Why did you dream about the cable? “Dream Interpretation Wire I dreamed about why I dream about Wire. What do long wires mean according to the dream book▼

  • 07.03.2024

Every night a person necessarily dreams of something, but many dreams are quickly forgotten: in the first five minutes of wakefulness, the brain clears the memory of dreams almost completely. Even those people who believe that they slept without a dream see dreams; they simply manage to forget them by the time they wake up.

Lethargy - imaginary death or an involuntary attempt to hide from problems

Is lethargy a fake death, a terrible disease, or another mysterious property of the human mind? For centuries, ordinary people feared this disease as a terrible curse, and many great doctors tried to find the answer to this question, but even in our time, despite enormous progress in the study of human psychophysiology, the state of lethargy is still fraught with many mysteries.

One dream for two - the highest level of interpersonal communication

The human subconscious is fraught with many hidden abilities, and one of them is communication with another person in a shared dream. One dream for two is the highest level of lucid sleep, which, however, can be achieved by every person by following a special technique and opening up to their hidden abilities. Joint dreaming is a special type of interpersonal communication in reality created in a dream.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud's dream book is one of the most effective dream books that has ever existed. How did a representative of the scientific world manage to achieve such precision in the interpretation of a world that is practically beyond scientific comprehension?

Why do you dream about Cable?

Cable in a modern dream book

If a cable appears in your dream, in reality you have to make a difficult choice that will have an impact on your future life. Don’t hesitate, try to quickly solve a difficult problem and identify priorities, otherwise you will miss the favorable moment to change your destiny for the better. If you had a dream in which a cable was repaired by your relative or good friend, it means that soon this person will have to get out of a very difficult and confusing situation. Naturally, other people's problems do not concern you as much as your own, but still be sure to support your loved one. By refusing to help him, you will lose respect for yourself and earn a bad reputation. If you dreamed of a long cable, you can start preparing for a long journey. A tangled cable predicts complications at work or life difficulties. Don't lose hope and don't despair, keep fighting, the exit is very close. And most importantly, be careful not to get even more confused; in other words, don’t put unnecessary hassle on your head.

Cable in Miller's dream book

I dreamed of a cable - this is a bad omen that predicts the beginning of a period of difficulties and troubles. A broken cable under voltage portends monotonous and hard work that threatens you with overwork. Take care of your health, otherwise you risk serious illness. If you dreamed that you were digging the ground and unexpectedly came across a cable, it means that in reality, be very careful, there is a high probability of an accident, and not necessarily related to excavation work. A large amount of cable in a dream means a confusing situation from which you will not be able to get out of soon. A heating cable predicts melancholy and despondency. You will most likely feel abandoned and lonely. You will want warmth and tenderness, however, there will be no one nearby who could give you care and love. A thin electrical cable promises news from afar, a very thick cable promises that the news will be very pleasant.

Lie down - be calm, everything will work out.

What wires did you dream about?

Interpretation of a dream in which there were exposed wires▼

You dream of exposed wires when your nerves are on edge. You feel like you're about to break down, and any one could be the last straw in the cup. Give your nervous system a little . Even one day of relaxation can help you cope and not do anything stupid.

If the wires were tangled in the dream▼

According to the dream book, tangled wires foretell a complication of the current state of affairs. Possible on or in business. You will be powerless in the face of an unfavorable set of circumstances, and you will not be able to do anything about the situation.

If you dreamed of sparkling wires▼

A wire that was seen sparkling in a dream reflects your impatience in some matter. Having done everything in your power, you look forward to the result with anticipation. However, this prophesies that all hopes are in vain and yours will fail. Most likely, the wrong business tactics were initially chosen.

Why do you dream about broken wires▼

Broken wires dream of breaking off a relationship with a loved one. You won't necessarily break up. This may mean that one of you will have to move, and distance will be the reason for your breakup.

What do long wires mean according to the dream book▼

If you dream of long wires, it means that the desired goal is still in the distant future. It will take a lot to achieve it. The consolation is the fact that the path to your dream will be without any special obstacles, even and smooth, like the cable you saw.

Why see burnt wires in a dream▼

A dream in which you saw burnt wires indicates your carelessness and immature attitude towards. As a result, there is a great risk of acquired and most of the capital. There is also a possibility of losing the source due to your failure to perform.

What did you do with the wire in your dream?

What does a dream in which you had to lick wires mean?

According to Felomena’s dream book, wires mean that your rash, expressive actions can lead to a loss of respect in the work team. By giving in to an emotional impulse, you can forever close your path to a brilliant career.

If you dream that you are repairing wires▼

Repairing wires yourself in a dream means that you overestimate your capabilities and take on obligations that you cannot fulfill. If someone else repaired the cable, soon this person will turn to you for help in a difficult issue. Most likely, he will need financial assistance.

The meaning of a dream in which I happened to turn off the wires▼

If you had to turn off the wires in a dream, this means your determination to interrupt some kind of connection. This can be either a friendly relationship or a love union. If this is not done now, it will not lead to anything good and will bring nothing good to everyone involved in this relationship.

How are other dream books interpreted?

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Did you dream about a Wire, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a Wire in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Hello. My mother dreamed today that we were visiting her and were getting ready to go home (to another city), but the child did not want to go... we were walking to the train, the child fell far behind and was hit by a truck... a lot of people gathered around, but the child was not under the truck it turned out... we asked if they had seen the boy, people said that they had seen him, but they didn’t know where he was... we started looking for him and found him naked in some ditch, wrapped in wires, alive.
    Help me decipher the dream. And somehow it became creepy. Thank you in advance.

    • Most likely, your dream indicates that you may lose control over your child, which will ultimately make you seriously worried.

      • Hello... this is not the first night I have been dreaming that wires are tangled around my neck... with some difficulty I manage to get rid of them..
        Please help me find out the interpretation of this dream...)
        Thank you.

    • A very long dream, the only thing I couldn’t find was the next situation (ending). My guest (who really doesn’t know me) cuts the wires in my apartment somewhere in the ceiling and explains this by saying that 1 of the 3 wires is missing (grounding) and wants to help replace it with a good cable.

      I dreamed that I was lying on the bed and a little girl was looking at me who was lying in a pink bed parallel to me, then I was looking for the charging wire, but it was broken, then I started looking for another one, but the broken one was lying under my pillow

      Hello Tayana, I'm Alexander from Penza, we talked before... I had a dream that I was in the house, and I saw a train passing outside the window, and as it passed, it knocked down an electric wire on a pole, and the electricity went out in my house, then it seemed like I turned on the light and everything worked again...What does this mean)?

      the smell of burning, I call my husband, we look at the electrical socket and there is an instant short circuit, I feel instant horror and fear, but there is a bang, there is a small fire and everything goes away and the fear too and it seems there is nothing terrible

      Hello Tatiana. I dreamed that I was walking with someone down a slope next to high-voltage wires, the wires sparked in some places, and in some places sagged to the ground. This someone is trying to straighten these wires, but I tell him not to climb, because it is life-threatening, you can die, but he climbs anyway and just throws the wire to the other side and it stops sparking. Thanks in advance

      I’m sitting on the ground, bare live wires are stretched across my legs, they sag a little, lightly touching my legs, the skin tingles a little, my daughter runs up, the wires sag more, trying to hold them with the finger of her left hand, I get an electric shock, my hand is pulled to the wire, somehow I remove it from the wire

      I had a dream that I was going to see some person, but suddenly the top of the car broke the wires and some people were killed, other people began to repair them, after which I tried to run to the other side of the road over the wires, at first it was easy, but the last sparking wire grabbed my neck, but I was still able to get out.

      nilos shto ja na novoj kvartire s raznimi liudmi i iz nih tolko odin znakomij. i ja nachinaju provodit provoda dlia podkliuchenija interneta.v komnatah ja perdvigaju shkafchiki,polki na katorih razije cvetnije veshi i igrushki.
      potom budto ja s 2 znakomimi na ploshadke za magazinom nahodim kakije-to veshi. razbiraja ih mi zabirajem 2 velosipeda, fonarik, spichki, batareikii naborchik s instruments iz neskolki otviortok i kliuchej.

      Hello, I dreamed today that I was supposedly on a fishing trip, but somewhere in the sea, sort of on a yacht, with my friends from the past (in real life). At first I caught one fish, not small and not big, with a fishing rod, then later I I caught a big fish. It looked like a carp, and before that I made a wish which one I wanted. After the catch I immediately began gutting it, that is, taking out the intestines and cleaning the fish. Then I dreamed that I was riding on a bicycle (my own) and asking my friend (ex) where 2 more of my bicycles, and she says that her brother took them, we are going to that brother, and he is somewhere near a mountain or a cliff of the bank, I don’t remember exactly, but I go somewhere and there are a bunch of exposed wires, and it starts to hit me electric shock, and I felt it very well, it seemed like everything really happened, and I ask my friend and her brother to help me, and they just stand and watch, but somehow I somehow got out of these wires.

      I had this dream once before and I had this dream again. I periodically see dreams where I fly, not every day, but I do. I wave my arms and fly, but flights can be difficult, I almost always go down without falling quietly, but today the flight was easy, I wanted to go higher, but the whole sky was covered with electrical wires, and I couldn’t get through them, I touched the wires, but I didn’t feel any electric current, I already saw this dream!!!

      I was flying in a dream, I wanted to go higher, but the sky was covered with electrical wires!!! I often fly in my dreams. I see this dream with wires for the second time, which is interesting, when I touched the wires I did not feel an electric shock.

      a tall building, there are iron canopies on the building, they look like balconies, they are connected to the edge by a pipe, I climbed to the very top, there was a very high height, I sat on this canopy. the entrance to this canopy was a door, and on the other side of the door my best friend wanted to open it. but the door was pushing against me, it turns out I was preventing the door from opening. I moved to the very edge, grabbed the pipe, she opened the door and went out, the pipe I was holding on to came off and I started to fall, but I would have run into the building and went down, but I got into the wires and they began to get tangled around me. I hung on the wires, but they break and I fall down... and as I fall I scream the name of my loved one. the weather was very, very cloudy. and I fell, screaming... and woke up screaming.

      During the winter, electricians were repairing wires on a repair machine with a tower! The wires were frozen and the child was running along them upside down or upside down! And another friend stopped me near this car and began to say that there would be hunger and poverty in our country!

      Hello! Here is a clear dream: I dreamed that the cord from the laptop began to melt. It seems that bare wires were sticking out of the melted winding (I won’t confirm this - I don’t remember exactly). Then the brother disconnected the wires and that was the end of the dream.

      There were electric wires near the house, I dreamed that I was trying to walk home and they fell on me and gave me an electric shock, but not fatally. Then everything happened again, only they supposedly fixed the wires with something so that I could get through, but they fell every time

      I dreamed of trolleybus wires located next to my dacha. And someone said that this old trolleybus line will be restored and trolleybuses will run along it. But I think how they (trolleybuses) will travel next to the dacha and that this will lead to a reduction in the cost of the dacha

      I dreamed of thick electrical wires attached to the wall, red, black and blue, perhaps a basement wall, I don’t remember exactly... and I walk along this wall with wires.

      I have been dating a young man for 2.5 years. I dream that all my relatives want to marry me to a certain Ilya, whom I don’t even know and have never seen, but they claim that he is perfect for me. They don’t even want to hear about my young man. I’m trying on a wedding dress, I like the dress itself, but I’m terrified that I have to marry a stranger, and even more terrified that my beloved doesn’t come to my rescue, he seems to have sunk into the ground. At this moment, my older brother and a former young man, to whom I still breathe unevenly, come to visit me. For some reason, the ex-boyfriend is on crutches and says that he is going to join the army (in reality this is not the case), they behave with my brother as if they are best friends (in reality, my brother does not get along with my current boyfriend). At the end, I go up to the window in a dress and from behind I hear some funny stories from my brother, then a pause and followed by a serious question: “What was the saddest moment in your life?” Tears come to my eyes...

      During the breaks, I still saw a picture, as if I was lying on the roof of a moving train, facing the sky and seeing running wires.

      And in general, lately I’ve been dreaming about some kind of mess, something vague every night, especially after the renovation. This is the first dream in a long time that I remember. I will be very grateful to you if you can decipher it.

      I wandered around the cottage, and then I found my 3rd brother plus my uncle, he was already resting and I couldn’t call, I see the wires, I started to sing them, then I called and made an appointment for the supply of bread

      I have 2 daughters, but in a dream I walked with my eldest daughter and a boy, but I knew that he was my son. we came to the old apartment of our deceased grandmother (we live in it now, but we completely redid everything there, right down to the door). According to the dream, we live in it—the setting—during my grandmother’s lifetime. We approached the apartment and a cord with a plug from the socket was sticking out of the old door, but the wires were cut off and were lying on the floor in the entrance

      Hello! Usually I rarely blame dreams. There is a trip to the sanatorium with the children, which means they need to be taken to the sanatorium. In the dream, I see the wires on the ceiling of the Tatar language classroom, as if some of them had been dismantled and were hanging in this position near the front door, from above. .I see this from the school corridor, simple white wires without cable duct. Like dismantling and repair of electrical equipment. I have a little runny nose myself.

      The dream is very strange, at first I dreamed of a gym in which I lift very heavy weights, and in it I met my teacher (since for some reason the gym was located in a school, she suggested that I go to some village nearby in order to perform there on stage with speech. And she gave me a T-shirt with some inscription (I don’t remember what was written), I go out into the street and meet my mother on the threshold, we start talking and in a second I felt like I was at home (it didn’t look like our house, but why then it seemed to me that we were at home) my mother changed the channel and the TVs (for some reason there were two of them) froze, the house in the dream stood near a gas station, and turning to it I saw some kind of booth sparkling. and we ran out into the street, the wires at the top began to spark and fall, and for some reason I remember that I turn around and wires fall in front of my mother and she starts running along them and I scream very loudly maaaam! and I wake up with a terrible heartbeat and it also seemed that I was still wearing the T-shirt with the inscription on it!

      I dreamed of a mental hospital where Power Engineers (by profession) were treated for labotomy. I wandered through its corridors and saw how one of the patients, on the doctor’s orders, picked up a bare wire connected to the network and was shocked. This is how they were treated. P/S I'm an energy guy)

      I went outside and where the wires for the trolleybus should be there was nothing, all the wires were on the ground, there were a lot of them! and at first I walked around them, but then my vision blurred and my foot caught on the wire and I was thrown back, I started crying, I was electrocuted.

      I ran on the roof of the train. there were a lot of trains there, all going in the same direction, and there were obstacles on the roof that made me almost fall from the roof of the train!!! and at the same time I was surrounded by sparkling wires from which I also dodged. And I don’t remember exactly whether I fell or not!!!

      I had a dream that I was sitting in class, and a diagram of something was shown... but the point is that the diagram was made of spiral wire. And no one knows why. I would like to know what this is for... This is not the first time I dream about something and it comes true.

      It was night, dark, there were no stars or moon in the sky. I'm running away from someone or something, I don't know, I just run without making out the road, and all the time I bump into something, either bushes, stumps, and then it happens that I stop and look around, and around I have exposed wires that allow electricity to pass through, and I see these flashes all the time, they surround me and I can’t get out. But I’m scared, and I try to somehow push them away with my hands, and at this time I get an electric shock, I feel like something unpleasant is passing through me, it simultaneously tickles me but also hurts. Then I look around and notice that I am a few meters from the house and see my grandfather in the yard. I shout to him several times, help me, but he doesn’t hear me, and when I’m already desperate to scream, he sees me, comes running to me and cuts these wires that stood around me like a fortress, and then I get out of there.

      We were walking in the house, there was a basement under the house, we went down into the basement, but suddenly a flood began, we ran outside and saw that it was raining and suddenly we saw that the house was collapsing, we started to run away and it collapsed, we ran out onto the road and saw that the wires were falling and killing people, I saw that the wire was coming off and falling on me, I ran away but suddenly I fell and the wire fell on me and I saw that steam was coming from me, and then I saw dad and my son on the field, I got up and ran to them to save, and suddenly I notice that a wire breaks above the father and son and rushes towards them, I manage to run to my son and dad and cover them with myself, I throw away the wire and take them.

      the exposed wire was lying on the curb, it was very large, it was dark, it was sparkling, sparks were flying from it, I was with a friend, she jumped over calmly and I couldn’t, he started shocking me, I asked for help!

      I dreamed of white and orange wires on a high-rise building. I flew down them until I found a way out of them (I was, as it were, inside the wires)
      Even in the dream there were people I didn’t know (essentially my relatives in the dream), but I don’t know them.

      It’s hard to describe, I don’t even know how it appeared in my hand... I just tried to move it away so that something bad wouldn’t happen,” and then it burns through my hand... I try to throw it off and I can’t, it’s getting deeper and deeper it burns deeper, then hop I already see pain, a burn on my hand and I feel like there is a fire in my throat, as if I had swallowed something and a feeling of a burn.. With that I woke up, my hand was clean, and there was a fire in my throat!, I drank water and everything went..))

      Good afternoon, I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday. My mother was carrying a lot of extension cords past my bed in a large lilac transparent bag and they were all without wires. Why this dream?? Please tell me!!!

      I dreamed that my stepmother kicked me out of the house and I don’t know where to go, where to live, I’m collecting things and I still can’t collect them, as if there are no things, there’s so little fear in my soul about how to continue to live, where to go. Then I went to my friends, I thought that I wouldn’t stay with them for long, and... in reality I have my own house, but in my dreams I can’t find it, I always get lost and don’t remember where I live. I always end up in the place where I was in childhood. everything is strange.


      The high-voltage wire on the metal support breaks and flies towards me. I jump over the backwater of the river along the edge of the green boiling water under my feet. I land on the sand on the other edge of the backwater and wake up. I’m not myself for a long time; I couldn’t move away.

      Hello Tatiana. I had this kind of dream: I was going to visit my grandmother (she is no longer alive at the moment), a wire broke near her house and began to spark and move in my direction. Somehow I had to avoid contact with him and I remained alive. I never went to my grandmother, I returned home.

      There is a storyteller, he is psychic, looks at 3 photos, I am brother and sister (I have no brothers and sisters) in front of the computer, points the photos at the monitor and says, my sister doesn’t play on the computer and goes to bed early, my brother doesn’t play on the computer either, it’s my turn, he says, I see the picture standing in his shorts (me) adjusting the wire in the monitor and then the current is born, I screamed whaaaat. He says shut up already and I wake up

      I was looking for where to buy wire to change the wires at home, because... my son talked about it. I bought a wire, but it turned out to be thin, I went back to the store, they offered me another one, but I decided not to buy it at all, there I saw my ex-husband, as if he lived in this hotel, he seemed to tell me that the second wire would be suitable and went through some door, but I decided not to buy.

      I saw a bare wire, or rather a charger cable (multi-core). I didn’t understand how to fix it and didn’t know if it would work if I connected it. I twisted it in my hands without knowing how to fix it.

      in a dark tunnel, he was entangled in wires and could not free himself, human silhouettes stood nearby and looked without helping. A dim lamp shone above me.

      The thing is that I am expecting a major operation in the coming days. It reminded me of just the operating room and the doctors on the sides.

      someone else's house I walk around the house barefoot looking for my ballet shoes, clean but not new, I find them in my hands in the house the light is flashing I go into the house there is a man fixing the wiring the wires are white the light is turned on the dream is over

      some electrical wires coming from the transformer were torn off, the dangerous place was fenced off from passage for people, in the dream all this happened on the territory of the market, but it was no longer working, there were no people

      My husband brought bottles of clear, clean water in his bag, at first I thought it was vodka, but he said water. And then suddenly we found ourselves in a balloon and flew, he controlled, first along the ground, and then he suddenly began to gain altitude. I became scared, I begged him to come down, I said think about my son... It was such a sunny day, we were flying over a beautiful green forest, everything was green all around, and while we were flying, I removed the wires from the balloon twice that we had reached. This is so incomprehensible and strange...

      I dreamed of a mountain or hill covered with forest. And on this hill there was some kind of base, a spotlight was shining. And at the entrance to this base there were old wires from a pole. I was looking for a vehicle to cross them, but not finding them, I followed these wires and crossed them safely — no electric shock.

      Hello, I want to unravel my dream, I dreamed that I left the ground and flew into flight from the ground. I saw a lot of wires, and as if I was touching them, because of this I was afraid that I would get an electric shock. After which, flying higher, I saw blue skies and little clouds.

      A small plane flies and falls, catching on electrical wires almost above me. He cuts these wires with his wing, but they do not fall, but stick out where they were. In a dream, I got on a large truck and tried to move it away from a disaster (in real life I have been driving a car for many years). I removed the car and in a dream I thought that now there would be no light in my house due to damaged wires. In a dream the weather was very cloudy. Then my dead grandmother appeared, I don’t remember what she said and I don’t remember where she disappeared.

      Hello. I had a dream that it seemed like I came to visit a friend of the opposite sex in another city... I’m in his apartment (I don’t know if he’s renting it or if it’s his apartment), but the atmosphere is very uncomfortable, like grandmothers, everything is old and ancient, not fashionable, I look at myself in the mirror, I look good, I’m wearing gray boots, copron tights... I hear... sounds... something is being cooked in the kitchen, I go in and see that a boiler in a glass is heating water and the cord has caught fire, where is the socket, next to a white cat, me I quickly throw it off and run in a panic to the door to run out into the street and understand that my friend has locked me with a key while he leaves, I am in a panic, I’m afraid to put out the cord, because it might catch fire in an instant, I’m trying to break the lock or I’m thinking of breaking out a window.., and then I wake up.
      I really hope for your help and decoding of the dream

      So it was a dark room, and there was a lot of equipment, but there were no chairs, but there was an ironing board, I sat on it)) and it pinched the wire from the computer and it tore, I picked it up and looked at this wire, the wire was black colors))) and in general it was dark there)

      Hello) I dreamed that I just went out for a walk with my friends on the street and as if on the same day I called a former classmate to go for a walk with her. In real life we ​​want to meet, but she always has some reason that she can’t, etc. .d. In a dream, I saw her while I was walking with my group, and she and hers, I turned my back, and then I turned around, and she was walking towards me, we started hugging, she started crying, she started saying that she had fallen into me, that she couldn’t, and at that time I looked at the sky, it was gray, there was no sun, the wires were tangled, and then they put themselves in order like drawings, and a friend told me that she had started dating a former classmate who had a girlfriend in his real life. I don’t know what this could portend???))))

We (I don’t remember who, but the feeling was that it was us, some community of people) as a group arrived in some new place, presumably a city, where we were placed in a student dormitory. I live in a room where a friend lives, or rather the wife of a friend of mine, with whose family I actually stayed a month ago in St. Petersburg. You need to go to your place, like in any dorm, through the common entrance and then some flights of stairs. I go to my room and feel someone’s breath on the back of my head (in fact, a child was sleeping behind me and was snoring loudly), slightly erotic sensations, so I playfully turn around and see a maniac. Moreover, there was a moment before I saw this man’s face that I could simulate who I would want to see now, I saw a guy in black, he roughly grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and said, “Now I’ll deal with you (or something I’ll do it), drags me down to the basement, under the stairs. Again, I instantly play in my head that I can turn events any way I want, and it turns out that instead of the usual screams for help for victims, I try to confuse him and laugh, as if tickled, although it’s scary. Not much laughter. Then suddenly this guy turns out to be an acquaintance of mine, a former classmate with whom we studied in elementary school, he was an orphan, lived with relatives, then, according to rumors, he went to prison, was released, drank, played in an ensemble somewhere, became popular within our city ​​singer. And so I’m trying to bring him back to that time that united us. I ask, where is this grandfather Akim now, are you with them? Who was he to you? And where is the grandmother, so cheerful, an activist, I met her in the city, she lives in a nursing home, etc. He suddenly starts talking to me more humanely, saying that he is with them. At this time we approach some exposed wires and a narrow passage between them, I groan and, like all women, show my weakness, as it were, that he is a man, in any situation he should demonstrate that he understands technology, wires, electricity . In my mind I understand that this is mortally dangerous and then I get rid of it. There is a little remorse that this is still an acquaintance, besides, we remembered his grandfather and grandmother, he reports that he now lives with his relative and names the widow whose husband died many years ago (in reality, this family has nothing to do with him has), our relationship is no longer quite the victim and the robber, although there is tension. Here, to my aid, suddenly (also apparently by my sleep management) two guys are introduced into the plot, who do not let him out of the clutches of these wires, discharged with a powerful flash of discharges. I pass by indifferently, liberated, but then towards the end of the dream, when we were already leaving this city and the hostel, having run into the room and double-checked that I hadn’t left anything of my own, I look into the cupboard drawer, not trusting the friend who collected everything without me, and I find bottle openers for bottles and cans, table knives, some other small items and run downstairs to the bus that will take us away. As I walk, I wonder what happened to that man—did he die? They walk him past me, they say he is blind and deaf, and it seems that guards are leading him, in any case, he was not free. I have a little remorse for killing a man and leaving him disabled, although he himself is to blame for thinking of killing me.
36 years old, female, married, always has vivid dreams. I read it the day before. how the scientist who conducted experiments with Lomonosov died from a lightning strike. And in life there is a situation of dependence on a person who does not really need you.

Carina2002xxx Reply

I go down into the basement of a house that is to be demolished. Inside there is emptiness and reinforced concrete floors. There are bare, severed high-voltage cables hanging everywhere. I am afraid to touch them, I carefully walk around each one. I meet electricians having lunch, they convince me that all the cables are de-energized. And suddenly I walk past two wires and they are attracted to me. I was shocked for a long time, and while still conscious, I told them to beat me off with a wooden stick that was lying nearby. They can't do anything. The electricians began to pull me by the legs with their bare hands, but they weren’t shocked, and they couldn’t pull me away. Very vivid feelings, like it was hitting me, I felt and realized everything, but I couldn’t do anything. The dream ended with this episode. What’s it like understand?

Lonely Reply

DREAM. I’m flying (by myself, with my arms open), above the gorge the slopes are covered with a green-green forest, and a blue river flows into the gorge, suddenly at the height of which I’m flying, power wires appear, I touch them, I get an electric shock (not the most pleasant feeling), but I, as if nothing had happened, gain an even greater height and fly further... The continuation is this: I land in a large cave (in the gorge), also high from ground level, where someone decided to set up a mini-theater, I go to the dressing room, and then I play “Woe from Wit” in English.

Bela_kot4 Reply

The action took place in a small camp on the seashore. There were a lot of adults and I didn’t know most of them. In the morning, in rainy weather, the entire camp set off by train to an unknown destination. Half arrived successfully, and the rest, including me, set off on foot. Passing near a wooded area, high-voltage wires were stretched and for some reason people stood on thin ropes, and some tried to grab the high-voltage wires. One boy succeeded and was struck by lightning. I saw her discharge and warned her not to do this. In the end, I saved him by performing artificial respiration. I felt angry that he did not listen to me and felt proud of my action. I thought that now everyone would treat me with respect, that I would mean a lot to them. I am 21 years old, female. I associate the dream with the fact that perhaps I don’t lack respect from other people, attention, I want to prove to everyone that I am worth a lot.

Ss Reply

In fact, everything is very simple. You feel lonely and are oppressed by a lot of “competitors”. Nevertheless, you are trying to develop your own, non-standard solutions. Recognition of your talents by those around you seems to have already begun to manifest itself, but probably on the eve of this dream you committed some act that destroyed everything that you had already achieved. You try to abstract yourself from this situation, but at the same time you feel guilty. What can I say, regardless of the opinions of others, in any situation one must behave in such a way “so that later it will not be excruciatingly painful...” - adequately short. And yet, for some reason those people who we don’t really need do not respond to us.

Chic-normaplus-com Reply

I dreamed that I was making electricity all night, i.e. I do the wiring, but not indoors, but outdoors, grapes grow there, I make the wiring from small pieces of wire, and in the end nothing works, as if current is flowing through the wires, but the light bulb does not light up. P.S. I'm not an electrician in real life.


I dream that I am at home and in the children's room. I see two wires fall out of the switch, the ends of which are “bare” and twisted together. I’m terrified, I think, God forbid, a child will come in and get an electric shock, and I take these wires and start unraveling them to hide them. And then my child comes in, I push him away, and somehow my face is already at the level of the wires, and then I get an electric shock in the face, and I even see how it trembles or vibrates or something. I feel very scared, but then I realize that no, everything is fine, I’m alive. The dream was colorful and as if in reality, waking up not from the fright of a dream, but as usual, I sighed that it was just a dream. I am 27 years old, married, have a child, work. I cannot explain or connect this dream with anything. But 3 days have already passed, and I still think about him.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Cable and what does it mean:

Cable - Seeing a thin electrical cable in a dream means receiving news from afar; if the cable is very thick, the news received will be very pleasant for you.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Cable in a dream?

Cable - If you see a cable in a dream, you will engage in dangerous work, and if completed successfully, you will receive great wealth and honor.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Cable (connecting) – Connection to new energy sources (eg as a result of creative activity or spiritual practice); exchange, communication, acquaintance - obtaining new information.

Cable (sea) – Travel by sea

Big family dream book / Olga Smurova

Dreaming about Cable, what does it mean?

A cable used in communication systems predicts receiving news from afar.

See also: why do you dream about wire, why do you dream about a dog, why do you dream about a rope.

Astrological dream book

See Cable what does it mean?

Cable - If you dreamed of a cable laid underground and dug up by repairmen, then intrigues are woven around you that will become obvious.

Also, a cable in a dream is a symbol of secret communication and relationships, dependence. you are connected to someone by strong bonds.

If you are an entrepreneur and a successful person, then beware of listening.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why do you dream about Cable?

Cable - If you dreamed that you were digging the ground and stumbled upon a cable, then this warns of the danger that threatens you as a result of an accident.

A broken cable that is energized means hard extracurricular work ahead, threatening overexertion and illness.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Cable?

Cable - If a cable appears in a dream, in reality you will have to make a difficult choice that will have an impact on your future life. Don’t hesitate, try to quickly solve a difficult problem and identify priorities, otherwise you will miss the favorable moment to change your destiny for the better.

The cable was repaired by your relative or good friend - which means that soon this person will have to get out of a very difficult and confusing situation. Naturally, other people's problems do not concern you as much as your own, but still be sure to support your loved one. By refusing to help him, you will lose respect for yourself and earn a bad reputation. If you dreamed of a long cable, you can start preparing for a long journey.

A tangled cable predicts complications at work or life difficulties. Don't lose hope and don't despair, keep fighting, the exit is very close. And most importantly, be careful not to get even more confused; in other words, don’t add unnecessary hassle to your life.

The dream that you had on the 22nd carries a lot of useful information: it can foreshadow a new round of development of serious illnesses and suggest possible ways of healing in its plot, talk about upcoming changes in your financial situation and warn about what steps in business you should not take undertake.

Find out from the interpreter what the Cable means in dreams

Dream interpretation of electrical wires

Why do you dream about wire? These visions rarely visit people, but occur periodically in practice.

Interpreters do not see anything supernatural in such a dream.

Dreaming of a wire

The dream interpretation of wires in night vision is most often associated with upcoming work, receiving news or the implementation of long-standing plans.

But the dreamer should provide the interpreter with some details to make the prediction more complete.

What will Gustav Miller say?

Most often, dreamers turn to this dream interpreter for help. True, he considered only negative dreams that were associated with this symbol.

I dreamed of broken communications

To dream of a broken wire hanging from a pole means that soon all your time will be occupied with painstaking work. This will be hard work that will require increased attention from the dreamer. Miller advised not to forget about rest, otherwise you risk suffering mentally and physically, as well as making mistakes due to inattention.

Did you dream that, while digging up the ground, you came across exposed wires? Higher powers are giving you a sign that misfortune may happen to you.

What other dream books say

If you start studying dream interpreters, you may be amazed at the variety of predictions. Some interpreters promise a long journey, good luck and prosperity, while others promise troubles and misfortunes. Everything will depend on the plot of the dream and the source you choose.

Interpreter of the Wanderer

Why do you dream of wires, wire - there will be some kind of hitch in your affairs. Perhaps you will have to communicate with meticulous people.

Dream about burning wiring

If you dreamed of wires, a sleeping person will face a difficult choice; he will have to face an unpleasant life situation.

To see a person disassembling a cable - you will witness how someone gets into an unpleasant situation and begins to get out of it.

Burning wiring - the atmosphere in your home will heat up.

Ukrainian interpreter

If you dreamed of accidentally finding wires, it means that you will be busy with additional worries that have fallen on you. What else does this dream book say:

  • look for wires - search for a solution to financial difficulties;
  • high-voltage wires that you pulled in a dream are a sign that there will be a hitch in business;
  • negatively getting tangled in a wire - such a dream means that danger awaits you in the future.

Interpreter of the Seasons

This dream book views identical visions in completely different ways. The prediction depends on the date of birth of the sleeping person:

Seeing a high voltage line in a dream

  • beginning of the year - you will have a new idea, a profitable plan;
  • summer months - danger awaits you, especially when you saw exposed wires;
  • end of the year - you will go on a long journey, such a dream will come true if you saw a wire lying on the ground.

What happened to the wires in the dream

According to the dream book, electrical wires that were burning in your dream are a rather positive sign. You will argue with a certain person and you will be right.

The fact that the wiring caught fire means that the dreamer will successfully cope with all the difficulties and obstacles in his path. Competitors and spiteful critics will not be able to harm you; you will leave them far behind you.

The only trouble that can happen to you is gossip behind your back. But you shouldn’t pay attention to them, people always envy those who are ahead.

Dream interpreters believe that if a certain place on the wire is on fire, then you are not using your full potential. Deep down, you know that you can reach a higher level, but you can’t figure out how to do it.

Seeing wiring sparkling in a dream

Seeing a closure means you should be wary of conflicts with business partners. If you dream that the wiring is on fire due to a short circuit - you will not be able to compromise, and in the end both sides will suffer.

Copper wires sparkle - you are too negatively disposed towards the people around you. They make you angry and aggressive. You risk turning against even the closest people. All this happens, according to the dream book, due to severe overwork at work.

Broken wiring - soon you may be left completely alone, this will happen due to moving to another area.

What else did you dream about

Licking wires in a dream - now you are under the influence of emotions. In this state, you risk making an unforgivable mistake that will completely ruin your happy future.

In your night vision the wires were mixed up - the same situation awaits you in real life. You will not be able to influence her, even resorting to someone else's help.

Telephone wires promise you an active period in your life. Soon you will have to resolve a number of serious issues. To understand how things will go, it’s worth remembering the cable length:

I dreamed of mixed up wiring

  • long - the dreamer will quickly and successfully cope with everything;
  • short - for a positive result you will have to work hard.

Interpreters have two unpleasant predictions: when you dream of a spot on a wire that lights up, or when wires fall in your dream. This means that you are expected to fail in business. You will be frustrated with the state of affairs and may easily fall into depression.

Your actions

If in a dream you began to repair electrical wires on poles, then your ambitions are too high. Your knowledge and skills are not enough for the business you have decided to take on.

Wiring in a house that has experienced certain problems may indicate that the situation in the family will soon become tense. If you tried to fix it, change it, if it burned down, then you will act as a peacemaker in a domestic conflict.

If you turn off the wires, pull them out of the network, then you are determined to interrupt some kind of connection. You have already realized that a certain person is dragging you down, he is not allowing you to develop. The interpreter advises doing what you decide to do as soon as possible. In the end, you will realize that you did the right thing, although at first it will be quite difficult for you to get used to the new state of affairs.

Today we have prepared a complete description of the topic: the dream “wire”: what the dream means and a full interpretation from various points of view.

Wires seen in a dream are not a very familiar symbol. Few people see them in their dreams, although such dreams, of course, should not be ruled out. Why do you dream about a wire or cable? This is an interesting but not difficult question. In order to understand what to expect from such dreams, you need to remember some details of the dream and look into the dream book. So, let's start with the interpretations!

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed that you saw a broken electrical wire hanging from a pole - hard, painstaking work awaits you, which will take up all your free time. When completing a task, do not forget about rest, otherwise it will result in overexertion and stress.

If you dream that you, while digging the ground, stumbled upon a bare electrical wire - be careful, such a dream warns of an accident.

Cut the wires - to trouble

To see that hooligans cut your wires and stole them means unpleasant news awaits you, Tsvetkov’s dream book predicts.

If you dreamed that you removed the old electrical wires because you installed new ones, you will be able to cope with the problems that have befallen you recently.

Do you dream that while renovating your house, you cut off all the excess and burnt wires? You cannot solve some problems and, in search of solutions, you are marking time. Start over, but change your tactics.

Short circuit - danger warning

To see that your electrical panel is sparkling - be careful in the coming days when communicating with people, and especially with your boss. A scandal may break out, warns the Lunar Dream Book.

If you dreamed of a short circuit in the wiring that you need to fix yourself, you need to be careful when performing some task that is unusual for you.

Has a shorted wiring left you without power for a long time? Don't do anything rash in the near future.

Your wiring has caught fire and sparks are flying from the sockets - to the height of passions in the family, which will result in a big scandal.

Drawing wires is a sign of success in business

To dream that you are laying new wiring to replace the burnt one means that things that have upset you for a long time will begin to improve rapidly, the Spring Dream Book pleases.

If you dreamed that you were an electrician laying high-voltage wires, you would be very lucky in something. After such a dream, you can safely try yourself in areas in which you are an amateur; the results will not be as terrifying as you might think.

The interpretation of a dream in which you are laying a long cable in a multi-story building is as follows: protracted matters can be resolved very quickly and without delay.

Unraveling the tangled - to troubles and worries

If you dream that you are unraveling tangled wires, tedious routine tasks and troubles await you, the Eastern Dream Book prophesies.

Untangling exposed wires yourself in a dream instead of calling an electrician means you risk taking on a responsibility that will be beyond your ability.

If you see sparkling wires tangled together in a dream, this is a warning that you shouldn’t get involved where you’re not asked, you won’t end up in trouble, advises the Autumn Dream Book.

Emergency situation - take care of your health

If you dreamed that you felt an electric shock while trying to pull the plug from a sparking socket - beware of accidents.

Seeing that something shorted out in the electrical panel and a fire started in the room is a sign of illness with a high temperature, reports the Women's Dream Book.

If you dream that the wiring in the apartment is on fire and thick smoke is pouring out at a time when everyone is sleeping, this means an exacerbation of a chronic disease.

A high-voltage wire caught fire and a large area of ​​the city was left without power? You should not agree to your friends’ offer to take part in a mass event - you will be provided with sick leave.

There are not many people in the world who have seen wires in their dreams. Yes, this is a rather atypical symbol for a dream picture. However, if you happen to see such a sign during a night’s rest, be sure to inquire about its interpretation.

Quite often, such objects indicate impending changes or the upcoming completion of some task. If you look into a dream book, the wires in which may have different interpretations, you can easily explain their appearance.

Versions worth attention

If you dreamed of wires, you can safely roll up your sleeves, as you have to take on some business. Although you will have to overcome many difficulties on the way to your goal, the reward will be worth the effort.

Some dream books believe that the appearance of wiring in a dream is a reflection of relationships with other people. If we consider this sign in combination with other symbols of the plot, we can understand the nature of these connections. For example:

  • A piece of cable indicates the transience and short-term nature of the relationship.
  • A long thick wire is a symbol of a strong and lasting union.
  • Wires in a deplorable state can be dreamed of by those who are expecting separation.

For business people, seeing live wires symbolizes success in business. If they looked de-energized, most likely you won’t have to expect favor from Fortune in the near future. Moreover, they may mean that the coming period is not the best time to implement your plans.

Seeing wires in a dream, according to Miller’s dream book, means doing painstaking work to which the dreamer will devote all his free time. But a person should not forget about rest, since due to overexertion he can become irritable and embittered.

According to the dream book, wires can also represent the impossibility of making a decision. So, for example, replacing old wiring with a new one indicates that the sleeper will still be able to get rid of the accumulated problems. If during the repair the dreamer could not decide which cables were superfluous, in reality he would be consumed by the current situation. Having not found a way out of it, he just needs to return to the start and, changing tactics, try to solve the problem again.

Looking into the Lunar Dream Book, you can find versions for other dreams in which live cords appeared:

  • You dream of a sparkling shield with wiring as a warning about possible disagreements with your superiors. To avoid loud statements and a damaged reputation, the dreamer just needs to be careful in communicating with management and colleagues.
  • A short circuit on the line, which the sleeper is trying to fix on his own, symbolizes an atypical occupation. In the process of acquiring new knowledge, a person is lucky enough to gain invaluable experience.
  • A short circuit, as a result of which there is no light in the room, indicates the dubiousness of the event that the dreamer has planned.

If you are interested in what skeins of wires are in your dreams, open the Spring Dream Book. According to his explanation, laying new lines means progress in matters that seemed unsuccessful.

The plot, where a person had to see himself as an electrician, unravel and lay new power lines, promises him incredible luck. At the same time, the arrangement of an entire highway can mean for the dreamer a quick and profitable solution to all problems.

The Eastern dream book suggests that tangled live cords are a symbol of danger. If you see such a plot, in the near future it is better not to get involved in matters that do not require it. By unraveling them in a dream, you risk finding yourself in the center of unexpected events that you will not be able to cope with.

People who dreamed of wires and sockets catching fire should refrain from participating in risky undertakings in the near future to avoid injury or other types of damage. Electric shock in a dream is also considered a harbinger of a possible accident.

As the dream book predicts, cables and wiring are symbols that require correct decoding. By correctly determining the premise of the sign, you can avoid unpleasant situations that can significantly ruin your mood.

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Autumn Dream Interpreter

What does a wire mean in a dream in the fall?

Wire - If you dream of a wire lying on the ground - to a long road.

Summer Dream Interpreter

What does a wire mean in a dream in the summer?

Wire - If you dream about a bare wire, it means danger; this is an interpretation of what you dreamed about at night.

Ukrainian dream book

Wire - Find a wire - you will go through some worries; search - troubles related to money; pull the wire - things will drag on; getting tangled in a wire is a danger in the future.

Spring Dream Interpreter

What does a wire mean in a dream in the spring?

Wire - To the emergence of a new idea, plan.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Wire, wire - Trouble, delays; contacts with other people.

Why do you dream about Wire?

Why do you dream about Wire?

Why do you dream about Wire?

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

Autumn dream book

Why do you dream about Wire in a dream?

What does Wire mean - To see a wire lying on the ground in a dream - to a long road.

Summer dream book

To see a dream about a Wire - To see a bare wire in a dream means danger, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book

What does it mean when you dream about Wire?

According to the dream book Wire - Find a wire - you will go through some worries; search - troubles related to money; pull the wire - things will drag on; getting tangled in a wire is a danger in the future.

Spring dream book

Why do you dream about Wire in a dream book?

What does Wire mean - To the emergence of a new idea, plan.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Why do you dream of Wire, wire - Trouble, delays; contacts with other people.

Wire - to a difficult life situation, a problematic choice.

Wires that someone is dismantling - you have to watch how someone gets out of a difficult situation.

Why do you dream about Wire according to the dream book:

Seeing a bare wire in a dream means strong passions.

Will not bring the expected result. lie down - be calm, everything will work out.

What wires did you dream about?

Interpretation of a dream in which there were exposed wires▼

You dream of exposed wires when your nerves are on edge. You feel like you're about to break down, and any one could be the last straw in the cup. Give your nervous system a little. Even one day of relaxation can help you cope and not do anything stupid.

If the wires were tangled in the dream▼

According to the dream book, tangled wires foretell a complication of the current state of affairs. Possible on or in business. You will be powerless in the face of an unfavorable set of circumstances, and you will not be able to do anything about the situation.

If you dreamed of sparkling wires▼

A wire that was seen sparkling in a dream reflects your impatience in some matter. Having done everything in your power, you look forward to the result with anticipation. However, this prophesies that all hopes are in vain and yours will fail. Most likely, the wrong business tactics were initially chosen.

Why do you dream about broken wires▼

Broken wires dream of breaking off a relationship with a loved one. You won't necessarily break up. This may mean that one of you will have to move, and distance will be the reason for your breakup.

What do long wires mean according to the dream book▼

If you dream of long wires, it means that the desired goal is still in the distant future. It will take a lot to achieve it. The consolation is the fact that the path to your dream will be without any special obstacles, even and smooth, like the cable you saw.

Why see burnt wires in a dream▼

A dream in which you saw burnt wires indicates your carelessness and immature attitude towards. As a result, there is a great risk of acquired and most of the capital. There is also a possibility of losing the source due to your failure to perform.

What did you do with the wire in your dream?

What does a dream in which you had to lick wires mean?

According to Felomena’s dream book, wires mean that your rash, expressive actions can lead to a loss of respect in the work team. By giving in to an emotional impulse, you can forever close your path to a brilliant career.

If you dream that you are repairing wires▼

Repairing wires yourself in a dream means that you overestimate your capabilities and take on obligations that you cannot fulfill. If someone else repaired the cable, soon this person will turn to you for help in a difficult issue. Most likely, he will need financial assistance.

The meaning of a dream in which I happened to turn off the wires▼

If you had to turn off the wires in a dream, this means your determination to interrupt some kind of connection. This can be either a friendly relationship or a love union. If this is not done now, it will not lead to anything good and will bring nothing good to everyone involved in this relationship.

How are other dream books interpreted?

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Did you dream about a Wire, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a Wire in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Hello. My mother dreamed today that we were visiting her and were getting ready to go home (to another city), but the child did not want to go... we were walking to the train, the child fell far behind and was hit by a truck... a lot of people gathered around, but the child was not under the truck it turned out... we asked if they had seen the boy, people said that they had seen him, but they didn’t know where he was... we started looking for him and found him naked in some ditch, wrapped in wires, alive.
    Help me decipher the dream. And somehow it became creepy. Thank you in advance.

      Most likely, your dream indicates that you may lose control over your child, which will ultimately make you seriously worried.

      • Hello... this is not the first night I have been dreaming that wires are tangled around my neck... with some difficulty I manage to get rid of them..
        Please help me find out the interpretation of this dream...)
        Thank you.

      A very long dream, the only thing I couldn’t find was the next situation (ending). My guest (who really doesn’t know me) cuts the wires in my apartment somewhere in the ceiling and explains this by saying that 1 of the 3 wires is missing (grounding) and wants to help replace it with a good cable.

      I dreamed that I was lying on the bed and a little girl was looking at me who was lying in a pink bed parallel to me, then I was looking for the charging wire, but it was broken, then I started looking for another one, but the broken one was lying under my pillow

      Hello Tayana, I'm Alexander from Penza, we talked before... I had a dream that I was in the house, and I saw a train passing outside the window, and as it passed, it knocked down an electric wire on a pole, and the electricity went out in my house, then it seemed like I turned on the light and everything worked again...What does this mean)?

      the smell of burning, I call my husband, we look at the electrical socket and there is an instant short circuit, I feel instant horror and fear, but there is a bang, there is a small fire and everything goes away and the fear too and it seems there is nothing terrible

      Hello Tatiana. I dreamed that I was walking with someone down a slope next to high-voltage wires, the wires sparked in some places, and in some places sagged to the ground. This someone is trying to straighten these wires, but I tell him not to climb, because it is life-threatening, you can die, but he climbs anyway and just throws the wire to the other side and it stops sparking. Thanks in advance

      I’m sitting on the ground, bare live wires are stretched across my legs, they sag a little, lightly touching my legs, the skin tingles a little, my daughter runs up, the wires sag more, trying to hold them with the finger of her left hand, I get an electric shock, my hand is pulled to the wire, somehow I remove it from the wire

      I had a dream that I was going to see some person, but suddenly the top of the car broke the wires and some people were killed, other people began to repair them, after which I tried to run to the other side of the road over the wires, at first it was easy, but the last sparking wire grabbed my neck, but I was still able to get out.

      nilos shto ja na novoj kvartire s raznimi liudmi i iz nih tolko odin znakomij. i ja nachinaju provodit provoda dlia podkliuchenija interneta.v komnatah ja perdvigaju shkafchiki,polki na katorih razije cvetnije veshi i igrushki.
      potom budto ja s 2 znakomimi na ploshadke za magazinom nahodim kakije-to veshi. razbiraja ih mi zabirajem 2 velosipeda, fonarik, spichki, batareikii naborchik s instruments iz neskolki otviortok i kliuchej.

      Hello, I dreamed today that I was supposedly on a fishing trip, but somewhere in the sea, sort of on a yacht, with my friends from the past (in real life). At first I caught one fish, not small and not big, with a fishing rod, then later I I caught a big fish. It looked like a carp, and before that I made a wish which one I wanted. After the catch I immediately began gutting it, that is, taking out the intestines and cleaning the fish. Then I dreamed that I was riding on a bicycle (my own) and asking my friend (ex) where 2 more of my bicycles, and she says that her brother took them, we are going to that brother, and he is somewhere near a mountain or a cliff of the bank, I don’t remember exactly, but I go somewhere and there are a bunch of exposed wires, and it starts to hit me electric shock, and I felt it very well, it seemed like everything really happened, and I ask my friend and her brother to help me, and they just stand and watch, but somehow I somehow got out of these wires.

      I had this dream once before and I had this dream again. I periodically see dreams where I fly, not every day, but I do. I wave my arms and fly, but flights can be difficult, I almost always go down without falling quietly, but today the flight was easy, I wanted to go higher, but the whole sky was covered with electrical wires, and I couldn’t get through them, I touched the wires, but I didn’t feel any electric current, I already saw this dream!!!

      I was flying in a dream, I wanted to go higher, but the sky was covered with electrical wires!!! I often fly in my dreams. I see this dream with wires for the second time, which is interesting, when I touched the wires I did not feel an electric shock.

      a tall building, there are iron canopies on the building, they look like balconies, they are connected to the edge by a pipe, I climbed to the very top, there was a very high height, I sat on this canopy. the entrance to this canopy was a door, and on the other side of the door my best friend wanted to open it. but the door was pushing against me, it turns out I was preventing the door from opening. I moved to the very edge, grabbed the pipe, she opened the door and went out, the pipe I was holding on to came off and I started to fall, but I would have run into the building and went down, but I got into the wires and they began to get tangled around me. I hung on the wires, but they break and I fall down... and as I fall I scream the name of my loved one. the weather was very, very cloudy. and I fell, screaming... and woke up screaming.

      During the winter, electricians were repairing wires on a repair machine with a tower! The wires were frozen and the child was running along them upside down or upside down! And another friend stopped me near this car and began to say that there would be hunger and poverty in our country!

      Hello! Here is a clear dream: I dreamed that the cord from the laptop began to melt. It seems that bare wires were sticking out of the melted winding (I won’t confirm this - I don’t remember exactly). Then the brother disconnected the wires and that was the end of the dream.

      There were electric wires near the house, I dreamed that I was trying to walk home and they fell on me and gave me an electric shock, but not fatally. Then everything happened again, only they supposedly fixed the wires with something so that I could get through, but they fell every time

      I dreamed of trolleybus wires located next to my dacha. And someone said that this old trolleybus line will be restored and trolleybuses will run along it. But I think how they (trolleybuses) will travel next to the dacha and that this will lead to a reduction in the cost of the dacha

      I dreamed of thick electrical wires attached to the wall, red, black and blue, perhaps a basement wall, I don’t remember exactly... and I walk along this wall with wires.

      I have been dating a young man for 2.5 years. I dream that all my relatives want to marry me to a certain Ilya, whom I don’t even know and have never seen, but they claim that he is perfect for me. They don’t even want to hear about my young man. I’m trying on a wedding dress, I like the dress itself, but I’m terrified that I have to marry a stranger, and even more terrified that my beloved doesn’t come to my rescue, he seems to have sunk into the ground. At this moment, my older brother and a former young man, to whom I still breathe unevenly, come to visit me. For some reason, the ex-boyfriend is on crutches and says that he is going to join the army (in reality this is not the case), they behave with my brother as if they are best friends (in reality, my brother does not get along with my current boyfriend). At the end, I go up to the window in a dress and from behind I hear some funny stories from my brother, then a pause and followed by a serious question: “What was the saddest moment in your life?” Tears come to my eyes...

      During the breaks, I still saw a picture, as if I was lying on the roof of a moving train, facing the sky and seeing running wires.

      And in general, lately I’ve been dreaming about some kind of mess, something vague every night, especially after the renovation. This is the first dream in a long time that I remember. I will be very grateful to you if you can decipher it.

      I wandered around the cottage, and then I found my 3rd brother plus my uncle, he was already resting and I couldn’t call, I see the wires, I started to sing them, then I called and made an appointment for the supply of bread

      I have 2 daughters, but in a dream I walked with my eldest daughter and a boy, but I knew that he was my son. we came to the old apartment of our deceased grandmother (we live in it now, but we completely redid everything there, right down to the door). According to the dream, we live in it—the setting—during my grandmother’s lifetime. We approached the apartment and a cord with a plug from the socket was sticking out of the old door, but the wires were cut off and were lying on the floor in the entrance

      Hello! Usually I rarely blame dreams. There is a trip to the sanatorium with the children, which means they need to be taken to the sanatorium. In the dream, I see the wires on the ceiling of the Tatar language classroom, as if some of them had been dismantled and were hanging in this position near the front door, from above. .I see this from the school corridor, simple white wires without cable duct. Like dismantling and repair of electrical equipment. I have a little runny nose myself.

      The dream is very strange, at first I dreamed of a gym in which I lift very heavy weights, and in it I met my teacher (since for some reason the gym was located in a school, she suggested that I go to some village nearby in order to perform there on stage with speech. And she gave me a T-shirt with some inscription (I don’t remember what was written), I go out into the street and meet my mother on the threshold, we start talking and in a second I felt like I was at home (it didn’t look like our house, but why then it seemed to me that we were at home) my mother changed the channel and the TVs (for some reason there were two of them) froze, the house in the dream stood near a gas station, and turning to it I saw some kind of booth sparkling. and we ran out into the street, the wires at the top began to spark and fall, and for some reason I remember that I turn around and wires fall in front of my mother and she starts running along them and I scream very loudly maaaam! and I wake up with a terrible heartbeat and it also seemed that I was still wearing the T-shirt with the inscription on it!

      I dreamed of a mental hospital where Power Engineers (by profession) were treated for labotomy. I wandered through its corridors and saw how one of the patients, on the doctor’s orders, picked up a bare wire connected to the network and was shocked. This is how they were treated. P/S I'm an energy guy)

      I went outside and where the wires for the trolleybus should be there was nothing, all the wires were on the ground, there were a lot of them! and at first I walked around them, but then my vision blurred and my foot caught on the wire and I was thrown back, I started crying, I was electrocuted.

      I ran on the roof of the train. there were a lot of trains there, all going in the same direction, and there were obstacles on the roof that made me almost fall from the roof of the train!!! and at the same time I was surrounded by sparkling wires from which I also dodged. And I don’t remember exactly whether I fell or not!!!

      I had a dream that I was sitting in class, and a diagram of something was shown... but the point is that the diagram was made of spiral wire. And no one knows why. I would like to know what this is for... This is not the first time I dream about something and it comes true.

      It was night, dark, there were no stars or moon in the sky. I'm running away from someone or something, I don't know, I just run without making out the road, and all the time I bump into something, either bushes, stumps, and then it happens that I stop and look around, and around I have exposed wires that allow electricity to pass through, and I see these flashes all the time, they surround me and I can’t get out. But I’m scared, and I try to somehow push them away with my hands, and at this time I get an electric shock, I feel like something unpleasant is passing through me, it simultaneously tickles me but also hurts. Then I look around and notice that I am a few meters from the house and see my grandfather in the yard. I shout to him several times, help me, but he doesn’t hear me, and when I’m already desperate to scream, he sees me, comes running to me and cuts these wires that stood around me like a fortress, and then I get out of there.

      We were walking in the house, there was a basement under the house, we went down into the basement, but suddenly a flood began, we ran outside and saw that it was raining and suddenly we saw that the house was collapsing, we started to run away and it collapsed, we ran out onto the road and saw that the wires were falling and killing people, I saw that the wire was coming off and falling on me, I ran away but suddenly I fell and the wire fell on me and I saw that steam was coming from me, and then I saw dad and my son on the field, I got up and ran to them to save, and suddenly I notice that a wire breaks above the father and son and rushes towards them, I manage to run to my son and dad and cover them with myself, I throw away the wire and take them.

      the exposed wire was lying on the curb, it was very large, it was dark, it was sparkling, sparks were flying from it, I was with a friend, she jumped over calmly and I couldn’t, he started shocking me, I asked for help!

      I dreamed of white and orange wires on a high-rise building. I flew down them until I found a way out of them (I was, as it were, inside the wires)
      Even in the dream there were people I didn’t know (essentially my relatives in the dream), but I don’t know them.

      It’s hard to describe, I don’t even know how it appeared in my hand... I just tried to move it away so that something bad wouldn’t happen,” and then it burns through my hand... I try to throw it off and I can’t, it’s getting deeper and deeper it burns deeper, then hop I already see pain, a burn on my hand and I feel like there is a fire in my throat, as if I had swallowed something and a feeling of a burn.. With that I woke up, my hand was clean, and there was a fire in my throat!, I drank water and everything went..))

      Good afternoon, I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday. My mother was carrying a lot of extension cords past my bed in a large lilac transparent bag and they were all without wires. Why this dream?? Please tell me!!!

      I dreamed that my stepmother kicked me out of the house and I don’t know where to go, where to live, I’m collecting things and I still can’t collect them, as if there are no things, there’s so little fear in my soul about how to continue to live, where to go. Then I went to my friends, I thought that I wouldn’t stay with them for long, and... in reality I have my own house, but in my dreams I can’t find it, I always get lost and don’t remember where I live. I always end up in the place where I was in childhood. everything is strange.


      The high-voltage wire on the metal support breaks and flies towards me. I jump over the backwater of the river along the edge of the green boiling water under my feet. I land on the sand on the other edge of the backwater and wake up. I’m not myself for a long time; I couldn’t move away.

      Hello Tatiana. I had this kind of dream: I was going to visit my grandmother (she is no longer alive at the moment), a wire broke near her house and began to spark and move in my direction. Somehow I had to avoid contact with him and I remained alive. I never went to my grandmother, I returned home.

      There is a storyteller, he is psychic, looks at 3 photos, I am brother and sister (I have no brothers and sisters) in front of the computer, points the photos at the monitor and says, my sister doesn’t play on the computer and goes to bed early, my brother doesn’t play on the computer either, it’s my turn, he says, I see the picture standing in his shorts (me) adjusting the wire in the monitor and then the current is born, I screamed whaaaat. He says shut up already and I wake up

      I was looking for where to buy wire to change the wires at home, because... my son talked about it. I bought a wire, but it turned out to be thin, I went back to the store, they offered me another one, but I decided not to buy it at all, there I saw my ex-husband, as if he lived in this hotel, he seemed to tell me that the second wire would be suitable and went through some door, but I decided not to buy.

      I saw a bare wire, or rather a charger cable (multi-core). I didn’t understand how to fix it and didn’t know if it would work if I connected it. I twisted it in my hands without knowing how to fix it.

      in a dark tunnel, he was entangled in wires and could not free himself, human silhouettes stood nearby and looked without helping. A dim lamp shone above me.

      The thing is that I am expecting a major operation in the coming days. It reminded me of just the operating room and the doctors on the sides.

      someone else's house I walk around the house barefoot looking for my ballet shoes, clean but not new, I find them in my hands in the house the light is flashing I go into the house there is a man fixing the wiring the wires are white the light is turned on the dream is over

      some electrical wires coming from the transformer were torn off, the dangerous place was fenced off from passage for people, in the dream all this happened on the territory of the market, but it was no longer working, there were no people

      My husband brought bottles of clear, clean water in his bag, at first I thought it was vodka, but he said water. And then suddenly we found ourselves in a balloon and flew, he controlled, first along the ground, and then he suddenly began to gain altitude. I became scared, I begged him to come down, I said think about my son... It was such a sunny day, we were flying over a beautiful green forest, everything was green all around, and while we were flying, I removed the wires from the balloon twice that we had reached. This is so incomprehensible and strange...

      I dreamed of a mountain or hill covered with forest. And on this hill there was some kind of base, a spotlight was shining. And at the entrance to this base there were old wires from a pole. I was looking for a vehicle to cross them, but not finding them, I followed these wires and crossed them safely - no electric shock.

      Hello, I want to unravel my dream, I dreamed that I left the ground and flew into flight from the ground. I saw a lot of wires, and as if I was touching them, because of this I was afraid that I would get an electric shock. After which, flying higher, I saw blue skies and little clouds.

      A small plane flies and falls, catching on electrical wires almost above me. He cuts these wires with his wing, but they do not fall, but stick out where they were. In a dream, I got on a large truck and tried to move it away from a disaster (in real life I have been driving a car for many years). I removed the car and in a dream I thought that now there would be no light in my house due to damaged wires. In a dream the weather was very cloudy. Then my dead grandmother appeared, I don’t remember what she said and I don’t remember where she disappeared.

      Hello. I had a dream that it seemed like I came to visit a friend of the opposite sex in another city... I’m in his apartment (I don’t know if he’s renting it or if it’s his apartment), but the atmosphere is very uncomfortable, like grandmothers, everything is old and ancient, not fashionable, I look at myself in the mirror, I look good, I’m wearing gray boots, copron tights... I hear... sounds... something is being cooked in the kitchen, I go in and see that a boiler in a glass is heating water and the cord has caught fire, where is the socket, next to a white cat, me I quickly throw it off and run in a panic to the door to run out into the street and understand that my friend has locked me with a key while he leaves, I am in a panic, I’m afraid to put out the cord, because it might catch fire in an instant, I’m trying to break the lock or I’m thinking of breaking out a window.., and then I wake up.
      I really hope for your help and decoding of the dream

      So it was a dark room, and there was a lot of equipment, but there were no chairs, but there was an ironing board, I sat on it)) and it pinched the wire from the computer and it tore, I picked it up and looked at this wire, the wire was black colors))) and in general it was dark there)

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed about it The wire, but the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book dreaming The wire in dream in dream have you seen this symbol? Try it! Good afternoon, I dreamed about it dream from Monday to Tuesday. My mother carried past my bed in a large lilac transparent bag a lot of extension cords and they were all without wires.Why this dream??Please tell me!!! Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    See in dream wires- a difficult life situation, the problem of choice. Wires in your dream symbolize immediately some paths, from which you have to choose only one true one. I dreamed what I found naked wires, told my relatives about this, but they have their own affairs, and they don’t care, other than that wires naked, they didn’t care (although if it had really happened, they would have sorted it out right away). Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Wires, seen in dream, is not a very familiar symbol. Few people see them in dream, although such dreams, of course, should not be excluded. Dream Interpretation Miller. Had a dream what you see is a broken electrical the wire hanging from a pole - hard, painstaking work awaits you, which will take up all your free time. When completing a task, do not forget about rest, otherwise it will result in overexertion and stress. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    For what dreaming the wire? Very a lot of descriptions of it can be found in modern dream books. In any case, you need to look at how exactly it is for you dreamed about. If you just see in dream wires, then you may be faced with a choice problem. And we know how difficult it is sometimes to do this. When you dreamed about it(xia) The wire? Today. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed about it The wire, but the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming The wire in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have you seen this symbol? Try it! In dream there was no a lot of it was dark but everything was visible, some boxes and boxes with wires, I started going through them, there were rather old ones wires, otherwise they would not have taken them out and pulled them out of the general a bunch wires.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    See in dream naked the wire- to danger. Dream Interpretation birthdays of September, October, December.Ice Icy branches and wires studded with huge icicles - portend temporary difficulties and illness that you will endure on your feet. Tobacco If you dreamed about it a tobacco pouch is a harbinger of trouble due to someone’s arrival, wires or a new acquaintance.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Summer dream book. For what dreaming The wire By dream book: The wire– See in dream naked the wire- to danger, so dream book this is interpreted dream. Ukrainian dream book. What does it mean when dreaming The wire: The wire- Find the wire- you will experience some worries; search - troubles related to money; to pull the wire- things will drag on; get confused in wire- danger in the future. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    For what dream farewell- If in dream your family and friends, sad and upset by your departure, are seeing you off - this means that in reality events will soon come that will put you in an almost hopeless situation. Why dream Seeing off By dream book: Seeing off- see someone off in dream- drastic changes in life await you. Very much will change, especially if they see you off - then you will have to act not in your own interests. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "isonniki"

    For what dreaming The wire in dream, many are asking this question, and the answer is in our collection dream books. Had a dream The wire in dream?Read completely

    Dream book "sonnik-online"

    What to expect from fate if dreamed about it in dream wires? Often wires promise some kind of problem. And she chose well. The psychic called me herself and we talked. In 3 consultations we a lot of We worked through it, she advised me on the right literature and the right people. After 1.5 months I started meeting young people)) Now six months have passed, there is a permanent young man, we meet and everything is fine. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "starfate"

    Dream Interpretation online » Meaning dreams starting with the letter P" Dream Interpretation Seeing off dreamed about it, for what dream Seeing off in dream.Dream Interpretation Adaskina. For what dream Seeing off By dream book: Seeing off- To see someone off, to cry, to hope for a meeting in the future, to rejoice at changes for someone in dream- in reality experience drastic changes in your destiny. For you much will change. If you are escorted somewhere, then you will be forced to act contrary to your desires and interests. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Cut the wire in a refrigerator dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Cut the wire in a refrigerator? Dream this one lets you know that your generosity of spirit can play a cruel joke on you. You are an emotional person, and it is difficult for you to restrain your passions, but you should not so readily demonstrate your best spiritual qualities to everyone, because in the world there are a lot of unworthy people who will not fail to take advantage of the breadth of your soul for selfish purposes. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Herd of cows, a lot of cows dreaming to prosperity and well-being. Cow in dream symbolizes the state of affairs in the house or household. Either directly or indirectly, this symbol will be related specifically to the state of your affairs and mean well-being or its absence in various manifestations.magnet to the entry I dreamed about it White Whale (beluga) is very beautiful - discussion dreams online.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "esonniki"

    : Dream Interpretation Wires, for what dreaming Wires, see in dream Wires, interpretation sleep Wires, which means dream Wires, meaning sleep Wires, dreamed Wires, dream Wires.See in dream Wires- this is a reason to once again look into dream book and find out the meaning and interpretation dreams Wires. Thank you for visiting our dream book, we will be glad to see you again, add our website esonniki.ru to your favorites or place a link to us on your blog). Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Cut the wire dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Cut the wire?See off someone, cry, hope to meet in the future, rejoice at changes for someone in dream, - in reality experience drastic changes in your destiny. For you much will change. If they escort you somewhere, you will be forced to act contrary to your desires and interests. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    a lot of wires in dream. Had a dream Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Wiring auto dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Wiring auto? To select an interpretation sleep enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the characterizing dream image (if you want to get an online interpretation dreams per letter free alphabetically). Now you can find out what it means to see in dream Wiring auto, read below for free interpretation dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    a lot of wires sticks out. I'm calling a tow truck. Interpretations sleep pregnancy (1) Dream Interpretation pregnancy. Dreams and dreams Pregnancy. Forest and wet road in dream. To me dreamed about it dream. I see a forest, beautiful, but not dense. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    A car drives around me and stops next to me, it is damaged, its wheel is torn off. It looks very strange, not like the absence of a wheel, but like a torn off part of a robot, very a lot of wires sticks out. I'm calling a tow truck. I'm pregnant. in dream. Had a dream that my beloved and I (but we actually broke up with this person 2 weeks ago) are walking in the evening, we go to the pharmacy, there is a line, I start running around all the pharmacies, and I run alone, he can barely keep up with me. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Summer dream book. For what dreaming Conductor By dream book: ConductorConductor who walks through the carriage and makes comments to passengers is a reprimand. Dream Interpretation medium Hasse. Dream Interpretation: Conductor in dream. Conductor- Find help. Dream Interpretation Apostle Simon the Canaanite.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation WIRES TO WAR. Conclusion: the state of the nervous system of a person who could have this dream about, extremely loose and a bunch do not give complexes and infantile attitudes Big Part sleep- empty. Influenced by TV news. A lot of you are fussing through life.

Why do you dream about wire? A lot of descriptions of it can be found in modern dream books. In any case, you need to look at how exactly you dreamed about him. If you just see wires in a dream, it means you may be faced with a choice problem. And we know how difficult it is sometimes to do this.

In this case, do not worry and remember that any wire has two ends and is nothing more than a simple thread. That is why you need to quickly look for solutions to untangle it and give preference to something you are thinking about. However, the choice is not vitally important, and is unlikely to affect your future fate, but even everyday problems sometimes take more nerves than you think. If you see someone repairing wires, then this is a sign that someone is... then your friends or loved ones will soon be able to get out of a difficult situation. Naturally, other people’s problems concern us much less than our own, but in this case you are warned that your friend may need help. If you don't provide it, you may get a bad reputation.

What if you dream about a wire?

Why do you dream about wire? First, let's understand what a wire is. This is a long or short thread of predominantly metallic origin, with which we tie the two ends of something. Often we use an energy wire to send electricity from one point to another.

Based on all of the above, seeing a wire in a dream promises a whole bunch of things. On the one hand, given the length of the wire, we can say that a long journey may soon await you.

On the other hand, taking into account the fact that wires easily get tangled, this can mean difficulties in life or some complications at work. Often the wire symbolizes difficulties that must be overcome in order to achieve one's goals. In this case, we need not to give up prematurely, but continue to hold the position, because the solution is very close. “By unraveling the wire of life” we will find a solution to the current situation and then our victory will be close. But again, you need to be careful not to tangle the knots even tighter, which means “don’t look for unnecessary trouble.”

What does it portend?

The dream “wire” also foreshadows a strong intensity of passions. This is evidenced especially by bare wires. The last characteristic we mentioned is the ability to transmit electric current, so something similar may happen soon in our lives.

Of course, we are talking about feelings. Sooner or later, everything that gathers in our soul can pour out in a stormy flame of either love, or hatred, or jealousy... In any case, we are dealing with unbridled forces with which we must be careful.

To sum it up, seeing the wire is very good. After all, it is much better to receive a sign about preventing trouble and advice that you need to “unravel the current situation” than a sign about irreversible failure.