How to make kozinaki from seeds at home. How to make kozinaki at home: recipes

  • 10.03.2024

Kozinaki are very popular here in Tashkent; at any bazaar there is a wide choice: sesame, and with peanuts, and my favorite, almond, and from seeds. Traditionally, this Georgian sweet is made from nuts and honey. I haven’t tried making them myself at home yet, but my friend, the author of a wonderful website about Uzbek cuisine, recently shared his recipe.

“There are a lot of options and forms of kozinaki. On a trip to Samarkand we bought it in round bags. It turned out to be very convenient for consumption and aesthetically pleasing.

I prefer kozinaki made from seeds, walnuts with raisins or dried fruits. There are also kozinaki with sesame, peanuts, pistachios or mixed ones, in general it depends on imagination and taste.

Cooking recipes may also differ. One simple way is to dissolve sugar in a small amount of water, put it on low heat and cook until it thickens, then add about the same amount of honey and stirring frequently, cook until the drop taken for testing stops spreading on the saucer. The ratio of honey and sugar will depend on the quality and type of honey; it must be selected individually.

After this, add the desired ingredients - peeled and then roasted seeds, walnuts, sesame seeds in a dry frying pan. Raisins and dried fruits add extra flavor. Mix everything well and shape as desired. For half a kilogram of nuts you need about a glass of syrup.

You can roll the balls by first wetting your hands in cold water.

You can also place the resulting thick mass on a board moistened with cold water or on parchment paper and level the surface with a rolling pin, also dipped in cold water, so that you get a layer 1 cm thick.

Then, when the kozinaki have cooled slightly, cut them with a sharp knife into small cubes or diamonds and let them harden. In general, there are no limits to imagination here.”

So, I’m going to the market for seeds and nuts, and I recommend it to you, because this dessert is much healthier than any factory-made sweets: it’s rich in calcium, which is easily digestible, seeds - vitamins, vitamin E is especially important in them, walnuts - Omega-3 acids and Omega-6. How delicious! How beautiful! Undoubtedly, kozinaki, like kozinaki, is the best decoration for any holiday table.

For sunflower seeds lovers, this recipe will be a real find. After all, firstly, kozinaki from seeds can be prepared at home very quickly - literally in 20 minutes, and secondly, they turn out very tasty. Also, very often kozinaki is prepared from nuts - walnuts and peanuts, but this particular recipe has taken root in our family, since all my household are real lovers of seeds. This recipe will also come in handy for those who are fasting. This delicacy can be safely eaten by anyone who is fasting. And besides, in small quantities it is very useful!
It is best to buy peeled seeds directly rather than peel them yourself. This way you will save a lot of your time. The seeds can be pre-fried, but I usually don’t fry them, just dry them in a frying pan.
Well, let's get down to the recipe itself.

- peeled sunflower seeds – 200 gr.;
- honey (can be thick) – 1 tbsp. l.;
- vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
- sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

Recipe with photos step by step:

1. Pre-dry the seeds in a hot frying pan. It is enough to hold them over medium heat, stirring constantly, for 3-4 minutes.

2. Place honey and granulated sugar in a saucepan and place on low heat. Don't forget to stir the mixture periodically. During the heating process, honey and sugar will melt and turn into a liquid, homogeneous mixture.

3. Pour the seeds into the resulting mixture of sugar and honey.

4. Mix thoroughly so that all the seeds are coated with our sweet mass.

5. Grease the foil with vegetable oil and place the seed mixture there. Distribute evenly over the surface; it is best to make the thickness of the kozinak no more than 1 cm, otherwise it will be difficult to cut it later.

6. You can immediately cut the kozinak with a sharp knife into even strips. Now we just have to wait for our kozinak to cool down (a warm one may fall apart) and we can serve it for tea!
This is how you can easily prepare kozinaki from seeds at home.
Enjoy your tea!
By the way, for a sweet dessert you can prepare

Kozinaki is a favorite sweet made by many people, the basis of which is nuts or seeds. It is quite hard, so they prefer to chew it. It is based on honey, sugar syrup or juice.

The history of the dessert

Kozinaki can be considered a typically oriental sweet. History says that initially there were only sesame kozinaki. It was this dessert that was first served to the Persian king. This ingredient was taken as the basis of the delicacy for a reason. The fact is that sesame was considered a substance that strengthens the spirit. He was also considered a harbinger of victory. Therefore, it is not surprising that these particular grains became associated with a joyful return from the war.

Sesame kozinaki later became quite popular. With this treat, women greeted warriors who returned from the battlefield. If we draw a parallel, we can compare this custom with the typically Slavic tradition of treating guests with bread and salt.

Kozinaki returned again thanks to Georgia. It is in this country that kozinaki is prepared at home in completely different ways. Almost every family has its own original recipe for the delicacy. It was also in Georgia that dessert became associated with a festive feast. An interesting fact is that kozinaki can be made from completely different ingredients. Kozinaki made from any kind of nuts and seeds can become a table decoration and simply a delicious dessert.

Recipe Base

Making kozinaki at home is not difficult at all. So, you need to adhere to only two rules for selecting ingredients:

  • Use a solid base.
  • Don't forget about the bonding agent.

A solid base can include many ingredients. For example, flax or sunflower seeds, peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts. Oatmeal or poppy seeds are also used. You can stop at one ingredient, or you can choose several, which will only make the taste brighter.

Mainly honey and sugar syrup help to hold the solid base together. Sometimes these ingredients are mixed. Oil is also traditionally used, both butter and vegetable. It is advisable to choose an unscented option. However, this is a matter of taste.

The benefits and harms of kozinaki

Many people love kozinaki. Finding a recipe now is not a problem. However, are there any benefits to them? Of course. The main properties of the product directly depend on the ingredients included in it. That is, if kozinaki is made from peanuts, then the benefits of this nut will not become less.

However, many people mistakenly believe that this dessert also contains beneficial substances contained in honey. We must not forget that preparing kozinaki involves heating honey. And during this process, many vitamins are lost.

The only harm that can be noted is the excess calorie content and the negative impact on tooth enamel. The latter is directly related to the hardness of the dessert. Chronic use can damage your teeth. And because of the added sugar and honey, it is not so difficult to get tooth decay.

Despite the high calorie content and, as a result, the negative impact on the figure, kozinaki is recommended for use by athletes and those involved in physical education. As a snack, kozinak can quickly restore strength and restore energy.

How to make kozinaki from hazelnuts?

One of the nuts that are actively used for making kozinaki is hazelnut. For this you will need:

  • Hazelnuts - 300 g.
  • Honey - 2 glasses.
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.

First of all, you need to peel the thin brown skin from the hazelnuts. You can quickly get rid of it using a hot frying pan. To do this, you need to fry the nut without oil for 10 minutes. After the slightly cooled hazelnuts are poured onto a towel and ground. The skin cracks and falls off.

To prepare kozinaki at home, hazelnuts should be crushed or chopped, but not to the point of crumbs. After this, they move on to creating the syrup. Sugar is poured into a frying pan, honey is added. Stirring, heat until bubbles appear. Then the syrup is cooled and the heating is repeated a couple more times. Then add the nuts and mix again so that each piece is coated with syrup. While stirring, continue to heat the mixture for another couple of minutes.

The resulting mass should be carefully distributed over a silicone mat and left to cool for a while. However, it is better not to put the mass in the refrigerator.

How to make kozinaki from oatmeal?

Oatmeal is a fairly rare ingredient for this delicacy. Not everyone knows that you can make kozinaki at home using this product.

For this you will need:

  • Oatmeal - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water - incomplete st. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Unlike kozinaki made from nuts, flakes do not require pre-processing or cleaning. Therefore, all ingredients are thoroughly mixed and sent to a frying pan, where they are simmered over low heat until golden brown. In this case, the mixture must be stirred all the time to achieve uniform heating and frying.

The resulting mixture is laid out on the prepared surface. This could be a silicone mat, molds, or just a board covered with foil. The entire surface must first be lubricated with vegetable oil. The finished product is then left in a cool place to harden.

Seeds as the main ingredient for kozinaki

Sunflower seeds make wonderful kozinaki. Their recipe is quite simple. Kozinaki from seeds is made from the following ingredients:

  • Sunflower seeds, peeled - 200 g.
  • Honey - 25 g.
  • Sugar - 50 g.

Kozinaki from seeds is prepared quite quickly, since the main ingredient also does not require pre-processing.

Honey and sugar are sent to a heated frying pan. Heat the mixture over low heat, stirring occasionally, waiting for bubbles to appear. Then add the seeds and mix them thoroughly with the syrup. Warm up for about a couple more minutes. Then the mixture is sent to a silicone mat, where it hardens completely.

Complex recipe for kozinaki

One of the most interesting recipes for making kozinaki at home contains many ingredients. These include:

  • Oatmeal - 200 g.
  • Nuts of any kind - 120 g.
  • Honey - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 70 g.
  • Dried fruits - 150 g.

You can choose almost any dried fruit. Peeled dried cherries, apples, dried apricots, prunes, and seedless raisins work well. You can also use figs or more exotic options such as papaya or pineapple.

The nuts must be peeled and then heated in a dry frying pan for ten to fifteen minutes. This quick frying allows the flavor of the food to come out.

Dried fruits are left to soak for half an hour and then cut into large pieces. Raisins or cherries can be left whole.

Honey and sugar are placed in a frying pan and heated until completely dissolved. If desired, you can add a small amount of butter. This is true if the sweet mixture burns. The correct syrup is dark brown in color, uniform in consistency.

The dry mixture is added to the sweet mass and mixed thoroughly right in the frying pan. Then the still soft kozinak is laid out on a baking sheet lined with parchment and put in the oven for forty minutes.

Kozinaki with poppy seeds

Poppy is also not such a frequent guest as a basis for kozinaki. However, it can be used in conjunction with nuts. To do this, take 1.5-2 tbsp for half a glass of peeled nuts. l. poppy seeds.

Two tablespoons of honey are mixed with two teaspoons of butter and sent to low heat, then the dry mixture is added there. Boil everything for an hour, stirring regularly.

The resulting mixture is spread on a silicone mat in a thin layer. Cool at room temperature. If desired, you can put the still liquid mixture into beautiful shapes. Then the finished kozinaki will take interesting shapes, which is important for the holidays.

Anything with a sweet tooth will eat something crunchy and coated in sugar. Because sugar icing makes everything sweeter and more enjoyable. What if this “something” is still very tasty and healthy? The name of this sweet is kozinak. The history of kozinak is old, but not everyone knows it. The ancestor of the delicacy was the Persian king Darius, who discovered sesame kozinaki during one of the festivities dedicated to victory. Even then, this sweetness was considered a symbol of youth and victory.

Initially, only nuts in honey were considered kozinaki - a national Georgian dish. Now in stores you can more often find the traditional Russian kozinak - sunflower seeds in caramel. There are several other types of kozinak, for example, made from peanuts and sesame. Pine and hazelnuts are also suitable for kozinaki. Today, dried fruits, raisins and chocolate can be added to this delicacy, which makes kozinak even more delicious.

Kozinaki is an oriental sweet that came to us from warm Georgia, famous for its hospitality. How else? Only a hospitable person can feed his guests such delicious food. In ancient times, even warriors were greeted from the battlefields with kozinaki, which in the original were called “gozinaki” - in the Georgian manner. The strength of kozinak served as a sign of strong and long-lasting love, because lovers often gave each other such sweet gifts prepared with their own hands.

Who doesn't love kozinaki? This sweet product is consumed by everyone, regardless of calorie content. And there is enough of this goodness here - the seed contains 576 kcal per 100 g of product. Kozinaki also has enough vitamins and minerals: calcium, potassium, vitamins C and E. And if you want, you can also enjoy your own kozinaki. It’s not difficult to prepare, and you only need a few ingredients.

Traditional kozinak in Georgian

Composition of kozinak

  • Honey - 0.5 kg
  • Walnuts - 0.5 kg
  • Sugar - 2 tsp.

Method of preparing kozinak

  1. Finely chop the nuts (preferably in a blender) and fry without oil
  2. Mix honey and sugar and stir.
  3. Next, place this mixture over medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring thoroughly.
  4. Remove from heat and cool honey. Repeat all this 2 more times and you will end up with honey syrup.
  5. When the honey boils 3 times, add nuts to it and let it simmer for 10 minutes.
  6. While the nuts and honey are cooking, prepare a board and moisten it with water.
  7. Place the finished cassinak on the surface and roll it out with a rolling pin dipped in water.
  8. There is no need to rush, but there is no need to hesitate either. You need to roll out the honey quickly before it hardens. Then cut your kazinak into pieces and put it on a plate. To prevent the parts from sticking together, cover each layer of kozinak with pastry paper or foil.

Varieties of kozinaki

All kozinaki recipes are based on the same algorithm. Another thing is that you can choose the fillings and additives for your sweets yourself. In a modern supermarket you can find a whole bunch of quality goodies that can be added to the casinak. For example, if you get tired of the usual and traditional kazinak, you can combine pistachios, sesame seeds, honey and sugar. Hazelnuts and pistachios can also go well together. If you don’t like all of the above, mix what you like, and even if, at first glance, the components of your kozinak do not combine in everyday life, leave everything as it is and create.

Types of kozinaki differ from each other only in ingredients. You can use more than one specific type of nut as a base if you are afraid of gaining weight. There are many kozinaki that may be low in calories but very tasty. For example, if you mix margarine, sugar and rolled oats, you can get an excellent product.

Kozinaki is a traditional delicacy of Georgian cuisine. Their classic composition includes walnuts completely drenched in honey. The taste of kozinaki has been familiar to each of us since childhood. They have taken root well in Russia and the CIS, and adults and children eat them with pleasure. But usually, in stores they offer us not the classic version of kozinaki, but a more simplified one - seeds covered with caramel.

Let's learn today how to prepare real oriental sweets using various recipes, and you can please your guests with this wonderful delicacy.

Kozinaki from seeds - recipe


  • granulated sugar – 200 g;
  • peeled sunflower seeds – 100 g;
  • boiled water – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice - to taste.


How to make kozinaki from seeds? To prepare kozinaki at home, take peeled sunflower seeds, dry them in a dry frying pan for 5 minutes and transfer them to a plate. If time allows, it is best to pour them onto a baking sheet and place them in an oven preheated to 100°C for 10 minutes. This will make them more flavorful. Then pour granulated sugar into the pan, add boiled water, a few drops of lemon juice and cook the caramel, stirring it constantly. It should be a nice golden brown color. Now add the dried seeds to the caramel and mix everything thoroughly. We do this very quickly, without removing the pan from the heat, as the caramel immediately hardens. Next, carefully place the hot mixture on parchment and distribute it in an even layer. After 3 minutes, use a sharp knife to make small cuts so that after hardening it will be convenient for you to break the kozinaki.

That's all, a delicious delicacy called homemade kozinaki is ready!

Kozinaki from rolled oats


  • oatmeal (rolled oatmeal) – 2 tbsp.;
  • butter – 125 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • roasted peanuts - to taste.


To prepare kozinaki from oatmeal, take butter, put it in a preheated frying pan and melt over low heat. Then add sugar, oatmeal and roasted peanuts. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth and cook until the mass darkens. Remove from heat and place the still hot mixture on a board. Next, roll it out into a layer and divide it into squares. Let the oatmeal kozinaki cool completely and serve with hot tea.

Peanut and hazelnut kozinaki


  • hazelnuts – 300 g;
  • peanuts – 200 g;
  • honey – 500 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon.


How to cook peanut kozinaki at home? Place the nuts on a baking sheet and dry for 10 minutes in the oven at 100°. This will give them an amazing aroma and the husks will be better cleaned.

Then pour honey into the ladle and put it on low heat. As soon as it gets hot, add the peeled nuts and add a tablespoon of sugar. Stir well until the sugar is completely dissolved and the nuts are coated with the mixture. Transfer the mixture to a previously prepared surface and level it with a rolling pin. As soon as everything sets, cut into portions and serve with aromatic strong tea.

You see, there are no problems in preparing kozinaki at home - everything is very fast, tasty, and most importantly - healthy for children! And the cooking process itself takes very little time, but guests will simply be delighted with such a fabulous delicacy. Enjoy your tea!