Meeting of love for Lenormand designation cards. The meaning of Lenormand cards in love scenarios

  • 23.01.2024

Fortune telling with the cards of Maria Lenormand allows you to lift the veil of secrecy and look into the future. In an effort to understand the plan of Fate, it is necessary to carefully study the combination of Lenormand cards in the layout. A correct interpretation will make it possible not only to predict turning events, but also to choose the best scenario for their development and determine the point of application of one’s efforts. This means emerging victorious from difficult life situations.

Interpretation of card combinations

The basis of interpretation is the simple and intuitive image of each card. In the Lenormand deck, the combination of symbols has an associative meaning. In order to bring the images of individual cards together and understand the information that the layout as a whole carries, You need to use three principles for constructing integral values:

Madame Lenormand's deck has positive, negative and neutral symbols. Keywords associated with their meaning allow you to read paired combinations and triads of cards.

Paired values

A short relationship breakdown will help you understand the current situation, see the roots and consequences of what is happening in the present. It can be successfully used to reveal the character and prospects of a love relationship. To do this, you need a correct decoding of the meanings of Lenormand cards in love layouts. Combinations are made from the values ​​of two symbols.

Happy Event

Pair combinations that foreshadow a happy event:

It is worth listening to such signs.

Favorable news

The appearance of the Horseman or Letter symbols in a reading paired with a favorable card predicts the receipt of a joyful message. The horseman is the “carrier of information.” The letter is associated with mystery and means that the message will come from afar. The contents of the news will be revealed by the adjacent card.:

Look carefully and do not mix up the cards.

Stable relationship

Paired combinations of cards indicating the stabilization of harmonious relationships:

  • Home + Heart: happiness in the home, great love.
  • Wood + Ring: strong relationships, fulfilled obligations.
  • Heart + Anchor: Deep and secure feelings that may lack variety.
  • Sun + Tower: strong bonds, stable relationships that bring joy.

Any of these pairs portends warmth and comfort in the house.

Losses, worsening situation

Paired combinations predicting losses, breakups, difficult circumstances in which no improvement is yet expected. There are two negative cards here or the unfavorable symbol is in the second position:

If, during fortune telling, a Snake, Fox, Fork, or Owl appears along with the Heart and Ring, you can expect deception or betrayal. This is a clear warning. If a Cross appears in the second position, this means that the current situation cannot be influenced. The decoding can be twofold: the relationship will cease to exist or the relationship cannot be broken.

Triple symbol combinations

To predict the development of love relationships, a large layout is used. The signifiers of partners are the cards Man and Woman. All other meanings of the Lenormand cards in the relationship layout are interpreted based on these key cards. The symbols that are between lovers make up triads. It is necessary to understand and describe the holistic image created by the three cards.

Diaries have been preserved with entries in which the most important triple combinations of Lenormand cards are recorded. The meanings and combinations in the layout indicate the feelings of each partner, external circumstances, the state and prospects for the development of their relationship.

A favorable development of events is foreshadowed by triads, which include positive and neutral cards:

Difficulties foreshadow combinations that contain one or two negative cards. They are especially unfavorable in the middle or end of the triad:

  • Clouds, Ring, Moon: doubts, indecision, lack of dynamics. The union does not bring joy.
  • Bouquet, Braid, Rats: a favorable card at the beginning of the triad indicates a gift from Fate that will not bring happiness.
  • Broom, Rats, Anchor: constant conflicts and quarrels. The anchor at the end of the triad makes the relationship stable and grounded. No changes are in sight.
  • Fox, Pisces, Cloud: guile, weakness of spirit. The positive Pisces card is sandwiched between symbols of lies and trouble.
  • Heart, Clouds, Moon: heartfelt experiences, doubts, crisis. The Moon next to the Clouds means heavy forebodings that cannot be gotten rid of.
  • Ring, Ship, Coffin: a quick severance of marital ties or that which binds people.
  • Book, Cross, Mountain: obstacles are predetermined by Fate and inevitable. The triad does not show a way out of this situation.
  • Key, Fork, Coffin: irretrievable loss. The key in the first position indicates an opportunity that was missed.
  • Heart, Fork, Snake: love triangle. Portends heartache, insincerity, doubt. There is a third person in the relationship.

For love deals, 36 cards of the Lenormand deck are often used. Lizzie Black, a popular fortune teller, recommends using a deck of 52 symbols to study relationships in detail. This gives advantages when drawing up a long-term forecast showing the fate and nature of a love union.


Those who use not only the Tarot, but also the deck of the famous French fortune teller in their work will be very interested to learn about the meaning of Lenormand cards in love scenarios. Cards can be interpreted either on their own or in combination with each other. Of course, the best way to understand what a particular symbol means is to rely on your own intuition, but a hint from other fortune tellers certainly won’t hurt.

Features of the Lenormand deck for fortune telling on relationships

Clients turn to Masters on a variety of issues: work, finance, self-development, future, real estate, however, the topic of personal relationships is perhaps the most popular. As they say, when your heart is calm, the rest of your life somehow gets better on its own.

Lenormand cards, like Tarot, are excellent for revealing the most precise nuances of relationships in a couple, especially if the querent is more concerned about events rather than their background. It is believed that according to the Tarot, it is precisely the reasons for the events that take place that become more clear, but the Lenormand deck will clearly answer what exactly will happen or happened between lovers - a meeting, a date, a declaration of love, or a quarrel, separation, conflict. The interpretation of Lenormand cards in love scenarios is not particularly difficult; the main thing is to rely on the basic meaning and be able to apply it to the area of ​​relationships.

The main meanings of Lenormand cards in love scenarios

Let's look at the basic meanings of Lenormand cards in love layouts, knowing which, you will be able to intuitively understand what kind of event we are talking about in a particular case.

Card name

Meaning in love readings

Rider A message about a loved one, fast-paced events, such as a whirlwind romance
Clover Chances of relationship success, subject to effort, hope to find mutual understanding with a partner
Ship Favorable changes, sometimes - holiday romances, flirting during vacation, random affair on the road
House Stable, reliable relationships, living together, the desire to start a family, “build a family nest”
Tree Excellent prospects for the couple’s future together, deep feelings, sometimes a romance between people who have known each other for a very long time
Clouds Strength testing of feelings, adverse events
Snake Powerful sexual energy, relationships based on sexual interest
Coffin Fading of feelings, end of an affair, breakup, divorce
Bouquet Pleasant surprises from a loved one, the beginning of a relationship, the candy-bouquet period, a new impulse in an established couple
Scythe Quarrels, conflicts, misunderstandings, relationship crisis, breakup
Broom Lack of mutual understanding, unhappy romance, failed marriage
Owls Doubts, uncertainty in a partner, disappointment
Child Childhood crush, first love, relationships full of romance, sometimes infantilism
Fox Cunning, deceit, deception, homewrecker or homewrecker, betrayal
Bear Caring for each other, reliable support, strong family
Stars Sublime feelings, platonic relationships, relationships like “the artist and his muse”
Stork The birth of a child, a new round in relationships
Dog Loyalty, devotion, sincere feelings, friendship, willingness to sacrifice something for the sake of a loved one
Tower A strong union, but without unnecessary emotionality, stability, practicality, everyday life and earthly concerns come first
Garden Relationships in which people are highly dependent on the opinions of others. According to this card, a wedding can take place solely for the sake of “everything being like people’s”, a union of two careerists, etc.
Mountain Misunderstanding, obstacles preventing people from getting closer, a hopeless union
Fork The choice that one of the partners or a couple faces, a love triangle
Rats Relationships between two egoists, vicious relationships or sexual desires, promiscuity, “dark dealings”
Heart Sincere feelings coming straight from the heart, reciprocity, good prospects for relationships, a happy romance, which even after its end will give a feeling of pleasant nostalgia
Ring Engagement, official marriage, fulfillment of obligations, equal partnership
Book Relationships that for some reason people do not want to advertise, or an affair with a person who looks very secretive, but in fact he has a rich inner world
Letter Message concerning a couple, love confession, revelation of a secret, internet romance
Man A man, or a person’s “masculine” behavior (activity, determination, willpower), sometimes - a relationship that rests on a man
Woman A woman, or “feminine” behavior (emotionality, impulsiveness), sometimes - a relationship that rests on the woman
Lilies Enthusiastic feelings, admiration for the chosen one, honesty, openness, relationships in which spirituality is in the foreground
Sun Warmth, love, maturity of feelings, serious intentions, ability to realize oneself in relationships
Moon The card takes on a positive meaning (peace, care, warmth of the hearth) when adjacent to other positive ones, and a negative one (lack of stability, “ebb and flow” in relationships) when adjacent to negative ones.
Key A new level of relationships, overcoming existing problems
Fish Deep feelings, sometimes excessive attachment to material goods
Anchor Constancy, stability, finding your own “comfortable haven”, strong feelings, creating a social unit. Sometimes the Anchor can speak of boredom if there are unfavorable cards nearby
Cross Karmic relationships (whether they will be with a “+” or “-” sign will be shown by the surrounding cards)

The meaning of combinations of Lenormand cards in fortune telling for love

You can easily learn to determine the meaning of combinations of Lenormand cards in love layouts yourself, knowing the basic interpretation of each symbol. To do this, it is not at all necessary to focus only on “love” interpretations - you can also include ordinary, classic ones.

Let's look at examples. Let's imagine that in the layout, when asked about the near future of the couple, we received the Clouds and Letter cards. A letter is a sign of some news. Clouds are troubles, bad mood, anxiety. Combining the two meanings together, we get “unpleasant news that will make the couple worry.” What will the Fox and the Woman mean if we are talking about problems in relationships? Fox - cunning, trickery, deceit. A woman is most often the significator of a person of the fair sex. By combining the interpretations of both cards, we can say that problems between lovers arose due to the cunning and deceit of some woman. The meaning of the Lenormand Woman and Snake cards in a love scenario is sexual interest in some madam, and if there is also a Fork nearby, then we are definitely talking about a love triangle.

The most difficult thing is to be able to interpret the proximity of two cards from different categories - positive and negative. Take, for example, the meaning of the combination of the Lenormand Cross and Lilies cards next to each other. Lily is purity of feelings, honesty, openness, and the importance of the spiritual component. The cross is a card that is most often perceived as negative (remember the expression “carry your cross”?), but in love relationships it usually acts as an indicator of a karmic union. Karmic relationships, as you know, are of two types: in the first case, people “did not love” each other in a past life, and in the current incarnation the meeting is given to them as a reward, as an opportunity to experience happiness together again. In the second case, a karmic relationship is, on the contrary, a very problematic union, which is given to a couple to work out the mistakes of a past life. If we combine the meaning of the Lilies with the Cross, we will understand that in our case the relationships between people are karmic in the positive sense of the word, but if in the place of the Lilies there was a Broom or Scythe card, then we would be talking about a negative one.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. Look at a few more values ​​to practice.

Meanings of combinations of Lenormand cards

  • Ring + Rats can be interpreted as an insincere marriage proposal made for selfish reasons, e.g.
  • Baby + Stork - this is generally a classic combination that speaks of pregnancy
  • Owls + Coffin - doubts about a partner that will lead to a break in the relationship
  • Heart + Anchor - sincere, deep feelings and the desire to start a family with the desired person
  • Mountain + Key - serious problems that, nevertheless, the couple will be able to overcome
  • Bouquet + Ring - marriage proposal

The Lenormand deck is quite straightforward, and each card does not have dozens of interpretation variations, as in the Tarot - which is why many novice fortune tellers love these cards.


Do you want to find out how your loved one treats you, or check how strong your feelings are? Then the Lenormand alignment for relationships is just what you need! In this article you will learn about the history of the origin of this deck, as well as the most popular types of love fortune telling. Enjoy reading!

Features of the Lenormand deck for fortune telling about relationships

Tarot Marie Lenormand is one of the most mysterious and popular decks. Unfortunately, the original fortune-telling technique of this clairvoyant has irrevocably sunk into oblivion, as well as the gallery of the original amrakhs.

Years later, fortune teller Erna Drusbeke reconstructed the deck as close as possible to the original and published a book in which she briefly described the Lenormand fortune telling method. The description of the book, dated 1987, does not include the entire gallery, but individual interpretations with original titles.

To make the book easier to understand for the reader, the author used special images that were drawn on the cards in a certain order - this simplifies the interpretation of the dropped values ​​according to the chosen layout. The new deck soon received the name “Gypsy”.

Note! When reading Tarot Lenormand for relationships, the most important thing is not the method of layout, but the way of interpreting the cards received.

Review of the most popular relationship layouts on Lenormand cards

As practice has shown, the Lenormand Tarot is most often used for relationship readings. The deck will help answer any questions related to any area of ​​life. I propose to consider the basic rules necessary for the correct conduct of fortune telling.

  • The correct formulation of the question is a fundamental factor in obtaining an accurate answer. Concentrate your attention on the problem of interest, holding the cards in your hands with your eyes closed.
  • Shuffle the deck thoroughly, removing some of the cards with your left hand towards you.
  • Lay out the Tarot without haste, from left to right, face down (the number depends on the chosen layout).

The “Situation” layout is one of the simplest and fastest layouts, therefore it is suitable even for beginners. With the help of this fortune-telling, the questioner will be able to find out the prospects for solving the current problem, for example, whether the plans will come true, what is necessary for this, the presence/absence of “pitfalls”, etc.

The beginning of fortune telling is the choice of the personal card of the person being told fortunes. If it is a woman, the Ace of Spades (29 card) is used, if it is a man, the Ace of Hearts (29 card). We do the same for the questioner.

The next step is to think about the question. After shuffling the deck, you need to find a personal card (“blank” - author’s note) using the above technology. The card is placed face down, next to it are four other cards in the shape of a “cross” (as shown in the diagram). You can find a detailed interpretation of the obtained values ​​in the same article.

The first card (topmost) - indicates events that occurred in the recent past, describes the reason “why this happened,” which prompted the development of this problem.

Second card (to the left of the main card). Talks about the possibilities of eliminating the problem, highlighting the most favorable ways to resolve the issue. A negative meaning will tell you about obstacles that directly or indirectly interfere with a favorable outcome.

Third card (to the right of the “form”). Displays desires and plans. Here the fortuneteller will find the recommendations necessary to solve the problem.

Fourth card (lowest). Prediction of the future, the final outcome after achieving the plan.

To carry out a relationship reading, it is important to know the meanings of each card in this deck. But first things first.

  1. Rider. Indicates the rapid start of a new love relationship. This could be a new hobby, accompanied by an emotional outburst, passion, etc.
  2. Clover. Existing relationships are permeated with joy, harmony, and reciprocity. Everything is fine with you - success, warmth, financial well-being, support of a loved one.
  3. Ship. It means a quick separation from your significant other or indicates different interests and characters. Another interpretation option is living separately, a joint trip is possible. It can also symbolize the beginning of a relationship, subject to openness and honesty with the partner.
  4. House. You want to start a family, you have a stable union, a serious relationship. May indicate a meeting of a loving couple or an important date.
  5. Tree. A calm, measured union with strong, established feelings for each other. In some situations it symbolizes conservatism or secret love.
  6. Clouds. Relationships are accompanied by quarrels, worries, conflicts - need to talk to each other.
  7. Snake. It is interpreted as treason, betrayal, deception on the part of a partner. Another meaning is envious people, enemies, gossip of others.
  8. Coffin. Negativity is fundamental to relationships. Widowhood, divorce, breakup, grievances, misunderstandings.
  9. Bouquet. Happiness, beginning love in the “candy-bouquet” period, romance, etc.
  10. Scythe. Misunderstanding, unexpected quarrels, rejection from a partner. There may be interference from another person.
  11. Broom. Fights, quarrels, constant bickering.
  12. Owls. Depression, melancholy due to feelings for a partner. The person is not ready for open dialogue.
  13. Child. Infantility in beginning relationships. Excessive trust in the other half, sincerity, harmony.
  14. Fox. Deceit, treason, deceit, falsehood. Using a partner for your own purposes.
  15. Bear. Passionate union, complete sexual compatibility.
  16. Stars. Creative relationships, harmony, kindred spirits.
  17. Stork. Desire for change - readiness for marriage, living together, pregnancy, having children.
  18. Dog. A person fights for his feelings. Trust, agreement, loyalty.
  19. Tower. An office romance is possible. Relationships are more like business than love.
  20. Garden. The couple prefers an active relationship with friends.
  21. Mountain. Alienation, obstacles, cooling of feelings.
  22. Fork. Make a decision, make a choice - stay together and separate.
  23. Rats. Meanness, commercialism, envy.
  24. Heart. One of the most favorable cards in the layout.
  25. Ring. The likelihood of concluding an alliance, an offer to live together, the beginning of a serious relationship.
  26. Book. “Karmic” relationships, an alliance based on life experience.
  27. Letter. The desire for constant communication. Negative cards nearby indicate difficulty in it.
  28. Man. Great influence on a man's situation.
  29. Woman. Great influence on the women's situation.
  30. Lily. The partner is the patron of the fortuneteller. As an analogy - a guardian angel.
  31. Sun. Emotionally intense relationships. Harmony, pleasure from union.
  32. Moon. Excessive care, maternal instinct developed. Relationships from the “parent-child” series.
  33. Key. One of the subtypes of “karmic” relationships.
  34. Fish. Strong friendship, platonic love, loyalty.
  35. Anchor. Relationships leading to marriage.
  36. Cross. Fateful union. Working through problems through the “wheel of Samsara”.

The Lenormand layout for a person’s attitude “What does he think about me” is rightfully considered one of the best fortune-telling on this deck. Provides an opportunity to study in detail the relationship with your loved one.

Attention! When doing such fortune telling, one should take into account paired combinations and the individual meanings of the drawn cards. Correctness depends on the position of the card in relation to the “blank” (the fortuneteller’s personal card).

The beginning of fortune telling is the selection of a “form” according to the above method (for a man and a woman, 28, 29 cards, respectively).

The structure of fortune telling is three vertical lines characterizing the past, present, and future (see the Lenormand layout for relationships). Each of them is conditionally divided into three more parts - this simplifies the interpretation.

The first vertical part consists of six positions that reveal events from the past, indicating the root cause of the circumstances and forces that contributed to the problem.

  • 1 - The hopes placed on the fortuneteller, his ideas, plans.
  • 7 - Emotions, feelings of the questioner, left in the past.
  • 16 and 8 - Events that occurred in the physical plane. The 8th card (close proximity to the “blank”) has great power. 16 corrects and complements its meaning.
  • 9 - Advice, help, support of loved ones. Ideas, thoughts that determine the way of thinking of a fortuneteller.
  • 15 - The influence of the subconscious on the motives of the questioner, hidden feelings, emotions.

The second vertical part is four positions that reveal the thoughts of the fortuneteller in the current period of time.

  • 6 and 14 - Display the state of mind of the questioner regarding the current problem.
  • 10 and 2 - Indicate the thought process in the fortuneteller’s head. The higher priority card is 2, as it is located near the “form”.

The third vertical part is six positions reflecting the future course of events.

  • 3 - Independent assessment of the situation by the fortuneteller.
  • 4 and 12 - Assessment of events developing in the physical plane. The near future is shown by card 4, and distant events by card 12.
  • 5 and 13 - Displaying the emotional state of the fortuneteller after some time. The 5th position has priority, its value is adjusted by the 13th card.

This Lenormand Tarot reading will help describe your relationship on a hidden, subconscious level. It is considered the most popular layout, answering many questions related to the future of the union of two people.

Select two "blank" cards that will represent the man and woman being told fortunes. Shuffle the remaining cards by asking a question of interest. Divide the deck into two equal parts, placing them face down.

The next step is laying out the cards. Take the cards from the women’s section of the “form”, placing them in the order shown in the diagram. Perform a similar operation with the male part of the “form”.

Decoding the positions of this layout

  • 1 - The course of relationships in the present period of time.
  • 2 and 3 - Plans, thoughts of each partner regarding the development of relationships.
  • 4 and 5 - The degree of feelings of partners for each other.
  • 6 and 7 - Your expectations for your significant other and vice versa.
  • 8 and 9 - Hidden desires, emotions, feelings, actions of a loved one.
  • 10 and 11 - Actions, emotions that are “in plain sight” (yours and your lover’s).
  • 12 - Layout advice.
  • 13 - Prospects for relationship development for a man.
  • 14 - Development prospects for women.
  • 15 - The final result for the union

Note! To find out how to calculate the 15th card in the Lenormand layout for the “Two” relationship, first add up the numbers of the cards located near the man and woman separately. This procedure is relevant for calculating 13, 14 values ​​- they will help you find out the future of your union. Provided that the number is greater than 36, subtract the “interfering” numbers. The 15th card will be the summary card in this fortune telling.

Layout on the Lenormand cards on a person’s attitude towards me

Have you just started a new relationship? Want to know how long they will last? Then try a simple Tarot Lenormand “New Man” spread. Arrange the cards according to the following scheme, looking at the interpretation of the meanings given below.

  1. Indicates thoughts, feelings, emotions of a partner towards you
  2. The answer to the question is “how does he feel about me?”
  3. This and the following map will give an accurate forecast of the prospects for the further development of the union.

I am sure that the information in this article was useful to you - now you know exactly how your other half treats you. And if you are already familiar with Lenormand cards, try making one. Follow the updates on the site, find out even more interesting things! Well, be sure to share with your friends on social media. networks. Until next time!

Each card from Madame Lenormand's oracle contains 2 images, in the Big Lenormand deck there are 6 of them, this is a very complex deck that requires knowledge in several related areas, for example, astrology, numerology, geomancy, the language of flowers Selam, as well as knowledge of the mythology of Ancient Greece. In the Small Deck there are two images: the main picture, which is interpreted intuitively easily and is close in its meaning to the dream book, as well as a playing card - it is usually located on the side or top in the center - this part of the card is more difficult to interpret and for beginners it is recommended to guess, focusing on the main symbol. Later, with accumulated experience, you will be able to interpret the meanings of gypsy cards.

Traditionally, Lenormand cards are interpreted in an upright position, because Each card has several meanings at once, for example, the Child card can be a signifier of a child, indicate something new, excessive gullibility and naivety, inexperience, the birth of a child.

There are also bad-good-neutral cards in the deck, in addition, the cards are read in a special way, we will talk about this in more detail later: in pairs and triads, which also greatly expands the meaning of one card and does not require their inverted position. Depending on the Querent's question, each card can represent the person himself, some action, emotion, object or way of life. You can easily determine each specific meaning in a separate case when you study the basic meanings of the Lenormand cards. It is the key words that will help you understand the essence of the layout in relation to the question posed.

For example, the Garden card itself means public fame or collective initiative, and the Child means simplicity. The combination of the Garden and Child cards means: some social initiative will prevail due to its simplicity. This is not the same as Child and Garden, because if 2 cards fell together, then the second card describes the first, it characterizes the first card, its value becomes auxiliary to the main value. The location of the Lenormand cards in the layout greatly influences their interpretation. The Horseman and the Fox are false information or a cunning courier; and the Fox and the Horseman are a talkative deceiver, talking with his teeth, an agile criminal. The card that comes out first influences the next card, its meaning is secondary and more as an adjective or definition. The next additional map expands on this story, but also within the framework of the first map!

"Horseman and Fox" and "Fox and Horseman" - Not the same thing

  • Keywords - a list of words from which you can choose the most suitable ones for interpreting the meaning of the card in the layout.
  • Map description – description of the image on the map, taking into account the nuances.
  • Symbolism is the key symbolism of the card, it allows you to understand where the meaning and interpretation came from, because the images are archetypal and, in principle, easy to read.
  • Characteristics - at this point the connection of Lenormand cards with astrology, elements, organs in the body, dates and time frames, professions according to Lenormand cards, as well as an advice card, a warning card and a day card.
  • Character – the person under this card; people, occupation, main features.
  • The main value is a key block, because it reflects all the main aspects of interpreting the meanings of Lenormand cards. We compare cards whose main meanings are closely related, so that you can more accurately interpret their meanings and not get confused at first.
  • Negative value (Shadow of the card) – every card, even the best one in terms of its values, has a negative side, for example, from an overabundance of quality, this point is also worth taking into account. When a positive card is a description of a negative one.
  • Issues of personal relationships - the most popular topic for fortune telling is love and relationships. We tell you what the meaning of Lenormand cards is in fortune telling for love.
  • Issues of business and finance - the second most popular topic for fortune telling is work and money. We tell you how each card describes a given area of ​​life.
  • Medical issues - the main areas of health that each card describes are touched upon
  • Personality Map - questions are often asked about third parties, this description will help you characterize the person in general terms.
  • Interpretation of the card in the layout - we reveal the nuances of practical work.

Combinations with all cards from the Lenormand deck - gives clues to how you can independently compose interpretations by summing up the meanings of two cards. Combinations are presented here, but, naturally, not a complete list of all possible options, but only an example of how you can read the cards together. Essentially, it’s like adding syllables or assembling sentences from a given noun, verb, adjective, definition, pronoun. When reading the layouts, you will come across various combinations that form Lenormand pairs and triads; they must always be analyzed individually and in the context of the question asked.