Step-by-step recipe for making dumplings in a slow cooker. Dumplings in the Redmond multicooker - fried, boiled, steamed How to fry dumplings in a multicooker

  • 19.02.2024

How to make homemade dumplings

Cooking dumplings in a slow cooker quickly and easily! Step-by-step recipes for cooking boiled, fried, steamed, baked dumplings with cheese and sour cream with photos.

10 min

320 kcal

5/5 (2)

In this article you will find answers to the most common questions about dumplings from happy owners of multicookers: is it possible to cook dumplings in a multicooker? How to cook, bake or fry dumplings in a slow cooker? Yes, friends, dumplings in a slow cooker turn out great. Today I will talk in detail about how to quickly and easily cook amazingly delicious dumplings in a slow cooker in different ways.

Boiled dumplings in a slow cooker

The point of cooking dumplings in a slow cooker is simplicity, a minimum of effort, time and attention of the cook himself to the cooking process. You put the dumplings in, poured water, salted them - and you go about your business, think about something great, without worrying about the dumplings being overcooked, undercooked or sticking together. The slow cooker will do everything in the best possible way and give you a signal that everything is ready, master. What else do you want?

Kitchenware: multicooker; skimmer.

Required Products:

Step by step recipe

Read also from us about how to do something successful and good.

Video recipe for cooking boiled dumplings

Look at this video for a very simple and successful recipe for making dumplings.

Fried dumplings in a slow cooker

What could be tastier than boiled dumplings? Only fried! Of course, this is a matter of taste, but it seems to me that for a change, ruddy dumplings fried on both sides are just a great option. You get these mini pies that are terribly delicious. You can serve them with herbs, and when serving, it’s a good idea to add a little sour cream or some tasty white sauce that you like.

  • Cooking time: 35 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 1.
  • Kitchenware: multicooker; small bowl to make sour cream sauce; spatula for turning dumplings.

Required Products:

  • 300 grams of dumplings;
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream;
  • 70 ml hot water;
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground bay leaf;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • 10 grams of chopped greens for serving.

Step by step recipe

Here you can read about how to deliciously cook excellent ones.

Steamed dumplings in a slow cooker

Steamed dumplings automatically move from the fast food category to the honorable “Healthy Eating” category. There is nothing easier than making these dumplings. You'll get it done in no time. 15 minutes will pass, and a delicious, satisfying ready-made dish will appear invitingly on your table.

  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 1.
  • Kitchenware: double boiler; steaming bowl; kettle to boil water.

Required Products:

  • half a liter of hot water;
  • 300 grams of dumplings;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • chopped herbs and butter (or sour cream) to taste for serving.

Step by step recipe

Video recipe for steamed dumplings

This video contains a recipe for steamed dumplings.

Dumplings in a slow cooker with cheese and sour cream

And these are no longer simple quick dumplings, but a self-sufficient, very tasty, satisfying and appetizing dish. The dumplings are stewed in sour cream sauce and then covered with a layer of delicious melted cheese. Try to cook dumplings baked in a slow cooker and I am sure that you will be asked for more and will be called the most tender and affectionate adjectives.

  • Cooking time: 35 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 1.
  • Kitchenware: multicooker; spatula for stirring.

Required Products:

  • 300 grams of dumplings;
  • 1 tablespoon flour;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • half a liter of cold water;
  • 100 grams of any hard cheese;
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream;
  • 1 bouillon cube;
  • greens for serving.

Recipe step by step

Video recipe for making dumplings

Watch this video for an original way to prepare baked dumplings.

What do dumplings eat with?

Traditionally, dumplings are eaten with butter. or sour cream, seasoned with black pepper and herbs. Many people prefer to eat them with the broth in which they were boiled. Add a little oil and black pepper to the broth. Dumplings are also served with soy sauce or balsamic vinegar. Fried dumplings can be served with ketchup, mustard or adjika. Frying onions with cracklings also goes well with dumplings.

Dumplings go great with sauces: sour cream, mushroom, cheese or tartar. You can buy them, or you can make them yourself. This wonderful sour cream sauce is very easy to make. Mix chopped dill (10 grams), garlic (several cloves), passed through a press, salt and pepper with sour cream (100 grams), and the sauce is ready.

I also really like soy-mayonnaise sauce with dumplings. To prepare it, you need to mix mayonnaise (200 grams), soy sauce (2 tablespoons), wine or apple cider vinegar (2 teaspoons) and mustard (teaspoon). Simple and tasteful. Dumplings can also be served with vegetable salad. And if you don’t have all this on hand, eat the dumplings just like that, without bread.

Options for preparing dumplings in a slow cooker

So, in a slow cooker you can cook, bake, fry and even steam dumplings in all the ways described above. Frozen or not, freshly made dumplings in a slow cooker can also be cooked in the “Soup” mode. To do this, you need to select this mode, set the time to 40 minutes, pour water into the bowl, add salt. When the water boils (after 7 minutes), add the dumplings and stir gently so as not to stick together. When they float to the surface, they need to be caught with a slotted spoon, held over hot steam for a minute and served.

Let us know which method of preparing dumplings in a slow cooker you used and which one you liked best. If you know other options for preparing delicious dumplings in a slow cooker, tell us about it. We will be glad to receive your letters. Cook with love. I wish everyone happiness.

Dumplings are a universal semi-finished product that allows you to organize a full meal in a couple of minutes. You can make soup or casserole from them. It is especially convenient to cook dumplings in a slow cooker. Today there are many interesting recipes for such dishes.

Knowing how to cook dumplings in a slow cooker will be useful for every housewife. It's very easy to do. Both fresh homemade and frozen store-bought products are suitable for this purpose. To cook dumplings (1 kg) in the device under discussion you need to take: butter, 1.5 liters of water, bay leaf, salt, pepper.

  1. The bowl of the device is lubricated with oil and filled with water. The liquid should be salted, peppered, and bay leaf should be added.
  2. The “Soup” mode starts and the multicooker lid closes. After 7-9 minutes you can throw dumplings into boiling water. The lid must be closed again.
  3. Cook the dish for about 25 minutes.
  4. It is advisable to stir the volume a couple of times so that the components do not stick together.

Ready-made dumplings are served hot with ketchup, sour cream or mayonnaise.

Cooking fried dumplings

Most models of modern multicookers allow you to cook even fried foods. And for this, a special “Frying” mode is not at all necessary. For the dish under discussion, use: 600 g of any dumplings, 4 tbsp. l. sour cream and vegetable oil, a couple of large spoons of boiling water, salt, seasonings. Cooking dumplings step by step.

  1. Vegetable oil is poured into the bowl of the device, after which the “Frying” or “Baking” mode is turned on.
  2. Dumplings with salt can be placed in a container after about 5-7 minutes.
  3. With the lid closed and stirring regularly, they will cook for 17-20 minutes.
  4. Next, water with sour cream and seasonings is sent into the bowl of the device.
  5. Under sour cream sauce, cook the ingredients for another 12 minutes in the same mode with the lid open.

No additional sauce is required for this dish.

Steamed dumplings in a slow cooker

It is in a slow cooker that the easiest way to cook steamed dumplings is. For this method of heat treatment, you will need to use a special plastic basket. It always comes with the device. You also need to take: 1.2 liters of water, 800 g of dumplings, salt, spices, butter.

  1. The basket is greased with oil (you can use vegetable or melted oil), then the semi-finished product is laid out on it.
  2. The container of the device is filled with water in the required volume according to the instructions.
  3. Salt and any aromatic herbs are added to the liquid. To taste, you can use bay leaves and peppercorns.
  4. The multicooker lid closes.
  5. In the “Steam” program, the product is cooked for 30 minutes.

If you do not use oil to lubricate the grill, you can significantly reduce the calorie content of the finished dish.

Lazy dumplings recipe

If you have free time, you can prepare homemade lazy dumplings and stew them in a slow cooker. For this dish you will use: egg, 230 g flour, 80 ml water, 330 g minced meat, salt, onion.

  1. Wheat flour is sifted into a deep plate, a pinch of salt, an egg and warm water are added.
  2. The dough is kneaded by hand. The resulting mass is elastic and very soft.
  3. The dough is covered with cling film or a towel and left at room temperature for 25 minutes.
  4. Add chopped onion with a blender, salt and seasonings to taste to the minced meat. If you decide to add chopped herbs, then you need to use a couple of tablespoons of boiled water.
  5. The dough is rolled out onto flour into a thin round layer.
  6. The minced meat is spread over the entire surface of the resulting base, after which the dough is carefully rolled into a roll. It should turn out dense.
  7. The roll is cut into pieces no wider than 2 cm.
  8. The resulting rounds are sent to the multicooker bowl and completely covered with water.
  9. In the “Baking” mode, the dish is cooked under a closed lid for 35 minutes.

If there is not enough liquid during cooking, you can increase the volume.

Casserole in a slow cooker

The dish is usually prepared from frozen dumplings. You will need 450 grams of them. And, in addition: 2/3 tbsp. water and grated hard cheese, 5 tbsp. fat sour cream, salt, spices.

  1. Frozen dumplings are placed in the bowl of the device.
  2. A sauce is prepared from sour cream, water, salt and spices.
  3. The resulting liquid is poured into the semi-finished product.
  4. The “Baking” program is turned on for 35 minutes.
  5. After about 20 minutes, open the lid of the device and add grated cheese.

During cooking, the dish will completely absorb the sauce and become soft and tender.

Soup with dumplings

When there is little time left before lunch, dumpling soup will save the situation. For it will be used: 250 g of semi-finished product, 3-4 potatoes, carrots, 2 l. water, onion, salt, herbs, aromatic herbs, oil.

  1. Chopped vegetables are sautéed in the “Baking” program until soft.
  2. Carrots and onions are poured with hot water. The soup base is salted and seasoned with aromatic herbs.
  3. Potato cubes and finely chopped greens are thrown into the multicooker container.
  4. After 25 minutes of cooking in the same mode, add dumplings and leave for another 12-15 minutes.

Lunch is served with sour cream or melted butter.

Nuances of cooking in a slow cooker: Redmont, Polaris

A multicooker of any brand is suitable for cooking semi-finished products, for example, the Redmont and Polaris models. It is especially convenient to prepare dumplings in those devices that have specialized programs for processing semi-finished products. If they are not available, you can use the “Boil”, “Steam” or “Soup” mode. On average, dumplings cook for about 30 minutes.

If you are using a frozen product, you can turn on the “Bake” program for 35 minutes. With the lid closed, the dish will be stewed, and with the lid open, it will be fried. In most Redmont models, both programs are located separately - “Frying” and “Stewing”.

When wondering how to cook dumplings in a Polaris multicooker, first of all you need to study the modes available in the device. Many models of this brand have a special “Pizza” or “Baking” program. They will allow you to prepare a semi-finished product especially tasty.

Dumplings in a slow cooker are an easy way to quickly prepare a hearty dish for the whole family. The dumplings themselves are a meat dish made from unleavened dough and meat filling. According to the classic recipe, dumpling dough includes flour, eggs, water and salt. These ingredients are used to knead an elastic thick dough, from which small circles are rolled out, filled with filling and dumplings are formed.

Nowadays, dumplings are most often used in the form of semi-finished products; they are easy to purchase in any store. In this form, the product is not always healthy, since many manufacturers use low-quality meat, preservatives, dyes, chemical additives and vegetable fats to produce them. Therefore, the choice of store-bought dumplings should be taken with full responsibility and carefully study the composition of the product. Homemade products are another matter - here you can be sure of the quality of flour and eggs, and you know everything about the composition of the meat filling.

There are a huge number of variations of dumplings; the products differ from each other in both filling and shape. Various types of meat (beef, pork, chicken) are used as minced meat. Dumplings containing several types of meat are considered the most delicious. Dumplings with fish, mushrooms and various vegetables are good.

The classic method of preparing products is boiling in salted water with the addition of spices. Sometimes dumplings are boiled in meat broth, which gives the dish a richer taste.

Modern housewives have long acquired such an indispensable kitchen assistant as a multicooker. In this device you can prepare dumplings in several ways. First, boil in boiling water (about 1.5 liters), setting the “Soup” mode. Spices, herbs, garlic and salt should be added to the water. After the liquid boils, the dumplings are immersed in water, stirred and the lid is closed. Secondly, dumplings can be steamed. For this purpose, the multicooker is equipped with a special basket. Thirdly, fry until golden brown in the “Baking” or “Frying” mode. Fried dumplings are good served as a snack. In addition, they can be baked with various sauces with the addition of vegetables and spices.

Sometimes you can treat yourself to a dish like fried dumplings. Their taste is somewhat reminiscent of pasties. It is very easy to prepare this dish in a slow cooker, although a regular frying pan will also work for this purpose. Fried dumplings are served with sour cream, ketchup, or offered as a snack with beer. Spicy lovers can use their favorite spices: red or black pepper, garlic. You can prepare a sauce for the dish from a mixture of mayonnaise and mustard (in proportions 1:1) or a mixture of mayonnaise and ketchup, taken in equal parts.


  • vegetable oil - 1 l;
  • ready-made dumplings - 1 kg;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl.
  2. Place the dumplings in a saucepan in one layer and place in the slow cooker.
  3. Turn on the “Frying” mode for 10 minutes. Close the multicooker lid.
  4. The finished dumplings should have a nice golden crust. When serving, sprinkle with fresh herbs.

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Usually manti is steamed, but we suggest making dumplings. You can use ready-made ones purchased at the store, or make homemade ones. This method of cooking has its advantages: the dumplings do not stick together or become boiled, the housewife does not need to monitor the pan, stir and control the degree of readiness of the product. The multicooker will do everything.


  • dumplings - 300 g;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour water into the multicooker bowl and add bay leaf.
  2. Grease the steamer basket with butter. Place dumplings (can be frozen) in one layer.
  3. Place the basket in the multicooker and close the lid. Select the “Steam” mode and cook for 25 minutes. If after the specified time the dumplings are still not ready, then increase the time by 15 minutes.
  4. Serve the finished dumplings with traditional sour cream, mustard or other favorite sauce.

You can prepare a delicious gourmet dish from ordinary frozen dumplings purchased in a store. In this recipe we suggest baking dumplings with sour cream sauce. The dish is well suited as a quick dinner, because its preparation requires a minimum of effort and time. Sprinkle the finished dumplings with fresh chopped herbs and serve with ketchup, soy sauce or mayonnaise.


  • dumplings - 500 g;
  • sour cream - 100 ml;
  • water - 1 multi-glass;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - for lubrication;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Grease the multicooker bowl with oil, place the frozen dumplings in one layer (at a distance of 5 mm from each other).
  2. Combine sour cream with water, add salt and pepper. Mix the mass well.
  3. Fill the dumplings with sour cream mixture.
  4. Set the “Baking” mode for 20 minutes.
  5. 5 minutes after the end of the mode, open the multicooker lid, sprinkle the dumplings with grated cheese and bake until the sound signal appears.
  6. Serve the finished dumplings with fresh herbs, vegetables, and sauces.

Now you know how to cook dumplings in a slow cooker according to a recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

Dumplings are considered one of the most favorite dishes of many Russians. The aroma of hot dumplings with herbs and sour cream delights even the most fastidious gourmets. With the advent of a multicooker in the kitchen, the process of preparing this dish has become easier and more interesting. In addition to traditional boiling in water, dumplings can be fried, baked, stewed, you can make soup with them or steam them. We have selected the most delicious and simple recipes that allow you to save time and treat your household to a hearty dinner in a matter of minutes. Experienced chefs will tell you how to deliciously cook dumplings in a slow cooker:
  • The vegetable oil in which the dumplings were fried can be reused. Let it cool, strain through cheesecloth (to remove sediment) and pour into a glass container. Store this oil in the refrigerator.
  • If you steam, be sure to grease the steamer basket with oil, otherwise the dumplings will stick to its surface.
  • Choose the right dumplings when purchasing. Please note the expiration date: it cannot exceed 30 days, otherwise preservatives were added to the dumplings.
  • Do not buy dumplings that are yellowish or grayish in color or with a cracked dough shell - these are signs of a low quality product. The yellowish color indicates that dyes were added to the dough to disguise poor quality products. High-quality dumplings have a smooth and even surface of white color and when shaken, the packs clearly knock against each other.

Fried dumplings in a slow cooker can delight many people with their taste. And this is not surprising, because the dish turns out with a crispy crust, juicy minced meat and incredible taste. Any housewife can prepare this recipe, especially since a multicooker will do most of the work.

These days, not many people have time to prepare a full dinner, so the Redmond multicooker is an excellent kitchen assistant. It will not only fry the products, but will also give them a special taste, which cannot be said about the method of cooking in a pan. As a result, fried dumplings made in a Redmond or Polaris slow cooker will delight you with their taste, richness and excellent aroma.

What is the advantage of this dish

Any dish contains certain benefits - dumplings are no exception. It is worth noting that this recipe is considered one of the most successful, because the products will not lose their shape or fall apart during frying, water will not collect on them, and after cooking the dough will have a pleasant crunch.

It is also worth noting that the taste of this dish is significantly different from other cooking options.

The recipe for fried dumplings made in a Redmond slow cooker is quite quick and easy to prepare. After all, the main thing for you is to have this kitchen equipment available, which will prepare a tasty, light and nutritious dish in a short time.

  • There is no need to salt the dumplings when frying, since the minced meat has enough salt.
  • If you accidentally forget about cooking, the products will not burn, but will brown. True, only on one side.
  • Even if you do not pour oil into the bowl, the dumplings in the slow cooker will still be fried and will not stick.
  • It’s worth choosing small items for cooking, especially if you have very little time to cook.
  • If you wish, you can diversify the recipe with any products: cheese, sour cream, ketchup, fresh chopped vegetables, vegetable salad and much more.

Fried dumplings recipe

Preparing such a dinner using a slow cooker is quite simple. To do this, you do not need to have certain skills and abilities.

This recipe will be prepared in a Redmond multicooker, which will quickly cope with the task.

The best way to diversify a traditional menu without much time or financial investment is to sometimes cook your favorite dishes in a new way. For example, dumplings fried until golden brown in a home slow cooker is a new approach to preparing and eating meat and dough products that are expensive to the stomach. The already desired “ears” on the dinner table with your favorite additives turn out so appetizing that it is very difficult to stop eating them.

In this post, we tried to collect the best recipes for fried dumplings in a home slow cooker. Each of them is basic, that is, it can be supplemented to your taste, for example, by frying “ears”, baking in an omelette in the oven or stewing in vegetables. The main “seasonings” of a delicious dumpling treat are culinary imagination and love for your neighbors!

Fried dumplings in a slow cooker


For filler

  • Pork fillet – 300 g.
  • Beef – 300 g.
  • Water – 100 ml.
  • Large onion – 1 pc.
  • Salt and black pepper (powder) - to taste.
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp.
  • Sour cream – 3 tbsp.
  • Soybean sauce – 1 tbsp.
  • Water (hot) - ¼ measuring cup.
  • Laurel leaf – 1 pc.

How to deliciously cook fried dumplings in a slow cooker

By frying in hot oil, you can cook both homemade dumplings and store-bought semi-finished products. Ice cream takes longer to prepare than freshly made food. If the multicooker is of a different model, select the existing “Frying” or “Baking” mode and set the timer.

Frying dumplings in a multicooker does not require much effort - the machine will do everything. An ideal cooking method for novice housewives and bachelors!

  1. We start with the dough: sow flour on the table, make a funnel in it, beat eggs into it, add water, salt, season with oil, knead.
  2. When the dough becomes elastic and homogeneous, form a “bun” out of it, wrap it in food-grade polyethylene and leave to “rest” for half an hour.
  3. Let's move on to the filling. After rinsing the meat under running water, divide the fillet into small pieces and grind together with the peeled onion until smooth.
  4. Add water for juiciness, salt and season with pepper.
  • If the household does not have plastic film intended for the kitchen, the dough can be hidden in a bowl or pan. The main thing is to cover it so that it doesn’t get weathered.
  • For fasting days, the dough can be made water-based, without eggs. The proportions of water and flour are 1:2.
  • Filling for “ears” can be made from any meat – chicken, turkey and even fish. Mushrooms will work too.
  • To make the minced meat tender and soft, it must be passed through a meat grinder twice.

Ready fried “ears” are fragrant and taste a little like chebureks. The piquant taste of the filling turns ordinary dumplings into a royal delicacy, which is usually not enough - you have to make another portion. Fortunately, the multicooker has to work...

Classic fried dumplings in a slow cooker

And now - the simplest option on how to deliciously fry store-bought “ears” in a Redmond multicooker. We will cook without any frills - simple, fast, tasty!


  • Store-bought frozen “ears” – 300 g.
  • Sunflower seed oil – 2 tbsp.
  • Low-fat sour cream – 3 tbsp.
  • Fresh dill - 2 tbsp.

How to deliciously fry your favorite dumplings in a slow cooker

Having turned on the multi-cooker, pour the oil into the bowl and select the “Baking” mode in the menu. You can also use “Frying”, but in this case it will be difficult to make sure that our “ears” do not burn, so it is better to choose the first option, in which they will gradually brown evenly. Set the timer at 35 minutes.

When the oil is hot enough, place the frozen “ears” in one layer tightly to each other and close the lid. Somewhere in the middle of the cycle, we stop the program, open the container and carefully turn the dumplings on the other side, close the lid tightly again and patiently wait for the end of the cooking cycle.

When the timer goes off, immediately remove all the fried “ears” from the bowl so that they do not soften and lose their pleasant crunchiness. Serve them with sour cream, sprinkled with freshly chopped herbs.

A new culinary “reading” of your favorite treat is an opportunity not only to satisfy your hunger with pleasure, but also to experience a new range of gastronomic sensations. We invite you to try original dumplings fried in a slow cooker, which are very easy to make according to our recipes. Their appetizing appearance and inimitable taste will not disappoint anyone.

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