Knight of Cups meaning in relationships. The meaning of the Knight of Cups tarot and combination with other cards

  • 23.01.2024

Another name is Prince of Cups (of Cups) or Horseman of Cups (of Cups)

Key meanings of the Knight of Cups in the upright position:

  • arrival, promotion, creativity;
  • romance, love, noble "knight in shining armor", suitor, courtship;
  • offer, gift;
  • tact, sympathy, diplomat, mediator.

Key meanings of Tarot cards in reverse position:

  • seducer, womanizer, lust;
  • cunning, pretense;
  • canceled event or offer;
  • unrequited feeling, emotional instability, indecision.

The card depicts a young knight riding a white horse. He holds the cup in his outstretched hand. Unlike the Knight of Wands or , the Knight of Cups does not attack. His horse walks slowly, creating an impression of calm and peace.

The Knight of Cups is the softest of all the knights in the Tarot deck. However, this does not make him weaker. He doesn't need to show his masculinity in battle. On the contrary, he does not like battles, open combat, preferring diplomacy or behind-the-scenes agreements.

He doesn't use weapons, but his powers of persuasion. This is a professional diplomat and mediator who can be trusted. He intuitively knows how to calm others and what to say at the right time. The positive aspect of this knight is a peacemaker, a sympathetic friend, a strong ally. However, sometimes I tend to simply run away from a problem rather than solve it.

He feels and understands people well, has good intuition, and is a born actor. Therefore, he can easily manipulate or deceive. As a result, it can sometimes be difficult to tell whether he is being sincerely warm and kind to you or whether he is using flattery to get what he wants.

Therefore, the appearance of the upright or inverted Knight of Cups in a reading requires additional verification of his identity. Especially surrounded by negative cards (for example, Moon, Magician,).

Knight of Cups (Chalices) - personality characteristics

Our Knight is a romantic, poetic and creative young man. A lover of music and the arts with a sense of beauty. Sensitive and sentimental. Gallant and courteous.

He is closely connected with his family and loves to be with his family. He looks forward to the day when he will also have his own family.

He likes to spend his free time with friends and being creative. Prefers peace and quiet, reading, walks by the sea. Is a supporter of etiquette, good manners and politeness.

However, it also has a downside. He is a dreamer and tends to idealize life and love. Tends to think about unrealistic goals or ideas, and make grandiose plans that ultimately lead nowhere.

Avoids conflicts and troubles at all costs. He prefers to remain unnoticed when important decisions are made, as this causes him extreme anxiety.

Has a tendency to run away from problems. Often this is done under a plausible pretext. But in fact, this is cowardice and cowardice, fear of taking responsibility.

Knight of Cups (Chalices) - meaning and interpretation in the upright position

The Knight of Cups often appears as a messenger, an interesting invitation, a visit, a reconciliation. The appearance of someone or something pleasant that will cause an emotional uplift. Encouraging news. Profitable proposition. Receive money soon.

However, the energy of knights is sometimes excessive. Therefore, they become unpredictable and unpleasant in their actions. In this case, the negative aspect of the direct card may appear. And all the friendliness, care and attention will turn out to be a deception, a game.

This is especially likely if an inverted card falls out. The beautiful knight turns out to be a manipulator and a two-faced person.

Falling in love, romantic mood, romance novels, relationships, euphoria. If you are in a stable, long-term relationship, you can add a little romance into it. Has your relationship become boring and insipid? The knight talks about the need to revive them, to become interesting to the partner again, to rekindle passion. Reconciliation if you are in a quarrel.

If you are still single, the card foreshadows the appearance of a boyfriend, a period of romance and love. This lasso also suggests an active search for a partner. But here it is important not to go to extremes. Don't be too assertive to make an impression. Attend events and meetings to have a good time, and not just to have the opportunity to meet the man or woman of your dreams there.

The presence of the Knight of Cups in fortune telling can mean strong emotions in connection with some situation. Even if emotions are positive, they bring chaos into your life, interfere, and make it impossible to concentrate.

Recreation, entertainment. Pleasant offers, opportunities that bring joy and pleasure. It is worth making sure from the surrounding cards that they do not have hidden meanings. But, as a rule, such offers are sincere and not aimed at deception.

The period of creativity. Non-standard ideas and original solutions. If you have a confusing situation in your life or are faced with a difficult problem, the Knight speaks of the need to use your imagination and think creatively rather than logically to find the best solution. Go beyond the obvious options.

Developed intuition, subconscious, extrasensory abilities, spirituality, religiosity.

This Tarot card can give advice - be friendly and welcoming. Offer your selfless support to someone who needs it. This could be an acquaintance or work colleague who needs help.

If you are a witness to a conflict situation, you can act as a peacemaker, negotiator or mediator for the conflicting parties. Your diplomacy and understanding will help you find common ground for further reconciliation.

Also, if you have an argument with a family member or friend, be the one who takes the first step towards mending the relationship. Apologize or forgive when necessary. The longer this situation lasts, the more difficult it will be to fix everything later.

Party, celebration, meeting, family reunion, wedding. Some emotional event. You are the organizer of this event or have received an invitation to it.

Such meetings usually bring together people with common interests, connections or kinship. Often this is family and friends. The Knight of Cups speaks of a warm and sincere meeting. The pleasure of spending time with family and friends. However, there is a risk of overdoing it with food and alcohol.

Love of fashion, following styles and trends, good taste. Pay a lot of attention to your appearance. The desire to look better. In this regard, a wardrobe update or cosmetic procedures and rejuvenation may follow.

The Knight of the Suit of Cups likes to stand out from the crowd, so his outfit may be slightly eccentric or whimsical. He likes to wear clothes that no one else has.

Surrounded by inverted Pentacles, it can indicate excessive spending on clothing and appearance.

The negative aspect of this card is idealization. You see the situation or your partner through rose-colored glasses. They tend to attribute to others positive qualities that they do not possess.

Knight of Cups (of Cups) - meaning and interpretation in an inverted position

The Knight of Cups reversed becomes unbalanced and unpredictable. His behavior can range from weak will to cold calculation and cruelty.

In situational terms, the card speaks of a negative event or situation that will lead to emotional suffering or distress. A more positive interpretation is that this event is becoming a thing of the past.

This Tarot lasso can indicate that the questioner is in confusion and is experiencing a whole range of emotions. In such a state, he is inclined to commit rash actions and incorrectly assess the situation. Although the situation in connection with which a person experiences such strong feelings may not be as terrible as it seems. It is quite possible that it is exaggerated and thought out by the person himself.

Lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem due to dissatisfaction with one’s appearance, one’s wardrobe. As a result, timidity and embarrassment.

However, the map can indicate not only fictitious problems with appearance, but also very real ones. In this case, it can be taken as advice to pay more attention to your appearance. For example, change your style, update your wardrobe or undergo cosmetic procedures.

Selfishness, narcissism, vanity. Such a Knight is in love with himself. He likes to be the center of attention. He believes that the whole world revolves around him. He will be very critical of everyone else, especially their appearance, since no one meets his standards. It often happens that he imagines himself to be someone who he really is not.

The appearance of the Knight of Cups reversed may mean that your offer of help or support will be rejected. Another interpretation is that you yourself will not receive the help, support or offer you were counting on.

Broken promises. Canceled events, failed meetings. Misconceptions Creative crisis.

Manipulating emotions to achieve what you want, “putting pressure on pity.” An arcana in the reverse position can speak of a two-faced person in your environment. Gossiper, envious.

A con artist, a deceiver who uses his charm and subtle ways to manipulate situations and especially people. He seems sincere, but this impression is deceiving. You have something he wants.

In matters of feelings, it can mean the end of love or romance. The first violent emotions or passion have passed and the person understands that there is nothing more behind them, it was not love. In such a situation, he prefers to quickly retreat, often without explanation eye to eye. Or he begins to manipulate the situation, leading to creating a reason for leaving.

The negative aspect of this Tarot card, such as annoying courtship, which occurs in the upright position, can manifest itself in its entirety in the inverted lasso. This is an unwanted suitor, annoying with his excessive attentiveness.

Addiction, lack of control, alcohol or drug abuse. Escape from reality.

As for work, the Knight of Cups in the reverse position can be interpreted as insincerity of colleagues, lack of help. Dismissal from work or resignation of one's own free will. If a question is asked about hiring or enrolling in an educational institution, the appearance of this lasso means a negative answer.

Knight of Cups (Chalices) – relationships and love

In fortune telling by feelings, the Knight of Cups speaks of the emergence of new relationships, strong feelings, and the appearance of a fan. The onset of a romantic period, flirting, the emergence of attraction, courtship. An offer of marriage. In scenarios for men, it is a rival.

A fan who openly shows interest. If you reject his proposal, he may play on emotions, saying that he cannot live without you. Will persistently appear again and again, seeking a positive response.

If you reciprocate such a person, you will be surrounded by his attention. Get ready for bright romantic gestures. He is caring, gallant, loves harmony, and is attentive to the needs of his partner. However, his all-encompassing care can become tiresome and excessive. He literally suffocates with his attention.

At the event level, a card may indicate a proposal. This could be an invitation to a date, a meeting, a festive event, to live together, to get married.

At the same time, the Knight of Cups in a love scenario can be deceptive. His charming appearance and mannerisms can be misleading. The surrounding cards will help determine whether his intentions are pure.

In a negative environment, and especially in an inverted position, he becomes a seducer. He knows women well and knows how to charm them. A skilled manipulator. This Knight will “evaporate” from your life as soon as he gets what he wants.

Reluctance or unpreparedness for relationships, preferring sexual intercourse without commitment. In addition, it may indicate a situation where in every city there is a wife and each thinks that she is the only one. Womanizer. Marriage swindler.

In addition, an inverted card may indicate that the feelings have passed. A failed wedding or other event, an unmade proposal, broken promises. Unrequited love, deception.

One of the interpretations of the card in the reverse position is that there is no time for relationships and love. A person devotes all his strength to work, career, and achieving other goals. If at the same time he is in a relationship, there is a risk that the partners will begin to move away from each other.

Work and career

In a professional situation, it means an unexpected job offer, promotion, or receiving a good opportunity.

A job that's a pleasure to go to. It provides the opportunity for creative expression and the implementation of one’s ideas. Comfortable work environment, friendly colleagues, good working conditions. A job that does not require much effort, however, it may not be very well paid.

Overcoming obstacles will require creativity. More often this concerns business and ways to promote it. Your business may need an image update to make it more visible to customers.

Offer of cooperation or creation of a joint business.

Professions related to creativity - singing, dancing, theater, cinema or television, design, cooking. The Suit of Cups speaks of compassion and care, so the card also symbolizes professions related to helping the sick, elderly, and those in need. Religion, extrasensory perception. Diplomacy, negotiations.

The reversed Knight of Cups in matters of work indicates that you will not be accepted for the position for which you applied. The work does not provide the opportunity to realize one’s potential and does not satisfy. Unfriendly environment. Possible loss or change of job.

In business – deception, involvement in a fraudulent scheme. In this case, the card may indicate the questioner himself as the organizer of fraudulent actions.

Happiness is a state of mind
If you want to be happy, be.

This card is thoroughly saturated with romance, the emergence of wonderful feelings, as if spring is coming in the soul. The Minor Arcana Tarot card Knight of Cups clearly indicates the emergence and revelation of love emotions and feelings, shrouded in mystical mystery. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The Knight of Cups card describes feelings as a sincere and bright impulse, directed from the depths of the soul.

Description of the map

The Knight of Cups has a special connection with the sign of Pisces, which personifies emotionality, carelessness, inspiration, creativity, and all this with an admixture of love feelings. The Knight's helmet features wings, which emphasizes the image of airiness. The shade of blue on the cloak, the red image of Pisces, the stream - all this indicates the astrological sign of Pisces. Having a white horse symbolizes nobility.

General meaning of the Knight of Cups card

Tarot experts associate the appearance of the Figured Arcana in the reading directly with the personality of the questioner himself or with someone from his environment. But in any case, the Knight of Cups Tarot describes the imminent appearance of interesting news, a tempting offer, the receipt of romantic messages, love letters.

The appearance of the Knight of Cups in the reading directly indicates the imminent acceptance of courtship, perhaps an invitation to a romantic meeting. And if the adjacent card turns out to be the Knight of Wands, the date will be even more seductive, to which you will rush at full speed. But compared to the Knight of Wands, as a figure who is constantly on the move, the Knight of Cups has a completely opposite description - this is the approach of something significant, the arrival of some person dear to you.

The appearance of this card is a good sign, foreshadowing soon mutual love, a successful alliance, news, and a successful resolution of all difficult and controversial situations. There is a feeling of decency, good nature and sincerity around him. You can confidently count on the successful resolution of any complex relationships, finding profitable compromises in the most difficult conflict situations.

With unfavorable cards nearby, the Knight of Cups Tarot takes on a completely different meaning; it indicates an insidious seducer, a liar, a mischievous reveler, or an ordinary guy who is unlucky in love (usually the questioner himself or his friend who needs help).

In the absence of negative neighbors, the Knight of Cups says that in the near future a romantic time will come, surrounded by an atmosphere of lightness and a pleasant pastime. Perhaps a quick vacation or vacation in an attractive place, pleasant entertainment for the heart and soul, looms on the horizon. Successful shopping, the acquisition of small things pleasing to the eye, romantic dates in a movie or cafe, walks along the cobbled streets of France or meetings on the seashore under the setting sun - all this will warm the soul of the dreamy and romantic nature of this Knight.

It is French culture that is completely suitable for describing the feelings of the Knight of Cups; it is there, in the city of love, that he comes to life and reveals all of himself, finds echoes of his soul in every dark corner of Paris...

Personal Description

The Knight of Cups shows sincere, bright feelings that completely take over the soul and body, penetrate deep into the heart, turning a person into a dreamer, a poet, a creative person who is ready to realize himself in art all night long.

Feelings of love elevate you above routine and separate you from reality. Perhaps if you have suffered from failed love in the past, this card will heal your heart.

The creative nature of a person is especially strongly connected with the Knight of Cups. On an emotional high, complex tasks and work problems will be resolved very easily. This is associated with the internal state when the heart and mind are in union.

Positive features

The Knight of Cups card can indicate a specific person from your environment: it could be a brother, a best friend or girlfriend, or a person for whom you feel a sense of love. The hero of the card appears before us as a very charming guy: he can say nothing, do nothing and be poorly dressed - no one will pay attention to this, because his image is that of an ideal lover.

Usually they attribute to him actions that he did not commit, words that he did not say, trying in every possible way and not specifically to idealize him. The image of the Knight of Cups is shrouded in an atmosphere of mystery. But this is rather due to his infinitely creatively gifted nature and dreamy way that his abilities and talents themselves remain a mystery. He completely lacks confidence in his actions and words, since he himself does not really know what he can be capable of, and he is capable of amazing things that neither he nor those around him even suspect.

The Knight of Cups is traditionally interpreted as a very bright, benevolent person. He is ready to rush to the rescue at the first word and will definitely do everything in his power, so people themselves strive to repay him with kindness. And he is very upset that not everyone understands his actions correctly. All actions, compliments to women, helping old women, promises - this is not a way to curry favor and show how good he is. He does this because he is like that in himself, a real knight with honor and dignity.

The Knight of Cups is the ideal lover. Next to him, the partner opens up completely, surrenders to feelings. He is not only beautiful in an intimate way, but also a skilled gentleman: his courtship is unusual and imbued with affection and tenderness, he is able to melt the iciest heart. A woman usually perceives it as a cure for mental torment, a gift for healing her soul.

That is why it is perceived with great irritation and jealousy by representatives of other suits (Swords, Wands and Pentacles). Since they put a lot of effort and shed blood to conquer cities and kingdoms, including their lady, and the Knight of Cups only needs to say a few words and everyone is fascinated by him! The lady is head over heels in love with him, but he only “gave” her compliments. But what can you do, like the King of Cups, the Knight’s feelings are his battlefield. He is not prone to mercantile actions and prudent actions.

Negative traits

The Knight of Cups is a romantic and sensual nature. He symbolizes a ladies' man, a sort of Casanova. Historically, such guys did not go to war, since they were of no use on the battlefield, however, at court they always found adventures, and their lives were full of various novels. His lies are so beautiful and skillfully chosen that they are perceived as truth even by him.

Such a person, as a rule, spends a very long time searching for a suitable profession and life partner. He does not experience anger or aggression, but due to his emotional nature he is susceptible to stress, often gets offended and is afraid of difficulties in relationships. This type of people suffers from addictions (for example, they often go on binges).

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

On a deeper level

The appearance of the Knight of Cups in a reading signifies the onset of a wonderful period when creative fervor is at its peak and fueled by romantic feelings. The connection between feelings and dreams is a solid foundation on which self-knowledge occurs. Thanks to them, a person can plunge into his inner world and at the same time creatively embody himself in the external environment.

The Knight of Cups is completely immersed in his emotions, dreams, desires, and gives himself over to them without reserve. As a representative of the element of Water, he is able to develop imaginative thinking. His talent can be realized in practical matters, but the most significant role he will play is in spiritual development.

The Knight of Cups is archetypally linked to the Knight of legend who seeks the Holy Grail.

The card symbolizes an adventurer in search of the “Holy Grail”, and at the same time a dreamy person. He can be compared to Lohengrin, a beautiful and brave knight who left his bride soon after the wedding because she had the imprudence to say his name. The knights guarding the secret of the Holy Grail perform feats without saying their names, this is the whole essence of knightly nature, and they will help until their secret is revealed.

The Knight of Cups represents the image of a man - an ideal protector and lover who remains noble in all situations, good and bad. On a deeper psychological level, it combines both masculine and feminine principles. Since he has not completely gotten used to his inherent femininity, the adjustment takes place with a creative surge, making him a delightful poet and artist.

The meaning of the Knight of Cups card in various layouts

For career and work

Occupations are chosen related to art - this could be the realization of an artist, poet, writer, musician, theater or film figure. This card gravitates toward actors performing in theaters or talented musicians. With the presence of the Knight of Cups archetype, their talents are fully developed.

This card is also associated with representatives of other professions: these can be organizers of special events, presenters and showmen, dance and music teachers, specialists working in the field of tourism and entertainment.

Creativity ensures success in the work environment. Only in the harmony of the internal state of soul and body, as well as with inspiration, will productivity increase. However, the Knight of Cups certainly needs an assistant in administrative matters, since he is more of a creative person than a business person. All business meetings will take place in a favorable atmosphere, contracts and cooperation will be easily concluded, eliminating conflict situations and problems.

In addition, the work of the Knight of Cups may be related to social assistance and counseling on psychological issues. This could be a small business focused on tourism, entertainment and recreation, perhaps an office of a psychologist or consultant, or a beauty salon.

For finances and property

In the near future, a significant monetary reward is possible, or you will receive a tempting and profitable offer that you should not refuse. You will receive an advance or salary. However, the presence of the inverted Knight of Cups in the scenario aggravates the financial situation and speaks of quick spending, sometimes unnecessary and completely unnecessary.

For love and relationships

Knight of Cups Tarot, meaning in relationships, speaks of wonderful, sweet, like newlyweds, feelings filled with romance. Partners idealize each other's images and deify them. The Knight of Cups describes a setting where lovers exchange mutual confessions and write romantic messages and poems to each other. An atmosphere of calm, love, coziness and comfort reigns around.

Traditionally, this card is interpreted as a sign of a marriage proposal from a beloved. And if the adjacent card is the Ace of Pentacles, a surprise awaits you in the form of a ring topped with a noble stone for the next holiday.

We can say that this is a honeymoon card: the partners are head over heels in love with each other, it is not possible for them to live apart, they spend every free minute together. Since the Knight of Cups is a figurative Arcana of the element of Water, such a situation becomes too ideal and, at times, displaces real events with those that only seem to occur. People are completely immersed in relationships.

Courtship takes place openly and very beautifully - a sea of ​​flowers, all kinds of gifts and surprises, colorful and amazing dates. Gifts also turn out to be symbolic. Each donated item, it could be a ring, a wallet, a scarf, or a piece of clothing, can play a significant role in the further development of the relationship.

At the same time, the partner may not even realize that externally and internally he resembles a person who was once close to the Knight of Cups, with whom a romantic relationship did not work out. Sometimes the hero is in a relationship against his will, because he could not give it up in time. He feels sorry, helps his companion, and without experiencing real feelings, he can become a partner.

But if the Knight of Cups actually experiences feelings, his courtship is beautiful and tender. He will talk about high ideals, and not carnal passions, he will give himself completely to his partner, idealizing him, his words will be full of care, tenderness and affection, and he will never refuse help.

As a lover, the Knight of Cups may not feel very confident. He is afraid of being influenced by tough and powerful people, but that is why he attracts such people to himself. Thus, this is a person with sincere feelings who will carry his relationship proudly, overcoming any obstacles along the way.

For health status

Frequent mood swings, as a result, emotional disorders, fueled by the appearance of complexes, self-doubt, and tightness. This can provoke addiction to alcoholic beverages, drugs and other addictions to soothe the torment.

Don't worry and enjoy! The card speaks of the need to close your eyes to possible difficulties and completely surrender to the work process, enjoy it to the fullest, giving free rein to your feelings in conjunction with creativity.

But do not idealize feelings, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. You should not attribute far-fetched qualities and actions to a person. Sometimes you need to listen to what your head tells you, not your heart.

The meaning of a reversed card

The Knight of Cups inverted symbolizes that you perceive some part of your life inadequately, and you need to figure it out. There may be problems related to establishing contacts. Perhaps some actions and deeds, as well as desires and aspirations turned out to be illusory and shattered into reality. Events occur that ruin all plans: a long-awaited trip is postponed, an important meeting is postponed due to some strange and incomprehensible problems.

Feeling unsure of your actions and words, you refuse tempting offers and great opportunities. More and more often you withdraw into yourself, into your imaginary world, so as not to see reality.

Also, the inverted card of the Knight of Cups can speak of some unpleasant secrets: alcohol addiction, drug use, betrayal of a spouse or unworthy behavior, any financial debts are possible. There is only one reason for this behavior - fear, fear of real problems and avoidance of them.

This card is a liar, a deceiver who only knows how to talk, and when it comes to action, he washes his hands. All his actions and deeds are just an illusion and window dressing. This is a cowardly person who will fool you at the first opportunity.

His love is either unrequited or completely wrong, built on lies. The card can also speak of extinguished feelings among partners. In some cases, the Knight of Cups indicates a person who plays with the feelings of another, resulting in only broken hopes and dreams.

Combined with other cards

How is the Knight of Cups interpreted in combination with other cards?

  • With the Chariot - successful resolution of problem situations;
  • With the Seven of Pentacles - a profitable visit;
  • With the Ten of Pentacles - returning home, to the Motherland.

The figured arcana of the Tarot are interpreted in different ways. They are often associated with certain personality traits, but can also serve as an indication of a specific person. The Knight of Cups Tarot has a positive meaning. In the traditional Rider-White deck, the card features a horseman. The cup is raised in his hand. He is calm and in no hurry.

Main plot

The classic plot for this arcana is a young man riding a horse. He sits calmly and confidently in the saddle, posing and showing off. He is wearing armor, his helmet is decorated with wings. Every detail of the plot has its own meaning.

The central figure is a man. Unlike knights of other stripes, he poses openly. His hands easily hold the reins and stop the horse in place. The animal does not show any concern, remaining obedient.


In interpretation, these elements are interpreted as narcissism and the desire to show oneself in the best light.

Colorful robes are draped over the knight's armor. This is a good mood. The patterns on the fabric are the embodiment of love, happiness and beauty. Such a person easily becomes the life of the party, skillfully maintains interest in himself and charms those around him well.

Palm trees, desert and hills can be seen in the background. This is a wonderful oasis that can become a salvation. But the knight doesn't need him. He strives to outshine the sun, to become the center of someone's attention. The man understands perfectly how to behave.

In the Tarot of Dragons, instead of a horse, a river dragon is depicted. The future Chinese Emperor Huang Di rides on it. He would go on to become the greatest character in history.

General value

Modern tarot readers perceive the Knight of Cups as an indicator of certain personality traits. The querent or the people around him can have them. But the ancient interpretation, where the card foreshadowed good news, does not lose relevance. Various confessions and love messages often passed through it. This lasso is the embodiment of dates and sensual encounters.

This is an emotional uplift that comes from the depths of the querent’s soul. It is always the approach of someone or something pleasant. For both men and women, this is definitely a messenger of wonderful feelings.

Traditional card meanings:

  • reconciliation;
  • resolving stuck issues;
  • finding compromises;
  • resolving disagreements.

The lasso portends a good time that will not be overshadowed by anything. This is cordial communication and a great mood. A person wants to bring joy to his soul, satisfy his needs.

These are leisurely walks along the embankment, theatrical performances and concerts, in short, everything that brings joy. It not only caresses a person, but also has a dreamy component. This is romance in all its forms.

Personal sphere

Most often, the lasso is an indication of happiness from love, but even in the absence of love, the lasso has a positive meaning. This is an elevated mood and a feeling of carelessness, daydreaming. The person is not at all business-minded.


The imagination is in the hands of the senses and this leads to a state of creative binge.

The querent's mind and heart are in a balanced state. This gives you a feeling of euphoria and allows you to effectively solve various problems.

If the card is the embodiment of a person, then he is very charming. It could be a friend, lover or brother. It is noteworthy that he does absolutely nothing to make him attractive. He is dressed haphazardly, is silent and does nothing. But it still has an attractive force. This is what makes the lasso the embodiment of love.

In such a person there is a place for mystery and mystery, but it does not frighten. A creative and sensitive person always retains a veneer of mysticism.


Male self-confidence “I know everything about everyone and I am on my own” is unusual for him.

Characteristic personality qualities:

  • low resistance to stress;
  • not vindictive;
  • takes everything too close to stress;
  • afraid of difficulties.

This is the embodiment of the knight from the books. Which is a romantic and dreamy hero, rushing to save his beautiful princess. He does not lie intentionally, but he can be mistaken and confidently conveys this to others.

In general, he is a rather affectionate and kind person. He can receive attention and give it. He is always ready to help and gets very upset when he is treated with hostility. These are lovers and courtly men. They are worthless fighters, but life without them becomes boring.

Work area

Now is the time to put your creative talents and imagination to work. Any activity that satisfies emotional needs and expresses feelings will be especially successful.


This can be any poetic or creative work, psychological help.

Arkan helps any representatives of the arts - actors, dancers, artists, musicians, etc. In some cases, he indicates the need for support in the person of an assistant, manager, or secretary. The Knight's main problem is that he is a creative person, so any administrative work is not for him.

A small business that is aimed at beauty, health and personal development is successfully running on the card. Moreover, the emphasis is on achieving harmony. Activities related to the social sphere will work well: caring for the elderly, orphans, etc.

There is a desire for cooperation and goodwill in the team. Everyone is ready to meet each other halfway, negotiations are conducted gently, diplomacy is shown.

In this area, the cards give direct advice - don’t worry and everything will be fine. It's time to forget about the problems and give free rein to your feelings, directing them to solve problems. It is important to keep your promises, make peace and take advantage of new opportunities 100%.

But there is also a downside to the lasso. She warns about the dangers of believing in pretense and illusion. Sometimes a person gets too caught up in fantasies and this interferes with the development of his business. Feelings are feelings, but you don’t have to be led by them.

Personal sphere

One of the best cards for relationships. Already in the established union, the honeymoon begins. Both partners strive for intimacy and togetherness. They idealize each other. Often symbolizes a marriage proposal.

The Knight of Cups does not always mean such an advanced level. In any case, nothing bad happens at this stage, everything is good and calm. Both partners project only good qualities onto each other and therefore nothing overshadows their union.

This stage does not tolerate secrecy. Sweets, bouquets, gifts - this is an incomplete list of possible signs of attention. In love, the querent is delicate, romantic and idealistic. He is tactful and gentle. Even if love is interrupted, he will never offend or take revenge.

The paradox of the situation is that despite his shyness and silence, the Knight of Cups attracts powerful tyrants. They are persistent and strong, eager to subjugate him. But because of altruism, he is served. In sex, he allows himself to be “taken.”


For lonely people, the lasso promises positive changes. Soon he will meet some important person who will change his life. He will begin to groom beautifully and show signs of attention. But don’t let your guard down; even a ladies’ man can be seduced. But a conquered woman is just a number in statistics for him.

Even if there were quarrels and conflicts in the marriage, with the advent of the lasso everything will work out. It's the right time for reconciliation. It is possible to revive cooled feelings.

Reversed card

All Tarot arcana are usually considered in two positions. In the reverse position, many of them change their meaning. In the case of the Knight of Cups, everything is not so bad. In this position, the card serves as a reminder of the dangers of any illusion. There may be difficulties in establishing contact, invitations and requests will be withdrawn.

Meetings do not work out, various circumstances and obstacles arise. News or trips are postponed. Timidity and uncertainty prevent you from achieving what you want. A person prefers to escape into a world of fantasy.

On a note:

Sometimes the card indicates a craving for addictions: gaming, alcohol or drugs.

In any case, the querent has something to hide. A shameful act, treason, theft, etc. He is prone to duplicity, probably experiences a disapproving kind of love (union with an unfree person, etc.).

Emotional cruelty provides opportunities for manipulation.

Health issues

In health readings, the card does not indicate anything serious. But it can serve as an indicator of emotional problems. These are various neuroses, hysteria, psychosomatics, etc.

The questioner may try to heal mental wounds on his own through alcohol or drugs, but to no avail. His affective side of personality is unstable, he vacillates chaotically from depression to euphoria.

In some cases, the card indicates a cold, anemia, or fatigue. Psychologically, it means complexes and moral torment. In the reverse position it indicates a high risk of poisoning, intoxication, etc.

Outsiders can use the querent for fraudulent activities. He may be sold low-quality goods or useless devices.

Interpretation of the situation

Each tarot reader selects layouts for specific questions or situations. Some of them are needed to make a decision. Tarot cards help in cases where you can get a clear yes-no answer. In the case of the Knight of Cups, it all depends on the specific situation. A positive option is possible when the querent is filled with romantic feelings and good expectations.

The development of the situation depends on the person towards whom the querent is breathing unevenly or on the one who has feelings for the querent. Everything will develop at the level of feelings, emotions will be different. The main advice of the lasso is to be happy regardless of external circumstances.

As a card of the day, the Knight of Cups portends the receipt of important news that will literally inspire you and lift you to seventh heaven with happiness. All this will help to successfully arrange matters that require a lot of imagination. This is a great time to solve your relationship problems.

As a card of the year, the lasso means that the coming period will be favorable and rich in opportunities. There will be a meeting with a high probability of a romantic outcome. Your social circle will expand and provide useful contacts that will help with creativity, etc. The card will help you discover your talents.

Some combinations

For a better understanding of the layout, it is important to interpret all the arcana together. They can enhance or worsen some individual manifestations. Neighborhood with the major arcana always means receiving an offer. For example, the Magician means an invitation to work, the Priestess gives information, but only the querent can decide whether to listen to it.

The Emperor is the archetype of the father, so he suggests starting a family or starting a work project. Lovers increase the likelihood of marriage. The Chariot indicates a move, the Force increases the desire for reconciliation, the Hermit shows negative energy and rejects. Changes are brought by the Wheel of Fortune.

But Justice says that stop looking for compromises and it’s time to sort out feelings. Death brings consolation, and Temperance brings understanding. Along with the Moon comes some kind of murky proposal.

The fall of Judgment indicates the time to ask for some kind of mercy from Providence, and Peace - from the Angel.

With the suit of Wands, various kinds of proposals also come in. Ace brings flirtation and love, Two indicates moving. Three embodies the need to cooperate. Through the Four there is a marriage proposal, and through the Five there is dissatisfaction and criticism. Six indicates that any obstacles will be overcome. He says the presence of obstacles is Seven.

The suit of Cups indicates more the love sphere. Dating and walks take place around Ace. A three may mean receiving an invitation to a social party. The possibility of receiving a marriage proposal is indicated by the Two and the Page. Nine and Ten indicate going to a banquet or other event.

The suit of Pentacles speaks about money matters. Ace foretells the receipt of a gift, but Two and Three foretell a loss - you will have to repay the debt and pay for services. Five indicates financial instability. And the Four offers to give what they have accumulated to those in need. Ten indicates making a profit.

In the Tarot deck, the Knight of Cups is considered a positive card. The image on the card fully corresponds to its meaning: courage, brilliance, honesty, nobility and romanticism. What does this lasso mean in layouts and how to interpret it in interaction with other symbols?


The card represents new plans, inspiration, lightness, kindness, piety. Let's consider the interpretation of the lasso in the upright and inverted position.


If the Knight is in an upright position, he describes the situation only from the good side. The lasso symbolizes enthusiasm, an optimistic attitude, dreams, long-term plans and hope for a bright future.

The card promises peace, tranquility and harmony. All problems will be resolved if you do not focus on the negative aspects of your life.

In the Thoth Tarot, the card signifies enlightenment, talent, inspiration, imagination, sensitivity.

The Knight of Cups is a man under 40 years of age. He is gallant, fair, honest and principled. Also, this card may indicate a creative person, an inspired person, a dreamer, a true romantic. His actions are often impulsive. He acts based on feelings and principles that he follows throughout his life. He can be perceived as a friend, a faithful partner in business, or as a young admirer.


In the reverse position, the lasso symbolizes a deceitful and hypocritical person who achieves his goal using the lowest methods. You can't rely on him because he doesn't keep his word.

When reversed, the Knight of Cups can also predict deception, betrayal of a loved one, concealment of important information, gossip, fraud and insincerity.

Map advises to be careful in business and in relationships with people. You should not yet trust your secrets and plans for the near future even to your closest people.

Value in layouts

If the Tarot is laid out for a situation in a specific area of ​​life, then the card must be interpreted in accordance with it. Let's consider what the Knight of Cups says in fortune telling about love, health and career.


In the upright position, the lasso indicates such health problems, How:

  • anemia
  • colds
  • emotional instability
  • depression

Most often, in fortune telling about health, the Horseman of Cups speaks of an unstable mental state, stress and ailments associated with mental trauma. The card advises you to discard fears, guilt, negative thoughts and switch to something positive.

In an inverted position, it indicates problems with alcohol or drugs, and also indicates the possibility of alcohol poisoning and overdose. The bad habits indicated by the Knight of Cups are a consequence of emotional trauma suffered.

Love and relationships

The direct position of the card speaks of love, tender feelings, ease in relationships and harmony. Most often, falling in a love scenario, the Knight of Cups indicates a secret admirer who, for some reason, cannot open his feelings.

If the question concerns the situation in your personal life, then for partners the card predicts an idyll and complete mutual understanding.

Also, this card is a symbol of change on the love front.. It can promise a meeting with your soulmate, a marriage proposal, a wedding.

A man should pay special attention to this lasso. If this card falls in a love reading, then he should change his attitude towards his partner. It is likely that he does not pay enough attention to her and does not appreciate her.

In the inverted position of the cups, it promises disappointment, betrayal of a loved one, manipulation of feelings, separation and quarrels. If the question concerns a nascent relationship, then the fortuneteller should exercise caution. Most likely, the person you are interested in is hiding his true intentions.


In an upright position, the Knight of Cups promises excellent prospects. The map describes the situation only from the positive side. Everything is now working out exactly the way you wanted. However, there will be no development for the better unless you yourself make an attempt to change your situation.

An inverted lasso speaks of the instability of the situation and the emergence of problems in connection with the betrayal of a loved one. You are completely dependent on the circumstances. Also, the Knight of Cups indicates that you are currently in an illusory reality, which prevents you from soberly assessing the situation.


The direct position of the lasso promises great prospects for career development. If the question concerns the future in the professional field, then the Knight of Cups advises getting the necessary experience and new knowledge as soon as possible. This is what will now help you stay afloat and allow you to climb the career ladder. In general, a direct card predicts career success, increased income and the emergence of new opportunities.

It is worth considering that this the card symbolizes creativity and creativity. To achieve, use creative thinking and do not be afraid of original ideas and a non-standard approach to solving problems.

In an inverted position, the Knight of Cups promises problems at work due to inattention, irresponsibility and loss of interest in activities. In addition, the card warns against risky actions and rash decisions. She advises being vigilant in your work and finances, and carefully considering every offer you receive.

If the question concerns a new job, then the inverted Knight of Cups clearly gives a negative answer. If the fortuneteller asks about superiors or colleagues, then the lasso indicates fraud, gossip and dishonest rivalry.

Combination with other Tarot

If you want to get a complete picture of the situation, as well as clarify the information received, then you should analyze the location of the Knight of Cups relative to nearby cards in the layout. What can this lasso tell about in combination with other Tarot symbols?

With the major arcana:

  • Jester– frivolous behavior, refusal, frivolous approach to business.
  • Mage- a lucrative job offer.
  • Priestess– obtaining valuable information.
  • Empress– new plans, search for like-minded people.
  • Emperor– an offer of cooperation, a proposal of marriage.
  • Hierophant- marriage.
  • Lovers– wedding, marriage proposal.
  • Chariot- changing of the living place.
  • Force– thoughts about a past quarrel, a desire to make peace with a person.
  • Hermit– refusal, lack of support.
  • Wheel of Fortune- cardinal changes.
  • Justice- go to peace, give in.
  • Hanged– staying in dreams, lack of real actions.
  • Death- grief.
  • Moderation– find support from loved ones.
  • Devil- an offer that is better to refuse.
  • Tower– divorce, dismissal, failed plans.
  • Star– an opportunity to correct the mistakes of the past.
  • Moon- adventure, negative intentions.
  • Sun- obtain consent.
  • Court– lack of understanding of one’s surroundings.
  • World- a pleasant surprise, success.

With wands:

  • Ace- mutual feelings.
  • 2 wands– change of place of residence, long-term trips.
  • 3 of wands– working in a team of like-minded people.
  • 4 wands– matchmaking, meeting your soulmate, romantic dates.
  • 5 of wands- manifestation of dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with the state of affairs.
  • 6 wands– finding a compromise solution, developing the situation.
  • 7 of wands– tests.
  • 8 wands- a long-awaited meeting, favorable news.
  • 9 of wands- temptation, ambiguous offer.
  • 10 wands– the probability of reconciliation is zero.
  • Page- letter, good news.
  • Knight– rash actions, emotions.
  • Queen– recognition, reciprocity of feelings.
  • King- request.

With swords:

  • Ace- a mysterious admirer or admirer, good news from afar.
  • 2 swords- quarrel, hostility.
  • 3 swords– open conversation, revelations.
  • 4 swords- the need to defend your point of view.
  • 5 swords- an important trip.
  • 6 swords- a difficult situation.
  • 7 swords– choosing the easy way.
  • 8 swords– feeling of guilt for past actions.
  • 9 swords- victory over fears.
  • 10 swords- indulgence of one's whims.
  • Page– unpleasant rumors, conversations behind your back.
  • Knight– rivalry.
  • Queen- help from a powerful woman.
  • King- patronage of an authoritative man.

With pentacles:

  • Ace– good news, advantageous offer, increase in income.
  • 2 of pentacles– desire for financial independence.
  • 3 of pentacles– new opportunities, training.
  • 4 of pentacles– the need to follow one’s principles.
  • 5 of pentacles- deterioration of financial situation.
  • 6 of pentacles– debts.
  • 7 of pentacles- hopes for improvement of the situation.
  • 8 of pentacles– success depends on the efforts made.
  • 9 of pentacles– doubts, lack of self-confidence.
  • 10 of pentacles– manifestation of character, defending one’s interests.
  • Page– lack of experience and knowledge.
  • Knight– difficulties in business, stoppage of activities.
  • Queen– lack of experience, frivolity, waste.
  • King– the desire to gain financial well-being, sponsorship.

With cups:

  • Ace– romantic mood, love.
  • 2 cups- date, meeting.
  • 3 cups- serious intentions.
  • 4 cups- marriage, lucrative offer.
  • 5 cups– lack of mutual understanding.
  • 6 cups- success in personal life.
  • 7 cups– impulsive actions, mistakes.
  • 8 cups- good news, a long-awaited gift.
  • 9 cups- separation, betrayal.
  • 10 cups- pressure from surrounding people.
  • Page- An offer of marriage.
  • Queen- a woman who evokes strong feelings in the fortuneteller.
  • King– good relationships, reconciliation, harmony.

The Knight of Cups is a symbol of freedom of action, creativity, desires and impulses. You shouldn’t isolate yourself and be careful on this day. Try to accept all the problems that arise on this day with your head held high and a smile on your face. Then all the troubles will seem like a mere trifle. The card advises to express yourself, not to be afraid to stand out and not to deny small pleasures.

Straight position

What qualities does a knight have? Of course, romance, warmth, purposefulness. If the balance is made on a person’s character, it is these qualities that will describe his nature. He is true to his principles and ideals, always follows his dreams, and is very sensitive and tactful.

In life, this is a person who is already an adult, but not mature and not wise with worldly experience. He is very talented, he can indulge in his beloved work with all the enthusiasm. He has his own value system and his own idea of ​​moral standards.

Inverted position

On the negative side, the card may indicate excessive daydreaming and naivety. There is someone around who is insincere in front of the fortuneteller and may turn out to be a fraudster. In the chart it symbolizes futility.

What exactly a person will be dealing with will be explained by the neighboring cards. This may be an attempt to jump in over your head, that is, from an objective point of view, doing this is initially a stupid act. The problem may also arise due to the fact that the fortuneteller does not want to understand the intricacies of the task, which leads to complete failure.

Knight of Cups: Meaning in Love and Relationships

Straight position

The Knight of Cups in the love sphere symbolizes a strong attraction to a person of the opposite sex. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a new acquaintance, a friend or a spouse. In the latter case, there will be a rapprochement with the partner emotionally and spiritually, and an intimate connection will be established.

The fortuneteller who received the card is ready to devote himself to loved ones, pay more attention to them, and show care. This is done so as not to look bad in front of your lover.

This Arcanum may fall to a woman who is lonely and in search of her soulmate. It portends a meeting with a man who will be younger than her if the fortuneteller is of mature age, or the same age when she is a young girl.
Inverted position

The card indicates specific problems in relationships, which the adjacent arcana will tell you in more detail. The Knight of Cups warns the fortuneteller that he can be used to achieve his goal, brazenly mocking feelings.

If an alignment is made on relationships that have already been formed, a question is asked about the future of such a union, then the Arcanum appears in the case when disappointment awaits ahead, that is, something does not go according to plan.

If you are wondering about a new acquaintance, whether it is worth developing it, then the answer is negative. Take a closer look at the person who is looking to become a partner. Is he acting too sweet and romantic, or rushing things? Are you interested in income or connections? Think carefully before taking such a relationship to the next stage.

Knight of Cups: Meaning in Situation and Question

Straight position

At the everyday level, there is an indication of a new meeting, which will be very fruitful and will end in a whirlwind romance. Or it will be a friend who will bring with him new pleasant sensations, experiences, surprises.

It is very likely that the upcoming meeting will not offend the fortuneteller, he will not lose anything, on the contrary, he will gain. This person may make an offer that will be difficult to refuse, so don’t refuse.

An acquaintance can occur when the fortuneteller receives an invitation to a party, a vacation with friends, or to visit family. Intuition plays a very important role. Listen to her, she will tell you the right way.

You should not pay attention to what others say behind your back, to ridicule and stupid reproaches. Don't follow someone's lead. The main advantages are tact, softness, sensitivity.
Inverted position

An inverted card warns the fortuneteller about a deal that may be unacceptable. This will turn out to be a waste of time, energy, money. After all, even initially everything sounds too idealistic, this doesn’t happen.

There is a possibility that there is a liar in your close circle. Deception will haunt the fortuneteller, so you should carefully read all contracts, especially pay attention to any little details. You should not be apathetic, passive, or alienated from people. Just don't be influenced by them.

There is a person in your circle of friends to whom you can tell all your secrets and secrets that not a single soul knows about anymore. Ask him for advice on what to do, what is best to do, whether to accept offers, or continue communicating with a new person.

There may be discord in relationships. Don’t let a small quarrel flare up into a huge scandal, gently move everything into a peaceful direction to avoid a conflict that can turn out to be very problematic.

Knight of Cups: Card of the Day Meaning

The day will be quite bright and eventful. The mood and well-being are excellent, and the energy is in full swing. Use the day for its intended purpose, solve things for which you have not had enough time and energy for a long time.

This day will be favorable for resolving conflicts in love relationships. Fantasy will work flawlessly, you can have a heart-to-heart talk, discussing all the painful issues. Treat others friendly and with an open mind, they will respond in kind. However, there is no need to show someone attention or help (completely disinterestedly).

Extra problems are just a burden on the body, soul and mind. You need to cope with difficulties in life step by step, say goodbye to one - start thinking about what to do in another situation.

Build realistic goals and plans that can be achieved in a short time. Don't have your head in the clouds, wasting your time pointlessly. Make good use of it. But don’t force yourself into limits, no one needs this. If your soul asks for a holiday, arrange a lazy day for yourself, fulfill an old dream.

Knight of Cups: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands Cups Swords Pentacles

rejected offer; frivolous proposal

Ace of Wands


a job offer

King of Wands

creative inspiration; petition

offer information

Queen of Wands

marriage proposal; declaration of love


offer something worthwhile

Knight of Wands

impulsive but short-lived impulse


proposal to start a family or project

Page of Wands

love letter

merger proposal

Two of Wands


An offer of marriage

Three of Wands

fruitful cooperation


relocation proposal

Four of Wands

An offer of marriage

desire to make peace

Five of Wands

criticism; discontent


rejected offer