The meaning of the Algiz rune. Rune Algiz: meaning and photo

  • 09.03.2024

Knowing something in advance, getting rid of problems, attracting only positive events into your life - isn’t this what each of us dreams of? There is probably no person who would not want to change his life for the better with the help of otherworldly forces.

This can be done: just know some secrets. The recently popular system of runic symbols is often used in magic, helping people achieve what they have long dreamed of.

Is it so? And what do these runes mean? We will talk about this and much more in this article. In addition, we will look at the Algiz rune: its meaning, properties and use in magic, fortune telling, and protection.

Runes represent the alphabet, the writing system of the ancient Germans, which over time began to be used in magic. Algiz is associated with various events and mythical characters. After all, her image resembles a person who stands with his hands raised to the sun and sky.

Some researchers associate this sign with the tree of life:

  • in an upright position - this is the crown of a tree,
  • in an inverted position - its roots.

There are also those who compare this symbol with the rook and fingers. In this context, this refers to Tyr's hand, which he sacrificed to capture the wolf. In addition, some believe that straight Algiz is masculine, inverted is feminine.

As you can see, there are quite a few versions of the designation of this symbol, each of which has its own roots.

This rune is considered protective, performing the function of a talisman. However, this is not its only purpose.

It often appears during fortune telling, changing its meaning depending on the position.

Direct rune Algiz

A direct sign often foreshadows a meeting with a person who will have a strong influence on the life of the fortuneteller. This could be a man or woman of any age who will have a beneficial influence and change everything for the better.

However, at the moment, you still shouldn’t give in completely to emotions and act blindly. It is worth showing flexibility in making decisions, this will bring benefits in the future.

Reversed rune Algiz

In an inverted position, the rune warns of danger and indicates vulnerability. It is quite possible that someone close to you wants to deceive you or take advantage of your gullibility.

It may also mean that you are mistaken in some of your judgments. If you were guessing for love and the upside down Algiz came up, then you should take a closer look at the person with whom you are close. First, find out about his intentions and feelings; it is quite possible that he is hiding something.

Rune Algiz - amulet

As mentioned above, Algiz can be used not only in the process of fortune telling, but also for other magical purposes. For example, to get something you need, to protect yourself from negative influences, and more.

This symbol helps to reveal a person’s potential, supporting him in difficult situations, instilling confidence in his own abilities. He will help you walk your path with dignity, overcoming all trials and learning to look at things correctly, assessing them rationally.

In addition, the runic sign will help you achieve your goal if you really need to achieve it. If you dream of untold riches, then this is not the case, since the symbol is against any excesses.

Using the sign allows you to develop intuition and protects you from negative influences, bad people and bad events. In some cases, it helps to accumulate energy, turning negative into positive.


Algiz itself is considered powerful, and in combination with individual symbols, its power increases significantly. This allows you to use it in runic formulas to achieve your goals and much more.

The area of ​​use is wide, but most often it is the development of intuition, protection and giving self-confidence. In addition, it is often used in formulas to improve human health.

Any sign or symbol is a secret, so you should not turn to their help without knowing the meaning of each individual rune or formula. Before use, you should carefully study the information regarding the chosen designation and only then think about how it can help with your problem.

When interpreted, the Algiz rune has the meaning of the strongest protection, a divine protector who protects you from any adversity and problems. The symbol depicted on it, judging by the photo, resembles a man who stretches out his hands to the sky, asking for help.

The fifteenth rune symbolizes the greatest degree of protection, so that troubles will bypass you, even if you consider them inevitable. Troubles may happen near you and danger may be on your heels, but you will be warned about them and will be able to avoid their destructive effects. Therefore, we recommend that you cast aside doubts and fear, focus on your goals and dreams, clench your will and move in their direction.

The interpretation of Algiz has a number of other positive meanings.

Some experts call it the rune of friendship, so you can experience friendship with higher patrons.

It is also worth showing positive qualities when communicating with other people.

Synonyms when interpreting Algiz are the words security, sense of unity, Divine care, trust, mental work, positive changes, good prospects, help, reliable protection, shelter, support. In ancient times, Algiz was applied to weapons and armor in order to ensure safety on the battlefield and to obtain a guaranteed victory.

Direct position - patronage of higher powers

The Algiz rune is a positive omen, because the Questioner is protected by higher powers. The interpretation directly depends on the person’s thoughts when Algiz appeared in front of him. If you think about a certain meaning, then you should expect good luck, because good forces are protecting you. In addition, any business will be as safe as possible, since you will be under special protection. Of course, it may seem that the situation is about to get out of control, but do not panic, events are developing favorably.

Regarding love and communication with loved ones, Algiz speaks of long, productive, safe relationships that will be of serious importance to you.

Perhaps someone from the outside will try to disrupt the family idyll, but higher powers will not allow disaster to happen.

A woman will meet a man, the relationship with whom can be characterized by the phrase “like behind a stone wall.”

In matters of health, Algiz portends exclusively positive things; a threat may arise, but it can be easily overcome. However, you should not treat the protection of higher powers with disdain, take care of yourself and do not relax too much.

Reversed position - vulnerability, lack of protection

Algiz inverted has the meaning of insecurity, vulnerability and exposure to danger even from close and distant people. A business may suffer due to deception; it is worth taking a close look at the offers that come from partners, because they can obviously be losing. Moreover, the Questioner can deceive even himself, because he can be driven by base feelings, such as greed, greed, an insatiable desire to grab money and property for himself.

Vulnerability can be associated with insufficient self-sacrifice, so that you have to pay for wrong actions and sins. The interpretation of the rune may indicate that your loved ones could have done the wrong thing, and you turned a blind eye to it, bringing the threat upon yourself. The appearance of Algiz during fortune telling has an unpleasant meaning in a relationship, because those around you want to puzzle you with their affairs, worries, and troubles.

Pay attention to your feelings, there is no need to follow bad desires, they will lead to sad consequences.

Troubles can await you in love too. Try to find a balance between necessary things and “strangers” that have nothing to do with you. Perhaps you have a whole bunch of problems that need to be solved immediately, otherwise their number will reach a critical mass. Interpretation of a reversed Algiz can reveal health problems. In love, you can expect betrayal and deception, but this information needs to be verified.

Creating a protective rune

If you want a powerful protective symbol to always be with you, we recommend making the Algiz rune from scrap materials with your own hands. By creating Algiz, you can attract good luck into your life, regardless of the area in which protection is required.

Of particular importance for interpretation is the material for creating runes, for example, it can be wood, because it is accessible and easy to process.

Select a small block of any tree you like (it’s very good if it matches your horoscope) and draw a symbol on it with your own hands. To most accurately convey its image, print a photo of Algiz on paper and cut out a small stencil. Apply the image using a stencil with dark paint, let the paint dry and enjoy your new protective rune.

Video: Runa Algiz

Algiz rune

Today, many are interested in how to use runes, attributing magical properties to them. In fact, magic, as it appears to laymen - with “pulsars” and magic wands, does not occur in our world, therefore there is no point in overly relying on any sacred symbols, including runes. If you want to study runes, then you should start with theory, find out why they were called runes of the clan, realize that this is a kind of graphic expression of man’s connection with nature, and not part of obscure spells that need to be read after using fly agaric tincture. And only after realizing this truth can you begin the practical use of runes; an amateurish attitude towards ancient knowledge usually gives a negative effect, however, if you are lucky, your actions simply will not bring any results.

Rune-algiz: meaning

Various researchers associate the Algiz rune with various mythological characters or events. So, there is an opinion that the sign symbolizes a person with his hands raised to the sky. Other researchers see in the rune a palm with spread fingers, so they believe it to be a representation of the hand of Tyr, who sacrificed it to capture the wolf Fenrir. And some scientists see in the rune an image of the sacred tree Yggdrasil, and in the upright position the symbol means the crown of the tree, and the inverted algiz rune means its roots. Thus, the upright position of the rune symbolizes the masculine principle, and the inverted position symbolizes the feminine.

In a general sense, the Algiz rune is considered as a rune of protection, but its meaning changes position. A direct algiz dropped during fortune telling speaks of a favorable influence entering your life. Maybe soon you will meet someone who will make positive changes in your daily life. But there is also a warning here - you cannot give in to emotions of any kind now, during this period you need to be as flexible as possible. A reversed rune indicates vulnerability and may mean that you are being deceived, or that you yourself are being deceived. In love, the inverted algiz rune recommends taking your time and learning better about the true goals of the person showing you signs of attention.

Influence of the Algiz rune

Like other runes, algiz has not only predictive value, but with its help you can influence current events. This sign helps to unlock a person’s potential in difficult, crisis situations. Also, the rune will help, after passing the tests, to get rid of the “husk”, an illusory idea about others or a particular situation. The sign can provide significant assistance in achieving what you want, although only if there is a real need; it will not help in acquiring excesses. The use of runes can enhance intuition and protect a person from negative influences or his property. In some cases, algiz is used to accumulate energy, for example, in healing.

The sign itself is powerful, but it has a greater impact in conjunction with other symbols, which is why the Algiz rune is often found in magical formulas. The scope of application of runescripts, formulas, amulets and talismans is different, but usually it is protection, strengthening intuition, and giving self-confidence. Algiz is also often used as part of formulas to influence health conditions.

Runic magic can have a strong effect on your life, so you shouldn’t draw ancient symbols without knowing their meaning. In addition, it should be remembered that this knowledge can be used only if the existing problem cannot be solved using other methods. And this is not because the runes do not like people bothering them in vain, it will simply be an unnecessary waste of energy that may be needed for truly important matters.

Rune Algiz and its meaning

The Germanic alphabet contains twenty-four runes, the fifteenth of which is the rune called Algiz. Its name comes from the word “elk”. This rune has powerful protective properties, but you should be careful with its inverted image.

Main characteristics

The fifteenth rune corresponds to the element of air, the zodiac sign is Pisces, the stone is carnelian and rock crystal, the color is gold. This Algiz rune is intended to protect against pressing problems and troubles that a person has faced at all times. This rune not only performs the basic functions of protection, but also endows them with a person. More precisely, it enhances the feelings of intuition. And having such an ability, a person will be able to protect himself from all kinds of troubles and troubles. Another important meaning of the rune is friendship. It helps to strengthen relationships, choose a true comrade, and find a patron among friends.


The way the Algiz rune is depicted can be interpreted in two ways. The first is the image of animal horns, which, as is known, performs a protective function. And the second option is more common. This is an image of a man with his arms outstretched. That is, one praying or calling on heavenly powers for help. By this, the rune shows the connection between gods and people, which can be represented as an energy flow.

You can use your hand to recreate the shape of the rune. Three fingers and a palm certainly repeat the image of Algiz. In ancient times, her image was carved onto weapons, this significantly increased the chances of hitting the target. Today, the Algiz rune, the photo of which is available to a wide audience, finds its use on amulets and all kinds of talismans.

Meaning in magic

Runes are widely used in fortune telling; they are usually made from natural materials (stone, wood) with an image applied. You can tell fortunes in several ways: either the master himself makes a reading for the person, or he offers the fortuneteller to take the runes out of the bag himself. It is important to correctly interpret what the Algiz rune means. It has two of them, the first is an unexpected turn that should bring changes to a person’s life. This could include new friendships, starting a new career, or moving. The second meaning that the Algiz rune has is protection. It is simply deciphered: a person is in a state where he needs to protect himself, this can be done in several ways. Attacking first, provoking quarrels, or lying, thereby hiding the truth.

Application in everyday life

The image of this powerful rune can become an assistant for every person. Even if you don’t have the materials at hand to make the amulet, it will be enough to draw a “crow’s foot” in the air, and its power will come into effect.

From time immemorial, people believed in these mysterious symbols, filled them with energy, and worshiped them. A modern person can receive the help provided by Algiz - the rune of protection. The rune symbol is drawn on pieces of paper that they carry with them, drawn on doors, and carved on weapons. But, of course, one of the most common ways to use images is to make talismans.


You can make a talisman or talisman yourself or contact a specialist. Silver is well suited for such purposes; of course, you can save money and make a talisman from wood, but the service life of such a product will be much shorter. For the talisman to take effect, you must always carry it with you. This should bring him closer to the wearer and imbue him with energy.

Pendants with images of runes and rings look beautiful. If you don’t want to put the amulet on public display, you can make a keychain. But it is worth remembering that the Algiz rune has a strong effect, and it cannot be used with bad intentions.

Rune of protection

It is not for nothing that this rune is called protective, because its power can repel even magical influences. In cases where the Algiz rune is not able to completely protect against impact, it breaks down the negative impact into small particles that become harmless. Algiz symbolism can protect not only a specific person, but also his home. A carved image of her above the front door will protect residents from unkind guests, bad news, robbers and other troubles.

Health protection

The rune does not have a direct impact on human health, but it can help find internal reserves for recovery. The Algiz rune, the meaning of which is “protection,” will have a blocking effect on the source of the disease. The rune will help maintain a healthy body in its current state.

It is used to summon divine spirits that help restore health. Algiz acts as a guide in communication with higher powers. But you should not completely rely on the rune, because, as mentioned above, it will not be able to help or influence human health.

Reversed rune

The sign in an inverted position represents a meaningless straight rune; it symbolizes vulnerability, the possibility of being deceived or rejected. In fortune telling, the inverted Algiz rune warns a person against rash actions, against unwanted connections and unworthy people.

Sometimes, in order to get what you want, you need to sacrifice something, Algiz wants to teach this. You shouldn’t rush into making a serious choice, as this may lead to problems in the future. If a person is overcome by a strong desire to get something without putting any effort into it, then the rune warns of possible failure.

Rune ALGIZ. Meaning. Educational program.

Ralph Bloom. Book of Runes; Healing runes

Straight position
Your task is self-control. During periods of transition, periods of changing the course of life and intensive changes in oneself, it is extremely important not to become isolated in the sphere of one’s own emotions, both sublime and base. This Rune symbolizes new opportunities and new difficulties. And they may be accompanied by abuse and unwanted actions.
For the Warrior of the Spirit, for the one who is always fighting a battle with himself, Algiz serves as a kind of mirror. The Warrior's protection is like the curved antlers of an elk or the warning rustle of sedge: both equally protect the space around you.
Always remember that only timely correct action and behavior appropriate to the circumstances are your only true protection. If you find yourself experiencing suffering, observe that suffering, keep your attention on it. There is no point in lowering the curtain and running away from life, denying what is happening. You will move forward; the consciousness of this is your protection.
Inverted position
Be attentive to your health and do not cause additional trouble to others. Pay attention to the associations that arise in you currently. If you see that you are ready to be influenced by people who take advantage of you, recognize this fact and take responsibility for your own position; You will only benefit from this. However, regardless of whether your bold venture is thriving or going through a period of difficulties, you should not be overly interested. You may not win, but in any case you will not lose, because what happens can always serve as science for you.
Moderation and courtesy are the driving forces behind the protective properties of this Rune.
Algiz - Border
Protecting and respecting your feelings, your health and well-being is almost always in question when you draw the Rune of Boundaries. By calling for lines to be drawn and boundaries to be set, this Rune proclaims that it is time to provide yourself with healthy and appropriate Boundaries within which you can heal.
Perhaps the problem you are currently facing requires you to have the courage to say “no” to something that should no longer have a place in your life. Borders and walls are very different things. When you decide what to accept and what to discard, you will learn to protect your feelings without piling up walls.
Drawing this Rune can convey a message: setting proper boundaries creates freedom. Cherish your ability to do this, as good boundaries are essential to developing healthy feelings about yourself. In the Rune Circle, healthy boundaries always indicate that someone has taken the courageous journey from Denial to Honesty. When we were younger, the word "boundary" was understood as a limitation. Over time, we have learned that good boundaries create a safe haven for change, healing, and growth.
Receiving this Rune is a reminder of the need to check the real state of affairs. Are the boundaries you set recognized and respected? On the other hand, are you sensitive to the boundaries drawn by those you love and work with - your family, your friends, your colleagues and especially your children?
Like a well-kept garden, boundaries require attention and care, because without well-maintained Boundaries there is no safe passage to a new life.
Let's put it this way: family values ​​erode and disintegrate without maintaining healthy boundaries. In their absence, our ability to teach our children to respect us and each other is weakened. Good boundaries grow a spreading tree, a tree of wisdom, under which our children and our children's children will gather knowledge that they will later pass on to future generations. Geza von Nemenyi. Sacred runes. Magical symbols of the North

Rune Algis
This rune is also found only in the Elder Futhark. In the futorkh it is presented only as a derivative of the “yr” rune. The ancient sound “z” (actually, a voiced “z”) that belonged to it passed on to the rune “s”, and the ancient sound “z” itself was transformed into a special final “R” (in transcription denoted by a capital R). Thus, the “z” rune first turned into “R”, and in the younger Futhark - into the Yur rune. In the Anglo-Saxon area, this rune was also used to denote the sound “x” (ks).
The name of the rune, Algis, means "elk"; Judging by the form of the word, it is plural. Elk, as is known, is a species of deer (cervus alcit); therefore it also means deer. However, the Anglo-Saxon rune song does not mention elk, but “elk grass” (sedge, reed, reed); by 800, moose in England appeared to have become completely extinct. Elk grass is shaped like a fleur-de-lis, hence the shape of the rune icon.
In Fig. 24 shows a possible prototype of the rune, an image of a deer in a rock painting in the Alps (Cimbergo, Val Camonica), on the right is a drawing from Sweden, discovered near Ryland, Tanum district, Bronze Age (or older). The ancient rune Perto is also depicted here in the form of a cart, and next to it are the twin gods Vidar and Vali; The rune icon also reminds of them.” Helmut Arntz considered this rune to be an image of raised hands, meaning “defense.”
Figure 24. Left: rock art in the Alps; right: drawing from Sweden.
The deer or elk is a solar symbol, and in this sense it is mentioned in the Song of Salt, 55:
55 I saw a sunny deer coming from the south,
Two people led him by the bridle;
His hooves rested on the field,
Horns to the sky.
“Two” are the twin gods, “Alci” (= Protectors), whose cult is reported by Tacitus in “Germania”:
"At the Naganarvals there is a grove of ancient religious significance. It is presided over by a priest in women's attire, but they say about the gods that, according to the Roman interpretation, they mean Castor and Polluc. This is the essence of these deities; they are called Alki. No idols, no trace foreign cult, but they are nevertheless revered as brothers, as youths."
The names “Algis” and “Alki” (Defenders) are linguistically identical; they are also called Dioscuri (sons of Zeus). We are talking here about the gods Vidar and Vali, who will live and act after the Twilight of the gods. They will avenge the deaths of Balder and Odin, which is why they are considered new incarnations of both. On the Midwinter holiday, they are revered as renewers of the sacred fire, which is then carried to their homes by all participants in the holiday. At the same time, two brothers or youths with the same names produce the cult fire by rotating a stick. Among the Vendas, these twin gods are also called “Hols” (Holcz, Holczy, Altschis, Alzes) - a name also derived from “Alkov”. There they are considered the patrons of the family hearth, and their figures are the first to be brought into the new house where the newlyweds will live in order to consecrate the home. Before this, the bride says goodbye to her father’s house with her bed, animals and hearth, saying: “Oh hue, moi myli swentij ponike!” ("Oh my sacred fire!")".
The twin gods are depicted as naked boys with raised arms, one with a dove and dove on his head, the other with a ring in his hand. Among the Wends in Poland, Alki were also considered messengers of the supreme gods.
Gotsk. "alhs" means "sanctuary, shrine", and it is in connection with the new sanctuary (or dwelling, see above) that the twin gods are mentioned in the Edda (Speech of Vafthrudnir, 51):
51 Vidar and Vali will keep the temples,
Once Surta is there, the flame will go out.
So, these gods will guard the new shrine of the gods, which is why at the Midwinter Festival they are the ones who light the new cult fire. The holiday takes place as if after the Twilight of the Gods, which, according to myth, should occur in November-December. A new world begins after the winter solstice. The names of the gods, Vidar and Vali, mean "Overall Ruler" and "Conqueror", and "Val" also means death, and not just battle or death in battle. In natural myth, they personify the morning and evening dawn, the rising and setting sun. Among the Celts, this (Anglo-Saxon) rune is called “Eolch” - the rising, all-conquering and all-protecting sun. In the Nordic calendar, this rune is given under the name “Tvimadr” (= two men), that is, the same twin gods.
Indo-germ a certain concept "*elen" means "deer", but already in the Bronze Age (this rune is found, for example, in the rock paintings of Ekenberg, eastern Gotland) this sign was placed in honor of the twin gods. In Indian (asvini) and Latvian myths they are considered sons of gods wooing the sun goddess or her daughters. It is not surprising that the sun rune follows directly after this rune. Both twin gods guard the house and temple, warding off evil forces from them. In the Eddic Orations of Regina, 21, Odin speaks of them as a good omen before battle:
21 The second sign, if you went out,
Getting ready for the journey from the yard, -
See two people ready for a fight
Glorious warriors.
In a mythological sense, these two represent the twin gods, the battle is Ragnarok (Twilight of the Gods), and the appearance of the twin gods means the restoration of divine power.
In the Edda, the deer is associated with the god Frey. Frey was also revered among the Celts; in one Latin manuscript he is called Cernunuus, "Horned One", in the medieval legend of Robin Hood he is called Herne (Hunter). In the Younger Edda, in Vision of Gylvi, 38, it is said that Frey killed the giant Beli (= "Barking") with the horn of a deer. Cave paintings in southern France and Spain (Stone Age) depict hunter-shamans in horned masks (one such mask was found in Berlin, Bisdorf region), dancing over the prey killed by the hunters. In this way, hunters sought to appease the souls of animals. Frey is the god of solar fire, the god of fertility descending to the earth. Here, too, the connection between the deer and the sun is visible.
The deer as a symbol of the universe and the sky is mentioned in the Edda (Second Song of Helga the Slayer of Hunding, 37):
37 Thus Helgi rose among the knights,
Like a proud ash tree in thickets of thorns
Or a deer sprinkled with dew,
He is the tallest of animals,
His horns shine near the sky.
Deer also live on the World Ash Tree, there are four of them in total - they represent the four main ones! calendar year, seasons. It is said about them in the Speeches of Grimnir:
33 And four deer, throwing back their horns,
Gnawing shoots:
Dain and Dvalin, Dunair and Durathror.
These names mean: “Dead” and “Slow or Dormant”, “Dark or Brown-Eared” and “Half-Asleep Bull”, although these translations are, of course, conditional.
In the Younger Edda (Vision of Gylvi, 39), along with these four, another deer is mentioned:
“We must also tell you about the stag Eikturnir. He stands on Valhalla and eats the branches of that tree, and so much moisture drips from his horns that it flows down into the stream Hvergelmir (the Seething Cauldron), and from there the river begins...”
The name Eikþyrnir is translated as "Oak Thorn" or "Oakhorn"; this reminds us of the thunder god Thor, to whom the oak is dedicated, although Frey is also considered the ruler of the rain.
In the symbolism of the deer, traces of the cult of Mother Earth are also visible, although they are not expressed in any way in the rune itself. In the most ancient drawings there are often images of a female deer (doe) with antlers; Probably, originally this meant a reindeer (see also the description of the Urus rune), in which females also wear antlers. When we lost reindeer, this meaning was transferred to ordinary reindeer. The constellation Cassiopeia, visible in the northern sky in the shape of the letter "W", personified in ancient mythology the horns or throne of Mother Earth, and the Valkyrie Brynhild sleeps on Mount Hindarfjall ("Mountain of the Deer").

Freya Asvinn. Mysteries and magic of the North
German name: Algiz
Anglo-Saxon name: Eolh
Old Norse name: Yr
Phonetic correspondence: З (Z)
Traditional meaning: protection.
This rune is known in two forms - straight and inverted. In Common Germanic and Anglo-Saxon Futhark it is used only in the upright position. However, in most Scandinavian futharks it appears in both varieties, and in the direct one it has a phonetic correspondence to “M” and is called “Mannar” (MannaR), that is, it turns out to be identical to the Mannaz rune. In an inverted form in the Scandinavian runic series, it denotes a sound intermediate between r and z, giving the word a touch of magical sound. For example, the Icelandic word AsgardR was written next to the runes Ansuz, Sovulo, Gebo, Ansuz, Dagaz and Algiz, with Algiz depicted upside down and slightly larger than the other runes. Perhaps this was done in order to distinguish an ordinary “letter” rune from a magical sound rune.
The main meaning of the Algiz rune is protection. Resembling the shape of an open palm with spread fingers, it is associated with the hand of Tyr, which he sacrificed so that the Aesir could bind the wolf Fenrir. The Old German word alhs means "temple" or "sanctuary". Since it was in the alhs that all magical accessories and ritual utensils were stored, they probably tried to protect these sacred places as reliably as possible. According to Tacitus, the Germans worshiped divine twins called Alcis. Although it has not yet been possible to clarify the nature of these twins and identify them with any deities known from other sources, it has been hypothesized that they are some kind of northern equivalent of Castor and Pollux. Other authors identify the Alcis twins with Balder and Head. But in my opinion, these twins must be brother and sister, since Algiz has male and female forms. The belief among rune masters that Alcis are twin brothers can be explained simply by the fact that most serious rune researchers are men. They overlooked the possibility that these twins might be Frey and Freyja. However, another option cannot be ruled out: since this rune is one of the oldest runic signs known to us, it can personify some primordial twin spouses who gave birth to all the other gods and goddesses. Other twin couples also appear in German myths: Njord and Nertus, Ziu and Zisa.
The fact that in the Scandinavian Futhark the straight line Algiz is called “Mannar” suggests that in its upright position the Algiz rune is associated with the masculine principle and personifies the upward direction of consciousness. This is symbolized by the upper branches of Yggdrasil, extending high above the ground and reaching towards the sky. In an inverted position, Algiz correlates with the roots of Yggdrasil, going underground, into the kingdom of the dead. In the occult tradition, the bowels of the earth are associated with the feminine principle. The upper branches of the world tree symbolize the light worlds - Vanaheim, Asgard and the world of the light elves. The lower branches lead to the lower worlds - Etunheim, Hel and Svartalfheim (the world of the dark elves). Midgard occupies an intermediate position; on either side of it are Muspellsheim and Niflheim. The last two worlds are not clearly reflected in the outlines of this rune, since they are under the rule of the primordial forces of fire and ice and symbolize the hidden support on which all worlds rest. This structure of the universe can be depicted in the form of a connected rune.
At the physical level, the opposites described above change places: Algiz in an upright position symbolizes life, and in an inverted position symbolizes death. Women give life, and male warriors sow death. In Germany, there was a tradition of depicting Algiz runes on tombstones, with one sign indicating the date of birth, and the other sign indicating the date of death.
In an upright position, Algiz has a female form, and in an inverted position, it has a male form. Indeed, the two forms of this rune can be interpreted as stylized images of the female and male genital organs, respectively. In the Scandinavian tradition, this image is associated with the myth of how the gods found two trees - Aska and Embla - and created the first man and the first woman from them. The gods gave them the gift of life, and from them came the entire human race. Likewise, after Ragnarok, the last battle, life will be reborn again from Yggdrasil, in whose branches a man and a woman - Liv and Livthrasir - will find refuge. Thus, trees in myths are strongly associated with life.
Another related rune, combining both forms of Algiz, is identical to the Scandinavian variant of the Hagalaz rune. In Holland, this sign has traditionally served as a symbol of marriage or the union of masculine and feminine principles.
The Algiz rune is often associated with protection and defense, and as such it is associated with the image of “covering with a shield.” Hence her connection with the Valkyries, who were called “shield maidens.” The Valkyries not only chose those who were to fall on the battlefield, but also covered the warriors with their shields in the thick of the battle. It was believed that they could take the form of swans or (less commonly) ravens. If the Algiz sign is turned on its side, it will resemble a bird's paw print. And indeed, in some witchcraft traditions and among gypsies, the Algiz rune is called the “crow’s foot.” (In addition, Valkyries are guides of souls to the afterlife: they accompany the souls of fallen warriors to Valhalla).
In its usual, upright position, the Algiz rune can be used in magical operations of a religious nature - for example, to invoke other runes or to expand consciousness into the region of the higher worlds, the symbol of which is Asgard. This rune is a powerful conductor, a channel through which the energy of the gods comes to man, and the energy of man to the gods. Algiz was compared to the rainbow bridge connecting Asgard to Midgard - the only road connecting these two worlds. In search of protection, it is best to appeal to the god Heimdall, the guardian of the rainbow bridge and a mediator, like the Algiz rune itself, conducting energy between these two worlds. Therefore, Heimdall can be considered the secret patron of Algiz.
The Algiz rune can also be used in healing. Standing with my hands raised (in a pose reminiscent of the traditional form of the Algiz rune) and invoking the powers of Uruz, Sovulo and Ansuz, I was once filled with such powerful healing energy that I physically felt it flowing through my palms. In magic, Algiz is one of the most powerful runes for projection to four or eight cardinal directions: it will strengthen and reliably protect the boundaries of the magic circle.

The unique Algiz rune is especially loved by tattoo artists. It grants a person the protection of the Higher Powers, protects from adversity and drives away evil demons. According to information from Wikipedia, Algiz (Algiz)- 15th rune out of 24 Germanic and 16 Scandinavian runes.

Algiz is very often used in tattoos on the human body. But you need to know all the nuances to draw it correctly for safety reasons. After all, as you know, runic tattoos are far from harmless. They all have two opposing meanings.

Tattoo with the Algiz rune “Helmet of Horror”

Let’s take the Algiz rune - in the upright position it means “life”, and in the inverted position it means “death”.

If you make a tattoo with this rune, for example, on your hand, how many times a day will life become death?

An absolutely neutral tattoo with the Algiz rune is the “Helmet of Horror” or “Aegishjalmur”. Its meaning is protection and invincibility in battle.

This is the oldest totem image, which is completely safe for its owner.

Rune Algiz meaning (video)

Interpretation of tattoos of Slavic runes

Each Slavic rune has its own history, its own meaning. When applying a runic image to the body in the form of a tattoo, a person must be aware that the consequences can be disastrous. Before going to a tattoo parlor, you should carefully study the information that each of the runes carries.


Straight position

Algiz is a rune of powerful protection. This is a spiritual bridge between the world of people and the world of gods, along which the power to overcome troubles descends to each human race. This power is great, because it was not for nothing that in ancient times it was Algiz that warriors carved and engraved on their military weapons.

The rune encourages you to trust your own intuition. It indicates that in a critical situation or at a moment when a person is at a crossroads, he will certainly be given a sign about exactly how to act and what decision to make.

Algiz is also protection from physical danger. From the point of view of events, this can be interpreted, say, as a certain incident that posed a certain risk, but which was successfully avoided. Or all this will still have to be experienced in the future. If in the scenario the rune appears in combination with Raido, then it probably concerns transport.

In a certain context, the rune symbolizes magical protection, it says that a person has a strong amulet or other means that protects him from the “evil” eye (or his house from thieves, fire, etc.)

At the everyday level, Algiz can symbolize a strong friendship with a sympathetic, generous person with a good sense of humor.

Together with Turisaz, the rune means a gift of fate, and, as a rule, unexpected or surprising, with Soulu - that a person can, if desired or necessary, insist on his own; with Berkana - that he has a strong “rear” and a reliable family that you can always rely on in difficult times.

Inverted position

The inverted Algiz rune indicates vulnerability, senseless self-sacrifice. And also - maybe the questioner is in the dark about something, and there are two possible options here - either the fortuneteller himself is misleading himself, striving for something that he cannot count on, or someone around him is in the most arrogant way deceives him.

Perhaps the fortuneteller spends a lot of time and effort on someone from his environment, but will not experience any return. In addition, it is possible that they are simply trying to make him a scapegoat for sins and problems to which he has no direct connection. However, the inverted Algiz rune gives you a chance to turn the situation in your favor. For example, in combination with Feu, she predicts that this benefit will concern money or material goods. But whether the person asking will be able to succeed in this is unknown.

Love and relationships

Straight position

In this regard, the Algiz rune can be interpreted as the need for a person to see in his chosen one not only a sexual partner, but also a friend who would be able to understand him and would share his moral principles and spiritual quests.

In addition, the rune can indicate a relationship based on trust, a sense of unity between the questioner and his partner, as well as reconciliation, which will certainly come, or maybe is already coming.

If in the scenario Algiz fell with Teyvaz, then this predicts victory over an opponent (rival), and with Inguz - that the relationship of the questioner with the person about whom it was planned will be crowned with a significant and very favorable event (marriage proposal, wedding, etc.)

Inverted position

In relationship scenarios, the inverted Algiz advises against making new acquaintances, and especially does not recommend starting a new relationship. The fact is that, when turned upside down, this rune often indicates the following: the fortuneteller’s partner has his own motives and expectations from the relationship, which are not particularly pleasant for the latter, but he will not be able to understand what their essence is and what the “catch” is. quickly and correctly. If an inverted Uruz appears nearby in the layout, it means that the cause of the problem will be related to the fact that the partner will persistently impose his intentions and views on the fortuneteller. In the case when the Ansuz rune appears along with the inverted Algiz, this indicates that the fortuneteller listens too much to the advice of his partner.

If someone is courting the person asking at the moment, seeking his (her) favor, then this should not be encouraged, because time will show that either the intentions or the character of this person are not as good as they seem.


Straight position

For career plans, Algiz should be interpreted as an unexpected opportunity to improve one’s qualifications, get an education (possibly a second one), and complete courses. On the other hand, this rune can mean a successful start to a new project, the birth of a fresh promising idea (especially in combination with Kenaz), and simply new promising prospects. However, Algiz may be suggesting that a certain matter, which until now seemed hopeless, will finally move from a “dead” point and begin to develop.

Algiz is also a rune of creativity and the feeling of flight. This means that it can fall to a person who is related to the world of art. Or he treats his work creatively, loves it very much, “breathes” it.

When paired with Feu, Algiz is interpreted as success in business, with Laguz - in studies, with Evaz - in working away from home (this meaning can be interpreted as advice to find a job in another region or even abroad).

Inverted position

In this case, we can talk about the fact that a person does not want to make the necessary efforts, however, his claims are high. As for the motives for this way of thinking (or behavior), it is either greed or naivety. And the consequences here can be very unpleasant, because such human weaknesses will almost certainly be taken advantage of by someone dishonest. The problems that arise will affect either professional activities or finances.

If a person has been made a certain business offer, then no matter how tempting it may seem, it is better to refuse it, at least for the time for which the arrangement was made.

In combination with the Raido rune, an inverted Algiz indicates that a person will be let down by someone on whom he really counted (or in whom he was completely confident), but in combination with an inverted Vunyo, such an Algiz represents a recommendation to postpone all important matters.

You will be lucky, that's for sure. In this situation, little is required of you - do not abuse your position as a lucky person, allowing yourself things that are prohibited and unacceptable. And besides, it is desirable that the emotional sphere in your life does not dominate common sense.

Astrological archetype: Pisces (Jupiter + Venus).
Archetype of the Arthurian cycle: knight Galahad.
Tree: reed (Arundo phragmites), sedge or reed. Oak, Torah (Tira) tree is for healing.
Zodiac: 2nd gender. sign of Cancer (July 8-21).
Number: 29 or 9.

Color: gold.
Character: magnetic rune.
Essence: reversible rune.

Stone: carnelian. rhinestone. In the treatment of coral

ALGIZ The graphic design of the rune is explained in different ways. Firstly, it is shaped like an open palm with fingers spread, which is associated with the hand of Tyr, which he sacrificed so that the Aesir could bind Fenrir.

Elk. Cane. Summoning the gods.

Traditional meaning: protection.
Algiz can also be correlated with a person who stretches out his hands to the sky in search of protection.
Algiz is similar to human immune defense. We can not break the Law (play sports, get rid of bad habits), thereby improving our natural defense. But we can break the law (drink, smoke, and wander around) thereby weakening our defenses.

This rune is known in two forms - straight and inverted. In Common Germanic and Anglo-Saxon Futhark it is used only in the upright position. However, in most Scandinavian futharks it appears in both varieties, and in the direct one it has a phonetic correspondence to “M” and is called “Mannar” (MannaR), that is, it turns out to be identical to the Mannaz rune. In an inverted form in the Scandinavian runic series, it denotes a sound intermediate between r and z, giving the word a touch of magical sound. For example, the Icelandic word AsgardR was written next to the runes Ansuz, Sovulo, Gebo, Ansuz, Dagaz and Algiz, with Algiz depicted upside down and slightly larger than the other runes. Perhaps this was done in order to distinguish an ordinary “letter” rune from a magical sound rune.

The main meaning of the Algiz rune is protection. Resembling the shape of an open palm with spread fingers, it is associated with the hand of Tyr, which he sacrificed so that the Aesir could bind the wolf Fenrir. The Old German word alhs means "temple" or "sanctuary". Since it was in the alhs that all magical accessories and ritual utensils were stored, they probably tried to protect these sacred places as reliably as possible. According to Tacitus, the Germans worshiped divine twins called Alcis. Although it has not yet been possible to clarify the nature of these twins and identify them with any deities known from other sources, it has been hypothesized that they are some kind of northern equivalent of Castor and Pollux. Other authors identify the Alcis twins with Balder and Head. But in my opinion, these twins must be brother and sister, since Algiz has male and female forms. The belief among rune masters that Alcis are twin brothers can be explained simply by the fact that most serious rune researchers are men. They overlooked the possibility that these twins might be Frey and Freyja. However, another option cannot be ruled out: since this rune is one of the oldest runic signs known to us, it can personify some primordial twin spouses who gave birth to all the other gods and goddesses. Other twin couples also appear in German myths: Njord and Nertus, Ziu and Zisa.

Several mottos Algiz.

Invoking the gods requires absolute responsibility.

Increasing the energy of luck is not safe.

Caution is the fruit of conversation with truth.

You need to walk through the world carefully and sensitively, as if through a minefield. A person must be worthy of the protection that the Higher World provides him when the Algiz rune appears. Therefore, self-will and chaotic behavior are unacceptable.

Permission to luck comes after giving up on yourself.

Guarding in battle is the fruit of prayer, asking for victory not for oneself.

Conducting the energy of Heaven requires complete humility. Worlds communicate through selfless people.

Intuition is not an achievement, but a gift.

Genuine security is a reflex of summoned strength.

Understanding what is happening protects against malicious penetration. Some runists associate the combination of the elk and reed symbol with the concept of watch, with the concept of vigilance. Reed reacts very sensitively to the slightest breath of wind, and elk is a very sensitive animal. You can waylay him by hiding, but you cannot catch him. He runs very well. You can only wait for the elk or drive it out to the hunter. This is a very sensitive animal.

He who truly prays is truly protected.

Mobility makes a person invulnerable.

The anticipation of danger is more important than the presence of the Force.

Around Algiz, twists and turns in events occur. Life takes a slight turn. And you need to be prepared for this turn. This is not a sharp change in direction. We are talking about a Neptunian nuance, failure to take it into account in the future will complicate both karma and advancement. Therefore, when realizing Algiz and using her instructions, it is very important to leave for yourself a free space for possible changes in movement, to consider how this matter can be done differently, with the least expenditure of effort.

Algiz makes psychological demands. A person needs to show flexibility, mobility, sensitivity to circumstances that have changed subtly, but really. A person must carefully adapt to changes. Something invisible has invaded our affairs. There has been a subtle shift that affects the situation you asked about.

Reverse Algiz

Inverted Algiz is a misunderstood straight Algiz. We didn't understand it and didn't use it.

Vulnerability results from a lack of self-sacrifice.

The scapegoat atones for the karma of the community. If we do not understand the situation, then we pay for the mistakes and sins of others. Under Algiz, those around us are in a hurry to dump their worries and responsibilities on us. One of the most important understandings of the Algiz rune is the ability to avoid unnecessary things. If we don’t find a balance between ours and someone else’s, between “necessary” and “unnecessarily,” then we will not only earn our own problems, but also begin to pay for others.

The size of the task is more important than its positivity or negativity. Algiz is always associated with nuances, but at the same time she always relates to very large programs. The shorter the program, the rougher and clearer it is. When we are talking about great values, about serious large-scale processes, subtlety is required. Under Algiz, runists manage to see the colossal problems of their lives. The situation that Algiz finds herself in often turns out to be part of a larger, significant problem. The success of our actions depends on how broadly we are aware of what is happening: what it is connected with, what it interacts with, and what depends on this rune. Whatever we ask, the answer turns out to be more complete than our question. Algiz calls for prayer and to determine the true scale of the problem. And they always turn out to be colossal. The question that Algiz asks must be understood as a fragment of a larger problem, as a great difficulty reflected in a mirror fragment.

Under reverse Algiz (with the correct attitude towards it), all problems increase, increase. This is precisely its protective nature. A person becomes more deeply involved in the egregor. He behaves more adequately in accordance with strategic programs.

An important motto of the reverse Algiz: Heaven denies only the superfluous.

Algiz does not always bring an outwardly friendly response. Often you have to give up something. In this case, the seizure is not justified. Moreover, it is dangerous. Oddly enough, everything that a person needs is given to him.

We are greedy and manipulate the unselfish. Under Algiz there are often problems associated with shifting the burden of other people onto us. We must decide whether we should take on other people's problems, whether we are able to do algiz work for another. You cannot solve problems of this kind with stupid arrogance and selflessness - blame all the sins of the world on me, and I will atone for everything. We often like to talk (even better out loud) about altruism, meaning by this permission to dump our garbage anywhere and as much as we want.

In a reverse situation, Algiz needs to find the root of greed in yourself. We are subject to manipulation from the outside when the other person knows what exactly we need in return for our kindness and services. If we understand what kind of relationship has confused us, we will easily refuse unnecessary assignments without experiencing the slightest remorse. It's bad when individuals turn into drain pipes. Falsely understanding the principle of self-sacrifice and service, some people stop their evolution due to the fact that they begin to burn the garbage of everyone around them indiscriminately. And thereby they commit an offense before the universe: they complicate their own development.

People around them only use boastful fools. A sighted, modest person, when Algiz falls out, will always determine what to take and what to leave, how he can help others and where he is powerless. It is known from physiology that if hormones are introduced into the body for a long time, the endocrine glands that are supposed to produce these hormones atrophy. Why produce a hormone if it is already present in the body? The principle of functional atrophy also applies to karma. By helping other people, we forget that we are depriving them of the opportunity to develop independently. Highly developed people resemble cold, hard, not very friendly egoists, because a modern person, brought up on infantilism, is pleased to see a so-called saint who takes upon himself all his stupidity and allows him to develop stupidity further. The compassion of the sign of Pisces is thus understood as the free masochistic acceptance of anything. In fact, hidden vanity is satisfied: how kind, sacrificial, holy I am. By depriving a person of the opportunity to independently accept the consequences of his mistakes, we make it difficult for him to move towards the light. We deprive him of the incentive to develop.

Mythological images of Algiz

Germanic Norns or Greek Moiras cut off the threads of fate for those who did not follow the orders of Heaven. They dealt with selfish and inattentive people. Therefore, norns and moiras were considered dangerous creatures with whom it was advisable not to quarrel.

Water mermaids sneaked up, lured and drowned a person.

Homer's sirens with their sweet singing seduced the heroes from their path, forcing them to forget about their assigned tasks. Neptune checks for lice. What are our mental constructs, our life values ​​worth, if they are eroded at the first onslaught of the elements, if we easily abandon them and exchange them for new ones?

Morena is the Slavic Deity of Death. It is associated with the rituals of death and resurrection of nature. Witches who tormented enemies were called moraines. In Hellas they were called poisoners. They fed not physical, but mental poison.

The Holy Grail, filled with the blood of Christ, gave power over the world. But only to those who managed to give up power. According to some legends, interaction with the Grail revealed in a person the ability to foresee and analyze any situation. But only when he withstood the onslaught of Neptune and resisted many temptations.

Mantic meanings of straight Algiz

Situation: revitalization of the environment.

Call: maintaining free space.

Warning: distraction.

Note: equilibrium.

Advice: the environment is the mirror of the “I”.

Comfort: new opportunities open up along with abuses.

It is known that Algiz is protection, patronage of the system, i.e. being under the influence of Algiz, the object is protected by the system to which it corresponds and to which it is included.

And this is absolutely true. But. It should be noted that, being under the protection of the System, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH THIS SYSTEM. Correspond. Those. FIT completely into this System. This is how it is, and not otherwise.

1. For protection, Algiz is used independently /for example, in the form of a pendant/. In combination with other runes, I think it would be good amulet-amulet.

2.Algiz–Ingwaz–Algiz– Amulet for health.

3.Algiz–Raido–Algiz– Amulet for travel.

4.Algiz–Uruz–Algiz– Protection from physical damage. Let's imagine this formula on the forehead of an angry bull. Somehow it doesn't fit. I would like to protect someone from him...

5.Algiz–Fehu–Algiz– Property guardian.

6.Algiz–Gebo–Algiz– Protection of partnerships and friendly relations, I think it is especially effective if both partners wear this formula.

7.Algiz–Perthro–Algiz– Protection of the fetus, protection of one’s own life.

Rune of protection. The rune gives protection to a certain System. The use of the rune allows the individual to receive the protection of the System and receive its protection. Now the one who attacks this individual will attack the System and violate its Law. This is one aspect.

The second aspect is that, having received the patronage of the System, one must comply with this System. The only way. Moreover, this is not an empty formality. Compliance must be absolute and complete. You will have to say goodbye to what does not correspond to the System. Moreover, this correction is already made by the System itself.