I remember a wonderful moment of artistic images. Literary analysis of the poem “I remember a wonderful moment”

  • 28.12.2023

The essence of every person's life is love. It is this feeling that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin teaches to appreciate in many of his works. Love was the inspiration for the poet to create his masterpieces. The love lyrics of the genius discuss many philosophical and everyday problems. An example of a brilliant and brilliant amorous message is Alexander Pushkin’s poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment.” An analysis of this creation will demonstrate to you the inspired state of a person in love, the features of the composition and language of the masterpiece. The generally accepted version of the title of this work is “K***”. This title hides who “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” is dedicated to. Well, it's worth meeting this mysterious lady.

The history of Pushkin's poem "I remember a wonderful moment"

The lines, which belong to the pinnacle of world love lyrics, are dedicated to a social beauty named Anna Kern. This beauty was idolized by many fans, among whom was the emperor himself. Her maiden name is Poltoratskaya. An easy-to-remember surname was given to her by her elderly husband. So, the famous masterpiece was intended for the socialite St. Petersburg beauty Anna Kern. The first meeting between the future lovers took place at a gala reception in 1819. The beautiful woman immediately aroused an ardent passion in the young poet. But the fatal temptress was married at that time. Secular laws did not allow married women to express their feelings.

Flirty Anna, in turn, did not even pay attention to the unattractive Alexander among the famous gentlemen. Some of the young man's statements and remarks even irritated her. The next time they met was at the Trigorskoye estate (1825). By this time, Anna had already become a fan of Pushkin’s work. The lady was simply charming and did not behave as timidly as before. When analyzing “I Remember a Wonderful Moment,” it is worth mentioning that it was after this incident that Kern’s message was written. Such attention was very flattering to Anna, but did not evoke mutual feelings. Soon Pushkin went into exile to Mikhailovskoye and agreed to correspond with the beauty.

For two years the poet devoted ardent confessions to Kern. She was a deity to him, filled with incredible virtues. The most brilliant confessions are dedicated to the beauty. Later he became jealous of her, which he sometimes expressed insultingly. In 1827, Anna separated from her husband and started an affair with her husband’s nephew, 20 years younger than her. Alexander Sergeevich was disappointed in her. One day, a connection took place between the lovers in St. Petersburg, after which the poet completely lost interest in his muse. She also became the happy wife of the same young nephew.

In the analysis of “I Remember a Wonderful Moment,” it would not hurt to mention that this message was published by Kern herself in Delvig’s almanac “Northern Flowers” ​​(1825). Being six months younger than Alexander Sergeevich, she outlived the poet by 42 years. Anna concluded that Pushkin did not seriously love anyone.

Main motive

Getting acquainted with the analysis of “I Remember a Wonderful Moment,” readers clearly see the main theme in the poem. This is, of course, love. Pushkin provides his beloved with a small description of his life between their first and second meeting, when he was going to Mikhailovskoye. During this time, a southern exile flashed through, bitter disappointment in life, and the creation of pessimistic works. But the poet’s bad mood changes the image of the divine muse. Joy has returned to the author’s work again. It was during this meeting with the heroine that his soul awakened.

Message idea

Analysis of “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” cannot be imagined without highlighting the main idea of ​​the poem. Pushkin shows love not only as a feeling for a woman, but also as an inspiration for creativity. Love for Alexander Sergeevich is a sincere, deep, magical feeling that has completely taken possession of him. In addition, Pushkin wanted to show the poet’s inner world in cruel reality.

Masterpiece composition

The composition of the poem consists of three fragments. Each of these episodes has its own meaning and its own mood. The first part conveys to the reader the poet’s memories of his meeting with the genius of pure beauty. The second part is a description of the dark days in captivity, when there was no inspiration. The third fragment conveys the state of mind of the lyrical hero, who again wants to create and love.

Genre originality

Now we know to whom “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” is dedicated. Let's determine the genre of the work. This is a love letter. The poet did not deprive him of philosophical reflections. You can see moments from Pushkin's biography. The first stanza talks about life in St. Petersburg, the second - about southern exile, the third - about the upcoming exile to Mikhailovskoye.

Features of language and means of expression

The vocabulary of the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” is filled with epithets and comparisons. The colorful phrase “tender voice” is repeated twice like a musical refrain. All rhymes are filled with harmony and songfulness. It is not for nothing that the famous composer M.I. Glinka wrote a romance based on this text.

In addition to repetitions, the message contains inversion, parallelism, and silence. The poet resorts to a rhetorical question. With the help of complex syntax, Pushkin achieves lightness and clarity of the text. The author uses direct and reverse word order, different positions of epithets, and alternating anaphors. To write the message, the poet used iambic pentameter with cross rhyme. The alternation of vowels in assonance gives the poem melodiousness and smoothness.

This ingenious creation of a genius is known in many parts of the world. In 2013, a book was published that collected translations of this work by Pushkin into 210 languages. 13% of Russians surveyed named this work their favorite.

“I remember a wonderful moment” is a famous poem by A.S. Pushkin, which he dedicated to his Muse, the beautiful Anna Kern. The poem describes real episodes from the writer's life.

Anna won the poet’s heart in St. Petersburg, during one of the social receptions, in the house of her aunt Elizaveta Olenina. This meeting was short, since Anna at that time was already busy with another man and raising a child from him. According to the laws of those times, it was indecent to show your feelings for a married woman.

Six years later, Pushkin meets Anna again, not far from Mikhailovsky, where he was exiled by the authorities. At this point, Anna had already left her husband, and Alexander could confess his feelings to her with a calm soul. But Anna was interested in Pushkin only as a famous person and that’s all. Her novels have long been known. After these events, the relationship between Anna and Alexander ended.

The composition of the poem can be divided into three parts. The first fragment talks about the author's meeting with a magnificent creature. The second fragment of the poem talks about a dark streak in Pushkin’s life, his exile and other trials that fate had in store for him. The last fragment describes the spiritual relief of the lyrical hero, the happiness and love that he experiences again.

The genre of the work is a love confession. In the poem, the reader can observe part of the biography of A.S. Pushkin: the first two stanzas - life in St. Petersburg, then exile to the south of the country and the last stanzas - Mikhailovskoye, where he was also exiled.

To describe the internal state of his lyrical hero, A.S. Pushkin in the poem uses such expressive means as: epithets, comparisons, metaphors.

The poem is written with cross rhyme. The meter of this work is iambic pentameter. When reading a poem, one can observe a clear musical rhythm.

“I Remember a Wonderful Moment” is one of the best lyrical works of all time.

8, 9, 10 grade

Analysis of the poem I remember a wonderful moment (K ***) by Pushkin

“I Remember a Wonderful Moment” is the more familiar title of Pushkin’s poem “To ***,” written by him in 1825.

This poem can be classified as a love letter with a slight touch of philosophical reflection. It is easy to notice that the composition traces the stages of the poet’s life: the first and second stanzas - the time spent in St. Petersburg; third stanza - stay in southern exile; and the link in Mikhailovsky is in the fourth and fifth stanzas.

The meter of the poem is iambic pentameter, the rhyme in the poem is cross.

The theme of the poem is the unexpected love of the lyrical hero, caused by a “fleeting vision of pure beauty.” This girl appears in the form of some kind of “airy”, intangible creature. From that moment on, the hero remains in “the languor of hopeless sadness,” dreaming of meeting again this girl with sweet features that he constantly dreams about. But as time passes, all feelings subside, and the young man forgets the “tender voice” and “heavenly features” of that person. And, having lost all those emotions and sensations, the hero is in despair, unable to come to terms with the loss. The endless passage of days “in the darkness of imprisonment” becomes an unbearable test. Life “without inspiration” is worse than death for a poet. And this inspiration is at the same time both the deity and the love of the hero.

But after a long time, the “fleeting vision” visited the hero again, he perked up and his soul finally “awakened.” For him, “deity, inspiration, love” were resurrected, this gave the lyrical hero the strength to start living with joy again. “The heart beats in ecstasy,” the soul becomes calm. And the poet begins to create again, inspired by his muse.

A.S. Pushkin tried to convey in this poem all the feelings experienced by the creator in the process of creating his works. Yes, sometimes it happens that the muse, whose role is often love, leaves the poet, but this is not a reason to abandon all creativity. The mental crisis that affects the creator will one day end, and inspiration will definitely return.

This poem also expresses the idea of ​​the omnipotence of love, which cannot be completely lost, because true love will live no matter what, despite adversity and life circumstances. This love story is not an isolated incident and a fictitious situation, similar things happen to many lovers, so some people may associate themselves with the image of the main character of the poem.

Analysis of the poem I remember a wonderful moment according to plan

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A.S. Pushkin, like any poet, experienced the feeling of love very keenly. All his experiences and sensations poured out on a piece of paper in wonderful verses. In his lyrics you can see all the facets of feeling. The work “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” can be called a textbook example of the poet’s love lyrics. Probably, every person can easily recite at least the first quatrain of the famous poem by heart.

In essence, the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” is a love story. The poet in a beautiful form conveyed his feelings about several meetings, in this case about the two most significant ones, and managed to convey the image of the heroine touchingly and sublimely.

The poem was written in 1825, and in 1827 published in the almanac “Northern Flowers”. The publication was handled by the poet’s friend, A. A. Delvig.

In addition, after the publication of the work of A.S. Pushkin, various musical interpretations of the poem began to appear. So, in 1839 M.I. Glinka created the romance “I Remember a Wonderful Moment...” based on poems by A.S. Pushkin. The reason for writing the romance was Glinka’s meeting with Anna Kern’s daughter, Ekaterina.

Dedicated to whom?

Dedicated to the poem by A.S. Pushkin to the niece of the President of the Academy of Arts Olenin - Anna Kern. The poet first saw Anna in Olenin’s house in St. Petersburg. This was in 1819. At that time, Anna Kern was married to a general and did not pay attention to the young graduate of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. But that same graduate was fascinated by the beauty of the young woman.

The poet’s second meeting with Kern took place in 1825; it was this meeting that served as the impetus for writing the work “I Remember a Wonderful Moment.” Then the poet was in exile in the village of Mikhailovskoye, and Anna came to the neighboring estate of Trigorskoye. They had a fun and carefree time. Later, Anna Kern and Pushkin had more friendly relations. But those moments of happiness and delight were forever imprinted in the lines of Pushkin’s work.

Genre, size, direction

The work relates to love lyrics. The author reveals the feelings and emotions of the lyrical hero, who recalls the best moments of his life. And they are connected with the image of the beloved.

The genre is a love letter. “...You appeared before me...” - the hero turns to his “genius of pure beauty”, she became a consolation and happiness for him.

For this work A.S. Pushkin chooses iambic pentameter and cross rhyme. Using these means, the feeling of the story is conveyed. It’s as if we see and hear the lyrical hero live, who slowly tells his story.


The ring composition of the work is based on an antithesis. The poem is divided into six quatrains.

  1. The first quatrain tells about the “wonderful moment” when the hero first saw the heroine.
  2. Then, by contrast, the author paints the difficult, gray days without love, when the image of the beloved gradually began to fade from memory.
  3. But in the finale the heroine appears to him again. Then “life, tears, and love” are resurrected in his soul again.
  4. Thus, the work is framed by two wonderful meetings of heroes, a moment of charm and insight.

    Images and symbols

    The lyrical hero in the poem “I remember a wonderful moment...” represents a man whose life changes as soon as an invisible feeling of attraction to a woman appears in his soul. Without this feeling, the hero does not live, he exists. Only a beautiful image of pure beauty can fill his being with meaning.

    In the work we encounter all kinds of symbols. For example, the image-symbol of a storm, as the personification of everyday hardships, everything that the lyrical hero had to endure. The symbolic image “darkness of imprisonment” refers us to the real basis of this poem. We understand that this refers to the exile of the poet himself.

    And the main symbol is the “genius of pure beauty.” This is something incorporeal, beautiful. Thus, the hero elevates and spiritualizes the image of his beloved. Before us is not a simple earthly woman, but a divine being.

    Topics and issues

  • The central theme in the poem is love. This feeling helps the hero live and survive in harsh days. In addition, the theme of love is closely related to the theme of creativity. It is the excitement of the heart that awakens inspiration in the poet. An author can create when all-consuming emotions bloom in his soul.
  • Also, A.S. Pushkin, as a real psychologist, very accurately describes the state of the hero at different periods of his life. We see how strikingly contrasting the narrator’s images are at the time of his meeting with the “genius of pure beauty” and at the time of his imprisonment in the wilderness. It's like two completely different people.
  • In addition, the author touched upon the problem of lack of freedom. He describes not only his physical captivity in exile, but also an internal prison, when a person withdraws into himself, fences himself off from the world of emotions and bright colors. That is why those days of loneliness and melancholy became imprisonment for the poet in every sense.
  • The problem of separation appears to the reader as an inevitable but bitter tragedy. Life circumstances often cause a rupture, which hits the nerves painfully, and then hides in the depths of memory. The hero even lost the bright memory of his beloved, because the awareness of the loss was unbearable.
  • Idea

    The main idea of ​​the poem is that a person cannot live fully if his heart is deaf and his soul is asleep. Only by opening up to love and its passions can one truly experience this life.

    The meaning of the work is that just one small event, even insignificant for those around you, can completely change you, your psychological portrait. And if you yourself change, then your attitude towards the world around you changes. This means that one moment can change your world, both external and internal. You just need not to miss it, not to lose days in the hustle and bustle.

    Means of artistic expression

    In his poem A.S. Pushkin uses a variety of paths. For example, to more vividly convey the hero’s state, the author uses the following epithets: “wonderful moment”, “hopeless sadness”, “tender voice”, “heavenly features”, “noisy bustle”.

    We meet in the text of the work and comparisons, so already in the first quatrain we see that the appearance of the heroine is compared with a fleeting vision, and she herself is compared with the genius of pure beauty. The metaphor “a storm of rebellion scattered previous dreams” emphasizes how time unfortunately takes away from the hero his only consolation - the image of his beloved.

    So, beautifully and poetically, A.S. Pushkin was able to tell his love story, unnoticed by many, but dear to him.

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The theme of love in the lyrics of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is of particular importance. If Nekrasov, for example, had a Muse, which he identified with a peasant woman, then the “sun of Russian poetry” did not have a Muse as such - but there was love, which the poet needed like air, because without love he was not able to create. So Pushkin’s Muses became completely earthly women, who once conquered the poet.

It is worth noting that Pushkin was in love many times - often his chosen ones were married women, for example, Elizaveta Vorontsova or Amalia Riznich. Despite the fact that all these high-society ladies were included in Pushkin’s so-called Don Juan list, compiled by him personally, he did not at all imagine the poet’s closeness with his lovers, with the exception of a spiritual, tender friendship. However, Anna Petrovna Kern, to whom the immortal “I remember a wonderful moment...” is dedicated, becomes Pushkin’s most famous Muse.

This woman captivated the poet in St. Petersburg in 1819 at one of the social events. At that time, Kern had already broken up with her unloved husband, so a romance began between her and the talented descendant of “the Blackmoor Peter the Great,” which high society was unable to condemn.

But the epoch-making poem was created much later, in 1825, when Pushkin meets his former lover again, and his feelings flare up with renewed vigor. Like Katerina, who became a ray of light in a dark kingdom, Anna Petrovna revived the poet, gave him the pleasure of a feeling of love, inspiration, and gave him poetic strength. Thanks to her, one of the most beautiful works of Russian love poetry was born.

So, the history of its creation is well known, which, however, does not prevent literary historians from putting forward other assumptions about the possible addressee of the tender message, including even a certain serf girl Nastenka, about whom, however, nothing is known in Pushkin’s diaries, his personal letters, etc. .

It is important to note that the poem is autobiographical in nature, which is why episodes from the life of the great poet are so easily traced in it, however, the complete identification of the lyrical hero with the author, as well as the lyrical heroine with A.P. Kern, will be incorrect, since the image of the latter, of course, is idealized.

Undoubtedly, the theme of the message “I remember a wonderful moment...” is an intimate revelation, a love confession. As has already been said, Pushkin needed love, not necessarily shared. Thanks to his feelings, he was able to create. At the same time, in the poem one can also find a philosophical theme of the meaning of love in human life.

“I remember a wonderful moment...” - plot poem. In it, the lyrical hero meets a beautiful lover who revives the best feelings in his soul, but over time loses her. Along with the girl, the hero’s romantic dreams and inspiration go away, and the wings curl behind his back. Over the years, the devastation only intensifies, but then the charming woman appears again in the life of her lover, again bringing with her the beautiful, spiritual.

So, if we transfer this plot to the biography of its author, we will note that the first stanza describes the first meeting with Kern in St. Petersburg. The second and third quatrains tell about the southern exile and the period of “imprisonment” in Mikhailovskoye. However, there is a new meeting with the Muse, which resurrects the best in the poet’s soul.

The autobiographical nature of the message determines its composition. The means of artistic expression are quite modest, but at the same time picturesque. The poet resorts to epithets (“ clean" beauty, " wonderful"moment," rebellious"gust of storms, etc.), metaphors (" genius of pure beauty», « awakening of the soul"), personification ( the gust of storms is animated). Particular expressiveness and melody are achieved through the use of stylistic figures, for example, antithesis.

Thus, the hero lives “without a deity, without inspiration,” which are resurrected as soon as his beloved returns to his life. In the last quatrain you can see anaphora, and in the second - assonance (“a gentle voice sounded to me for a long time”). The entire poem is written using the technique of inversion.

Pushkin's lyrical heroine is an image of some unearthly being, angelic, pure and gentle. No wonder the poet compares her to a deity.

“I remember a wonderful moment...” is written in Pushkin’s favorite iambic tetrameter with cross alternation of female and male rhymes.

The amazing tenderness and touchingness of the message to Kern make the romantic work one of the best examples of love lyrics - on a global scale.

1. Topic. This poem refers to Pushkin's love lyrics. The theme of this poem is love for a girl.

2. Main idea. In this poem, Pushkin tries to show the beauty of his beloved. Pushkin conveys to us that life without love is boring, gloomy and the same.

"In the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment

My days passed quietly...

3. Composition. The poem consists of six stanzas. Each stanza has 4 lines. The poem can be divided into three semantic parts, two stanzas each. The first part talks about the first meeting of the lyrical hero with the beauty. The second two stanzas talk about life without love, about how difficult it is to live without love. At the end of the poem, the soul of the lyrical hero awakens due to a repeated meeting with his beloved.

4. Rhythm, rhyme, meter. The rhyme in the poem is cross-rhyme, that is, the first line rhymes with the third, the second with the fourth. The meter is two-syllable iambic. A poem can be sung, and I think it can be set to music.

5.Lyrical hero.

The lyrical hero is delighted with the beauty of the girl. He compares her to a "genius of pure beauty" and a "fleeting vision." Later, the hero forgets his “tender voice” and “heavenly features,” and his life becomes ordinary:

"Without deity, without inspiration,

No tears, no life, no love."

But then, a girl appears again in the hero’s life, and deity, inspiration, life, tears, and love are revealed again to the soul.

6. Artistic means of language. Pushkin used epithets, metaphors, comparisons. Epithets: “tender voice”, “heavenly features”, “genius of pure beauty”, “wonderful moment” - are given to show the attitude of the lyrical hero towards his beloved girl. Comparisons: “like a fleeting vision”, “like a genius of pure beauty” - are given to elevate the image of the girl.

7.My opinion. I believe that only Pushkin could talk about love and his beloved girl like that. For me this is a very bright, sweet, wonderful poem.