. We prepare all the ingredients for the banana and kiwi cake and we can start cooking.

2. Place eggs in a mixer bowl. Start beating with a mixer.

3. Now add granulated sugar and continue beating.

4. Beat the eggs with sugar until a light mass is formed, increased in volume and free of grains of sugar.

5. Now let's start adding flour. To do this, take a sieve and sift the required amount of flour. At the same time, stir from bottom to top with a whisk. Do not use a mixer at this stage under any circumstances, otherwise you may clog the sponge cake and it will not be airy.

6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Meanwhile, line a cake pan with parchment paper and transfer the batter into the pan. Place in preheated oven to bake for 20 minutes. Cooking time may vary depending on the volume of the mold. When the cake is browned, pierce it with a toothpick. It should be dry.

7. Remove the finished sponge cake from the oven and let it cool. Now repeat the steps. Bake the second and third cakes in the same way. If you wish, you can initially bake a double or triple portion of the dough in one form, but then the cooking time for the cake will increase significantly, and it will need to be cut into three parts. Of course, it’s easier to prepare a sponge cake this way.

8. Well, the cakes are ready. Let's start preparing the sour cream. To do this, beat sour cream with granulated sugar. Adjust the sweetness to your taste by adding sugar as needed.

9. Let's prepare syrup from sugar and water. Bring them to a boil in a saucepan and leave to cool. You can add food flavoring such as rum or cognac. You can also use a fruity scent. You need to add 2-3 drops when the syrup has cooled to 40 degrees. Soak the first layer of the cake with kiwi and bananas in the prepared syrup. Initially, divide the syrup into three equal parts, and then it will be easier to soak all the cakes.

10. Now spread the first cake layer with sour cream.

11.Cut into circles and place them on the surface of the cake.

12. Do the same with the second cake layer, soaking it and spreading it with cream, and then lay out the banana slices.

13. To finish decorating the cake with sour cream, cut the kiwi into halves, after peeling the fruit. Decorate the entire surface of the cake with kiwi slices.

14. Here is such a bright and simple cake with bananas and kiwi. Place it in the refrigerator for several hours to soak the cake. Enjoy your tea.