Something new about the day of the athlete. Beautiful and funny congratulations on the day of the worker of physical culture and sports of Ukraine

  • 06.08.2023

Today is the day of physical culture and sports,
Respect and praise to you,
All we need is a cake
To make your life sweeter

We wish you happiness
Good luck, joy, kindness,
Troubles so that there is no misfortune,
For life to be successful

So that you never get sick
And the sport never left,
What we thought, we managed
To have fun sometimes!


Congratulations on the Day of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine. I wish you to run cheerfully, cheerfully, skipping, without shortness of breath and with a kind smile on your face towards happiness and your dreams. Shine like a gold medal on an Olympic champion, mountain like the flame of the Olympic flame. Strong strength to you, good health, strong character, strong friendship and love!



If your friend is physical education,
You don't have to drink medicines
You don't have to get sick
Sit without moving!

To all athletes of Ukraine
We want discipline
Achievement to heaven.
And other such miracles!

To keep the body strong
Both beautiful and mobile,
To keep the spirit strong
Apply, people, movement!

Be always healthy
Do it again, again
Games, swimming and running
Past clinics and pharmacies!


Ukraine will put on shorts in the morning
And together will go to the stadium,
The Day of Physical Culture and Sports will be celebrated
And the halo will light up with health!

We wish to temper, jump,
Play tag, leapfrog,
Temper your body
And there is no nonsense!

Congratulations on the day of physical education in Ukraine


Sports for you
Most importantly,
win for you
It's getting harder
Change New


Sports are the most important activity
We know this from childhood.
I want to be friends
Physical education is more often you.

Let your body grow strong
Muscles will become steel.
Well, new records
Pushed to accomplishment.


Athletes of Ukrainians - honor and glory,
Today congratulations from us,
Everyone is proud, the state is also proud,
He is ahead - your most stellar time!

We wish you to win always and everywhere,
Train hard, spare no effort
People are rooting for you, people are happy,
We wish God bless!

To work, to sweat, to freedom, to victory,
For joy and goodness, and for success,
Let the hour of prosperity come in life,
And there will be happiness for all athletes!


Congratulations to all athletes
I wish you more results, more strength.
So that your opponents are afraid of you,
To break every record.

Let health be like a sheet of metal
Resist the disease firmly.
So that your heart does not give a crack,
So that you can live happily.


There are rumors about sporting achievements. The strength of the body and spirit was embodied in one person, which became the pride of our city and all of Ukraine. Stay always as hardy and strong as you are now.


Today is the Day of Physical Culture and Sports in Ukraine, so we wish everyone to be athletic and healthy. Let the bodies not weaken, and the bones and muscles not fail. Sport should bring joy and help people in their lives, so be it. Happy holiday!


Work, work and work again - this is the formula for the success of famous athletes. I wish you a lot of work, a lot of faith in yourself, and a lot of pleasure from the first and second. Happy Sports and Sports Day!


You care about health in the country,
And you work on it during the day
Even at night you think about sports
Or dreams you meet about him.
Congratulations for athletes sounds
For the workers of our culture,
Let everyone who can scream
Triple "Hello, figure!".

The concept of culture is very broad and multifaceted. And one of the most important components, no doubt, can be called physical culture, which affirms the beauty of a strong, healthy, harmoniously developed human body. Even in the ancient world, Greek and Roman sculptors put physical beauty in the first place. And this is not accidental, since a beautiful soul cannot and should not exist in an undeveloped body. Physical beauty implies a healthy lifestyle, which means the health of the soul.
Mankind has always taken care of its health. Physical culture and sports play an important role in this. Paying little attention to physical education, you can get an excellent result, and team sports strengthen willpower and improve human potential.
In order to develop physical education and a healthy lifestyle, a professional holiday with a floating (non-permanent) date is celebrated annually. So in Belarus Every third Saturday in May, the Day of Physical Culture and Sports Workers is celebrated, in Russia every second Saturday of August is the Day of the Athlete, and in Ukraine Every second Saturday in September, the Day of Physical Culture and Sports is celebrated.
On this holiday, everyone who is related to physical culture and sports is congratulated: those who are just starting and those who are veterans in this field. These are athletes, coaches, physical education teachers in educational institutions and all those for whom physical education and sports are inseparable from good health and good mood, from the opportunity to develop their abilities and will to win.
It must be remembered that physical education and sports develop not only the body, but also the mental state of a person, discipline, courage and bravery. Go in for sports and celebrate this Day with other athletes!

Let pain be better in the muscles than drugs and alcohol!

This holiday is relevant
For athletes-masters!
Even for ordinary people,
Who is ready in the rain and snow
Run, jump, exercise
Physical education every day
And do not be afraid of loads,
Drive away laziness!
I congratulate you today
from the Athlete I Happy!
And I wish you a record
Even though it's not about him...
Just sport gives health,
Cheerfulness of spirit brings us!
I wish you much happiness
May you always be lucky in everything!

We do not have sports victories,
Even in boxing, even in football, even in hockey!
We know how to lose and win
We can fight for victory!
Sports surnames of the country
Known to the world, we are proud of them!
There are glorious sons of the fatherland -
The Motherland is proud of its athletes!
And it all starts at school sometimes
In a simple physical education class.
Then ‒ years of hard work...
The path to the master is work without hack-work!
And on your holiday, let me wish
Sports glory to you and perform successfully!
Live long, do not be sad and do not get sick,
And new sporting exploits to you, of course!

Oh sport! You are the world!

Without physical education
We can't live today
Only by the power of physical education
You can beat old age!
On this day I wish you
I am healthy and good!
Sport is resting today ‒
It's time for us to have fun!

Who gives himself to sports
Raises the will
Fate has prepared for it
The most wonderful share:
Health won't let you down
And youth will last!
Let the athletes be lucky -
They need success!

Only those who are rich in health

Who never gets tired
And the force accepts the challenge.
And on this day I wish
Sports more achievements!
To make the whole family proud
Be an example for generations!

A beautiful body is not a given, but your creation!

Thank you, our dear workers of physical culture and sports, for helping people in our age of physical inactivity not to lose their natural desire for movement and harmonious development! We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you good health, human happiness, well-being, inexhaustible vitality, success in the development of FKiS, training of a sports reserve and high-class athletes! May your heart always be filled with a bright feeling of joy and kindness!

Athlete positive ‒
Strong, fast and athletic!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
Accept wishes:
Be faster than water
Be smarter than arrows
Be stronger than the height
You be the best!

I want to congratulate those now
Who is so strong in nature:
After all, we have a special day -
Physical culture!
Let sport give you health
And new victories!
Not playing sports is a shame,
You remember this!

Sooner or later your child will follow
your example, not your advice!

Today is Athlete's Day. And in this regard, we congratulate all lovers of physical culture and sports on this wonderful holiday! We wish you great success, good luck and good health! Be always on top and serve as a good example for everyone. We wish you to achieve the title of champions. God forbid that there are never any obstacles on your career path! May hope, faith and love never leave you. May peace, kindness, harmony and prosperity reign in your families. Let your favorite sports bring only good spirits and good mood!

Well, get up! Come on, together
Friendly, fun and with a song
Went out in the morning to recharge!
We'll be all right!
Physical education will help us:
There will be a slim figure
And health - "over the edge" ...
You know this for sure!
Happy Athlete to you!
Let's sing the glory of the holiday!

Indeed, no exercise
There is no way to be healthy.
And only a strong nature
Can overcome darkness
Which laziness presents us ...
Therefore, we wish
Not only creative success,
But also the growth of your muscles;
Reliable, lucky armor,
Cheerful, bright, cheerful faces!

Fight for new achievements in sports!

Who is cheerful and healthy, fit, cheerful?
And who has a great figure?
Who doesn't need doctor's advice?
And the one who passionately loves physical education!
In a healthy body there is only a solid spirit!
On Athlete's Day, I wish you inspiration!
Let the music of victories caress your ears!
Good health and new achievements!

You love to do sports
After all, sport is your profession.
Excellent work, I must say!
I congratulate you on it!
Today is your Physical Education Day!
I want to congratulate you:
And so you are strong - be wise,
Live in a family, loving others!
I wish you a lot of happiness
Sports victories forever.
And next to no misfortune
May it never pass!

Such a profession is a sport ...
When to go on a date?
Pool and track, arena and court,
Then again - the competition!
From training - sweat in a stream,
From fists - marks on the face ...
At night and dream about what
How about a world record?!
And you get married without any fuss
Transferring genes with force,
Give society children! ..
Let everyone be athletes too!

Sports - entertainment up to a sweat.

Making friends with physical education,
We proudly look forward!
We are not treated with medicine -
We are healthy all year long!

Right, left, up and down
Get on the charger!
Physical education here is an honor!
To all in honor of the Holiday - "credit"!
Don't be lazy, bend over
Sit down quickly!
In general, join
Get to the gym soon!

Our favorite athlete
Strong not only with muscles:
He is a big wise guy in life,
Our pride is him!
And congratulations today
With his personal holiday,
We wish you well from the bottom of our hearts
And all the best!

Who does not smoke and does not drink - breathes evenly, hits hard!

Dear athletes, sports coaches, physical education teachers and sports veterans! Please accept our congratulations on your professional holiday - the Day of Physical Culture and Sports! It is impossible to overestimate the importance of physical culture and sports in the lives of children and adults. Sport brings people health, strength, beauty, tempers character, teaches to overcome difficulties. The good news is that recently a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise have become a fashion trend. After all, health is one of the most important factors in the quality of life. Special words of respect go to our athletes, who at various competitions adequately demonstrate their high level of training, courage and will to win. We wish everyone who considers sport a part of their lives, health, well-being, good luck and happiness!

Only those who are rich in health
Who is close to physical education, sports,
Who never gets tired
And the force accepts the challenge.
And on this day I wish
Sports more achievements!
To make the whole family proud
Be an example for generations!

People go to halls and stadiums
Summer and winter, holidays and weekdays,
And let not everyone become a champion -
There will definitely be benefits!
Those who love physical education with all their hearts
And without training, life does not represent,
Today we will congratulate you on the Holiday,
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you health and happiness!

Sometimes one minute changes everything very dramatically!

Need physical education lessons
To develop muscles
Strengthen your health
And to be more resilient.
Jumping and running, football and skiing...
Now we are closer to sports
And with great pleasure
We are always in a hurry to your lesson!

Wake up, citizen!
Get out of bed!
Do physical exercise
Strengthen your muscles!
A sound mind in a sound body!
Stop drinking and eating for two.
That's it, I count to three...
On charge! Be healthy!

Happy Athlete's Day, I congratulate
Anyone who is athletic, active and brave!
And on this day, I wish you guys
So that everyone can achieve:
Forms of physical unsurpassed,
So that things can be easily solved;
And willpower - always tempered,
So that confidence does not disappoint!

Physical education is health, movement is
this is life, and a healthy life is happiness!

The work of an athlete is a special job,
He devotes care to physical culture.
And every person who is friends with his body,
From the heart he recognizes how everyone needs his work.
I want to congratulate all the athletes today,
Physical culture of supermen,
Who devotes his care to us,
Physically people who develop.
We wish them to go the way with dignity,
So that everything is calm in your personal life!
Prosperity, happiness, peace and kindness!
Today we will say: "To the sportsman - cheers!"

There are a hundred professions in the world
Everyone chose for themselves.
May the holiday be joyful
And everything goes well in fate!
Only the right decisions!
Only joyful ways!
And more congratulations
From colleagues and friends!

Sports holiday - the day of the athlete. Resting people now our culturally. Competitions, barbells and kettlebells, To look sporty, beautiful. May everyone have excellent health, May there be great happiness for everyone. We wish everything and everyone love and beauty, And let there be more kindness in the world.

On this solemn day, I wish you sporting success, good spirits, health in the body and lightness of thought! In addition, I advise you to master those sports that you have not yet comprehended. Cheerful participation in competitions and indispensable victories!

Let's congratulate the most memorable teacher of any student on their professional holiday. The same amazing teacher who never forbade running, jumping, climbing a rope, and also playing basketball, football and volleyball right in the classroom. Happy Athlete's Day!

Run in the morning, and exercise in the afternoon, The whole day goes on in labor. To teach children to live actively all year round! You try like bees, Every day without a breath, So that everyone is healthy, And carry a song with you! And today, on this holiday, we send you a big hello! Congratulations with congratulations, And the desire to live a hundred years!

To pull up two hundred times ... And to wring out - three hundred. I'll show you a master class, Cooler than I am a tanker. I congratulate myself and my beloved friends. I wish you all the best, more happy days.

Sport is a guarantee of health, strength, discipline and beauty. It is you, dear athletes, who are the conductors of physical culture between ordinary people and sports. May God give you strength and patience, achievements and victories, gratitude and recognition. Let your healthy body never leave an equally healthy mind.

Athletes are good people, Jogging in the morning, everything is according to plan. Tempered all the time, You will not find a flaw in them! We wish you to continue to engage in body and spirit not to grow old! In health, like swimming in a river And constantly getting younger!

One-two, congratulations, Three-four, all the best to you, Five-and-six, I wish you to carry a flag of health above you! Seven-and-eight, as you know, Everyone needs muscles, not minced meat, Physical education is our means, Nine-ten, step march!

Athlete's Day is a holiday for everyone, Good health is success, People try, people strive, Download the press, learn to swim. Run, jump and lift, Weights, kettlebells, shoot at the shooting range, There will be a return - health for a long time, And a straight road to longevity.

Health, posture, muscles, It gives us all this, physical education, If people are seriously engaged in physical education, They are excellent in health, they are different, They always have a beautiful, chic, appearance, Neither the head, nor the heart, nor the liver, does not hurt! I congratulate you on the Day of Physical Education, I wish you to be friends with her in life, More bright, sporting victories for you, Health and happiness for many years!

Athlete - positive, Strong, fast and athletic! Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts, Accept wishes: Be faster than water, Be more dexterous than arrows, Be stronger than heights, Be the best!

You look from the side: You are fit, slender - Not the guys - a feast for the eyes, All handsome, no doubt! Training is not in vain, All records are subject to you, Physical education is your strength, You have always been attracted to yourself! Hello to athletes, Let the green light burn On records and victories, Troubles are bypassed!

How good it is to live in friendship with physical education. You are always satisfied with your figure. And everything will be in order with health, When the day begins with a charge. Not all of us can be athletes, but still we strive to be like them in everything, So that the shoulders are turned, the flexibility of the body, And move confidently and boldly. With such perseverance, as they do, to fight, Not in the arena - to assert themselves in life, And show up in your own record, And overtake everyone in work, not in sports. Physical education will help us with this. Let the envy of the athletes do not gnaw at you, Join the physical culture ranks And you yourself will be fine!

Good health and stamina, I wish you today. I will say from everyone, you are our pride And you are not subject to years. You have devoted yourself to sports, You are always in shape and slim. And you broke all the records, Great pride for the country. I wish success, happiness to you athletes now, May all misfortunes bypass you, You are always examples for us.

It unites the holiday of Athletes of the most diverse - Jogging barely running Along the park path And tearing the ribbon with their chest At the finish line. Those who kick balls In the company of children, And those in whose honor the Fire of the Olympics burns. Any sportsman will decorate Our physical culture holiday.

The goal of physical culture is to be healthy and with a figure that pleases the soul, look, everyone is happy to be beautiful. To be always in order, Start the day with a charge. Let big sport not be for you, Physical education is just right! Do not be lazy and understand: You will live with physical education for many more years, Although you are not an athlete by nature. Athletes - cheers! On your holiday, we will start in the morning Running, jumping and galloping, Practicing physical education.

We can't do without sports even a day, It brings health for good reason, And when the dawn only rises, I'm virtual with exercises. And at lunchtime, silently chewing pizza, I imagine myself with a barbell. Well, in the evening, loving beer, And finding football, on TV, I am “sick” and that means friends, An excellent athlete from me!

Let your life be easy, Like a flexible gymnast's jump, So that your dream comes true, And your head does not droop, Let your eyes shine, Like the fire of the Olympics, And let you believe in the best, So that the projectile is light!

Athlete's Day is celebrated on the second Saturday of August. This holiday was officially approved in 1980, although it became widespread much earlier, back in the 30s. It appeared largely due to the fact that the Soviet government actively promoted the ancient slogan: “A healthy mind in a healthy body!” A few years after the October Revolution, organizations were spread that provided the opportunity to play sports for workers of various specialties: from state security officers to workers in factories. In the wake of the general enthusiasm for sports and morning exercises, athletes became one of the most popular people in the country, numerous sections began to open, and the construction of stadiums began to boil. Today is Athlete's Day - a professional holiday for coaches, physical education teachers and just all sports fans. We celebrate Athlete's Day - the second Saturday of August.

In a healthy body healthy mind,
We are so familiar with these words from childhood,
You go in for sports - you are a huge plus,
So, you will always be in great shape.
Today is the day of the athlete
Let luck follow you like a shadow
Let you be lucky in everything, always
May your fate be happy.

Sport prolongs our life,
Everyone knows this, of course.
We have a huge charge of vivacity,
When we do sports, at least an hour.
Congratulations to all professionals and amateurs,
We sincerely wish you high records,
Let the cherished dream come true
Let life be like spring water.

We can't live without sports
Physical education always inspires us,
We have been friends with sports since childhood,
And so we live cheerfully, do not grieve.
We are glad to congratulate you on the day of the athlete,
Let sport be your reward
May your health multiply
May the house always be a full bowl.

Dear athletes, congratulations,
Let sport inspire you
Let physical education not bother you,
And always pleasantly surprised.
We hasten to congratulate you on the day of the athlete,
We wish you all the best,
Let everything be in order in your life,
Let the road to sports be smooth.

Not separable friends - sport and I,
Thanks to classes in excellent shape, I always,
All bad weather fly past,
I never lose my composure.
Athlete's Day today, congratulations,
We wish you victories with all our hearts,
May your every day turn into a holiday,
Let the bird nest on the house of happiness.

Fizkult-cheers, fizkult-cheers, fizkult-cheers,
All sports fans - honor and praise,
Let sports inspire you
Let the beautiful mood not leave.
Always be friends with sports
Always lead a healthy lifestyle
We wish you victories from the bottom of our hearts,
May your dreams come true.

We are friends with physical education!
We protect health
We are not in danger of a cold
Otitis media and anemia!
Don't be afraid, snuggle up
Water in the morning!
Against the cold
Diseases and winds!

Happy athlete's day, I congratulate
Anyone who is athletic, active and daring.
And on this day, I wish you guys
I, so that everyone can achieve
Forms of physical unsurpassed,
To make things easy,
And willpower is always tempered -
So that confidence does not disappoint!

The one who tirelessly, daily
Leisure time gives sports,
Today we will certainly congratulate -
After all, he - the day of the athlete - is coming!
We wish there were more muscles,
To be lucky - even in the races, even in the fight,
So that physical education strengthens the will
And made me confident!

Health cannot be bought with money.
Don't change for gold
We don't appreciate him when we're young.
And if not, don't waste time.
Pour cold water over.
Do exercises in the morning.
Try to move more
Go for a walk in the evenings.
Make friends with sports, physical education.
And relax in nature.
Watch your weight and figure.
Leave bed early.
I will get up at dawn today.
And I'll go for a run
And if I quickly get tired.
Having rested, I will rush again.

Indeed, no exercise
You can't be healthy
And only a strong nature
Can overcome darkness
Which laziness presents us.
Therefore, we wish
Not only creative growth,
But also the growth of your muscles!

Dear athletes and coaches, sports veterans and lovers of physical culture!
I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday of sports and health - the Day of the Athlete!
The development of physical culture, mass sports is the key to a healthy society. Our ____ is famous for its sports traditions, which today are kept by veterans of the sports movement and continued by active youth.
Our special pride is the athletes representing ______ at regional and All-Russian competitions. These victories are based on the good traditions of ______ sports, part of which are local sports days. It is they who give the opportunity to prove themselves to novice athletes and athletes from various parts of _______.
With all my heart I wish all ______ good health, kindness, love and joy in families, sports longevity, optimism and new victories in sports arenas!

Expensive _______!
I congratulate athletes, sports veterans and all supporters of an active and healthy lifestyle on the Day of Athlete!
It's nice to know that playing sports today is becoming the norm. Sport brings people health, strength, beauty, positive, tempers character and teaches to overcome difficulties. Physical culture and sports are important components of solving many social problems in the education of young people, improving their physical and moral culture.
On this day, special words of gratitude and appreciation to those for whom physical education and sports have become a profession. The joy of your records and achievements remain with us for a long time and take their rightful place on the pages of the annals of our ________.
I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, sports longevity, self-confidence and new victories!

Dear athletes and coaches, figures of the physical culture movement and sports lovers ________! I congratulate you on the Day of the Athlete!
Sport brings people strength, a positive attitude, tempers character and teaches them to overcome any difficulties. Today, physical education is an important component in organizing the leisure of the population and in educating young people who are healthy in spirit and body. I am glad that more and more residents of _______ are joining a healthy lifestyle, and for many, sports and physical education have become an integral part of it.
Sincere gratitude to everyone for whom physical education and sports have become a profession. Thanks to your determination, responsibility and fortitude, our young athletes adequately represent _______ at competitions of various levels, achieve high results and glorify their native ________ with their achievements!
Good health, fortitude and new sports heights! We wish all fans of physical culture and sports to remain as active and in love with life!