Easter in the Carpathian region. Easter in the Carpathian region The main disadvantage of the Julian calendar

  • 02.01.2024

And, and in the recent past also, and Austria-Hungary, has always been the main holiday of the year.

Local indigenous people called all public holidays with the word “Intyabrskie.” About the November revolutionary holiday or the May days of workers’ solidarity or the birthday of the Komsomol or something else, they said: “Isn’t that holy?” (That is, holidays) Well, those in October!

But Easter - yes. Easter was awaited with trepidation, celebrated from the heart, preserving and observing all grandfather's customs and traditions, severely impartially condemning Soviet subbotniks or city sports competitions scheduled for Easter as a pitiful alternative to the bright holiday.

And now even more so. They prepare long and carefully. Easter is a time reference, hope, hope, goal and dream. The beginning of a new life, rebirth.

For Easter, houses are being renovated, new fences are being installed to make them more beautiful and higher than those of the neighbors. They choose new outfits and shoes, and the ladies choose beautiful scarves, scarves or headscarves. Children are given gold crosses for Easter. Huge handmade Easter candles are brought from Romania, all in multi-colored sparkles and flowers, stunning with their monumental stucco. From the Carpathian region they bring baskets, baskets, baskets, baskets. The house and yard are cleaned to perfect shine. They all wash the windows at the same time, and then they run to each other from afar to see if the glass is cloudy, if there are any stains, and quietly, over a modest Lenten dinner, they give their neighbors marks for cleaning their yards, gardens and vegetable gardens using a five-point system. By Maundy Thursday everything is ready and comes to a standstill, because here Maundy Thursday lasts almost a month, or even two. Then Good Friday, and on this day people eat little or nothing, only feed children and pets and bathe little girls on this day, wash their hair with a decoction of lovage. And it’s as if nature itself had already prepared itself along with people - the sky is usually clear, not frowning, the trees and grass are in an elegant, but still modest, light green color.

And they put whatever they don’t put in a basket to take to the temple to bless it. Not only the usual Easter grocery set, but citrus fruits, and even a giant pineapple sometimes proudly arrogantly sticks out its tail from someone’s basket and under a snow-white towel with bright hand embroidery, with hemstitching and delicate fluffy fringe under dyes, pysanka, homemade sausages, shinka (ham) ) and a vanilla bright yellow light “paska” with raisins (what they call Easter cake in Russia, but there’s no comparison - I’m telling you!) there, shyly hiding on the side is a small little piece. Well... It’s both understandable and forgivable. Easter.

Parish of the Church of St. Nicholas the WonderworkerParish pageBelarusian Orthodox Church, Pinsk diocese, Luninets deanery

Icon of the day

Orthodox calendar

Ascension of the Lord

St. Simeon the Stylite on Divnaya Mountain (596). St. Nikita, stylite of Pereyaslav (1186). Blzh. Xenia of St. Petersburg (glorification 1988).

Mchch. Meletius Stratilates, Stephen, John, Serapion the Egyptian, Callinicus the Magus, Theodore and Faustus and with them 1218 warriors with their wives and children (c. 218). St. Vincent of Lerinsky (up to 450). Martyrs, in the Fereydan Valley (Iran) suffered by the Persians (XVII) (Georgian) (movable celebration on the day of the Ascension of the Lord).

Morning – Mark, 71 readings, XVI, 9–20. Lit. – Acts, 1st part, I, 1–12. Luke, 114, XXIV, 36–53.

At Great Vespers, “Blessed is the man” is not sung. At Matins there is magnification: “We magnify Thee, O Life-Giving Christ, and honor the Divine Ascension into Heaven with Thy Most Pure Flesh.” After the Gospel - “Having seen the Resurrection of Christ.” Catavasia “Divine veil...”. Instead of “The Most Honest,” we sing the choruses of the holiday. 1st chorus: “Glorify, my soul, Christ the Life-Giver who ascended from earth to Heaven.”

At the end of Matins and at the Liturgy, dismissal: “Who in glory has ascended from us into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of God and the Father, Christ our true God...”.

At the liturgy there are antiphons of the holiday. Entrance verse: “God rises up with a shout, the Lord with a sound of a trumpet.” Trisagion. Instead of “Worthy” - “Magnify, my soul... You are more than your mind and words....” Instead of “You have seen the True Light...” - “Thou art ascended in glory...” (before giving up).

In the evening of the holiday, Great Vespers is celebrated with an entrance and a great prokeme.

Orthodox Easter is always celebrated on the Sunday following the first full moon following the vernal equinox (March 21). This date is tied to the movement of the Earth around the Sun and changes in the Moon. This approach to determining the date of Easter was approved by the fathers of the First Ecumenical Council, which took place in 325.

It is worth clarifying that the very principle of its calculation was adopted from the Jews and is associated with the circumstances of the very first Easter - the Resurrection of Christ, which, as is known from the Gospel, occurred the day after Jewish Passover(Passover). Jews celebrated Passover in memory of the exodus from Egypt. The date of their Easter is calculated exactly according to the same principle as the date of Orthodox and Catholic Easter.

Where is the tradition of the Echo Age? Why does the accumulation time start from this day? It launched on Joy on Sunday; should be called the 40-day slander fast. The Bible for 40 days is a trial period. “It reminds us of the fast of Jesus in the desert after His baptism in the Jordan River, as well as the 40-day fast of Moses on Mount Sinai, the fast of Elijah on Mount Horib, the 40th anniversary of Nineveh, the 40th anniversary of the Israelites in the desert,” said the chaplain of the Jesuit gymnasium.

Originally this 40-day period began on the 6th Sunday before Easter and continued until Maundy Thursday, when the penitents in Rome for their sins were solemnly returned to the community. But on Sunday there was always a day of joy, which was not used, but I wanted the number of days of fasting to be there.

Features of the solar and lunar calendars

For thousands of years, humanity has been using two types of calendars:

  • Solar calendars, the astronomical basis of which is the tropical year, namely the period of the Earth’s annual revolution around the Sun (365.2 days).
  • Lunar calendars are built on the basis of a complete period of alternation of lunar phases (according to these calendars, a month is 29.5 days, a year is 354-355 days).

Solar calendars do not coincide with lunar ones, so the latter are usually called wandering, because the months in them are not consistent with the seasons. For example, in our solar calendar the month of January is always in winter, but in the Muslim calendar Muhararm (the first month) can be in both winter and summer.

They are not spoiled in themselves, we wait for them in the same year as Christmas, when we finish one Easter, we live in their impressions for a while, and then life will turn us into a new circle and take us to another Easter. We understand that Easter is not just one day or two - it has a whole range of colors, scents and images, especially our habits, beliefs and other attributes that help us create a holiday. Each Easter region is depicted and celebrates Easter every day, and although we won't look at the ones that are important to us, we will find many that are unique and unique.

Solar calendars were more typical of sedentary peoples, whose lives depended on the seasons; and lunar calendars - to nomadic peoples. The synthesis of these two above-mentioned calendar systems - the monthly-solar calendar is used only in the state of Israel in our time.

How was the problem of comparing these time systems solved? The most successful solution was proposed by the Greek Meton, who in 432 BC. He based it on a 19-year cycle, which was later called “Metonic” after his name. He proved that if seven lunar months are added to 239 months (19 lunar years), then this period will exactly correspond to 19 solar years.

Well, at the same time, they are very "modern", they are celebrated in other places according to archaic customs. Perhaps this attitude towards the holiday testifies to the traditions of our region or even our relatives, family traditions. There is someone without Easter. We cannot imagine them without the green clay consecrated on Sunday in the Verb. Easter is not without a festive table and spring greenery. We can't imagine Easter without steaks, cakes and bugs.

Bunches of birch trees, maples and blind branches appeared on many houses before Easter - they could spread buds and fry before the holidays. Naturalists and conservationists environment went instead of the patches, which were somewhat crying and so badly destroyed, to use simpler, but no less decorative sandwiches for Easter, which many call "blueberries".

Nowadays this “metonic” 19-year cycle is used to calculate the date of Easter. To find out the date of Easter, the full moon calendar is superimposed on our usual solar calendar.

We just look at when the first full moon will be after the spring equinox (March 21), and on the first Sunday after this full moon - Easter.

By the way, the Byzantine scientist Matthew Vlasar, who lived in the 14th century, thanks to the Metonic cycle, calculated the days of Easter two thousand years in advance!

This plant is invasive and can be freely cut, or better yet, by the roots. The trembling branches quickly recover and begin to sprout small leaves. The vases last longer and bloom in very delicate yellow rings. It is difficult to demolish a cargo ship in many places where they have already occupied large sands.

Let's go back to Easter. Of course, all this is important and necessary, but for me, Easter, first of all, is about bugs. It’s hard for me to imagine how our ancestors, for example, 400 years ago, when they could not keep chickens in the village, and if they did, they didn’t even have eggs in winter weather. If Easter was later in the year, then there were wild ducks, pompous eggs - these eggs often don’t even need to be drawn. And on chicken and duck eggs they drew, painted the sun, mythical birds, totemic animals and very often Christmas trees, grasshoppers and stars.

Why are Orthodox, Catholic Easter and Jewish Passover most often celebrated on different days?

The reason is the use of different calendars: the Julian (the so-called old style, adopted by the Orthodox) and the Gregorian (new style, adopted by the Catholics).

It was only much later that fancy writing and technology emerged. We do everything now: we use purchased stickers, paint them with “chemical” paints. However, many people still need to use wax, shave shells, and carve jewelry.

We believe that we were trained by the birds in the market. Or they suggested that eggs might be much nicer. And it is important for us that the eggs are not only beautiful, but also durable. And why is Orthodox Easter celebrated later? Easter Sunday is the largest liturgical holiday of Christians.


To be a Happy Person, you need to change your inner world, attitude towards others and view of the world. There are 7 secrets Happy Man. They all seem very simple at first glance, but in reality they are not so easy to follow.

The Secret of Happiness: Think less, love more and be happy. All our problems in life are due to a restless mind that cannot calm down and thinks and thinks all the time.
You must be able to let go of the Mind, at least for a while.

From the very beginning of the Church, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is associated with the date of the Jewish Passover. Since Jesus' suffering and resurrection took place in the context Jewish holiday, Christians have always felt that they would have to celebrate the resurrection rather than commit to a fixed date.

But for centuries, Christians have disagreed on how to calculate the Jewish Passover and the timing of the Christian resurrection. This means that Easter is attacked every year on different time, and different Christian churches celebrate them at different times. Pope Francis, like other Christian leaders, has called for a unified Easter date and has expressed his openness to changing the date for the sake of unity.

The Secret of Freedom: Don't worry about what others think of you. This problem has existed at all times. There are so many people, so many opinions, and you definitely won’t please everyone. Each person is individual, so you shouldn’t poison your life and be dependent on other people’s opinions, you should have your own. Of course, if you want to appear better than you are, that’s a completely different case. Here we are talking about too much EGO, which will not serve you well. Moreover, everything secret someday becomes clear.

Essentially, we can identify three main arguments for setting the date of Easter. The fast must end on that day on that day and on what day of the week it will be. In modern times, Jehovah's Witnesses, although not carrying the resurrection of Jesus, have a similar sacrifice of Jesus on the cross on the day of the annual celebration of the "death of Christ": on the 14th day of the month of Nissan, which would be the day of the week.

The early celebration of Easter was abandoned very early on Monday, since most Christians believed that Easter should be celebrated on the day that has always been associated with the resurrection of Jesus: that is Sunday. According to the Nicene Assembly, 325 norms, which were later taken over by Western Christianity at the Synod of Whitby, Easter Sunday falls on the first Sunday after the first fullness after the winter equinox. For example, this winter's equinox was March 20, and the first full moon after it was April 11.

The Secret of Love: Give Love and don’t change your Loved Ones. The law of karma has not been canceled: what you send into the Universe is what you receive. And, moreover, in double size. Learn to accept people as they are, don’t break them and try to remake them for yourself, an egoist. If something doesn’t suit you, it’s better to have a heart-to-heart talk and find a common solution that will suit both of you. Until a Person, of his own free will, wants to realize and change something in himself, you will not achieve anything good, you will only ruin the relationship.

Immediately after her Sunday - April 16 So, this year we celebrate the resurrection of Christ on the same day. This calculation, carried out by the Roman Catholic Church and most Protestant communities, does not involve setting the date of Easter according to the Jewish calendar. The Jewish Passover setting is governed by several different scenes. The Christians decided to separate from them and maintain their settlements.

The main reason why Orthodox Christians define the date of Easter differently from the rest of Christendom is that this Church still maintains the Julian calendar in calculating the date of the holiday. The rest of Christianity uses the reformed Gregorian calendar. Calendars change almost every two weeks: Julius calendar from the Gregorian in 13 days.

The Secret of Reality: thoughts materialize. As Paolo Coelho wrote: “If a person wants something, then the whole Universe will contribute to making his wish come true.” So be careful with your desires and thoughts.

The secret of Friendship: do not judge or criticize. As it is written in the Bible: “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” Sometimes we rush to condemn a person and his actions, without even knowing the reasons that prompted him to take certain actions. And it seems to us that this or that person is wrong in something. But you yourself are right - this happens all the time. If you judge people, will this change anything in them? We are all different people: with different shortcomings and advantages, but this is the individuality of each one. We must learn to accept everyone as they are, not to criticize or judge. And if you want to change something in this world, it’s better to start with yourself, because: “we see a speck in someone else’s eye, but we don’t notice a log in our own.”

The Church of Our Lady adheres to the previous requirement that Easter should be celebrated after the Jewish Passover. This is intended to preserve the biblical sequence of events in the story of Christ's suffering. All other parts of Christianity ignore this requirement, meaning that in the West, Easter is celebrated before or after the Jewish holiday.

It is also true that both dates coincide. This occurs when the moon is so late in fullness after the winter equinox that it falls after March 21st. both the Julian calendar and the Gregorian calendar. The Karaites have a separate lunar calendar for annual celebrations, according to which the year is 354 days, 8 hours 48 minutes. It is divided into a 19-year cycle with 12 normal and 7 rising years with a thirteenth additional month. A month consists of 29 or 30 days.

Beauty Secret: Love yourself. Here again I want to write about acceptance. Learn to accept yourself as the Lord created you. engage in your spiritual development - it will be useful for you and the world around you.

The Secret of Wealth: Learn to give first and then receive. This is a truly difficult rule for the age of consumers. The more we give in this life, the more we receive - the boomerang law. And the main thing is not just to give, but to give from the heart, and it doesn’t matter at all what we give: material things, knowledge, experience, love - everything should come from the heart for the benefit of All Living Beings.

The liturgical cycle of Karaite begins with Jil Bashi, mentioned on the first day of the first spring of Artashev. On the 15th of the same month, timbil chiji begins, which lasts a week. After the service on the eve of the holiday, a family sitting on festive table, listens to the Bible, and then the gifts of God are consecrated: wine and round buns - timbyl - are prepared especially for this occasion. The main Easter dinner, without eggs, delicious. Still serving snacks and cakes, walnuts with honey, dried fruit compote.

Easter week is the usual way visit friends and relatives and experience timbil every time, because the taste of each owner’s home is usually different. During worship, the Ten Commandments are spoken, and a special prepared dish is eaten at home after worship - seven-layer cheesecake, symbolizing the seven weeks after Easter.

Date of Easter celebration by year

Annually Easter is celebrated on different dates. Christian Easter is celebrated in the spring, but the day of celebration is not a specific date, it is determined according to the lunisolar calendar. This day falls between April 7 (March 22) and May 8 (April 25).

According to the old custom, after Pentecost it was already possible to swim in the lake. The first day of the seventh month is celebrated on the first day of the Birhi feast, and the tenth day of the same month is Boshatlich kiuniu. Confession, the most important emphasis of this holiday, is universal; no one loudly announces their sins, because no one, not even the highest priest, has the right to forgive. Only the Lord can forgive sins.

On the eve of the apology, each close or acquaintance of the mother and father is asked to be released separately, the clergyman asks for the release of the entire community. The last day of the year - Tears - is celebrated on the 15th day of Ayurvedic day. Among these basic, biblical, communal liturgical celebrations, several other liturgical rites are interrupted - fasting, the youth of the moon.

To calculate Easter day, you can use Easter eggs- special tables compiled by the Orthodox Church. From Easter dates The dates of other holidays depend, the dates of which change every year. These are moving holidays: the Ascension of Christ - the fortieth day after Easter, Trinity (Pentecost) - the fiftieth day after Easter, the Day of the Holy Spirit - the next day after Trinity.

According to the provisions of the Old Testament, the Karaites begin the day at sunset, as it is written: And the light of the day and the darkness of the night; and it was evening and morning on the first day. The best day of the week for Karaams is Saturday. This is justified by God's fourth commandment. Sosigenes ruled out any connection between the calendar and lunar phenomena. Thus, it was defined as the average length of the year, 365 and ¼ days. The problem that arose from faction was resolved by adopting a four-year cycle. Three years of this cycle were 365 days, and the fourth, a jump, was 366 days.

This embarrassing day was marked by "two-sixths." We believe that there is no point in boring the readers of this article with additional data about the Julian calendar. Gregorian calendar. "Movements" to change the calendar in Greece. The Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Serbia and Russia are the only ones that have not yet accepted the calendar reform and follow the Julian calendar. The same calendar follows the monasteries on Mount Athos. The same thing happens with the so-called "Orthodox Orthodox Christians", known as the "Old Calendarists".

You can calculate the next Easter date using special tables yourself, or you can use ready-made tables Easter dates.

Year Right-
Year Right-
Year Right-
1918 May 05 31 Mar 1962 29 Apr 22 Apr 2006 23 Apr 16 Apr
1919 20 Apr 1963 14 Apr 2007 08 Apr
1920 11 Apr 04 Apr 1964 May 03 29 Mar 2008 27 Apr 23 Mar
1921 May 01 27 Mar 1965 25 Apr 18 Apr 2009 19 Apr 12 Apr
1922 16 Apr 1966 10 Apr 2010 04 Apr
1923 08 Apr 01 Apr 1967 30 Apr 26 Mar 2011 24 Apr
1924 27 Apr 20 Apr 1968 21 Apr 14 Apr 2012 15 Apr 08 Apr
1925 19 Apr 12 Apr 1969 13 Apr 06 Apr 2013 May 05 31 Mar
1926 May 02 04 Apr 1970 26 Apr 29 Mar 2014 20 Apr
1927 24 Apr 17 Apr 1971 18 Apr 11 Apr 2015 12 Apr 05 Apr
1928 15 Apr 08 Apr 1972 09 Apr 02 Apr 2016 May 01 27 Mar
1929 May 05 31 Mar 1973 29 Apr 22 Apr 2017 16 Apr
1930 20 Apr 1974 14 Apr 2018 08 Apr 01 Apr
1931 12 Apr 05 Apr 1975 May 04 30 Mar 2019 28 Apr 21 Apr
1932 May 01 27 Mar 1976 25 Apr 18 Apr 2020 19 Apr 12 Apr
1933 16 Apr 1977 10 Apr 2021 May 02 04 Apr
1934 08 Apr 01 Apr 1978 30 Apr 26 Mar 2022 24 Apr 17 Apr
1935 28 Apr 21 Apr 1979 22 Apr 15 Apr 2023 16 Apr 09 Apr
1936 12 Apr 1980 06 Apr 2024 May 05 31 Mar
1937 May 02 28 Mar 1981 26 Apr 19 Apr 2025 20 Apr
1938 24 Apr 17 Apr 1982 18 Apr 11 Apr 2026 12 Apr 05 Apr
1939 09 Apr 1983 May 08 03 Apr 2027 May 02 28 Mar
1940 28 Apr 24 Mar 1984 22 Apr 2028 16 Apr
1941 20 Apr 13 Apr 1985 14 Apr 07 Apr 2029 08 Apr 01 Apr
1942 05 Apr 1986 May 04 30 Mar 2030 28 Apr 21 Apr
1943 25 Apr 1987 19 Apr 2031 13 Apr
1944 16 Apr 09 Apr 1988 10 Apr 03 Apr 2032 May 02 28 Mar
1945 May 06 01 Apr 1989 30 Apr 26 Mar 2033 24 Apr 17 Apr
1946 21 Apr 1990 15 Apr 2034 09 Apr
1947 13 Apr 06 Apr 1991 07 Apr 31 Mar 2035 29 Apr 25 Mar
1948 May 02 28 Mar 1992 26 Apr 19 Apr 2036 20 Apr 13 Apr
1949 24 Apr 17 Apr 1993 18 Apr 11 Apr 2037 05 Apr
1950 09 Apr 1994 May 01 03 Apr 2038 25 Apr
1951 29 Apr 25 Mar 1995 23 Apr 16 Apr 2039 17 Apr 10 Apr
1952 20 Apr 13 Apr 1996 14 Apr 07 Apr 2040 May 06 01 Apr
1953 05 Apr 1997 27 Apr 30 Mar 2041 21 Apr
1954 25 Apr 18 Apr 1998 19 Apr 12 Apr 2042 13 Apr 06 Apr
1955 17 Apr 10 Apr 1999 11 Apr 04 Apr 2043 May 03 29 Mar
1956 May 06 01 Apr 2000 30 Apr 23 Apr 2044 24 Apr 17 Apr
1957 21 Apr 2001 15 Apr 2045 09 Apr
1958 13 Apr 06 Apr 2002 May 05 31 Mar 2046 29 Apr 25 Mar
1959 May 03 29 Mar 2003 27 Apr 20 Apr 2047 21 Apr 14 Apr
1960 17 Apr 2004 11 Apr 2048 05 Apr
1961 09 Apr 02 Apr 2005 May 01 27 Mar 2049 25 Apr 18 Apr

The main disadvantage of the Julian calendar

The Julian calendar, still stunning in its simplicity, was introduced by Julius Caesar in 45 BC. He had to resolve the discrepancy between the traditional Egyptian calendar, which always had 365 days a year, and the period of the Sun's passage between the two equinoxes (the moment when the center of the Sun crosses the celestial equator). It is 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds. The Julian calendar proposed to correct this discrepancy by adding 1 additional day every 4 years. This type of year became known as a leap year, and it lasts 366 days. The Julian calendar, for all its simplicity, contained one error. Once every 128 years, the discrepancy between the actual points of the spring and winter equinoxes and the calendar date according to the Julian calendar was 1 day. In other words, every 1280 years the equinox point will shift by 10 days. Sooner or later, the moment might come when the first of January would be on the calendar in our country, and birds would chirp merrily outside the window; and in the distant future we would meet New Year according to the Julian calendar in the summer heat.

Pope Gregory XIII decided: on October 4, 1582, add 10 days and consider the next day as October 15. He did this in order to correct the error of the Julian calendar (1 day in 128 years) and return the “correct” Easter from an astronomical point of view. It is easy to notice that during the time that has passed since the Gregorian reform, the discrepancy between the calendars has reached 13 days. This is why it happened. In the Gregorian calendar Last year A century is not a leap year if it is divisible by 400 without a remainder. In the Julian calendar, leap years strictly follow once every 4 years. As a result, by 2100 the discrepancy between the calendars will reach not 13, but 14 days, and our descendants will have to celebrate Christmas not on January 7, but on January 8 according to the new style.

Thus, the Julian calendar lags behind the Gregorian calendar, therefore, the spring equinox according to the calendar of our Orthodox Church occurs 13 days later. And if the full moon occurs during these 13 days, then Easter begins for Catholics. For Orthodox Christians, this full moon is not considered spring, since it occurs before the vernal equinox (however, according to the Gregorian equinox, the equinox has already arrived). Orthodox Christians wait for the next equinox, and only then celebrate Easter - Bright Resurrection Christ's.

The Jews, as was said, have their own solar-lunar calendar, based on the Metonic cycle, different from the Julian and Gregorian. The equinox is March 26th. And since every 19 years the full moon occurs three times between March 21 and 26, it is spring for Catholics, but not for Jews. Then Catholic Easter happens in March, and the Jewish one (Passover) - in April (after the next full moon, which Jews already consider spring).

The Orthodox, guided by the apostolic decrees and Holy Scripture, consider the celebration of Christian Easter before the Jewish one unacceptable. It turns out that Catholic Easter can be before Jewish, and Orthodox Easter definitely can only be after the Jewish one.

The Orthodox method of calculating Easter has a clear advantage: it makes it impossible to celebrate Easter before Passover, which is in accordance with Scripture and apostolic institutions. The seventh apostolic canon reads: “ If anyone, a bishop, or a presbyter or a deacon, celebrates the holy day of Easter before the vernal equinox with the Jews, let him be expelled from the sacred rank».

Catholic Easter, despite great astronomical accuracy, does not always correspond Holy Scripture, since all the evangelists report that the Lord rose again after the Jewish Passover.

Mathematical method for determining the date of Easter

Divide the number of the year by 19 and call the remainder “a”; Let us denote the remainder of dividing the number of the year by 4 by the letter “b”, and by “c” the remainder of dividing the number of the year by 7. Divide the value 19 x a + 15 by 30 and call the remainder the letter “d”. The remainder of the value 2 x b + 4 x c + 6 x d + 6 divided by 7 is denoted by the letter “e”. The number 22 + d + e will be Easter day for March, and the number d + e will be 9 for April. For example, let's take 1996. Dividing it by 19 will leave a remainder of 1 (a). When divided by 4, the remainder will be zero (b). Dividing the number of the year by 7, we get a remainder of 1 (c). If we continue the calculations, we get: d = 4, and e = 6. Therefore, 4 + 6 – 9 = April 1 (Julian calendar).

Easter dates for the coming years

Orthodox Easter

Catholic Easter

Orthodox Easter 2016 -
1st of May

Catholic Easter 2016 -
March 27

Orthodox Easter 2017 -
April 16

Catholic Easter 2017 -
April 16

Orthodox Easter 2018 -
April 8

Catholic Easter 2018 -
April 1

Orthodox Easter 2019 -
April 28

Catholic Easter 2019 -
April 21

Orthodox Easter 2020 -
April 19

Catholic Easter 2020 -
12th of April

Easter is the bright resurrection of Christ.

Holiday of the Light Christ's Resurrection, Easter, is the main event of the year for Orthodox Christians and the largest Orthodox holiday. The word "Easter" came to us from the Greek language and means "passing", "deliverance". On Easter Day we celebrate the deliverance through Christ the Savior of all mankind from slavery to the devil and the granting of life and eternal bliss to us. Just as our redemption was accomplished by Christ’s death on the cross, so by His Resurrection we were given eternal life.

The Resurrection of Christ is the basis and crown of our faith, this is the first and greatest truth that the apostles began to preach.

At Easter we proclaim: “Christ is Risen! Truly Risen!”

Oh, how miraculous these words are! When we say or hear them on Easter, the fires of holy joy about the Risen Lord Jesus Christ light up in our hearts. And wherever they are spoken, wherever these words are heard, wherever they are heard, everywhere they cause trembling in every heart and from them the flame of faith flares up more and more brightly in the soul of everyone glorifying the Risen Lord.

"Christ is Risen!" - we speak with a feeling of spiritual delight; I want to repeat them endlessly, listening in response to the other two holy words: “Truly He is Risen!”

Christ is risen! - and for the entire universe, true spring began, a bright, joyful morning of a new life. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus is the first real victory of life over death.

The event of the Resurrection of Christ is the greatest Christian holiday. Easter is a holiday, a Holiday and a Triumph of celebrations, a sign of victory over sin and death and the beginning of the existence of a world redeemed and sanctified by the Lord Jesus Christ. This holiday is called Easter, that is, the Day on which our transition from death to life and from earth to Heaven took place.

Easter (Orthodox Easter) is determined according to the rule that was established at the First Ecumenical Council (325), in the city of Nicaea. According to this rule, Easter occurs on the first Sunday after the spring full moon and after the Jewish Passover. The resolutions (canons) of the Ecumenical Councils cannot be changed.

The Roman Church separated from the Orthodox Church in 1054. Since then they have made many changes. One of them was the introduction of the so-called “new calendar”. Protestants also followed the Roman Church. Because of this, it happens to them that Jewish Passover happens after their Easter, which is a violation of the resolution of the First Ecumenical Council.

Every year we ask ourselves the same question:
"When is Easter celebrated this year?" .. this table will help you remove this pressing issue from the agenda

*** Russians should look at the right column - i.e. "Eastern"

Easter in Russia in 2010 is celebrated on April 4th.

Dates for Easter Sunday,
Year Western Eastern
2000 April 23 April 30
2001 April 15
2002 March 31 May 5
2003 April 20 April 27
2004 April 11
2005 March 27 May 1
2006 April 16 April 23
2007 April 8
2008 March 23 April 27
2009 April 12 April 19
2010 April 4
2011 April 24
2012 April 8 April 15
2013 March 31 May 5
2014 April 20
2015 April 5 April 12
2016 March 27 May 1
2017 April 16
2018 April 1 April 8
2019 April 21 April 28
2020 April 12 April 19
Easter day,
Year Western Eastern
2000 April 23 April 30
2001 April 15
2002 March 31 May 5
2003 April 20 April 27
2004 April 11
2005 March 27 May 1
2006 April 16 April 23
2007 April 8
2008 March 23 April27
2009 April 12 April 19
2010 April 4
2011 April 24
2012 April 8 April 15
2013 March 31 May 5
2014 April 20
2015 April 5 April 12
2016 March 27 May 1
2017 April 16
2018 April 1 April 8
2019 April 21 April 28
2020 April 12 April 19

Christian Easter It is celebrated in the spring, but the day of celebration is not a specific date, it is determined according to the lunisolar calendar. This day falls between April 7 (March 22) and May 8 (April 25).

To calculate the day of Easter, you can use Paschals - special tables compiled by the Orthodox Church. The dates of Easter depend on the dates of other holidays, the dates of which change every year. These are moving holidays: the Ascension of Christ - the fortieth day after Easter, Trinity (Pentecost) - the fiftieth day after Easter, the Day of the Holy Spirit - the next day after Trinity.

Orthodox Easter calculated according to the Alexandrian Paschal.
Full Moon(Y) = March 21 + [(19 + 15)/30].
where is the remainder when dividing a by b.
If the value of Full Moon(Y) If the value of Full Moon(Y)>= 32, then subtract 31 days to get the date in April.
Gauss formula for calculating Easter: -division remainder;
a = + 15) /30] (for example, = 12, a= [(19 · 12 + 15)/30]= 3, Full Moon (2007)= March 21+3=March 24)
b = [(2 + 4 + 6 a + 6) / 7] (for example, = 3,=5, so for 2007 b=1)
If (a + b) > 10, then Easter will be (a + b − 9) April Art. style, otherwise - (22 + a + b) March art. style. We get 22 + 3 + 1 = March 26 (old style) or March 26 + 13 = April 8 (old style)
The date of Easter can fall in the period from March 22 to April 25 according to Art. style. (In the 20th-21st centuries, this corresponds to the period from April 4 to May 8, New Style). If Easter coincides with the Feast of the Annunciation (April 7), then it is called Kyriopascha (Lord's Easter).
Orthodox Christians include the miraculous evidence of Easter as the descent of the Holy Fire in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, which takes place on Holy Saturday before Orthodox Easter.
You can calculate the timing of Easter yourself. The German mathematician Gauss in the 18th century proposed a formula for determining the day of Easter according to the Gregorian calendar. The calculation is made according to the value of mathematical quantities, designated (for simplicity) by the letters a, b, c, d, d. Each letter is equal to the following value:
a - the remainder of dividing the number of the year by 19;
b - the remainder of dividing the number of the year by 4;
c - the remainder of dividing the number of the year by 7;
d - the remainder of division by 30 of the expression 19a + 15;
d - the remainder of division by 7 of the expression 2b + 4c + 6d + b.
The found values ​​of “g” and “d” are used to finally solve the problem.
Easter is celebrated after the vernal equinox and therefore falls in March or April.
If the expression g + d is less than the number 9, this year's Easter will be in March according to the old style, and its day will be 22 + g + + d.
If g + d is greater than 9, Easter will be in April (according to the old style), and the date of its celebration is equal to g + d - 9.
When making calculations, we should not forget that in 1918 our country switched to a new calendar style, which “overtook” the old style by 13 days. Therefore, 13 must be added to the calculated number.